Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Store Open Evenings Glove and Merchandise Orders at Glove Counter 1908 Calendars of All Kinds
The Greatest Genuine Coat Bargain of the Season, in Any Portland Store, at Any Price
L32 Winter Coats of Cloth and Caracul
Values to
.50 for $8.75
Special for Friday Bargain Day, we offer the year's greatest coat bargain
132 winter coats of cloth and caracul every coat new this season. The cloth
coats are made in tlghMitting, semi-fitting and fall loose back styles, 50 inches
long. Some are all lined with satin, others have yoke linings. The materials
are broadcloths and fancy Scotch mixed materials. The caracul coats are 27
inches long, in black and brown, trimmed with velvet and braid gp
and lined throughout with satin. Reg. vaPs to $18.50, Friday only p00
No mail or phone orders None C. O. P. or on approval '
The Latest Fads in Leather Bags for Christmas Gifts
Our Assortment of Novelties in Leather Goods Was Never So Extensive and Prices never So low
lined, fit
ted with
purse and
card case.
(2.88 val
ues, on
sale for
sort Bin
black and
colors, on
sale at -only
Bags, In
large va
riety, in
18 down to
black and
$6.53 down
Imported Leather Handbags In
choice variety of fancy colorings
buff alligator, s and 7 RA, Q E
' values, at .plr.t7iJ
Real Seal and Genuine
Handbags, worth to $5,
Vanity Basja, choice of seal, morocco,
walrus and buff alligator QRr
leathers. K down to
Men' Collar Base, draw string, con
venient for travelers, C e
$2.50 and down to. ..0,t
Men's Card Cases, bill and latter
books, cigar, cigarette cases. Kfir
etc.. $7.60 down to JJ.
Cellar aad Caff Boxes, with patent
button box, $4.26 and down 75
Children's Handbags, In black and
fancy colors, $1.25 and q
down to tOC
Alligator Bags, patent head and foot
combination, $27.50 and C C no
down to 3.70
Plain Hormback Alllgat- A Eft
r Bags, $20 and down to . . JJxiJ V
Seal Leather Handbnga, finest natur
al seal, 9 Inches long, K.A. QR
$7.60 bag at p.CfO
oui your gins ai Lipman cc w one's rortland's most reputable dry goods store. A gift in a box or wrapping paper bearing this name is doubly acceptable.
- it is the hall mark of quality in dry goods and kindred lines and people look for this name on Christmas Presents lust as thev lnnk forth WnH
"Sterling" on silver. Hundreds of extra clerks and the widest aisles in town make shonnind a pleasure. Gifts of simni Hdanr nri sr
Figured Crepe de Chene
$1.25,'$1.35, $1.50 Val.95c
Special for Friday very timely ' for Xmas gifts we offer
10,000 yards new Figured Crepe de Chine for Du Barry
Scarfs in Persian" border, figured and Dresden effects regu
lar $1.25, $1.5 and $1.50 values very special at ' 95C
Battenberg Scarfs and Squares
Re&Vals. to $3.50 at $L29
Friday Bargain Day we offer 300 Battenberg Embroidery
Scarfs and Squares, with linen centers make, ideal Xmas
gifts for housekeepers Scarfs are full 18x54 inches; Squares,
30x30 inches regular values to $3.50 on sale
$1.00 Drawn work Linens at 60c
500 Austrian Drawn' Linen Scarfs and Squares with six rows
of drawn work Scarfs 18x54 inches long. Squares CZfm
30x30 inches regular $1 values on sale for
Special Pre-Holiday Sale Solid Gold Jewelry
The greatest array of fashionable j ewelry ever shown in Portland latest Paris designs
We can afford to give values that the exclusive jewelry store can never hope-to parallel
The immense volume of sales transacted in this section enables us to turn stock quickly
A small margin is therefore possible. ' The following specials have been selected
as examples of pricing that obtains throughout the department at the present time.
1 V Sk L
Solid Gold La Valliere Neck Chains
Guaranteed solid gold and genuine settings all
the most stylish patterns of the season the prices
are 50 per cent less than you would pay for them
at jewelry stbres in the height of fashion now.
$13.50 solid gold La Valli?re Neck Chains. . . . .87.23
$14.75 solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains $7.08
$11.50 solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains. .. . .$8.97
4lo.i)0 solid gold Lia Valliere Keck Chains..
$16.50 solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains.'.
$lr.oO solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains
$19.50 solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains.
$25.00 solid gold La Valliere Neck Chains.
Solid gold seal rings, a variety of handsome designs
from which to select; priced at $2.50 upwards to $10
Solid Gold Beauty Pins
$1.50 pair "Dainty Beauty Pins, some beaded edge: plain
satin, rose cold and Koman finish: extraor- 07.
dinary value, pair. ....... ..OiC
$2.00 pair Dainty Solid Gold Beauty Pins, q -f oq
satin or rose gold pl,UO
$3.00 pair Heavy Solid Gold Beauty Pins, satin 1 nn
or bright finish, pair . , J1.70
$3.60 pair Solid Gold Beauty Pins, satin or tfry OQ
bright finish..;.. Jp.OO
Solid Gold Heart Charms
$1.5 i neat Gold Charms, In satin finish, to hang, ql fg
on chains, for babies or misses. : . . .4 mJJ
$1.75 design, with neat little settings; sale J J 25
All Goods Sold la This Sale Engraved free.
Solid Gold Back Combs
( At almost the price of plated mountings choice
and dainty designs, neat beaded edge, pretty
scroll tops and Roman designs, mounted on the
finest finish shell.
Pretty scroll top, sale price only......... $1.98
Neat twist pattern, sale price only.. $2.19
, Rose gold, Roman -effect, sale price only $2.37
" Burnished gold scroll, sale price only $2.37
.Handsome etched pattern, sale price only. ... .$3.57
Heavy beaded design, sale price only ...$3.98
Heavy wire edge, sale price only $4.78
Many ,other patterns at special prices. Every one
guaranteed solid gold mounting.
Solid gold rings with various settings, at ' prices
ranging from the extremely low price of$1.56U
Solid Gold Brooches
Some neatest designs In rose gold and satin finish
pretty head patterns for back of collar, and many ex
quisite Ideas wrought in gold. - :
$2.75 and $3.00 . Twist Brooches or- Head De- Pn rr
sign for OiUU
$3.00 and $3.23 Crescent Or Flower Design.
nruounes, rose goia
$3.50 and $3.75 Novelty Gold Brooches, sale
Many choice Brooches, set with pearls, rubies.C'JO (t
diamonds, all new effects, $5.00 to ipaVVJ.UU
Solid Gold Hair Barettes r
JZ.OO and $2.25 solid gold Hair Barettes and Retainers
rose goia Tinisn, many aesigns ana patterns,
makes a pretty and useful gift; sale price..
Embroidered Hosiery
Values to $1.25 for 79c
Special lot Friday Bargain Day 50 dozen
pairs Women's Fine Imported Hosiery,
with embroidered insteps!, embroidered and
lace boots and allover laces the embroid
ered insteps come in a great variety of color
ings ana enaiess variety or pat- Tft-
X J7t
terrus values to $1.25 at.
$1.00 Dresden Ribbons at 55c yd
Remnant Sale of Ribbons Half
800 yards Fancy Dresden Ribbons, 3 to 7 inches wide, large
assortment to choose from; values to $1.00 yard C C
sale price 33C
Many Other Ribbon Bargains on Special Sale
Another lot of Ribbon Remnants very choice
pieces at HALF PRICE. On sale at lace coun
ter. Be early.
Exceptionally Good Values
In Veils and Veilings
A Veil is the right thing to give this
year Fashion requirements make it
a necessary adjunct to the costume
Square chiffon and net Veils,
plain, dotted and ribbon edge, in all
the new shades, 85 up.
Face Veilings with large and medium
size dots, in all shades, 25c yd and up
Embroidered Chiffon Veils,-IV2 yards in
length, very pretty designs in all shades
and combination
regular $3.00 values.
wnisu vtjl uvnunn x jjjuis WW xt a illustrated
1 Sterling silver 'Watch, open face, stomwind and
set, pretty dial, complete wih chate-ajJ, R
laine watch-holder. Sale price. ..... ..jpaWJ
No. 2 Open face boy's Watch, gunmetal or nickel
case, nat size, .with, guaranteed move- QQ -
No. 3 Pretty enameled Watch,' handsome dial, stem
wind and set, assorted colors, complete J fZ tZ
with sold tilled chatelaine pin. Sale. . . S'V'
No. 4 Pretty gold filled Watch, American movement,
with 20-year guaranteed case, very P" f ff
handsome watrh. ,. plV.UU
No. 5 Satin gold filled Watch, American movement, a
good timepiece; we engrave a nice fljl O Xf
monogram' free....... 4tXsWsJ
No. 6 Sterling silver Watch, open face, with a pretty
-dial, stemwind and set," engraved case. P
" . Sale price.
No.' 7 Handsome enameled Watch in various colored
designs, stemwind and set", guaranteed
to keep time. Only. ................ P .aJV
No. 8 Small Midget Watch, American movement,
stemwind and set; satin or bright O VZf
finish. . ......... . .... 1 4JX.JV
Pyrography Outfits
Reg. $3.25 Vais., $2.65
These outfits are complete in every respect
the kind you have always fli ry rj jj
bought for $3.25, Friday only sViUu
35c Match Holders,' Friday................ 23?
25c Glove Boxes, Friday. 17
2oc .Handkerchief Boxes, Friday 17
' ' ; J
Beautiful Holiday Gift Books
There's no message of love, affection, good-will or friend
ship that can't be conveyed in a book. Why not give books
for Christmas? They're not expensive.
Hanging of the Crane
Fully illustrated in color 'by
Arthur Keller 81.75
'Love Songs Old and New
Full-page Illustrations in color,
including- year's .subscription
to the Reader Magazine. $6.00
value for -S3.00
Fully illustrated by Ralph
Henry Barbour; publisher's
price $2. our price. . . -81.58
The Harrison Fisher Book
Illustrated In color and black
and white 83. OO
Our Girls
Fully illustrated In color and black and
white, by Howard Chandler Christy;
only 82.50
A Dream of Fair Women
Fully illustrated In color by
Harrison Fisher .83.50
A dainty Xmas tl book' by
Owen Wister ,-98C
Van Rensselaers of Old
By Weymer Fay Mills, Illus
trated In color." 81. 50
The Music Lover
By Henry Van Dyke. . r-Sl.OO
Reveries of a Bachelor
Spec'l Illustrated edition 81.50
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Special illustrated edi
tion ....... $1. 50
Sale Box'Kerch'fs
Women's and children's boxed Hand
kerchiefs, plain hemstitched, em
broidered and initial, 15 to
$3.45 a box.
Real Lace Handkerchiefs, from
1.25 to 21.00, including real
Princess, Duchess, Point and hand
embroidered Madeira lace handker
chiefs; one in a box; a most ex
quisite holiday gift at special holi
day prices.
Knit Shawls and Scarfs
TBeful Xmas Gifts Shetland Wool
Squares. Shawls, Newport Scarfs
('apes, 35k. 50. 75. 81.00.
81.25. SI. 75 to $3.50.
Silk Scurfs and Shawls.. 81.35.
81.75. S2.00. 82.SO to 89. OO.
ri:lnty Orenburg Shawls and Scarfs.
$1.35. $1.50. $1.75. 82.SO. -
Extr Special Values Ideal Christmas Gifts
Wcmec'B Toilet Set, hairbrush
and oomh to match, quadru
ple plat stiver. - 1 A. a
$3.60 value for. .
Quadruple Plate Sliver Puff
Jars and Hair Recelv- O B
ers, 60c value tOG
Pomade Jars and Brash Hold
ers, quadruple all- OR.
ver plate. -C
Cljrar Jars, -quadruple plat
- silver tops, names engraved
free, 12.00 val- CI OB
uea. P md
Qnadrnpl Plat Oomb. Brush and Mlr-
i.TM rouna beveled plat
mirror, handsome embossed silver
Jo?.-. v.alr. ;. . ' $3.75
Manicure Set, ebony handle "file, corn
and cutlcl knife, mounted with ster
ling; silver and set In square 7n.
leatherette covered box C
Manicure Set. quadrupled nlat aUrer.
8 plecea, heavy embossed - c A. tC
designs,' I7.0J value ...p4-SO
Hand Mirror, ebonoid back, sterling
silver mounted, heavy beveled nnl
plate glass. 11.60 value .tfoC
Quadruple Plate Comb, Brush and Mlr
rr St, extra large mirror T cr
and brush. 111.00 value. 9itOU
Perfumes for Christmas Gifts
Ed Belezaire Lilac, Crabapple,
vioiet, in fancy box, tSf
Eastman's Perfumes,
in fancy box, per
Eastman's Oriental
. in Japanese box,
. each .'
Eastman's Perfume
all odors,
. ...75c
and Toi
lette Water, vlolette J1 O C
odor, fancy box fX.rJ
Eastman's Royal Perfume,
odors, fancy box, 2 E1 C
ounces P
Eastman's Royal Perfume, all
fancy 4-ounce bottle, C 1
all odors...... p 1 .iJVJ
Ideal Box Perfumes, silk-lined
Snfy .!?!!. !c.e. . :. . . . $3.60
Violet Bouquet Far nese, In
leather 3 25
Rogrer & Gallet New Violette.
Hi-ounce bottle, S rtTt
each c .ifl.-SO
Indian Hay Perfume In"? 7tZ
Rogrer & Gallet Peau d'Espagne
. fancy box powder, soap and
two perfumes, sale (f e;
price 4J.iJ
Roger & Gallet Vera Vlolette
Powder Soap and JA 7C
Perfume .tyk.lO
Rogrer et Galle Vera Violette,
in box, tw6 bot- CI O K
ties 40.60
Bouquet Farnese, Violet Pow-
loapP.e.r.f.U.m.e. . . .$6.00
Roger & Gallet De Parme Pow
der. Soap and Per- , 75
Attar of Violets In fancy bottle,
silver mounting, $2 25
Reve Fleurl, 2-oz. ffin crv
bottles, 3 in box. . .? U
Eastman's Oriental Perfume. In
fancy secret lock 9tf ff
box, carved pt.JKJ
Eastman's Violette Petals, in
fancy box,-satin lined, 2-oz.
' bottle, sale price J 25
75c White Lawn Aprons 59c
Women's large white lawn
Aprons, with deep- hem
stitched hem, daintily
tucked and hemmed in va
rious effects; ,75c CQn
values ....... JZ2
Women's short sewing or tea
or serving Aprons, of Swiss
or lawn, daintily trimmed
with embroidery, lace, bead-
Long . or short Aprons for
Xmas gifts-7-made of Swiss
or lawn; trimmings of em
broidery, laces.' insertion,
etc.; prices 35, 50,
65S 751 to $2.25.
Imported French Lingerie
. including special sets, for
Xmas gifts.
1 ribbon; regu- CQn
75e values. ....
Mens Bath Robes
100 ilen's Blanket Bath Robes, all
new patterns and colorings, made
with large square collars, cord and
tassel at neck, girdle at waist and
large pockets. Made full and long.
Values to $o.50, on
sale at
A special lot of Feather Boas, includ
ing ostrich, marabou and coque
' feather boas in all - Off
shades; all reduced...". J VH
Ladles' Italian Silk Vests
Ladies' fine Italian Silk Vests, plain
French band, lace trimming, with or
without embroidery, 83.00, $3.85.
84. 50. S5.00.