THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. 17 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. LARGE outside rooms, .single or en suite beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every modern hotel convenience; special rates to - permanent guests; with or withuut meals; finest cafe in Portland at modest prices; be sure and see these rooms before you decide where to move. Hotel Sargent Orand and Hawthorne avenues. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths; free phone; dining-room iu connection; transients so licited; open all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL GORDON. Comer Yamhill and West Park st. New houfte, elegantly f urntehed; hot and cold water, telephone, hot water heat in every room; private bath??; elevator service. Transient. Rated. SI per day up. Phone 202. Pacific Hotel, furnished rooms, 214 Columbia St., cor. 1st. New brick building lust open ing; team heat, hot. cold running water In every room; rree bath, phone; rates, 50c to $ 1 day. $2.D0 to $5 week. One call means another. Phone A 1539. HOTEL ERESLIN. New houe, Just opened to the public, cor 11th and Wash. sts. ; beautifully furnished; private bat lis, hot and cold water, electric lights, eteam heat; rates $1 and upward. Phone Main 7u54. Mrs. E. Ogilvle. prop. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th First-ciatea furnished rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light.t phone in every room; suites with private r-ath, single, trom 3 by week, 73c up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 6647. HOTEL BARTON, 455 Alder St.. at 13th. Under new management, remodeled and renovated throughout; new heating ap paratus being Installed; strictly modern in ewry detail; dining-room in connection. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13tl. and Wash ington st.. newlv furnished throughout. new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7106. Long distance phones In all rooms. TOU can get a good roam at the Benson for $2.50 up er week. 3oc to fl.&O day; most central brick rooming-house In city; newly renovated; new management. 2Wu Mor rwon st. , cor. fit h. CLOSE In, fine large front room, well fur nished. In modern Hat; suit 1 or 2 gentle men; furnace heat, bath, phone, etc., rea sonable; su'fc 10th st., N., half block off "Wash. HOTEL KBNVON, ISth and Washington sts.. modern room, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. THE WILAMETTE, 822 Stark, S. W. cor. 6th st.; well furnished rooms, large and light, single or en suite; transient, 60o to " SI; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1296. 2DLKGANTLY furnlehed tingle outside rooms; ateam heat, hot water, both phones; location very central; gentlemen only. 494 Morrison t.. Flat 11, opposite high school. FUTtNISHBD room, suitable for one or two, hot and cold water, bath, phone; also room suitable for working; girl: kitchen privi leges. A 3031. 26 N. 17th st. HOTEL ANTLERS, cor, 10th and Washing ton ste., all modern conveniences, suites with bath; principal carltnea pass the door. Phone Main 2333. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 people; all improvements; breakfasts optional ; terms moderate. Call 215 13th st. FURNISHED rooms and one apartment of 3 rooms at The Ellsworth; steam hear, bath and phone. ICQ Lownsdale, near Morrison. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, close In, mod era conveniences. 309 Madison, between ' 6th and 6th. The Kingston, 1U0 3d St., rooms, steam heat, modern conveniences; transients. 5oc and $1 per day; special rates by week. LARGE1, sunny, well-heated room, nicely fur nished, every convenience, private bouse, close In. 632 Flanders. 461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th, newly fur nished rooms, electric light, bath, heat; rates reasonable. MODERN front room; furnace, bath; family of two; hot and cold water. Cobb. 407 Jefferson st. to84 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms in new, modern home; every convenience; gen tlemen only. 85014 ' MORRISON, cor. Park, 'furnished or unfurnished rooms; all conveniences; best location. 6T. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th st.; beautifully furnished rooms, en suite, or single; baths frte. LIGHT, pleasant rooms, central, reasonable. Phone, gas and bath. 415 Taylor, cor. llth. 203 1 1TH Furnished housekeeping suite or single; rate? reasonable; no children. ONE large room for two gentlemen; private family. Call evenings, 2G7 7th. FURNISHED apartments, hot water, heat, phones. 191 14th st. NICELY furnished room, heat, bath and phone. 430 JetTerson. Uufurnished Rooms. "WEST SIDE Three unfurnished rooms; pri vate houjte, residence district, lor refined people; references. 347 llth at. , Rooms With Board. v BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargoit before you decide where to move; modest prices; American or European plan; best cafe In Portland; famous dining-room ser vice; living here is a pleasure; manage ment studies comfort of guests; every modern hotel convenience; close In, yet away from downtown dirt and noise. Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave nues. ELEGANTLY furnished room with board; house and grounds occupying entire block; hot and cold water. 3O0 Jefferson, be tween 5th and tith sts. Tel. A 5345. Portland Women's Union; 18th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library: Women's- Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Rawltngs, Supt., 610 Flanders. THE CHETOPA 1 nrw modern 4-room apart ment; line view; elevator, wteam heat, gas range and refrigerator. Call 584 Flanders st. Phone C. Wheeler, Main 3244. THE CLAY Sleeping room and parlor for two gentlemen, with board, $5.50 per week; gas, bath; homelike; single rooms. 3-0 2d st.. cor. Clay. FIRST-CLASS room and board, one or two young men. private family, home cooking, home privileges. 395 lGth cor. Taylor. CLEXDORA, 10th and Couch, , flrst-class rooms ana oottra; nomelike; two car lines; walking distance; rates reasonable. KICE furnished room, for two gentlemen, also first-class board; close iu; bath ga and free phone. 3lt2 Salmon st. THE COLONIAL High-class familv hotel; best board In city at moderate prices. R5 10th t., cor. Morrison. FURNISHED room with board In private family, for two gentlemen; modern con veniences. 4003 Clay. NICELY furnished room with board for two young ladies; home cooking; refer ences. 402 Clay st. ROSE DALE Select private boarding-house, newly furnished, Pieam-heated throughout 404 Madison, cor. 10th. UESIRABLE room, excellent board, mod ern home, couple employed, or two men Phone Pacific 1742. VERY nice room with board in private boarding house. 225 West Park. Pacific 2907. FURNISHED rooms, with board; home cooking; English family. 389 Alder st. THE MAR L Y N Fu rn 1 sh ed rooms ; good board ; convenient. &S3 Washington. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms and board, strictly first-class. 715 Everett.. FRONT and side room with board; family cooking. Phone A 3t22. 328 tith t. MINNBQUA INN. 37ti Yamhill. nlo rooms, ft earn heat, good meals. Main 1X02. FURNISHED rooms With board. The Osark. 225 llth st. Apartments. THE DAYTON One 3 -room basement apartment. $20 month; includes heat, hot water and storeroom. 660 Flanders st. HARRISON COURT Fifth and Harrison. , unfurnished suite of three rooms and ' bath, -Phone Main 5148. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished six-room flat at 1W 12th at. Inquire Couch-otreet dock. Main fctil ; A 4I1. FLAT of four room, ground floor; Lath. il"4 Montgomery st. FOB RENT. Flats, MODERN flat, 5 room and bath; basement, furnace, gas and electric fixtures; strictly modern; choice location; walking distance; Park and Harrison a la. Inquire 228 1st st. MODERN flats, all slxesv for rent. East and "West sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. Housekeeping Koomt, THE BEAVER apartments. 12th and Marshall sts. newlv furnished housekeenlns: rooms. 1 modern conveniences, fine plumbing, electric lights, hot water, tree baths, gas ranges, laundry room; 2.50 per week and up. No canines al lowed. . , THE .ONEONTA, 187 17th st., near Yamhill: new house, elegantly furnished. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths,, free phone each floor; no children. THE HOWLAKD APARTMENTS. 631H Washington. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: gas rangos. hot water, free bath, ires phone, both floors; no dogs, no children. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; alpo furnished rooms single; rent cheap. 01 East 8th, corner Wash ington. Phone' East 3014. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms with modern conveniences, electric lights, hot water, laundry room. The Beaver, 12th and Marshall sts. LARGE front room and kitchen, bright, airy, nicely furnished for housekeeping; pewing machine, roses; rent $12. 169 Porter st. -, 401 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th.. newly f urni?hed housekeeping suite; new gas ranpf-s. electric lights, baths, heat; no children. VI.TTOR Talking Machines and records; Stein way (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay & Co., ttth ana Morrison. DESIRABLE bay window unfurnished suite in beautifully located apartment-house. 3or.fe Jefl'erBon St., cor. 5th. PLEASANT furnished rooms for housekeep ing; heat, electric light, gas and bath. 055 5th st., cor. Lincoln. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front and back parlor and kitchen for housekeeping. 215 Tenth, cor. Salmon. 109 N, lbTH. furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, phone, gas ranges, every thing convenient. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, phone; reasonable. 830 6th st. Phone Main 6098. 850 ft MORRISON, cor. Park, furnished or unfurnished rooms; all convenience?; best location. TWO furntshed housekeeping rooms; heat, gas range, bath, phone; no children. 453 Hall at. 308 13TH, FURNISHED basement for house keeping, $12; small room with gas plate, 461H G LI SAN, 8 car. Pacific 2907. 2 nice housekeeping rooms; free phone; $3 week. FURNISHED housekeeping suite in modern houee; new, reasonable. 209 N. 16th. THE GARLAND Furnished housekeeping; rooms, oer. itn ana zotn, on vvasn. NEWLY furnished room with board, $5.50 a week; home cooking. 470 Main at. DRESSMAKER'S location Large rooms, well lighted. 549 Morrison st. ONE or two very nice furnished house keeping rooms. 403 Second st. LARGE front room, suitable for two, with or without board. 470 Main A. FOR RENT Modern house-keeping rooms. 3824 Hawthorne ave. Bouses. FOUR-ROOM cottage. East Sloe. $10 month; good 6-room cottage. West Side. $16 month; good four-room lower furnished flat, $22; two furnished housekeeping rooms, $3. COAST REALTY CO., 226 H Morrison. BEAUTIFUL home, covering two acres of choice fruit and eh rubbery; on carllne; fine view of city; low rent to proper party. Inquire room 40, Washington bldg. FOR RENT New six-room modern house, gas. electric! cy, fine neighborhood Fargo, between Union and Rodney. Phone Woodlawn 054. $25. SEE OWNER today; white house, 6 large, light rooms. 330 E. Ist et., 1 blocks sojth of Hawthorne-ave. cars. Rent $12. Phone Main 8366. WANTED To rent houses, offices, stores, rooms, etc.; long list of apli cants. Albee Benham Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark ft st- 6-ROOM modern house, close In, East Side, gas and electric lights. $22.50 per month. Western Oregon Trust Cc., 2yi Stark st. LARGE residence, suitable for roomers. Hol iday's Addition; will sell carpets and ranges. Farrington, 313 Fenton bldg. 250 10TH ST. Large new 9-roorn house, tile bath, both floors. Inquire Graves' Music Store, 328 Washington st. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 7 E. Madison. Inquire 077. X'hone mornings and even ings, E 4831. NEW house of 9 rooms, 712 Lovejoy St., near 22d. Apply 132 6th et. Phone Pacific 1051. WEST SIDE 7 -room corner house, with yard. $20. Inquire 200 Stout st. T-ROOM house, modern, rent $13; fine location. Phone East 2338 or call 835 E. 31st st. MODERN 6-room house, attic, bath. Apply 87 East 17th st. Phone East 24tt3. 5-ROOM modern house. 214 East 28th st., corner. Take East Ankeny car. FIVE-ROOM house, 870 E. Irving u Phone A 1081. Inquire 936 E, Couch. 580 4TH. Modern 9-roora house. Inquire 584 4th. HOUSES and flats. A. S. Draper. 343 Wash- Furnished Hoiwes, COMPLETELY furnished house, corner 22d and Washington. 8 rooms, cellar, attic; reasonable to right parties. Hurry! Par lor C, Hotel Portland. , BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. 23 rooms, rent $33 per month, a H. Plggott. law yer, owner, rooms 4. 5, 6, Mulkey bids;. STRICTLY modern 5-room house, elegantly furnished; wood in. $35; no children. 329 Sacramento. U car. FOR RENT Furnished four-room cottage, 4S3 East Clay. FURNISHED 5-roora cottage. $32.50. Inquire 444 llth St. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. GOOD furniture of modern steam-heated flat 6 rooms, arranged for renting; . all full owner sick, must sell. 549 Wash. st. Phones Main 6070. A 3S04. GOOD furniture of 10-room hcuse; look at it and make offer; no reasonable proposition will be turned down. Phone Main 6067. FINE 22-room houee, well furnished; best lo cation in city; would like to sell by Jan. 1 liuS. Inquire 531 Couch. ' SNAP Flat, llth and Alder, 147&- just furnished: leaving city unexpectedly: . $425. time. FURNITURE of 7 rooms; house for rent good neighborhood; on carline. 526 Kear ney st. MUST SELL fine furniture 4-room houee close in. Inquire 410 Wash. st. , $4h BUYS furniture of 9-room house rooms full; rent S27.50. 322 4th. FINE 9-room fiat, well furnished, at a bar gain. N 456, Oregonlan. Stores. FOR RENT Storeroom and one floor above 30x100. with elevator; moderate rent on unexpired lease. Apply Cblopeck Fish Co. 65 Front st. FOTt RENT A well located store on Union ave.. near Burnslde. Inquire of John C Banks, Rodger. Hart. Gibson, A.. 146 2d st., city. GOOD lease on modern store. 460 Wah Ington. near 13th. Apply billiard parlor. SEE Archer & Schans Co., 6th and Oak sts opp. Commercial Club Bldg. ' STORE for rent. 142 N. 10th st. Offices. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg. FINE offices. best location. Room 13. Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. FINE desk room, team heat, phone; large front room. 3 Washington Bid. FOR RENT. Offices. ROOMS for offices and manufacturing; power, steam heat, storage room in cement base ment, sidewalk, elevator HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM, Book Mfrs. Ill Second st. FURNISHED or unfurnished ground. floor offices and desk room, central located, reasonable rent; Includes both phones. Hengstake & Lyman. 00 5th st. TWO or three offices for rent on January 1. New building, good location, everything modern, rent reasonable. Telenbone Main 564. SEE Archer & Schanz Co.. 5th and Oak sts., opp. Commercial Club Bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT 5000 feet floor space on the 2d floor of our building, well lighted, airy, electric elevator. Address Buffalo-Pitts. Co.. city. PERSONAL. DR. MARY LANE INSTITUTE, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL, INC. "Women's and children's disease are treated exclusively at this Institute; up-to-date sanitarium and maternity hospital. Mater nity cases are given special attention by a graduate and licensed woman physician, with years of experience. Children adopted into best families, lut always on hand. Chronic and acute diseases treated In most skillful and latest methods; consultation free. Correspondence solicited and confiden tial. Open all day and evening until 8. Notice The original Dr. Mary Lane has only oue address, rooms 5-14 Grand Theater bldg, 352 Washington st. WB CURB All dlseasee of men. women and children both acute and chronic diseases of the eye, a", nose, throat and -lungs, heart, kidneys, bladder, brain and stomach, catarrh, rheu matism, goitre. Indigestion, constipation and skin diseases promptly cured. All private and wasting diseases promptly cured and their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and strictly con fidential. We guarantee all of our cures. New York Surgical & Medical Institute, Raleigh bldg., Bth and Waeh. sts. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ATTENTION! General diseases of women, men and chil dren treated scientifically by a licensed lady physician of 20 yean' practice; also out side confinement cases promptly attended. Latest Lmproxbd X-ray and Finsen methods for treatment of cancers, gall ctonee, goitre and rheumatism. Correspondence invited. Address Suite 14-15. Raleigh Bttg., 822 Vi Washington at., Portland. Phone Main 4151. LA DIES, consult Dr. Mary Lane, (the only and original) established 10 yeare; specialist for diseases of women and children. The best equipped lying-in sanitarium on the Coast. Consultation free. Correspondence confidential. 253 Alder, cor. 3d. Portland. Phone Main 2796. KIDNEY CURE TEA, not medicine; for sate by w. Y. Van Damme, 185 Morrison st.. next to Pap's Coffee House. 1 sell my kidney cure on Hie condition of no cure, money refunded. The tea is put up in 6-cent and $1.10 bottles; a trial will con vince. Testimonials can be seen at the office. SUiTS pressed whllt you wait. iiOc To vis itors of Portland hotels and to public at large; Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 106 6th st., next to Quelle. La dies' skirts pressed, 50c Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex. desiring acquaintance. correspondence or companion, send 10c for circular. Port land Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 1st st. DRESS suits for rent, ai: sizes; $1 month keeps your clothes' cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. .Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. MADAM BRUCE, naturopath; scientific mas sage, electric treatments, cabinet baths, stomach trouble and rheumatism cured. 2064 7th st. Phone A 3504. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for Delayed Periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes $4. Dr. Pierce, lbltt 1st st. GERMAN. French, Spanish and other For , eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. be h male Co., 22$ First st. LO ST powers restored by the grea t Dr. Lor ens Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c a box. Write or call at Eyseel'e Pharmacy, 227 Morri son st., bet. 1st and 2d. Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic sur gery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042 A 2069. Dr. T. J. Pierce, specialist, diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; no exposure; charges moderate, lbl'a 1st, cor. Yamhill. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 146 6TH St., rjms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, electric treatments. Lady attendants. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate : advice free. 170 14 3d st. Main 7154. , RECENTLY opered, manicuring parlors re moved from 351 to 343 Morrison, rm. 2. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous harr removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. S30 Fleldner bldg. P&e. 135. Miss Ethel Ward, manicurist-chiropodist, for merly 351 Morrison, now 201 3d. A5542. VASHTI, now-located at 87 6th, near Stark. Baths, massage, chiropody. Phone A 2116. JUST OPENED Manicuring and facial mas sage parlors. Room 5, 145 6th st. MISS GIBSON gives scalp treatment; dand ruff 268 Morrison, room 52. BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 926 E. Belmont. Phone &. 4034. LADIES' barber shop now open. Manicur ing; and massage. 54 4th st. - MADAM LUCKEY, 209 4th st. Electric baths, massage, chiropody. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE is " hereby given that the annual meeting of taxpayers of School District No. One, Multnomah County, Oregon, will be held in the West Side High-School building. City of Portland, county afore said, on Monday, December 30, 1907, at 7:30 P. M. The business of the meeting will be to consider the reports of thu directors and clerk, and to levy a tax fur the support and maintenance of the schools of the district for the ensuing year, and to dispose of such other busi ness aa may legally come before it. By order of the Board of Directors. H. Wit tenberg, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: H. S. Allen, School Clerk. Port land. Oregon, Dec. 19. 1907. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland, Or. Nov. 23. 1907 Sealed proposals for con struction of one wooden hull hydraulic dredge will be received here until 11 A. M., , Dec. 23, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. S. W. Roessler, Lt.-Col. Engrs. Miscellaneous. NOTICE to creditors and to all persons, firms and corporations Interested in the Title Guarantee A Trust Company In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable the Cir cuit Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Oregon In the milt of N. Coy, plain tiff, galnet the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, a corporation, and others, notice Is hereby given to the creditors as well as all persons, firms and corporations having any claim or demand against the said Title Guarantee & Trust Company, a corporation, of Portland, Oregon, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, duly verified, to . the undersigned receiver of said Title Guar antee & Trust Company at his office in the City of Portland, Oregon, on or before three months from the date hereof. Portland, Or., Dec. 16. 1907. ? ' E. C. MEARS. Receiver of the Title- Guarantee &. Trust Company NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meet ing of the Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Relief Association will be held in the office of the secretary, in the city of For est Grove; Or., on ' the third Wednesday of January. 1908, the same being the 15th day thereof. All members of said asso ciation are requested to be present. E. W. Haines, Pres. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOM I NG-HOUSE SNA P 1 8 rooms; ren t $27. SO; long lease: clears $75 a month above all expenses; $500. 189 4th st. WANTED Practical printer, bu?ines mana ger, to invest and push good newspaper business. W 464. Oregon ian. WANTED To purchase rooming-house on West Side; give price and best terms re quired. O 464. Oregonlan. DENTAL OFFICE and fixtures, for sale, com plete Good location. Address box 553, Baker City. Or. FOR SALE A nice, honest and profitable business; no experience necessary; $250. 63 N. Park- St. WANTED Rarber shoo; state number of chairs, price, rent, etc. -O 4t5. Ortgonian. $750. Call 248 Stark BUSINESS CHANCES. THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 Morrison St. Leading real estate and business brok ers Largest and best located office in , Portland Money to loan on nearly every place sld. READ THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS. 23,000. cash, new flats. $20,000, ca-h. splendid flats, clearing 15 per cent (other Income property, all prices.) $20(K. 1-3 cash, new modern house. $20(10. $200 down, house, barn, etc., corner lot, 100x100. In Sunnyside; others, all locations. largest list in city to select from (buy direct from owner.) $7000 Splendid manufacturing business, terms. $6500 Dairy in Portland, terms. $15,000 Swell high-class rooming. $8000 One of best paying houses. $4500. cash, nearlv new. 60 rooms. $3000, 1-3 cn-h, best paying house In city, clearing $300 per month. $2000, cash, new, steam heated. 600, ca?h, 20 rooms, one floor. $ft.0 buys 9-room flat. $500 buys new 10-room house. $400. cash, new elegant flat. $800. cash, buys 20 rooms, close-in, all full, lease, etc. $1500 Restaurant, averaging $100 dally. S800 Restaurant, doing $65 dally. $400 Lunch counter, close, must sell. $750 Bakery, lunch, near Morrison. $300 buys into light office business. $oo Timber claim, near railroad and water. 7 million feet guaranteed. $1000 buys Interest in furniture store, with position $100 month salary besides profits. $200 buys furniture 6 rooms, close in. $500. Interest In first-class real estace business, old-established office. $100 month salary besides profits; references required. $2500 Invoice, grocery, near Morrison, $2iO0 Grocery at invoice. $100- daily. $1250 Grocery, invoice, with 6 rooms. $2000 buys 70 acres good level land, part cleared, near Oregon City, houae, barn, water and other improvements. $1000, cash, buys 2 acres cleared. $150 up, buys homestead, also timber claims (other forms, all sizes and prices.) $850 General dry goods and confection ery, with 4 rooms (inventory.) $15 per month rent, 40 acres, with 10 in cultivation, near car. $15 per month rents 40 acres with 10 in cultivation, near car (others for rent, also houses in city and suburbs, deal di rect with owners If preferred). $25 4-room newly furnished flat. j'JO -room furnished cottage. $16r 5-room cottage, near In. Call, write, phone. Main 1596, A 4150. EXCELLENT opening in rapidiy growing community for a flrst-class harnessmaker with small capital ; good store room, es pecially adapted to such business and well located, may be had at nominal rental. Ad dress John H. Garrett, Mountain Home, Idaho. PARTNER wanted for 1-3 interest in a man ufacturer's agent's mercantile proposition that has been successfully established for a term of years; pays a salary of $1200 per year and good profit on investment; $3000 cash required. Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Wash. st. POULTRY and produce business, estab lished over five years. In central location, clearing over $250 per month. Sickness in family compels owner to sell this busi ness. Can be bought for half what it's worth. 219 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSE. 8 rooms, $275; very centrally located; nice cottage, modern, all new furniture, large basement; will make your rent and expenses; terms $200 cash ; well worth the money. H. W. Garland & Co., 191 4th st. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for energetic man with $2000 to acquire half interest in business enterprise that will pay $5000 per year. For personal interview call on Com mercial Abstract Co., 34 Raleigh bldg., 323 Wash. et. RELIABLE real estate man wants honest partner, experience not necessary be yond ability to show land,jBtc; will pay active man $150 to $200 a month; very little money required. Call 24SH Stark st. ESTABLISHED business requires practical business man with a few hundred dollars; must be good man, as it is the man they want, not his money. International In vestment Co., 309 Macleay Bldg. GROCERY store In best populated part of city, doing a business of $2500 monthly; will sell at invoice. Bent only $50, in cluding 6 living rooma and barn. 219 Lumber Exchange. - FIRST-CLASS saloon with large billiard and pool room in connection, centrally located, doing a business of over $1500 monthly, which will be guaranteed. 219 Lumber Exchange. - IF you have a business, note! or lodging house and you want to sell It. If it will - stand investigation, come to us. More house, wlest Company, 420 Lumbar Ex change building. PARTNER wanted In old-established busi ness. $600 required, clearing now $250 monthly, can be doubled by taking part ner; experience unnecessary. 219 Lum ber Exchange. TWO-THIRDS interest in good paying: old-established fuel business; 1-3 interest held by well-acquainted man years in the business. For particulars call on 2-3 owner, 533 Mar quam bldg. SMALL cash business; owner has more work than he can handle; alone; will take paat ner and guarantee $35 weekly; email cap ital required. Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. $12M) Established business for sale; pays 50 per cent on investment; this will be proven conclusively; no risk of failure; investigate and you will see why. S 463, Oregonlan. MANAGER for ice and cold-storage plant; must have at least $10,000 to Invest in the ' plant; good proposition to right man. R. B. Curry. 326 Worcester bldg. WANTED A competent mining . man to superintend an Idaho gold mine; man with from $5000 to $10,000 preferred. Ad- dress 122 Ablngton bldg. RESTAURANT and oyster house; partner wanted to act as cashier; gauarantce you $2 monthly: $1000 required. Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. SPECIAL hair-cuttmr. 25c shoe s-hlned free: . the Model Barber Shop, the finest 9-chair shop In the city; only Best or barbers em ployed. 91 6th st. , A ROOMING-HOUSE, central, no deadhead, corner Morrison; cash $1500, or exchange for fruit ranch, close in. Owner. S 468, Oregonlan. PA RTNER wanted in old established real estate and brokerage office clearing $500 monthly: $500 required. 219 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted In ladles tailoring and dressmaking; old established business; good location and trade. H ' 444. Ore gonlan. PARTNER wanted In one of the best-paying restaurants in the city, clearing $750 monthly; $1500 required. 219 Lumber Ex change. INVESTIGATE Two stores, paying $240 per year; price- $1000; terms. See H. R. Baker, owner. Laurelwood, Mt. Scott car. PARTNER wanted to check goods, collect, etc., in manufacturing; pay you $125 a month; $450 required. Call 248 Stark st. 75-ROOM hotel, center of city, clearing $750 monthly; owner has to leave city on ac count of sickness. 219 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for manufacturing, large legitimate profits; exclusive rights; $1500 re quired; investigate. R 455, care Oregonlan. $5 TO $10 per day if you mean business and can invest $2501 Costs nothing for particulars. SOS Chamber of Commerce, CORNER cash grocery doing; business $60 daily, with living rooms; for part icu Jars call room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE First-clase hotel and bar at sacrifice; doing good business; have other business; must sell. P 450, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for business easily learned; owner guarantees you $4 a day; $200 required. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop at Lewis ton, Idaho,' doing a fine business. Address 807 Main, or 525 W. 10th, Albany. Or. . MUST ELI before January 1, furniture of hotel. 30 rodms; can lease hotel; good lo cation. Inquire owner, 295 N. 14th. CORNER saloon sacrificed to $650; rnan without experience can clear $200 a month. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Small stock groceries; will take 90 cents on tne aoitar ir taicen rlgnt away. Address D 453, Oregonlan. OLD established transfer, storase and coal business, nets $500 month, $2500. Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. CENTRALLY located lunch counter, clear ing $250 monthly; $1000 required. 219 Lumber Exchange. - WANTED Drug store In city or country; give price, business done, etc. O 452, Ore gonlan. 22 ROOMS, furnished; good location; $650 will handle this; . balance time. Inquire 225V. let st. i . . FOR SALE 3-chaIr barber shop; expenses light; good trade. Address 471 East 10th, BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A reliable man to invest from $25,000 to $50,000 or more In- a large and well-established wholesale importing firm, for purpose of enlarging and extending business; large territory yet to be reached, insuring good prospects and safe and well paying Investment. Address B 411, Ore gonlan. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS CHANCES The A me Mercantile Agency established 1895) furnish free information on opportu nities in mercantllefxr manufacturing lins. . city or country. THE AMEtS MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-2U5 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Store, conflicting of email goods and musical merchandise, paying well, and will Invoice about $3000. Location, Eastern Oregon. Town 80(0 inhabitants. For fur ther particulars address box 260, North Yakima, Wash. FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R. terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.; has 148 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all modern conveniences; 3-year lease; rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge vurtz. of Gevurtz & 80ns. 173-5 First st. PARTNER wanted In well-established busi ness doing a business of $31 per day; man wanted to attend offfice 'and make col lections ; guarantee salary of $ 100 por month above profits; experience unneces sary. 219 Lumber Exchange. SHAFER. 420 and 427 Lumber Exchange Bldg., substantial business opportunities; several exceptional $3000 to $30,000 propo sitions are open just now; investigate them, as "they are the kind that stand investigation. BE QUICK IF YOU WANT THIS. $150 caah will handle a good paying lodging-house, price $550; in brick building; cen tral; low rent. - F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st. PARTNER wanted in a good business, long established; you draw $100 per month and half the profits; must furnish good refer . ences, as you handle all the money; $5o0 required. P 469, Oregonian. A BARGAIN $325 will buy restaurant doing good business; best transient location in city; owner xmust leave city and will eeli at sacrifice if taken at once. Call or ad dress owner, 150 N. 6th st. IF you want to buy a grocery, bakery, con fectionery, saloon, rooming-house, general sttore or other business, call on us. We have the best in Portland that are listed for eale. 324-325 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for pool room and cigar store clearing $375 per month, as owner nas other business to attend to and can not be there all the time; $1000 required ziu Lumber Jiixcnange. I WILL buy a few Oregon Trust Co. and Title Guarantee & Trut Co. account. THOS. McCUtiKER, 206 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 7640. FOR SALE 20 saloons; 7 pool tables; ciirars and whisky. If you want bargains in these lines see tne men- that are in the business. Mc & Mc. 21 N. 2d. Phone Main 3074. WANT a partner with from $1000 to $2000 in general merchandise business in thriv ing' community. Address W. E. Henke, In dlan Valley. Idaho. 80-room hotel, clearing $250 per month, owner must go East to settle an estate: will sacrifice this for $500. 219 Lumber .uxenange. FOR SALE Thoroughly established newsua pr printing business; will exchange for otner property. Address A 464, care Ore gonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Atcheson's and Meier & Frank's, a email purse, lady's, containing $80, four twenties, an address and a lock of hair, r lnder will receive suitable re ward, though nothing but purse and lock of hair be returned to Miss Nellie Howard, 247 Taylor st. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 223 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. i. ftletzger LOST White and black sDotted 4-months-old pup. Finder will please return to Bay City Market, cor. 4th and lamhill. $5 reward. Paul spath. LOST Gold "nugget pin with diamond set ting. Monday afternoon. Finder kindly return to Oregonian office. Reward. LOST Saturday night, an overcoat with Eagle and Redmen receipts to E. C. Sum- mers. binder return to diio Aider. LOST At West ave.. Mount Tabor carline. small grip. Communicate Portland Sanita rium. Phone Main 6533. LOST A pair of eyeglasses' between Steel bridge and Wells-Fargo bldg. ; reward re turn to boo Cherry st. LOST Wednesday, 1 gold rope chain and pendant; tinder please return to ol bher lock Bldg. Reward. LOST Pink belt with gold buckle at tached. Return to 140 6th st. and receive reward. FOUND Pointer dog, brown and white. Owner call 202 Knott St.; pay cost. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. XMAR MONEY XMAS XMAS MONEY MONEY XMAS XMAS MONEY BORROW NOW MONEY XMAS AND AVOID THE - XMAS MONEY HOLIDAY RUSH. MONEY XMAS SALARY LOANS XMAS MONEY UPON PLAIN NOTES MONEY XMAS ABSOLUTELY XMAS - MONEY NO SECURITY ASKED MONEY XMAS $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $100. XMAS MONEY REMEMBER MUMSI XMAS . IF YOU WORK WE XMAS MONEY WILL LOAN YOU "MONEY XMAS MONEY". XMAS MONEY BHKT X X EASIEST MONEY XMAS TUKMS $$$ PAYMENTS' XMAS MONEY "DON'T DELAY" MONEY XMAS STATE SECURITY .CO XMAS MONEY 704 DEKUM BLDG. MONEY XMAS . OPEN EVENINGS XMAS MONEY UNTIL XMAS. ' MONEY XMAS XMAS MONEY MONEY XMAS MONEY LOANS made to salaried people holding perv xnanent positions ana responsible nrm, easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN MORTGAGE CO- 205 Ablngton bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others uuon meir own names witnout security; cheapest rates, easiest payments ; offices la 00 principal cities; save yourself money by retting our terms first. TOLMAN. 233 Ablngton bldg., 106 Sd. MONEY LOANED On salaries, no other security; my system is the best for rati road men, clerks, bookkeepers, .streetcar employes and others; all business confi dential. K A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg.. 286 it, Washington st. - WILL buy savings deposits, Oregon Trust & Savings, Title Guarantee & Trust. ' Write for particulars. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d st. LARGE and small amounts on good security at low rate of Interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and-Morrkon. $100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to suit. 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty, M G. Griffin.. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com. LOANS on furniture, pianos and other s carlties; lowest rates. S. W. King, room ' 40. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY to loan on improved and unimproved real estate : lowest rates of interest. Louts Saloman. 233 Stark St., near 2d. MONEY kianed.on real estate mortgages or contracts. Small building loans a specialty. W. H, Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg. W . LOANS to salaried employes on stocks and other securities. Fidelity ioan 'Company, room 10 Washington bldg. , MORTGAGES, let and 2d liens, aha otner real estate securities disco un tea. ti. Noble, Commercial block. SALARIED people save money by getting our terms on loans first. Employes Loan Co.. 716 Dekum bldg. WILL pay 35 cents on the dollar for Ore gon Trust and Savings, accounts, n 4o3, care Oregonlan. WILL loan $30,000 or less, 6 per cent, real' estate. American Adjustment Co., hi 6th at.- State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas, state agt., Mmtnomah Co. 400 C of Com. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. . w . jr&iieit, fo r en ton Didg. MONEY to .loan on aii kinds of security. w m. jnou, room v. wasningion Diag.. $500,000 to loan at 6 per cent on mortgages. w m. vi. 5ecK. room ji-'. rawing; Diag. I WISH to loan $3000 or less on Inside resi dence property, a 461, care Oregonian. I HAVE money to loan on real estate security. x . A. rtowe, jsucnanaa Didg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan DON'T BE BROICE. Money is our stock we have plenty of it youm for the asking. A few hours preparation and the money Is yours. You can raise the money 3"ou need on your household furniture,, fixtures, etc., without . removal or on your salary by giving iw' your plain note and without the knowledge of anyone. When in need of money It -will pay you to get it from us on payment plan. Jt costs you less and gets you oict of debt. ' HUTTON CREDIT CU, 51i Dekum bldg. 5J2. ' L LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. I HAVE $500 to loan on mortgage loan. Address H 424, Oregonian Loans Wanted. WANT a loan of y.ViO for 3 years at 10 per cent; good security. A. Schetier. Inquire O. R. Additon Real Estate. Lents, Or. CAN loan your money on first-class real estate security. See me. H. W. Qod dard, 110 Second st. W El can loan your money for you on good real estate security. Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st.. near 2d. "WANTED $1000 4 mo., 10 per cent; good bankable paper; security A-l. Address P 405. Oregonian. "WANTED To borrow $S00 at 8 per cent; good security. Address B 409. Oregxmtan. $6000 WANTED on real estate security; will pay 8 per cent. N 451. Oregonlan.. W A NT ED $ 1 500 ; good farm security, near city. O 400. Oregonian. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co. Phones Main 5t0, Home A 4222. 730 Chamber Commerce. Accountants. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 313 Chamber of Commerce. Office systematizing and general accounting. Both phones. B. W. GAGE, room 30 Raleigh bldg., 6tn and Washington, general accounting, bal ances and statements furnished. Art Stores. HOME decorators, tinting, painting and pa pering and the gooJs that go with lu E. H. Moorehoue & Co.. 312 Alder St. A tto mcy -a t- La w. HAYWARD H. RIDDE.LL, attorney-at-la 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4704. GREY & RICHARDSON, 518 Chamber of Commerce. Practice in all courts. J. S. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law, notary public, 58 and 59 Washington bldg. Art. A. Berger, art studio, 544 Washington; oil paintings In landscape and portrait. Antique Furniture. HAND carving taught; dealer in antique furniture, repairing. 52S Wash. Assayer and Analysts. Wells A Froebstel, mining engineers, metal lurgists and afssayera, 2o4l& Washington, MONTANA Assay Office, ltfO Morrison st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, aasayer and analyst, dust bought. 207 Alder su Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general lobbing, contracting; 330 Stark. Mala 6&1. Chiropody. WM. DEVENY and Ec telle Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew bulMing, 162 2d st. Phone Min lauL Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room $30 Fliedner blug. Phone Paclflo 135. . 1 DR. FLETCHER. D. C, scientific treatment for ail maladies of the foot. 316 Alisky bldg. Chiropractors. NERVOUS, chronic, spinal and female dis eases a specialty. Chiropractic removes the cause. Dr. Lavalley. 303-4 Alisky bldg., cor 3d and Morrison. DR. J. E. MARSH, D. C. 223-4 Fliedner bldg. Phone Pacitic 4sa. Kes. wooaiawn w. Dr. L. M. Gordon, graduate P. S. C, 204 -C Oregonian bldg. Phone - A 1953. Clairvoyants. MME. DR. HBRZOG. from Berlin, scientific revealer, tells life from cradle to grave. Con sultation on all affaire, nothing excepted; good advice, sure help, mistake impudKit-te; restores lost love, unite separated uy sym pathy; also locates buried treasure. Fee $1; letter $2. 240 Park st- Coiii miss Ion Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of bides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber and old metal and general commission mer chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brekers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. D. C. BURNS CO.. grocers and conunissto mercbaata. 210 3d st. Contractors and Builders. BUNGALOWS House construction, repairs of all kinds, concrete work; bottom prices. Johnson, 204 Mohawk bldg. Cleaning: and Dyeing;. PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB. 174 West Park. M 8242, A 5U27. Sponge and press your clothes, $1.50 per month. Cleaning- and pressing. Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work Collections. INTERSTATE Adjustment Co., law and col lections. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bldg. Dancing. DANCING Waltz, two-step, three-step and recognized teacher. Prof. Wal. Willbon. en trance to hall and office 12 Selllng-Hinch bldg., 388 Wash., bet. West Park and loth. DANCING instructions daily 1:30 to 4. Mur- lark nail. at v amngiun. .rrofoor Carter, principal. Main 8o85. Educa tlonai. PORTLAND BUSINESS" COLLEGE. Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL. upen aii iu rnme or ciass in struction. Position certain when com pa tent. All modem methods of book keep in tauKQt: also correspondence. raoid . calculations, office work. Chartier abort- naad ; eay, rapio, legioie, iataiogu ire. LLOYD GIBSON Voice culture. Call at residence, o- commercial st., Detween a and 8 P. M. Elect ricaL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO.. 400 Wash- Fixtures ana wiring, jo. ioo; a abtii. feed Stores. Eu L. COOPER & CO.. hay, grain, feed. 128 Union ave. East. 1517; B 1517. 1- Ire Insurance. ; v CALL ON US- 'COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bidg-.. 109 4th St., near Wash. furnaces. BANGE A JOHNSON FURNACE CO., only Coast agents for Thatcher furnace; work guaranteed. LatU 60O3. 408 Eattt Clay. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle ana .Harness mnirs.. eo-Mf isu Main 220- Jnnk, Hides and Pelt. L. SHANK CO.. pure baser a ef hides, pelts. wooi. iu:, i.iiu, luvkwn, meiait ana ack. Uli Front St.- Leather and Finding;. J. A. BTROW BRIDGE) LEATHER CO. lADiitnea ie&o. i.em.oer ana nnaings; Stock ton sol leather and cut stock; full Uns Eastern J u nr. bos. iefc Front st. CHAS. U MASTICK 4 CO., Front and Oak sts. L.eamer anu um.iu.rn 01 every description tor all purposes; sole aad tap cutters' and- Machinery. B. TREXKMAN A CO.. mining, sawmill lot all kind, repaired. 104 N. 4th sc. Mortgage, Loans and Bonds. CALL ON US COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Couch Bldg.. 100 4th St.. near Wash Moving- Picture Machines, MOVING picture machines. E. H. Muor- BUSIXKSS DIRECTORY. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil Prof. S eve Ik. vto lln and viola teacher. 334 Pine. Pacific 2889. Mr?PijI,?; ultar- banjo. Jesse Parker. Tllford bldg., loth and Morrison sts. Paints, oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobber paints oils. glass, sasa and doors, cor. 2d and Taylor? Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH R UP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main" 349. Residence. E. 102S. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore son. graduate Kukviiie. Mo. 4i Oregon!! bldg. Mala 1242; rs. Mam 2762: ure001 Patent and Pen&ron At-orneys, PATLNTS SOLICITED Wash. atty.. expert advice free. A. J. Matter. 618 Commoa wealth bidg.. 6th and Ankeny. J. J. HIRSHHEIMER. Solicitor and counsellor-at-law. Rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic ana foreign pateatsa infringement caMeu. 604 Dekum. Removal Notices. Shaw Perkins & Mitchell, bicycle, gasoline. electrical repairing. 307 Stark to 326 Stark. Oriental Ku$ Repairing. RIAPA.IKiN'- cleaning and dyeing done by A. O. Cartozian. a native weaver; all work pos itively guaranteed; a few One rugs for sal 665 Wash i ngton st. Plat Ins. OREGON PLATING WKS.. 128 Lownsdale St., - gold, s.lvcr, nli-Rrl plating. Main 2575; A 257S Piano Tuning. GEORGE ANDERSON, expert. 618 Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor sts Pacific 244. Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing platca. Hlcks-Chattea Engraving Co.. corner 2d and Alder sts. DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neis & Con naway. 100 2d St. A 4573, M. 731B. Photojff rap h era. E. W. MOORE, Elks building. 7th and Stark sts. Phone Main 2080. Public Stenographer. CORRESPONDENCE, legal, abstracts, specl ficatiuns. 208 Stark, r 10. Main 1222; A 3235. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones. 140T. Spiritualist. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL SAVE $4.00. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. (A SPECIAL $5.00 READING FOR $1). ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. E. KHlilO, This Is strictly a matter of business on your part to call at my office and become familiar with my spiritual and sclentitto work. A bint to the wise is sufficient. PROP. KHIMO, Greatest living astral duad-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; Whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control others; no difference how closs or how Jar away, you can always obtain your desired results. Tells you just how, where and when to invest your money to obtain the beat possible results. If you - are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis couraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DE SPAIR; come and receive Spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. 1 will do all others advertise to do and a great deal more. Hours 10 to 8, daily. Office Nos. 3 and 4, Grand Theater bldg., 352 & WasninKton st. Phone M. 1207. PROF. NlttLo, The best clairvoyant and medium In Fort land; four years of actual tt in this city. Fee within reach of all. 303 Washington st. Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable spirit' 1 r'dng 303 Alisky. bidg. Public circles Xues.-FrL ev. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, spiritual medium. SclUng-Hirsch bldg., loth and . Wafiliingtoa. Mrs. Marshlield, propneteas, 268 Morrison, bet. 3d and 4th ts., reads our entire life. Marion Corelll. palmist and trance medium; satisfaction guaranteed. 228Va Wash., st. MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 325 Main. 25c Phone Main "(548. - Safe. FIREPROOF and Manganese steel bank safes at factory prices; secoud-hand safes at iow priCes. We are inanuiactLirer, not dealers. The Mosler Safe Co., 108 d st. DIRBOLD manganese safes large lines car ried. Lock-ou ls opened. Jacks, Jails, metai furnliure. Honest prices and goods. Hotm pnones. J. Id. Davie, tttf 3d. feliow case, 11a ok and Store Fixtures THE James L Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, cablneLs. store and oftiee fixtures. 28 V Couch st. Pacitic 218L R H. B1RDSALL, designer; aent M. YVinic Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6530l THE Lutka Manufacturing .Co., or. Xa aat Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Sign Paint in g. FOSTER & K.LE1SER SIGNS. The largc&t sign-makers in the Northwest. 6th and Everett sts. Phona Private Ex change 65. Home A 1155. SIGNS "That Attracu" Portland. Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pao. 169C Stocks and Bond.. TREASURER stock, 35c share; par value $L Ore. Diamond Coal Co.. Worcester bldg. Btoraxe and Transfer. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Flrst-class fireproof storehouse; prompt and careful attention given to all classes transferring. Office 2ow Oak. Pbon Mala 647, A 2247. Pacific 1061. C. O. PICK, office 88 1st, bet. Stark and Oak. phone 616. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodious brlc. warenouse, with tparat uea rooms. From - and Clay sts. THU finest storage wareroom in the city. Most centrally located. City Transfer A Storage Co.. 103 Front su ' Main 63 or A 1102. Street Pa vine;. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, sidewalks and croeaings. 314 Lumber Exco. 1HB BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. at Portland office, 4U2-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes repaired, sold, and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange.. 84 3d at. Main 606. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re paireou ioasc Agency, ui star, raoi iter Tinners and boofers. BANGS & JOHNSON All kinds of cornice and blow-pipe work. East 5003. 408 East Clay. BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR, J. FRANK WATSON PreIflit R. L. DURHAM Vlce-PrestdB R. W. IIOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier & E CATCHING 2d Assistant Caahl TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issuedV armD able In all parts of the world. Collections sseclaltar. FIRST NATIONAL BANK," Portland. Or. .'CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. SI.BOO.WW.Wl Deposits. $14,000,000.00. Oldest National Bank on th Pacific Coast. A. L. MILLS President J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier W. o. ALVOTtD Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVEN3......,gd Assistant Cahlr THBS BANK OF CALIFORNIA Establlshed In 1864.1 HEAD OFICE. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL PRESIDENT HOMER 9. Gen. Mgr. of Branches.. W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up S4.0no.0oa Eurplus and undivided profits. .. .$10.15.S7 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available la all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of (10 and no ward. H'M. A. M ACHATS Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager W. M. Ladd C. E. Lad d J. W. Ladd . . LADD TILT ON. Bankers. PORTLAND. OREGON. Established 1SK9 Transact a General BnnVlna Basin. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Bavin Pnokp Issued on Ravin era Deposits Interest Paid . on Tim Deposits,