Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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and Industrial corporations do not war
rant it the alternative -will be to shut
down.' '.
"iibor.has been "at a premium for the
last four years, . and it has also been
less efficient than ever before. Earnings
are falling off and employes will recieve
a lower wage. This they should do with
out protest, as they have the precedent I
Japanese Anxious for Evans'
, Fleet to Come.
that when earnings were improved their
wages were advanced."
Mr. Underwood added that the drop
in the cost of living gives the wage
earner under a. reduced scale of wages,
the same purchasing power he had in
the past.
Heads of Government at Toklo Ki
press High Regard for Ameri
can Admiral and Country
Which He Represents.
TOKIO, Dec. 13. Tlje following in
terviews have been granted exclusively
to the Associated Press:
"Japan will heartily welcome the
American fleet of battleships to the Pa,
clflc and to the ports of this Country
If it be decided to. extend the trip in
this direction. The fact that the fleet
Is sailing; toward the Pacific creates no
excitement here, and as-1 have said be
fore to the Associated Press. Japan
views in the friendliest manner any
action America within the scope of its
wisdom, sees fit to take in the disposi
tion of its naval' force.- because the
Japanese people have absolute confi
dence in the friendly attitude of the
statesman and great mass of the Amer
ican people, j)
"Wo hope that the fleet may have a
successful arrd safe voyage and Amer
icans everywhere may rest assured
that should the fleet decide to visit the
l'"ar East, af no place will it receive a
lionrtier welcome than In Japan."
Foreiprn Minister Hayashi, in giving
the above statement this morning
voiced the sentiment of the whole Jap
anese people. The news of the actual
sailing of the fleet only reached Japan
yesterday and this morning it filtered
out through the vernacular and foreign
press, accompanied by a description of
the scenes of the ships.
The former Premier, Marquis Katsura,
one of the most prominent and active
politician in Japan, and who wields im
mense influence in the present Cabinet,
"The' dispatch of the American fleet
gives ma no cause for surprise. Our
whole people feel the same way, that the
American fleet has been sent to the Pa
cific, where American' Interests demand
the presence of a navy sufficiently ade
quate for the protection of those Inter
ested. "Possibly the dispatch of the fleet is
Intended as a -move toward naval exten
ion, or it may have something to do
aith -international politics.' ;i certainly
entertain, no fear that it 'is directed
against Japan, but rather for the pur
pose of. strengthening, .the. .Republican
party. In the coming election." '
Togo Expresses Friendship-
Admiral Cou'nt 'Togo said:
'"I am very glad the fleet has started
for the Pacific. If I am correctly In
formed, it. is due on this side In April
or May next. If it t should ultimately
touch on our shores we will greet them
is friends and give them the warmest
reception. We entertain nothing but
the kindliest feelings toward American
Bailors. "
Prince Ito, Resident-General pf Corea,
"America has always been a helpful
friend to Japan, and the Japanese are
tknch admirers of President Roosevelt.
We have never had any other idea than
that It was quite within the rights of
America to dispatch a fleet where It was
aesired, and it will be especially wel
comed should It come to Japan. I. have
always maintained that talk of war be
tween Japan and America Is unspeak
able and unthinkable.
Okuma to .Send Greetings.
Count Okuma, the leader of the Tro
ITessive party of Japan, eaid:
"I sincerely hope the American fleet
will have a safe voyage. I will gladly
send it my greetings when it arrives on
the Pacific. The coming of an American
fleet will tend to forward the civilization
of- the world and increase the friendliness
of our two nations.
Privy Councillor Viscount Kaneko said:
"The dispatch of the fleet I regard only
as the natural outcome in the course of
things, such as exist in the United States.
Early in 1S92 when I saw ex-President
Cleveland at Gray Gables I ventured to
point out to h!m what is now occurring.
I then said that the Atlantic side of the
United States had realized such condi
tions of development, that left little for
further exploitation, while the Pacific was
extending an Immense field for commer
cial Interest and that eventually Ameri
can energy must bo directed-towards that
goal. Iet mo call your attention to the
fact that the Bulwer-Clayton treaty was
drawn simply in consideration of Amer
ican development on the Pacific side."
Saito Knows Evans.
The Minister' of the Navy, Admiral
Baito, said:
"I know Admiral Evans well. He is a
delightful gentleman, and splendid sailor,
and I sincerely hope that he will bring
his ships on this side and give us a
chance to show our appreciation of his
good qualities."
The leading newspapers, HochI and
Asahi, express much the same sentiments
and join in the wish that the fleet will
visit Japanese waters.
Baron Shibusava, one of the most
prominent business men in Japan, who is
regarded as the Prince Ito of commerce,
laid : - s-s . ' . ;
"Judging by the personal character of
President Roosevelt as a statesman who
alms at the healthy' development of his
nation, having tho courage to stand
against an unwholesome aggregation of
health; also Judging by personal con
versations with Secretary Taft, while
here. I cannot imagine that the dispatch
of the fleet has any aggressive design."
Farewell Dinner to Aoki.
WASHINGTON, t)ec. 19. A farewell
reception was given' -by President
Roosevelt and Mrs, Roqsevelt,- at the
White House to Ambassador and Vis
rountess Aokl of Japan. Secretary and
Mrs. Root also were guests.
Underwood Quotes Law of Supply
and Demand. -
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Frederick B.
' Underwood, president of the Erie Rail
road, declared yesterday that Samuel
Gompers,. head of the American Feder
ation of Labor, was. reckoning without
his host ' when he said, as quoted, that
the wages of organized labor "would
not have to come down along w'ith the
prfces of raw 'materials in the present
general business and , financial depres
sion." - - .
. "The ' Inexorable. . of supply and
demand, which is' the basis of political
economy,"- said Mr,- Underwood, "will
make Heelf felt in the case .of organized
labor as well, as all nther- branches of
business, Mr. Gompers notwithstanding.
In case an" attempt Is made to hold up
the present abnormally high price of
laJmr. when the earnings ex we railroads
Low-Grade Mines Forced to Close.
DENVER, Dec. 19. Mining condlr
tions, in so far as they relate to the
low-grade properties from which are
taken the baser metals, are in a most
unsatisfactory condition.
. At the present prices of silver, cop
per, lead and zinc it is. said the mines
that have been operated on , a slight
margin of profit - are -'losing money, and
the managements have; been cbmpelled
to close in Leadville, Cripple . Creek;
Aspen, Silverton and other camps:
Nearly' 2000 miners, it is said, have
been thrown' out, of employment in this
state.- - ' . . ' - ,
Jfev Miners' Secretary Elected.
DENVER, Dec: 19. James R. Kirwan,
who had been acting secretary-treasurer
of the Western Federation of
Miners, tendered his resignation today,
to take effect at once, and Ernest Mills,
a member of the executive board from
British Columbia, assumed the duties
of thai office. Mr. Kirwan retires on
account of ill health. .
Acting- President C. E. Mahoney left
Denver for Goldfield ..tonight to person
ally look into the troubles there.
Railway Men Get Cash Fay.
BUTTE, Mont., Dec. 19. A special from
Missoula to the Miner says: .Tomorrow
will be the Northern Pacific pay day. and
It was announced that the employes would
be paid in cash instead of scrip, as was
the case last month.' The Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen; served notice on the
management some time ago that no more
scrip would be accepted.
PRIATES $1,000,000.
Instructs Delegates to Washington
' on Desired Concessions on Tariff
and Shipping Laws.
MANILA, Dec. 20. The first bill passed
the Philippine Assembly today. It appro
priates $1,000,000 for the construction of
schools' throughout the provinces. The
bill was passed unanimously. ;
The Assembly haa without a dissenting
speech or vote instructed the delegates
who are about to proceed to Washington
on five principal heads. The instructions
are practically all directed against the
tariff laws and the coastwise shipping
laws. .They ask. for the repeal of the
shipping laws "on the. ground, -that,, they
destroy the chances for .'.Increased trans
portation, even If .tariff reform Is
It is also asked that there he given
free entry; to the States- 400,000 -. tons of
sugar, 300,000 pounds of wrapper" tobacco
and 300,000 pounds of filler, an unlimited
amount of manufactured tobacco, Philip
pine hats, woven goods and manufactured
hemp. In return for this privilege, the
Philippines will admit free of duty agri
cultural machinery and maintain other
tariffs of the existing laws.
The power to conclude commercial trea
ties is dependent on the repeal of the
Frye shipping law, .. .
Uncle Sam's Chart Shows . 2600 in
Philippine Archipelago.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19. (Special.)
Uncle Sam Is richer by 1400 islands than
he thought he was. When the United
States purchased the Philippines, the
charts showed 1200 islands in the archl-.
pelago. The charts used in making the
treaty were known to be far from per
fect, but It was thought they were suf
ficiently accurate for all purposes of the
treaty. ' ".
- Accurate maps -were brought to San
Francisco today from the Islands, which
show that In the group are 2600 Islands.
Many of them Rre small, hut they are
islands nevertheless.
Refuse to Testify ' Against1" Youtsey
In Powers Case.
. GEORGETOWN, Ky., Dec. 19. The
Powers trial took a decidedly sensational
turn, today, when the defense In an ef
fort t break down the direct testimony
of Henry Youtsey, an accomplice in the
Goebel murder, who was brought from
the state prison today to testify, intro
duced two fellow-convicts from the state
prison named William Mulllns and Floyd
Helton to contradict Youtsey and show
that he had said to them in prison- that
Powers was as innocent as an unborn
babe, and that he himself had fired the
shot that killed Goebel; that Powers and
Howard had nothing to do with it, and
that he was forced to testify against them
to save his own life. When put on the
stand both Mulllns and Helton declined
to answer questions asked them, and the
Judge was powerless to compel them.
Helton refused to open his lips, even
when the Judge interrogated him.
Eli Collins, the recently released con
vict, took the stand and declared that
Youtsey had asserted the Innocence of
Powers and Howard.
Grant L. Roberts, formerly postmaster
at Frankfort, who at the time of the
tragedy ts a clerk in the State Auditor's
office, testified today that a rifle myste
riously disappeared from a vault where
he had placed It before the shooting.
Witness saw Youtsey with the weapon 15
minutes after the shooting, when the rifle
was returned to the vault.
Northwestern People In Xew York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 19. (Special.) North
weHtern people registered at New York
hotels today as follows:
From Seattle G. A. Shanlon. at the Im
perial: B. R.' Morrill, at the GIlsey; .R.
Hopkins, at the Wolcotft
From Newberg, Or. W. T. Kelsy, at
the Park Avenue. .
Schilling's Best vith
a star) means goodj
(two-star) better
(three-star) f i'n e
four-star finer -
(five-star) finest
Your rrocer returns your aioney if you don't
like it: we pay him.
Silverware, Gut Glass, Hand
i , . .... ' '
Painted China, Art Novel
ties, Etc., Etc.
.Purses Leather Bag3,
Toilet SetaClocks,
Combs - Brie a brae,
Opera GlassesLamps,
Jewel Boxes Brasses,
Handkerchief Boxes
Brushes and Vases.
A complete line of Toilet
and Manicure Sets-from
the cheapest that's good
to the best that's made
Holmes & Edwards
Makes an ideal gift.
Bath, Lounging Robes and
Smoking Coats
Are sure to win favor with
menfolk. We offer a very
choice line of these goods at
unusually moderate prices.
If you are undecided what
to give your husband, broth
er, father or sweetheart,
come in and look these gar
ments over it - is no
trouble for us to show them.
If Christmas shopping
has made cruel inroads on
your purse, why not avail
yourself of our easy-payment
plan buy what you
want NOW, pay later as
suits your convenience.
Give Sensible Gifts
Things that will perpetuate the giver's memory and bring joy to
the one to whom gift is made. Our store is full of sensible gifts.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Rings
Bracelets, Earrings
Brooches, Necklaces
Hat and Scarf Pins
Always Appropriate:
make ideal gifts.
And hundreds of
other beautiful
and useful arti
cles suitable for
at prices that
will please you.
Chains, Cuff Buttons
Shaving Sets, and
many other things.
Always Appropriate:
makes an ideal gift.
Something Here for Mr. Man
Fancy Vests Neckties
Shirts Collars Cuffs
Gloves Underwear
Handkerchiefs ' Hosiery
Garters Overcoats
Mufflers Sweaters
Hats Umbrellas
Suspenders Shoes
and a number of things in
Jewelry and Novelty line.
Women's Furnishings, Suits
Coats, Hats, Underwear,
Millinery, Etc., Etc.
Furs Fans Handerchiefs
Corsets Hosiery Shoes
Lounging Robes Sweaters
Fancy Scarfs Fancy Waists
Cravenettes Belts snv "Pet
ticoats Skirts Feather Boas
Gifts for'sweet
heart, mother, sis
ter, wife or friend
Cash or Credit.
Special Low Prices on Boys'
and Girls' Suits and Coats
For Christmas
Boys' Suits, from 5 to 14 years
Mrs. Jane Hopkins' brand cut
and styled in the newest fashion;
suits of remarkable durability,
worth np qQ
to $5.00.... JpO.OU
Girls' Dresses $2.50 to $6
Girls' Coats $3 to $15.00
A Fiber School Case
11x14 inches, 3 1-2
inches deep, brass lock, leather
handle, brass-riveted corners, free
with every Child's Suit or Coat.
IT IS "O. K."
Russian Army to Resume Wearing
Former Uniforms.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. . The name,
day of Emperor -Nicholas, which was
celebrated with the usual ceremonies at
Tsarskoe-Selo today, has been signalized
by an order restoring to the Russian
army, the picturesque uniform worn in
tho reign of Alexander II. This order
will transform 35 out of the -65 soberly
clad dragoon regiments into hussars and
uhlans, whose brilliant and showy garb
is expected to popularize the service in
the eyes of recording to the phraseology
of the order, because during a long period
of" peace the uniform must be brilliant
and beautiful. All the Russian Grand
Dukes retume4 from abroad for the cele
bration of the Emperor's name day. The
Empress was unable to take part in
the festivities on account of illness. The
list at the named day honors fills 65
columns in the Official Gazette, but even
so, it is barely half as long this year
as It was In 1906. General Kaulbars whose"
administration of Odessa has been much
criticized, is given the Alexander Nevsky
order, set in diamonds.
out . lead when commanded hands up, and
about three episodes of that -nature will
clean highwaymen out of Portland or any
other city or village, for a considerable
time. The hold-up man, burglar and com
mon, thug, is a murderer when opportunity
Ieatl Fills for Holdup Men.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 16. To the
Editor.) The communication in a recent
issue of The Oreffonlan. signed Geo. I.
Brooks, and entitled "Advice to Mayor
Lane" Is common sense boiled down. I,et
good, trusty officers in plain clothes hand
SHAPE-KEEPING is important in a
shoe; there's no satisfaction in getting
a good-looking shoe on your foot, and then
have it go out of shape in a month's wear.
Selz Royal Blue shoes are kept on the
last in the factory, from the start to finish;
they "season" on the last. Many makers
of shoes pull out the lasts long before the
shoe gets to the finishing room. Such
shoes quickly go to the bad in shape.
You'll find this a feature of Selz shoes; .
it doesn't cost you any more, and it does
pay. Selz Royal Blue, $3.50, $4, $5,
If it's Shoes it's . Rosenthal's
presents itself, and he Bhould be hunted,
trapped and exterminated without any
squeamlshness or compromise on the part
of the public authorities. There have been
numerous Instances of localities In the Bast
where tramps have terrorized a farming
community until a dose of buckshot met
some Insolent "varmint" and it was after
ward noticed that for two or three years
professional tramps coo Id not be found
within 15 miles o the "accident." .
P. P.
Latin, Greek or Chinook ?
Inscription Found on Tablet Recently Excavated on Council Crest
Every competitor bringing a correct translation of the above mys
terious relic of antiquity to any of the following addresses on any day
before 9 P. M. of December 22d, will receive a Cristmas Gift :
92 Third Street 116 Third Street 85 Sixth Street
Oriental Art Goods
The best place to buy your Christmas presents. "We just imported the most
beautiful and largest assortment of this line ever seen in the stores of Port
land, consisting of finest Satsuma Tea Sets, brass Jardinieres, bronze Vases,
Satsuma and silver Buckles, carved Chairs, Cabinets, Settees, Desks, Tables,
Ladies' Tea Gowns, Jackets, Kimonos, embroidered Screens, all kinds em
broidered centerpieces, etc. Public are cordially invited to attend our auction
sale. Private Sale between Auction hours. .
2:30 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY
131 Fifth Street (Two stores) 287 Morrison Street