Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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District Attorney Investigates
Connection of Prominent
Men With the Bank.
If. Evidence Is Sufficient, Indict
ments Be Returned Again&t
Officials and Others Connect- '
ed With Defunct Concern.
W. M. I.add. M. P. Rankin.
J. Thorbuin Ross. ' T. T. Buikhart.
(.iur; H. Kill. " .lohn F. Shields.
George A. Steel. J. W. Cook.
J. F. Altchlion.
These are the men whose connection
with the affairs of the Title Guarantee
& Trust Company has for weeks past
been under the closest investigation
at the hands, of District Attorney John
Manning and his expert accountant,
Ueorge Black.
There was a persistent rumor abroad
yesterday that District Attorney John
Manning was delving into the connec
tion these men have had with the bank,
with the view of indicting them, if the
evidence warrants, just as soon as the
January term of the Circuit Court is
open. Kvcry act of the officers of the
bank and those who have had dealings
with the institution is being closely ex
amined into' by District Attorney Man
ning. While Mr. Manning was about ready
to take action, and would have done so
Verhaps before this, but for Judge Cle
land's decision that the District Attorney
could not sit as a grand Jury until the
January term of court, which does not
begin until January 6. he Is satished
to wait until" that date. That Indict
ments would have been brought against
some, if not all of the men named In the
list before this, is evident. The delay
will not cause any change in Mr. Man
ning's plans. Instead it has given him
more time in which to dig deeper into
the business methods resorted to by those
connected with the Inside workings ot
the bank, and those on the outside who
were directly benefited.
District Attorney Manning and the le
gal talent that he has called to assist
him in the Title Company investigation
hold dally conferences, and as Kxpert
Black reports the Jindlng of some new
evidence of fraud and flagrant misuse
of the people's money, the matter is fully
discussed. For two days past Deputy
District Attorney Bert Haney and Mr.
Manning have been devoting their en
ergies Into getting at the bottom of the
"Hawkeye" deal. Just what glaring
deals they have discovered in the con
nection with this subsidiary concern, they
will not divulge, but they both admit
that this deal was perhaps one of the
most flagrant put Into operation by the
bank officials. Mr. Manning declared
yesterday that between now and the be
ginning of the new term of court he
would not conduct his Investigations as
a grand Jury, but merely as District At
torney. He would not give the names
of the men under suspicion, or of those
who may be indicted, but he did say that
when the time came for him to act he
would do so, no matter what business
standing the men facing Indictment hold.
clinlng to accept some of the bids by the
advice of Treasurer Werleln, but the lat
ter explained that he did not intend to
influence the committee by what he said
at the committee meeting.
As a matter of fact, the committee
members refufeed certain bids of premium
and accrued interest because they" thought
the Water Board was in with a bid for
$35,000 worth of the issue. In this they
were mistaken, but it is understood that
the Board will bid next time.
No action was taken by. the Council toe
cause it was declared that, should a mo
tion carry to instruct the ways and means
committee to sell the bonds, no premium
bids would be received. The committee
will therefore be independent when the
next bids are opened.
Vetoes Lampblack Ordinance.
T.ana llQC Ttnd the SO'CallCd
lampblack ordinance, so designated be
cause it specifies the use of that material
for coloring cement sidewalks. In a
rt u ritv fniincil. read at the
UTTOagC i - -1 - - -- '
session yesterday afternoon, he stated
that his veto was because oi a cicncu
error. The veto was . unanimously sustained.-
The ordinance will be rewritten
and submitted at a future session of the
George Hamlin, Tenor,
in Concert
Thee I Bear so Dear a Part"
(Haydn "Phyllis Has Such Charm
ing Graces" (Young) -, "The Trumpet's-Loud
Clangor" (Handel); "Im"
Abendroth"' (Schubert); "Linden
laub" (Old German) ; "Auftraege"
and, Provencalisches" (Schumann) ;
i.e Rol D'Ys" (Lalo); "Botschaft"
(Brahms); "Im Kahne" (Grieg);
Helmllche Aultorderung-1 (Strauss);
"Hail. Bounteous May" .(Brans
combe); "Day Is Gone" .'(Lang);
"The Crying of Water" (Campbell
Tipton); "Marriage Morning" (Sul
livan); "My Ships That Went a-Sail-ing"
and "To My First Love"
(Loehr); "Night" (Landon-Ronald ) ;
and "The Year's at the Spring" .
(Beach). '
Bradley, Murderer of Police
man Gittings, Escapes. .
No Xew Facts Developed, and Ver
dict Is in Stereotyped Form.
ritirul Condition of Mur
dered Man's Wife. "
The police have been unable to find any
trace of Melville G. Bradley, who shot
and killed Policeman John W. " Gittings
Wednesday night. One or two false ru
mors arose during the day, one of them
that Bradley was seen on the West Side
and another that he had committed sui
cide and had been found in the river; but
as a matter of fact no real clew seems to
have been found, or even one that would
afford a reasonable working: basis leading
to the discovery of Bradley's whereabouts
or the direction of his flight.
The Inquest held by Coroner Finley at
2:30 P. M. brought out no facts other than
those known on the night of the rourder
and already related, and the Jury's finding
being- that Gittings had come to his death
from the effects of a wound in the breast
caused by a revolver fired by Bradley.
While no direct evidence has been pro
duced to show that Bradley had actually,
.threatened Gittings' life either on the day
of the killing or any time prior thereto.
Council Will Not Consider Ordi
nance Until Next Month.
Airbrakes for . Portland trolleycars
will not be discussed further by the
City Council until its first meeting in
February, this having; -en decided at
Its special session yesterday after
noon. Councilman Cellars made a mo
tion to table the proposed .ordinance
that was under consideration, and' the
matter thus -went over until next year.
A majority report and two minority
reports were made by the street com
mittee, the members of the committee
being unable to agree upon details,
although they believed the cars bhoulci
be equipped with airbrakes. No action
was taken on either report.
Oskar Huber. constructing engineer for
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company, spoke and assured the members
of the Council that the company is put
ting on air brakes now as fast as new
cars are received, a special- force of
workmen being engaged for this purpose
alone. He said that his company is doing
all in its power to equip its cars with air
brakes, and that It will demonstrate, in a
reasonable time, that no ordinance Is re
quired. Members of the Council, however, wish
to have every car on the city's streets
equipped with air brakes, but Mr. Huber
declared that to attempt to force the com
pany to do this would be outrageous, as
many of them are small, and, he stated,
will be put out of commission soon.
Ways and Means Committee Asked
,to Explain Action. v
An animated discussion enlivened the
special seesinn of the City Council yester
day afternoon, when a report of the ways
and mean;' committee on the matter of
the sale of certain improvement bonds
Cfime up. Evidently more because Of a
misunderstanding of the facts than any
thing else, some of the- Cour.cilnien spoke
harshly of the action of the committee in
fulling to dispose of the entire is3ue of
JMO.OOO. Only a portion of the issue was
disposed of at last Tuesday's sale because
it was thought that insufficient premium
was offered.
"I move that the ways and means com
mittee be instructed to sell those bonds at
their next meeting." said Councilman Ba
ker. "They have been fussing around al
together too long, and it is time this mat
ter was settled and the contractors paid."
Councilman Annand seconded Mr. Ba
ker's motion, and when the latter wished
to withdraw it later, in view of an ex
planation made by Councilman Rushlight.
Annand refused to give his consent.
"I think the ways and means commit
tee has had the matter of those bonds In
Ity hands long enough." said Mr. Annand.
"and I think something should be done
now to get the ifsue sold." ,
"The discussion is out of order." ex
plained Councilman Rushlight, "because
the section of the charter providing for
the sale of bonds gives the ways and
means 'committee authority to sell or to
reject, as the members see fit, and it is
not a matter for the Council as a whole
to act upon, except to adopt the report.
We felt that in rejecting some of the bids
offered we were conserving the lntere-jrs
of the city, as it was said by City Treas
urer Werlein and others that the bonds
were worth more than par nnd that we
should get a premium of at least 1 per
Councilman Cottel said that the com
mittee was In large part influenced in de-
POR lo! these many moons. Portland
has sighed for a tenor. Not a high
baritone, but a real, lyric tenor with, a
voice of melting sweetness yet with such
volume that lie can take a ringing B flat
above the staff and not cough. A voice
with honest declamation in it, ' of suffi
cient strength to insure respect.
People crowded the Heilig Theater last
night and heard such a rara avis tenor,
George Hamlin, tenore primo, of Chicago,
and an American at that. To say that
he pleased the audience is to state the
fact mildly they raved over him and
some women applauded so much that
they damaged their kid gloves. At last.
Misses Steers and Coman, impresari,
have brought a singer to Portland in the
person of George Hamlin who has the
good fortune to be a No. 1 musical
' Now. I "know that some people and
may their memory be blessed are never
happy except when they are trying to
knock professional artists who are in the
top-liner class, and it may be that Mr.
Hamlin did not please them. It may be
also- that some of these critic-singers
delude themselves by thinking that they
can sing better than Mr. Hamlin, but I
doubt it. I cannot find any flaw in him,
except that he was just occasionally a
trifle hoarse when he came to an "upper
thin" or head-register passage. The
hoarseness was undoubtedly occasioned
by the weather and by the constant use
of his voice in the long concert tour just
completed for Mr.- Hamlin leaves this
morning to spend his Christmas holidays
at his home in Chicago.
Technically, it was a real voice lesson
to hear Mr. Hamlin sing. He is not a
grand opera tenor, but can you think of
a beautiful, liquid, natural voice, even-as-a-rock
In tone delivery, and marked by
fine sentiment? That is Hamlin, and he
Is as good as any going in concert or
oratorio. It is easy to believe that he
made quite a sensation in critical Ger
many. Iast night, he announced from
the stage with one exception the. titles
of all his encores an innovation which
was both pleasing and convenient. His
encores: "Across the Hill" (Rummell);
"Roses in the Garden" (O'Neill): the
drinking song from Mascagni's "Caval
leria Rusticana," and a die-away-love-song
to "Mary."
Hamlin's compass extends to high C in
altlssimo but his music last night only'
called for high B flats and he sang these
with fine, sparkling- volume. Only two
of his songs are hackneyed here, "To" My
First I-ove" and- "The Years afthe
Spring." bul. that Is a small matter.
"Hail, Beauteous May" is composed
by Miss Gena Branseombe, of Chicago,
now a member nf the faculty of Whitman
College, Walla Walla. Wash., and for this
number she proved to be an artistic ac
companiste. The song is one of striking:
Mrv Hamlin's own accompanist was
Krtwiri Schneider, of Chicago, who played
with unusual sympathy and skill.
National Automatic Fire Alarm
Company Applies to the Council.
The. National Automatic Fire Alarm
Company is seeking an ordinance of 23
years' duration from the city, and Coun
cilman Bennett introduced the measure
Into the assembly yesterday afternoon.
The principal benefit accruing to the mu
nicipality, so far as disclosed, is from
the boxes now installed-by the concern
and from those to be put in.
The company now has a system in
Portland, but by the terms of its fran
chise, if passed, becomes possessed of au
thority to make extensions and improve
ments, connecting its wires with the city
fire-alarm system, and to- install its apa
ratus along with the city's at the City
Hall, where the alarm system Is estab
lished with operators.
According to the provisions of the pro
posed ordinance, the company must put
its wires under ground. Even should it
proceed to string them along poles be
fore the city passes its proposed measure
for the projected system of conduits, it
must agree to comply with the city's
conduit plans at any time.
At GUI's at prices to fit any purse, em
bracing such articles as will please any
one. Let us help you make the selec
I f - j 1
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Melville G.' Bradley, Slayer of Po
liceman Gittinga. Who Is Still at
- Large.
How to Make Splendid Remedy for
Kidneys, Bladder and
"The people here do not drink
enough water ' to keep healthy," ex
claimed a well-known authority. "The
numerous cases of stomach trouble,
kidney and bladder diseases and rheu
matism are mainly due to the fact that
the drinking- of water, nature's great
est medicine, has been negiected.
Stop loadine your system with patent
medicines and cure-alls; but get on the
water wagon. If you are really sick,
why, of course, take the proper medi
cines plain common vegetable treat
ment, which will not shatter the nerves
or ruin the stomach."
When requested for such a prescrip
tion for the cure of rheumatism and
kidney trouble the answer was: "You
must make the kidneys do their work;
they are the filters of the blood. They
must be made to strain out of the blood
the waste 'matter and acids that cause
rheumatism; the urine must be neu
tralized so it will no longer be a source
of irritation to the bladder, and. most
of all, you must keep these acids from
forming in the stomach. This is the
cause of stomach trouble and poor di-.
gestton. For these conditions I would
suggest the following prescription:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon. one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking well in bottle
and take in teaspoonful doses after
each meal and at bedtime, but don't
forget-the water. Drink plenty and
This valuable information and sim
ple prescription should be posted up in
each household and used at the first
sign of an attack of rheumatism, back
ache or -orinary trouble, no? matter how
$269,664,022.65, an excess of J20,561,2S4'over
the preceding year. .
The receipts for the first three months
of the current year show an increase
In collections of $2,872,037, and it Is esti
mated that the total receipts for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1908, will aggregate
During the past fiscal year there was
collected on distilled spirits. $149,749,338;
on fermented liquors, $58,546,110; on
"tdbacco, $51,811,019.
AVant $3 7 34 for Right of Way.
The answer of Daniel E. Talbot and
Grace B. Talbot, defendants In the suit
brought against them in the Circuit
Court by the Mount Hood Railway
Company, inlthe effort of the corpora
tion to secure a right of way through
the property of the defendants on the
Powell Valley Road, states that the
railway company should be compelled
to pay $3734 for the land: approximate,
ly three acres. The land is said to be
worth 300 an acre, or $984, .and the
balance of $2750 which the corporation
Is asked to pay. Is because the remain
ing land would be cut into undesirable
tracts, and because the defendants
would be obliged to put up and main
tain fences and gates.
there is plenty of evidence to show' that
there was very bad feeling existing be
tween the two men; that Gittings was
friendly with Mrs. Bradley; that Gittings
was friendly to and in sympathy with the
members of Mrs. Bradley family, who
were on bad terms with Bradley on account-
of the varioiis family rows which
upset the Bradley household, and that
Bradley ha'ted Gittings sufficiently to ac
count for his turning his fire on him after
he had missed his brother-in-law, Sive-
ner. even though Gittings had made no
move of a threatening character or offered
to shoot at Bradley first.
No arrangements- have been made for
Gittings' funeral as yet. although it is
supposed that it will be. held on Saturday.
A subscription was taken up yesterday by
the members of the police force for the
purpose of providing a handsome floral
piece for Gittings' funeral. As many of
his brother policemen as can will attend
the funeral ceremonies.
Ono pitiful picture presented by this ter
rible affair is the condition in which the
poor wife of the murdered man has befcn
left. Mrs. Gittings Is in a delicate condi
tion. Facing this trying condition she has
been left absolutely penniless and has
three very small children to take care of.
Gittings was supposed to own the houpe
and lot. 71 Humboldt street, where -he
lived, but according to Mrs. Gittings he
was buying the home on the Installment
plan, had made only a few small pay
ments and that when settlement is made
her equity In the property will be nothing.
Bradley Had His Wire Arrested at
Town of Banks.
FOREST GROVE,. Or., Dec. 19. (Spe
cial.) M. G. Bradley and wife were not
resident's of Forest Grove, but still some
thing was known of their record. About
the first of last September Bradley went
to Hillsobro on the evening train from
Portland and called upon Deputy Sheriff
Kane to serve some papers in divorce pro
ceedings he had commenced against his
wife. She was supposed to be in Forest
Grove,- and the deputy and Bradley came
up here. In their investigation they
found that the woman was- not, here, but
was with a man at Banks, west of here.
Bradler then decided to drop the divorce
proceedings and proceed, criminally
against his wife and her paramour. War
rants were sworn out and Deputy Kane
and Bradley proceeded the same night to
Banks, where they found Mrs. Bradley
in company, with W. -F. Amos. They were
placed under arrest and the officer was
getting ready to start to Hillsboro with
them when Bradley became wildly excited
and wanted to kill his wife and Amos, and
even the officer. He became w uncon
trollable that the deputy ; Anally hand
cuffed him with his hands, around a pole
and kept him there" until ready to start
when he took him in the buggy .where
ho could control him.
Mrs. Bradley and Amos were tried on
the charge of. criminal liaison and the
woman was sentenced to three months in
Jail and the man to six months in the
penitentiary. After the trial Mrs. Brad
ley telephoned to Policeman Gittings ask
ing him to go to Hillsboro, as she wan in
trouble. He went and in company with
the Deputy Sheriff went before Judge Mc
Bride and Interceded for the woman. Git
tings told the court what he knew of the
life of Mrs. Bradley, how she was beaten
and starved at home, and that he and oth
ers had Interfered to protect her from
her husband and to provide for the needs
of herself and children. She was known
to be in a delicate condition, and the
judge paroled her and especially request
ed Policeman Gittings to watch after her
on behalf of the court , ,
After leaving court Gittings paid to
Deputy Kane: "That fellow (Bradley) will
kill me because I have been good to his
wife and family."
Bradley also said in the presence of the
deputy that he would kill Gittings for in
terfering In his affairs.
. Internal Revenue Increases.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The annual
report of commissioner Capers of . the
International Revenue Bureau shows
that for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1007, the receipts of this bureau were
Wisconsin Land - Fraud Trials
" Transferred West.
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 19. J. T. Barber
and Summer G. Moon, the millionaire
lumbermen of Eau Claire, Wis., indicted
with Senator Borah for alleged conspir
acy In land frauds, may be taken to
Idaho for trial.
Judge Quarles, In announcing his de
cision in the United States Court today,
"Under all the circumstances, I feel
constraine'd in this summary proceeding.
Involving only the question of probable
cause to hold that the indictment is suf
ficient to warrant the removal of the de
fendants to the court ot original juris
diction where the questions of proceeding
may receive lair and deliberate consideration."
Barber and Moon will bring witnesses
rrom loano to attempt to show there was
no contiguous conspiracy.
Chicago. The Illinois Supreme Court has
aeciara unconstitutional the law forbid
ding speculation In theater tickets.
Chicago. A compromise has been ar
ranged in the controversy about the reor
ganization of the Union Traction Company.
Helena. Mont. John Patrick Carroll,
bishop of the Catholic diocese of Helena.
i nursaay oraained nicnael Plrnat, of Ana
conda, as a priest.
New York. The firat train was run im
der the Hudson River through the McAdoo
tunnel Tuesday. It la expected that the
tunnel 'will be open to the public late in
"hicago. The brides who were to have
gone to the Pacific Coast on the proposed
Honeymoon special backed out because they
were afraid of being photographed at every
stopping place.
Gayaqull: Ecuador. The Colombian au
thorities have crrested near tho frontier the
Ecuadorian general. , Nlchanor Arrellano.
who Is accused of organizing bands to ln-
vaae :cuaaor.
St. Petersburg. The Czar will celebrate
St. Nicholas' day by raising- salaries of all
army officers, particularly of lower rank.
They are notoriously underpaid and many
have sought to enlist In the American army.
Cleveland, O. The total loss ' to (vessel
property on the Great Lakes amounted to
$743,000 for the season of 1007. Thirteen
steamers and one -schooner were lost. In
1!KM 44 vessels, valued at $1,029,000, were
Chicago. Richard T. Crane, sr., nas given
to the Chicago Relief & Aid Society a nurs
ery building worth $G0,00O, which will ac
commodate 100 children. It win contain t
diet kitchen for the sick, have tent, hospi
tals and distribute pure milk-
New York. The International Paper Com
pany has 550 square miles of timber land
in New Brunswick, containing 350.000 acres
of spruce timber. Owing to the Increasing
price of spruce for pulp, it is predicted that
print paper will advance 20 per cent in price
in 11)08.
Bridgeport. Conn. Thomas McCann yes
terday deliberately set fire to 'the house In
which his wife lay bedridden. Their rlauirh
ter rescue her. Both -women were slightly
burned and nearly suffocated. McCann gave
himself up. saying that the house was his
and he had a right to burn It If be wanted
Negro Squires Guilty. ,
MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. 19. Squires, the
negro, who killed Robert Clam at Troy in
a brawl last July, was found guilty of
manslaughter, and will be sentenced after
Christmas. ...
Note display of fitted suit cases and
bags at Harris Trunk co.. 132 btn.
Dlalley & Neuherger
Phone Main 2394; free delivery.
All the leading brands of
Dewar's Scotch, Guckenheimer
Rye, Stanton's Rye, Gordon Gin,
Hnnter Rye, your
choice for, each. . .
I iiinwmil IIIMIIIWW'lllM)IHmWlr1Wlrfqi!iHii',w
Glove Orders
Have met the popular de
mand and are being bought
for presentation by those
desirous of showing a deli
.cate attention and making
the most acceptable present.
Glove and Umbrella Sale
To induce those few who do not know
Lennon's to visit our store during this holiday
season, we are placing on sale for Friday and
Saturday the following Great Glove and Um
brella Bargains.
Ladies Long Gloves
16-button length Pique Kid, in gray, red
and dark old rose; all sizes also 16-but
ton length Pique Cape, 5
to 6H. M.30 quality
16-button length Overseam Kid, in cham
pagne, -oxblood, navy, green and gray;
all sizes, 5 to 6 in black; "ie
$4.00 quality -.."PO
.Ladies' 2-clasp Real Kid Overseam
white and all colors, $1.60 qc
aualitv. nair
Special Bargains In Men's, Women's
and . Children's Fleece - lined and Wool
- Umbrella Bargains
Men's and Women's Guaran- aj en
teed Umbrellas. J2.25 value pl.OU
Men's and Women's Union Taffeta, tape
edge, best paragon frames, splendid
assortment of handles, $3.50 tfo OC
value p.AJ
Men's and Women's 26 and 28-inch Best
EngUsh Silk Gloria, regular t1) fiE
$5.30 value $A.OD
Women's 26-inch tape-edge tt AH
Taffeta, $6.e0 value $0.iO
Men's and Women's Guaranteed Silks, 26
and 28-inch, most beautiful line of han
dles snown in Portland, val
ues up to $10.00
Thousands of Imported Handles and the
best makes of Umbrellas in the world, -including
hand-carved ivories,. up to $60
FREE OF" CHARGE: Gloves nut up In holiday boxes
If desired. A sachet package free with every purchase
of gloves. '
If at all in doubt. It will pay you to investigate our
Glove Order, system. It reaches Portland, San Fran
cisco and Seattle.
$4.95 m
For Christmas and for New Year's of the Best, Neatest and Cleanest
116 Carloads Unloaded This Year
. y ,..
More than three-f oirrtha of all the furniture imported in the city. We will force the
entire stock. Guarantee price and quality, of parlor, dining-room, bedroom, den and
office furniture, carpets and draperies.
enry Jennings O Sons
Portland's Largest Farnitnre Store Cor. Second a"nd Morrison
J You haven't half looked into the piano question till
you have gotten the Reed-French proposition.
J A splendidly built Piano, made to withstand a damp
climate ; guaranteed for 20 years. Worth in any
man's country five hundred dollars.
I We want $280 for it and will give time payments.
Jf Open evenings till Christmas.
Every Woman
U IDMTMtM nu nouiu "'"V .
ft boot the wonderful
MARVEL hlrlinq Spray
TJ new Tiftjail lyrtar. njec
turn and Suction. ltt 8m.
tt Moet ionTemeni.
m m
Att tot Irmkl far It.
If be cannot tapply the
Athr. but Mnd lurnn ter
llliiatrmled book mU4. TtfllTM
f nil n&rtlenlri md 1tr rtinna In.
nlunble lo 1.1I?. Ml RVII, CO.,
For Hi by - ,
Laud-Davis Drue Co., atoraa, Woodard.
Clarka Co., and Skldmora Drue Co.