THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAX TELEPHONES. Counttnit-Room Main 7070 City Circulation Main 1O1O Managing Editor Ia,n J2-2 Sunday Editor Main 70.0 Composing-Room Main 7070 City Editor ...Main 7070 Superintendent Building Main 7070 East Side Office . . .East 61 AMUSEMENTS. THE MARQUAM GRAND (Morrison street, between Sixth and Seventh) "Qulncy Adams Sawyer." Tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Third, between Tarn hill and Taylor) Baker Theater Company In "The Three Musketeers." Tonight, at 8:15. EMPIRE THEATER (Twelfth and Morri son) "A Girl of the Streets." Tonight at 8:10. GKAND THEATER' (Washington, between Park and Seventh) Vaudeville. 2:30, . :30 and 8 P. M.' TANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30, U P.M. LTRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) The Allen Stock Company In "Caught in the- Web." Tonight at 8:15. 'Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) The French Stock Company In " rem Farm to Factory." Tonignt at a-0' matinee Tuesday, Saturday and buuoay at 2:15 P. M. ' Christmas Cantata. For next Sunday night the choir of the Kpworth Metho dist Church is preparing, under the direc tion o Mrs. Charles T. McPherson, to give a sacred cantata arranged by her entitled "The Christmas Story. - .1 he work is well In hand, and a very tine programme Is promised. A cornet and a violin will be played by air. and Mrs. Bell, in some of the selections. lhe heavier solos are as follows: "A Holy Night," by Adam, sung by Mrs. L. M. Smith, recently of Salt Lake; "At the Manger," by K. Craven, sung by Miss A. Crossley; baritone obligato, sung by Will iam Bi Stratton; "Bethlehem . Guiding Star," by Marzo, sung by Mrs. C. 1. McPherson. Mrs. Dear, Mrs. Bell and Miss Munger will be heard in short solos and .duets, as also Messrs. Insley and Williams. Other members who will as sist in the many fine choruses are: Mrs. A. H. Staehlcy, Mrs. S. H. Pomeroy. V. B. Bell and Rev. C. T. McPherson. Misses Birdie and Lulu Dozhl.- and Stev en Smith will recite, taking the parts of Narrator, Listener and Questioner. Accident to Jacob Kamm. Jacob Kamm, a capitalist and pioneer resident of the city, was knocked down and badly injured yesterday afternoon by a boy riding a bicyclo at the corner of Sixth and Salmon streets. Mr. Kamm was thrown to the ground with such force that he was rendered unconscious. He was picked up and carried into the corner grocery store, where he was re stored to consciousness and was then conveyed to his residence in a carriage. Mr. Kamm is advanced in years and be sides his physical injuries suffered a se vere, shock, uist night it was learned that he was in no danger but that in all probability would be confined to his home for a number of days. He suffered se vere bruises about the body but no Sfcnes were broken. The accident occurred shortly before noon while. Mr. Kamm was on his way to his office.- Who the boy was has not been, ascertained. Organize) Auxiliary Tonight. There will be a meeting of the Oregon Branch, National Industrial . Peaee Association, tonight, in the Grace Methodist Church, for the purpose of organizing a Women's Auxiliary. Judge E. C. Bronaugh will preside. Short addresses will be deliv ered by Father James H. Black, of St. Francis Church; Rev. W. H. Heppe, D.D.; Mrs. Marian Warde Farnham, and P. H. Scullln. Among those who indorse the movement and who will attend to night's meeting are: Miss Mary B. Day, of the Y. W. C. A.; Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, Mrs. Ella J. Clinton. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Dr. Mae Cardwell, Mrs. W. Wynn, Johnson, Mrs. Marian Warde Farnham. Christmas Tree for Poor. Subscrip tion lists for a Christmas tree and Christ mas basket dinner for poor children are being solicited by the Volunteers of America. It is planned to distribute bas kets of provisions to poor families, the size of the basket to be governed by the size of the family receiving It. The Christmas tree will be held in the Volun teers" Hall at S North Fourth street, on Christmas night. Clothing, candy and fruit will be given to poor children. It is proposed to raise a fund of $400 for the purpose. The committee in charge has already succeeded in collecting ?JM. Y. M. C. A. Juniors' Exhibition. The Junior class boys of the local Y. M. C. A. will give their regular annual gymnastic exhibition tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Their parents and friends are to be the guests and the youngsters will show off both In the gymnasium and swimming pool. Professor Larimore, the physical direc tor of the boys' department, will have charge of the programme and promises something new in the line of class drills, fancy stunts, etc. Parents of this city are cordially invited to come and en Joy the evening's fun. There will be no admission fee. - Columbia Lodge Election. At lhe an nual election of officers of Columbia Lodge of Masons, held list night in the new Masonic Temple; corner of Yamhill and Park streets, Paul ChamberlsSn was elected master of the ladge for the ensu ing year. Other officers elected were: Senior warden, Hopkin Jenkins; Junior warden, E. L. Ritter; secretary, F. L. Olson, treasurer, Joseph Polivka. At the conclusion of the session refreshments were served. Falls and Breaks Rib. While carry ing a radiator weighing 300 pounds down the Courthouse steps on the Fifth-street side at 5:45 last night, Charles Powers, engineer at the Courthouse, fell .and broke a rib. Dr. H. E. Cable was sum moned and dressed the broken bone. Liveno Presents. Nothing is nicer for vuiiouiina ccci ia - mail ptLUHS Df TU.T& plants. Big shipment from Japan and BciBiuiH- jub. in. ruruano oeea com pany, southeast corner Front ami Yam hill streets. . Bibles Club Banquet. The .Alert Bible Club, of the White Temple, will give a banquet , for its friends tonight in the church parlors. The club has a mem bership of 150. The president .of the club Is Clyde C. Byars; leader and teacher, C. H. Lewis. - Wards Guests of Sundat School. The children of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society will be guests of the Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church at their Christmas exercises tonight in the parlors of the church on Alder street. North' East Side Association. The ' N)rth East Side Improvement Associa tion will meet tonight In Woodmen Hall on RusspU street. At this meeting re ports will be made by the bridge and other committees. Steamship Hanalei sails direct for San Francisco, Friday,' evening. Cabin, $12; steerage, $8, berth and meals included'. C H. Thompson, agent. 128 Third street. Imported Leather Goods. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Hbwtstt, Bradley & Co., 344 Wash. St. Bath Robes Greatlt Reduced. CommKncino December 21, 1907, there will be a ''sllgnt change in schedule on Vancouver line. (See printed timecard, obtained at ticket oftices. Arts & fiuns Shop. Japanese prints water, colons, Teco, Grueby-Van Briggle Neweomb pottery, hand-made baskets, leather, metal articles. Wash., nr. 12th. ' Establishment Max, 415 Washington st. Laces, handkerchiefs, bronzes and Pari sian novelties suitable for Christmas. IjOunoino Robes and House Coats, Too. . Be Quick, Get Your Choice. Hewktt. BRADLffV & Co., 344 Wash. St. Wanted By man and wife, six or seven-room furnished house, three months, West Side.. L 451, Oregonian. Elegant bric-a-brac, etc.. at auction, today, 3 P. M., at Geo. Baker's Auctibn House, Alder and Park streets, - Warm Clothino Wanted for Prison ers. Rev. Clarence True Wilson and the Tenth Legion of Centenary Methodist Church, have been collecting warm clothing for prisoners confined at the Kelly Butta. rockpile every Sunday, and distributing them Sunday afternoons. At the present time undergarments " are needed on account of the cold weather, and those who can do so are requested to send such articles to the church, cor ner East 'ine and East Ninth streets, Saturday afternoon and night, and Bun day morning. The pastor and committee will leave the church with the articles donated Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is desired that the donations be lib eral. Much good has already been ac complished for the prisoners, many of whom are not hardened criminals. Dr. Wilson has secured employment for a considerable number of the discharged prisoners. Body Found in RivER.-The body of an unknown man was discovered yesterday morning floating in the river below St. John. Two boys returning from a hunt ing expedition saw the body and reported the matter to the Chief of Police at St. John. In the man's clothes, which were lying on the river bank, near where the body was first seen, were found several letters addressed to Abraham- Gutfreund. The dead man was about 30 years of age. He had evidently been in the water only a short time, as one of the employes of the St. John lumber mill said he had seen the man the day before walking on the railroad tracks. Coroner Finley went to St. John yesterday and brought the body to Portland. An effort will be made to get some trace of- the man's people through letters found in his clothes. Footpad Shoots at Ctclibt. Frank Howerton, residing at 1528 East Seven teenth street, bad a hold-up experience last night Just after dark on Milwaukie avenue near Henry street, and narrowly escaped being shot, a bullet fired at him by the "stick-up" man passing through his hat but missing him entirely. How erton was riding his bicycle, returning home from his work, when the man stepped out and attempted to stop him. Howerton fell off his bicycle and drew his revolver and returned Are, sending two shots after the man who ran and disappeared in the neighboring brush. He couldn't see him because of ttie dark ness, but says he was a big man wearing an overcoat. Woman's Club Department. Dr. C. H. Chapman win lead the department of English literature of the Woman's Club this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Women of Woodcraft Hall. The subject will be "Hedda Gabler." A Christmas Entertainment Tonight. The Tennessee Jubilee Singers, colored, will sing old Southern songs at the First Christian Church tonight, 8:15. Admis sion 25a and 35c. Men's Finest Haberdashery, Hewett, Bradley & Co.r Men's Shop, 344 Washington Street. John Cran, 618 Swetland buildtng, la dles' and gentlemen's fine and medium handkerchiefs. E-z Payments. W. H. Lesh, the Jew eler, 513 Dekum bldg. Open evenings. HAS HUSBAND ARRESTED Mrs. Woodward Says Spouse Struck Her AVith an Umbrella. Mrs. Grace V. Woodward, whose hus band, William H. Woodward, is a danc ing teacher, room 418 Fliedner building, and gives lessons at the Arlon Hall, was a complainant . last night at po lice headquarters against her husband, charging him with abuse and striking her with an umbrella. She desired his ar rest, saying that she thought it would do him good, as he had neglected her, prob ably on account of some other woman. According to Mrs. Woodward, the trouble arose because she asked her hus band for money tor the necessary house hold expenses. This angered him and he assaulted her with his umbrella, she says. While striking her. the iron ferrule of the umbrella penetrated her arm Just above the elbow, making a nasty wound about an inch deep. ' She had to go to a doctor to have it dressed. Detective Price went to the hall where Woodward was giving his dancing lessons and took him to the police station, where he gave $100 bail to appear before Judge Cameron this morning to answer to the charge of assaulting his wife. BEST PEOPLE BUYING. Jabour's Famous Rug Store Crowd ' ed at Last Night's Auction. " No better evidence could be asked that Portland people appreciate Jabour's rare Oriental rugs than the fact that his big store. Seventh and Washington streets, was crowded by our best people last night and the sales were large. Mr.' Ja bour's entire stock of matchless beauties are being knocked off to the highest bidder, and the opportunity to buy such elegant rugs at such remarkably low prices will never be given again after the auction sale closes, which certainly will not last many days as Mr. Jabour can not afford to let his costly selections go at the price they are bringing. Christmas buyers cannot afford to over look this opportunity to buy presents, r however, and until the auction closes no reserve will be made and buyers can have any rug they desire put up for sale at the auctions every forenoon at 11 A. M. and at 2 and 7 P. M. "PFEFFER KUCHEN." Delicious to Eat and Beautiful 'to Decorate the Tree. They'll delight the palate of every member of the family; they're wholesome for old and young, and will make the tree a glory of beauty. They come in all shapes diamonds, crosses, three-cornered hats, horns prettily frosted, with bright pictures, or nut ornaments. They delight every child. Carry a bagfull home tonight; delicious for tea. Either Morrison or Washington branch of Royal Bakery. MAKE PREPARATIONS For the cold weather. Get your fire places equipped with the M. J. Walsh Company's grates, andirons, firesets and spark guards. - It is a well-known fact that they carry the best class of goods in the city in their line. They wish to call your attention to their beautiful line of gas and electric table lamps, just opened up and sampled. You should not miss seeing them. Just the thing for a nice Xmas gift. Salesrooms -311 Stark, between fifth n(1 Sixth streets. . ON SALE TODAY. Long kid gloves, $2.38 a pair; $5.00 silk umbrellas, at $2.47; $3.00 silk hosiery, at $2.39 a pair; $5.00 coque boas, at $3.39; $4.00 silk waist patterns, at $2.98; boys' 75c shirts, at 25c; all furs reduced: all tailored suits reduced. McAllen & Mc Donnell, the store noted for best goods at lowest prices.. " . THE PLACE To buy your tailor-made suits for ladies Is at Le Palais Royal and get the best at the lowest prices. Try it. and be con vinced. 375 Washington St. Sues Streetcar Company for $3465. Alleging that on July 25 the motor- man of a streetcar at First and Arthur 1 v w (VIOLIN (OUTFIT 9 Complete with Case, Bow, Strings, Etc., . ., , -J"' , w., J f With a Six Months Course of Lessons f ASK OUR I VIOLIN DEPARTMENT ABOUT THIS THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY. 1 353 WASHINGTON ST. J i CORNER OF PARK. W P- 20 YEARS HERE $0 PLATES Our force la so organized that we can So your entire crown, bridge and plate work in a day if necessary. This will be appre ciated by people from out of town. You may have your teeth extracted in the morn Ins and go home at night with new ones. POSITIVELY PAINLESS EXTRACTION FREE WHEN PLATES OB BRIDGES ARE ORDERED. We remove the most sensitive teeth and roots without causing pain. No students, no uncertainty, no bungling; only the most scientific and careful treatment. Our Bridge and Plate Work Is perfect; 20 years' continuous practice has made this possible. EXAMINATIONS FREE AND INVITED. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service. W. A. WISE, Dentist Falling- bldg-., 8d end Washington. sts. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 13. Painless Extraction. 50c; Plates, $3.00. BOTH PHONES. A AND MAIN 029. Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. Morrison and 10th Streets. Fin. Cutlery and Toilet Articles. Repair ins; of all kind, of Sharp dred Tools. streets was violating the city ordi nance by not ring-ins the bell when 10 feet from the crossing, ' I Swerdliks has brought suit against the Portland. Railway Company to recover $3465 damages, which he says he sustained by being struck by the car while driv ing along First street. He estimates his personal injuries at $1500, and the damage to the wagon, harness and horse at $1965. . EVENINGSHOPPING. To aocommodate those who cannot pur chase their holiday gifts during the day, the J. K. Gill Company will remain open evenings. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladies, 305 Wash., near 5th. MISS CARSOATS HANDBOOK Of English composition Is a most sen sible holiday gift Gill's. . Magazine subscriptions are admirable Christmas gifts. . Gill's takes subscrip tions at lowest rates. r fillip Pianos, Piano-Players Phonographs Records If you are intending anything of this nature for a Christmas pres ent, it will pay you to visit our store. As a special inducement to Santa Clans, we will offer until Christmas Eve a strictly new, well made, handsomely cased upright piano for 3190. , COME AND SEE THEM We have many others 12 different makes and at prices lower than ever sold for before. - ' You can make a selection here from such well-known makes as the Fischer, established in 1840; Gabler, established in 1854; Behning, established 1861; Kurtzmann, established in 1848; Bradbury (over 20 years in the White House), besides "many of more recent date. Beware of a piano you know nothing of. We can arrange time payments to suit your convenience. , " PHONOGRAPHS Edison, Columbia; Star - TALKING MACHINES ' Open every evening until Christmas, and wd will guarantee to give you more for your money than any other house in the city. H0VENDEN-S0ULE PIANO CQ Cor. Morrison' and West Park Sts. ead Ik - - Sxf' BARGAINS In Umbrellas at the Umbrella Factory. Unless you come to us you don't get the hest goods at the lowest prices. We are the largest exclusive Umbrella' house on the Coast, and this, together with the fact that we are manufacturers, enables us to undersell all competitors. Call and see our stock. You'll buy, all right. We have the swellest line of $3.50, $4.00 and J5.00 Umbrellas ever shown here don't fail to see them. If you want something fine, something elegant, call and 6ee us. We have all the latest New York ideas In gold, sliver, pearl, ivory and other ma terials, with a specially fine line of gold and silver deposited on pearl and ivory the very latest. No old styles In our stores all new and up to date. Estab lished 20 years. MEREDITH'S Two Stores . 312 WASHINGTON, NEAR SIXTH. 293 MORRISON, NEAR FIFTH. Seittfdje Settling The Big German Weekly SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Sample Copia Free Our Readers say: u We get the News Our Advertisers say: "We get Results" A. E. KERN & CO., Publishers Second and Salmon Sts, Portland, Ore. You i X L :: so many bargains, if you're Tell you what to do. Look around; come here first or last. Whenever you come here will be the right time for us and you. Holiday Display of Overcoats, Suits, Cravenettes Representing America's premium clothes-makers, richest foreign and domestic fabrics, finest linings, per fection m fit If convenient do your trading in the forenoon and avoid the afternoon crowds 4 "STORE OPEN EVENINGS" TODAY ONLY! Special Sale Xmas Sweets Every Christmas wit nesses hundreds 'of disappointed people who are unable to get served at our count ers. To relieve this pressure and induce early buying we will sell TODAY ONLY 1 lb. Fancy Broken Bright and crisp. Just the thing for filling the stockings. 1 lb. American Mixed The old-fashioned kind. A favorite with the children. 1 lb. : Xmas Creams A special mixture of chocolate and bon bons in large variety. The 3 Lbs. For SOc - This makes a nice as- sortment of strictly fresh,pure candy J made in our own fac- tory. But 3 pounds . sold to. one person, I and put up in paper bags only. SWETLAND'S j 273 MORRISON I Have yon aeen the Portland Girl Packager A "Nifty" Gift. Woman aSpedalty-Mrs.S.K.Chan The only Chinese woman medical doctor la this city. She has cured many afflicted sufferers. Cures private and female dis eases, also asthma, throat and lung: troubles; stom ach, bladder and kidney and diseases of all kinds that human flesh Is heir to. Cured by Chinese herbs and roots. Remedies harmless. No operations. Honest treatment. Exam fnations free. 262 Clay Street. Corner Third. Coal! Coal! Coal! Keystone Lom, ...$.) ton Keystone No 8.00 ton Good turnsca and stovs cost LIBERTY COAL ft ICS CO., S12 Pins Street. Main 1863. J sue. f 'J I A, h offers of superlative it s no wonder confused or amazed and distinctive in style. $10to Bankers and Lumbermens Bank Corner Second and Stark Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital Stock $250,000.09 OFFICERS G. K. WENTWORTH . .' President F. H. ROTHCHILD First Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING Second Vice-President and Cashier H. D. STORY Assistant Cashier PLATT & PLATT ... .General Counsel . ' DIRECTORS. G. K. WtatnoMh, President, Lloyd J. Wmtwortb, . President Portland Lumber Co. Vice-President Portland Lam- Charles S. Russell, ber Co. Dant & Russell, Lumber. J. E. Wheeler. Secretary Whoeler Timber Co. P. S. BRUMBY, Agent Blodgett Co., Ltd. VtkA H. Rothchild, First Vice Director Booth-Kelly Lumber President. Co. . President Rothchild Bros. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie. Jrohn Keatlnc, Second Vice Chief Surgeon the Oregon Rail- President and Cashier, road & Navigation Co. Robert T. Piatt, George G. Bingham. Platt & Piatt,' Attorneys.' Attorney, Salem, Oregon. H. D. Story, Assistant Cashier. A durable sh saves the purchaser U1UIC VJ iiiculc 11 mail looking. ' This is why able. If you want to be sure of getting durability as well as style, buy the Packard lf 1 ri 11 Shoe, it looks well, nts well, wears well. - i ry a pair. M. A. PACKARD CO., Makers, - Brockton, Mass. Sold ty PHILLIPS SHOE COMPANY in me mint; A Am fctn, la die woodt r fa ftw worfcsbosw rirousactfl of ' ynrken CTcrrwfacr win Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted Overalls sot stpndaM HAND SAPOLIO It insures an enjoyable, invig orating bath; makes every pore respond, removes dead skin. ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation and leaves a glow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL fiSOCSSS AHBJSggfflSra Priced from money. It costs uuicis luai as siyusii ' many shoes are not dur- 11 "T M- r 109 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. SHOE JorMEH $4.00 and $5.00 Instinct Points the Way It teaches men and women to think of wool ens when cold approaches. Jaeprer woolens are un rivaled tor durability. They are. therefore, a money-saver In the end as well as a health pro moter all the time. Write for samples and Booklet of Particulars. For Snle In Portland by I.1PMAS, WOLFB CO. Bl'FFl'M & PESDU5TOM. rSED PEEffil, Dentist, (11.00 Foil Set of Teeth. .. Crowns an! Bride work S.m. smd 405. Dehao) Bulldinx- chwab Printing Co.l BEST WOH.K. REASONABLE PtTCBS 7 H ST A.R.K