Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 19, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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IF YOU want to give genuine satisfaction as a result of your selection of presents for this Christmas, arrange today
for us to send our Magazine combination to your friends or relatives during 1908.
Every magazine in this remarkable combination will be of more than ordinary interest during next year. Sunset
Magazine will illustrate the beauty spots of the West as no other publication has attempted to do, and it will con
tain. a large number of fascinating stories. It is just the thing for a Christmas present for friends in the East or in the
The Keview of Reviews will be intensely interesting on account of the Presidential campaign, and every month the
Cosmopolitan and Success are making broad leaps into greater popularity.
The whole Christmas problem is solved for you right here, because magazines are the most acceptable gifts. For
365 days tljey will be reminders of your kindness and thotghtfulness. Ordinarily they are inexpensive, but with our
the price is not only cut in two, but we give you ABSOLUTELY FREE three splendid premiums. Two of these are beau
tiful color engravings, attractively mounted, of Yosemite Valley and Santa Barbara Mission. These engravings would
adorn the walls of a mansion, and are alone worth the price of the entire combination. -Taken together with the three
magazines, they form a rare combination that cannot be duplicated by any other publisher this season. It is, in fact,
offered ONLY BY SUNSET MAGAZINE. The offer also includes a high-class portrait of President Roosevelt, and it is
equivalent to giving .
Send in your order today, as the supply of the engravings is limited,
please your friends.
This is an unparalleled opportunity for you to
$1.50 a Year
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Total . . . $7.00
$3.65 WITH OUTING .......
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EI .. 1
New Receiver of Title Guarantee &
Trust Company Takes Places
Vacated by Hill.
At a meeting of the officers of the
defunct Title Guarantee & Trust Com
pany held yesterday afternoon, E. C.
Clears, the new receiver, became presi
dent of the four subsidiary companies.
When the bank failed and George H.
Hill, vice-president of the concern, was
appointed receiver, he became presl-'
dent of the subsidiary corporations, and
yesterday, when he stepped down and
out of the presidency of these companies,-
his official connections with the
Title Guarantee & Trust Company
ceased and now he is under a salary as
a clerk. The four principal companies
are the Commercial Trust Company,
Colonial Investment Company, the-Portland
Development Company, better
known as the Late Pence, and the Ore
gon Company.
The removal of Hill from official con
nection with the Title Guarantee &
Trust Company's affairs will occasion
no surprise, and Receiver Mears ex
plained yesterday this action was
brought about Just as quickly as the
matter could he reached. Hill, because
of his knowledge of the inside working
of the concern, has been retained In
the capacity of a clerk and will assist
Receiver Mears. He Is the only one of
the former officers of the bank that
has been retained. T. T.. Burkhart, for
merly the treasurer of the company,
severel his connection with the bank
on Saturday last. The meeting held
-yesterday afternoon was a brief one.
Receiver Mears was elected president
of the holding companies and he takes
one share of stork in each company,
so that he can be also one of the di
rectors. On share of stock was also
taken over by several of the clerks
employed by Receiver Mears, and they
will constitute the directors.
It is' expected that the work of the
experts placed in the bank by District
Attorney Manning and on request of
Attorney-General Crawford, will be
completed by Saturday. Considering
the methods used fcy the official!, of the
bank, the work of the experts has been
rapidly done. That they have found
the grossest kind of irregularities is
admitted by District Attorney Manning
and it is evident that things are found
to be in worse shape than was expected.
During the hearing before Judge
Wolverton when the creditors of the
bank were fighting to have Receiver
Hill removed. Attorney Joseph Simon
announcedffn open court that It was his
belief that the bank would be able to
pay dollar for. dollar. From later de
velopments It Is evident that Attorney
Simon had either been misinformed as
to the exact conditions existing in the
bank or that he had not gone into the
matter deeply, for the experts have
found nothing tliat would lead them to
hope that such a thing is at all possi
ble. When all of the facts are made
public about the Title Guarantee &
Trust Company, It will undoubtedly be
found that the wreck was about as
complete as it could have been made
had the officials planned Its destruc
tion. .
Receiver Mears saj's he Is - not yet
In a position to know how much the
creditors will get from the bank. He
will wait until the experts are through,
then when thefr reports are- In his
hands and he has checked them up, he
will be better able to give some Idea
as to the exact condition of affairs. He
has installed a rigid system of economy
and he says he will save to the depos
itors and creditors every dollaV possi
ble. He will make a monthly report to
Judge Wolverton and will make no
move without first consulting him.
Officers of Forbes Presbyterian Con
gregation Hold Informal Meeting.
At an informal meeting or the of
ficers and a few members of the Forbes
Presbyterian Church, and congregation,
held last night at the residence of the
pastor. Rev. Harry H. Pratt, 20 per
sons subscribed $2000 an average of
$100 each, for the rebuilding of the
church, which was destroyed by fire
last Tuesday. A congregational meet
ing will be held, as soon as proper no
tice can be given, to complete the sub-
In the Magazine Section
of the
Christinas Toys, Present and
Past Leone Cass Baer visits
Portland department stores,
iooks ai me piaymings, and
then comments in her own way .
on them.
Christmas as the Hotel Clerk
Sees It Irving S. Cobb relates
his conversation with the house
detective, offering his custom
ary delicious satire.
'Chinese Children, All Portland
Hopefuls A full page of them
in colors, each picture a fine
photographic study.
Features and Departments for
j.ur cvtrrv one.
Order from your newsdealer
scrlptlon, to appoint a building com
mittee, and to further the plans. In
detail, for the immediate reconstruc
tion of the building. The pastor of
the church, and Rev. W. V. Forbes, the
founder of the church, both addressed
the meeting-Informally, and, every one
present said something to- encourage
the movement, and the greatest enthus
iasm prevailed.
Ever yone said the church must be
rebuilt and nearly every one present
offered a subscription. It was votflti to
open services in the Woodmen's Hall,
on Russell street, corner of Rodney
avenue, in Upper Alblna, and all the
services will be held there next Sun
day. The Sunday school will meet at
10 o'clock; preaching at 11; Endeavor
Society at 6:30, and preaching again at
7:30. Five other churches had offered
to share the use of their edifices tem
porarily with the pastor and his people,
but the officers thought best to secure
permanent quarters at once, and they
will meet therefore in the hall regu
larly until the new church Is ready.
The midweek prayer meeting will be
hied at Mr. Pratt'S residence, 304 Fargo
etreet, tonight.
Slakes Good His Escape.
BAKER CITY. Or., Dec. 18. (Special.)
No clew has yet been discovered as to
the whereabouts of L. H. Palmer, who
succeeded In making his get-away from
the County. Jail, last night, and It is'
now thought that . he succeeded in get
ting put of town on a train. . ,
The Portland M. Flgman. New York: R.
R. Fox. Seattle; J. T. Brennan, San Fran
cisco: 8. Clark. San Francisco; A. Hlmmel
bauer and wife. Cincinnati. . O. ; G. E. Dlx,
MarshHeld: F. L. Mellinger. Keswick, Cal. ;
M. B. Ouyton.-Chicago; R. F. Barlsen. Pres
cott: W. F. Rica ami wife. Peoria, 111.: J.
H. Dallas and wife, San Francisco; B. Har
ris. Chicago; E. M. O'Brien. Chicago; E. B.
Ryan, Minneapolis; B. E. Palmer, -Tacoina;
F.Malbeson and wife, Wrangel. Ala.; D. A.
Paine. Eugene, Or.: E. 8. Collins. Ostran
der; F. C. Malfat. British Columbia; M. F.
Keller, Montreal: C. W. Enrlght and wife.
Vancouver; Wash.; P. Ferguson and wife,
Seattle: -N. McMillan and wife. Denver: M.
J. Shields, Moscow, Idaho; A. M. Stevens
and mother, Boise. Idaho;- C. E. Ttbbetls,
Seattle; N. A. Williams, Forest Grove; G
W. Sanborn and wife. Astoria; -G. Silver
man. New York; G. Hanson. San Francisco.
The Oregon W. Kyle. Florence; F. E Ve
ness. Wlnlock; A. Betzel, San Francisco- R
S. Shaw and wife. Mill City; Mra. E H
Rumm. New London; 6. A. Carmiehael. Eu
gene: C. -A. Shaw and wife, Portland; H. G.
Freeman. Belllngham: W. G. Chandler, San
Francisco; J. Harris, Salem; D. R. 6cannon
Mrs. B. J. Austin. -Willows; W. J, Jones
R. A. Carpenter, Seattle: A. E. Michaelson.
Minneapolis; W. F. Fraser, Mrs. L. "Walton,
San Francisco; B. G. Wiley, Walla Walla-
F. F. Potts and wife, Mrs, J.-H. Thomas,
San Francisco; Kate Lincoln, Chicago; T.
Ryoe. G. B. Stevens. Astoria; L. J. Peters,
fian Francisco; R. M. Lyle and wife. Sea
side; W. M. McCreary. Spokane; w. T.
Ennls and wife, Pocatello; J. J. Grover and
wife. A. Blair, T, M. Shields. Seattle; Mrs.
W. R. Cody, Pendleton: Mrs. A-. H. Weather
ford, lone; W. L. Littlefield. J. F. Rich,
Seattle: S. A. Carmiehael, Eugene; J. Nel
son, Portland; R. Sathmory, New York- A
C. Dexter. T. A. Purdy. Seattle; E. J.
8haw. -Spokane; J. C. Gardner, La Grande;
G. c. Buck. Chicago: D. McKellar, Seattle;
E. E. Garretson. wife and child. Hood River;
W. E. Campbell, w. O. Runlon. Hoqulam; F.
R. Drake, E. C. Leon. Seattle.
The Imperial H. R. Nehrbas. Newport;
F. G. Deckebth, J. A. Wilson. Kola Nis
and wife, Salem; Ed E. Kiddle, Island
City; Charles Bodean, Baker City; R. R.
Lewis, Pendleton; Mrs. F. B. Warfleld. Mrs.
R. H. WarBeld, city; Ethel Henry. Monte
sano: Miss Evans, W. E. Schlmpff, Salem;
F. A. Seigfeist, The Dalles; J. R. Muna
maker, Hood River; E. Thompson, Trout
Lake; J. M. Ayers. Kelso; C. A. Elmer.
Boise; H. S. Daley. Seattle; G. W. H. Davis.
Tacoma; L. F. Sehwltit. Olympla; F. E.
Ramsey, city; Eugene Lennon, Walla Walla;
Charles Jay, Spokane; E. Kurtz. P. J.
Stadleman, George Gosser, A. Keller, The
Dalles; A. Christian. G. B. Buttman, J. R.
Getty, St. Paul; C. J. Crandall, The Dalles;
John Gustafeson, Victor Glover, J. Jackson,
Astoria: A. J. 8. Mace, The Dalles; C. J.
Olsen, Seattle; C. Ortiz, Denver; T. A. Mc
Brlde, Oregon City; J. B. Russell. Chicago;
S. Lewis. Sacramento; J. C. Lfndland. To
peka, Kan.; E. T. Bushnell, Eugene: Claud
Purvine, W. S. Brldgfarmer, Goldendalc;
George Sheppard.. C. W. Llllls, city; Ray
Falrchlld. Heppner; Mrs. E. Stuart, Salem;
Dr. H. E. Beers, Wasco; Miss H. Rafter,
Spokane; J. W. Connell, Hillsboro; A. F.
Salfickey and wife. The Dalles; Mrs. J. L.
Cavlness, Island City; Paul Brunzel, W.
Brunzel. city: W. T! Cole, Pendleton; A. H.
Greenberg, 1909;" Carl Sloan. Belltown: A-.
S. Vlscher. Seattle; W.-P. El Kelso; J. M.
Coulter. Vlento.
The Perkins L. L. Pearce. Salem; Miss
Anna Casard, Seattle; F. Pearce, Salem; N.
L. Tooker, Los Angeles; J. A. Babbitt, Day
ton; A. B. Jusseler. McMinnville; C. C
Dickson, Eureka; Mrs. W. A. Wise, Cath
latnet; H. A. . Bemolln, city; R. L. Wood,
John Day; w. E. Warn, Salem: P. M. Mills,
Cape, Horn; J. H. Mills and wife. Ranler;
C. Woodburn, Spokane; F. Myers. La
Grande; J. Woods and wife. Grass Valley;
Fred Gustafson, Seaside; F. Fern and wife,
Seattle; O. H. Reeder and wife. Tacoma:
M. Kelly, Bend: M. W. Logan. Cecil; T. W.
Kennedy, Woodburn; O. R. Lambeth, Dallas;
R. L. Booth, Wellman; M. A. McLaughlin,
Salem; H. H. Bartlet. city; V. B. Rose.
Loubert; Mrs. H. Howard. Chicago: Daniel
Davey, G. Oavey, walker; J. McDermott.
Ogden; A. A. Muck. Washington; A. R.
Harola. B. Davis. Pendleton: L. L. Peetz,
Moro; F. H. McGowan, McGowan; W.
Klrger, Seattle; D. H. Welch. Astoria; D. V.
J.ester. C. K. King. Camas; T. Falango,
Clifton; J. F. Kelsey, city; J. 8. Tammond,
New York; C. & Smith, S. Manquam.
Tualatin: J. Sleler and wife, Seattle; D. M.
Grimth and wife, J. 6. Griffith, Odessa; O.
Russell and wife. North Yakima; Miss Ava
Hacket, Miss Elva Hackett. Seattle; R. H.
Baker. Seattle; A. L. MacLeod, Aberdeen;
W. B. Rood, Lambert; B. R. Falrchild,
Siletz; W. W. Sevan. Boyer; C. T.. Allen.
Hillsboro; J. Fitzsimmons. Tacoma; I... J.
Holzworth. Phoenix: F. K. Atwell and wife.
Moro: D. Allen, Dusty: C Spoon and wife
Moro; R. R. imbler, White Salmon.
The St. Charles J. M. Busby, S. H. Black
burn, Ellenshurg; H. O. Bonry, Aurora; F.
E. Flsk, city; S. N. Stuck, Ostrander; M. H.
Leonard, Lexington: M. N. Grey, Goble;
C. Morris, city; C. E. Mills. Woodburn; W.
Flurster. R. TUlotson, Carson: Ira Smead.
J. F. McCallam, city; A. Robinson. Falls
City; Mrs. Crl. city; E. R. ChalTey, San
Francisco; H. A. Hill. Washougal; A. C.
Walling, Washougal; J. p. Altlzer, Clats
kanie; F. Three, Stella; E. L. Palfrey and
wife. Eagle Creek; M. Campbell. Days River;
E. Wright, Weston; W. T. Ennis and wife.
Pocatello; C. H. Clark, clty;.H. Burnham
and wife. Gavins; M. M. Goodwin. Wood
land; L. Croft. Viola; J. F. McCallum, city;
Mrs.. Lundboro, Deer Island; J. D. Gray,
city; A. Murry. Bullock; W. Robinson and
wife. Oregon City; a. S. Crowel, Aberdeen;
G. E. Leybold. Sutton; w. M. Davenport.
Pelviska; Hubert Nelson, Seattle; S. P.
Buck, J. Wilson, city; G. Atkins, Albany;
Mrs. Gardner, city; J. J. Embry, Palmer; W.
H. Nuley, Albany: A. H. Hart. Dayton; B.
Watkins. Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Howell,
Sherwood; J. C. Thompson, Vancouver; R.
O. Collins, city; L. Wannbakin. Dayton; W.
B. Roberts, Drain; arah Bassy, Heppner;
C. Ware, Estacada; c. S. Mills, Woodburn;
D. L Mcpherson, Boston; Clyde Fisher, Mc
Minnville; A. D. Schmidt, N. Rogers, Da
mascus; A. Green and wife. Canby; J. C.
Byonge and wife, Catblamet; F. l. Good
win. Nashville; W. Beck, Kolso; Laura
Timons, Qufncy; A. Pederson,- Quincy; J.
Swanson, Hoqulam; J. H. Meaeham, Wood
land: c. L. Brown, G. E. McKay, Donald;
N. H. McKay, Sauvies Island; W. N. Grey,
Goble; M. G. Lamb, fiauvles Island; J. W.
Stephens, Barton; -J. B. Powell and -wife, -Bunker
Hill. : ...
The Lenox W. W. MeCralg, Spokane; J.
F. R. Foss, Seattle; T. E. Turner, Denver;
T. Shelburg and' wife. Portland; J. R. Mc
Manas. Seattle; P. O. Carr, city; J. F. John
son, Astoria; C. C. Peters, Chicago; K-- L.
Smith, New York; J. R. Jamison, Kelso;
R. Connor, Castle Rock; H. M. Poole, The
Dalles; J. L. Spearing, Tacoma: C. Arm
strong, Astoria; R. Muldoon. city; G. B. .
Harley, St. Louis; S. Hopkins, New York:
R. H. Lacey. Colfax; C. C. Llghtfoot, As
toria; J. R. Case. Chlco; J. Randall, New
York; C. B. Blaine, Walla, Walla;. O. R.
Nordlne, Butte; w. Wilson. J. Stone, city;
H. Moore, Salem; G. Anderson. Seattle; C.
Goodman, . Vancouver; E. H. Cooper, Hawthorne.
' i