8 TITEN.MORKIXG OREGON I AN, TnUKSDAT, DECE3IBER 19, 1907. NVKDE SEATTLE Pelia Di Ria, Notorious Italian, and Two Companions Are Now Under Arrest. DIABOLICAL PLOT FOILED Friend of Tony Restore Overhears a Plot Against His Life and rollce Make Arreet3 Tjeader of Gang Was in Portland Saturday. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec.-18. (Special.) With razors sewed In the Unlngs of their clothes .three Italians. Frederick Mandez. Thomas Kanstra and Pella. Dl Ria, the latter declared to be a member of the "Black Hand" Society, were gathered In at The "Tunnel" saloon this. afternoon, charged with threatening to kill Tony Restove, foreman of construction work for the Seattle Electric Company. The arrests were made on the identifica tion of the man who declares his life has been threatened by Mandez and Kan stra, who formerly worked for Sartove, and who were discharged for incompe tency. IH Ria. so Sartove was, warned, was sent for by the men In a spirit of revenue. PI Ria's home Is In New York, and he has the reputation anions h'.s countrymen of hetnf? a profewMi'onal as sassin for the Black Hand. He arrived three days ago. A warrant Is out for a third man de clared to be implicated In the conspiracy, and Deputy Sheriffs nre now on the hunt for him. : Members of the Italian icolony here say that DI Ria has a rec ord .as a "killer." and pUB made it his business for a long period of time. When the arrests were made several of the ar rested men's countrymen followed the of ficers and made threatening demonstra tions. Restove, the complaining wit ness, .has neon with the Seattle Electric Company for two years and holds a 'posi tion of trust.. . A ,f;w days after dls charsring the men lie now says threaten his life, word was sent him by a friend that the discharged . men 1 were "after him." He attached no Importance to the first warning, but a second warning de claring that the services of DI Ria had been procured, caused him to sit up and take notice. . , Monday -he wan asraln warned by a friend, who had passed DI Ria and the discharged workmen, and who -overheard the plot to put Reptove out of the way. Restove, so bis friend, who warned him say, was due for slaughter tonight. Re stove. took a day off today-'and swore out four "John . Doe" warrants, and ac companied by officers within' an hour had run down his. alleged, slayers. The finding of the razors -sewed In the linings of the men's- coats, coupled, with the reputation which ftl Ria main tains among his countrymen, leads the officers here to belie.vp. that the warn ings received by Restove were In good faith. ; ' DI Ria Is said to have been In Port land Saturday night. -.' ' . company will not be disbanded for lack of membership was clearly indicated at last evening's enthusiastic meeting with Adjutant-General Finzer present. For years Albany had one of the best companies In the National Guard, bnt in the pat year most of the officers resigned and the membership has been decreasing so that it fell below the mark of effi ciency. Disbandment was facing the company, but, mainly through the efforts of Captain Winn, the strength has been recruited the past few days and the cotn pany la now thoroughly revived. -,It will soon be recruited up to its full strength. The new commanding officer has had vears of experience in Natlon.-il Guard : work and Is a competent officer and good j CARR ED TO THE HOSP TAL tactician. He served for. years in old j Company F before the war, and for the past four years has served the National Guard efficiently as Regimental Quarter master, with the rank of Captain. CLASH WITH WIRES Two Heppner Butchers Nar rowly Escape Electrocution. Sew triad in murder case Man Who Killed Woman With Trap Gun Given Rehearing. OL.YMPIA. Wash., Dec. 18. (Special.) Julius Marfaudille, convicted in King County of murder In the second degree, was given a new trial by decision of the Supreme Court today because of tech nical errors by the lower court in the admission of certain testimony and re jection of other evidence. The defendant placed a spring gun in his trunk. Tho landlady of the lodging-house, whose cu riosity was aroused, opened the trunk, 'the gun went off and she was killed. OLDEST HAJLCARRTER IN ORE . - ' GO". BELIEVE THIEVES LOCAL MEN Woodburn Police Working on Mall- . ,$ack Robbery.' ... WOODBURN. Or., Dec. lS-MSpeciaD , The opinion prevails in this city that tlie party or parties who- stole four locked letter pouches from the Southern Pacific baggage-room here last night are resi dents of Woodburn. The removal of the wooden peg holding the bar that fastens the back door by some one the evening before with the purpose of perpetrating the robbery that night after the pouches from the .three night trains had been de posited in the baggage-room, signifies that whoever did the work was familiar with the premises and the manner in which the mails are handled here. A (tovernment inspector-is on the scene, and the railroad company will doubtless take an active interest In unraveling the mystery. It is not known how much money and other valuables were in the Touches, three of which were Intended for the patrons of the Woodburn Post offiqe and the other for the Silverton branch. Tuesday night Night Watchman Simp son was out of the citj and Marshal Riddle took his place until 2:30. after which the robbery must have been done. A few persons are suspected by the local police, but it Is thought that the one or more who took the pouches have had plenty of time to conceal all evidence leading toward conviction. J. C. Wood, of rhllomath. THIIXIMATH. Or.. Dee. 18.-,-Fpe-clal.) J. C. Wood Is probably the oldest known active mallca-rrler - In tho -Oregon service today. Mr. Wood 'still carries tho mail between Philo math and Harlan through -the Big Elk ' country In Benton and Lincoln' Counties at tho age of 77 years. The route passes almost directly over Mary's Peak and during the Winter months he travels through now and - fords raging- mountain streams. He has been 'a mallcarrler almost con tantly since 1851. In 1872 he carried the mall from Corvallls to Taqulna .Bay and during one period of 12 months did -not miss a single day. HJ also carried the mall from Fbllo math . to Dallas In the early days; also from Philomath) to Kings Valley, Alsea. Bellfonntaln and Monroe. Por .a number of. years be served several routes In" the State of Washington. Mr. Wood ywas bom In Iowa March 10, 1S30. and although 77 years old Is healthy and robust and recalls many vivid experiences during his long and arduoua. career. Exposed Eleetrlc Wire Raps Them on the Head, Knocking Them Down Second Severe Exper ience 'for A." J. Wherry. -(Speelak)- ad HEPPNER, Or.. ' Dec 15 JMeetrn-ity and Heppner butchers had a clash last evening which came near re sulting in a bad way for the butchers. A; J. Wherry came in contact with 'a live wire as he started to go into the re frigerator. He was knocked to the floor and rendered unconscious. In falling he struck his head on some sharp Instrument that cut a large gash on .his forehead. His partner, ' Glen Boyer, rushed to his assistance and was struck by the ex posed wire . on the forehead, which knocked him to the floor, cutting an ugly wound in his forehead and bumping his nose and chin till the blood flowed freely. - ' People who happened to be in the shop 'rushed to the aid of the two men and Wherry was removed to the hospital, where medical aid was required to restore consciousness. J. H. Kinsman also received a severe shock when handling a light In his shop, at bout the same time the other two men got in trouble up the street. This. was Mr. Wherry's second mix-up witfi electricity. About two years ago he was out riding after ste"k, when a atorm came up, and as he was In the act of going through a wire fence, he was struck by lightning, which came near ending his career. Ha was blind for some months. LEASING PROBLEM UNSOLVED Washington Stockmen Discuss Sub ; I ject at Spokane Meeting. SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 18. (Special.) Stockmen from nearly every part of Washington and many from Idaho and Montana, are In attendance at the fourth annual session of the Washington Live stock : Association, - which convened Here today,'. .The . speakers today were A. J. Splawn, president of the association,- who spoke, on ".Patent. Food Advertisers: An Kneniy to Livestock Industry.!' Other speakers were Dr. C. W. Deming, in charge of the Federal meat Inspecting at Spokane: S. B. Nelson, of Pullman. State Veterinarian; Professor .E. E. Elliott, of the Washington State College; Paul flagstone and Joseph E. Wing, of the; Breeders'- Gazette, Chicago: The- old- trouble between the sheepmen and cattlemen over the leasing of public lands was discussed at some length, "but no recommendations were made. DUNGEONS FOR SOCIALISTS ':--. . t . .'' . i Sailer Says They Mnst Work or Seek Solace In Dark Hails.' SEATTLE, Wash.. Dec. 18.-(Special.) ThlrtiMive Socialists who are in the County Jail as the result of the wholesale arrests, made Monday night, will be placed In solitary confinement tomorrow If the? persist In their refusal to go on the chalngang. - The Socialists declare that they have been deprived of their rights in being refused separate trials and In being sentenced- to fines "of $25 each. They have refused to pay these fines.'.. The police declare that unless the (Socialists turn out with the !chaingang in the- morning they-will be placed on broad and water and as many of them as there is room for will be locked up In dark holes; In another decision the Supreme Court holds that Attorney George M. Nether- cutt, of Spokane,--eannot be punished on the charge that he threatened County Commissioner Collin, that the latter was committing bribery In an effort to force Collin to employ Nethercutt as attorney. Nethereutt was convicted in the Justice Court and fined $100. On appeal the Su perior Court quashed the proceedings. The Supreme Court says there is . no statute law to reach the case and that as the common law is so uncertain, the defendant Is entitled "to the benefit of the doubt and the case is ordered dismissed. DEBATE . JAPANESE EXCLUSION Question Submitted by University of Idaho Is Accepted. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Or., Dec. IS. (Special.) Edgar Smith. Vnlversity manager of debate and ora tory, today received word from C. W. Colver, secretary of the interstate debat ing council, announcing the result of the vote of the three universities on the wording of the question to be debated. Idaho's wording received seven credits, Oregon's six and Washington's five, and consequently that of Idaho will be ac cepted. It reads as follows: "Resolved. That the present laws relating to the ad mission of Chinese Immigrants to the ter ritory of the United States should be ex tended to Japanese immigrants." This question will be debated by an affirma tive and a negative team from each In stitution on March 27. The tryout tor places on the Oregon team will 'be held the first Friday after the Christmas holidays. .... A LB ANY -MILITIA IS . REVIVED Cnrtis B. Winn Elected Captain and Membership Increased. ALBANY, Or.. Dec. 1?. (Special.) Cap tain Curtis B. Winn, former Quartermas ter o'f the Third Infantry, and alpo the Fourth Infantry, Oregon National .Guard, was chosen Ca-ptain of Company G, of hLs 'city; last evening. That the local DELAY IN PETTTBONE CASE Darrow III and Court Will Adjourn Today Until MonHay.- . BOISE, Dec. 18. Today's" proceedings in the Pettibone trial were given over almost, entirely, to . the. . presenting of evidence on the explosion at the resi dence of Fred Bradley, at San Fran-. Cisco. A portlonof this testimony 'was read from the records of the Haywood case, according to the stipulation en tered into- between the attorneys for the state and defense. Clarence Darrow. chief counsel for the defense, was unable to iattend the .3 .. , . It ... ii mi iuuf, out ic was agreed .that the defense would conclude its examination of Orchard tomorrow Without him.. Sen ator Borah stated that the state -would conclude its 'direct evidence, tomorrow and an adjournment wll probably then be taken-until Monday, as Wilson an nounced that Darrow. was the only at torney prepared to make the -opening statement for the defense. WERE POPULAR AS STUDENTS University Regrets Death of Robert Rountree and C. F. Warner. UNIVERSITY-, OF OREGON, Eugene, Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) Announcement of the-sudden death of Robert C. Rountree, a former member of the class of 1908, coupled with the news of the death of Charles F. Warner, '07, has caused great sorrow upon the campus. Rountree was one of tlrtf. most popular men in college and as the Glee Club comediAn he was the recipient of much enthusiastic praise Ho was a " prominent member - of the Sigma Nu fraternity and a member of the staff of the "Oregon Weekly. After finishing his . sophomore year, Rountree made a tour of the world, and after his return to Oregon went to Nevada where he had mining -Interests. "Chick" Warner, as he was popularly known upon' the campus, was a mem ber of this year's graduating class In the department of mining engineering. He was a bright student and a general fa vorite at college. At the time of his death Warner occupied a responsible po sition in a copper mine in Northern Call fornla. FAVORABLE TO UNIVERSITY Ap- Alumni Committee Confident prnpriation Bill Will Win. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) Today's assembly was conducted by the members of the alumni who are In charge of the cam paign for the passage -of the University appropriation bill, which has been sub jected to the referendum. The speakers were C. N. JIcArthur, '01; Lewis R. Al derman. '98,- and Allen: H. Eaton, '02. The, discussed the- plans, which the alumni have In mind for the campaign of education which will be carried on next Spring and told of the methods that would be employed to acquaint tiia voters of the state with the needs of the University and the merits of the bill. From reports that have been received from allparts of the state, members of the. alumni.. campaign committee are of the opinion that the appropriation bill will pass by a very large majority. . GOVERNMENT GAVE SANCTION Permitted Freerkson to Enter Pol- x itics in Bremerton. PUGET SOUND NAVY- YARD, Dec. 18. Admiral W. T. Burwell, command ant at , the Puget Sound.Navy-Yard, was called as a witness in the case of A. H. treerkson. Civil Service employe of the yard, accused of undue political activity while working for the Government. The Admiral declared that Freerkson was a competent employe, had been forced Into the Bremerton political race by his friends and had run for Mayor with the consent of the Admiral and the Depart ment at Washington. Mayor Michael F. McGowan. of Brem erton, testified to the good character of Feeerkson and declared the defendant had never used bis position in the yard to further his 'political ambitions. The hearing will close tonight. CITY COCNCrtS LIVELY ROW Friends of Mayor Finally Decide He 6hall Retain Office. ' MEDFORD. Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) The City Council has been in a state of turmoil for some time past. The ques tion as to whether Medfoid should have a new Mayor at the coming election has been one of the Important questions. ' At a meeting last night three Councllmen uiituH a can ior ine election of a Mayor. Dr. Reddy. trie nresent Incnm. ber.t Insisted upon remaining his entire term, his attorneys arguing that he was elected for two years. Attofnevs argued warm for each side with the result that an election call was. made for three Coun cllmen. City1 Recorder and a City Treas urer. Chy licenses were fixed and water rates were raised at the meeting after the opposing factions had settled down to a cooler and more normal condition. "" i BETTER PAY FOR TEACHERS Patrons of Eugene Schools Vote 8- Mill Tax Board Had Asked for 7.' EUGENE, . Or.. Dec 17. (Special.) At a largely attended school meeting this evening an 8-mill' tax was unanimously voted by the enthusiastic citizens. The school board recommended a 7-mill tax. but the additional mill -was added in -or der that the salaries of teachers might be increased and none but the best In structors employed. Several speeches were made by men who wished ' to see the schools of Eugene made the best In the state. A committee' was appointed to report upon the advlsibllity of petition ing the County Court-to pay the tuition of -Lane County students outside, of Eu gene who attend the hig-h, schbol. " Charged With Illegal Fishing.1. OREGON CITY. Or.. Dec. 18 (Special.) J. C. Pierce and Charles H. vDauchy, Jr.," were-arrested pday ty Constable Ely, charged with fishing during the close sea son. The crime was aliased to have been committed two months ago, and the war rant was issued November 1, but was not served because of the holidays'. Henry Hinder was arrested fo rushing within a proscribed distance of the Government fishing racks. The three men were rer. leased on their own recognizance and will have a' preliminary hearing in a few days. We can only show a few of our bargains' here. Hundreds of others just as tempting. 1 J1l.no Morris Chair In golden! or weatiii rea oak, now. $58.(50 Dresser in golden, oak or genuine mahogany .... $34.25 sapfillli fifwiir ARM $7. SO Misses' Desk In arolden. w'thered ' oak, no Wrltlnir fS3.75 mmmm lftn.00 full Turkish Chair, in best . olive leather, now S48.00 135.00 Chiffonier, In blrdseye maple, oak or mahog any, now , only ler, in biroseye $17.50 $33.00 genuine ma hoe any Princess Lircsst-r $10.50 n ,-i. Jw-CtSEZ, r. .3fct IT 131.00 Dresser In oak or icenuine ma hogany, now S15.50 $32.50 Oak" Extension Table 316,25 ' $15.00 Hanging Hall fy ft f Rack, in golden or U lljl weathered oak, llSnallli S6.25- si::J6.oo mm- m.50 tfall Tree In golden oak, , now $15 Mission Arm Chair, in weathered oak, now..;.... S7.50 ' 50 Center T ble, in auar- ter-sawed gold en oak, now. . . . $3.75 $33.00 48-inch top 8-foot Extension Table, now.... $16.50 $6.00 Tahourette in golden oaK. wax or weathered oak, now only."..:.. cp in goioen S3.00 b- jx inet in golden V," oak, walnut . or mahogany, v 6.00 Make Your Selections Now While, the Stock Is Complete Buy Christmas Presents , at Half Price Powers' Christmas Store BARBERS THREATEN STRIKE TACOMA SHOPS WOULD RE- . STORE OLD WAGE SCALE. Effort Made to Reduce Haircuts, to US Celts eBusiness Said to B Paralyzed. k'' T A COMA-. Wash. Dee. 18; (Special.) Master barbers and the Journeymen of the local union are again fighting over salaries, the master barbers deJ-J daring business is dull, and that the additional $1 a week granted to the Journeymen as a result of their recent strike must be taken off. 'There Is also a prospect that the price of hair cutting will be reduced to 25 cents, the old price. The union will stand for the present salary, and another strike may result. The master barbers believe that If the Journeymen will agree to a- reduction In salary and cut In prices that busi ness will be revived.- Ever since the strike- about three months ago, business of the shops has been paralyzed. The Increase of $1 a week over the old scale, the master barbers declare. Is blood money ex tracted from them under force. DEAD OF THE NORTHWEST Mrs. George Marley. ORBGON CITY, Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) Mrs.- George Marley died at 6 o'clock tnis. morning from heart disease, after an illnera of many months. She was born In England In March, 1865, and after coming to A.merica reslded'In Philadelphia for a short time. She was married 20 years ago and came to Oregon City with her family from Philadelphia 16 .years' ago, and re sided here until her death. She Is sur vived by a husband and -three children, two of them grown and the youngest a daughter aged 3 years. . Her father. James Emmott, and her brother, Walter Emmott. live at Redland, Clackamas County. DOLLAR DINNER SUCCESS Puts It Up to the People. ABERDEEN, Wash.; Dec. 18. (Spe- newl clal.The Council, which refused .An drew Carnegie's offer of $15,000 f6r a pub lic library building, tonight adopted a resolution submitting the question to a vote of the people at the general city election, which will .take place in May next. The Council also passed an: or dinance to provide for the. filing of the tide lands. This means an expenditure of $350,000. A resolution was passed for the appointment of a committee to in vestigate the-fir department, expenses. Astoria Chamber of Commerce En tertains Several' Portlanders. ASTORIA, dr.. Dec. 18. (Special.) The first of the series of dollar dinners to be given monthly by the Astoria Chamber of Commerce was held this evening and was an unqualified suc cess. It was attended by 131 of the leading citizens of the community and visitors from neighboring cities and much good was accomplished in arous ing the interest and enthusiasm of those present in support of a number of projects for the benefit of the com munity and In .creating a closer per sonal friendship among the business Interests of the city. Among the prin cipal speakers from outside the city were . William H. Garland, of New York, Tom Richardson and C. C. Chap man, of Portland. An autograph let ter from T. B. Wilcox, of Portland. was read and received with hearty applause. (Established 1879.) " Cunm Whll You SItip. Wriooping-Cough,. Croup. Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem edy, which for a quarter of a century has earned unqualified praise. Restful nights are assured at once. Cresolene Is a Boon to Asthmatics AH Druggists Send festal for de- scrtptiv botkUt. Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets for the irritated throat, of your druggist or from us. 10c in (tamps. , Hie VapoCresoleiw Go. loOPottMSt., N. Y. I m quo.litvirv purity- ia corv cerura.Tionir economy mvaiueinTiavor. THE GENUINE Umm C0MPAHV3T EXTRACT OF BEEFfl S5IGNED SIM BLUEfJ HAND SAPOLIO FOR T.OILET AND BATH ringers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hope , lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re moves not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores the fingers to their nat ural beauty. Is the proper route from Portland, Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Bellingham, Victoria, Vancouver, Spokane, and other Western points to all points East and Southeast. When you are planning your trip, confer with our agent and - he will explain our through service and why you can best afford to travel via the Northern Pacific Railway We offer through service, elegant equipment, every modern convenience,' speedy trains, and courteous treatment. Call on or write to A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION, 1909. PALMS, FERNS, PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS There Is nothing; nicer for C'hrlatmaa prenents thnn Palms, Rare Plants, a doxen Row Bushes, or a Holly Tree. Every owner of a home would appreciate a present of this kind. We Just received a big shipment of fine stock from Japan and Belgium. Call and see our display. Choice Pnlms and Plants from 75c up. We'll deliver any date 70a wish. Phone us your order" for a Christmas Tree, Cut Holly. Mistletoe. Oregon Orape. etc. Portland Seed Company S. K. Cor. Front and Yamhill Sts. Phone Main 473 or Fxchange A-4315. mm