Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 19, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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1 side At 5 P. M.. British ship Clackman- I
; nansnire. from Mejlllones.
San Francisco, Dec. 18. Arrived last
night Steamer Joban Foulsen. from Port
land. Lota. Dec. 18. Arrived Dec. 4th British
steamer Ty merle, from Portland, for St.
Hobart. Dec. 16. Sailed Bark General
De Negrler from Rochester and Cherbourg,
for Seattle.
Why Waste More Money
"Trying" Different Doctors?
British Ship Carries Full Cargo
of Wheat.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
1:08 A. M....6.9 feetl 6:46 A. M....3.1 feet
12:28 P. M 9.0 feetl 7:33 P. M. . 0.T feet
Vessel Is Eighth Grain Carrier to
Clear Foreign During Month of
December Value of Exports
Is More Than $1,000,000.
Carrying 118.S29 bushels of wheat, valued
t J106.946, the British ship St. Mirren,
cleared for Dublin direct yesterday. She
1s ready for sea and will leave down to
day. A crew has been shipped and the
vessel will probably cross out before the
end of the week.
The St. Mirren Is the eighth grain car
rier to clear foreign this month. To date
the exports amount to 114,113 barrels of
flour and 920,123 bushels of wheat. Re
duced to a grain basis this would be
equivalent to 1,433.375 bushels. The total
value of the cargoes set afloat since the
first of the month is J1.243.6S2.
Before the first of the new year, which
is the beginning of the second half of the
cereal year, 14 more cargoes will clear
from Portland, foreign, and the grain
shipments will amount to approximately
4.000.000 bushels. This will beat any pre
vious mark ever made for Portland. Of
the fleet yet to clear during the present
Due to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Alliance Coos Bay In port
Senator San Francisco. Jn port
Roanoke Los Angeles... In port
Breakwater. . Coos Bay Dec. 19
Arabia Hongkong; Dec. 20
Northland. .. .San Pedro Dec. 21
Costa Rlra...San Francisco. Dec. 22
Geo. W. Elder.San Pedro Dec. 24
.TohanPoulHen San Francisco. Dec. 23
Niromedia. . . Hongkong Jan. 4
Alesla Hor.Kltonjr Feb. 1
Xumantla. .. .Hongkong Mar. 2
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Senator San Francisco. .Dec- 19
Alliance Coos Bay '.Dec. 19
Roanoke Los Angeles. .. Dec. 20
Breakwater. . Coos Bay Dec. 21
Northland. .. .Kan Pedro Dec. 23
Arabia Hongkong Dec. .'!
Costa Francisco . Dec. 25
Oeri. TV. KlderSan Pedro Dec. 26
JnhanPoulsen San Francisco. Jan. 1
Nicomedia Hongkong Jan 12
Alesla Hongkong Feb. 12
Numantla .Hongkong Alar. 12
Cleared Wednesday,
f-t. Mirren, Br. ship (Muckhart),
with 11S.829 bushels of wheat, val
ued at $106,046, for Dublin direct.
month a large number are steamships
and the average carrying capacity of each
Is about 6000 tons. In addition to the
steam vessels the sailers will carry be
tween 110.0W and 130.000 bushels each. The
lumber fleet will fall short for December
but will be sufficient to keep Portland on
the list as a port of export for building
British Steamship Is Chartered to
Carry Wheat From Portland.
Taylor, Young & Co. have chartered the
British steamship Huttonwood, 2S33 tons
net register, to load wheat at Portland for
the United Kingdom. The cargo will be
supplied by Kerr, Glfford & Co., and tne
vessel will be available for January load
The Huttonwood Is now in San Fran
clsco harbor, having arrived there Decem
ber 5. from Norfolk. She la commanded
by Captain White and brought e. cargo
if coal for the United States Government.
It is possible that the steamer will arrive
in time for December loading. With the
exception of the charter of the Sommer
Mad. this is the only outward charter re
ported for several weeks?
Inspector Goes to the ' Sound.
P. J. Werlich, Inspector of the Thir
teenth Lighthouse District, who has been
on a tour of inspection of the stations on
the coast between Cape Blanco and the
Columbia River, yesterday telegraphed to
Superintendent Hart that he would pro
ceed from Empire City on Coos Bay di
rect to Cape Flattery and to make ar
rangements to have the Armeria meet
him at Port Townsend. This arrange
ment will prevent the return of Captain
Werlich to Portland for more than ten
Xo Tidings bf the Bark Castor.
Xo word has been received of the long
overdue bark Castor, which has been off
the Oregon and Washington coasts for the
past 33 days. With the advent of the
clear weather the hopes of the shipping
men revive and a number of wagers were
offered on the front yesterday on her ap
pearance in good shape. The Castor first
appeared at the lightship November IS
and she has been seen three times since.
It is possible that the vessel has been
driven -far to the northward.
AVinnebago Will Load at Portland.
F. P. Baumgartner, local agent for the
Gray Steamship Company, of San Francis
co, has received word, that the steamship
Winnebago has been chartered for an out
ward voyage from Portland. She will
make San Francisco and San Pedro on lue
voyage South and Mr. Baumgartner has
been requested to rustle up a part of the
outward cargo. The Winnebago is a
lake built steamer and 1s 786 net tons reg
ister. She is a heavy carrier and is of
the steam schooner type.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Strathendrlck will shift
this morning from Greenwich to the
The steamship Senator will sail this
afternoon for San Francisco with passen
gers and freight.
The steamship Hanalei will leave down
this afternoon for Westport. where i no
will complete her cargo for San Francisco.
The steamship Alliance did not get off
the drydock yesterday. She will be low
ered this morning and will proceed to
Couch street dock.
The steamship Cralgvar has completed
her cargo for the Continent and will leave
down today. She will proceed to Comox
for coal and thence to coronel.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, Dec. IS. Arrived Steam
ship Lansing, from Port Harford: French
bark Villa d Mulhouse, from Antwerp.
Sailed Steamship Asuncion, (or Point Rich
mond. Farangua. Dec. JS. Sailed Paula Blum
berga. for San FTanclsco.
Astoria, Dec. JS. Condition of the bar at
5 I1. M., smooth: wind east 20 miles;
weather cloudy. Arrived At 10:30 A. M.
and left up at 12:50 P. M.. steamer Lan
ding, from Port San Luis. Arrived down at
2:30 P. M. Baric Homeward Bound. Out-
Paddock Consecrated In New York
by Bishop Tuttle.
NEW YORK. Dec. 18. The Rev. Rob
ert Lewis Paddock, pastor of the Church
of the Holy Apostles in this city, was
consecrated Episcopal Missionary Bishop
of the Diocese of Eastern Oregon today.
Bishop Daniel S. Tuttle, - of Missouri,
was the consecrating prelate. He was
assisted by Bishops Potter, of New York,
and Satterlee, of. Washington, D. C.
Bishop Wells, of Spokane, was present
and Bishop Scaddlng, of Oregon, pre
sented the candidate.
Bishop Paddock will take up his new
duties in Oregon In January.
Building' Permits. '
R. J. STEWART To alter and repair a
six-story brick building, on East Morri
son street, between East Sixth and Ease
Seventh streets; J200.
O. J. RUNNING To erect a one-story
brick building, to be used as a garage, on
East Oak. between East Second and Ea-t
Third streets; $3000.
J. F. HAND To erect a two-story frame
dwelling, on Weldler. between East Twenty
fifth and East Twenty-sixth streets; 12000.
JOSEPH CLOSSETT To alter and repair
a three-story frame building at Third and
Everett streets; S100.
S. J. S riLLWELL To erect a two-stoty
frame building, on East Sixth street, be
tween Wygant and Alberta streets; $1800.
RICE & MILLER To erect a one-story
building, on Wlnton. between Clinton and
Division streets: $1000.
To erect a tv.o-sicry frame building, to
be used as a store, on First, between Hall
and Harrison streets; S"!)00.
O. H. BERG To erect a one-storr frame
dwelling, on East Seventeenth street, bo
tweon Wygant and Alberta: $1500.
MRS. L. C. WENDORF To erect a one
story frame dwelling on Tillamook, between
Union avenue and East Seventh street:
To erect a two-story frame building to be
used as a warehouse, on East Irving street,
between Union and Grand avenues; $1000.
C. J. CROSBY To erect a one-atory
frame dwelling on Commercial street, be
tween Skldmore and Mason; $1900.
d. J. M'KEE To erect a one-story frame
dwelling on East Eighth street, between
Madrona and Farrell; $500.
REED At 445 East Twenty-third street,
north, December 14. to the wife of G.H.
Reed, a daughter.
McCORMICK At 390 Stanton street, De
cember 4, to the wife of F. M. McCormlck,
a daughter.
DeMARTINA At East Fifty-third . and
Division streets. December 11. to the wife
of R. DeMartlna. a son.
MOWER At East Thirty-fifth and- East
Madison streets, December 13. to the wife
of Charles M. Mower, twin daughters.
DRAIN At Fulton Park. December 16.
to the wife of John Drain, a daughter.
GILBAUGH At East Forty-second and
Division streets. December 16. to the wife
of John H. Gllbaugh. a son.
JOHNSON At 343 Sacramento street,
December 15. to the wife of Fred L. John
son, a daughter.
SAMMONS At 200 East Twenty-ninth
street, north, December 10, to the wife of
Harold G. Sammons, a son.
KIRKPATRIC'K At 1556 Hodge street,
December 14. to the wife of William Klrk
patrlck, a daughter.
LARABBE At the Portland Maternltv
Hospital. December 17. to the wife of Jack
Streeter Larabee, a daughter.
fostravich At 1ST Halsey street. De
cember 15. to the wife of Louis Postravlch.
a son.
SIEVERS At 757 Clackamas street, De
cember 17. to the wife of Will Slevers. a son.
DUNBAR At 1111 Michigan avenue. De
cember 5, to the wife of Daniel O. Dunbar.
a daughter.
PENNISH At 1008 Patton avenue. De
cember 10, to the wife of A. H. Pennlsh. a
PHILLIPS At 975 East Morrison street.
December 17. Genevieve Phillips, a native
of Oregon, aged 7 years 9 months and 7
CLARK At the Good Samaritan Hospi
tal, December 16, Albert M. Clark, a na
tive ot Ohio, aged 51 years and 10 daya
ubaky At the soldiers' Home. Decem
ber 16, Octavus A. Deary, nativity un-
Known, aged 07 years.
BEUKTON At the Portland Sanitarium.
December 15. A. A. Buerton. nativity un
known, aged 67 years.
withekell At the Good Samaritan
Hospital, December 16, A. Wltherell, a na
tive of Massachusetts, aged 49 years and
9 months.
BUKK At St. Vincenfs Hospital. Decem-
mber 16. Peter Burk. a native of Pennsyl
vania, aged 76 years.
AUSTIN At 401 Tenth street. December
17. Harry O. Austin, a native of Oregon.
aged 3 years. 5 months and 25 days.
ROTED At the Good Samaritan Hosnltal.
December 16, Ella M. Royed. a native of
Germany, aged 30 years. 11 months and 22
days. .
WALKER At Kingston House. December
IS. Lancelot Walker, a native of England,
aged 81 years. 6 months and 12 days.
RICHARDSON At the Good Samaritan
Hospital. December 15, Virginia Richardson,
a native of Maryland, aged 28 years.
Article of Incorporation.
COMPANY Incorporators. John A: Martin,
Bertha B. Martin. Sadie E. Stephenson and
David H. Stephenson; capital $25,000.
tors, Edwin E. Thomas, H. M. Thomas, K.
R. Thompson ana F. B. Thompson: capital
Marriage Licenses.
ALMLEE-KNOW Christopher Almlee. 38,
Medford: Alice Susan Know, 25. city.
ADAMSON-BKRLIN Louis Adameon. 84.
city; Hedvig Berlin, S3, city.
PETERSON-BERLIN Victor Peterson. '31.
city; Slgne Berlin, 28. city.
r-AH.Ml.rl-.u i ri Melvln c Fartish. 22.
city; Maude L. Smith. 21. city.
Cured by absorption; no pain.
The en
larged veins are due to mumps, bicycle
or horseback riding, disease, etc In
time it weakens a man mentally as well
as physically. I will cure you for 11X9
-or make no charge. .
Cured bj absorption: no pain; no loss
of time. Why suffer longer when you
can be cured In a few hours at a mod
erate cost? Call and consult me at
once, and I will convince you of the
superiority of my New System Treat
ment over any other method.
Overcome in 00 days or no pay. Symp
toms overcome In 7 to 21 days, without
chemicals, or poison. If suffering from
any blood trouhle come and I will drive
the poison from your blood forever by
my New System Treatment.
I Do Not Patch I p, I Cure Forever.
Write, if you cannot call. All correspondence sacredly conQd entlal.
HOURS 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Evenings. 7 to S:30; Sundays, 8 A li. to 12 Noon..
Compognone, 41, Sellwood; Giuseppina Cater
lna, 22. city. -
i5rMm no -r, - a .
w. uuj mcu ooptrr, .O, city ,
Minnie W. Gray. 23. city.
GLASS-BEARD H. G. Glass, 28, Uni
versity Park; Nettle Beard, 24, city.
WILSON-M'HAFFIE J. S. Wilson. 40,
city; Lulu M. McHaffle, 25, city.
ST A HLT- ST A HLT Henry SfaMy, 27, city;
Mrs. Jennie Stahly. 22, city.
Woodside, 48, city; Emma Buchanan, 39, city.
UARKEN-jOHNf ON J. J. Garren. 32, Se
attle: Adah M. Johnson. 28. city.
COLLINS-WARREN Milo S. Collins, 20,
city; Emma A. Warren, 21, city.
BURTON-KINZER Henrv Arthur Bur
ton. 23, city; Austa Estella Kinier, 17. city.
REIS-BROWN George J. Rels. 23. Ray
mond; Onelta H. Brown, over 18. city.
KRIEGER-GERLACH Dan Krleger. 27,
St. John. Wash.; Lizzie Gerlach. 19, city.
Wedding and visiting cards, w. J. Bmtth
4c Co.. Washington bid., 4th and Wash.
Wedding Invitations. Latest styles, proper
forms. $5 for 100. Alvln 8. Hawk, 144 2d.
Real Estate Transfers.
Johanna E. Keating to John F. Buh
niann, lots 12, 13 and 14, block 2,
Evans Addition to Alblna $
Albert Crowe et al to J. N. Montelth,
lot 3, block 8, Wlllumbla Addition..
Harry L. and Lena W". Foggatt to
Eliza M. Cuff, lot 8, block. 17, Co
lumbia Heights.
Portland Realty A Trust Comapny to
HJalmar Gustafoon. lot 4. block 2,
Evelyn ,'
M. A. Raymond et al to David E. and
Nettie T. Steel, lot 6, block 69.
Sunnyside Third Addition
Otto J. Kraemer to W. H. and Louise
Duvkworth, lot 4. block 2, Bon Ton
Philip and Martha Buehner to Mary
E. M. Smith, lots 4, 5 and a. block
26. Arthur Lodge
R. Lv Stevens (Sheriff) to Jennie -A
West, beginning at Intersection of
center of Belmont street with cen-
, ter of East 13th, thence south ISO
feet, thence east 260 feet, thence
north 130 feet, thence west to be
ginning Lucia H. and O. R. Additon to B.
F. Fluke, lot 4, block 0. Mount
Scott View
Clarke-Clemron Company to J. F.
Wing, block "A," Clcmson Addi
tion Samaritan Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F
to Relnhold Williamson, lots 4. 7 and
8. block 12. P. J. Martin
Richard Williams to Lucius J. Hicks.
3 acres beginning at point 1660.3t
feet north of southeast corner of C.
Kelly, donation land claim at point
on claim line and center ot Francis
. avenue
Lucius J. and Ada R. Hicks to Simon
Wehrman. same property as de
scribed above
J. Fred Thompson to Henry B. Thomp
son, lots 16 and 16. block 7, Reser
voir Park
Carl Stoli to Mae Stoll, lot 4, block 8,
Charleston's Addition
J. L. Hartman et al to M. E. Kil
kenny, lots 11 and 12, block 8, sub
division St. John Heights
M. A. Boggess to A. B. Ledbury,
southwest Vi of southeast of sec
tion 22, township 1, range 2 east,..
Portland Realty & Trust Company to
Alice M. Sanford, lots 25 and 26,
block 4, Bvelyn
Claude G. Powers to Kate D. Morgan,
lot IB, block 1, South Sunnyside
Sycamore Real Estate Company to
Rose S. Bennett, lots 11 and 12, block '
2. Kern Park
Rose and A. J. Osburn to Sarah A
Ijine. lot 10. block 2, Maplewood..
Harry L. Williams to E. A. Myers,
lot 31, block 1. East View
Edward Gunderson Adm to J. H.
Hovedsgaard, land beginning at point
where west boundary of Bast Seventh
street extended, would Intersect north
boundary of a tract conveyed by
Gideon. TIbbets and wife to Clinton
Clara and John Mardorf to Henry Wag-
You Must Come to Us Sooner cyr Later
Why Not Now?
If you will come to me without money and without prici., I will give you free
my beet opinion of your case. I can be seen only at tfhis office. I lead, all
others follow. I have the largest practice in Portland. I have the best-equipped
office in the world. I do not accept incurable cases. No1- man is too poor te re
ceive my best attention. Everybody knows and calls ma' the old reliable special
ist, who cures forever all cases. My special prices given, below:
Varicocele ,
Hydrocele ,
Nervous Debility. . .
Blood Disorders. . .
Bladder Ailments..
Kidney Ailments.
Prostate Ailments. .
People know so well of my ability tbat
they are Hllins; my offices by the score.
If You Cannot Call, Write for tree Relf
Kxamlnation Blank. Medicines from
$1.50 to 06.50 a course.
Within Any Man's Reach.
The Universal
Strengthening food for the
weakest digestion.
Nourishing food for the
strongest digestion.
Good for the babiesgood
for all ages the most nutri
tious of all the wheat foods.
needa Biscuit
In moisture and
dust proof packages.
ner, lot 8. block 312, Couch Addition 6750
Henry and Thekla Gernaud to Rae
Beekman, lot 3, block 2, Holladay
Addition S50
Mary A. and F. A. Brown to G. F. Ber
ber, lot 4. block 12, North Alblna.. 600
E. B. and Alma B. Holmes to L. W.
Hardman, lots 32 and 33, block 2,
Peninsular Addition No. 1 250
John P. and Ellen J. shrakey to Val
.erle Leincke. undivided 1-3 of lots
1 and 2. block 8U, East Portland.. 1
John H. and Eliza B. Metzger to Peter
Mlchels, 1 acre in section 10, town
ship 1 south, range 3 east 1
George W. and Calla Kenney to Peter
Michel, 20i acres beginning at point
on k section line SO rods south of
center of section 10, township 1 south
range 3 east, thence east 80 rods,
thence 4 41 rods, thence west 80 rods,
thence south 41 rods to beginning 1
Van B. and Maria C. DeLashmutt to
Philip Beuhner, lot 14. block 3; lots
10 to 15 Included, block 13; lots 7 to
13 Included, block 20; lots 1 to 19, 21
to 24, block 22; lots 4, 5 and 6. block
. 26; lots 10, 11 and 12, block 27, Ar
bor Lodge 1
Anna S. Bernard to Nathan Harris,
east of lot 9, block 3, King's Sec
ond Addition 4000
'River View Cemetery Association to
Amy Dobson, lot 48, block 16, said
cemetery 160
Herman and Rachel Jaehn to Martin
Hammer, 2 acres In section 8, town
ship 1 north, range 1 east 2400
Dewltt C. Ross et al ts John H. and ,
Eliza & Metzger, south of south
east V of section 10, township 1 '
south, range 3 east 3000
Coast Investment Company to Lucy M
Ralnwater. lots 18 and 19. block 3,
Barton's Addition to St. John 4'J5
Arleta Land Company to Lillian
Thompson, lot 7, block 10. Elberta.. JD0
iaura ri. isortnup to rl. rl. Northup,
lots 5 and 6, block 94, Carters' Ad
dition 1
jonn ana' uaaie a. versteeg to H. H.
and Harry B. Northup, lot 4, block
3, Versteeg's Addition , 1
c f . and Settle Bunker to Jennie D.
Vance, lots 11 and 12, hlock 20; lots
23 and 24, block 40, First Addition :
to Llnnton ' 400
jonn victor and Emma Borg to John ,
Blifs, 28 acres of sections 84 and 35,
township 1 north, range 3 east.... 8500
J?ranK ana iseuie Kaneve to Fred
Russell, lot 8, block 1, Rochelle. . 2750
Gilbert JHUrK to JU3tUS MurK, lots 20.
and 25, block 13. Point View i. . 300
fcister Mary Theresa to Sister Mary
Gertrude, lot 3 in east of Trar jt
"L" of M. Patton Tract i. . . 1
E. Henry Wemme to Overlook Lrfuid
Company, lots 1 and 2. block 17; 'lots
17 and 21, block "C;" lot 10, blooic 9,
Overlook . V . . . . 1
George A. and Georgia S. Brodle toj F.
L. Farrls, lots 3 and 4, block 25. .7 East
Creston . f. 725
Annie Nutting to Emma Zurfluslu sub
division z. Movers subdivision of lot
3. block 3, Portland Homester id. . .. 425
Louise and Amos P. Boyd to A. iHatch,
lot 25, block 2. Highland Ftrk 400
Oak Park Land Company to ICVUy D.
Thomas, north 8? feet of lota '12 and
13. block 1, Madeline 1200
William L. and Coro M. Nash to Henry
Sensel. lots 1 and 2, Brook) Jale 6800
Point View Real Fstate Conapany to
Ernlnl W. Rathbun. lots 11 and 12.
block 34. Point View 225
Emlnl W. Rathbun to Gustav Hail, lots
11 and 12. block 34, Point. View Ad
dition to St. John t. 476
Eivlnd and Pauline Hovda, to Alette
Wahl, west of lot 16, brock 8, Cen
tr?.l Alblna 400
Addle G. and G. W. GreW.t to E. M.
and Emma G. Purdin. ) ot 12, block
1, South Sunnvslde Addition 1
Portland Trust Company! of Oregon
to Anna Moss Cummingg, lot 7, block
1, Tremont Place 80
Hester A. and James W. Lawrence to
Sarah Inez Miller, cons menclng at a
point 78 rods south any. 316 feet west
df center of section ,0, township 1
south, range 8 east, tlience north 100
feet, thence west ljo feet, thence '
south 100 feet, thencev east 120 feet to -beginning
, 250
A. C. and Sarah A. fedmunds to Ella
Burrlngton, beglnnng at point in
center of Hawthorrte avenue, 20 rods
west of east line iof 8c 1 don Murray
Cured In ?'a few weeks. Improvement
from the. start. If you suffer from
loss of efiergy and ambition, feel tired
when yoru arise In ths morning, lams
back, d.zxiness, spots before the eyes, .
and feefi you are not the man you once
were, r; will cure you for life.
Cursd by absorption In a short time.
No pain, no cutting, no operation. By
my method ths urethral canal is healed
and jmtlrs system restored to Its healthy
statr: No failure, no pain or loss of
tlni. ,
I S'laenose by Exclusion
No Mistakes Made
and wife..... goQ
Alterlus W.. and Helen A. GIesy"to
Lydia M. Willis, south 14 ot east V,
of a por'.lon of Gideon Tlbbetts 1
Lydla M. and Eugene Willis to John .
B. Frost,, same property as described
bve ,J goo
15.aZ".''ouabstraet made by the 8eeuM
Abstract Trust Co.. T Chamber of Coca.
Difference With Employers on Ques
tiion of Wages Not Yet Settled.
Kfc settlement of the difference, he.
twteen the plasterers and their employers
nrd been effected yesterday, and work on
a'A Improvements In this city directed by
tie boss plasterers remains suspended.
'I t a special meetinsr of th nini.,.,.
last night itwas voted unanimously to
'refuse to. return to work at the reduced
wage schedule, and a committee was ap
pointed to confer with the bosses with a
view to adjusting- the controversy on that
basis. v
Aside from the headquarters of the ma
chinists where a number of men were
passing the time in a tame of cards,
several unemployed workmen were found
at labor headquarters on First street
yesterday, where the principal topic of
conversation was the decison of Justice
Gould, of the Equity Court of the Dis
trict of Columbia enjoining the American
Federation of Labor from boycotting the
Buck Stove & Range Company. While
the granting of the injunction is of a
temporary character only, pending the
decision of the real Issue Involved, it
prohlbts the imposition of the boycott
for at least six months since the contro
versy cannot come up on Its merits be
fore the United States Supreme Court
before late in the Spring or six months
The ruling o the Federal judge Is con
sidered of especial significance by union
men locally since It is considered that the
same decision applies to union organiza
tions throughout the country. However,
should the ruling be enforced strictly. It
I offer you thorough treat
ment that will effect a com
plete cure for only
My Fee in
Any Uncomplicated
My very extensive practice enables me to
make this offer to every suffering man. It is
not a Special Offer, subject to certain Impos
sible conditions, but a general one. made In
good faith, and it is easily within the reach of any man, no matter what
his circumstances. If my practice were as limited as that of the average
specialist or the ordinary practitioner, I would, like them, be compelled
to exact fat fees for my services. In addition to my low fee, the great
advantage in coming to me for treatment is that my methods offer you
positive assurance of a cure.
My success in treating men's diseases is due to my thorough Vnd
original methods of treatment. The cures I effect are th result of my
thorough knowledge of every phase of the diseases I treat and to the fact
that I apply Individual treatment to each case. In every Instance I know
the aliment, and I know the cure for It.
The fact that I agree, to wait for my fee is proof of my confidence
In my ability to cure in every case. Some doctors assert that certain
diseases of men are Incurable. I deny that, and stand ready to PROVE
that by my methods there is no disease peculiar to me that I cannot cure.
Mv exhaustive studlea In the spe
cialties of Men's Weaknesses prove
exclusively to me that this class of
disorder in about nine cases out of
ten Is due to an affection of the nerves
of the prostate a;land. or to a disturb
ance of the blood supply on this im
portant organ. Treatment must be
frlven to Jthe affected parts. It must
be local and direct. It must be the
right treatment, and the functions of
the organ and the action of the me
diation must be minutely understood.
Then tho result ts never In doubt for
a minute, and the cure Is as perma
nent as It la absolute.
fully give you the very best opinion, guided by years of successful prac
tice. Men out of town, in trouble, write if you cannot call, as many
cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure.
HOURS 0 A. M. to S P. M ., 7 to 0 P. M. Sundays, IO to 1 Only.
The Dr. Taylor Go.
234V2 Morrison Street, Cor. Second Portland, Or.
We can cure you. , It costs
you nothing if we fail.
Write for free symptom
blank, if you cannot call.
Don't longer suffer Don't hes
itate Wake up Call today -Examination
and advice free.
Not Sick, Yet Hardly Able
to Work Every Day.
There is usually a pain across
the small of the back; blue rings
under your eyes; specks before
your eyes; your sleep does not rest
you; you gret up in the morning
feeling; tired; your mind at times
wanders; your memory is poor;
you are losing flesh, holloweyed;
whites of your eyes are yellow;
you aro fearful, always expecting
the worst to happen; very nerv
ous, you have bad dreams; start
in your sleep and awake out. of a
dream very much frightened;
stinging pain in the breast; no ap
petite. Do you know what causes
you to feel like this? This con
dition will not improve of its own
accord, but instead you may grow
gradually worse, and eventually
etid In nervous debility or neuras
thenia. If you have ever taken
treatment and failed to get cured
perhaps it is because you never
took treatment at the Oregon
Medical Institute. Our treatment
is different from the old treat
ments taught years ago. We cor
. dlally Invite consultation free.
People who live In outside
towns and in the country and can
not call should write for our self
examination blank. Many cases
have been cured by home treatment.
Honrs to 5i 7 to 8 Evening) 10 to 12 Sunday,
would not interfere seriously with the
boycott that is being conducted, by the
labor organizations ot this city for the
reason that but a very few of the busi
ness firms or other employers of labor in
Portland are on the , "unfair" or "we
don't patronize" lists. '
Tug Fireman Drinks and Drowns
PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 18. The float
ing dead body of Gustav Linn was
dragged from the bay today, after being
in the water about two hours. He was
fireman on the tug J. M. Coleman, and no
one knows how ' he got Into the bay. He
had considerable money when he left the
tug last night and had been drinking.
Tomorrow (Friday) positively the last
day for discount on East Side gas bills.
Portland Gas Company.
it Baby la Cattlnc Teeth
R mur and am that old well-tried remedy.
Mr. WlnaloWs Boothins Byrup, for children
teething. It aoothes tne child, aottens ma
cums. allaya pain, colic and dlarrhoeau
The) Leading Speclallat.
By varicocele we understand a twist
ed, hardened and: knotted condition of
the veins carrying the blood from the
appendages. The stagnant blood In the
affected veins seriously Interrupts the
blood supply of the organa and often
la the cause of reflex aymptoma which
are not easily recognized. By my im
proved methods I use no knife, cause
no . pain nor loss of time from busl
nesa. My treatment Is scientific, thor
ough, pormanent and never falls. It
Aill pay every man suffering from
Varicocele to Investigate before con
sidering other treatments.
Or Knotty- Veins We Cure
Without Cutting Come
for One Visit.
So much has been said about
Varicose Veins in medical adver
tisements that every man ouprht to
know if he has It or not. It is a
solid fact, however, that we run
across men every day that are
complaining of weakness who have
been so negligent as to not even
examine themselves and discover
their trouble until it has run them
down and weakened them mentally
and physically.
WHAT IT K "Varicose Veins," a
liuni 11 Wconditlon prevalent
in man, Is a dilatation or enlarge
ment of the veins, which from
various causes become corded and
knotty, feeling like a bundle of
earthworms. It usually occurs on
the left side and produces drag
ging sensation in the groin and
back. It often impairs the general
health and then causes much
worry, and you may grow de
spondent. TMN'T WATT 'o sensible man
VIM 1 TTftll should wait. He
should realize that tho longer ho
delays the more the parts affected
will waste away. Don't live and
linger DEAD to the joys of health,
when we have a good cure for
your varicose veins and weakness
and can make
you a happy,
manly man with
mental and phy
sical powers
c o m p fete. We
cure without cutting. Come for one
visit. We cordially invite consul
tation. We cure after others fall.
"My father faadbn a offerer from tlrV hta4acb
for the last twenty-five years and never found any
relief until he began taking yoar Cascarets. Sin re
hehaabecun taking Cairarets he haa nerer had
the headache. They have entirely cared him.
Caicarett do what yon recommend them ti do. I
will you th privilege of uatiic his name."
E.M. Dickson. 1120 KesinerSt., W.Indianapolia.lnd.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Onod, To flood.
Never fcjlcken. Weaken or Cirlp. 0f 2.".e. 5Pc. Nevt
old in bulk. The genuine tablet ft tamped CCC.
Guaranteed to cure or yoar money back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y 598
Xhe Well-Known
Root and Herb
Has made a Ufa stud
of roots aad herbs. aaX
In that study discovered
and la s-lvtni to the,
world bla wonderful
Ao Mercury, aoj.uii . i A"
Cures Without Operation, or Without tho
Aid of the Knife. He luarantees to curaj
ach. Liver. Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man.
oooa, exam v cubuv..
Dliaasea. . " ..,
Just Received from Peking. China Safe.
miii. mxia 11 - . - - -
. . inTtrc i ..ah rMnnnt fa It write ftt?
UAIHWrjtl'-'wa. jww ' , -
y wrt U VUU1 uiuiin a)", - - - --
cants In atamps CONSULTATION FREE.
um t;. (iee wo xuneae jucqjcuiv vw
162fc Flrat St.. Cor. Morri.on,
Portland. Oregon.
Pleas Mention This raper.
Danger in a Cold
Because you have contracted ordinary cold
fend recovered from them without treatment
of any kind, do not for a moment imagine
hat colds are not dangerous. Not only pneu
monia, but also the infectious diseases suca
as diphtheria and scarfet fever start with a
old. The cold prepares the system for the
reception and development ot the germs of
these diseases. Take our advics cure your
cold while you can.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
by Its remarkable cures of colds has become
a staple article of trade and commerce . It la
prompt; it Is effectual; It Is reliable. Try It,
Dr. elanderson'a Compound aav
in and Cotton Root Pllla, the
best and only reliable remedy
jioit obstinate cases In 8 to 18
d,vL Price 3- Der box, or oe eo.
Bold by druBBlsta eirywhero. ;
Portland. Oregon.
Si ! tion-aonooflai
remedy tor Gonorrhoea,
Gleet. SpormotorrhoDa,
Whitei, unnatural die)
!' .at le trt.wre. cuarfie., or but uiimkuiv
rnrneia MautUa. tion of mucous menr
TMEEvNS0HtlIOlC. bronas. Non-oJtrliisenfc
.moiTi.e.fT Jol ay Drcnrtrlota,
B. . A. or sent in plain wrapper.
PT jxarMS, RTOit. Iof
60 "nL .1.00. or bottle. 2.7,
Utsolac eWaWOU educate