16 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. STEALS MILK; GETS 30 DAYS Seattle Man Declares the Pang3 of Hunger Tempted Him. SEATTLE, "Wash., Dec. IS. (Special.) Thirty days In the County Jail was the sentence meted out today to Albert Blt tle as puninhment for stealing a bottle of milk worth 7 cents. Blttle declares that he was starving- and that he has had nothing but a few crusts of bread to eat for two days. This 'morning he saw the milk In the doorway of a restaurant and could not overcome the demands of his hunger and took it intending to drink it as he ate a crust of bread he had In his pocket. Just as he was about to take a drink from the bottle he was hailed by a policeman and In his fright dropped the bottle. 'A AMUSEMENTS. Prices: TONIGHT 8:30 75c $1 00 HBILiIG THEATER. $iso HAMLIN 2-50 Tenor. Seats Now Direction 8el!lnj--. Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. RAH! RAH! RAH! OREGON SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 21 The University of Oregon Glee and Mandolin Clubs "PRICES Lower floor, $1.00 and 75c. Bal cony, "Sc and 50c. Gallery. 25c. Beats Now eelllnir at Theater. MARQUAM GRAND Portland' Famous Theater Phone, Main 6.) Tonight and Remainder of Week Matinee, Saturday "QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER" The Greatest Rural Comedv Ever "Written Don't Miss This Delightful Play Slventngs. 25c. 35c, 50c, 75c; Matinee, 35c, 50o BAKER THEATER Fhone Main GEO. L. BAKER, General Manager. Home of the famous Baker Stock Company. All this week, an elaborate production of Alexandre Dumas romantic drama, "THE THREE MUSKETEERS A play everyone should witness. Scenery And costumes correct and beautiful. Great CHSt. Evenings 25c. 35c. 50c. Matinee 15c. 25a Matinee Saturday. EMPIRE THEATER Phon. M.m m MTTjTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Tonight Every Night This Week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, t,lllian Mortimer's Startling Modern Melo drama, "GIRT. OF THE STREETS." Bpeclal scenic production. ,. Thrills and comedy. i .V .. 1 T". OKa O ,A, n.,n,al 10. OO-. Kext Attraction "Why 6lrl Leave Home.! LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4685; Home, A 1026. Week commencing Monday, December 16, The Allen Stock Company Presents the Thrilling Detective Drama. "CAUGHT IN THE WEB." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday nd Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c. Boxes r.Oc. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR phoxes A 14fl M64io Entire week of Dec. 15th. The R. E. French Stock Company Presents "FROM FARM TO FACTORY" A Melodrama In Four Acts. Matinee Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Prices 10c and 20c. Evenings, 15c. 25c and 35c at 8:15. Next Week "The Queen of the White Slaves." THE GRAND Trices Evenings. IKe and 25c. Three performances dally, 2:30, 7:80 and 9:10 F. M. Week day matinee prices, 15c to all Iarts of the house, except boxes. XHE WOR MVS FAMOl'S EDDY FAMILY. MIKI'HY, WHITMAN CO. And plenty .of other Big Ones. fon't fall to visit the Grand this week. ACCTIO.N SALES TODAY. At Gllman's Auction Rooms, 411 Washing ton St.. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gil man, Auctioneer. . At 2 P. M., fancy goods, by the Port land Auction Company, at 211 First t. At 10 A. M., furniture, by' the Portland Auction Company, at 211 First at. MEETING JTOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion Thursday 2 P. M.. new Ma sonic Temple. Park and Yamhill streets. Work In M. M. degree. Stntul MmRiimlnstlnn i T:30 P. M.; payment of dues, election and In stallation of officers. M. W. Grand Master will be present. Address by M. W. P. O. M. J. B. Cleland. Refreshment. Members urged to be present. All M. M. Invited. By order of w. M. B. S. FAGUE. Sec OREOON WlMMANnEBT wn 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening at 7:SO P. M.. Order of the Red Cross. As this will be the .ttDUk GOLDEN RULB. ENCAMP .OJ"! MENT. NO. 28. I. O. O. F. Reg B K4f u,ar eession this (Thursday) sfvflk. E evenlng. 8 o'clock. Grand avenue HW and East Pine. Patriarchal de-f-yk. r vlaltor always welcome. J. C. JAMESON, F. a. LAJ3TES OF THE MACCABEES, NO. 7, Trill give a whist party In K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder streets, Thursday evening, Dec. 19. Refreshments. Admission 15c. MINERVA LODGE, NO. 19. I. O O. F. Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in second degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. B. KLOTZ, Secre tary. last conclave to be held In the old asylum, all Sir Knights are requested to be present. TV. S. Macrum, Recorder. PROSPECT CAMP. Dance tonight, 128 11th St.; everybody Invited by Prospect Camp. DIED. PT.INK In this city at the family residence. 107 North 17th street, December 18. David Rdward Fllnk. aged 25 years, 6 montbs, 24 days. Announcement of funeral later. 8MIT In this city, December 19, Johan P C. Smit, aged 21 years 11 months, late residence. 1447 Oneonta at. Announce ment of funeral later. FTNKKATj NOTICES. GREBXB At the residence of Ms daugh ter. Mrs. J. D. Sullivan. In Montavllla. December 18. Thomas Greene, aged 81 years. Father of Frank T. Greene and Mrs. J. D. Sullivan, of this city; Michael J. Greene, of Los Angeles, CaL; Mrs. R L. Devaney, of Jefferson CltT, Or.: Mrs. AV. M. Mlsner, of Albany. Or. Remains will be taken to Salem, Or., Friday morn ing. December 20, where Interment will take place. Jefferson City, Or., papers please copy. Al'STEN Tn this city, at the family resl- dence, 401 Tenth street, Dec. 17. Harry O. Austen, aged 3 years. S months. 25 days. Beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Austen. Friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today, Thursday. Deo, 19. In terment River View Cemetery. GRAY Dseember 17. Charles K. Orav. aged years. Fylends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's viiapri, curngr niro, ana eaimon streets, at 2 P. M. today. Thursday. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. WALKER In this city. Dee. 18th, Launoe lot Walker, aged 81 years. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel at 1 P. M. today Thursday. Friends in vited. Services at the grave private. J. P. FIM.ET SON, Funeral Director., Third and Madison. FboDe Main 0, A 1A99. Dunning, McKntee Gllbaugn, Funeral D. rcciors. 7 th l ine. Phone M. 430. Laay swat. KRICKOST UNDERTAKING CO.. 409 Aid St. i-ady assistant. Pbons Main EDWARD HOtMAX CO.. funeral Direct re, XtO Sd st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 6l7. EELLER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct re, SIS KuseeU. East 1088. Lady assistant, F. ft, PUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Kasi Alder. Ladx aaeistant. Fbooa Eas CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days, Ually and Sunday Issues.' Tbs Ore gonlan charges first-time rats each Insertion for classified advertising that Is not run on consecutive days. The first-time rats la charged for each Insertion in The Weekly Oregonian. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." ""House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, IS cents r 18 to 20 words, 2S cents; XI to 25 words, 20 cents, etc. Me discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads, ene-ttme rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 cents for IS words or lessi 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; SI to 25 words, 69 cents, etc. Brat insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; na further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY." (gsoge measure agate). 14 cents per line, first Insertion; 7 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The oregoman, and left mt this office, should alnrwi be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons. The Oregonlan will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment h expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, bat The Oregonlan will not 'be responsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670. NEW TODAY. GEORGE) BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 823 Worcester Building. Phone Main 8371. PINE timber claims, ltt to 2H million feet, for location. For particulars call on G. N. White, 84 Raleigh Bldg., 323(4 Washington st. DO you want an established nickelodlon? In quire 812 Alder St., city. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 lots 50x132. 5 lots 50x138. all together, 9-room, extra good house, hard-finished, all fenced, Rood barn and thicken houses and other- buildings, 65 apple treea, 2 fig trees, 1 persimmon, 12 peach, 7 bartlet pear, 8 English walnut. 4 black walnut. 2 pecan. 8 almond, 4 chestnut, 8 cherry, 8 prune, 8 plum, 25 maple shade trees; 60 rose bushes 1 year old. hedge of hollies. 100 feet long; 250 feet frontage on carllne, 250 feet from postofflce, 7 miles from Portland; running water the whole year at the house. PRICE! $8000; TERMS.. Espey-Meine Realty Co. ROOM 813. COMMERCIAL BLDG. Will Locate You On TIMBER CLAIMS Location Fee $35.00 Guarantee 4 to 7 Millions NO RIGHTS REQUIRED. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. MILLER, 66 SIXTH ST. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch ; $10 per acre; all fenced; all tillable; substantial Improve ments; In Douglas County; or will exchange for Portland property or close-in acreage, paying difference. JACKSON ft DEERING, Phone Main 345. 246 Stark it UNCLE MYERS Will sell watches, diamonds. Jewelry, guitars and violins for 'amount loaned and ono month's Interest for this month only, at 143 3d at., near Alder, Portland. Or. WHY WORRY ' When you can pay a small deposit at B. Wolfe! Jewelry Store and have any article held until Christmas? Don't miss the place, 92 6th st.. near Stark. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $500 DOWN and $225 every quarter will buy a new, modern 7-room house, 60xlOO. cor. of E. 19th and Everett; furnace, laundry tubs, gas, electricity, etc.; large dining room; easy walking distance. H. P. PALMER, 222 Falling bldg. IRVINGTON SNAPS. Lot 55x100, S. E. corner 14th and Thom son, $1300. Inside lot on 14th, between Thomson and Tillamook, $1150. Lot 60x100. on 22nd street, between Thomson and Till amook, $1000. Room 39 Hamilton building. NEW modern 5 -room cottage, furnished with new furniture on Mount Scott car line. 20 minutes from the heart of city, 200 feet from carllne; price with furni ture. $2000; $1000 cash, balance to suit. G 454, Oregonlan. 7 FOR 8 ALE By owner, new 7 -room house, modern throughout, near 2 carllne, block ffom school and business center; a bargain. Call and be convinced. Call 867 Alblna ave. Take L or R.-S. oar. BEST snap In Portland; $1300 only for a brand new modern 6 -room cottage; porce lain bath, electricity; on Sellwood carllne; $700. balance $26 montm ,F. Dubois, Washington Bldg., room 3. $30CO WEST SIDES 6-room house and lot, walking distance. Market, St.; furnace, gas, electricity; ownerTorced to sell. J as. C. Logan, room 20, Raleigh Bldg., 323 Washington st. FARMS, residences and lots; we have some of the best buys;. It will pay you to In vestigate before buying elsewhere. Mc Callura & Gregg. 223 Chamber of Com merce. $2450 Modern new 6-room house. East 29th st., within one block of two carllnes; elec tricity and gas. full cement basement, beau tiful lawn, street Improved. Phone East 381. CHOICE 5-acre lots for sale on the Oregon electric carllne; also a few special bar gains In larger tracts near the city. W. E. Burke, 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg A BARGAIN. 100-foot ""corner lot. 15-foot alley. In Piedmont ; threo $5000 houses In block; terms. O 468, Oregonlan. $900 4 -room cottage, 753 E. 8th; terms. New modern cottage, 766 E. 6th, bath, gas. $1550. Owner. 208 4th. Main 3990. $75 SACRIFICE lot. 25x100, East 26th. near Alnsworth ave.; city water. L 454, Oregonlan. GREAT SNAP Vernon; large lot. 68x100; $375. $10 down, balance $5 a month. Apply owner, 1140 B. 24th North, corner of Kill lngswortb. 5-ACRE tract on Oregon City electric car line; a beautiful building site; $3000, half cash. H. G. Starkweather, Mllwaukle, Or. BARGAIN New modern 7 -room house, cor ner, $2650; terms. Plttenger, 614 Com mercial st. Call mornings. 1400 $100 down and $15 per month buy new 5-room cottage two blocks from car line. Phone East 381. MUST be sold. 8 -room new house. Don't miss It If you want a home or bargain. L 440, Oregonlan. U. P. PALMER. 222 Falling bldg., makes a specialty of selling houses In the East Burnslde district. BRAND NEW, strictly modern 5-room cot . tage, Sunnyslde; will sell on Installment. Main 3953. $950 A sacrifice, 5-room house. GOxlOO lot; rent paying 12 per cent. Owner, G 467, Oregonlan. LARGE, modern 5-room cottage, corner, $2800, $500 cash, balance to suit. Phone East 675. , FOR SALE My beautiful West Side home; pp lend Id location; no agents. K 463, Ore gonlan. SPHINX AGENCY, business and residence property. - 3(18 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1100 FOR lot. or $2800 for 100x100 on cor ner. Holladay'e Add. Phone Main 447. FOR SALE New 6-room cottage; Install ments. vOwner. W 466. Oregonlan. MUST sell 14 acres land, 10 clear; need money; 12 miles out. 110 First st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 10 ACRES, all In cultivation, fine eoil. good house and barn, one mile from Oregon City carline; price $3250; terms. , 11 acres on Peninsula, all In cultiva tion, fine soil, 5-room house; price $12,500; term. 6 acres, all In cultivation, near Vancouver and St. John carline; beautiful view, fine soil; price $7000; terms. New 6-room house, modem, two lota, fruit, 3 blocks from carllne. Owners going away; must sell. ELI AS BRONG, 110 Second St. XMAS hy your own fireside. Am leaving state and selling my beautiful modern. 5 room Colonial house, rooms extra large, large windows (and plenty of them), fire place, lot 102x104. 36 choice bearing fruit trees, excellent furniture, insurance and Winter's wood included; $2900 handles it; long time on balance. Main 1675. Sun day and evenings. Tabor 882. ZIMMERMAN & VAI'GHAN, 303 Buchanan Bldg. E. M. STEVENS. Tabor Heights, end of Mount Tabor and Monison-st carllne. The new, sightly "Broadview" lots from $300 up. on terms made easy. Only 2 blocks from carlin; wide streets. Bull Run water, shade and fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar ' ket. We have a long list of lots, acreage, timber lands and trading property. Phone East 5050. Fare 5 cents. 2 ACRES, 4 -room cottage, city limits, W. W; car; $S40O. New 7-room house, lot 80x100, 1 block carllne; $35C0. 6-room house, lot 60x100; $1700. 2 lots 60x100; $700. 2 7-room, up-to-date houses, Holladay'e Addition. Terms. L- A. WRENN, 405 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main S042. p- BUY from owner and save commission, nice 5-room bungalow, modern every way. run concrete basement, on carline, near Pied mont. Phone East 2406; easy terms 6-ROOM cottage, almost new. Porcelain plumbing, full cement basement, on car line and In nice part of the city. O. M. Smith. 538 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE FARMS. FRUIT LANDS AT MOSIER. Tn 10-acre tracts, to trade for city prop erty ; cleared or uncleared ; lays 3 miles of Mosier on main state road ; prices from $40 to $150 per acre. J. M. CAMERON CO., ' Room 412. Commercial Bldg. SUNSHINE, blue skies, orange groves. O in land, Cal., Is booming! Cheap rich land and Government irrigation works building. W. W. Payne, agent, 1200 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1118. $2000 15 acres near Vancouver, Wash., good buildings, lots of fruit, in high mate of cultivation. Owner. Adell Cain, Orchards, Clark County, Wash. R. F. D. route 1. box 91. TO EXCHANGE. SEATTLE PROPERTY. Will exchange for diamond or Port land mortgage; West Seattle; fine sound view lot, 50x117 and 2-room cottage; 80 foot streets. 20-foot alley; only 20 min utes on car from rjusiness center. Jas. C- Logan, room 20, Raleigh Bldg., 823' Washington st. FOR SALE Cheap, complete fine- motion picture outfit, including films, song slides. C 483, Oregonlan. REAL estate for Oregon Trust &s Savings deposit. Alnsworth Smith, 309 Wells-Fargo WILL trade for what you got; a splendid opoprtunity; value $300. H 464, Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns worth Smith, 309 Wells-Fargo bldg. CADALLIC automobile exchanged for real tate, 169 11th st. Phone Main 1578. .FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBER LAND. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. CHOICE homesteads, also timber claims, with from 3 million to 7 million feet each; no agents, no trlflers wanted. Particulars, call or address The Coaet Realty Co., 226Vs Morrison st. PINE timber olalms, 1H to 2H million feet, for location. For particulars call on G. N. White. No. 34 Raleigh Bldg., 323 V Washington st. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg., 109 4th st., near Wash. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange for city property ; will assume mortgage. X 257. Oregon lan. TWO good homestead timber claims, Lin coln County. $100 each. Loren Seward, Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACRES fine fir timber, Douglas County, Oregon. Address 646 Williams ave., city. TIMBER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room 80S, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED FARMS. NOTICE We can sell your land, no mat ter where located; have cash buyers wait ing or will be out from the East soon, and have written and made all plans with our Eastern offices. What have you? Write us at once. Coast Com mercial Co.. Dekum bldg., Portland, Or. FARMS and acreage of all descriptions ; have buyerse waiting; can't supply the demand. F. Dubois, Washington Bldg., room 3. JAPANESE wants contract; about 50 acres clear or unclear land, within 10 miles from Portland. Address F 455, Oregonlan. WANTED 100 farm) in Oregon; give good description, price and terms. F 463. care Oregonlan. WANTED REAL E8TATBV WANTED City property, farms aad timber lan da MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED A. modern 6 or 7-room house in Nob Hill district today if possible; cus tomer waiting. h Dubois, room 8, Washington Bldg. WANTED 5-room cottage, good location; Improvements. Inquire Austin-Union Dentists, 1st and Morrison. FROM T to 15 acres, well Improved, with good buildings and lots of small fruit. C 479 Oregonlan. ALL kinds of real estate wanted by F. Dubois. Washington Bldg, room 3. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. Or. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practice. D. N. Clark, Atty., Washington, D. C. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED A dairy to rent, 100 cows, more or less, shares or cash. R. Wilson. Ore gon City, Oregon. FOR SALE FARMS. ACRE tracts along the line of the O. W. P. from $65 up. We make a specialty - of farms and acreage in this locality. MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO LEASB. WILL lease 20 acres for term of years for clearing same; land near Clarnie, on O. R. & N., 7 miles east of city; Japs pre ferred. Apply at 28 y Union avenue north today between 1 and 4 P. M. FOR SALS Horse. Vehicles and Harness. PASTURE FOR HORSES. Ladd & Reed farm. Bachelor leland, 700 acres fine pasture; large - barns; stock put up every night; dally boat to and from place. D. E. Keasey. room 7. Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. $180 ' BUYS handsome bay driving-horse. 6 years, weight 1100, harness and rubber-tired Ktudebaker?, cut under buggy, or sell sep arate. Can be seen at Dexter Stables, 45 4th. Phone Main 2586. ONE team. 1200 and 1300, hnrncss and wagon. $150; camp at foot Nevada tt., Fulton. BARN to rent rear 676 S Burn side. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. Hubert & Hall. 260 4th, dealers In hcrse and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. Pianos. FOR SALE Smith ft Barnes upright piano, In good condition; will sell same on easy terra a. Phone Main 6280, room 79 Glendora Hotel, after 6 P. M. Miscellaneous. 50 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic, White, Household, Davis and others ; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Elngera, S. S. Slgel, 335 Morrison at., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard aad pool tables; easy payments; we rent table with privilege of buying; modern bar fix tures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col lender, 49 3d st. ART exhibition for Xmas. On account of the financial flurry We are forced to ewll our entire stock at cost. Artistic framing a specialty. Art Emporium. 348 Alder. WE sell the best and most reasonable wood for fuel for this Winter. J. Yamashlta Wood Co. Phone E. 4152. N. W. cor. Base - Line and Mlsner. Montavtlla, Or. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES, films, song slides, views, supplies; rented, sought, m11. exchanged; lowest prices. Newmans, 293 Burn ?lde. Phone Main 8458. BEYKS ENGINE A LAUNCH CO. Wanted several launches to fill orders. See us for Fall bargain. 171 Madison mL Phone Mala 7408, Home A 8867. BUY or sell furniture, stove sad househol d good. Call Main 6H74 or A 2327. We went your trade. The Dollar. FOR SALE One motor and motor generator for sale cheap; price $125. G 469, Ore gonlan. . FOR SALE Cheap. 8O-30 Wim-hester re peating rifle, nearly new. Phone Main 8493. MOVING-pIcture machines, films and slides, rented and exchanged. Weister. 375 Stark at. Moving-picture machines, supplies, repairs, film slide?; bargains. Stevens, 165H 4th st. NICE upright piano for sale. Call this week only at 940 Mallory ave., near Skidmore. SCOTCH COLLIE pups, seven weeks old. Pedigree with each. 471 E. 12th st. , PHONE Main 5273 for canary blrda; fine Christmas presents'. O 459, Oregonlan. . , AN A-l bicycle, with coaster brake, for sale cheap. V 457, Oregonlan. TWO first-class fresh milch cows. 1480 Ma cadam str. Take Fulton car. WHY not buy a Navajo blanket or rug for Xmas. 665 Wash. et. FOR SALE A-l hand printing press, 7x11. 628 Everett st. , HELP WANTED MALE. FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In Portland and vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by promotions. Experience un necessary. State age. height, weight. Firemen, $100 monthly, become Engineers and earn $200. Brokemen. $75, becoming conductors, earn $150. Name position pre ferred. Railway Association, care Port land Oregonlan. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. For man and wife to get free rent of nicely arranged 3-room apartment in large rooming-house- in return for care of furnace; privilege of taking boarders given ; water, wood and lights also fur nished free; give telephone number and address. T 458. Oregonlan. BRIGHT YOUNG M0N to prepare for postal clerks on the railroad; Government posi tions; salaries near $70 a month to start and opportunity for promotion with advanced pay. Must be physically strong and near & ft. 6 In. In height. Call oday for further reference. Pacific States School, 613 Mc Kay bldg. WANTED For U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, reed and write English. Apply to Recruiting officer, Alnsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. MAN with time and money to Invest in business paying $ 1 00 weekly above ex penses; well established and can be - eas ily increased ; present manager will take part Interest. Box 249, Walla Walla, Wash. PROTECT youcself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 809 Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted. Men to learn electricity, plumbing, plastartnsr. bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and plan reading; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalog. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 Eighth St., San FrancUco. MEN and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue free. Moler System of Colleges. 85 North Fourth St., Portland. PARTNER wanted to help manage business- of great merit; must be sober and Industrious; It's a man I want, not his money; references given. Austin, suite 123 and 124, 221 Mor rison. WANTED Every man to know that all eur Burt Packard "Burrojap" patent leather shoes are "guaranteed." Price $4. 'Korrect Shape" shoe store, 293 Morrison. YOUR chance; you need the money; we have absolutely first opportunities for ready cash; commission basis; put it in your- pocket by calling 9 to 2 at room 8, Hotel Avalon. YOUNG man, clerical work, $6 per week to start, chance for rapid advancement it attentive to business. Address in own handwriting, H 465, Oregonlan. SALESPEOPLE, bookkeepers, stenographers, collectors, general mds.. shipping, grocer and bill. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 386 Washington st. YOU can make big wages; easy work; no capital or experience required; we ten you iow. Room -i hours l to 6. 488 Wash ington st. WANTED Young men to study telegraphy; permanent positions at good wages when competent. Oregon College, S. W. cr. 5th and Oak. WANTED Reliable man for position as partner; pay $4 a day; experience unnec essary; $200 required. Call 248 Stark st. WANTED Salesmen, all llaea bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Call or writ Commercial Abstract Co.. 323 Wash. mt. XOU can make big wages; easy work; no capital or exnerience required; we tell you how. Room 227, 308 Gllaan. WANTED Young man to run elevator evenings; give experience and reference. Address C 430, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS washman and head marker for laundry ; state experience had and where at. H 463, Oregonlan. WANTED Two capable and experienced salesmen. Call 148 5th St., 2nd floor, front, and ask for manager. FOR SALE Cheap, complete fine motlon- picture outfit. Including films, song slides. C.433, Oregonlan. MAN wanted for best seller out. Call be tween 2 and 6 P. M. 227 Barr Hotel, 6th and GUsan. WANTED Errand boy, 8 hours per day, $5 per week. Anderson sc Duniway Co., 208 Alder st. YOUNG man with small capital can buy in terest In real estate business. O 462. Ore gonlan. WANTED At once, 2 experienced salesmen for men's furnishing department. Roberta Bros. DENTIST wanted; all-around man; big salary; come at once. Union Dentists. 1st and Mor rison. California Wine D-spot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th et. Pac. 2183. P. Lorati. WANTED Honest young man for real estate office; can make big money. 189 4th t. HIGH-CLASS salesman, $10,000 - profit, something new. 215 Commercial bldg-. WANTED Baker, good man on coffee cake and pies. Address M 463, Oregonlan. $00 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 284 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WQ secure positions for our members; spe cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A. BARBERS For sale, cheap, 3-chalr shop; good reasons. Apply 171 1st st. COLUMBIA Employment Co. Help free to . employer. 25 N. 2d st. BEVELER WANTED Pacific Art Glass Works. 157 Front st. EXPERIENCED clothing man, at the Boston Store. GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG man of good appearance; must be over 5 feet 6 inches tall, about 21 years of age. as floorwalker and window trim mer; state former experience, references and salary desired. Address N 108. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 60 GIRLS. 16 years of age and over SALESWOMAN Experienced and competent. WANTED at once. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, regis ter with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. Corner 7th, upstairs! MIDDLE AGED lady with rapital and ser vices to invest In established business now paying $4000 per year; present man ager anxious to take part interest: good reason for selling. Box 249, Walla Walla, Wash. CAPABLE woman, good plain cook, assist with children ; must have reference; good wages; one who sleeps at home preferred. Phone Woodlawn 619. or call at 860 Union ave. N. BRIGHT young woman to represent grow ing enterprise, paying prop, to right party. Portland Multlgraph and Rapid Ad. Co., 29 and 30 Raleigh Bldg. ST. LOUIS LADIES AGENCY Good . help and situations furnished ; real estate and business opportunities, all kinds. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. YOUNG woman, of good education, speaking French and German, would like position as housekeeper ' or companion. Address X 452. Oregonlan. GOOD wah woman, 3 half days weekly; one living near Shaver and Union ave. .N. preferred. Woodlawn 619, or call at 800 Union ave. N. WANTED Refined,, capable woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Vlavl Co., 10th and Morrison WANTED Young ladies to study telegraphy and shorthand; special low tuition for com bined course. Oregon College, 5th -and Oak. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St., Corner 7th, upstairs Phone Main 2692. A GOOD cook, dining-room girl and dish washer for a new country hotel. Write Mrs. L. King. Stella, Wash. WANTED A good cook In private family of four; 2 In help. Apply mornings, 701 Main st.. cor. King. WANTED At once, 3 experienced salesladies ror ribbon and lace departments, nooerz Bros. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Phone East 5988; B 2440. Cashiers, book-keepers, stenographers, store help. Clerks' Reg. Bureau. 386 Wash. st. WANTED A girl for housework ; good home; good wffgs. Call 304 Park st. 8. WANTED -Housekeeper" In the country for widower. Apply 50 N. 7-th, room 16. GTRL to canvass; good money. Call bet. 2 and 8. Room 57. 850 Alder st. GIRL to assist with housework; small fam ily; apply mornings. 552 Kearney. WANTED 2 experienced waitresses. Hotel Nortonia, 14th and Washington. GIRL for general housework In subutb. Phone East 5000. Good wages. NEAT girl for light housework; 2 In family. Apply forenoon, 808 Clackamas. GIRL for general housework ; small family; must be neat. 107 N. 16th st. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 692 Schuyler st. Phone C 1442. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; small - family. Apply 774 Hoyt st. GIRL wanted at once to " work In private boarding-house. 389 Taylor. WANTED An experienced waitress. Ho-bart-Curtls. 265 14th St. WANTED An experienced cook. Call in morning, 184 N. 20th. EAST SIDE Female Employment Office. 122 Grand ave. Eact 10i6. WANTED German girl for general house work. 300 Park st. HELP W ANTE D-rMALB OR FEMALE. MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en graving and optics; easy terms; positions eecureo; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, Engraving, School, cor. 4th and Piker Seattle. STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will find a helping hand at the Eclectic Busi ness University, .625 Worcester block; se curing positions new. POSITION will be open Jan. 1 for cutter and fitter, ladles' tailoring and dressmak ing; Interest in business if desired. R 4(6. oregonlan. MEN and women to demonstrate and take orders for well -advertised line of goods; it wi'.i pay you to Investigate this offer. 208 Flledner bldg. JAPANESE employment office; male and fe male. 249 Couch st Phone Main 6521. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man of considerable business ex peri en ce and with best of local references desires to engage for a few months perhaps. In systematizing or accounting. Phone Wood lawn 466. EXPERIENCED cashier. accountant and salesman with A-l city references, will ac cept half day or evening position. J 43s, - Oregonlan. 1 YOUNG man wishes position In crockery or hardware business; 2 years stock-keeper in crockery bouse ; references. A 459, Ore gonlan. ACCOUNTANT-AUDITOR. Books opened, closed or adjusted. P. L. Crawford, 15 Hamilton mag. Main eioo. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer typewriter wants work . or win teacn. w 45. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as shipping, clerk or stock man in wholesale house; rererences. M 462, Oregonlan. OFFICE work, any capacity. 18 years' ex perience, bookkeeper, stenographer, cashier. H 404. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by experienced book keeper and stenographer; nest ot reierences, W 454. Oregonlan. PERMANENT position by experienced graduate pharmacist. ox ow. .foca tello, Idaho. SALESMAN .of 35 desires position with wholesale house; references, n 400, ore gonlana-- WANTED Position by traveling salesman; 10 years' experience in wortnwest. M tw. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. age 30. wants position as night watchman in store or business place or night ciera in notei; win (five good references. J. E. Wilson. 211 First st.. room 11. HTT1DEXT wants nositlon between 12 mid night and 8 A. M- in cafe or restaurant for board or small salary. C 481, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted; first-class, non-union car pen ter, who is good f ramer and fair mill wright, wants job. m 400, uregomjui. JAPANESE boy wants domestic servant or any kind work In private family; speaks English good, rt 40U. uregomau. SCHOOLBOY wants good h5me; will work mornings and evenigns tor noara, age 10 years. P 4G4. Oregonian. - JAPANESE, good boy, wants position at any kind of housework or in boarding- house. Call up Main 290. ST HAM engineer, 7 years' experience, also . experienced on gasoline engines. Jonn eraser, w ifl. uavia. WANT work as Janitor or flreman, by col ored roan: can give good references. Phone Main 6199. JAPANESE student Wants nosltlon as school boy;' speaks good English. L 455, Ore gonlan. GOOD bushelman and tailor, steady, desires position. Address u 4.M. care ine oregonlan. EXPERIENCED barbent wishes a good steady job. Address l 433, care me oregonian. WANTED Position In prlyata family. G 456, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. W A NT ED Post tlon by energet lc y oun g man or good nbits. capable or takinc charge ot dry goods store; good buyer and first-class ! W. Davis. Scottsburg, Ind. A YOUNG man who has had experience In securing contracts in cities -and towns desires position with contractor; refer ences. R 456. Oregonian. ' WOULD like position as clerk In general mer- cnanaise, with 8 years experience. Address F. J. West, General Delivery. Portland. Or. JAPANESE boy wishes a position to work a rew nours in the morning, t ot, ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenograph era. FOR a stenographer, experienced or begin ner, phone Bclectric Business University. Main 4504. Try us now. WANTED Position as stenographer, by young lady of six years' experience. Apply M 46T. Oregonian. Dressmakers. MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, modiste; tailor made suits and party gowns a specialty. 00 Wash. bldg. Pacific 727; A 2724. MME. TUTTLE, modiste. 607 Montgomery near 15th, M-G car. Phone A 5057. DRESSMAKING by the day $1.75: or will do work at home. Phone Pacific 256. FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 243 5th and Main. Pacific 982. Housekeepers. AN American woman, best of references, would like a position either as companion and housekeeper for an elderly lady or as housekeeper for an elderly couple. Phono Main 4401. Address C. D.. 54" Morri son st WANTED By middle-aged lady, with little boy, position as housekeeper for gentle man with children; country preferred. Mrs. M.. 936 Molalla ave., Oregon City, Or. ' YOUNG widow, boy 6. desires situation housekeeper, widower, rooming-house. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged widow. Address L 462, Ore gonlan. Domestics. HOUSEWORK wanted for elderly woman; only light work. Young Women's Christian Association. Main 5267, after 11. YOUNG woman wants place to work for board and small wages, attending school afternoons. H 462, Oregonlan. GIRL wants general housework near East 35th and Belmont sts.; no washing. A 4629. EXPERIENCED nurseglrl can furnish best : ferences. W 469, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WORK wanted for cooks, waitresses, family, store, office, laundry any help. "Drake's, 205 Washington. (Telephones. ) FRTONCH teacher will give French lessons at 25 cents per lesson. L 451, Oregonlan. HOME-LAUNDERED lace Curtains. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. WANTED AGENTS. A HOME company; low premium rates and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life A Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. WA NTED A gents to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free. Commission advanced each week. Choice territory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTED Male, with special or side lines; one not afraid to leave Port land; where can I see you? W 453, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fleets, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. B. cor. Bd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED A good place for two boys to .board, 9 and 11 years old, a place near the Ladd School, preferred. Answer to B 453, Gregonlan. WANTED 'Board and room In private fam ily; West Side, walking distance, refer ences exchanged. Address L 467, Ore gonlan. WAK'Tnn Ti mnt hnncM nfflc tnpM Y rooms, etc.; long list of applicants. Albee- Benham Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. A DOCTOR able to use half of 8 rooms would like doctor or dentist to share other half. P 463. Oregonlan. OFFICE or desk room, first floor, vicinity Market square. Address Contractor, box 260. city. , WANTED A well-furnishsed bouse in good location; references. A 4.16, Oregonian. WANT to rent furnished country hotel; will buy If suited. F 466, Orexonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LARGEST AND BEST KNOWN SECOND hand store tn Portland. We buy and sell from a chair to a full house. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 20th and Washington. Phone Pacific 793. WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the 'Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d at. Phone Pacific 1722. WD PAY MORE FOR AUCTION CO., MAIN 5655. 211 FIRST ST. TABLEWARE, royal sliver plated 85 cts. to $1.25 per doz. Western Plating Works, C3 . N. Park st. CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. WANTED To buy bicycle for boy of 7; must be In good condition, and reasonable. Phone Main 6858. I PAY cash for household goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co., 845 1st st. Paclflc 360. Nob Hill Second-Hand 'Co. pays highest prices for goods. 615 Wash. st. Main 2421. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. TOTAL adding National cash register: must be cheap for rash. N 414 Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. 412 JEFFERSON, two handsomely fur nished front rooms, modem, heated, each suited for two persons, $12 and $16. Phone Pac. 256. LADY has large, warm room, all conven iences, private family. Phone Paclflc 1274. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room suitable for one or two young ladies employed. 389 11th. ' HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th St.. steam heated rooms $2.50 to $5 per week; 50c to $1 night. LIGHT, pleasant rooms; central, reasonable. Phone, gas and bath. 415 Taylor, cor. 11th. THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient .rooms. 343 Morrison. ELEGANT rooms, low rates, day or week, free phone, heat, bathe 87 6th, near Stark. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms; heat; bath. 60c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. FURNISHED or unfurnished room, modern, cor. 21st and Flanders St., Apartment 24. WARM, well furnished room, good location for one cr two gentlemen, 251 Tenth. PLEASANT alcove room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Inquire 405 Madison. MAXWELL HALL Rates reasonable; hot, cold water, all rooms. 207 14th st. STEAM heated rooms, everything first-class. 494 Morrison, 3d floor, flat 9. 1 NICELY furnished room for 2 gentlemen; private family. 532 Couch.- NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat; close In. 473 Alder st. NEWLY furnished rooms, en suite or sin , gle. 48 No. 9th st. 12 furnished or unfurnished zooms. 142 N. 10th st. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. LARGE outside rooms, single or en suites beautiful outlook; newly furnished: every modern hotel convenience; special rates to permanent guests; with or without meal; finest cafe In Portland at modest prices; be sure and see these rooms before you denlde where to move. Hotel Sargent., Grand and Hawthorne avenues. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free batns; free phone; dining-room In connection; transients so licited; open - all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 4S8 Washington. HOTEL GORDON. Corner Ynmhtn and West Park sts. New house, elegantly furnished; hot and cold water, telephone, hot water heat In every room; private baths; elevator service. Transient. Rates. Si per day up. Phone 202. Pacific Hotel, furnished rooms. 214 Columbia St.. cor. 1st. New brick building Just open ing; steam heat, hot, cold running water in every room; rree bath, phone; rates, 500 to $1 day, $2.30 to $5 week. One call means another. Phone A1539. HOTEL BRESLIX. New house. Just opened to the publlo. eer. 11th and. Wash, sts.; beautifully furnished;' private baths, hot and cold water, electrlo lights, steam heat; rates $1 and upward. Phone Main 7954. Mrs. E. Ogllvle, prop. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th First-class furnished rooms, single or en . suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric ' light, phone in every room; suites with 1 private rath, single, from $3 by week. 75o up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 6647. HOTEL BARTON, 455 Alder st,. at 13th.1 Under new management, remodeled and renovated throughout; new heating ap paratus' being Installed; strictly modern tn every detail; dining-room In connection., HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. IStU and Wash ington sts., newly furnished throughout.; new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Main I 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. . YOU can get a good room at the Benson for; $2.50 up per week. 600 to $1.50 day; most central brick rooming-house in city: newly ; renovated; new management. 291 Mor-' rlson st.,' cor. 6th. CLOSE In. fine large front room, well fur nished, in modern flat; suit 1 or 2 gentle men; furnace heat, bath, phone, etc., rea-i sonable; 30 16th St., N., half block oft Wash. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington sts.. 1 modern rooms, single and en suite; also ' housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. THE WILAMETTE, 822 Stark, 8. W. cor. 6th st.; well furnished rooms, large and light, single or en-suite; transient. 6O0. to $1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific- 1296. ELEGANTLY furnished single outside rooms ;i steam heat, hot water, both phones; location1 . very central; gentlemen only. 494 Morrison, st.. Flat 11, opposite high school. THREE nicely furnished; rooms, furnace heat, gas, eleatric light, close In, West Side, $15. Main 4740. after 4 P. M. HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing-; ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites with bath; principal carllnes pass the door. Phone Main 2333. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or 8 people; all Improvements; breakfasts optional;' terms moderate. Call 215 13th at. FURNISHED rooms and one apartment of 3 rooms at The Ellsworth; steam heat, bath and phone. 166 Lownsdale, near Morrison. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, close In, mod em conveniences. 809 Madison, between 5th and 6th. SUNNY, well furnished room with excellent board for one or two, In private family, walking distance. References. Phone Main 6004 The Kingston. 190 8d st.. rooms, steam heat, modern conveniences; transients, 50o and $1 per day; special rates by week. THE) GEN DV I EVE Steam heat, porcelain bath, free phone; walking distance; $'l a week and up. 445 Columbia st. Main 7410. TH E ESTES Good rooms, reasonable ; new furniture, telephones and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. -Maud J. Ernes. $10 Newly furnished, warm, bright room, quiet, central; porcelain bath, gas, both phones. Pacific 2102 and A 3702. 325 12th. LARGE front room, for young men, pri vate family, close In. Rent $10. 468 East Oak, bet. Eighth and Ninth sts. TWU rooms, elegant new house, latest Im provements, choice location, walking dis tance; references. Phone Main 2219. 392 COLUMBIA, near business, large, bright room; electric light, furnace heat, porcelain bath, telephone; reasonable. ONE large furnished room for 2 gentlemen. West Side, about 2 minutes' walk from city. D 457, Oregonian. 461 R. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th. newly fur nished rooms, electrlo light, bath, heat; rates reasonable. FURNISHED front room with exclusive bath, private family. 6-1 Marshall. Phones A 4030, Main 4116. MODERN front room; furnace, bath; famllr of two; hot and cold water. Cobb, 40T Jefferson st. NEW furnished room in private residence;, furnace heat, gas and bath. 685 Bast Salmon st. 268 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms la new, modern home; every convenience; gen Memen only. 850 MORR3 SON. cor. Park, furnished or unfurnished rooms; all conveniences; best location. ST. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th St.; beautifully furnished rooms, en suite or single; baths fr. - Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished housekeeping or four large rooms on ground floor, with gas and bath. 745 First, near Porter; take S car. TWO or three large unfurnished front rooms; $10, Including water. 16 East 12th N. Rooms With Board. BE SURE and .see rooms at Hotel Sargent before you decide where to move; modest prices; American or European plan; best cafe in Portland; famous dining-room ser vice; living here Is a pleasure; manage ment studies comfort of guests; every modern hotel convenience ; close In, yet away from downtown dirt and noise. Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave nues. ELEGANTLY furnished room with board ; house and grounds occupying entire block; hot and cold water. 300 Jefferpon, be tween 6th and 6th sts. Tel. A 5345. Portland Women's Union; 18th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room., use of library : Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Rawllnga Supt... 610 Flanders. THE CLAY Sleeping room and parlor for two gentlemen, with board, $5.50 per week; gas, bath; homelike; single rooms. 3120 2d st., cor. Clay. FURNISHED room, with board, modern house, $4.75 week; table board, $3.75 per week. 89 E. 8th N. Phone EaM 722. GLENDORA, 19th and Couch, first-class rooms and board; homelike; two carllnes; walking distance; rates reasonable. NICE furnished room, for two gentlemen, also first -class board; close in; bath, gat and free phone. 392 Salmon st. THE COLONIAL High-class family hotel; best board in city at moderate prlcea 165 10th "t., cor. Morrison. NICELY furnished room with board for two young ladies; home cooking; refer ences. 402 Clay st. FURNISHED room with board In private family, for two gentlemen; modern con veniences. 400 Clay. r . FURNISHED rooms with board In private familv. for two gentlemen; modern con vinces. 400 Clay. DESIRABLE room, excellent board, mod ern home, couple employed, or two men. Phone Pacific 1742. 168-lOTH Large front room with or with out board; suitable for two gentlemen or couple. ROM and board for two young ladles or mr n ; modern, reasonable. 624 E. Mor rison. TH E MARLY N Fum ished rooms; good board; convenient. 653 Washington. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms and board, strictly first-class. 715 Everett. YOU will find nice table board at 196 North 23d st. Phone Pacific 922. FRONT room and board for two gentlemen bath. 288 4th.