THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. 13 IS HILL LIKES TO Julius Kruttschnitt Declares Portland Terminal Prob lem Hard One. NEGOTIATIONS AT A HALT Portland & Seattle Refuses to Enter Terminal Association on Kqual TVrma With Harrlman Inter ests, Says Harrlman Official. That the Harrlman interest"! have done everything to relieve the congested termi nal situation here, but that every offer has been rejected by the Hill lines, la the statement of Julius Kruttschnitt, director of maintenance and operation for the Union Pacific and Southern Paclflo sys tems. Furthermore, Mr. Krutt-schnltt ad mits he is at a complete loss to know what Portland Is going to do for terminals unless the Hill people show a spirit of conciliation. Mr. Kruttschnitt,' whose offices are In Chicago, reached Portland yestercliy mornlnft in his private car from Califor nia, and was accompanied by his wife and daughter and private secretary. After spending the day In consultation with General Manager O'Brien, of the Oregon lines, he left last night over the O. R. & S. for ChicaRO. "We have had the question of the inade quate Portland terminals up actively for the past three years," declared Mr. Krutt schnitt. "We have worked persistently to settle this tanglo here and pet down to a working basis, whereby extensions would be" made and the business of the terminal company could be handled satisfactorily. Ever since the Northern Paclllc Terminal Company was organized, in 1SS2, this was the sole object of the organization. All it wanted was to facilitate the handling and delivery of freight by the railroads. "With the securing of the Portland ft Seattle terminals alongside the , terminal tracts in North Portland, the alliance of the Hill Interests -was required to merge these lands with the other terminals. The surrender of these lands for the common good was of prime importance. The Hill companies always made it a sticking point in the negotiations that the Harrlman interests hold the majority of the stock In the terminal company, and maintained that, as the Hill people were represented by a minority of the stock, an even distribution of the stock should be made. This was made a prime condi tion of any settlement. Plan of Settlement Prawn. "This seemed the only .thing that kept the rival interests apart in providing ade quate terminal facilities for Portland. Offi cials of the Hill and Harrlman lines got together some time ago and drew up a preliminary agreement whereby every thing would he properly settled. One con dition of this agreement ,was that the stock should be equally divided. At this meeting for the Harrlman lines were General Manager O'Brien and General Counsel W. W. Cotton, and Judge Gilman, of Seattle, represented the Great North ern and C. M. Levey the Northern Pacilic. "A satisfactory settlement seemed In sight. And as the equal division of the stock of the terminal company was desired by the Hill people and was the only ob stacle, we decided to yield and pell 10 per cent of the stock held by the Harrlman Interest, giving each side equal holdings. We accordingly told the Hill people that we would grant this point, and expected ro further trouble. This was decided in September. "But when, we had decided to make this concession we were told that the Hill In terests would not sell the row of blocks that bound the Northern Pacific Terminal Company's tracts on the west, but would lease only. This, of course, stopped the negotiations again, for a lease Is far from satisfactory. A lease would mean that within a few years, or when the life of the lease runs out, we would be con fronted by the very same problem over again. "The O. R. & K. bought terminal prop erty adjoining Guild's Iako and other tracts near by, which it proposed to turn Into the common terminals whenever a settlement could be effected, but we are as far from a satisfactory adjustment of the difficulty as ever. Hill Wants to Get Into East 'Side. "The Hill people insist on getting Into East Portland. We tell them very well, we will switch for them anywhere they want to go in East Portland; but as far as turning our East Portland holdings into the common property, that is Impossible. It must be remembered that the O. R. & N. has carried Its East Portland holdings for years at a loss. The company took the property when it 'was w-rthless and carried It at an interest charge of $80,000 a year. The company has paid in rent nearly the total value of the property. "Our people are anxious in the ex treme to settle the terminal question here. The present small terminal tract is not only inadequate to the demands of the city and a hindrance to business general ly, but It la highly unsatisfactory to the railroads as well, and makes the handling of their business unsatisfactory. An early adjustment of the trouble would be of great benefit in every way." When asked how soon the Harriman In terests will resume construction work in this state, Mr. Kruttschnitt said that will depend entirely upon money conditions, and lie can make no definite announce ment as yet. When asked what he thought of the general business outlook, he said people generally express them selves as confident of an Improvement In general conditions, but that it will take time for confidence to be restored. He said that the railroads do not show a serlpus slump In tonnage, but he feared that after the crops have been hauled to market there will be a decided falling off in tonnage. KOOHE QV'ITS KAHiROADIXG Rio Grande's Traveling Passenger Agent Going Into Business. M. J. Roche, traveling passenger agent for the Denver & Rio Grande, has re signed that position to take the general agency for Oregon for a company that has a patented process for waterproofing buildings, walls and basements and is operating extensively In Chicago. Mr. Roche is now looking for a downtown office location. Mr. Roche was connected with the Den ver & Rio Grande for a number of years. He was the first man appointed in this territory by the -company when It was operated as the Rio Grande Western. With the opening of the Ogden gateway, the road interested itself In this terri tory. Mr. Roche came to Oregon In 1R91 from St. Paul and became night editor for The Orcgonlan. He later became chair man of tlio local passenger association when t' organization was operated un der tho . .anscontinental Passenger Asso ciation, and before it was declared unlaw ful upon the passage of the Sherman ' flE BLAME anti-trust law. During his residence here, Mr. Roche has been prominent In baseball, having been secretary of sev eral Western and Middle Western leagues. It Is not unlikely that Mr. Roche will return to railroading later. At any rate he will retain the presidency of the American Association of Traveling Pas senger Agents, to which he was lately elected at Jamestown. If he does not go back to the railroad business later, he will ultimately resign that position. Colonel Crooks' Funeral. The body of the late Colonel William Crooks, who was assistant to General Manager O'Brien, of the Harrlman lines in this territory, will be sent to St. Paul tonight over the Northern Pacific. A special car of the O. R. & N. Co. will carry the body of the veteran railroad man, which will be accompanied by a son, John S. Crooks, of this city, and a daughter. Julia M. Crooks, of St. Paul. The remains will reach St. Paul Sunday and the funeral will be held there next Monday. Hearing to Be Continued. There will be a continuation of the hearing before the Railroad Commission next Saturday on the subject of the tak ing off of trains 11 and 12 in Southern Oregon. The sessions will be held on the sixth floor of the Wells-Fargo building and will open at 10 A. M. Local railroad officials will testify. W. D. Fenton, at torney for the Southern Pacific Com pany, will handle the case for the rail road. Railroadmen Quit Service. As a result of the retrenchment policy of the big railroads, H. L. Tlbbetts, con tracting freight agent for the Wisconsin Central, has resigned. He will probably become connected with another railroad and will continue to make his headquart ers in Portland. F. K. Swan, contracting freight agent for the Denver & Rio Grande, has also resigned .from the rail road service. He expects to go into other business. LIE COMMITTEE TO ACT DEFIXITE LY AT XEXT MEETING. Councilman Vaughn, the Chairman, Invites All Persons Interested to Be Present. Some kind of a fender for Portland streetcars will be adopted by the spe cial Council committee at a meeting to be held at the City Hall next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, according to W. T. Vaughn, Its chairman, and George L. Baker and M. J. Drlscoll. committeemen. A short session was held In the office of Mr. Vaughn yesterday afternoon, at which this decision was reached. "We -now give notice that every per son interested in fenders, from any standpoint whatever, should be present a the meeting of this committee next Tuesday afternoqn at 3 o'clock in the City. Hall." said Chairman Vaughn, "for at that time tills committee is going to select a fender. We want all the facts wa can gather and we want to give every one a chance to be heard, but we are going to name a fender at the session next Tuesday, so every one who wants to talk must be on hand then. No other opportunity to be heard will be given." The committee will especially Invite President Josselyn, of the Portland Railway, . Light t Power Company, which corporation will, be affected by the choice, of a tender., as If an or dinance i la passed . requiring Its offi cials to equip cars with a certain de vice, it will mean the expenditure of a large sum of money. All persons having Ideas on fenders or having fenders for sale will also have an op portunity to talk next Tuesday. As yet there seems to be no unanim ity of opinion among the members of the special committee as to which fen der to recommend for adoption, and so far as can be ascertained at this time, no fender has been decided upon in the minds of the committeemen. Chairman Vaughn seems to favor the Eclipse, which Is in use In Los Angeles, but he was not so outspoken for It yester day as he was at a previous meeting, and said he Is willing to recommend any fender that is demonstrated to be the' best for the. interests of the city. However, he expressed the opinion that it is but fair to secure the ideas of . the company officials as to what fender they think best, but emphati cally declared that, .should the com pany's officers favor a fender that Is shown to be useless, their choice will be Ignored. Councilman Baker Is non-committal as to what he thinks about fenders. Councilman Drlscoll favors the "cow catcher" principle, but Is a new mem ber of the committee and has not gone through the various tests of fenders, as have' Vaughn and Baker. Drlscoll wjshed a test of some fenders, but Vaughn and Baker have tired of such tests, and not until a fender Is decided upon will 'there be any more, testing. It is announced. Believes World Owes Him Living Asrrd Italian Bcgiar Finds Solicit ing; Alms Profitable Employment and Save Over f 60. WITH his pockets bulging with money an old Italian beggar .was arrested yesterday afternoon at . Nineteenth and Washington streets, and was locked up at police headquarters. He gave the name -of Stephen Graree, 50 years of age. When his money was spread out and counted there was found to 'be $60.17 In cash and $20 in clearing-house certificates. When asked where he had acquired that amount during the hard times and financial strin gency he rqjlied that he hadn't . beard anything about the financial stringency and that "da tima looka mighty gopda to me;'that he had come over from sunny Italy to make ba fortune and had suc ceeded in, getting a pretty fair start. The -police told him he was welcome to make his fortune, tout the law would not permit him to make It begging. While being taken to the police station he made a frantic effirt to hide bis money In his hat. The old beggar was arrested on the complaint f several families in the neigh borhood of Eighteenth and Couch streets, a number of whom telephoned Captain Moore that he persistently presented him self at their homes for alms and refused to go away until he had. received some thing. Mounted Officer Larfield was sent out to make the arrest. THE BREAKWATER SAILS . Saturday Xext. The steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay points, will leave Portland, Oak-street dock, Saturday evening, next, December 21, at 8 o'clock. Instead of on regular schedule. Freight received till 4 V. M., Saturday. ' . Tomorrow (Friday) positively the last day; for discount on East Side gas' bills. Portland Gas Company. HOLDING A DECISION Congress Waits Before- Pass ing on Heyburn Bill. SPOKANE CASE - GERMANE Interstate Commerce ' Commission Must Render a Decision on This, Which Contains Same Point Raised by Amendment. OREGONIAN' NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec. 18. Congress will prob ably take no action on Senator Hoy burn's short-haul amendment to the interstate commerce law until the In terstate Commerce' Commission ren ders a decision In the Spokane rate case, ' In which this very point Is In volved. The Heyburn bill, in effect, provides that It shall be unlawful for any interstate railroad to charge or receive a greater compensation for the short haul than for the' long haul where the short haul Is Included in the long haul. In other words, he pro poses to amend the interstate com merce law so that no railroad can charge more for carrying freight from Chicago to Boise or Spokane than it charges to haul the samefreight from Chicago to Portland or Puget Sound. Charged Additional Rate. At present the railroads are charg ing Boise and Spokane, on through traffic from Chicago, the full rate to the Pacific Coast, plis the local rate from the Coast back to Spokane or Boise. They base this charge upon the fact that Coast terminal enjoy the advantage of water competition, and the railroads. In order to compete with water lines, must lower their through rates to points which have both water and rail transportation. The interior towns are entirely dependent upon the railroads, and do not get. the benefit of low-water rates. In the opinion of members of the In; terstate Commerce Commission, the long and short-haul question raised in the Spokane case is one of, the mo intricate, and at the same time one of the most far-reaching questions they have been called upon to decide, and because of its Importance and the great territory affected the commission is going verj' slowly In its diagnosis. Decision May Be Delayed. It is probable that the decision In this case will not be rendered for some time to come, for the .commission does not want to establish a precedent which will have to be reversed. In view of the fact that this whole question Is now tinder consideration by the commission, and while there is a possibility that the com mission, without furthfer legislation, may solve the very question raised by Senator Heyburn's bill, the committees on Inter state Commerce will be Inclined to pass over this problem for the time being, or at least until It is demonstrated that leg islation Is necessary to gain the point for which the Idaho Senator Is contending. Coast States Oppose Bill. It is by no means certain that Congress will adopt the Heyburn bill, should the decision of the Interstate Commerce Com mission be adverse to the City of Spokane. The bill Is objectionable to men from all seacoast states as well as states whose large cities are located on navigable streams, and the strength of these states In Congress Is very great; probably much greater than the states of the Interior. In addition to the Coast States, the states of the Mississippi Valley, and those along the Lower Missouri and Ohio would op pose the Heyburn bill because of the local effect It would have. Apparently the cities' of the interior must pin their faith to the Interstate Commerce Commission. If the commis sion does not decide in their favor tney have little to hope for from Congress. DROWNED IN THE HARBOR Elmer Durland, Steamboat Fireman, Meets Death White Out Sailing. Elmer Durland, a steamboat fireman, 19 years of age, was drowned In the harbor near the Victoria dock yesterday afternoon through the capsizing of a small sailboat. Despite the fact that he was young and strong and a good swim mer, Durland was unable to withstand the Icy coldness of the water, and was seized with a cramp and sank when less than 15 feet from safety. Durland put out from the steamer Telephone In his boat,, which was not more than nine feet long and equipped with a small leg-of-mutton sale. It was a little pleasure craft -which he and James Grant, the watchman aboard the Telephone, were In the habit of using' on the river. He squared away and had not gone more than 50 yards from the steamer when a sudden gust of wind upset this little boat. Durland was thrown out on his back, and came up struggling a few feet away from - the boat. The current was so strong that he could not reach the boat, and he therefore struck out for some piling only a few away. An Instant later he threw up his hands and sank. He did not come to the surface again. ' Efforts were made to recover the body, but It has not yet been found. - ' The accident was witnessed by a num ber of people on the Irving dock which Is near by, and by the crew of the tow boat Geo. K. Wentworth, the captain of which sent a boat to the unfortunate man's assistance, but too late to save him. Durland was distantly related to the Shavers, of the Shaver Transportation Company, which operates several boats on the river and has been employed on several of their boats. The recent re tirement of one of these boats from active service threw him out of employ ment and he had lately been spending his time as an assistant to James Grant, watchman on the Telephone. Durland's home Is In Powell Valley, where his father owns a small farm." KNEW CARSON IN NEVADA Daniel Woodford Makes First Visit to Portland in 15 Tears. Daniel Woodford, who will be 84 years old next March, came to Portland yester day and Is staying at the Merchants Ho tel. Mi". Woodford lives on Flfteen-itile Creek and has resided In that -vicinity for many years. This is Mr. Woodford's first visit to Portland in 15 years. His prior trip to this1 city was some SO years ago when he first came to Oregon. As early as 1852 he settled in Carson Valley, Nevada, being one of the first pioneers of that section. During those early , days he knew Kit Carson, the fa mous scout after whom the section was named, very well. .He sold supplies to the early Nevada mining camps at prices which would not be considered exorbi tant, and there was a ready sale for all a the produce of that kind offered for sale. Great-ImasS Jookcases and t ON ANY REGULAR BOOKCASE OR WRITING DESK, EASY TERMS OF $1-00 DOWN. $1.00 PER WEEK OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS TO 8:30 Mr. Woodford, who la accompanied by his eon, will remain In the city for sev eral days. He Is a hale and hearty old gentleman,' the best type of the pioneers who have made ttfe Northwest. FROM ASTORIA TO ORIENT New York Capitalist Would Fat on IjI no of Steamships. ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) The first steps were taken this afternoon to ward the establishment of steamship lines operating between here and the Orient, Valdez, Catalla and coast points. Including San Francisco, by the accept ance of a proposition made to the busi ness men of the city by William H. Gar land, of New York. Mr. Garland represents a syndicate of Eastern capitalists, who propose to or ganize what is to be known as the As toria Steamship & Transportation Com pany with a capital stock of $5,000,000 and a bond Issue of $2,500,000 additional. In submitting his project, Mr. Garland said the company will operate steamships from Astoria to the points named above and guaranteed to have at least three of the steamers In operation not later than April 1 of the coming year. He asked no bonus or subsidy from the local people, but wanted them to float $500,000 of the company's 6 per cent 25-year gold bonds, which are to be secured by a first mort gage on the company's property, the money to be deposited in banks to. be hold In escrow until the steamship lines are In actual operation. He also guaran teed that all the money subscribed local ly will be expended in the purchase of Truth and Quality appeal to the Well-Informed In every walk of life and are essential to per manent success and creditable stand ing. Accordingly, It is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir bf Senna Is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why It Is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the Internal organs on which, it. acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. ' v It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objectionable substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. ale o Combination Bookcase in quartered golden oak, piano polish finish; regular $25.00 value, $14.50 Too Many Combination Bookcases. That's Half the story, the Other" Half Is We Are Selling Them at Actual Cost.t Over. 100 Styles to Choose From Combination , Bookcase in quartered, golden oak, weathered oak or mahogany; reg . ular $35.00 value, . 19.00 FREE Combination ' Bookcase in quartered, golden, weath ered oak or ma hogainy, bent glass door; reg ular $50; special, $29.50 A Beautiful China Cup Given Away With Every Purchase, no Matter How Small GEVUETZ YAMHILL STREETFIRST TO SECOND property and in building wharves and warehouses and he- has already secured options on water-front property, amount ing to about $150,000. A meeting of representative business men was held this afternoon and decided to accept Mr. Garland's proposition, pro viding, of course, his backing is what he claims. A committee consisting of Sam uel Elmore, E. Z. Ferguson and G. C. Fulton was appointed to make a thor ough investigation of the matter and if everything proves to be satisfactory to secure subscriptions for the bonds,. Seeking Divorce at Oregon City. OREGON CITY, Or.. Dec. 18. (Special.) Mazy Curtis, who was married Septem ber 20, 1906, to Owen B. Curtis, filed a ' PLECT crops make . ' Jl- good tobacco, and Wlw - good tobacco makes a fine chew But it takes the pick of the finest to fls make Piper Heidsieck. The only plug tobacco I tIiat " 8oI very gooc toDacco store. Not I expensive even though it is the best. g iSSM&LMaMSlBBMHBSBSBSSBlSSBBMBBBSVMBMSB Combination aaies Ladies' Writing Desks in golden, quar tered oak; reg ular $10 value, $6.75 Ladies' Desks in mahogany, birdseye maple or golden oak (cut not like desk) ; "regular $25 value, $15.00 ladies' Desks all woods, beau tiful shapes, hand some styles; reg ular $40.00 values, $25.00 & suit for divorce this afternoon, alleging her husband has a violent temper and used abusive language towards her. She also charges him with failure to sup port. Daisy E. Hall has sued Burton C. Hall for a deoree of divorce. They were mar ried In Waterloo, la., March 22, 1898, and Mrs. Hall says she was deserted Sep tember 6, 1905. Splendid Showing at Lakevlew. LAKEVTEW, Or., Dea 18. (Special.) WHh available cash on hand aggregating $132,818.95, or 63 per cent of its actual de posits of $247,101.79, the First National Bank of this city along with the other National banks of the Interior of the Writing Desks SONS state was adequately prepared to resume business Monday when the holidays were removed. The following litems are taken from the biennial report of this bank to the Controller of the Treasury on Decem ber 3: Loans and discounts, $129,008.29; United States bonds to secure circula tion, $50,000; bonds and securities, $2669.10; cash and due from banks, $132,818.95; capi tal stock, $50,000; surplus and undivided profits. $13,919.58; deposits, $247,101.79. Busi ness at this bank was resumed Monday with the same satisfactory results that marked the resumption of business at the other banks of the state without the pro tection of the holidays. SCENIC PHOTOS FOB CHRISTMAS. Klser's make fins presents. 248 Alder.