THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1907. Children's Bearcloth Polos Cunning little Caps for children in the polo shape. Made of bear cloth, with or without tabs. The col ors are brown and wliite. These are the latest and most pronounced fads in children's head- gear. Regular prices of these We feature for today are 75c to $1.15. Special. .... , STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS ' SHOP MORNINGS AFTER. NOONS OR EVENINGS Merchandise Certificates SOLD GOOD In Any Part Of the STORE USE THEM Auto or Steamer Rugs $7.50 UP If you are goirig on an ocean trip, or if you enjoy auto mobiling, or if you've a friend you would please, you will see these Rugs. They make very acceptable and useful Christmas presents. They are in new de signs, made of the frf Ef x 007 : softest, finest wool..p OU tO pZ .OU 7 Store Will Be Open This Evening FOR THE A CCOMMODA TION OF THOSE WHO CANNOT COME EARLIER On Sale All Day TODA Y Boxes Free With Silks Of special interest to those who wish to make gifts of silks for Christmas. With each Waist or Dress Pattern we will give, absolutely free, a handsome holiday box. Purchase a waist or dress pattern for a friend and in a box like this it has a par ticularly Christmas iQok that pleases well your friend and shows your good taste. Buy today and we give you this box . FREE Sale of Tapestry Portieres Hurry in -while the sale is on choose a rjair for a practical Christmas gift. Enhance the beauty of your home wifh a pair of these, hand some hangings. 7 M QC The regular $12.00 . dQ 0 pO.OO grades ..P7..0 $4.25 far$12:50 $9.50 $4.75 TdreTlar$15-00 $11.00 $5.00 Tadr:riar$i5-5 $11.50 $5.50 TghreadTlar$17-? $12.75 $5.85 Tdreeflar$18-00 $13.25 OTHER QUALITIES AT SAME REDUCTIONS Regular $5.00 values, special at Regular $5.50 values, special at Regular $6.00 values, special at Regular $6.50 values, special at. . .'. Regular $7.0ff values, special at. .......... Regular $7.50 values, special at Worn 9 en s And Children's Furs 14 Off Every Fur we have in our store reduced in this remarkable man ner. The women's furs are in mink, squirrel, ermine, fox, marteD, etc. The children's furs are in angora, squirrel, Thibet, and come in very attractive and well-matched sets. Without reserve, we offer choice of our entire stock at this . unheard-of reduction. Buy furs and save 4 Men's Slippers $1.98 a Pair MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SLIPPERS An assortment of nearly 1500 pairs; all the wanted leathers and styles are included. Opera, Everett, Romeo or Cavalier cuts; patents, kid and calf leathers. Values to $3.50 the pair, special, J 98 WOMEN'S KlD JULIETS, nicely lined; hand-turn sole, opera heels; tops are of fancy vesting in 12 different styles, the edges trimmed with black f ur ; fr ACk values to $2.50, special V H MEN'S EVERETT STYLE SLIPPERS of tan kid; have patent back and tongue; a full kid slipper, regularly $1.19 TQ the pair; special.... 9 f C MEN'S TAN OR BLACK SLIPPERS Everett or Opera styles ; hand-turned soles. All sizes, special " ' O O today ZfOC Women's Kimonos for Half In long or short styles, and in plain or fancy figured materials. An assort ment that gives broad Chance for choosing and a wide range of price. The materials are French flannel, al batross or nunsveiling. We have them in all colors, including . light V 1 1 J J , mi , units, puiK, reu ana wnue. ine ae- i signs in French flannel garments are new and very artistic. Dressing ' Sacque or Kimono style. Regularly worm irom $i.w to $3o.UU. Your choice , TWA W now at tlALr THE $4 ONES ARE NOW $2.00; $35 ONES ARE $17.50 Specials For After Six Only VANDERBILT CUP RACE One of the very latest games out, Has all the exciting features of the real automobile race; a regular $1.00 game, CC special. ; . . . . . . . 7 ,OdC Specials From Toyland ' Of course, Santa Clans wants a band in these after-supper spe cials. He'll be there ready to welcome his little friends who come in after supper to shop. He'll be disappointed if he ; doesn't see them. ' ' The jolly old fellow is anxious , to know that every child in Portland receives just what he or she wants for this Christinas. Bring, the child in, let 'him see Santa Claus and tell him what would please him best. YouH find Santa glad to listen and careful to take note of their wants. AND BEARVTLLE my, what interest this does excite among the children. The comical little Teddies seem to think up new pranks for each day, and you'll always catch them at some mis chief when you visit Bearville. Puss in Boots and Tige and the Teddy Bears have a place of their own. The most interesting spot in any toy department or in any store in Portland. Come see them Wednesday evening, AND CHOOSE PROM THESE SPECIALS: TEDDY BEAR HUNT A board game played with dice, men and a bear: very interesting, new and de cidedly popular. This game is worth $1.00; (SC snpci n 1 BOYS'-VACUUM PISTOLS A handsome toy and an ideal sport for boys. Safe and harmless. y Worth 25c each, special C special . THE INEBRIATE A very lifelike and comical me chanical toy. Sells regularly at 50c each, O Cg special after 6 o 'clock tonight , . . - Teacloths and Scarfs $1.68 Women's Bathrobes $4.49 Tea Cloths that are 30 inches square and Scarfs 18x45 Warm and comfortable, a real necessity for every inches or 18x54 inches, all made of fine white linen, woman are these bathrobes. They come in gray, tan, and finished with deep hemstitched border and white blue and brown. An exceptionally -appropriate gift hand embroidery in the center. , A dainty and pleas- for wife, mother or sister. These sell regularly for ing gift for any housewife. Worth $3.50 4 f ZJO $6.50 each; special for tonight after tf yi At each; special after 6 o'clock at pJL.JJ g o'clock at ipr.rZt Collar and Cuff Boxes Christmas Stationery Pyrographic Outfits M ' ' - These come in round shapes and .The boxes are in holly designees- This-is one of our very best sets have a place on the top for collar pecially for holiday gifts; worth that is specialized. Complete with buttons; regular 75c val- AQg 25c a box; special after y needle of the best grade, large size ues, special after 6 T&K. 6 o'clock 1JC bulb, benzine bottle, alcohol lamp, TOILET SETS of red foxwood and SHAVING SET, with cup, mirror absorbent and bottle of gloss and ebony; brush, comb and mirror, and lather brush, in neat box; stain, in neat bass wood box; reg- either heavily mounted with ster- a 75c. value, special . Q ularly $4.00 the set, Q QQ ling silver or plain; values $4.00 at...... -. OfC special after 6...... Hb.OJ and $4.50, a set; OO QO MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES for COLLAR AND CUTP BOXES for 8Peeial V&e70 men; these are ebpnoid with ster- burning, also large handkerchief STEREOSCOPE SETS, with glass ling silver mountings. Regularly and glove boxes of basswood va- and 25 views; $1.00 set, CQ $2.50 the. pair, spe-. C 7 rious designs and shapes; 0- special at -a7C ciaI at....... pl.4 J . special at, each ..ZOC Silk Remnants A half-Price wlem force after Men 's Underwear of mercerized silk. They 7 tbl? e,vemnS- A rare come in flesh and blue col- opportumty to buy silk for making fancy bags, waists ors, with plain or fancy stripe, and have athletic necks, or petticoats, for in each remnant there is enough for The sizes run from 34 to 46. An unusual oppor- some one of these articles. New silks and pretty ones, tunity to supply these necessary garments at reduced Striking novelties or plain, neat effects. No matter prices, for, from 6 to 9:30 tonight, the regu- what the regular price of silk c f-fnlf 1" $2.50 values will go for, the Oi? was, it's on sale' now at lOC. A mil garment.. ,p.f.49 RIBBON half an inch wide, with the words "Merry Christmas" on it; worth 75c a 10-yard piece; holly ribbon, a quarter of an inch wide, worth 50c for 10 yards; special, your choice, the O, piece.. 4JC WAIST PATTERNS of fine hand embroidery; a beautiful gift: . $35.00 values S17.50 $25.00 values $12.50 $20.00 grades SIO.OO $15.00 grades.. Sg 7.50 $12.00 styles.... $ 6.00 : $10.00 styles $ 5.00 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS for boys; of fine wool; sizes are 24 to 34, and every garment is worth 75c and -85c; special tZtZg this evening, each iJiJC PELT JULIETS for. women; in black, brown or red felt, with hand-turn .belting leather soles, low, comfortable heels, buckle or nament and black fur trimming. Not fleece-lined; worth $1.50 the pair; special this QQ-' evening for 7 7S UNION SUITS for boys, made of heavy gray cotton, well fleece lined ;" all sizes ; 65c values, sell ing this evening after 6 OQ for, each. .". f C. HANDKERCHIEFS trimmed with lace; 40, -dozen on 6ale to night after 6 o'clock; 2c . 1 f values, special after 6. . v. "C NECK BEADS Genuine imported " Austrian" beads in cut glass and pearl effects. The colors are - amber, red, garnet, amethyst, sap phire, coral and pearl ; regular 25c and 35c values, for,- J each No mail orders filled. None sent 0. O. D. None sold to merchants. CASHMERE HOSE for women ; they are ribbed, fast black and full seamless. Worth 50c the pair, special after 6 this evening, box of 6 pairs for $1.98," or, O O the pair.. OOC HALF PRICE for fancy decorated china. Many different articles to choose from. After 6 this evening HALF REGULAR MEN'S SLIPPERS, 39 styles to choose from. Values are $1.50 and $1.75; special for three and a half hours WOMEN'S SHOES Our entire 6tock of medium grade shoes to select from, embracing 20 styles. The $3.50 and $4.00 O OQ grades, special at. . . . y)J.f PATTERN CLOTHS Size 63x63; 150 cloths and a large variety of patterns; all nicely hemstitched; special for this iff O evening only JL .rrO PILLOW CASES, made from the best quality twilled sheeting, an excellent wearing material. These sell regularly at 20c Ol0 each; special iZViC CARVING SETS, with buckhorn handles, pieces; $9.00 set, $5.95; a $5.00 set for ?3.35, and a regular $4.00 set g qq GILT CLOCKS, 12-inch size, regu lar $3.00 value, after 0J r-r 6 this evening...... ij JL .JJ On Sale All Day TODAY Gas or Electric Lamps Many of your friends will want to do considerable reading after Christ mas, and there would be nothing more acceptable to these than a fine Reading Lamp. Look over onr line on the Third Floor. Prices run from : $3.00 to $85.00 SILVERWARE New lines now ready to show and sell on the third floor. Tea sets, bread trays, pud ding dishes, cake baskets, etc. HAND-P A I N T E D CHINA is very suitable for a gift to a friend with artistic tastes. See the dis play in the Art Room. ; . FRUIT SAUCERS Regular $1.25 dozen for. . .. 63 Regular $1.35 dozen for. . . 6S Regular $2.00 dozen for. . .$1.00 TEA, DESSERT OR SALAD 9LATES Worth '"$1.25, special, d6zeu. .75 $2.00 values, special at. . . .$1.00 $3.75 values, special at $1.88 $6.00-values, special at $3.00 BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES Regularly $1.25, special now, the dozen . 63 Regularly $1.75, special now, the dozen 88 Regularly $3.50, special now, the dozen $1.75 CAKE PLATES With Assorted Decorations. 35c value, special at 18 50c value, special at 25J SALAD, FRUIT, BERRY BOWLS 25c grade, special at 13 30c grade, special at 15 35c grade, special at 20 45c quality, special at. .23 50c quality, special at 25 60c quality, special at 30J Specials In Smallwares Aisle SAFETY RAZORS, the ''Star" or "Gem," in handsome leather cases, make very fine Christmas gifts for gentlemen. Our entire stock of these two makes now selling at ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE Fountain Pens, rubber barrel and gold point, $1.00 val- ft) ues , fC Glove and Handkerchief Boxes Painted tops, 25c values. . . .19 Swiss Baskets, imported goods, , worth 65c each, special 48J Shaving Set, mug and brush, silver-plated; regular if Q 1Q $4.50 value pJ.li7 French Stag Articles Match hold ers, cigar holders, 49 C Manicure Sets, real ebony or fox wood, complete, $1.75 val. $1.39 Hair Brushes, solid back, in ebony, redwood and satinwood; 65c val ues 49 Perfumes, imported F r e n c h and English goods; $1.00 and yf Q $2.00 bottles 7C 6 Pairs of Hose For $2.00 A prime Cotton Hose in a brilliant fast black. Give a box of these hose to one of your friends, and they are sure to be pleased. This grade sells regularly at 50c a pair Today we offer a pairs in a neat box $2 00 Why Not Give Underwear? Our "Vegasilk" Union Suits make prac tical, pleasing gifts; white, O ff pink or blue; the pair fpJ.UiJ BOYS' MERINO RIBBED UNION SUITS, "Merode" make; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, 00 Silk Hose in Large Assortments. A Blanket Sale For YOU The housewives are thronging the blanket section these days. Blankets are going out in loads. This means warmth and com fort to "somebody" these cool nights at hand. Well, it's not to be wondered at that this sale is phenomenally large, for val ues like these are rare indeed. Best hurry, or all of that $10,000 surplus will be gone ere you've gotten your share. Those worth J8 and J8.50; spc.S5.65 $13.50 jjrrarte selling- for only $9.00 fln.OO grade selling for only $9.95 J17.50 jjrade celling for only $11.50 Fawn, gray and vicuna Blankets, three lots, regularly $4.50: the Pair S3. 15 $6.00 (crade selling for -only S-1.45 $7 and$7.50 Blankets for only $1.95 $8.50 grade; special at only. .ji575 Blankets worth $3.25 and $3.50: spe cial, pair S2.45 Three lots at $4.50; spec'l, pr $3.15 Blankets worth $5.00 and $5.50: spe cial, at .....S3.98 Those worth $6 and $6.59, spe.$4.45 Blankets worth $7 and $7.50: spe cial at $5.15 Blankets worth $9.50 and $10: spe cial at S6.35 HAYWOOD 15 A SPECTATOR YlLiij BE CAIiUJD AS WITNESS FOU PETT1BONE. Judge AVood Will Xot Permit State to do Into Matter of Colorado Labor Troubles.' : ' BOISE. Idaho.. Dec. 17. The prosecution In the Pettibone case today traced the Peabody bomb from the time Harry Or chard said he and Jack Slmpkins threw it in a creek near Wallace. Corroborative -evidence was Introduced In the testimony of Orchard in regard to tiie Vindicator mine explosion and Ihe state proved that there existed a letter and a telegraphic money order received ly Orchard while at San Francisco, sent by Pettibone, facta admitted by the de fense. Judge Wood made it plain this morning that . he would not permit the introduction of evidence In rerard to the labor trou bles In Colorado, which was admitted at the trial of William D. Haywood, and then stricken from the record because It was - held by the court the defenae had failed to establish its counter-conspiracy charge. William D. Haywood, secretary-treasurer of the Western Federation of Min ers, appeared at Bolee today and sat with the spectators at thl afternoon's session of court. He will take .the atand as a witness for the defence. Clarence Darrow was again too ill to attend the Pettibone trial today and Ed gar Wilson continued in charge of the defense. RIXG RULE IX CIVIL SERVICE Sensational Charges Made In Inves tigation at Bremerton. PTJGBT SOUND NAVY-YARD, Dec. 17. A. H. Freerksen, formerly cleric of the Board of Labor Employment at the Pu get Sound Navy-yard, while holding euch position by virtue of civil service regula tions, was twice elected Mayor of the City of Bremerton. Now for the third time he is standing trial on charges of "undue political activity." Tice he was ordered dismissed from the service by the Civil Service Commission, and this third trial is a public hearing ordered by the Navy Department with a view to his possible reinstatement. Evidence 'submitted tended to show a civil service combine controlled politics in the Navy-yard and that Freerksen was in the combine. Other employes dared not oppose the ring for fear of losing their positions. INEXPENSIVE FOB CHRISTMAS. Klser'a scenic Photos. 248 Alder street.' Closing otit sale of trunks, bags and suit cases at 231 Morrison, near 2a-i. TRA1NBQBBER5 ARE FOILED DOGS PUT OX TRAIL AX'D OXE MAX CAPTURED. Another Believed to Have Been Hit by Bullet Cache of Explosives Uncovered by the Posse. - SPOKANE, Wash., Deo. 17. A man giving the name of D. H. Murphy is in jail in Spokane and another is thought to be suffering from a bullet wound at the hands "of Harry Draper, as a result of an attempt to hold up the Northern Pacitlc westbound passenger train early this morning 10 miles east of Spokane. An attempt was made to flag the train by waving a torch, but the suspicious appearance of two men nearby warned the engineer, who Increased speed and dashed by. Suspicious attempts . had previously been made to stop the overland in that vicinity, and Immediately the affair waa reported here, a special with detectives and officers was hurried t othe scene. There the officer stopped a moving freight train and thr men Jumped from It and ran. One of them was captured and another was shot as he was climbing over a fence. Bloodhounds were, put on Xh. tral. aad the officers pursued the fugitives several miles into the hills, but gave up the chase as darkness set in. They then returned to the scene and discovered, in what is thought to have been the abandoned camp of -the robbers, five dynamlto bombs, a quantity of fuse, a bottle of nitro-glycerlne and a syringe used to Inject explosives into safes. Mur phy claims that he Is an old railroad man. PHOXE COMPAXY OX TRIAL Test Being Made at Wallace to Shut , Down on Sunday Service. WALLACE. Idaho, Dec. 17. (Special.) The test case of the Sunday rest law came up this afternoon. Fred C. Lewis, manager of the Rocky Mountain Bell Tele phone Company, waa on trial for permit ting the telephone office to give service last Sunday in open' defiance of the Sun day rest law, which was recently de clared constitutional. The Jury of six was evenly divided and the case will be tried again tomorrow. . Treadgold Made Commissioner. BA-NDON, Or, Dec. 17. (Special.) Attorney O. T. Treadgold has been ap pointed by- the Federal District Court a United States Commissioner for the District of Oregon, to reside at Bandon. His jurisdiction will extend to land and marine matters occurring within the state. Mr. Treadgold has been lo cated here In the practice of law about a year, and has been very successful. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and University of Oregon law school. In both of which he was a firit honor student. Satsop Depot Robbed. ELMA, Waah., Dec. 17. (Special.) Word reached here today that the Northern Pacific Depot at Satsop had been robbed last night of two express packages, evidently stolen by the same gang that recently robbed the Elma Depot, entrance having been effected in the same manner. Arrested or Scorching. Speeding a big automobile faster than the law allows brought James Shaw Into trouble last night at the corner of Chap man and Washington streets, where he waa overtaken by Officer Murphy and arrested. Shaw gave $25 bail to answer for his appearance this morning before Judge Cameron in the Municipal Court. Fire In Boatliouse. Palmer's boathouse at the foot of Savler street caught fire last night from a chimney. The firemen responding to a telephone call quickly put out the blaze, which had burned a little of the roof. Damage was very slight. Aftermath or Stenslahd Case. CHICAGO. Dee. 17. William S. Ttlden and Chauncey I Graham, of the Steel Ball Company, were placed on trial yes terday on the charge of uttering fictitious notes., The case grows out of the Mil waukee-Avenue State Bank failure. In a previous trial the Jury disagreed. AssiKt ant States Attorneys Sherman and Young declare that the defendants defrauded the bank out of $180,000. One of the largest typewriting concerns in the world is In New York City and con ducted by two sisters. Women writ-servers are a success in many of our lare cities. WEDDING INVITATIONS VISITTNU CARDS. AND MONOGKAM STATIONERY. W. G. SMITH & CO. Wash In (ton Building. Fourth and Washington Streets. COFFEE . This is the coffee country; and yet more than rlalf of us drink poor coffee! Teiir sroesr returns year monsr 11 rev aon't Ilka Schilling's Bssti ws pay hla.. Tiie "Perfect Truss" Old ntyl Bllon- "Perfect tronm in lntentine rloalnff both to protrude openinffa. thro u urh ' Inner opening;. Worth Its Weight in Gold Do you want a Truss that will re lieve and cure Hernia, and forever rid you of all further danger from the return of the old Rupture? Our "Perfect Truss" will do this and more. Both lady and gentlemen -fitters at our factory. Phone, write or call for full particulars. GINNEVER & WHITTLESEY MFG. CO.' No. 4 Sixth St.. Bet. Oak and Pine,' Portland. Oregon.