Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 18, 1907, Image 1

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    VOL. XLYI. NO. 14,673.
Announcement Scat
tered War Clouds.
Japan Changed Tone When
Plans Proclaimed.
Exclusion Act Expected, From Fu
ture Congress. When Fleet In Pa
cific Would Aid Settlement.
May Never Return East.
8 o'clock tonight the Deforest wire
less station picked up the battleship
fleet and took the following message,
presumably from the Connecticut,
but the message did not Indicate the
sending ship:
"At 8 P. M. the fleet Is in latitude
3.1:2!) north, longitude 70:09 west.
Fair weather and all well."
An hour or two later the following
report was picked up. this evidently
being repeated berause not checked
as received during the day:
S A. M. The battleship fleet now 80
miles southeast of Hatteras in same
four-column formation. steering
south-southeast. Gentle northeast
winds, smooth seas: warm, beautiful
tjulf stream weather."
NORFOLK. Va.. Dec. 17. The
Norfolk wireless station was In touch
with the battleship Georgia at 8
receiving the following message.
"On board battleship Georgia, 110
miles south of Beaufort, N. C.
4 peed -and squadron 'formation un
t changed, choppy sea; all well." ..
t ' The message is the first communl
I cation1 established with the fleet
4 since 1 o'clock this morning, owing
to unfavorable weathor. .
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. (Special.)
."It means peaee, not war with Japan."
Thls 's the comment of tha highest
"authority in our Government on the
Hulling; of the American fleet for the
' Pacific Ocean. President Roosevelt,
Secretary Root and other members of
the administration only smile at Cap
tain Richmond Pearson Hobson's pre
diction of an early war with Japan.
They do not believe there is any seri
ous danger -of that,-certainly not In the
near future.' Nor is there any evidence
that Mr. Hobson is right when he says
the Japanese are eager to have a go
at the United States.
Best Way to Avert War.
"President Roosevelt decjded tb send
the fleet to the Pacific." said one
member of the administration who has
been in almost daily consultation at
the 'White House, "because he believes
it a move for peace. There were many
good reasons why the fleet should be
sent to Pacific waters; but It will do
no harm to say frankly the chief of
these was because we wanted to make
a demonstration of our naval power.
We wished to make such demonstra
tion because it was deemed the best
way to avert danger of trouble with
Japan. I know what I am talking
about when I say the dispatch of our
armada, us the newspapers like to call
it, was made for peace rather than
for war.
Japan Has Changed Tone.
"Since the distatch of the fleet was
decided upon and announced," continued
this official, "there has been a marked
change In the Japanese tone. Nominally,
outwardly, there has been no change.
Everything is as correct and poiite as be
fore. The change is spiritual, indefina
ble, not material, not in form. AH' our
anxieties, so far as the immediate future
are concerned, are at an end.
"The dispatch of the fleet has already
served a good purpose and produced a
good effect. Its value up to this time, as
a peace move, as an insurance policy, is
worth a hundred times what it cost."
Serious Trouble Ahead.
There is no doubt in administration cir
cles that many serious questions with
Japan are to come up in the future. It
may be that if the agitation continues.
Congress will enact a Japanese exclusion
law. The President is doing everything
In his power to prevent it and, while he
Ib in office. It is not likely to happen.
But if Congress does pass such a law,
trouble with Japan is predicted by well
Informed officials. In such case, It is
believed the presence of our fleet In the
Taelfic would help the Government to set
tle the trouble without to resort to arms.
It would also be a mighty handy thing if
war were to come.
May Stay In Pacific.
The comment of a German naval ex
pert that he wquld not be surprised if
the fleet never returned from the Pacific
has beer much spoken of In official cir
cles today. The German expert . Is quite
likely to turn out a prophet." No one
here would be surprised if the battleships
were to remain permanently in Western
waters. . The truth is and President
Roosevelt had this in mind when he de
cided upon the transfer programme, our
diplomacy, our international friction, like
our territorial and commercial progress,
lie in the future in the Pacific, not in the
Atlantic Ocean. It is in the West we
need naval strength to maintain peace.
Rojestvensky Says Problem Easier
Than His With Baltic Fleet.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 17. Admiral
Rojestvensky. who during the Russo
Japanese war led the ill-starred Russian
fleet around Africa to ultimate defeat
at the hands of the Japanese in the Sea
of Japan, is keenly Interested in the
cruise of the American battleship squad
ron. He talked today with the corres
pondent of the Associated Press and aft
er outlining some of the difficulties the
American vessels would have to over
come, said he considered the voyage to
the Pacific to be entirely practicable. He
It can be made safely, either in time of
peace or In time of war. Sheltered harbors
Frank Davty, ex-Speaker of Ore
goa House of Representatives,
- Appointed Receiver of Burns
Lam) Of fire.
are available for coaling and there Is no
fear of lnteref erence on the part of any of
the South American governments. The pas
sage of the Straits of Magellan, especially
in Summer time, presents 4o difficulty to a
skilled commander. Tills expedition differs
from the trip of . the. Baltic fleet, in that w
were obliged to coal at sea. We were not
permitted to linger for even one day in the
unfrequented Bay of Annam without
brusque orders from the-French government
and the Kngltsh Admiralty to move on.
According to Admiral Rojestvensky,
the chief criterion of the success of the
voyage will be Rear-Admiral Etvans'
ability to bring everyi vessel of tha
squadron to the various stopping places
on schedule time. The straggling, due
to mechanical defects, he said, will be
hard to' overcome. ' The British fleet,
which ranks among the most efficient in.
the world, found it necessary to drop
the laggards during its recent maneu
vers. This would be fatal in wartime.
Of the effect of the American squadron,,
In the Pacific on the Japanese, the Ad
miral said:'
Curb Japanese Jingoes. . .
While this voyage will be valuable in
welding the ; fleet Into a homogeneous
weapon. It will have also a high strategic
value In curbing the pretensions of the Jap--anese,
whose jingoism has noticeably abated
since the announcement of fne plan.
Rojestvensky disparaged the idea of du
plicating - the battleship squadron one
for the Atlantic and the other for the
Pacific. He declared that one fleet would
be adequate for the protection of both
coasts and that, its transfer could be
made periodically with advantage to
both ships 'and crews. The fleet should
have its base at San Francisco or some
other American port while in the Pa
cific, he said; to station it, in the Philip
pines would be expensive and' unneces
sary. Contrasting' the American and Japanese
fleets, the Russian Admiral said:
The Japanese personnel, man for man. Is
now undoubtedly more efficient than the
American, due to practice In battle, but the
American .ships so exceed the Japanese in
strength and numbers that there is no
question of American superiority. I consider
the question of war between Japan and the
United States Is quite excluded.
Friends Can Send Messages at Do
mestic Postage Rates.
WASHINGTON) Dec. 17. The Navy
Department today sent a wireless mes-
sage to Captain J. B. Murdock, of tha
battleship Rhode Island, with the At
lantic fleet en route trf -Trinidad, In
forming him that his wife, who has
been seriously ill, is better.
For the benefit of friends and rela
tives of the sailors on the battleships,
the Navy Department wishes it made
known that mall matter destined for
the 15,000 men afloat in the big ships
can be sent at domestic rates of post
age. So no matter in what part of
South America Admiral Evans' ships
may be,, the Sailors' letters will be de
livered to them if they bear the ordi
nary 2-cent American stamp for each
All mail matter for the fleet should
be addressed care of the Postmaster,
New York.. No mail can be received
after January 4 until the ships arrive
at Callao. February 19.
Omaha Mayor Gives Out Statement
About His Interview.
OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. 17. Mayor Dahl
man tonight gave to. the Associated
Press a statement regarding his intir
view with President Roosevelt . wMIe
the Mayor was attending a meeting in
Washington last week of the National
Democratic Committee. He says there
is no misunderstanding in his mind be
tween the President and himself, and
"He (the President) knew what he
meant and I know what he meant.
There was nothing ambiguous about
it. There were several other witnesses
there, and they heard what was said.
There was no secret about It.
"I have given it out only as it oc
curred. I am fully In accord with the
President's position as he indicated it
to me. He did not say that he was
glad we had the panic, regardless of
.anything else. What he-did say was
that if it had to comet he believed the
sooner it was over the better. I do not
believe that anything that I have e"er
said about It could be construed other
wise. I do not believe that President
Roosevelt and myself will disagree in
the slightest particular as to what he
meant or as to what I understod him
to mean. He was certainly specific,
and I believe that I understood the
English language."
W ill! i J G
Letter Shows Attitude
on Presidency.
Refuses to Make Suggestion
as to Indorsement. '.
New York . Comity Committee Will
Be Asked to Launch the Boom. .
Cortelyou Denies He , : , '
Seeks Nomination.
Senator Martin Sax inform Hughes
of purpose to offer resolution Indors
ing him for President at meeting of
New York county committee on Thurs- '
day and asks him for "some expres
sion from you which will guide me
in the circumstances."
Hughes replies: "I do not think H
proper for me to make any sugges
tion as to what the county commit-"
' tee should or chould not do. I stated
my position before the Republican
Club and by that I stand."
The statement referred to by Mr.
Hughes was that he would not again
be a candidate ( for Governor, thus,
plainly implying , that he might be
a candidate for President. ,
Secretary Cortelyou denies that he S
has been "a candidate for anything but
the confidence of the. people in the dis
charge of my duties. as Secretary of
the 'Treasury"; denies that he has
used or sought to use any influence
to secure political support for the
Pnesldency. and says:
"If In the future I shall decide to
be a candidate for any office, I' shall
be prepared to say so frankly and
stare the grounds upon which I ask
for support."
ALBANY, N. Y. Dec. 17. Governor
Hughes .today made public his corre
spondence with Senator Martin Saxe re
garding the possible action of the . New
York County Republican Committee in
indorsing the Governor for the presi
dential nomination. It follows:
Dear Governor Hughes It Is my pur
pose, at the next meeting of the Re
publican County committee, to offer a
resolution to the effect that it 1 the
belief of the committee that the Re
publican voters throughout New York
desire your name presented for Presi
dent at the National Convention. In
doing so I am only attempting to give
formal expression to the sentlrpent that
exists here, so that the Republican
party throughout the state may have
official notice of It. However, as I do
not wish to pursue any course which
may be distasteful to you personally
or embarrassing to the plans of those
who are in your confidence, I will ap
preciate some expression from you
In the forthcoming New Year's
edition. The Oregonian will re
view In detail the progress of
the past year in the city and
state, presenting In carefully
prepared articles by well in
formed writers, facts and figures
concerning the leading indus
tries and more Important natur
al resources of Oregon. All the
leading articles will be profuse
ly illustrated. Particular atten
tion will be paid to the horti
cultural developments and prog
ress of the year, especially to
apple-growing, which already
has given the state International
fame. The edition will however,,
be a symposium of all other sub
jects of interest to the homeseek
er, and various other great in
dustries, 1 n c 1 u d 1 n g dairying,
, woolgrowing, cattleraising, min
ing, shipping and agriculture will
be given adequate space. Arti
cles of special interest will be
devoted to railroad extension and
construction, notably the com
pletion of, the new North Bank
road into' Portland-, giving , this
'city another transcontinental
line. . .
The price of the edition will be
. 6 cents; postage 3 cents to any
part of the United States and its
territories and insular posses-
which will guide me in the circum
stances. Cordially. yours;
Albany, Dec. 16, 1907 My Dear Sen
ator Your letter of the I5th has been
received. I do not think it proper for
me to make any suggestion as to what
the bounty committee should or should
not do. I stated my position before
the Republican Club, and by that I
stand. It is of the highest importance
that the work of the administration
shall be disinterested and I shall not
do. anything to influence the selection
or vote of delegates. I assume that
the party representatives will take
such action, whatever it may be. as
they believe to be best. . They have
their duty and I have mine. 1 think
my position Is clearly understood. Very
truly yours,
Saxe WAll Move Resolution, Though
Parsons May Oppose.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Senator Martin
Saxe said this afternoon, after the Gov
ernor had made public the correspond
ence that has passed between them:
I assume the Governor's letter to mean
that he does not object to my resolution as
I outline It to him- in my correspondence.
Hence I shall now proceed to Introduce my
resolution, just as I Indicated to him. The
only thing that could deter me would be the
possibility that . the Parsons forces could
beat il.
The local leaders who favored Mr.
Hughes at once accepted this letter as In
dicating that the Governor was perfectly
willing that the county committee should
adopt its resolution as proposed, but that
he desired- to make it clear that he was
neither taking nor seeking any support.
Herbert . Parsons, referred to by Mr.
Saxe. is the chairman of the County Re
publican Committee and is generally un
derstood to oppose a resolution 'Of in
dorsement. The committee will meet on
Thursday evening of this - week.
Denies Using Influence ' to Secure
Nomination for President.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-Secretary Cor
telyou, in a signed statement given out
tonight, ' pronounces unqualifiedly false
the current rumors of undue political
activity of0 his friends in forwarding a
'movement in his behalf. The Secretary
declares that neither he nor his friends
have used their influence in behalf of any
candidate for the Presidency a if that he
(Concluded on Pag 3.) -
Injunction Is Granted
Against Federation.
Buck Stove & Range Com
pany Not "Unfair."
Case Important to Industrial Life.
Union Places Company on "Un
fair'' List for Running Open
Shop and Institutes Boycott.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Of far-reaching
Importance to labor and business In
terests throughout the country was the
decision announced today by Justice
Gould of the Equity Court of the District
of Columbia, eHJoining the American Fed
eration of Labor, with ita membership
of 3,000,000 or more, from boycotting the
Buck Stove &Range Company's name In
"unfair" and "we don't patronize" lists.
The decision arraigns the action of the
'Federation as an illegal conspiracy.
Tomorrow there will be an argument
before Judge Gould over a proposition of
counsel for the Federation that the
court's order putting the Injunction de
cision Into effect limiting," in express
terms, its application to the District of
Columbia. Counsel for the plaintiff com
pany will oppose this1.
The injunction granted today, while of
a temporary character, was allowed in a
decision In which Judge Gould exhaust
ively reviewed the case, made copious
citations of authorities, quoted precedents
as to boycott definitions and said there
was no room for argument as to the con
spiracy alleged being established. The
question of a permanent injunction will
come up probably next Spring, and which
ever side wins in the final settlement, the
case. It is believed, will be appealed to
the Supreme Court of the United States.
Judge Gould pointed out from the bench
todays that ' he had not in his decision
taken' up the question of Inhibition of the
boycott under the Sherman anti-trust or
the interstate commerce act. .
Many Other Opinions Agree. '
The court made numerous citations
of decisions in cases Involving simi
lar Issues including references to rul
ings by Judge Taft, the present Sec
retary of War, then Judge of the Cir
cuit Court, in the action of the "To
ledo Electric Railway against Penn
sylvania Company," and proceedings
brought in various states.
Judge Gould declared that it was
not surprising that there was so little
difference of opinion among the courts
upon the question involved and that
the conclusion that such combinations
as that disclosed by the affidavits filed
by the Buck Stove Company in this
case were held to be unlawful was
based upon an appreciation of the
fundamental rights of free men in a
free country. He. said there was little
room for argument or discussion of
the question whether the plaintiff
company had shown the existence of
an unlawful combination and con
spiracy to destroy its business and that
the record leaves no doubt that the
plaintiff has been and still ts the ob
ject of a boycott, using that term,
"in the most obnoxious' sense, viz: an
unlawful conspiracy to destroy its
business, such a conspiracy as has
received the condemnation of every
Federal and state court, in the coun
try before which it has been brought
for criminal action, legal redress or
equitable injunction."
'". President Gompers a Defendant.
The American Federation of Labor is
not-only a defendant in this case, but
also ' President Gompers and- Secretary
Morrison, individually, as well as nine
Robert W. Bouuiree.
Robert W. Rountree. who died at
Rawhide, Nev., on Monday, was one
of the best known and most popular
of Portland's younger set. He was
-I years of age and the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Newton W. Rountree, of
this- city. He was a graduate of
the University of Oregon, and while
a student ' at that Institution, be
came famous as a 'member of the
Glee and Mandolin Club. ' His u,n
tmely end, a victim of spinal men
ingitis, came as a shock to his many
.friends in this city. '
others of the executive council of the
Federation and also the Electrotypers,
Moulders' and Finishers' Union No. 17,
together with certain individuals com
prising its officers and executive board.
The Buck Stove & Range Company,
which runs an open shop, alleged that
the labor organization placed its name
on the "unfair" and "we don't pat
r6nize," lists in the labor publications,
and that the boycott also was carried
on through thousands of circular let
ters to the company's customers and
the public generally and by threaten
ing the company's customers with loss
of labor, patronage and business.
Argument of .'Defense Plausible.
Mr. Gompers contended that the "un
fair" list had been in use almost from
the Federation's organization; that it
imputed simply inequitable or dis-
KConcluded on Page :t. )
, The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 37
dicrees; minimum. 34.
TODAY'S Probably fair; easterly winds.
Riots break out at Teheran due to Shah's
coup d'etat. Page 4.
Czar and Douma will clash on rebuilding; of
navy. Page 4.
Fleet eent to Pacific to preserve peace.
Page 1.
Wireless message from fleet. Page 1.
Senator Newlands speaks on ' waterways'.
Page 6.
Tarney urges necessity of economy by Con
gress. Page 5.
Position of Oregon Senators on committees.
Page 6.
Politics. ?
Hughes refuses to Interfere' with launching
of boom by New York committee. Page 1.
Cortelyou denies he Is a candlddate. Page 1.
Judjre Gould enjoins boycott by American
Federation of Labor. . Page 1.
New York bankers committee reports on re
form 1n banking laws. Page 7.
Johan Poulsen principal witness In lumber
men's rate case. Page 3.
Power cut oft from Goldfleid mines. Page 4.
BuUe mob deports nonunion linemen. Page
Pacific Coaat.
Chinese humorist satirizes American mar
riage cusjtoms. Page 1. .
Ashland votes "dry" by large majority.
Page 9.
Uncle Sam accused of robbing Washington
of valuable state lands. Page 9.
Hume's claim to fishing rights in Rogue
River knocked out by Supreme Court.
Page 8.
Multnomah Club team to play St. Louts
football team January 1 on local grid
Iron. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine,
Large shipments of bnion to California.
Page 19.
Three-cent advance in wheat at Chicago.
Page 19.
Scarcity 'of money supplies keeps down
stock speculation. Page 19.
Fears are entertained for the safety of the
British bark Castor, overdue at this port.
Page 15.
Portland said Vicinity.
Heney plans to try only Hall and Hermann
land-fraud cases; all trials set for Janu
ary J 3. Page 12. . , '
Colonel William Crooks, veteran railroad
builder, dead. Page 15.
Portland Railway. Light & Power Company
refuses to asslrt In building Sullivan's
Gulc'i bridge. Page 14. .
Lawyers keep up the rush of court flllnj.
Page 14.
Labor unions predict general conflict with
moLoyers before Sorlna. Paxe 12.
I I " I I
' Marriage.
Calls Mischievous God a Mere
Brainless Kid.
Americans Go at Marriage Blindly,
Chinese Calmly-In China the
Woman Is as Kree to Pro
pose as the Man.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Dec. 17.
ISpeclal.) As a humorist, an Oriental
Mark Twain has developed in . the
keenly clever and highly-educated per
son of N. G. Poon Chew, Chinese editor
and special adviser at the Chinese con
sulate at San Francisco.
"Domestic Life of the Orient, as Com
pared With Domestic Life of tha
West" was the subject of his address'',
tonight before the Hillside Club of
Berkeley, whose members he startled
by some of his rhetorical slashes at
love as the Anglo-Saxon understands
that emotion. The lecturer said In
"As we understand It; love is .an
hallucination, a delusion, intoxication,
mirage in the desert of passion, a per
verted product of a deluded brain, a
disease and a most deadly contagious
one, a kind of dementia Americana.
It is a symptom of a disordered brain,
as a nightmare is a symptom of a dis
ordered stomach.
Cupid a Brainless Kid.
"In these matrimonial affairs you
Americans go at It blindly. You throw
deliberation., logical conclusion, rea
soning, all the products of the matured
brain, to the winds and,: rushing along
under the Influence and stimulation of
one of the by-products of passion,
which for a better name you term love,
you come to grief on the shores of
matrimony. To the Oriental mind such
a course leads only to disaster.
"We admire the American people for
their intellectual attainments, their ma
terial progress; yet we cannot but mar
vel at you, wise as you seem to be, per
mitting yourselves to be led and be
guided by a mischievous, brainless kid
you call Cupid in the most serious affairs
of life. .
"In China marriage is regarded as the
means, while in this country it is the
end. It sometimes ends In a surprisingly
short time. The parties assuming the
marriage state are merely performing the
necessary .functions of life, according to
our view. Once assumed, it is final
and there is no way out of it but death.
"To the Oriental marriage is absolute '
and not a trial. We marry because we
must. You marry because you will; wa
marry because we hold 1t an obligation
to our' ancestors and a duty to our pos
terity; you marry because you fancy
that you have found your affinity.
"In China no life career is considered a
success unless a marriage state is entered
Into finally and truly. A man Is no man
until he is married. Though a China
man be born a, bachelor, he invariably
dies a married man, provided he lives long
Square Deal for the Girls.
"In a Chinese marriage absolute impar
tiality is extended to all parties con
cerned; either party can take the initia
tive In negotiation for marriage, while in
America a square deal is denied the girl.
The young man has the initiative and
chance to choose, whle th young girl aaa
no chance at all. Your method Is un
equal, partial and unjust and you deny
the woman privileges that are her right.
"In our marriage ceremony we are also
far ahead of you, for we do not enjoin tha
woman to obey her husband, neither lo
we ask her to love him. Foi to a civil
ized being one is Just as Irksome as tha
Inkstand Strikes Aged Spectator on
Head, Fractures Skull and
May Cause ,leath.
SAN JOSE, Cal., Dec. 17. The Her
ington bribery trial was brought to
an abrupt and sensational end, tem
porarily. Just before noon today, when
Assistant District Attorney James
Sex and Attorney Jarman, of the de
fense, each called the other a liar and
threw lawbooks and inkstands at each
other's heads.
A missile hvirled by .Sex missed its
mark and struck an aged spectator,
Zachariah S. Tucker, In the head.
Tucked fell insensible, and this after
noon it is announced by his physician
that his skull is fractured and that he
may not recover from the injury.
The combatants wera arrested and
ordered by Judge Welch Into the cus
tody of the Sheriff.