Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 13, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Specials on Colored Dress Goods
PANAMAS In all the wanted col
ors, including cream and black.
; This is a material that is n-
equalled for service and appear
ance, and it" is one of the most
popular weaves on the market for
this season's use; four grades go
in this ' remarkable Friday sale.
The regular $1.00 grades 7Q
sell now for only
Regular $1.25 quality, yard..93
Fabrics especially, suitable for
dressy gowns. It is a weave that
conforms readily to the construc
tion of these garments, "and the
colors are decidedly desirable. In
' this lot we are offering the regu
lar $1.00 qualities for
only... '
Regular-$1.25 grades for,...89
Silks Make Good Christmas Gifts
Enough goods for a silk waist, a dress or a petticoat would be a very
welcome and most practical gift, and in addition to showing your good
taste in choosing here, among the sort of silks we have to sell, you'll get
these standard grades for much less than regular price. Look over your
list- see who will be"' most pleased with these, then come down and buy
early, while the immense assortment gives you wide choice.
Regular $1.75 and $2 g 1 yfO II Regular $1.50 quality, CI HQ
grades selling for tpSmtO selling for, yard plUS
Regular $l.2o grade, Q "7 Kegular $1 grade, spe- TC.
cialat. Vftrd W
special at, yard.
240 FR
Comes Just 9 Shopping Days Before Christmas Let These Bargains Decide You to Shop Early
tional Sale Of Women's Hose
All Sizes, Plain or Fancy, Worth From 40c to $1.75 a PairChoice Now for 19c
ONLY See the display in the Fifth-street window. Note how many different styles there are and plan to come early This morning ONL,Y
5000 pairs to sell at 19c Hosiery values greater than any store on the Pacific Coast ever thought of offering Counters in the
Hosiery aisles piled high with Hose of sterling merit Let nothing keep you away and remember well, there are 5000 pairs to sell.
The regular values run from 40c to $1.75 a pair You may take your choice for.
Men's 'Kerchief Spc'ls
Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, good quality, pure silk, hem
stitched, 18-inch size, excellent 25c values; fO 7?
Special, the dozen . . . : V
Men's Handkerchiefs, fine quality silk, entirely new fabric,
soft finish, ready for use, regular 35c f O O C
Values; special, the dozen t2
Men's Handkerchiefs, fine quality cambric, with fancy
borders, just the thing for boys' school fr
wear; special, the dozen JJ
Men's Handkerchiefs, good grade cambric, neatly hem
stitched, regularly worth 15c; special, the if 7 )!
dozen : plJU
Men's Handkerchiefs, pure linen; our own importation;
1-inch hemstitched border; regular price 7
25c ; special, six f or , .
Men's Handkerchiefs, fine grade of cambric, hemstitched,
large open-work initial; half dozen in a box; 7C
exceptionally good values at 20c, special, box...
Slippers Make Ideal Presents-Men's $1.19 Kind 79c
Women 's $3. 50 Shoes $3
This means any pair of regular
$3.50 shoes in our stock, in
cluding several famous and
well-advertised lines. Among
these are shoes of all sorts,
plain or fancy styles, light or
heavy soles, kid . and patent
leathers; in fact, any sort of a
shoe you could wish in the
$3.50 grades; the 00
JULIETS for women, kid or
felt. The kid ones are fleece
lined. They are neatly trimmed
and have hand-turned soles.
Kid ones sell for tf Q rt
$1.69; felt for.. Hl4iJ
The very spirit of Christmas is embodied in a pair of warm, cozy,
comfortable slippers. "Whoever you give a present of this sort will
remember you in their moments of comfort in the mohths to come ;
think of this when choosing vour gifts and do. not miss the shoe aisle.
AN EXTRA SPECIAL TOR MEN Men's Slippers, with tan kid
fronts and black patent leather backs and tongue; a very sightly
slipper, that sells regularly at $1.19 the pair. To be had "7Q
in all sizes; choice, today only . . , t " 7C
MEN'S $5.00 AND $6.00 SHOES FOR $4.00
This special is for
all day; we won't
even confine you to
the morning hours.
Come when you
please and you'll
find a large vari
ety of styles, light
and heavy weights.
many lasts, all
widths and sizes,
Provide for your
shoe needs now
and save from $1
to $2; choice
All Men's Slippers Re
duced as Follows:
The $3 and $3.50
grades, today pJU
The $2.25 and $2.50 . O ))
grades, today ....P"UU
The $1.75 and $2 f ZJQ
grades, today piUi7
The $1.39 and $1.69 01 nQ
grades, today P 7
$1.25 quality, today Q?c
only i ....... .
This includes all styles : opera,
Everett, Romeo or Cavalier. All
leathers and sizes. Surely this
will help decide some of your
Christmas problems.
Men 's ' Kerchief Spc 'Is
Men's handkerchiefs, pure silk, nearly hem- oJ
stitched, 21-in. size; reg. worth 50c; dozen.
Men's Handkerchiefs, pure linen, beautifully hand hem
stitched, in soft finish, full size ; regular O
price three for $1; special, dozen. pJ I O
Men's Handkerchiefs, fine quality pure linen, hand hem
stitched, exceptionally good values at 50c; O T
the dozen .4&0
Men's Handkerchiefs, pure linen, neatly hemstitched, our
own importations; half dozen in a fancy; t 1 Qfi
box; regular 50o values; special, the box. .. V & "
Men's Handkerchiefs, fine grade of cambric, hemstitched;
large open-work initial; half dozen in box; 7r
exceptionally good values at 20c; the box JC
Men's Handkerchiefs, Japonette hemstitched, with large
silk initial, full size; excellent values, regu- g
lar 20c values, special, half dozen OC
Ostrich Plumes $1.19
No matter how many hats a woman has, she ..(tjS' ..
rial will appeal both to the gift-seekers and toS.yff,
those who are "bent on improving their own .ward- . 1 MjPSX'i.. '
roues, a x nuay saie 01 wonarousiy ncn pmmes
at prices that will appeal irresistibly to well
dressed folk who know and appreciate first-class
goods. . . .
Read The Price Details Carefully
Plumes worth
$2.00 for ...
Plumes worth
$3.00 for
Plumes worth
$4.00 for
$10.00 values
$12.00 values
$14.00 values
... $8.00
Those worth
$7.00 now . .
Those worth
$8.00 now .
$9.00 values
0v.alue9......... $12.00
$22.50 values C1 C flfl
... y iij.uu
$24.00 values
Petticoats ' $6 .59
"Whether you buy one for a Christmas
gift or for your own use, by all means,
buy. Not a woman who reads this
. advertisement can afford to miss the
bargain. Hundreds of them on salex
in every wanted color. and style. They
come in white, light blue, lavender,
pink, purple, green, red, light or dark
gray, blue, black, etc. They are
trimmed with Juby trim'g,
small tucks, accordion pleat--.
ing, tailored tucks and ruf
fling. It's the greatest pet
ticoat sale we've ever held in
this store, and we know that
means the greatest petticoat
sale ever offered in Port-
lancl0 Let nothing make you
miss it and come early for first
choice. Regular $10, $12.50 and $15
values going today for j
We have $10,000 worth too many blankets, that's the plain truth of the matter .in a untshell. The cold weather we
expected in early November failed to materialize, and blanket sales were much slower than they should have been,
so we've gone through our stofk of blankets and selceted 31 styles, aDproximating a total ' of $10,000 and reduced
these in a remarkable manner, th esavings1 average one-fonrth and one-third.' It's an opportunity to purchase high
grade beddiiig that offers savings greater than- the Portland public have ever known.
Blankets worth $3.25 and
$3.50; special, pair. -$2.45
Three lots at $4.50 ; special,
the pair' .$3.15
Blankets, worth $5 and $5.50;
special at ' $3.98
Those worth $6.00 and $6.50;
special ........-.... $4.45
Blankets worth $7 and $7.50 ;
special at ................. $3.15
Those worth $8 and $8.50;
special , , $5.65
Blankets worth $9.50 and $10;
special at -. $6.35
$13.50 grade selling for
only $9.00
$15.00 grade selling- for
only -..$9.95
$17.50 grades selling for
only $11.50
Fawn, gray and vicuna Blan
kets 3 lots, reg. $4.50, pair... $3.15
$6.00 , grade selling for
only .' . ..$4.45
PYROGRAPHY SETS, complete out
fit, of the best quality, contains
needle, alcohol lamp, benzine bottle,
cork handle, box of absorbent, and
large size bulb; basswood box, reg
ular price $3.00 special, (t? "Q
the set ..ip.O
DRESSER BOXES, fine quality bass
wood, one piece, with two compart
ments, suitable for carving, Qfi
regular $1.25. special, ea.,..'OC
MATCH HOLDERS to hang on wall,
assorted styles, reg. yrice 1
25c, special, each ...IOC
HAT BRUSHES, solid ebony backs,
soft white bristles, special OC
for today, each .tJG
HAND MIRRORS, in ebony or fox
wood, with bevel glasses, round
shape, regular 65e values, AQkg
special, each ftZJi
PERFUMES, imported English make,
assorted odors, regularly
wnrth f0i snecial. the oz "'v
price 35c, special, each--..
SHAVING MIRRORS, ebony framed,
magnifying on one side and plain on
the other, round shape, regular
price $1.49, special, ' QJ2
each UOK,
PAPER WEIGHTS, genuine onyx,
regular 65c values, epecial,
SAFETY RAZORS. The well-known
Star or Gem Razor, in assorted
styles. They come in neat leather
cases and make suitable Xmas gifts.
Yonr choice of any one of these sets
ranging in price from $2.00 to $15.00,
today . . ;
FOUNTAIN PENS, with black hard
rubber barrels, 14-karat gold points,
large size, every pen guaranteed,
regular price $2.50, special QQ
for today, each OSC
CREPE PAPER, fancy decorated, 10
ft. fold, regular 20c values, f
special, the fold W
Bring in the children to see the "real live" Santa Claus. Let them tell him
a jolly old fellow and he is interested in every child in Portland. He '11 Ire glad
Let him help solve your Christmas problems and decide the gift.
BALKY MULE. One of the best
mechanical toys ever invented. Mule
runs backward and forward while
clown tries to urge him on.
TVi .
what ,they want for Christmas. He 's
to know what their wants really are.
THE DANCING BEAR, a very fine
toy that performs many amusing
tricks a source of endless inter
est to boys or girls who want live
ly toys. Covered with real bear
skin. A regular $3.00 CI OC
value, special r
ERY BOY. Prire 50
toy at a small price. Ball rolls up
spiral path, apparently of fif
its own accord. Price. vJJi
CRAWLING SEAL; lifelike. . .45
GINES, that run several minutes
and will operate all sorts of tools
and toy machinery. Regularly
worth $1.4 j ;
special value at,
each. 7.
Women's $2.00 Bags $1.59
Let this special decide what you will solect
for ''someone." Here's a superb lot of
Women's Handbags, made with strap han
dles, good strong frames, in gilt or gun
metal finish. Come in black, tan, or green,
regularly worth $2.00 each, spe- 59
CARD CASES, in seal, walrus or alligator
leathers. Colors, black, brown, tan or green.
Special values at $2.00 each,
special, today
WOMEN'S HANDBAGS. One and two of ft kind. Assorted shapes
and sizes". Made of walrus, seal and alligator leathers. These are
superb values. Made in the newest and best shapes, strikingly stylish,
and regularly worth $6.00 and $6.50 each. Because they C1 QE
are a special purchas- of short lines, the price will be PT.JJ
Let ns show yon oar line of v Genuine Hornback Alligator Goods.
Many articles many prices many styles.
60c Flannel Waistings 43c
A superfine quality of French flannel in all colors, new
and wanted shades. Nothing could be more sen
sible than a waist pattern for a Christmas gift
'twould be more difficult to find anything more
tasteful. Come and look them over and you'll find
any shade you want, and the 60c quality A O
is selling for rrOC
Agents- Libbey Cut Glass
Over 400 artistic cuttings and articles to select from. Nam's etched
on every piece. The world 's best ; no other just as good. Visit our
Cut Glass room ; it will pay you.
Bowls, 8-in. size, regu
lar price, $1.50, spe
cial, each . . . .$3.50
Nappies, 6-in. size, reg
ular $3.00 valuer,
special, each.. $2. 35
Plates, 7-in. size, reg
ular. price $4.00. spe
cial, each $3.15
Celery Trays, regularlv
worth $10.00, special,
each .$7.75
Water Bottles, regular
price $15.00. special,
each $11.90
Bowls, extra fine, regu
larly worth $16.00,
special, ea.. $14.85
Tumblers, reg. $12.75
values, special, the
dozen $10.50
Worth $16.50, special,
doz. $13.15
Worth $30.00. special,
doz $24.50
Table Silver at Special Prices
Hundreds of handsome and useful arti
cles. No Christmas gift more suitable.
$2,50 Cushiort Slips, Special Each $1,59
Top and back ready for filling. Made of
linen and art canvas leather combina
tions. Some very pretty designs in
Swastika and leather postal card pillows.
Some handsomely fringed. An art e
partmens special worth jour careful at
tention. Regular $2.00 and CQ
$2.50 valnes, today fXOZJ
deep hems and fillet work- centers. The
squares are 32-inch size and the smart's
are 2,0x54 inch. Regular price 7Q
$1.25 each, special. . . , 7C
NIGHTGOWNS, high cut V-shape neck
or low round neck style, made -with long
or short elbow sleeves and trimmed with
lace or embroidery. Dainty high-ginde
garments, worth $1.50 each, spe- Q O j
.cial, today iOC
TEA APRONS, of fine white lawn or
Swiss. Round or square styles, with
ruffle. Trimmei with tucks and em
broidery. Have long wide strings and
pockets. These are regularly vlQf
65c each, special TC
KAC'V BKKAO TRAYS Regular price, $2.00; special, ea S1.50
HAWCV HRF.4D TRAYS Regular price, $2.25; special, ea S1.60
f-HII.IVS f'I'P-Rea-ular price. 3jc; special, each 25
( Hll.n'H CI PS RpBM'lar price. SOc; special, each -40
CHILD'S CH'S Regular price, 80o; special, each 69 i
CHILD'S Cl'PS Reg-ular price. $1.25: special, each.... 99
CRC.MB PANS AND SCRAPERS Reg. price, $3; special, ea 82.25
CRl'MB PANS AND SCRAPERS Reg. price, $4; special,, ea $3.18
fc'RCIT BOWLS Rrealnr price, $3.50; special, each $2. SO
FRt'IT BOWLS Rearulnr price, $5.00; special, each $3.85
For a gift that combines the practical with the artistic, 'twill he difficult to
selecfj anything better than gloves.- We're having a special sale today on a
2-clasp kid glove, full pique seams ; each pair fitted. They come t CA
in black, white or colors. Regularly worth $2.00 the pair, today, P 0"
2- clasp Monarch Gloves, the best on
earth, for . $2.25
3- clasp Eskay Kid Gloves, very
dressy . . . $1.75
2-clasp Empress Kid Gloves, good val
ues $1.25
2-clasp Magnet, our famous glove
for ..; $1.00
2-clasp Derby Kid Glove. .. .$1.75
1-clasp Cape Glove. $1.25
1-button Cape Glove, 'tan only, spe
cial .SO
16-button Empress Glove, real kid, at.
pair $4.00
12-but. Empress Glove, only.. $3. 50
or union silk; have silk cver, good
strong frame and fancy pearl han
dles, m6unted in gold; also natural
wood and gunmetal handles. Regu
larly worth $5.00 each; o QO
special for todav P.0
FETA UMBRELLAS, with gunmetal
or pearl handles ; gold or sterling sil
ver mounted. A superb assortment,
priced from $2.00 up to $3.50.
UMBRELLAS with new "Reform"
frames; can be rolled very tightly.
Artistic natural wood handles; each,
$4.00 and $5.00.