Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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T 7 I r ' WOULD rw
I able Linens surely Please
Specials on napery of the "finest sorts that would make
highly appreciated and decidedly sensible gifts for any
housekeeper. Kicnardson s double damask Table Linen
in nhiieA nnftPTTis vnrfh fftl tlik vai
iH V J ul
i special at. . . ...,.
51 PAUT.-' niMAfiTT ..- i, 1.1 l . 3
2 yards wide, worth $1.10; priced today at... f OC
R WHITE TEERY CLOTH, for making roller or hand
towels; 500 yards on sale today at, per lOlni-
HUCK TOWELS 50 dozen hem
med Towels in a very fine grade of
huck; large size and made with
white or colored border; a superb
towel value at 25c; a Housekeep
ers' day special at Sir
only..- IOC
Limit 1 dozen to a customer
Hand - Embroidered Doilies
Richardson's hand embroidered
Doilies in several sizes, exquisite
pieces of handwork and of the best
quality linen; slightly soiled and
55r!? Half Price
Only 11
Mind, yon that
you 've only 11
days more, In
cluding today, in
which to finish
buying your gifts
be prompt ;
come while the
selection is good;
have it over with.
Gifts stored and
delivered for you.
Agents for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
For a
Sale of
Friday morning
we offer a sale on
.hose that will far
surpass anything
ever attempted in
Portland. Partic
ulars in this eve
ning's and tomor
row morn ing 's
$7.50, $1.89
We have just 10 dozen of them, and that means
there is from two to four seasons' comfort ahead
for girls and women who are shrewd enough to take
advantage of this 6ale or who have friends who are
thoughtful enough to secure one of these sweaters
for them. The lowest-priced in the lot is worth
$3.50, most of them are $5 values and some are
worth even $7.50. They come with or without col
lars; the colors are green, red, navy, gray or white.
They are trimmed with pearl or black buttons; knit
in fancy stitch effects. You couldn't think of any
thing much better for a present for a girl fond of
walking or athletic sports, and, mind you, you'll
save irom nail to two-thirds the
price of any one you select. On
sale today only,at
None laid aside, nine sent 0. O. D. No Phone orders filled.
keepers Day
Silverware Is Priced Very Low
Take advantage of these unordinary savings and secure tasteful gifts for your more critical
friends. Tis high time to buy and there are superb economies to be found.
BKCAD TRAYS, regular price
$2; Vpcial, each
Regtilarly worth $2.25; special, each.. $1.69
BAKING DISHES, grape design, 4A Qf
reg. price $6.25; special, each P'x.Ovf
BAKING DISHES, footed, regu- CJC Oft
lar price $6.85; special.... fJ.OJ
CHILD'S CUPS, embossed, regular Ofi
price 35c; special, each '.."OC
Regular 50c- values; special, each 40
Regular 90o values, with engraved "Baby";
special, each 69
Regular price $L25, with satin, bright cut;
special, each 09J
CAKE BASKETS, regular price
$3.25; special, each
Regular $3.o values; special, each. . . .Jj53.00
FERN DISHES, regular price $3.00; special to
day, each
FRUIT BOWLS, regular $3.50 values; special at, gQ
Regular price $5; special, each...i $3.85
BONBONS, with raised border, regfiJO OQ
price $3.00; special p.OI
Regularly worth $4; special, each. .. .$3.20
sortment of sparkling cut glass, all choice cut
tings, regularly worth to $8; your CC fC
choice of any piece on the table. ...Yw""
PRICE This assortment contains a large line
of ornamental figures ; busts of celebrated per
sons, figures with electric lights and den or
naments; special today at ONE-THIRD LESS
reg. price $3.50; special, each...
CRUMB SETS, with ebony han- 0 pC
dies, , reg. price $3; special, set. . .
Regularly worth $4; special, the set.. $3. 18
HORSERADISH JAR,, air tight, Of
reg. price. $1.50; special, each. . . .V evr
TEA SETS, four pieces, regularly worth $8; spe
cial, the set
SHAVING MUG AND BRUSH, regular price $1; spe
cial, the set
Regular $1.50 values; special, the set $1.20
A Stupendous Blanket SaleSave
We have $10,000 worth too many blankets, that's the plain truth of the matter In a nutshell. The cold weather
we expected in early November failed to materialize, and blanket sales were much slower than they should have
been, so we've gone through our stock of blankets and selected 31 styles, approximating a total of $10,000, and
reduced these in a remarkable manner, the savings averaging one-fourth and one-third. It's an opportunity to pur
chase high-grade bedding that offers savings greater than the Portland public have ever known.
Insistent need for immediate disposal brings about this extraordinary state of affairs, and bear in mind that it
concerns only blankets of the better grade. Fine wool blankets in white and every color in which they are made.
Wise shoppers will supply their bedding wants now for years to come, for bedding like this is not likely to be sold
again for prices as small as these.
$13.50 grade selling for $9 00
$15 grade selling for JQ Q
only P7-0
$170 grades selling for $11 5 Q
Fawn, gray and vicuna Blan- f0 1 C
kets, 3 lots, regularly $4.50 pr. pO iO
Blankets, worth $3.25
$3.50; special, pair
Three lots at $4.50; special,
the pair
Blankets, worth $5 and $5.50;
special at
Those worth $6 and $6.50;
Blankets, worth $7 and $7.50;
special at
Those worth $8 and $8.50; JCj gg
Blankets, worth $9.50 and $10; dfi OC
special at pU.OiJ
$6 grade selling for
$7 and $7.50 Blankets for
$8.50 grade, special at
Thousands of 'Kerchiefs
It pays to select your handkerchiefs for gifts
from a stock that allows of varied choosing,
such a stock as ours.
stitched border and embroidered design or
with scalloped and embroidered edges; the
values are 35c and 50c each; special OT-,
at only iJC
very sheer linen 25, 35S 50S 65.
with i4incn nem f pure linen cambric; very
serviceable; each, 25S 3o and 45
ered designs with hemstitched or scalloped
edges; fine linen; 35, 50S 60S 75
and up to $1.50 each.
quisitely dainty edges of real Armenian lace;
50, 65tf and up to $2.50.
hand-embroidered, made to our order; 75
to $17.50.
Real Lace Handkerchiefs, $5 to $35.
souvenir boxes; cover decorated with photo
graph of local views; 6 handkerchiefs in each
box; $3, $4.50 and $6, according to
quality. .
Santa Claus and the Toys
EXTRA SPECIAL BOXES FREE Buy half a dozen of any of
our handkerchiefs at 25c or more and we grlve you free a handsome
Portland souvenir box. The tops are Illustrated with views of the
city and various Oregon points, Including Mount Hood. Some of your
friends In the East will be pleased to receive one of these boxes as
a souvenir, with half a dozen dainty handkerchiefs, as a Christmas
present. Try it and see how well you will please.
We issue a verv cordial invitation
to all the good little boys and girls
in Portland (and we know they are
all good these days) to come up to
our fourth tloor and tell
Santa Claus themselves
what they want most for
Christmas. We want them
to come .and see the dis
play of toys, the thou
sands of dollsto see the
mechanical bird cage and
hear the birds sing, and
above all to see "Bear
ville." When the holiday
season is over, this store
will be known among- the
children as the "Bear
Jointed Dolls, 95c French Bisque
Dolls, 19 inches long, full jointed,
heavy body, sleeping eyes, QC
worth $1.60 each; special. ?C
Magic Lanterns, complete with
views; a very interesting OQ
(mr R1 2.t vnlnp; snppinl
- j j j t
iitchen Outfit of tin dishes, containing dish
pan, kettles, stove, etc.; reg. 35c; special at.
. 22c II
ville store," for we don't believe
there is a child in Portland today
who isn't talking of Bearville and
the funny pranks he saw the cun
ning little Teddy Uears
playing on each other. No
matter how fast they sell,
Bearville sfays well popu
lated. Tige and Puss in
Boots are just as jolly and
amusing now as on the
first day and there are
plenty, of them. The Ted
dies have some new
stunts planned for today;
come up and see ' what
they are.
Doll Furniture, an upholstered set
containing six chairs, table and
settee, worth 60c; special
Boys' Printing Press, with rubber
roller, type and ink, CC
worth 85c; speoial iJtJC
Ring Toss, a very entertaining game for play- 1 f
ing in or out of doors, worth 25c; special A V C
Petticoats at lU Less
The reduced prices on petti
coats have brought women
here by the hundreds, eager,
for the best underskirt bar
gain of the year. All of our
black or colored petticoats ex
cept the silk ones are now go
ing at one-fourth below their
regular values. A selection so
good and savings so great that
the sale has created intense
enthusiasm. .
Bear in mind, this includes
all black and colored petti
coats, even the extra sizes and
the famous "No vent" under
skirts. Priced as follows:
$1.25 and $1.50 values,
now selling for
$2.25 to $2.50 grades, df '7
now selling for
$3.25 to $3.50 grades, jf p fQ
now selling for JL J
$450 to $5.00 values, p
for i
to $2.00 values, f p Q
selling for pldbJ
to $3.00 grades, J OQ
selling for plOZ7
to $4.25 grades, O sfQ
selling for pH'Z7
to $6.50 values, Q OO
selling for PO.OO
now selling
Hand-Made Cushion Tops at 97c
Embroidered tops in the Berlin cross stitch work and in a variety
of designs. These sell regularly at $1.50 each; the low Q7
price for today will be only; , 2f C
or ted Articles De Pi
A Shipment of OUR OWN Importations Parses, Vanity Cases, Bracelets and Dozens of
Little Things That Add Much to a Woman's Comfort and Toilette at Smalt Cost Come
And Buy While They Are New. Just Landed in New York and Rushed Here by Express
Wise Fire Chief Keeps Audiences
From Knowing Truth.
CHICAGO. Dec. 11. Three audiences in
the Fine Arts and Studebaker Theater
buildlng'were kept from panics last night
by quick action of Are department officers
and theatrical managers after a fire had
been discovered in the Chicago Musical
College, which adjoins the structures.
One alarmist was knocked unconscious
In the lobby of the Studebaker building
by an official of the theater after he had
uttered one shout of "tire." Hobart Chat-fleld-Taylor
hurried to the stage of the
music hall, wtrere a performance was
being given, and calmed the people in
the audience, who had smelled the smoke
and had begun to exhibit signs of alarm.
The fire was of little consequence and
was readily extinguished.
Chief Horan ordered that all the fire
department apparatus should be stopped
a half block north of the theater build
ing. He also quickly stilled the gongs
and the firemen"s shouts.
In the Studebaker Theater, where a
play was being witnessed by 1-iOO persons,
all the exits were taken in charge by
ushers and firemen, who were ordered to
throw them wide open at the first symp
tom of panic.
LrfBS than a score of persons in the
theater knew of the fire.
On the 10th floor of the Fine Arts bulld
Vig 200 members of th. Sha Dears Club
were gathered, and in a dramatic school
on the eighth floor bout 76 pupils and
teachers were engaged. They were
warned by attendants of the building and
all left by the elevators.
Despondent Over Reverses and Do
mestic Trouble, Oil Dealer Dies.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Lawrence
S. Nlcolai, formerly a prosperous in
dependent oil dealer, committed suicide
today on account of financial and do
mestic troubles. He attributed his
financial misfortune to the "unbusi
nesslike methods" of the Standard Oil
Company, which, he declared, had left
him penniless. He and his wife had
Babes Saved From Big Fire.
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Dec. lL-Fire early
today almost completely wiped out the
big plant of . the Ffau Manufacturing
Company, makers of plumbers' supplies
in Reading Road. Tenants of houses in
the rear of the burning plant fled from
their homes and policemen carried sleep
ing babies from the row of frame tene
ments on West Twelfth street, passing
through dense smoke to do so. All were
rescued. The loss, is 1126,000 to J150.0Q0,
partially insured.
Hanan shoes sold at Rosenthal's.
Entombed Miners in Nevada Given
Food to Last Weeks.
RENO, Nev., Dec. 11. The three min
ers Brown, McDonald and Bailey, who
have been entombed for a week in a
drift at the 113-foot level of the Alpha
shaft of the Giroux mine at Ely, still
are alive and are able to communi
cate with the miners at the top of the
shaft. They have been given enough
food through the six-inch water pipe
connecting the drift with the surface
to last them a week, and in case this
pipe is broken they will not die of
starvation or thirst. The work of
clearing the-shaft is progressing slow
ly and it is not believed that the men
will be rescued for at least another
week. The men report that they are
all uninjured.
Wants Woman Nurses in Navy.
CHICAGO, Dec. 11. "Women nurses
should be employed in the United States
Navy in order to raise the naval medical
service to its highest standard of effi
ciency." This is the opinion of Dr. R.
W. Plummer, past assistant-surgeon of
the United States naval medical service,
who spoke yesterday at the opening ses
sion of the National legislative council of
the American Medical Association.
A bill for the establishment and organ
ization of a corps of trained women
nurses in the Navy was recommended to
Congress. It provides that women nurses
be employed in naval hospitals on shore
in time of peace, and on hospital and
ambulance ships in time of war.
Steamers Dodging Texas Law.
PENSACOLA, Fla.. Dec. 11. Fearing
that the vessels might be seized upon
the judgment secured against the com
pany by the State of Texas, the Stan
dard Oil Company yesterday ordered the
steamer Captain A. F. Lucas and Bark
No. 95 to proceed from this port to sea
and not to come within three miles of
shore until further orders were received.
The vessels, both of which are among the
largest of the oil-carrying fleet of the
company, had just returned from London,
where they carried an immense quantity
of oil from Pennsylvania.
The vessels are now anchored off Pen
sacola bar, awaiting wireless orders.
Harrlman Has a Cold.
NEW YORK, Dec 11. E. H. Harrl
man is suffering from a cold and has
not been at his office since Monday. A
report that Mr. Harrlman was serious
ly ill was denied at his office. It was
said that he "has a cold and is taking
care of it."
Must vacate store December 31 sell
ing trunks, bags and suit cases at a
sacrifice. 231 Morrison St., near 2nd.
Fears Expressed That She Has Been
k Taken by Indians.
BANCROFT. Neb., Dec. 11. Five
thousand men and women are search
ing near Rosalie, Neb., for Lillie Olsen,
a 4-year-old child, who disappeared
Sunday while attempting to follow her
elder brother, who started to drive
home the cows. The family lives near
the Winnebago IndTan reservation and
today the Indian tepees are being
searched systematically, but so far no
clews have been found of the child.
Night-Riders Die of Wonnds.
MAYFTELD, Ky., Dec. It-Two alleged
night riders, Will Gray and EH Cook, died
yesterday as the result of wounds re
ceived during the visit of the 600 night
riders at Hopkinsville Saturday morning.
Both are young men and reside on Muddy
Fork, In Trigg County, near Welloma.
After receiving the . wounds the men
were taken quietly to their homes by oth
ers in the night riders ordei. and the fact
that they were fatally wounded was kept
quiet and did not come out until their
It is believed that several other members
were wounded at the Hopkinsville assault.
Bcenlc Photos; hand-tinted. 248 Alder.
126 Second St., Bet. Washington and Alder
Gifts for Christmas
Misses' Fur Neckwear and Muffs
In White Fox, Sable Fox,
Beaver, Otter, Etc.
Ladies' Fur Neckwear and Muffs
In Sable, Ermine, Black
Lynx, Mink, Chinchilla
Children's Furs in Ermine, Squirrel,
Krimmer, White Thibet, Etc., Etc.
Persian Lamb Goats Alaska Mink Goats
Alaska Sealskin Goats Russian Pony Coats
Eur Anto Gaps, Gloves and Robes
Send for Catalogue
Established 1870