Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 12, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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ably when Edwards went over the side
with a wrench to tighten a bolt on
one of the suction pipes. No one saw
him fall overboard or neard an outcry,
but it is supposed he lost his footing
and slipped into the river. No trace of
his body has yet be-en found.
Edwards was a native of Scotland. 38
years of age and had been employed
on the dredger for aoout six years. So
far as known he has no relatives in
this country. A mother, brother and
sister reside in Scotland. He was a
member of the Eagles Lodge of The
Dalles. Edwards was to have been
married to an Astoria young lady on
Christmas day.
PrlYmte St dinar
Railroad President Tries
Use an Ax.
Why Waste More Money
3-story .
Trying'" Different Doctors?
Ocean Vessels in Port, Placed
Stem to Stern, Would
Reach Three Miles.
Xlne Foreign Steamships, 26 Sailing
Vessels and Eight Coastwise
Steamers Slake Largest Fleet .
Ever Assembled Here. "
Placed stem to stern and stretched out
through the harbor, the ocean vessels
now In port would make a continuous
line more than three miles in length.
This estimate is based on the average
length of a sailing vessel. Including
overhang, to be 300 feet and the average
length of the tramp steamships to be
400 feet. The average length of the coast
ing steamships will exceed 275 feet.
Adding to the above figures the schooners
and barkentlnes the three mile figure is
easily passed.
Nine large steamships, flying foreign
flags; 26 sailing vessels, only three of
which fly the Stars and Stripes, but are
tinder charter for foreign loading, and
eight coasting steamers varying in size
from the Col. B. L. Drake. 360 feet in
length to the diminutive Washington,
which measures 170 feet This is the
largest fleet which has ever been in the
Portland harbor at any one time. The
total number of vessels exclusive of
schooners and barkentlnes, is 43 ocean
going crafts. With few exceptions all
will take either full or part' cargoes of
Itrain or flour, The Acme, an Ameri
can four masted bark, will carry lumber
to Europe: the Strafhord will also carry
out a full cargo of lumber , foreign; the
Valdivia will also take timber.
The nine foreign steamships In the
harbor have a total net registered ton
rage of 26.433 with a carrying capacity
of 66.010 tons of cargo. The 26 sailing
craft represent 50.952 net tons registered
end have a carrying capacity of 91.000
tons of cargo. The coasting steamships,
eight in number total up 8747 net tons
and will carry, principally In general
cargo,' 18,000 tons. Combined there are at
present in " the harbor of Portland 43
oceangoing carriers, having a registered
net tonnage of S6.132 and with a carrying
capacity of 175,000 tons.
The fleet was Increased yesterday by
the arrival of the steamship Col. R. L.
l)rake, the steamships Craigvar, Elgin
and Strathord and two sailers. The Col.
K. L. Drake is the only American in the
bunch and Is an oil carrier for the Stan
dard Oil Company. The Elgin will go on
the drydock tills morning for cleaning
and painting.
Estimates of the value of the products
which will be moved from Portland by
the fleet at present in the harbor, vary
considerably. While wheat will form the
Rreatost item, prices will be governed
by the market. Flour will be a big item
In the exports and lumber will keep even.
I'lte general cargo will be about normal.
Exports of grain and flour for Decem
ber bid fair to break all records from
this port for a single month. Three large
stranirfhips have cleared already and the
Como will finish this morning. The
Wavcrtree has completed cargo and will
leave down thi3 afternoon; the Persia
will get away ns soon as she can be
made ready and the Strathendrick will
aot be far behind.
Following is a list of the vessels in
Foreign Steamers.
Net Tons.
'i alKvar ....
Ulermtiat1 ....
Ktrathoni ....
Valillvla S.lflO
Sailing Vessels.
6-liurbek 2.26S
Imrhniburn -. . 1,908
"rlilwi 1.979
Kiiropp 2.4.9
Thietj 2.2."1
Windsor Park 1.002
Wovertree 2. 11H
Carnarvon Bay 1.7t!
riaverrtnn 2. 462
Ml Hon burn 2,40i
Marthe Rhus 1.7:17
Homeward Bound 1.PS7
Tort Patrick 1.505
(llndvs 1.545
Versailles l.RM
Stratlinryfe 2.1IW
St. Mtrren l.r.
ltuccleuch 1.0X4
Ijiiko Hay 1.178
Suliy . l.!3
;lenplvan 1.7511
Eujrene Schneider 2.OP.0
.Achmf1 2.11S7
Henry Vlllard 1.490
Paramita 1.444
Total SO,
Coasting Steamers.
Mllance 431
Hreakwater .' 7!3
Costa Rica 1,18
r.en. W. Kl.ler - 1.224
City of Panama ; 1.1146
Johan Poulsen 423
Washington 3bT
Col. E. L. Drake . 1,307
Total 8.74T
Grand total 80.132
Formerly Named the Coptic; Under
Charter for Outward Flour Cargo.
The British steamship Persia, formerly
the old White Line Steamship Coptic,
now under charter to the Portalnd &
Asiatic Steamship Company, has arrived
and will load flour and general cargo for
Hongkong and way ports. She entered
yesterday morning with 89 tons of pig
Iron, loaded nt San Francisco, and to be
discharged at Hongkong.
The Persia is a gigantic craft but is
not such a heavy carrier as other vessels
which have visited Portland. She has
four masts and is square riSRed on the
foremast. The Persia was built in Bel
fast, Ireland, in 1SS1 and registers 2744
net tons and 4356 gross tons. Her dimen
sions are: Length, 430.2 feet: beam, 42,2
feet: depth, 29.4 feet. She is a speedy
craft for a freighter. She made the run
from San Francisco to Astoria In 38
hours, and in coming up the river made
the trip in less than eight hours. She
was light and had a good Southerly gale
fanning her a along up the Coast. She
left Astoria on- a flood tide which helped
her along to the tune of several miles
n hour.
Assistant Engineer Edwards, of the
Dredge V. S. Ladd, Overboard,
ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 11. (Special.)
James T. Edwards, assistant engineer
on the Government dredger W. S. Ladd,
was drowned about noon today while
the vessel was off Flavel. The dredge
was hove to and was rolling consider-
Hundreds Reported Off Grays Har
bor Elshlng-Boat Sighted.
SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 11. (Special.)
Hundreds of mammoth logs are floating
off Grays Harbor in the path of Seattle
San Francisco steamers, a menace to
navigation. . The captain of the Buch
man, which arrived from San Francisco,
reports that Monday he ran into a big
bunch of the logs and for hours had a
most difficult time keeping his steamer
from being struck. The captain also re
ported sighting, 10 miles north of Grays
Harbor, a large fishing-boat, painted
green, with sides stove In and partly
tilled with water. It Is believed that the
boat is one which has been missing for
over a week from Grays Harbor, and
that the five fishermen who were in it
have found watery graves.
Charmont Has Narrow Escape.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 11. Cast
adrift by the breaking of a hawser
during the fierce storm of the last few
days off the Northern Coast, the new
steam schooner Charmont narrowly
escaped destruction last Saturday
night while being towed to this city by
the steamer Qulnault. For 10 hours
the schooner, having on board five
sailors and a cargo of lumber, lay
helpless, entirely at the mercy of a
terrible southeast gale, which shifted
her cargo and almost laid her on her
beam ends. Finally she was picked up
by the Qulnault, which brought her to
port today.
Driven Jforth by Storms.
ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 11. (Special.)
The scow schooner Oakland. Captain
Johansen, which sailed from San Fran
cisco for the Siuslaw 10 days ago, put
Due ta Arrive.
Name. From Data.
Breakwater. .Coos Bay .In port
JohanPoulsenEan Francisco. In port
Alliance Coos Bay.. ....In port.
Geo. W. EldeiSan Pedro In port
Coeta Rica. . San Francisco. In port
Arabia Hongkong. . . ...Dec. 15
Senator San Francisco. .Dec, 17
Roanoke Los Angeles. . . Dec. 18
Northland. .. San Pedro Dec. 21
Nlcomedia. .. Hongkong; .Ian. 4
Alesla Hongkong Feb. 1
Numantla. .. .Hongkong Mar. 2
Scheduled to Depart.
Name For Date
Alliance Coos Bar Jnd'f t
Nlcomedia. .. Hongkong Dec. 12
Geo. W. EldelBan Pedro Dec. 12
Costa Rl-a...San Francisco. .Dec. 13
Breakwater. . Coos Bay ..Dec. 14
JnhanPoulsen Snn Francisco. Dec. 14
Senator Ban Francisco. Dec. 19
Roanoke Los Angeles. . . Dec. 20
Northland... San Pearo Dec. 23
Arabia Hongkong Dec. 23
Alesla Hvngkonz Feb 12
Numantla Hongkong Mar. 12
Entered Wednesday.
City of Panama, American steam
ship (Nelson), with general cargo
from San Francisco.
Johan Poulsen, American steam
ship (Nilssori), with general cargo
from San Francisco.
Costa Rica. American steamship
(Mason), with general cargo from
San Francisco.
Persia, British steamship (Dixon),
with 81) tons of pigiron (to be dis
charged at Hongkong) from ,San
Vadivla. British steamship (Reid),
with ballast from San Francisco.
Cleared Wednesday.
City of -Panama, American steam
ship (Nelson), with general cargo
for San Francisco.
Washington (American steamship
(Nason). with 273,000 feet of lumber
and wheat for San Francisco.
Into this port this afternoon. Captain
Johansen tried to make the Siuslaw at
two different times, hut on account of
the gales and high seas was unable
to cross in, so he decided to head for
the Columbia River. The schooner was
not damaged in any way and Captain
Johansen Is now awaiting orders from
his owners.
Ship Drives Out Scowdwellcrs.
The British bark Largo Bay, from
Valparaiso, will discharge her ballast
at the foot of Mill street on the prop
erty owned bV W. K. Smith. The ves
sel will be towed above the Madison
street bridge this morning and will be
discharging as soon as possible. Orders
have been issued by the authorities, on
the request of the owners, that the
scowdwellers along the front, south
of the south line of the public levee,
vacate the premises immediately.
( Marine Xotes.
The steamship Numantia sailed yes
terday for Hongkong and way ports.
The ship Wavertree finished yester
day afternoon and went to the stream.
The steamship Geo. W. Elder will
sail tonight for San Pedro and way
The oil tank steamship, Col. E. L.
Drake arrived up yesterday and is
discharging at Portsmouth.
The British bark Gladys anil the
French bark Eugene Schneider, from
Newcastle. N. S. YV, were towed Into
port yesterday.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Dec. 11. Arrived Steam
ship Col. E. L. Drake, from Monterey Brit
ish bark Gladys, from San Jose de Guate
mala: French bark Eugene Schneider, from
Newcastle. N. S. W.; British steamship
Craigvar. from San Francisco; British
steamship Elgin, from Sitka; British steam
ship strathord. from San Francisco; steam
ship Johan Poulsen. from San Francisco.
Sailed German steamship Numantla, for
Hongkong and way ports.
Astoria. Dec. 11. Condition of the bar at
R P. M. Rough winds, west, 34 miles'
weather, cloudy. Left up at 5:30 A. M
British steamers Craigvar. Elgin, 8trathord
and American steamer Col. E. L. Drake.
Arrived at 10 A. M. Schooner Alvena. from
San Francisco. Arrived at 10 A. M. Schoon
er Oakland, from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Dec. 11. Arrived Steam
er Haralel. from Portland. Arrived at 11 P.
M. last ntjrht Steamer Senator, from Port
land. Arrived Steamer Roanoke, from Port
land: steamer Excelsior, from Eureka;
steamer serapls. from Seattle: steamer
Qulnault, from Grays Harbor; steamer
Roanoke, from Portland; steamer Nebraska,
from Bremerton. Sailed Schooner Forester,
for Eagle Harbor: steamer M. F. Plant, for
Coos Bay; steamer Chehalls. for Grays
Harbor. Arrived Steamer W. Porter,
from Honolulu: bark George Curtis, from
Honolulu. Sailed Steamer Korea, for Hong
kong. Victoria Dec. 11. Sailed Japanese
steamer Tosa Maru. for Hongkong; British
steamer Ofano; for China.
Tacoma. Dec. 11. Sailed British steam
er Cralghalt. for foiled Kingdom.
Yokohama. Dec. 11. Arrived Steamer
Nlcomedia. from Portland.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. J.ow.
7:0B A. M 7.0 feet0:3S A. M 06 foot
7:09 P. M 09 feet 1:31 P. M 2.5 feet
Mayor Complains Because of No
Station Railroadman Retorts
Council to Blame Son Takes a ,
Hand Things Get Lively.
MED FORD, Or., Dec. 11. (Special.) W.
S. Barnum. president of the Rogue River
Valley Railroad, was arrested by Sheriff
Jackson tonight at the Instance of C. L.
Reames, Deputy District Attorney, on a
charge of assault with an axe upon Mayor
Reddy this morning.
State Railroad Commissioner Oswald
West was In this city on his official du
ties, and accompanied by Mayor Reddy
was interviewing Mr. Barnum as to when
he would have a depot for the comfort
of his patrons. Mr. Barnum explained
that he was preparing to move the depot
formerly used to this present station
when the City Council passed an ordi
nance forbidding him to do so on account
of the fire limits. Meanwhile, he began
his attack upon Mayor Reddy, and the
councilmen on account of the action tak
en and became very abusive, working
himself into a frenzy and calling Reddy
vile names. The latfer resented this.
John Barnum, son of W. S. Barnum,
made an attack upon Dr. Reddy in behalf
of his father. Reddy made a pass at the
younger Barnum. who hurried away.
Meanwhile, Barnum Jumped from the en
gine cab, swinging an axe, from which
Dr. Reddy only escaped by fleeing across
the muddy street. Bystanders grabbed
Mr. Barnum and prevented further dan
ger. 'At the Theaters
What the Press Agents Say.
World-Famous Operatic Star in
Comic Opera at Heilig Theater.
Tonight at 8:15 o'clock the attraction at
the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth and Wash
ington streets,, will he the world-famous
operatic star, Fritzi Scheff in Victor Her
bert and Henry Blossom's comic opera suc
cess, "Mile. Modiste." In the cast will bo
seen Robert Mlchaells, William Pruette.
Claude Gillingwater, Leo Mars, J. G, Doyle,
Fred Chambers, R. W. Hunt. Miss Grace
Delmar, Miss Blanche Morrison, Miss Jo
sephine Bartlett, Miss Carolyn S:relitz.
Miss Ethel Bard and Miss Bertha Holly.
The orchestra will be largely augmented,
as the company carries its own musicians,
and these will be added to the orchestra
at the Heilig Theater. In "Mile. Modiste"
It would seem that Messrs. Blossom and
Herbert have been able to create something
that Is worth while.
Famous Minstrel Company Making
Hit in Portland.
Georse Primrose and his merry min
strels continue to draw the crowds to th
Marquam. primrose has a spectacular en
tertainment as well as the regular singing
and dancing. He is always in the lead In
minstrelsy and this season has taken on
the road the greatest collection of comedians
and singers In his history. Matine -Saturday.
Beautifnl Play by James A. Heme
Attracting Much Attention.
As predicted when it waS announced that
the Baker Stock Company was going to
present James A.. Heme's great play, "Sag
Harbor." a popular note has been struck
with theatergoers, and large audiences
greet every performance. Austin In thtj
loading role of Captain Dan Marble. Im
mortalized by the grpat Heme, la making
more friends nni admirers every time he
appears In the part, while Miss Barney, as
the sweet and lovable Elizabeth, who af
terwards marries the captain, also shows
remarkable versatility. Matinee Saturday.
That Girl, Salome.
There have been several Salomes shown
upon the stage during the past year, but
the most human of them all Is the Salome
Introduced In "The Holy CJty," the inter
esting play written by Clarence Bennett,
which is at the Empire Theater this week.
Mr. Bennett's Salome Is not a depraved and
morbidly unhealthy degenerate, but a beau
tiful and passionate creature, who Is car
ried away by the sweep of her ardor for
a time, but who dies expressing her belief
In the great truths of religion. Matinee
"Cumberland 6i" Matinee.
The Allen Stock Company scored another
decided hit last night In the Civil War
drama. "Cumberland '61," which is being
presented for the first time tn Portland at
the Lyric. The scenery and costumes are
the finest ever shown on the Lyric stage.
Matinees Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
Do not forget the big matinee today. This
Is the show hit of the week.
"Lighthouse by the Sea."
There will be a matinee this afternoon of
C?ured by absorption; no pain. The en
larged veins are due to mumps, bicycle
or 'horseback riding, disease, etc. In
time It weakens a man mentally as well
as physically. 1 will cure you for life
or make no charge.
Cured by absorption: no pain; no loss
of time. Why suffer longer when you
can be cured In a few hours at a mod
erate costT Call and consult me at
once, and I will convince you of the
superiority of my New System Treat
ment over any other method.
Overcome In 90 days or no pay. Symp
toms overcome In T to 21 dnys. without
chemicals, or poison. If sufTerlng from
any blood trouble come and I will drive
the poison from your blood forever by
my New system X roaimeni.
I D Not Patch I'p, I Cure Fsrerer.
Write If you cannot call. All correspondence sacredly confidential.
HOURS 9 A. M. to j P. M.; Evenings, 7 to 8:80; Sundays, . A. M.
One of our client, ha. Instructed rtm t. dis
pose of the abo-re excellent -warehouse prop
ertr with Al .hipping facilities. Including; lOO
feet of private aiding. Thl. property must be
old and I. offered at a very reasonable price.
Apply to
Portland Trust Company
of Oregon
S. K. Cor. 3d and Oak St..
the comedy drama. "The Lighthouse by the
Sea." at the Star Theater. This Is the
most . spectacular performance that the
French Stock Company has given lri this
city. The scenic effects are the acme of
realism and the storm scene looks like the
real thing. 'The Lighthouse by the Sea" Is
proving a popular attraction, for it con
tains all the elements which make a popular
Big Musical Extravaganza Will Be
, gin Engagement at Hellig.
The attraction at the Heilig Theater.
Fourteenth and Washington streets, tomor
row and Saturday nights, with a special
price matinee Saturday, will be the big
spectacular production; "The Land of
Nod." The Rork company -presents "The
Land of Nod" this season with so many
improved features that it will hardly be
recognized by those who witnessed it last
season. Seats are now selling at theater
for the engagement.
Advance Seat Sale Opens fop "The
Lion and the Mouse."
The advance seat sale will open tomor
row (Friday) morning at the box-office of
the Heillg Theater. Fourteenth and Wash
ington streets, for Henry B. Harris pro
duction of Charles Klein's great American
drama, "The Lion and the Mouse," which
comes to the above theater for four nights,
beginning next Sunday, December 15. This
season Mr. Harris Is sending to the. Far
West the best company yet seen In this
most-talked-about comedy.
Next Week at the Baker to Be One
ol Universal Interest.
Every one Is Interested in the Baker
company's grand production of Alexander
Dumas' famous drama, "The Three Mus
keteers'." or "The Three Guardsmen.' as
many know It. which will open next Pun-
Cooper Preparation Attracts
tention by Expelling
. The Interest created in leading: cities
durlnp; the past year by young: Mr.
Cooper with hla new preparation, is
largely accounted for by a peculiar
quality possessed by this medicine,
which he calls his New Discovery.
Mr. Cooper believes that internal
parasites, or tapeworms, are responsi
ble for much ill health, and it is an
undoubted fact that his medicine has
expelled immense numbers of these
creatures In various cities visited by
lilm. The young man also believes
that Btomach trouble Is the main. cause
of all 111 health. He claims that few
can have poor health with a good di
gestion. He further claims that his
New Discovery medicine does nothing:
but tone up the stomach, yet It not
only expels the parasites, but relieves
many other ailments not as a rule as
sociated with stomach trouble.
Little Jessie Birdsall, daughter of
Mrs. Ida Birdsall, living at 2138 Car
roll Avenue, Chicago, Is among many
relieved of a large parasite by Mr.
Cooper's preparation during his stay
In that city. In speaking of the mat
ter to Mr. Cooper, the mother said:
"My child Jessie, who is fourteen years
old, has been suffering with this
trouble for over seven years. Until
this morning we did not know what
, You Must Come to Us Sooner or Later
Why Not Now?
If you will come to me without money and without price, I will give you free my
best opinion of your caae. I can be seen only at this office. I lead, all others
follow. I have the largest practice in Portland. I have the best-equipped office
in the world, I do not accept incurable cases. No man too poor to receive my
best attention. Everybody knows and calls me the old reliable specialist who
cures forever- all cases. My special prices given below:
Hydrocele -..
Xerroos Debility. .
Wanting. .
riowi ,
Blood Disorder
Bladder Ailment
Kidney Ailments .
Prostate Ailment.'..
People know o well of my ability tlwt
they ara fliUna- my offices by the score.
If Yon Cannot Call, Write for Free Self-
Medicine from $lJt0 to 96.50 a Caurse,
Within. Any Man's Reach.
14TH ST.
day matinee and continue all week. The
noted novel is one of the standard works
of fiction and deals with a most romantic
period of French history. The names of
D'Artagnan and his three musketeer friends
are almost household words In every en
lightened land. These characters will be
portrayed by Austin Webb and James
Gleason. Robert Homans and Howard Rus
sell. Other characters v represented are
Louis XIII, Anne of Austria. Duke of
Buckingham and Cardinal Richelieu, to
gether with many lesser lights.
"Quincy Adams Sawyer."
"Qulncy Adams Sawyer," the noted New
England comedy, will come to the Marquam
Sunday for the next week. This Is a dra
matization of the book of the same name.
As a novel "Quincy Adams Sawyer" was
read by mill-ions of people and as a play It
has been seen by as many more.
"Girl or the Streets" Coming.
Seventy-five per cent of the so-called
comedy-dramas are failures because of their
absolute absurdity and vapid attempts to
create a laugh. "Girl of the Streets" has
become notaLle through Its.. perfectly legiti
mate comedy situations, which never fa'l
to please even the most blase auditor, hence
Its unqualified success with its large audi
ences everywhere. The play will be at
the Empire all next week, opening Sunday
"Caught in the Web" Coming.
Next week, commencing Monday night,
the Allen Stock Company will present to the
theater-goers of Portland a decided novelty
in the way cS sensatrlonal melodramas
"Caught In the Web." Do not fall to keep In
touch with affairs and attend the opening
on Monday night.
Great Bird Act.
Madam Naynon and "her tropical birds
are the talk of the town. This act is the
headliner at the Grand this week and there
Is not a child in Portland that should miss
It. The management announces a special
children's matinee Saturday. Send the
little ones. They will also be pleased with
Widespread At
Internal the trouble was. She was extremely
nervous: the least little thing: would
upset her; her tongue was coated, and
at times ehe would have a good ap
petite, then again could not bear the
sight of food; she was restless at
night, had a bad breath, especially
when she got up of mornings. We
tried everything to relieve her, but met
with no success. We were Just on the
point of giving up trying anything else,
when we began to read of Cooper's New
Discovery. Several days ago we pur
chased this medicine. Jessie has been
using it regularly, and this morning
this parasite left her system. I don't
wonder that she has always' felt bad,
and nothing we would give her seemed
to relieve her. Now that she is re
lieved of this tapeworm I feel sure that
phe will grow better each day, and en
Joy perfect health. Mr. Cooper, your
medicine is worth a thousand times
more than you charge for It. I know of
a number of people troubled the same
way as Jessie has been, and I certainly
expect to tell them personally to try
your medicine."
We would advise any one who has
been troubled for some time with gen
eral poor health to try this great medi
cine. We are agent for it In this city.
The Skidmore Drug Co.
Cured in a few weeks. Improvement
from the start. If you suffer from
loss of energy and ambition, feel tired
when you arise in the morning, lame
back, dizziness, spots before the eyes,
and feel you are not the man you onoe
were, I will cure you for life.
Cured by absorption in a short time.
No pain, no cutting, no operation. By
'my method tbe urethral canal Is haaled
and entire system restored to Its healthy
state. No failures, no pain or loss of
I Diagnose by Exclusion
No Mistakes Had
We can cure you. It costs
you nothing if we" fail.
Write for free symptom
blank, if you cannot call.
Don't longer suffer Don't hes
itate Wake up Call today
Examination and advice free.
Not Sick, Yet Hardly Able
to Work Every Day.
There is usually a pain across
the small of the back; blue rings
under your eyes; specks before
your eyes; your sleep does not rest
you; you get up In the morning;
feeling; tired; your mind at times
wanders; your memory Is poor;
you are losing; flesh, holloweyed;
whites of your eyes are yellow;
you are fearful, always expecting;
the worst to happen; very nerv
ous, you have bad dreams; start
In your sleep and awake out of a
dream very much frightened;
stinging; pain In the breast; no ap
petite. Do you know what causes
you to feel like this? This con
dition will not Improve of Its own
accord, but Instead you may grow
gradually worse, and eventually
end In nervous debility or neuras
thenia. If you have ever taken
treatment and failed to get cured
perhaps It Is because you never
took treatment at the Oregon
Medical Institute. Our treatment
Is different from the old treat
ments taught years ago. We cor
dially Invite consultation free.
People who live In outside
towns and In the country and can
not call should write for our self
examination blank. Many cases
have been cured by home treatment.
Hours 8 to 5 7 lo 8 Evening) 10 to 12 Sundays.
the hand-painted moving pictures showing
the story of "All Baba and the Forty
Ijeorards at Pantages.
Pantases bill this week Is one of varied
acts and uniform excellence, the best of ad
vanced vaudeville turns contributing, as
usual. There are two features, the Lucretla
trained leopards and the Buckeye quartet.
The leopards are unruly beasts, but their
trainer Is a master In her line. The Buckeye
quartet Is an entertaining aggregation of
comedy singers. Other acts: Dan J. Har
rington, ventriloqulal comedian; Jim Cooper,
black-face monologist, and a good one;
Alberus and Altus. cyclone comedy jugglers;
Fred Bauer, tenor, and the Pantages exclu
sive motion-pictures.
Eddy Family Coming.
The world-famous Eddy famllv Is comlns
to th. Grand next Tvelc. There mre many
famlltea of acrobats before the public, but
the Eddy family Is regarded by managers
and public everywhere as the greatest of Its
My Specialty Is
I Cure the Cases That
Others Cannot Cure
MY FEE In Any Uncomplicated Case.
You Pay When Cured
frhmwm i - nA innB.aP am.' rHuin for vou to suf
fer another dav. My services are at your disponal DR. TAILOR,
and at a nominal fee. and rest assured that if I The Lending
undertake the treatment of your case I WILL Specialist.
CUKE YOU. I have perfected a method of treat
ment that reaches the VERY (.'ENTER of the
disease and that assists Nature to overcome all Inflamed or consented condi
tions and DRIVES OUT of the system ALL THE POISONS OF DISEASE.
My methods are entirely of my own devising and are the results of ovf-r
twenty years of special medical practice. They are thorough, and every cure
I effect is therefore PERMANENT.
I might selfishly limit my practice to men of means only and thus charge
big fees for my services, but I want EVERY MAN AFFLICTED WITH DIS
EASE to benefit by my discoveries for the cure of mfn's ailments. I have
therefore made my professional charges as low as possible Any man. what
ever his circumstances, whether wage-arner or millionaire, may easily avail
-himself of my skill.
"Weakness" in all its phases and 1
me for treatment Is merely a sympto
flammatlon In the prostate- gland. Th
suit of some contracteo aiseas-, or um
miinn .to in fcv far the greater num
patient Is perfect, there being no lack
No stimulants or tonics are needed, and
norory excitement of trie junctions an
vAafv ( nrostate. My treatm
all Inflammation, swelling and tender
lishes normal circulation throughout the
completely all natural functions.
Such as I-ost Visor. Specific Blood I'olson. Organic Weakness, Ppermattor
rhoea. Varicocele. Stricture, Hydrocele, Piles and Reflex Ailments.
YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you the very best opinion, guided by years
of successful practice. Men out of town. In trouble, write if you cannot call, as
many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure.
My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays from
10 to 1.
HOURS, 9 A. M. TO 9 F. M. SUNDAYS. 10 TO 1.
Or Knotty Veins We Cure
Without Cutting Come
for One Visit.
So much - has been said about
Varicose Veins in medical adver
tisements that every man ought to
know if he has it or not. It is a
solid fact, however, that we run
across men every day that are
complaining of weakness who have
been so negligent as to not even
examine themselves and discover
their troublo until it has run them
down and weakened them mentally
and physically.
WHAT IT 1 "Varicose Veins." a
Hunt U Upondlllon prevalent
in mnrf, is a dilatation or enlarge
ment of the veins, which from
various causes become corded and
knotty, feeling like a bundle of
earthworms. It usually occurs on
the left side and produces drag
ging sensation in the groin and
back. It often impairs the general
health and then causes much
worry, and you may grow de
spondent, nflN'T WATT No sensible man
UVa I Unll should wait. He
should realize that tho longer he
delays the more the parts affected
will waste away. Don't live and
linger DEAD to the joys of health,
when we have a good cure for
your varicose veins and weakness
and can make
you a happy,
manly man with
mental and phy
sical powers
c o m p 1 ete. We
cure without cutting. Come for one
visit. We cordially invite consul
tation. We cure after others fall.
kind in vaudeville. This act comes next
Monday afternoon for the week.
Ijoses IiHe for Bowling Match.
NEW YORK, Dec. 11. When Jacob
Victor announced to bls two months'
bride that he was going to a bowling
match last night, she burst into, tears
and he dashed up Ave flights of stairs in
anger, she following, entered the apart
ment of another family and Jumped Into
a dumb waiter shaft. Ills wife seized his
foot, but he kicked himself free, fell
down the shaft and was killed.
Hoarded Money in Circulation.
'VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec- 11. (Spe
cial.) B. Peters, a cook in a local res
taurant, was robbed of $T8. Peters left
the money in his trousers pocket in the
Ia Tosca rooming-house. When he re- '
turned to his room last night after hla
day's work, lie found the pockets of. his
clothes turned inside out and the money
s Diseases
n practically rvery raw that comes to
m resulting irom a state or enrnmc. in
is Inflammation mav be a llnsrttntr r-
y have been broupht on by farly dl.i-
i er or caaen tbe Knf ral nea it n or me
of either physical or nervous enerjry.
If employed would only result in tem-
d positive Injury to the tender and al-
tnt la a local one entirely. It reniovr;
nes rrom the prostate plana, estan
. parts and restores permanently and