10 ' TIIK MORNIG OKJSUOJMIAJN, MONDAY, DECEMBER , li)07. AMKSEMEXTS. EW.TOIAY. FOB SAXE TIMBER LAND. HELP WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED MALE. SPECIAL SALE LACE BEDSPREADS LACE CURTAINS The designs are exceedingly good and different from the usual. Large assortment to select from in both 'white and Arabian colors. Regular $7.00 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, J A Prt special P .JU Regular $8.00 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, GJ C Efl special V Regular $10 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, fl 7 f( specif . J7 J JJ LACE CURTAINS Great Clearance Sale of High-Class Brussels, Renaissance and Arabian Reg. $5.00 Curtains. Reg. $7.00 Curtains, Reg. $8.00 Curtains, Lace sp'l. . . Lace sp'l . . . Lace sp'l... $0 Eft d.eJU $E rjft eJ.eJU $r ftft D.UU Reg. $10.00 Lace Curtains, sp'l. Carpsts , T r 1171 A Oriental Rugs J. U. iTJii'UIV O JJ. SHADES 86-88 THIRD STREET GROWTH OF AGRICULTURE Department Bulletin SJiows Acre age of North Pacific. OREGON LAX NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Dec. 8. The Department of Agri culture has Issued a bulletin showing the yearly acreage, production and value of wheat In the various states from 1S66 to 1?06, Inclusive. No figures for Washing ton and Idaho are available prior to 1SS2. Statistics for the Northwestern states are here quoted: Oregon. Farm valus Production. Dc. 1. Tear. Acr.s. Bushels. Dollars. lfin 02.1O.1 1.7SO.I)fK 1.4S7..W0 isto ini.4i( .jtTO.oM 2.i5.r.iKi 11W.K7.1 2.2.OiK) 2..1m::.HM) 1871 1M2.1!7 2.4W.WMI 1. 780.440 1R7.1 . . u;i.:.7! :i.i27.ox) 2.8i4.:ioo 1R74 2.MI.0OO 4.K75.1HM) 3.:ilr,.Klo i75 s.Vi.asi 4.r.(M).oio 3.ni.vnoo 1S7 275.000 4.7.1.MK 3.272,500 1S77 , ;u:i.7so n 875.oo 7.n:tl.2r.o 1R78 .Ins.oOil 7.fi,Yo 7.OM.SO0 1871) 31 I. son S.ISS.SOO S.(12.').024 1XRO rtnO,2)io J 1. 734.420 H.1.-.2.S4S IR81 7:i8.ni0 12.7.1.HK 11.1.-.2.240 18S2 72n.ooo 12.o:io.:ion 10.2.i:t.4O.- 188.1 MM) l:l.122.4M 11. SKI. HOT 1884 8.1S.U24 1ft.4ll2.OOn 7.421.7HO 188.-1 870.102 l:l.K 10.000 11.IUI2.O40 1.8.8U 884. (140 11. 1:13.000 7.970.440 1887 !2O.O20 1B.100.OO0 1O.II4S.0OO 1885 S2.4.-, 14.:4R.OOO 11.K47.440 18SH R4.-i.000 13.0Srt.onO 0.5S2.3nO lRn 8S7.2."0 12.86.VOOO 9.S4K.S44 ism nii2.or.ri 13. 1411.000 ii..-71.iho 1S02 622.850 1t.77M.OO0 fi.258.307 1893 H(.fi22 1O.7fl0.SSft ,r. 034. 1)87 184 BSO.RIll 10.441.071 4.4sn.l!l ISflft R3.1Si! 11.862.720 6.575.478 18!fi B02.773 10.247.141 7.377.H43 18H7 1.07.M 1R.lft.V031 13.071.022 1SB8 1.205.281 24.708.200 15.310.121 1 !(0 1.143.2X15 21.14n.5.! ll.M3.".2.i4 JltOO 1.173.70ft IB. 108.O12 8. BOS. 007 IBOI 814.742 17.138.005 n.2iir..35.-, 1002 777.377 15.312.4tiO 10.303.348 11X13 KS4.B01 12.438.827 9.577.800 11104 740.250 14.O5O.103 1 1.3X0.0.-.7 llMVS 717.505 13.382.5S3 9.100. 1.17 1006 712.411 14.213,307 0.443.222 Washington. 1882 148. 00O 2.440.000 2.025. 2H1 1SS3 1 70.2OO 3. 182.7041 2.705.203 1884 32H.38H 4.118.4100 2.470. SOO 1883 424.270 7.412.00O 5.330.1140 188rt 443.40O 7.KAO.OO0 5.005. 2O0 1887 4H3.01O 8.343.000 ' 3.501. 150 18.88 480.701 0. 000,000 7.S4.08O 1880 413.500 6.836.000 4.700.025 1800 430.273 S.071.000 0.134.027 1801 na.4i4o i2.2in.ooo 0.101.775 1W12 523.534) 9.O05.OO0 5.222.735 1R3 4S0.SR3 9.883.725 4.744.188 1804 34S.7O0 0.108.420 3.552.284 1803 404.255 7.105.052 2.05O.34O 1806 404.344 8.358.102 0.1R5.O02 1807 856.368 20.124.048 13.084.701 1838 000.134 23.453.043 12.004.043 1800 050.405 21.710.394 11.072.301 1000 1.007. 043 23.000.661 12.79O.207 1001 1.1S5.703 34.518,068 10.213.013 1902 1.C05.434 23.072.187 15.386.021 1003 982.241 19.980.345 13.7U0.370 1904 1.446.733 32.140.003 25.712.482 1905 1.321.807 32.510.810 21.325.038 10O6 1.204.201 25.073,258 15.540,660 Iduho. 1882 40.B25 050.000 010.000 1883 44.087 082.3414) 614.250 18S4 59.44K) 1.12O.00O SOH.4O0 1885 62.370 1.154.0410 865.54)0 1886 B5.4SI) 1. 030.000 74S.OSO 187 64.4)13 1.120.000 802.400 1RS8 7B.S18 1,232,000 1.089.210 1889 81.427 1.440.4)00 1.116.039 1890 S3.056 1.370.000 1801 00.331 1. 811.OO0 1.320.021 1892 76.031 1.003.000 1.015.753 1893 78.490 1.514.857 908.014 1804 70.037 1.360.773 720.717 1895 8.04fl 1.221.800 S74.203 1806 08.127 2,404.112 1.562.073 1807 123.076 ' 2.707.672 1.805.370 IS98 135.384 4.190.0O4 2.140.421 1800 142.153 3.440. 103 1 ,720.032 1900 140.261 3.104.020 1.428.120 1001 204.397 0.241.216 3.807.142 1002 . 273.080 B.021.040 4.215.302 1003 242.350 3.127.987 3.845.000 1004 208.05B 6.832.727 5.460.181 1005 366.066 10.341.532 6.784.737 1906 336.736 8.231.631 4,038,979 DAILY METEOROIXXilCAI. REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 8. Maximum temperature, 46 degrees; minimum tempera ture. 32; degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 4.S feet.; change in last 24 hours. .6 feet. Total rainfall '(3 P. M. to 5 P. M.l, .02 Inches; total rainfall since September 1. 10O7. 10.41; normal rainfall since September 1, 1907. 13.01 Inches; deficiency. 3:30 Inches. Total sunshine December 7, 2 hours 31 minutes: possible sunshine December 7, S hours 4S minutes. Barometer (reduced to ea level) at 5 P. M., 29. IK) inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 3 F. M. Pacific time. December 8. 1907. t a 3 Wind. -J O - r o D 2. 3 ? I STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Helena Kamloops North Head . . . Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... . :3!0.OO 8SE . UOOOOIIA'M Pt. Cloud. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain jciear ICIoudy icioudy JRaln JCloudy Pt. 'loud. Icioudy IClear Rain 'Rain Icioudy . 42!O.OOj . . H8I T . 34 O.OO 4 SW 4SW 0 . !4il 0.1413 E .30.00l 4iN . ;40 O.0al B'SE .!.' 0.00 4 NE .112.0.3 j.4 O.OOl 4!N . 42( T 4'N 3S 0.001 4 NE J3'0.(K! 4 E '46 0.O1I14 E .142-0.14:52 E 44 0.00' BlNE WEATHER CONDITIONS. PORTLAND, Or.. Dec. 8. An energetic storm area la approach Ihg Vancouver Island and this evening storm warnings were or dered displayed at all stations In this fore cast district. Rain was falling throughout Western Oregon and Western Washington at time of report. A high area overlies West ern Montana and much lower temperatures are reported from Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington. Idaho and Montana tn conse quence. The Indications are for rain over tola en- Regular $13 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, j O Eft special P O.JU Regular $15 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, CJ11 Aft special tpll.UU Regular $25 Bedspread and Bolster Cover, (Pi Aft special RJJJ Curtains. Reg. $15.00 Lace Curtains, sp'l. Reg. $18.00 Lace Curtains, sp'l. Reg. $20.00 Lace Curtains, sp'l. $ 9.00 $12.00 $12.75 $17.50 Reg. $25.00 Lace Curtains, sp'l. CMT Qe fM Grand Centra! Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. leaving Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger California Express San Francf6co Express West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove" Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side VorvalUs Passenger Sheridan Passen-rer Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove passenger 8:13 a. m. 4 :15 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 7 :00 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 1 1 :00 a. m. 5 :40 p. m. 7 :25 a. m. ll:30a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:00 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8 :K a. m. 2:30 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. I Leaving; Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express j North Coast & Chicago Limited.. Puget Sound TJmlted j Overland Express 8:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:.10 p. m. 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland I ! North Coast limited , Portlnnd Express : Overland Kxiress j Puget Sound Limited 7 :00 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 8:13 p. m. 10:55 p. m. j OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION CO. j Leaving: Portland j ' Pendlet in Passenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland special 8:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer . . . . 7:00 p.m. Kansas City & Chicago Express.. 7:40 p. m. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. Chi.. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. :45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special 8:20 p. m. Pendleton Passenger 5:15 p. m. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 12:15 p. m. . Astoria & Seaside Express Arriving Portland I Astoria & Portland Passenger. r Portland Express 10:00rf. m. 1 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. ' Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. . Via Seattle, Victoria & Vancouver! Via Sumas j Arriving Portland ! C. p R. Short Line, via Spokane. . ! Via Vancouver. Victoria & Seattle! ' Via Sumas and Seattle 7:00 p. m. 4 :30 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 10:55 p. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Iavinir Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving: Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger T:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 10:15 a. m. &:50 p. m. I tire district Monday. It will probably bo "miner cusi ui me uascaae juountains. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Monday, rain; high southerly winds. Western Oregon , and Western Washing ton Monday, rain; high southerly winds in terior, strong southerly gale along coast. Eastern Oregon,. Eastern Washington and Idaho Monday, rain and warmer. L. LODHOLZ. Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION BALES TODAS. By J. T. Wilson at salesroom, 208 First street, at 10 A. M.' J. T. Wllaon, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. LAUREL LODGE NO. 186. I. O. O. F. Regu lar meeting this (Mon day) evening at 7::io o'clock, at T. O ("V V ! Hall. St Johns Or. Work In First and secona degrees. visitors welcome. E. B. HOLOOMB, Sec. DRILL CORPS OREGON COM MANDRY NO. 1. K. T. Will meet this Monday evening. Masonic Temnle. at 7:30 p. m. ah .i.. knights are cordially Invited to attend GEORGE F. ROBERTSON. Com. HOPKIN JENKINS. Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated meet ing this (Monday) evening, Burk hard building. Election of officers by order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. REGI LAR meeting of the Exempt Fire men's Association this Monday afternoon at o'clock in their rooms, city Hall. R. M. DONORALL. Secretary- HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. V. AND A. M. Stated communication this Monday eve at 7:30 o'clock. f. lection and installation of officers. The future meeting place of the loage win oe aecioea at this meet ing. W. M. DeLIN. Sec. Temple at 2 P. M.. 3d and Alder sts. Services at First Christian Church at 2:30 P. M. By order W. M. B. S. PAOUE, Sec'y. FUNERAL. NOTICES. LINHTHAN In this city. December 7, Daniel Llnehan, aged 61 years, 10 months and 13 days. The funeral services will b held at the First Christian Church, Park and Columbia streets, at 2:30 P. M. today, Monday. Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery.- J. P. FIN LEY SON, Funeral Directors, Third and Madison. Phone Main 9. A 1889. Donning, McEntee ft Gllbaugn, Funeral UI rectors. 7th ft Pine. Phone M.. 40. Lady at. ERICSOM UNDERTAKING CO.. 409 Aldat ct. Ldy assistant. Phone Main Silt. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. tuneral Direct, era, 220 ad t. Lady assistant. Phone M. M7. ZELI.ER-BVRNE8 CO.. Funeral Irtrocl era, 27 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant, T. 8. DDNXINtj, Undertaker, il4 Eaei Alder. Ladr assistant. I'hoae East S3. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. Zo F. & A. M. Special communication y for the purpose of conducting the yy funeral of our late brother. Daniel - Llnehan. will be held at Masonic washington.HEILlG THEATER Mha0A 4 NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT 8:15. Charles Dillingham presents FritziScheff In the comic opera success "M'LLE MODISTE" s Prices: 2.00, 1.50. $1.00. 75c, 50c. MARQUAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theater Phone Main 6. TONIGHT AND ALL. WEEK Matinees ' Wednesday and Saturday. The Famous Primrose Minstrels "Follow the Band." Evenings 25, 60. 75. $1. Matinee 25, 50, 75. BAKER THEATER Phone Mai. s All this week the famous Baker Stock Company In James Heme's . "SAG HARBOR," By author of "Shore Acres." "Hearts of Oak." etc. Scenes and characters drawn from the beautiful, romantic shipbuilding hamlet on the Eastern coast Evening prices. 23c. 35c. 50c; matinees, 15c. 2fc. Matinee Saturday. Next Week "The Three Musketeers." EMPIRE THEATER Phone Mam m Milton W. Seaman. Manager. Tonight All Week Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. A magnificent production of the grand re ligious drama, "THE HOLY CITY," With Luella Morey as SALOME. The original John the Baptist play. Beautiful Scenery. Strong Company. Nights 15c, 23c. 35c, 50c: matinees, 10c 20r. "ext Attraction "A ilrl of the Streets." LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4083; Home. A 1026. Week commencing Monday, December 6. THE ALLEN STOCK CO. PRESENTS. THE GREAT WAR DRAMA, 'CUMBERLAND 61" Matinees Tuesdav, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c. 20c and 30;-. Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR phones All This Week. The R. E. "French fctork Company PrcWnt A Romantic love Story of New England, "THE LIGHTHOUSE BY THE SEA.M Positively the greatest production for the money ever offered the Portland public. Matinees Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday and f-aturday at 2:3n; prices 10c and 20c. Bvry pveninK at 8:15; prices 15c, 27c and 35c. Res-rved seats by either phone. THE GRAND VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE All This Week. Return Engagement of MADAM N'AYNOX And Her Troupe of Trained Tropical Birds. n Addition to Jlost of Other Fea tures. Time and Trices Remain the Same. PANTAGES Fourth and Stark Sts BIO ANIMAL ACT, THE lA'CRKTIA LEOPARDS. Which are compelled to do tricks by their daring trainpr. 9-BIG ACTS-9 The Best la at Pantages. Performances dally at 2:10. 7:i;0 and 9 JE. M. Admission 15 cents; lower floor 23c; boxs fiOc. Any Ffat . vpkday matlnes, 1 -c. WHITING Dec. S, 1107, to the wife of Dr. Sandford Whiting, a son. DIED. RUSHLIGHT At ' the 'residence of her daughter, Mrs. Lettio Wilde. 640 Ella pt., December i:K7. Mary Elizabeth Rushlight, aged ftO years. Notice of fu neral -will be given later. BRE1THAVPT At her home, near Damas cus, December S, Mrs. Alma-E. Breithaupt, agd 41 years, 5 months. 11 days. FOR SALE. Will Locate You On TIMBER CLAIMS Location Fee $35.00 Guarantee 4 to 7 Millions NO RIGHTS REQUIRED. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. MILLER, 66 SIXTH ST. ROBERT W. LEWIS, Agt. 808 Conch Building, 109 Fourth Street. PORTLAND. OREGON OFFICES FOR RENT Choice front and court rooms In ront and court rooms In COUCH BLDG. 109 Fourth street. Apply room 80S. Holiday's Addition The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DESIRABLB residence property of the city. Be Oregon Real Estate Company . 8SV4 Third Street. HOMES FOR A FEW $$$$$$$ One hundred dollars down, $10 per month and up. f BUTTERWORTH. 148 5th st. With Jacobs Stein Co Home 2811. Main 6809. UNCLE MYERS Will sell watches, diamonds, jewelry. Sultan and violins for amount loaned and one month's Interest for this month only, at 143 3d St.. near Alder. Portland. Or. j WHY WORRY When you can pay a small deposit at B. Wolfel's Jewelry Store and have any article held until Christmas? Don't miss the place, flth St.. near Stark. SUITS TO ORDER $17.50 Equal to any S25-00 Suit. We guarantee a fit. i Union Tailoring Co., 192 84 st. 11) 1-ACRE l Uf TRACTS M $3oo y II On car line. I I I $25 cash, I K $10 per month. I V THE w 1d Is?'ND C' J VI REMOVED SPHINX AGENCY REAL ESTATE DEALERS have removed, to room 308. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6082. Excellent Stock and Dairy Farm Three miles east of Roseburg. Ore gon, on Deer Creek, of 895 acres, 160 In cultivation, 240 easily put into cul tivation; 495 acres good pasture land with considerable oak timber. The entire farm Is well watered by creek and springs will make an ideal stock and dairy farm. A two-story frame house of seven rooms, stable and hay barn, granery and other out-buildings; orchard of apples, peach, pears, cherry and prunes; entire farm is fenced; on telephone line: rural free delivery and 'i mile to school house; good level road to Roseburg. We will sell this farm so cheap you will be surprised. See us very soon for all particulars. J. I..- WELLS CO., 306 Chamber Commerce Rldg. FOR BALE: RIAL ESTATE. THE finest country place In Oregon, no ex ception; extensive grounds, groves, hedges, fihrubs, etc.; modern, house, city water, with 40-acre orchard averaging- $1800 per annum net, one mile from best town in Valley, 20 miles south of Portland; four 1 daily trains; must and will be sold at much lest than com. THE CHURCHILL MATTHEWS CO., 110 Second si. 10 ACRES, all In cultivation, fine oll. rood house and harn, one mile from Oregon City caiiine; price $3250; terms. 11 acres on Peninsula, all In cultiva tion, fine soil, 6-room house; price $12,500; terms. T acres, all in cultivation, near Vancouver and St. .Tohn carline; beautiful view, fine soil; price $T0l0; terms. Xew G-room house, modem, two lots, fruit, 2 blocks' from carline. Owners going: away; must sell. - EIJAS BRONG, 110 Second St. BARGAIN'? THEN fc?EE THIS. 5-room modem cottage built last June for owner's own use; lot 50xlO, east front, lari?e rooms, high cement basement, attic, porch, porcelain bath, gas. pantry, tinted walls, up-to-date both outside and Inside; less than block of (rood car service; just the place for fine little home or invest ment, i'rice $2.:of; $." down handles it, or take lot worth $4R to JtfOO as part. EILIS. YORK & CO.. Rooms liO and 21. 20 Morrison st. NOB HILT.. HOME. "For sale on monthly payments; new modern H-room house in the heart of the fashionable residence section ; 36 N. 24Th st.; price $$7M; small amount down, bal ance $5t per month. Inquire Fidelity Trust ("o., owner, 4O0 Commercial block. Phone Main 447. COVELU Choice one to live-acre places. Ideal for gardening, fruit and berries. all cleared, ready to cultivate. On the Ore gon Mty car. line, between Oak Gr,ove and Jennings Lodge.. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. , 248 Alder st. 2 ACRES with 4-room cottage; small fruit; city limits on W.-W. carline; $3400. New 7-room modern house, SUxlOO, 1 block from cars; $3Mh. L. A. WREN. 405 Ablngton bldg. 31 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. $."400, .'t new, modern 5-room cottages, corner lot, all Improvements In. Gordon, 21)8 4th st. Tel. Main SiiiK); terms. BUY from owner and save commission, nice 5-room bungalow, modern every way, full concrete basement, on carline, near Pied mont. Phone Bat 2466; easy terms. 6-ROOM house, I or H lots, with fruit; 1 lot, Kenilworth Add., $350; 2 7-room modern, new, up-to-date nouses, Holladay's Add. L. A. Wrena. 45 Ablngton bldg. Tel Main S042. $10.000 200x106. West Side, part cash, two houees, cement walks, improvements; In T minutes on "S" car to Morrison st. Owner, tt2 Wasco st. Phone East 15u7. CHOICE! B-acre lots for sale on the Oregon electric carline; also a few special bargains In larger tracts near the city. W. E. Burke, 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6- ROOM cot ta ge, almost n e w. Porcel a In plumbing, full cement basement, on car line and In nice part of the city. O. M. Smith. 638 Cham, of Com. 20 ACRES 8H miles west of Portland. Good for orchard or dairy farm. Rich soil. Owner wishes to go south. Must be sold. 325 Lum ber Exchange. 30 ACRES less than 4 'miles west of river. This is a genuine bargain. Owner Is going away and must sell. 324 Lumber Exchange. NEAT residence, furnished, ready to move Into, 5 cords dry wood, all go at $1700; terms. Answer Nelson, at 132H Union ave. ROSE CITY PARK, must sell Immediately, choice improved lot, close car, far below market price, easy terms. M 442, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two acres, cultivated, level, fine road, S-cent fare, water, fine view, near Mount Tabor; terms. K 445. Oregonian. LARGE lot with 2 good houses on Everett street; property well rented; $9000. Call at room 40. Washington bldg. FRACTIONAL corner Grand ave.. good for flats or dwelling, $1050. Western Oregon Trust Co., 291 Stark st. 8-ROOM house, heart of city, all rented; rent $25; $3tK: no agents wanted. Address Box V, 434, Oregonian. , BARGAIN $2500, beautiful new 7-room bun galow ; modern, good location; easy terms. N 445, Oregonian. H. P. PALMER. 222 Falling bldg., makes a specialty of selling houses In the East Burnslde district. $32H) 7-room new house, corner lot. two blocks from car; terms. H. P. Palmer, 222 Failing bldg. LARGE modern B-rnom cottage. corner, $200, S500 cash, balance to suit. Phone East 675. $2300 New 6-room bungalow, modern; $.100 down; three blocks south Hawthorne, 43d. Dr. Darling. , $050 Four rooms, 7B3 E. 8th; terms; $1550. 5 rocms. 766 E. 6th. Owner, 208 4th, or Main 3090. SPHINX AGENCY, business and residence property. 3oS Chamber 'of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM cottage, modern throughout. Inquire of owner, 7t2 East 36th at. W.-W. carline. MODERN 4-room cottage. $1250; $300. bal ance $15 monthly. Phone East 075. WANTED REAL BSTATX- WE have a long list of clients wishing to loan money on first mortgages. Amounts ranging from $1000 to $25,000. It pays to see us. CHAPIN & HER LOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED City property, farms and timber lands. MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Modern bungalow or cottage; some fruit trees; part cash, balance monthly. Ad dress by mall only. 274 Fourteenth. WANTED City income property, two houses on one lot preferred. In good neighbor hood. Inquire P 435, Oregonian. SNAP Business chances, rooming-houses, or real estate wanted by F. Dubois, Wash ington bldg.. room 3. WILL pay cash for real estate anywhere' In Portland; large or small. F 434, Oregonian. TIMBER LAND. -OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, JAMBS D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. S2tt Chamber of Commerce, Portland. CHOICER homesteads located, also few eplendid timber claims with 2.-0OO.CC0 to 7,000.000 feet each. Particulars call or address the Coast Realty Co., 22ti Morrison st. No agents or trlflers. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch Bldg., 100 4th st., near Wash. A SNAP Some small tracts of good timber, well located, at about 5w cents per 1000; also two good farms. 218 Worcester block. WE have some specially good buys In single claims and sections. Sphinx Agency, 303 Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEAD relinquishment;- wilt exchange for city property; will assume mortgage. X 257, Oregonian. FOR SALE Al logging show, on stumpage basis, paid for as logged. T 430. Oregonian. TIMBER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room 308, Chamber of Commerce bldg. TO EXCHANGE. I WANT to exchange a neat 4-room cottage for vacant corner lot, in Central Alblna pre ferred; .will take a mortgage on cottage for difference. Address E 447, Oregonian. OWNER wishes to exchange for Improved or unimproved land, homestead or timber claim, SO acres near Seattle. H 361, Oregonian. OREGON Trust & Savings accounts accepted in exchange. C. H. Weston. 309 Wells-Fargo. REAL estate for Oregon Trust & Savings de posit. A Ins worth Smith. 309 Wells-Fargo. WILL trade for what you have. L. A Ins worth Smith. 309 Wells Fargo bldg. CADALLIC automobile exchanged for real es tate. 109 11th st. Phone Main 1578. FOR 8AL.E FARMS. ACRE tracts along the line of the O. W. P. from $65 up. We make a specialty of farms and acreage in this locality. MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. CENTRAL OREGON good lands cheap, for sale, by Van Tassel & Davis. Write or call on them for information. Madras. Crook County. Oregon. FOR sale or trade. 46l acres adjoining Columbia River, 10 miles from Court house. Owner. 209 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE Some of the best datry and etock ranches on Alsea Bay and vicinity. C. J. Smith, Waldport, Or. W A NTE D FA RMS. WANTED 8 tn 15 acres.- any locality, with some Improvements, not over 9 miles out; give lowest cash price. T 417 Oregonian. BY responsible, experienced party, small farm, with good improvements and near city. X 446, Oregonian. WAITED AND FOR BALE LAND 6CBIP. ALL kinds, Including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber and prairie Government land. . H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland," Portland, Or. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining prac tice. D. N. Clark. Atty.. Washington. D. C. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. PASTURE FOR HORSES. Ladd & Reed farm. Bachelor Island. 700 acres fine pasture; large barns: stock put up every night: daily boat to and from place D. E. Keasey. room 7, Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. A BEAUTIFUL 6-year-old horse, well bred, blood bay and black points, and a rubber tired buggy and harness, practically new, for sale at a bargain. If taken at once. Vail at the Dexter Stables, 4th and An keny sts. FIRST-CLASS delivery wagon cheap; 1 good bugijy and single harnese. $27. Ed Doran, Millard ave., Mt. Scott car, afternoons. WANTED Young, sound team, mares pre ferred. 2500 to 3000 pounds; would buy outfit if suited. K 453, Oregonian. FIVE head young heavy horses; 1 single mare, 6 years, city broke. ' E. R. Frank, North Front, near Union stockyards. Hubert & Hall, 206 4th. dealers In her sea and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. GOOD sound horse, suitable for delivery pur poses, weighing lOoo lbs. 312 Front st. 2 BAY horses for sale cheap: weiph about 1100 lbs.; sound. 510 Commercial blug. FINE 7-year-old driving horse, harness and buggy; a bargain. 1670 East 13th st. FOR SALE A bay mare and two-seated trap. Call upB J496. Pianos. FOR SALE Smith & Barnes upright piano, in good condition ; wi!l sell same on easy terms. Phone Main 6280, room 79 Glendora Hotel, after 6 P. M. FOR SALE New piano, owner going East. 869 North 23d st. Miscellaneous. WANTED Persons who have proved ac counts of $100 or more in the closed banks of PortlBnd and who would con sider a reliable investment In exchange for same to address Dodd, Mead &. Com pany. Arcade bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fix tures : chea p prices. Br una wlck-Balke -Col-Jen der, 49 3d st. ART exhibition for Xmas. On account of the financial flurry we are forced to sell our entire stock at cost. Artistic framing a specialty. Art Emporium, 348 Alder. HETES ENGINE & LAUNCH CO. Wanted several launches to fill orders. Sea ub for Fall bargains. 171 Madison st. Phone Main 7408, Home A 33Q7. BUY or sell furniture, stoves and household goods. Call Main 6374 or A 2327. We went your trade. The Dollar. 1 LARGE Edison phonograph with hand painted silk horn and 22 fine records, cheap. 1100 E. Taylor, st. FOR SALE 1 5-H. P. 220-volt 3-phase Gen- 412 Couch bids. f FOR SALE Nearly new, double door, fire proof safe, with strong box. X 428, Ore gonian. 2 FRESH cows, 1 5-galIon milker. 05 East 30th, cor. of East Washington. Sunnyside car. FOR BALE One seconfi-hand logging; engine. Address P. O. box Z&l. Dallas, IJolk County. Or. FL'RXITURB of three-room flat for sale; has been used three months. Inquire 2.31 Hall. Movlng-plcture machines. supplies, repairs, film slides; bargains. Stevens. 16516 4th st. 1 IT of sample telephones, good as new; find cash offer. 412 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 1 fresh milch cows. 1480 Ma cadam st. Take Kulton car. FOR SALE Dayton Automatic Computing cale. X 414, Oregonian. WHY not buy a Navajo blanket or rug for Xmas. 6ti& Wash. et. FRESH cows for sale. 046 East Madison. HELP WASTED MALE. BARBER -8-chalr barber shop; snap Mondav; good lease, good business; Investigate. 171 First st. WANTED One first-clasu Oregon licensed barber. Address T 415. care The Oregonlam California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th et. Pac. 2183. P. Lnratl. I , LIVE salesman. $10,000 profit selling cor poration securities. 215 Commercial blk. STRONG boy to learn baker's trade. Cali fornia Bakery. East 3d and Burnslde st. WANTED Photo coupon and portrait agenu.; new winner. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. WANTED At once, telephone boy at Nor tonla Hotel, 14th and wrahtngton. $00 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 284 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WE) secure positions for our members; spe cial membership J2. Y. M. C. A." SALESMEN for city and county wanted. 207 Couch bldg. BOY wanted at Powers & Estes drug store. 143 6th at WANTED Traveling salesman for Portland and surrounding country. Must be acquaint ed with dry goods trade, an active, roliabie hustler. Salary and commtemon based on result a. Have now established trade. Carry stock San Francslco. Address In confidence, stating age, experience and salary expected. Eastern Manufacturer. L 438, care, Portland Oregonian. BRIGHT YOUNG MT0N to prepare for postal clerks on the railroad; Gcr eminent posi tions; salaries near $70 a month to start and opportunity for promotion with advanced pay. Must be physically strong and near 5 , ft. 6 In. in height. Call today for further reference. Pacific States School, 513 Mc Kay bldg. YOUNG man of good appearance; must be over feet 6 inches tall, about 21 years of age. as floorwalker and window trim mer; state former experience, references end salary desired. Address N 19S. Oregonian. PROTECT youcself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Writ or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 309 Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted. Men to learn electricity,, plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and plan read ng; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalog. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 Eighth st.. San Francisco. MEN and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $2-'. weekly; exiert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler Sj stem of Colleges. 35 North Fourth st.. Portland. WANTED A practical foundryman and su perintendent for an established and grow ing business. Splendid opportunity for a man with capital. Address P. O. Box 441. Spo kane, Wa.ih. MEN. we furnish employment and teach plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, elec tricity evenings; if you have $50 call. Pacific Trade School. 307 Hinckley blk., Seattle. WANTED Competent engineer and ma chinist. $3.50 per day; nteo second engineer and blacksmith. $3 per day. References required. Address lock box 157. Rainier, Or. RELIABLE man wanted to take active In terest in old established real estate office drlng big business; references required. Call rioneer Realty Co., 1 89 f i Fourth st. 1 SALESPEOPLE, bookkeepers, stenographers, collectors, general mds., shipping, grocer and bill. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 3S64 Washington st. WANTED Young men study telegraphy; new law effective March 1 provides shorter hours, makes Increased demand for oper ators. . Oregon College, S. W. cor. 6th and Oak. WANTED A . registered drug clerk who thoroughly understands his business; state wages expected; good place to the right man. T 434. Oregonian. GOOD opportunity for young man In whole sale, with chance for advancement in accordance with ability. E 440. Orego nian. WANTED A high-grade solicitor for a proposition paying workers from $.M to $1W) weekly. V. V. Jones, 2d floor, Acheson bldg. WANTED A man with some money to take charge of a detective office; business al ready established. Address J 394, Orego nian. WANTED Salesmen, all lines.' bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Call or write Commercial Abstract Co., 323i Wash. st. IF you want to beat working for wages and have $5 to Invest, call or address room 28, hours 1 to 6. 4SS Washington st. $2 TO $9 earned soliciting advertising. Call today and Investigate. Benedictine Publi cations. 003 Goodnough bldg. GOOD advertising solicitor at 147H Front st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, regis ter with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848 H Washington St, Cor. 7th, upstairs. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced, and competent saleswomen wanted at once. , OLDS. WORTMAN &. . KING. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Good help and situations furnished; real estate and business opportunities, all kinds. , 230 V Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED Refined, capabls woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Viavl Co.. 10th and Morrison WANTED A competent woman to cook and do laundry for family of 2: no housework. Apply 153 N. 10th st. Tuesday afternoon. WANT FID Teachers, grade and rural, $60 per month. The Flsk Teachers Agency, 1200 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1118. GIRL to assist with light work and care of children; exchange for room and board; college girl preferred. 290 Halsey. WANTED to meet few persons with some knowledge in Spanish language. Interesting proposition. G 440. Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 48 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs Phone Main 2692. GI RL for general housework ; small family ; good wages; references required. Call 658 Broadway, Irvington. WANTED Good girl for general housework, good home for good girl. Apply 780 Kearney st. WANTED Immediately, lady, neat, compe tent, quick sewer to dress dolls. Phone S4i3 Main. WANTED Girl to work in confectionery aiid soft drink stand; experienced. B 443 Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework. 1025 Raleigh st. Phone Main 2907- GIRL for general housework, family or 4 adults; heavy washing given out. 665 Hoyt st. NEAT, quick girl wanted for lunch waiter: no Sunday work. Stein's restaurant, 2WV4 Stark. Cashiers, book-keepers, stenographers, store help. Clerks' Reg. Bureau. 386 V, Wash. St. GIRL for general housework, 440 E. 10th No. Take Irvington car. Phone East 530. WOMAN, housework, good wages. Dr. Wheat ley Howe, 374 B. Market st. B 1068. YOUNG LADY for candy store; must have experience. Call at 323 Morrison St. WANTED Girl for gereral housework In sub urb; good wages. Phone East 5060. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 166 East 16th st. AX experienced girl for general housework at 230 No. 24th; small family. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 886 Tillamook. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 4. Apply 780 Irving St. EAST SIDE" Female Rmployment Office. 122 Grand ave. East 10&5. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Naeve's restaurant. 128 5th. WANTED Girl for general housework. In quire 641 6th st. WANTED A girl to do general housework. 6S7 Taylor. CHAMBERMAID wanted at 63 North 18th, cor. Davis. HELP WASTED MALE OB FEMALE. MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en graving and optics; easy terms; positions peeured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, Engraving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. 1 MEN and women to demonstrate and take orders for well-advertised line of goods; it will pay you to investigate this offur. 203 Flledner bldg. WANTED Students to take our course In law; day and night classes; low tuition. Portland Law School, Worcester block, l STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will find a helping hand at Eclectic Business Vnlverslty. Worcester bldg. JAPANESE employment office; male and fe male. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6581. SITUATION WANTED MA LB. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man wishes position of some kind; can keep books. Address G :;Sf'., Oregonian. FOR a stenographer or bookkeeper phone E B. U. CiericaJ Office. Main 4504. T Bookkeepers and Clerks. AUDITOR, experienced general office, branch house or hank auditing; will accept tem porary or permanent work. Curporation de siring books audited or systematized or needing A 1 office manager address E 4Cil. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED ribbon and umbrella man requires position ; would take charge of department ; good references. . Apply A 4oS. Oregonian. HAVE been for 15 years manager country bank in the East. Want position. Could fur n i.h some mon ey with servicer If desired, reference. Address E 418, Oregonian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper with lumber comparv; competent t manage small yard and planing mill. Address A Utio, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and r.ll-around office man. 8 ytars' experience. 3 years In Japan, wants position; salary small object. G 420. Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. BY young man of finlsho! education, good ap-p.-arante. regular habits, urcd t haid work: clear record. .-.-idr-?as G 433. Ore gonian. , A YOUNG man of brilliant quality seeks a higher field of usefulness than rutting cordwood. Address H 442. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work In private family; f peak a English good. H 443. Oreg'-Hilan. MIDDLE-A GEO German wants position, tnke care of horses, cows; good mllkoi. V 410, Oregonian. YOl'NG man with bank experience desire position as clerk, bookkeeper, cashier. H 3C', Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants a position na cook and housework, city or country. 11 620 W Everett M. A GOOD colored man cook, meat or pastry rooking, sober man, good references. A 4U0, Oregonian. JAPANUSE emplovmeni company can fur nish all kinds of help. Main 4G5!. 263 Everett. COMPETENT Japanese cook wants position in private family. T. O. Phone Pacifio 2148. YVANTKI By a young married man. a posi tion of any kind. Address A 362. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coat maker wants a Job & bushelman in clothing house. 2M 11th st. SITUATION WANTKD FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FOR a stenographer or bookkeeper, expe rlenced or beginner, phono Eclectic Busi ness University, Main 4ft04. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, ran operate typewriter; best ctty and Eastern refer ences. Phone. East 42tr. COMPETENT stenographer desires position. S 43:t. Oregonian. Dressm an er m. MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS. modUte; tailor made .uits and party gowns a specialty. 50 Wash. bldg. Pacific 717; A 2724. DRESSMAKER, first-class titter, fine fle-t--gner. wis lies engagements ; lately from Chicago. 14th. Pacific 27.'iS. DRIOSSMAKINC. plain sewing. children's clnthes, reasonable prices. Mrs. "Wright 23 Union ave. Room 25. MMH. TUTTt,E, modiste. 507 Montgomery, near 15th. M-G car. Phone A 5057. FIRST sen Angeles Dressmaking Parlors. 243 5th and Main. Pacific 982. COMPETENT nurse from the East; confine ment cases a specialty; reasonable prlcea. Woodlawn 3rtft. Miscellaneous. AM prepared to care for, at :ny home. In valids or out-of-town people hero under pbyalcian's care; references exchange! P 4.13. Oregonian. COLLEGE graduate, experienced teacher, will take private pupily; references given. Miss Preston, 2S3 Holladay ave. EXPERIENCED bakery and confectionery clerk, ca-i givo good reference. Apply 150 E 34th t. Phone Tabor 332. AN excrlenced ehamlwnnald wishes work, hotel o; rooming-house. Mrs. Shutter, phone Main 32. SITUATION wanted, chamber work; house work by the day. Main 4!83 or 400 Over ton st. SITUATION wanted by competent girl for eecond work. Phone Pacific 13t7. HOM E laundered lace curtains. Phona Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. WANTED AGENTS. LOCAL, agent 'wanted In every town. Wash ington and Oregon; accident and health. Insurance, old stock co., liberal commission and policies; references. Address West- ' ern office, 29 Marquam, Portland, Or. A. HOME company; low premium rates and high cash values make the policies of tha Columbia Ufe & Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager o agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. AGENTS WANTED Can you Bell goods? If so. we need you; complete outfit tree; caa weekly. "Write for choice of territory. Capitol City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS to sell ladlee' coats, nkirt and furs, : also quick-selling articles suitable for hoi!-, day gifts, on easy installments. J. D. Sher- man 2t2 3d. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rem houses, cottages, flata, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland1 Trust Company of Oregon, S. S3, cor. 8d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED By mother and eon, 2 or 8 fur nished housekeeping rooms, close in, on J West Side; must be reasonable; state loca tion and terms. Addresa F 436, Oregonian.' WANTED By man and wife. 2 or 8 fur-' nlfhed rooms for light houw keeping, within' 10 blocks of Wells-Fargo bldg.; .state terms; West Sde. 8 42t, Oregonian. WANTED A well heated room In a prtvat family by student studying during th day. i Give particulars and phone number. Ad dress X 444, Oregonian. WANTED By single man. furnished room with bath, heat, light and breakfaat. Plea state particulars. Addreaw G 448, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent house, offices, atorea, ' rooms, etc.; long list of applicants. Albee Benham Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark HtH. WANTED To rent a tent for Winter. 1 Tabor 780. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Largest and best known second-hand store In Portland. We buy and sell from a chair to a full house. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. 20th and Washington. Phone Paclflo 703, WANTED Men's cast-ofiT clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Phone Paciflo 1722. WB PAY MORE FOR AUCTION CO., MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST. WILL make good offer for a few small ao counts on Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Jersey cow, fresh in September preferred. M. L. Holbrook, 1168 Thurman st. Both phones. I WANT to lease a 15 or 20 furnished room house ; state condition of place and terms. L 427, Oregonian. CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer chandise. Phone Main 1026. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. I PAY cash for household goods. Savage fk Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st st. Pacific 360. WILL give cash and good property for Ore gon Trust deposits. 324 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Good horse and buggy; will give cash or real estate. 325 Lumber Exchange. Nob Hill Second -Hand Co. pays highest prices for goods. 15 Wash. st. Main 2421. WANTED All kinds of goods; store and of fice fixtures, etc. Newman, Main 6408. WANTED PunchlTiR-ban platform; give de scription and price. P 427, Oregonian.