THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1907. . Glove and Merchandise Orders Sold for Any Amount at the Glove Department A Quick Way of Solving the Christmas Gift Problem OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:30 P.M. rank Store's Holiday 'Shopping Bulletin OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:30 P. M. eier 18 M 8&F Holiday Book News Books at 50c 2000 copies of popular fic tion, formerly sold at $1.50 a copy to be sold today at 50c a copy on immense opportu nity jojuy Xraas Books at a saving included will be found "The Right of Way" Captain of the Gray Horse Troop "Ayesha" "The Gambler" In the Book Store the Holiday Stock is now at its best books for young and old; desirable reading matter of every description. The largest and best selected stock iri the city, and our prices mean a special saving to every customer. Let us show you. Juvenile Books in grand variety and at all prices Take advantage. 1908 Calendars, thousands of them, all prices. You should see our line. Great special sale of 50c fiction, on sale at the low price of, copy..25 Women's 35c Neckwear 25c Each In the women's Neckwear Department today, hand-made beaded Chiffon Collars, silk and lawn bows, linen collars, stock collars, etc., C in endless assortment; regular 35c values, on sale at, sp'l., ea. 50c HATPIN HOLDERS ON SALE FOR 25c EACH Great special lot of colored Silk Hatpin Holders, all. colors; each one in a neat violet bo,x; regular 50c values, for, each. Women's Neck Ruching in neck lengths; white, black, pink and e blue; regular 10c values, on sale at this special price, each. Great Holiday display of Ostrich Feather Boas Don't fail to see them. Women's Underwear at Half Price "jfe W o m e n 's Wool Vests, low neck and sleeveless, in pink, ' blue and black; all sizes ; slightly soiled or mussed; $1 values regularly, on S sale at, special, each.'C Women 's mixed Wool Union Suits, in gray and white ; high neck, long sleeves, and ankle length; the best regular $1.35 values, on sale at, Lftf SDecial. the erarment. "Ut Women's fine Wool Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; hand-finished (Ij 1 , OO front, all sizes; $2.75 values, at, each.P JO Women's fine quality mixed wool Vests and Pants, good Winter weight, all sizes, gray only; the best regular 75c values; buy all you TiQ, want at this special price, the garment. JOC Children's fleece-lined Vests and Pants, in cream color; sizes tor children 2 to 15 years "I 01lV Children ankle of age; 25c values, special, garment. rol Union Suits high neck, long sleeves, length; regular $1.00 values, on sale at this low price Santa Claus Will Arrive in "Toyland" Today Vxftl Today's the day Old Nick arrives After twelve months ymyJK lW:1 absence he returns to "Toyland" on the third floor to wel- JJ trfjf come his thousands and thousands of little friends through- - Vf Out the Northwest He comes to stock up for his trip far and v hs wide the morning of the .eventful day and what a wel- J l5 1Vf il come he will get For weeks scores of little folks have been 1 , . tj Srsstl inquiring about the date of his coming- He's the same old iE 'h I happy, hearty, good natured Santa that's been here year 1 -rX 8b Frank store be- .-J D toys, steam r I i- after year He keeps coming to the Meier cause he finds here the greatest assortment of holiday wares to be found anywhere in the land Toys of every kindand description A wonderful array of mechanical and electric Dolls, games, wagons, doll cabs; in fact every thing that's new and novel for children of all ages and of all sizes "Toyland" is at its best, better plan to come Great Special Sale on Toys Today Third Floor Hill-Climbing Coach, best regular 75c value . . 6o Hill-Climbing Fire Engine and Automo- flj 1 1 r biles ; regular $1.25 values, at, each . P " The game of Jolly Darkie; the best regu- 1 Q lar 25c value, your choice at; special, each OC The- game of Office Boy; regular $1.25 1 f value, on sale at this special price, ea.P VU Special lot of 1000 Mechanical Trains, six pieces of track included; regular $1.00 values, on sale at, special, each Toy Dept., 3d Floor. -'C Doll Carriages, regular $1.00 values, at, each . . 80 Special lot of Decorated Tea Sets, regular $1.00 values, on sale' at, special, the set.OJC 100 Doll Houses, regular $1.50 values, each. $1.20 100 Magic Lanterns, good model; $1.25 val., ea.95 The Game of "Diabolo" "All the craze," interest ing, healthy and the best outdoor game ever pro duced; we have a complete stock, on 1 ff sale at, special, the set, from 35c to. P Vvl See the new imported Mechanical Toys being dem onstrated on the Big Table in the Toy Department. Official headquarters for "I'eddy Bears," all sizes. Xmas Bargains in Men's Furnishings Men 's fine quality corded sheer pure linen Handker chiefs, hemstitched, with hand-emb'd. initial; the best 50c values, on sale Qf at this low price, ea."' Box of 6 on sale at. .$1.65 Men 's fancy Silk Suspenders, , beautiful patterns, put up in a nice holiday box; the best r e g ular $1.50 T 1 1 Q values, at, pair.V Men's Twilled Silk Reefers, 14 yards long, hemstitched ends, black or white; extra special value, on T 1 IQ sale at, each...'? Another great special lot of Perrin 's Dress Gloves for men ; best shades of tan and brown; guaranteed; all sizes -$2 values, on fl 1 1 C sale at, pair. . . N Great special lot of folded Four-in-Hand Ties, all the new shapes; very best patterns and colorings; $1 values; take your pick at, each..oO 1500 DOZ. PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 7c EACH Today, a great Saturday special in women's all pure linen Handker- chiefs, Vi-inch hemstitching, fine sheer quality; reg. 1214c vals.; g buy all you want of them today at this exceptional price, each. C Great Saturday sale of 500 pretty Gauze Fans, painted and K? spangled effects, on ivory sticks; $1.00 values, today only, ea. J C 35c RIBBON AT 5000 J'ards of heautiful all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, full 5 inches wide, lull line of colors; the 1 0 1 9c PER YARD best 35c value, on sale today only at, yd. Our Great Holiday Jewelry Sale Men's gold-filled Watch Chains in all patterns, 15 years' guarantee; $2 to $5 values, on ff sale at this reduction. VIl Swiss Watches, pretty enamel cases 'blue and green, every one guar anteed; great special fcl AjCk value at, special, ea. J" P Ribbon Watch Fobs, with or with out Safety Chain; immense varie ty, $2.00 to $2.50 val- d Atl ues, on sale at, each. P tJ Fancy Combs, plain high baeks, on sale at, special. Gold Clocks, several' patterns to se lect from; good timekeepers; on sale at this low price, ea.SJ51.49 Solid gold Beauty Pins, one-piece joint and catch; great QO values, on sale at, each.,OC Solid Gold Brooches, our. entire as sortment, including every new and dainty design; regular $1 to $10 values, on sale at Ia Sf f this special low price VXl Solid Gold Rings women's, men's, misses' and children's; immense assortment, wonder- C 1 A.Q ful values, at, each. P Gold-filled Signet Hatpins, with your initials; every one in a pret ty box; $1.25 values, on CQ-. sale at this low, price, ea. C vm7 r Today 300 Men's Suits $25 Values at $1.8.15 Today in the Men's Clothing Store Second Floor A Holi day Sale extraordinary of Men's high-grade Suits the best efforts of the leading wholesale custom tailors of America this season's handsomest materials and patterns and hand tailored throughout the assortment includes fancy cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds in neat dark grays, browns and fancy mixtures in plain colorings, stripes, checks or plaids all are cut in the most approved fashion and the very best trimmings and findings used throughout business and dress suits that are equal to the best custom made garments in style, cut, fit and quality -su ts the exclusive clothier has no hesitancy in asking $30 and $35 for take your choice to- g 1 Q C day from our entire $25 line at low price of fflOl An immense showing of men's Smoking Jackets, Housecoats, Bath and Lounging Robes at all prices Men's Clothing Dept. Cravenette Special 6 to 9:30 P. M. Portland's leading Cloak and Suit store offers for Tonight 6:00 to 9:30, a very unusual bargain in women's long crav enette raincoats 200of them, Good, stylish apparel of ths best make and material Tans, grays and oxfords Plain tail ored or braid trimmed AH sizes A storm garment every woman can make good use of This great lot, values up to $ 15 each, to be sold this eve- ning, 6:00 to 9:30, at the mar velously low price of $3.85 each Remember, there's only 200 of them If you want one you will have to plan to be here early we don't expect them to last many hours d O C at this low price p0 Cloak Department 2d Floor Holiday Specials, Big Basement Store and Cake Plates, fancy deco- 1 O alues, on sale at, special, each. 'WW lad Sets, fancy decorations ; 6 sauce dishes OQ. I; wonderful values at this low price, set.Ot 1000 German China Salad Bowls rations; regular. 30c and 35c values, 100 German China Salad and one salad bowl 10c fancy China Plates, each. 8 II 20c fancy China Plates, each.lo 15c fancy China Plates, each. 12 25c fancy China Plates, each. 190 25c fancy China Cups and Saucers at this exceptional price, each..l8 50 fancy colored Water Sets, six glasses and one pitcher; the Q)f best regular $1.25 values, on sale at this special price, set. Fancy decorated German China Sugar and Creamers; best regu- Ol, lar 35c values, on sale at this exceptionally low price, the set.'"' Great Holiday Apron Sale Our Great Annual Holiday Sale of Aprons thousands and thousands of them in every new and pretty style, made byhleading manufacturers in the land Fancy Swiss and lawns trimmed in embroidery, laces, tucks, insertion, beading, ribbon Round and square styles beautiful assortment at all prices, and a big saving if you buy this week Take advantage 75c Aprons 69c $1.00 Aprons. 83c $1.25 Aprons.. 98c $ 1 .50 Aorons X 1 .22 All better grades reduced Apron dept 2d fl $5 Silk Under vests $4. 1 2 Special lot of Italian Silk Undervests, hand-embroid ered ; colors are pink, blue, white, plain hem or lace trimmed; handsome style and quality; (P'l regular $5.00 values, special at, each. . . P We are Portland agents for the celebrated "Nemo" Corsets, in all the newest models; a great assortment. We are Portland agents for Gossard's "Lace Front" Corsets. Expert fitters in attendance to fit you. Ladies' Hand-Embroidered Chemise $2.79 In the Muslin Underwear Department, a very unusual offering 6f women's French and Madeira hand-embroidered Chemise, made of fine quality French percales 'and nainsooks; beautiful designs make a pleasing Christmas gift for any woman. An advantageous purchase enables us to offer $4.50 values, at, each. '$2.79 Women's machine-knit Shawls, all white; square and long-scarf styles; QO. good assortment, regular $1.50 values, on sale at this special price, each. 'OC SALE OF CREPE DE CHINE. AT 79c, 98c, $1.23 and $1.33 Great special Holiday Sale of plain and fancy Crepe de Chines, in a wonderful array of pretty designs and colorings, for scarfs, fascinators, auto C 1 'i'i veils, etc.; grand values, on sale at, the yard, 79c, 98c, $1.23 and. 4 A J J 2000 yards of plain Messaline and Wash Peau de Soie Silks, in light and dark colorings; silk for waists, gowns, fancy work, etc.; the best regular $1.00 fQ and $1.25 values, on sale at this low price, the yard take advantage. 7C Stationery-Toilet Articles Ebonized Comb and Brush Sets and Mil itary Brushes, with or without mount ings; great special values, 1 Q on sale at this low price. K French Stag Novelties, Smokers' Novel ties, Inkstands, Match Holders, LQs etc., on sale at, special, each."'' Ebonized Inkstands with cut-glass bowl; great special value, Qn sale at, Ofl special, 'each take advantage. wCJL. Silver and gold-plated Jewel Boxes, Shaving Mugs and Hair 4? 1 Receivers; $2 values for.H JJ Wrought-Iron Pin Cushions in slipper shapes, on sale at, special, each..28 2000 Holly Boxes of Stationery good paper and envelopes, neatly tied; regular 25c value, 1 on sale at, special, box. .''' 35c Holly Boxes of Sta tionery, ribbon-tied, sp'l.' 50c Holly Cabinets, 50 sheets of paper and 50 envelopes; O. on sale at, special, box.J' Special assortment of Eaton-Hurl-but's best holiday stationery, in beautiful boxes, in great variety; 50c to $3.00 values, U f44 at this reduced price. V1X Holly Seals for your Christ- Af mas packages, special, each.r' We carry a full line of empty Christmas Boxes in all sizes. Silver-plated Inkstands and Sta tionery Novelties; the regular 75c values, on sale at this CQ unusually low price, each. A complete line of Waterman's, Conklin's and Parker's Fountain Pens, on sale at, CI I Cf ea., from $1.00 to. N W All lines Christmas Goods at low prices. Solid Ebony Manicure Articles, including files, cuticle knives, etc.; great special values at this low price. C Full line of French Stag Mani cure Novelties, on sale at, ea. wC Genuine Ebony Hair Brushes, Mirrors and Military Brushes; the best regular - $2.56 values, on sale at, t Qf sp'l., ea. take advantage. P " '0 Manicure Sets in imitation leather boxes, velvet-lined, buffer, two salve boxes, nail scissors, cuticle scissors, cuticle knie, brush, etc.; value extraordinary atr the set $1.49 Gas and Electric Lamps Three special lots of Electric Lamps, all complete except the shade. Handsome mod els and extraordinary values at the following low prices; take advantage of this sale: Values to $3.50 for.. $2.79 Values to $5.00 for. .$3.99 Values to ?8.25 for.. $6.69 Three lots of Gas Portables, old brass and old brass and black; complete with tubing, e o o s e neck, mantle, burner and chimney; grand . values, on sale at following prices: $4.25 to $5 Gas C5 Qf ' Portables, each. P2 $5.50-$6.50 Gas CT A Q! Portables, each. P S9.50 Gas Portables. $7.48 Rogers' Bros. "1847" Silverware Reduced Regular 80c Cold Meat Forks on sale at $1.85 Pie Servers, special, each. $1.49 $1.60 Pie Knives, special at, ea.$1.29 50c Butter Knives, special, each.. 390s Child's $1.25 set, special, the set.. 98 this remarkably low price, each..63 $1.60 Berry Spoons, special at.. $1.29 60c Sugar Spoons, on sale at, ea..47 Regular 50c Piekle Forks, each..39 Child's $1.85 set, special, set.. $1.49 Xmas Novelties on Sale at Low Prices 35c Candlesticks, eachspecial at..27 90c Candlesticks, each, special at..69qs Special lot of Nickel Five o 'Clock Teas, with pretty stands ; best regu- C O I SI lar $2.75 and $3.00 values, on sale at this special low price, each. $10.50 Nickel Chafing Dishes, the best model, on sale at this special price.. $8.27 6-inch Cut Glass Nappies, regular $2.25 values, at the low price of, each.. $1.79 Cut Glass Nappies, the best regular $4.00 values, at this low price, each.. $3.17 Regular $3.75 Cut Glass Spoon Trays, at this extremely low price, each.. $2.98 Regular $3.50 Cut Glass Oil Bottles, on sale at this special price, each.. $2.69 8-inch Cut Glass Vases; regular $3.00 values,.for the very low price of, ea. .$2.37 8-inch Cut Glass Bowls, regular $6.50 values, for this extremely low price.. $5. 17