Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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Furnished Kooina.
Nlcclj furnlvhed roomi, or en
ulte. $2.00 per week up; steam heat, hot
and cold water ; fre bathe ; free phone ;
dining-room In connection; transient so
licited; open all night ; best location In
the city; office and reading-room ground
floor. 488 Washington.
Corner Taxnhlll and West Park Bta.
Phone Main 202.
New house, elegantly furnUhed, hot and
cold water, telephone, hot watar heat In
every room; private batha; elevator aerv
loe. Transient. Ratea $1 per day up.
PACIFIC HOTEL, furnlahed room 214 Co
lumbia at., cor. 1st. New brick building
Just opening; steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water In every room; free bath and
phone. Ratea GOc to $1 a day, $2.50 to $o
per week. One call means another. Phone
A 1630-
New houvc. Just opened to the public, cor
Xlth and Waah. eta.; beautifully furnished;
prlvat baths, hot and cold water, electric
lights, vteam heat; rates $1 and upward.
Phone Main 7954. Mra. E. Ogllvle, prop.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th
Firat-claaa furnished rooms, single or en
suite; steam heat. hot. cold water, electric
light, phone In every room; suites with
private rath, single, from $3 by week, 75c
up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 5047.
MOTEL IJARTON, 455 Alder St.. at 18th.
Pader new management, remodeled and
renovated throughout, new heating ap
paratus being Installed; strictly modern
In every detail; dining-room In connection.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new but:. iing; suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
GtvOSB IN Large, well furnished front
Mom, also one smaller room, in modern
flat; private family; furnace heat; phone,
bath. 30 10th nt. North, half-block off
Washington. ,
JLAROE. comfortably furnished room In re
fined, private, modern home ; 5 minutes'
walk from Postofflce; reasonable to gen
tleman; references required. Main 4714.
ONE nicely furnished corner suite with
running water, free phone, suitable for 1,
2 or 8 gentlemen; rent reasonable. Alpine
Flats. 271 t Morrison, corner 4th.
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington sts..
modern rooms, single and en suite ; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Paclflo 490.
THE WTLAMETTE, 322 Stark. S. W. cor.
Oth St., well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50c to
$l! by week, $2 to $5. Paclflo 1290.
NICELY furnished sunny room with board,
suitable for two; private family; strictly
modern; best part 'of city. Nob HU1.
Phone A $040. 076 QlUan at.
FRONT and back parlor, fine location for
a doctor or studio, will furnish to suit;
also furnished rooms, board In connection;
private residence. 889 3d.
THFJ ARTONIA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne,
nicely furnished rooms; all steam heat; all
modern conveniences. Rates $4 per week
and up- 123 Wost Park.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th aad Washlng
toa sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath; principal carllnes pass the
door. Phone Main 2838.
SEVERAL nicely furnished suites and
single rooms; rent reasonable ; best loca -tlon
in city. Alpine Flats. 271ft Morrison,
corner 4th.
B ESTEfi Oood rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone aad baths free. 327 ft
Stark, corner Oth Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
LAMBERT Building Renovated, remodeled,
newly furnished; rooms $1.50 per week and
up; modern conveniences. 23ft Union Ave.
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia. Rooms,
steam heat, free bath, 50c to $1 a day; $2
to $4 week. Phone Pacific 2744. A 5020.
FIRST -CLASS rooms for gentlemen, heat,
bath and phono; locality unsurpassed. 470
Main, bet. lSth and 14th. Phone A 2393.
THE WOODLAND Desirable large front
room, with heat and hot water: beautiful
grounds; 4 blocks from P. O- 200 Oth st.
(THE YALE. 291ft Grand ave., soliolts your
patronage for comfortable rooms; quiet
place; modern conveniences; $2 weekly.
NEWLY furnished front room In private
family of adults; bath, furnace heat, elec
tric lights, telephone. 272 ft Park St.
LARGE, bright room, electric light, furnace
heat, porcelain bath, telephone, near busi
ness; reasonable. 392 Columbia.
HOTEL VICTORIA, coi. 7th and Qliaan
Bteam heat, hot and cold water, two blooka
from Union Depot; rates 60c to $1.
CELY furnished froat room, suitable for
two gentlemen; every convenience; reason
able. 292 12th. cor. Columbia.
BRIGHT, pleasant, centrally located fur
nished rooms, reasonable; bath, gas,
phone 415 Taylor, cor, llth.
TWO furnished rooms in beautiful private
home, all modern conveniences, splendid
location. X 300. Orcgonlan.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms en suite;
furnished rooms ; also lodge room. 557 ft
Williams ave.. cor. Knott.
181ft FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, en suite or single, reasonable;
permanent or transient.
THE TEMPLE. 348ft Yamhill, opposite Ho
tel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rates
reasonable; transient.
Unfurnished Booms.
850 ft MORRISON, near Park St., desirable
office suites with hot and cold water,
steam heat, electric elevator; reasonable
rental ; bast location.
TWO unfurnished rooms. Gas range. All
modern conveniences. 880 Park St.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 340
Ankeny st., corner 7th.
C-NTURNISHED rooms. 440 Washington st.
Rooms With Board.
A REFINED widow with a nice home wants
to rent a room with or without board to a
widower; must be a gentleman or refine
ment; no other roomers and c'.ose In. Ad
dress R 403, Oregonlan.
THE HAZEL A first-class boarding-house for
young men; strictly modern, free phone and
baths; electric or gas lights, steam heat, hot
and cold water la every room. Phone Main
oofl7. 880 8d st.
485 ALDER ST., AT 18TH.
85o table d'hote dinners, 5 to T; lunch
11:80 to 1:80. 25c; breakfast. 20o. Special
rates by week or month.
jfXCELY furnished room with or without
board. In private family, for two gentle
men, man and wife; easy walking distance
close In and on canine. Call 04 N 10th
st. Phone Main 5947.
JrV6T room for two more young men; fire to
ol ass room sad board, $0.50 per week; we
Otn also accommodate few more table board
ers; good boms oooking. Aeter House, 7th
and Madison.
Portland Women's Union; 18th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library ; women's Exchange. Address Mra
Ella Rawllngs. Supt.. 510 Flanders.
THE CLAY Sleeping room, with parlor, for
two gentlemen, with board, $V50 per week
gas. bath, homelike; single rooms. 320 2d'
cor. Clay.
ONE large room, private family; will give
breakfast and dinner to young man. 1Q3
East 14th st.. cor. Taylor.
ROOM and board, privets family; terms rea
sonable; walking distance. Phone A 8022
328 Sixth tt.
CAN acommodate a few mora day boarders,
strictly home cooking. The Chrysler, 880
NICE furnished room, for two gentlemen,
also flrst-olass board; close In. 392 Salmon
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Mor. st.
FIRST-CLA8 board; very pleasant room;
modern home; two men. Pacific 1742.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board ; convenient. 553 Washington.
LARGE front alcove suite with board In
modem home. 200 North 18th st.
FURNISH&D ROOMS, with home oooklng.
103 West Park.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Osark.
226 llth st.
FURNISHED apartment. 8 rooms, elegantly
.furnished; steam heated; piano : adults
only t references. 000 Flanders st.. apt.
No. 1 Phone A 5002.
FIRST-CLASS apartments' rooms it'm heat'
run. water. Bark hard bldg.. 887 E. Burn,
HOTEL EATON European. West Park and
Morrison. Rates $1.00 and up.
HOTEL OSBURN. cor. East Ash and Orand
ave.. furnished rooms, single and en suite,
with or without board. Phone East 6619.
FOR RENT Hotel Oregon; new house; good
business, near depot. Address Box 2. Cor
nelius, Or.
MODERN flats, all slses, for rent. East and
West sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and . Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
6-ROOM flat; all sunny rooms, good furnace,
the carpets, gas stove and part of furnlturs
for sale. Phone Main 6725 from 1 to S.
FINEST flats in city, finished, ready for
occupancy. For rentals inquire of owner,
60 N. 23d st.
MODERN 5-room lower flat. 605 Everett
at., bet. 20th and 21st. Sheehy Bros. Main
NEW modern four rooms, electricity and
gas; walking distance. Pacific 1246.
AN elegantly furnished flat, strictly modern,
very central. 309 H 5th st.
FOR RENT New, modern 6-room upper flat.
7 SO East Yamhill st.
FOR RENT Four-room flat. Onqulre 650
3d st.
2 4-ROOM Hate, modern. Inquire 184 Arthur
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER apartments, 12th and Marshall
sts., newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern conveniences, fine plumbing, electrlo
lights, hot water, free baths, gas ranges,
laundry room; $2.50 per week and up. No
canines allowed. .
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no dogs,
no children.
FOR RENT Lovely suite of rooms, furnished
complete for housekeeping; steam heat,
light and phone; within 10 minutes' walk of
postofflce. Apply 246 ft Stark st.
8604 MORRISON, near Park, furnished or
unfurnished housekeeping apartments with
every modern convenience, central location,
reasonable monthly rates.
DESIRABLE, reasonable unfurnished rooms,
brick building; no transient lodgers; cen
trally located, saving carfare and time,
211 H 2d and Salmon.
TWO rooms, completely furnished for house
keeping; separate kitchen; including
wood. gas. bath, phone, etc. 211 Sherman
st., corner 1st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms with
modern conveniences, electric lights, hot
water, laundry room. The Beaver, 12th and
Marshall sts.
HOUSEKEEPING suites, walking distance;
modern conveniences; quiet place, very
reasonable ; both phones. 291 y Grand.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or un
furnished rooms; also single room. Two
rooms $8 and up. 480 Everett.
VI.7TOR Talking Machines and records;
Stein way (and other) planus. Sherman
Clay & Co., Oth and Morrison.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, beau
tiful East Side home; all modern con
veniences. Phone B 2850.
2 VERY nice large housekeeping rooms, suit
able for 4 persons; first floor; also one
large room 408 2d st.
THE MONTGOMERY. 401 E. Morrison, cor.
8th, newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
electric lights, baths.
THE Newcastle, 402H 8d St., furnished
housekeeping rooms also single rooms ;
reasonable. Main 800.
TWO newly furnished 2-room housekeeping
suites; walking distance; no children. 487
Clay St., near 14th.
NICELY furnished modern housekeeping
rooms, $15 per month. 195 15th st. North,
cor. Kearney.
TWO and three-room apartments, bright and
well furnished; walking distance. 117
North 18th st.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, ground
floor; fireplace, bath; no children. Phone
Pacific 900.
TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished, lower
flat, three rooms. 589 Kearney St. Phone
Pacific 412.
BY SMALL family, 8 unfurnished house
keeping rooms. East Side; $11. Phone
B 168T
BUITE of completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, front, $11. 245 H N. lTth, cor. Mar
shall. THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping apart
ments; phone, bath and heat. 101 14th st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
everything convenient. 109 N. 18th st.
THREE large rooms for housekeeping. $11;
no children. 847 Lincoln.
$125 3 rooms; $50 down; rent $8; wood In.
905 East Salmon.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 432 Burnslde St.,
near llth.
4-ROOM cottage, barn, chioken-house, lot
1&5JC10O. $10 month.
5-room well-furnished house, $26-4-room
now flat. $10; furnished, for $22.
Furnished housekeeping rooms (ft) for
IS month. Coast Realty Co., 2SS0H Mor
rison st.
HAVE you anything to rent? List it with me:
turning people away every day. A. S.
Draper, 848 ft Washington St., rooms 5 rjid
6, cor. 7th st. Phone A 2410.
FOR RENT 8-room house, new, all modem
conveniences. 211 N. 23d st. Key at oor
ner stand. Phone owner. Main 8u23.
STRICTLY modern ft-roora house; fine loca
tion ; adults only. 10th and East Couch.
Phone E. 2409.
FOR RENT -5-room cottage, on Kearney
bet. 18th and 19th. Apply at 681 Kear
ney st.
FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, 128 East 29th
St.. on East Ankeny and Montavilla oar
line. NEW house of 9 rooms. 712 Lovejoy st., near
22d. Apply 132 Oth st. Phone Paclflo 1851.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, corner
9th and East Sherman. Phone Union 810.
MODERN 10-room residence. 391 Jackson st.,
bet Park anld 10th. Phone Tabor 414.
S33 MEADE, near 2d, nice 4 -room cottage,
$12; key at 229. Phone Main 1018.
NICE 0-room house for rent. 475 Main, st.
Inquire next door.
1 7-ROOM house, near Grand are. and B.
Yamhill. $16.
Furnished Houses.
FOR a few months, one of the finest homes
on Portland Heights, nine rooms, all mod
ern conveniences; fine view; close to cara
Room 807. Maoleay bl&g.
NICELY furnished, modern cottage, suit
able for couple, no children; best part
of city; $30. E. A. Irish. 305 Common
wealth Bldg.
BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. 23 rooms,
rent $35 per month. C. H. Plggott, law
yer, owner, rooms 4, 0, 8, Mulkey bldg.
SWELL furniture of a 7-roorn flat, every
thing new and modern: Income $60; 8
blocks from postoftioe. Phone A 8808.
WELL furnished 11-room house, 2 bath
rooms, on Hawthorne ave. Apply J. F.
Boo the. Commercial block.
LOWER 5-room furnished flat. South Port
land; rent $25. 337 Failing bldg. Phone
Main 8429.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, furnished; no
children 1655 17th St., Sellwood Station.
4-ROOM fumishM flat on Mississippi ave.
Inquire at 28 North 3d, room 4.
Houses for Bent Furniture for Sale.
SWELL furniture of a 7-room flat, every
thing new and modern; inoome $00;
blocks from postofflce. Phone A 3853.
BIX roome; modern; furnace, cement base
ment, linoleum, gas range, furniture, very
cheap. 392 E. llth.
BARGAIN Furniture of a 7-room house;
house rent reasonable. 668 Irving st., near
$450 9 rojms. good furniture, wall located,
rent cheap. Rooms always full. 410 4th.
FU R N I TV RE for 5- roo m cottage for sale
house for rent. 1655 17th t., Sellwood Sta.
SNAP Flat llth and Alder. W7ft; just' fur
nished; leaving city unexpectedly; $4t5.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
GOOD furniture of 10-room house, close in;
some rooms rented. Phone Main 1087.
$1253 rooms; $50 down; rent $8; wood in.
905 East Salmon.
FOR RENT Storeroom and one floor above,
80x100, with elevator; moderate rent on
unexpired lease. Apply Chlopeck Fish Co.,
05 Front st.
LARGE, light storage room; new, up-to-date;
elevator and every convenience. Phone
Main 4077.
STORE for rent, llth and Washington. In
quire 836 Chamber of Commerce.
ROOMS for offices and manufacturing; power,
steam heat, storage room In cement base
ment, sidewalk, elevator.
Ill Seccnd at.
850ft MORRISON, near Park, furnished or
unfurnished apartments, modern conven
iences, desirable location, reasonable
monthly rental.
FRONT and back offices with water, heat.
light and elevator. Best location In city,
Dammeler, agent Raleigh bldg.. 6th and
FINE desk room, with or without desk ;
steam heat and free phone, in fine large
front office. Washington bldg., room 8.
OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamil
ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong, 814 Worcester bldg.
DESK ROOM, with use of phone; front room.
Buchanan bldg. K 864, Oregonlan.
OFFICE rooms for rent. Alisky bldg., 3d
and Morrison sta
FINE offices, best location. Room 315.
S wetland bldg.. 5th and Washington.
LARGE desk room at 317 Chamber of Com
718 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Pa
cific 2758. Associated offices In all large
American and Canadian cities.
CIGARS, In rood town, $475.
PHOTO STUDIO, no opposition. $500.
SALOON in city, $630.
GENERAL STORE in good town, stock
and fixtures in rood condition.
ROOMING-HOUSE, will clear over $115
per month, owner seriously ill. Is com
pelled to sell; furniture almost new; no
reasonable offer refused; easy terms.
HOTEL AND SALOON, doing good busi
ness, $2200.
LIVERY STABLE and boarding-house in
country town, for rale on easy terms.
In city, doing good business.
$1000 will buy a lucrative business that
will net $1200 to $1500 per year; no expe
rience required. We will be open on the
We handle businesses exclusively.
The Business Brokers.
Any part of olty you want. Splendid
location, all of them showing good profit.
Terms on most all of them.
This space Is too valuable to tell you
about all we have listed. We have all tho
Information you will want about any of
them, such as rent, lease, net receipts, and
all other things that are necessary to know.
It costs you nothing to call at the office and
get all of this information.
No trouble to tell you about them.
We don't urge you to buy something till
you get ready. Remember, no cost to you.
W. W. SMITH se CO.,
250 Alder, cor 3d. Room L
THE advertiser has a small substantial
manufacturing business established 18
years. Want to Incorporate and enlarge.
Need about $5000 and want one or more
persons to Invest. Will earn from 15 to
25 per cent per annum on your Invest
ment. This la no fake proposition and you
can't get rich, but your money Is safe and
earning a high rate of Interest. S 406,
9 rooms, well furnished, first-class loca
tion, for $550; terms.
50 rooms, new briok corner building;
steam heat; hot and cold water; $U000;
terms; good lease; there is no better buy
in the oity.
Original Hotel Brokers, 351 ft Morrison.
ROOMING-HOUSE bargains: 83 rooms,
$2000 ; 18 rooms, $550 ; 10 rooms, $450 ;
all down town, with lease. One hundred
to select from. 6-room modern cottage,
furnished complete. $1450; $400 down, bal
ance $15 per month. 5-room cottage,
$1050, $100 down, $15 per month. Pioneer
Realty Co., 189 ft Fourth st.
FOR SALE Good -paying business carry
ing books, stationery, school supplies,
periodicals, confectionery and musical In
struments of all kinds; good lease, cheap
rent and best location In Valley town of
2200 population, with good payrolls; In
vestigate before December 1, 1907. Ad
dress F 404, Oregonlan.
WANTED A reliable man to invest from
$25,000 to $50,000 or more In a large and
well-established wholesale Importing firm,
for purpose of enlarging and extending
business; large territory yet to be reached,
insuring good prospects and safe and well
paying Investment. Address B 411, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Live man with $1500 cash, to
Join contractor In state and government
work as office or outside man. Can reside
In Portland, Seattle or San Francisco.
Money secured. Fortune for right man.
Address Room 110, Oregon Hotel.
FOR RENT Large new hotel atf new R. R.
termlnal grounds, 12th and Marshall sta;
has 148 rooms, dlnlpg-room and kitchen;
all modern conveniences; 8-year lease;
rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge
vurtx, of Gevurtx & Sons. 178-5 First st.
BOARDING and feed stable, furnishes horses
and wagons for large wholesale and re
tall firms in city on contract. Receipts
about $8000 per month. Will sell part in
terest or all. Morehouse, Wlest Co., 420
Lumber Exchange Bldg.
FOR SALE Meat market, doing good busi
ness, at great sacrifice, account sickness.
If taken by December 1. Shop, stock,
tools and fixtures; terms. Be quick. J.
F. Barnes, Moscow, Idaho.
X WANT a rooming-house, 30 to 40 rooms,
good location; would prefer to deal with
owner direct ; please give all particulars.
Another of our party wants house 12 to 20
rooms. A 419, Oregonlan.
IF you have a business, hotel or lodging
house and you want to sell It. If It will
stand Investigation, come to us. More
house, Wlest Company, 420 Lumber Ex
change building.
IF YOU want to invest in gold mining In
live, active camp, where a fortune can be
made from a moderate investment, re
member Monte Cristo. L 404, Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi
ness; must be sober and satisfied with $125
a month to start; experience unnecessary;
8500 required. Call 24 8 ft Stark st.
SAFER than any bank; party with $100 or
more can secure Interest in the best paying
and safest business In the West; not open
after Dec. 15. R 895, Oregonlan.
WANTED Reliable young man to manage
branch of real estate business, small In
vestment; unlimited possibilities. Call 243
Stark at. today.
RESTAURANT Partner wanted In well-established
business; experience unnecessary;
little money required. 219 Lumber Ex
change Bldg.
POOL TABLES 6 as good as new, cues,
racks, etc.. at a bargain; see Canadian
Employment Co., 21 North 2d st. Phone
Main 3074.
SPECIAL Energetic man with $1250 and
services can clear $250 a month as part
ner; duties easily learned. Call 24ft
Stark st.
PARTNER wanted In old established cash
business; one of the best in this city; only
requires $2000. 219 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
$1500 BUYS state right for Oregon for the
manufacture and sale of patent harness
trace ; sample on exhibition, 193 Fourth.
FOR SAX.E Kioe home bakery and grocery,
doing good trade; cheap if sold at once.
Call room 4. 205 ft Morrison st.
FOR SALE By owner, 49-room hotel, over
flowing with business; must sell on account
of other business. 350 Gllsan st.
at once. Inquire landlady Golden Gate,
7th and Morrison
WANTED Gentleman to finance working of
rich platinum mine. H 393, Oregonlan.
REAL estate office, central location, at bar
gain this week. 204 Lumber Exchange.
$160 Partner wanted: pay $4 a day; experi
ence unnecessar Call 248 Stark st.
HALF Interest In a splendidly paying dray
age business; $8000. The Spanton Co.
SODA works for sale, old established and ad
vertised business. M 86T, Oregonlan.
226 Morrison St.
"Largest and best located office in Portland."
"Money to loan on nearly everything we sell."
Phone Main 1568. A 4150.
$23,000 ft cash, new flats (other income
$20,000 ft cash, nearly new flats.
$2000 1-3 cash, new house.
$2000 $2&0 cash. good house, barn,
chicken house, close In city.
$30iK Grocery, (others all prices).
$1200 Grocery, at invoice with 6 rooms,
close In, averaging $50 daily.
f 2100 1-3 cash. 28 rooms.
BOO Confectionery, with living rooms.
750 ft cash, confectionery, with rooms.
$25O0 Swell boardlnghouae; terms.
$000 ft cash buys 18 rooms, new.
$1100 ft cash, new, 12 rooms, modern.
$400 ft cash, 18 rooms near Portland
f50 ft cash, buys 21 rooms.
$40O ft cash, new modern flat (others
all Drlces).
cash, 40 acres (others all prices).
zlr Homesteads, also timber claims.
$'50 Bakery, lunch with rooms.
f00 ft Interest lunch counter.
f"0 Buys 10 rooms, new, modern.
$6o0 and services. Interest real estate of
fice, old, established, money-maker.
Other business opportunities all kinds.
226 ft Morrison St. ,
Phone Main 1568. A 4150.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (established
1695) furnish free Information on opportu
nities In mercantile or manufacturing Una
city or country.
204-2O5 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop, well estab
lished; good country town ; at invoice if
taken this week. 514 Chamber of Com
merce. MORTGAGE for sale; $6500, bearing 8 per
cent, secured by 800 acres fine wheat land
In Sherman County. R 402, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Furniture and lease of new 70
roora house in fastest growing town In
Western Washington. J 350, Oregonlan.
DOUBLE flat for sale; 12 rooms, hatha mod
ern ; leased 1 year, $00 month ; lot 55x70.
Phone E. 1691.
All diseases of men, women and children
both acute and chronic diseases of the eye,
ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys,
bladder, brain and stomach, catarrh, rheu
matism, goitre, Indigestion, constipation and
skin diseases promptly cured. All private
and wasting diseases promptly cured and
their effects permanently removed from the
system. Consultation free and strictly con
fidential. We guarantee all of our curea
New York Surgical & Medical Institute,
Raleigh bldg., "Oth and Wash. sts.
Medical and Surgical (Inc.).
Diseases of women and children exclusive
ly; nervous and chronic diseases of children
given special attention; all up-to-date electri
cal apparatus; maternity cases are given
careful and personal attention by graduate
woman physician; sanitarium In connection;
consultation free; open evenings. Rooms 5-14,
Grand Theater bldg. Correspondence aollo
Ited. M. 3028, Home 5607.
General diseases of women, men and chil
dren treated scientifically by a licensed lady
physician of 20 years' practice; also out
side confinement cases promptly attended
at all hours; maternity hospital in connec
tion with offices. Address Suite 14-15 Ra
leigh bldg., Washington, corner 6th. Corre
spondence Invited and confidential. . Hours
, 10 to 4; 7 to 8 P. M. Phone Main 4101. Con
sultation free.
DR. MARY LANE (the only and original),
established 10 years; diseases of women and
children; the best equipped lying-in sanita
rium on the Coast; no charge for consulta
tion; correspondence confidential. 252 ft
Alder, corner 3d. Portland, Or. Phone Main
WM. H. GREY, formerly with Portland Gen
eral Electric Company, will learn some
thing greatly to his advantage by com
municating with a sincere friend; anyone
knowing his whereabouts will please mall
this to him. or address Edyth Brown,
care General Delivery. Portland. Or.
graduate, cures rheumatism, nervous dis
orders, sprains; hand-rubbing, steam, sweat
and tub baths. 7 East llth St., private
home for patients bo th sexes ; take East
Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home B 1808.
SUITS pressed while you wait. 50c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to public at
large; Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 106ft 6th st., next to Quelle. La
dles' skirts pressed, 50c Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088.
A. B. Bloomer, agent for Perkins National
Herbs, also for Kretal, formerly at 208 3d
st. , city, is now located permanently with
the P. P. Keenan Co.. 180 4th St.. Portland.
Phone Main S862.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 8u0 Stark.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A. W.
Schmale Co., 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lo
ns Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 27 Morri
son st., bet. 1st and 2d.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills; sure remedy for delayed periods.
Trial box $1; regular size $2 by mall. Dr.
Pierce, 181ft 1st st.
Dr. T. J. Pierce, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected; no exposure,
charges moderate. 181 ft 1st, cor. Yamhill.
Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. A 2O60.
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massago; references
2S2ft Park. Main 2403. A 2734.
MRS. BRUCE gives scalp massage, alcohol
salt rubs, steam baths; ladles only. 260ft
7th. A 3504. 71
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on Dr
Kstchum, graduate! advice free. lTOft 3d
st. Mala 71C4.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous ban- removed.
Mra M. D. Hill. S80 Fleldner bldg. Pac. 136.
RECENTLY opened, manicuring parlors re
moved from 351ft to 843 ft Morrison, rm. 2.
ALI CE CH URCH I LL. masse use and chiro
podist. The Olive, room 6, 303 Wash. st.
GIRLS I want to marry; am 27 ; blonde
replies for all. A 414. Oregonlan.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases, 82
E. Belmont Phone B. 4084,
BALM OF FIGS For all female diseases. 803
Flledner bldg. Main 7721.
LADIES barber shop now open. Manicur
ing ana massage. 04 4th st.
What a Little Money
Will Do If You Have
Something to Sell
It may be real estate, stock, machinery, books, a business, a camera,
or printing office, in faot any conceivable thing under the sun. It can
be quickly disposed of if a small ad is inserted under the proper
classification in the want pages of The Oregonian.
If you "want to obtain a better paying position in a more con
genial line;
If you want to move to another section of the country for health's
sake, advertising will help you decide where to go r.nd save you much
costly experience in traveling around.
If you want to exchange one article for another, advertise, and
you will be surprised at the number of replies you receive.
If you desire to sell your present home or farm, advertise it and
receive a much better price than an uncompetitive market would
bring you.
If you desire high-grade employes in any line of business, adver
tise for them and take your pick from those who reply.
If you conduct a general business, or a small exclusive business,
and have been unable to advertise it heretofore in the display columns,
try several different strong, well-written advertisements in the classi
fied department, and build a bigger business.
If you cannot bring your ad, phone it.
Main 7070; A 1670
matism. 351 ft Morrison, room 14, former
ly of 224 ft Washington.
Money to Loan.
$$$$$$$$$$$ $r
SALARY $ I $ $
LOANS $ $ $ $
$ I
$10 to $100 $ $ $
Upon plain notes
Lowest Rates.
Easiest Payments.
No Mortgage, I I i
No Indorser, $ J
Wo f uoiicity.
"Absolutely no Security." $ 1
Open 8 A. M. until 6 P. M. I
Sat. and Wed.', until 8 P.M. 1
704 Dekum Bldg. m
$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$
$ $
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firm,
easy payments and strictly confidential!
on personal property; rooming-houses a
. 20B Ablngton bldg.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
fe' on his note, without mortgage-(con-dential):
Month, -month. We-f.
$50 Repay to us. . .$13 33 or $6 05 or $3 3
$25 Repay to us. . .8 6 65 or $8.20 or JI.Bj
$15 Repay to us. . .$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00
209 McKay bldg.. 102 Third.
All Railroad Men. Carmen, etc.
Clerks, Sale&men. Bookkeepers,
All Salaried employes.
Can Get from us
Any amount from $10 to $100.
Easy payments and lowest terras.
Strictly confidential.
423 Mohawk bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments ; offices Is
60 principal cities; save yourself money by
getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 238 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Mi 3o-
MONEY LOANED On salaries, no other
security; my system Is the best for rail
road men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar
employes and others; all business confi
dential. F. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg.,
286 to Washington st.
TO LOAN $500 to $20,000 in sums to suit,
on improved realty or good acreage. Swope
Grant Co., 420 Commercial block, 2d and
Washington. ,
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to
suit. 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty, M
G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
$5000 or less In sums to suit op real estate;
charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle
ton. 617 Chamber of Commerce.
LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se
curities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room
45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. Small building loans a specialty.
W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGES, 1st and 2d liens, and other real
estate securities discounted. H. E. Noble,
Commercial block.
SALARIED people save money by getting our
terms on loans first. Employes' Loan Co.,
716 Dekum bldg.
State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. B. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com
MONEY to loan on all kinds of security.
Wm- Holl, room 9. Washington bldg.
$500,000 to loan at 6 per cent on mortgagna
Wm. G. Beok. room 812. Falling bldg.
DON'T borrow money on your salary until
you see Hutton Credit Company.
X HAVE money to loan on real estate security.
F. A. Rows, 613 Buchanan bldg.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED Experienced stock or bonds
salesman, who can Interest Investors In
a first-class Interest bearing stock, pay
ing quarterly dividends. A 412, Oregon
lan. I WANT loan. $800, installment note, $25
monthly; no bonus, 7 per cent Interest,
gilt-edge Improved real eatatu security,
worth $4500. P 366, care Oregonlan.
WANT to borrow $20,000 to $40,000 on income
bearing real estate: go d security. Prompt
action necessary. C 400, Oregonlan.
WANTED 8K for 2 years on gilt-edge se
curity;, will pay 8 per ent yearly in ad
vance. Room 3 Washington bldg.
WANTED To borrow $10,000 on water
frontage worth $30,000. Responsible bor
rower. C 411, Oregonlan.
WANTED 8800 for one or two years: good
real estate security. Answer, owner, W 362,
LOST Thursday afternoon, on road above
Portland Heights, small gold watch with
monogram K. B. on cover; silver Jap
anese pin attached to chain. Finder will
please return to Kenneth Beebe, 213
Chamber of Commerce and receive re
ward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 4T4, A 1874. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger
IF the party who has taken the black srge
overcoat and left his will return the same
there will be no questions asked. The
LOST Chinese silver dog collar. Return
to Mrs. W. B. Fechheimer, Alexander
Court, 51 Ella st.
FOUND Between Boring and Sandy North,
keys. Owner oan get them at 168 Clay.
LOST Mink boa with two heads and three
tabs. Reward. Scott 5642.
FOUND One fin Lewellyn setter. Phone
Sellwood 65.
FOUND One fine Lewellyn setter. Phone
Sellwood 85.
IN the District Court ot the United States
for the District of Oregon In the matter
of W. U. Vose, bankrupt: The undersigned
will offer for sale at publlo auction to the
highest bidder the stock of drugs and fix
tures pertaining to the above estate. In
voiced at $671.84, located at the corner of
Millard avenue and Klndorf Road, at Nash
ville, on the Mount Scott line, Portland,
Or., Tuesday, December 8, 1007, at 2 o'clock
P. M.
Bale subject to confirmation by the Court.
Inventory and inspection of stock may be
had on application.
R. L. SAB IN, Trustee.
7 Flrat street.
Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co. Phones Main
5 Co. Home A 4222. 780 Chamber Cummerce.
Art Stores.
HOME decorators, tinting, painting and pa
pering and the goods that go with it. B.
H. Moorehouse & Co., 812 Alder st.
SPECIAL Xmas bargains in china palntlsga.
Mrs. Markiey, Miintr oiag.. 3&uft Morrison.
Main 4201, A 8217. Frames and framing.
Attorney -t- Law.
501-2 Swetland bldg.; abstracts examined.
QILJXAM & GILLIAM attorney,-at-law, 720
Chambar of Commerce bid. Phona Main 5101
HAVWAHD H. BIDDELL. attorney-at-law.
785 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764.
GREY & RICHARDSON. 518 Cbamber of
Commerce. Practice In all courts.
J. S. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law. notary
public, 58 and 59 Washington bldg.
Antique Furniture.
HAND carving taught; dealer In antique
furniture, repairing. 528 Waah.
A. Berger. art studio, 544 Washington; oil
naintlngs In landscape and portraits.
Cbamber of Commerce. Office systematizing
and general accouatlng. Both phooea.
Aesayera and Anuiysta.
Wells ft Proebatel. mining engtneera. metal
lurgists and aesayers. - . Washington.
MONTANA Aaoay Office, 18a Morrison su
Beat lacllltlea. Prices reasouabla.
PAUL BALMKJU aauayer aad analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Carpenters und ISuilders.
W. L. Buckner, office, sture fixtures, geu-rai
Jobbing, contracting; 330 Stark. Main 581.
WM. OEVENY aad Eetelle Deveny, tn only
scientific chiropodists, par. or 203 Drew
building, lt2 2d st. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mra M. D. H1U,
room aSO Flledner bldg. Phone Paclflo lift.
DR. FLETCHER. D. C. scientific treatment
for all maladlea of the foot. 318 Allaky bldg.
NERVOUS, chronic, spinal and female dis
eases a specialty. Chiropractic removes the
cause. Dr. Lavalley, 303-4 Allsky budg.
DR. J. E. MARSH. D. C. 223-4 Flledner
bide. Phone Paclflo 432. Res. Woodlawn 97.
Dr. L. M. Gordon, graduate P. S. C. 204-5
Oregonlan bldg. Phone A 1953.
Chiropody and Manicuring.
YOUNG lady chiropodist, manicurist, scalp
spocialist; superfluous hair removed. Pa
cific 23u. A 1720. 41 Raleigh bldg., Cth
and Washington sta.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front St., near Main. Portland. Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ahtp brokers, com
xniaalou merchants, Sherlock bldg.. Portland.
D. C. BURNS CO., grooers and commission
merchaata 210 3d st.
J. J. RANKIN, contractor and builder; re
pair work a specialty. Shop 287 Front.
Main 6523.
Cleuniug and Dyeing.
PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB, 174 West Park. M
8242. A 5o27. Sponge and press your clothes,
SI. 00 per month.
Cleaning and Pressing.
BCHULZ & HOLY, alterations; work called
tor and delivered. Ph. M 8390. 142 19th.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Main 7843. 303 Stark.
INTERSTATE Adjustment Co.. law and col
lections. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bldg.
Custom Tailors.
LARGE assortment of genuine Scotch suitings
at popular prlcea Call on
123 la 5th at.
DANCING Waltz, two-step, three-step and
stage dancing lesHons, 25c: oldest and only
recognlxad teacher. Prof. Wal. W'lllaon, en
tranoa to ball and office 12 Selllng-Hlrsch
bldg.. 388 Wash., bet. West Park and loth.
PROF. RINQLER. daaclng academy, a select
school; class or private lessons dally. 988 H
1. Morrison st. Phones.
Detective Agencies.
guarantees eucceaa. 109 2d St., room 4.
Phono Paclflo 117. Res. Phone Main 3105.
Tenth and Morrison.
Open all the year. Private or claaa in
struction. Position certain when compe
tent. All modern metbous of bookkeep
ing taught; alao correspondence. rapid
calculations, office work. Chartler short
hand; -. rapid, legible. Cala.ogue free.
W. W. WILLIAMS. M. a Prln., 148 6th.
Central location; Pitman ahorthand; ex
pert graduates-; low tuition; day and night
school; uew pupils dally.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanical,
survey, assay, cyanide; established 1864.
Van der Nalllen School. 61st and Telegraph.
Oakland. Cal.
Fixtures and wiring. M 1884; A 3881.
Furniture and He pairing.
A FEW piece of fine old mahogany furniture
for sale. Walborn & Walkley. repairers and
finishers, 23 Grand ave. Phone East 6161.
Harness and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
and harness mnfrs.. 80-86 1st Main 226.
Junk, Hides and Pelt.
L SHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool. fur, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacks. 313 Front st.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTTCK A CO.. Front and Oax
sts. Leather and sklas of every desenptioa
for ail purposes; Sole aad lap cutters' and
LOCKSMITH, umbrella repairing.
Washington, corner 12th.
Machinery, Gun and Locksmith.
REPAIRS cash registers, typewriters, machin
ery, guno. locks. H. Y. Jeannet, 263 Russell.
Moving; Picture Machines.
MACHINES. Bongs, slides, supplies, etc; low
est prices. Newman's. 293 Burnslde at.
MOVING picture machines. E. H. Moore
house & Co.. 312 Alder st.
EMIL THIELHORN. pupil Prof. Sevclk, vio
lin and viola teacher. 334 Pine. Paclflo 2980.
FROM New York, thorough piano teacher.
Mrs. Brewster. 201 )3th. Main 4039.
MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Jesse Parker
Tllford bldg.. loth and Morrison sts.
Z. M. PARVIN mux. doc. vocal culture, piano
harmony. 1651s 4th at.
Niokel Plating.
Oregon Plating Wks.. 128 Lownsdale St. ; gold,
aUvar and nickel plating. Main 2575. A 2575.
Oriental Bug Repairing.
REPAIRING, cleaning and dyeing done by A.
O. Cartozlao. a native weaver; all work pos
itively guaranteed; a few fine rugs for sale
565 Washington St.
DR. EVELYN DUDLEY, graduate optician.
18: llth St.. cor. Yamhill; hours 1 to t
Osteopathia Physicians.
413-414 Macleay bldg..
4th and Washington Sta
Office Phones: Main 1620; A 4T4L
Residence 1209 Taggart st
Union 718.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sta.
Phone, orfloe. Main 349.
Residence, E. 1038.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkvllie. Mo. 409 Oregonlaa
bldg. Main 1242; res. Mala 2762.
B. TRENKMAN A CO., mining, sawmill loo
W machinery, hydraulic pipes, castlaxa.
ail kinds, repaired. 104, N. 4tn ;t"""'
Paints, oils and Glass.
RAPMUSSEN & CO.. jobber, paints. oUs,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
PATENTS SOLICITED Wash, atty., expert
tl.l f!e' - J- Matter. 518 fiommoa
wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny.
J. J. HIRSHHEIMBR, Solicitor and counsellor-
a--'aw. Rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
R- C- WRIGHT, domestic and foreign,
infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
Patent Drafting.
T. J. GEISLER, attorney and expert. 030
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hloks-Chattea
Engraving Co.. corner 2d and Alder sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Nelss A Ooa
naway. I09 id st. A 4573. M. 7319.
E. W. MOORE. Elks building, 7th and
Stark sts. Phone Main 2089.
Public Stenographer.
CORRESPONDENCE, legal, abstracts, speoi-
flcatlor.a, 268 Stark, r 10. Main 1222; A 3235.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all office goods P
D. C Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones. 140T.
FIVE second-hand bank safes with time
lO'-ks. and 12 second-hand fire-proof safes
for sale at half price. Full stock of Hall's
safes and the Ely-Norrls Manard Mangan
ese Steel bank safes, strongest la the world,
at N r. .1 Sate & Lock Co.'s store, 70 Sixth
St.. Portland. Or.
FIREPROOF and Manganese steel bank safes
at factory prices; eecond-hand safes at low
prices. We are manufacturers, not dealers.
The Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st.
DIEBOLD maagaaese safes large Unas oar-
rled. Lock-outs opeaed. Jacks. Jails, mstal
furnliure. Honest prices and goods. Both
phones. J. E. Davis. 66 3d.
SAVE $4.00.
This is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my offlos and become
familiar with my spiritual and scientific
work. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
Greatest living astral dead-trance clair
voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI
whom you will marry, how to oontrol the
one you love, even though miles away;
reunites the separated; gives secret powers
to control others; no difference how close
or how far away, you can always obtain
your desired results. Tells you Just how,
where and w hen to Invest your money to
obtain the best possible results. If you
are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis
couraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DE
SPAIR; come and receive Spiritual advice
that will help you to receive HEALTH,
I will do all others advertise to do and
a great deal more. Hours 10 to 8, daily.
Office Nos. 8 and 4, Grand Theater bldg.,
852 Vs Washington st. Phons M. 1287.
In order that ail may have the oppor
tunity to consult him, readings reduoed this
week to the
Mrs. Marsbfluld, propneteoa, 263H Morrison,
bet. 3d and 4th sts.. reads your entire Ufa.
Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable splrlt'l r'dngs. 80S
Allsky. bidg. Public circles Tuea-Frl. eve,
Mlts NiSBBTH, psyohlo readings. Phona
Main 7033. 252 7th St.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 320 Mara.
25c. Phono Main T548.
Showcase, Hank and Store Matures
THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, store and office flxtures. 289
Couch st. Pacific 218L
R. H. BIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Win tea
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6330.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co.. ear. sta
Hoyt Phone Main 1408.
Sign Painting.
The largest sign-makers In the Northwest,
gth and Everett sts. Phons Private Ex
change 55. Home A 1155.
SIGNS ("That Attract.")
Portland Slga Co., 287 Stark. Pac loss.
Stocks and Bonds.
TREASURER stock, 86c share; par Talus It.
Ore. Diamond Coal Co.. Worcester bids.
Storage and Transfer.
First-class fireproof storehouse; prompt
and careful attention given to aU classes
transferring. Office 209 Oak, Phone Main
647. A 2247. Paclflo 1061.
O- O. PICK, office 88 1st. bet Stark and Oak.
Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed tor shipment; commodious brick
warehouse, with separate lroa rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
IHfl finest storage wareroom in the city.
Mojn centrally located. City Transfer A
Storage Co., 103 Front st. Main 63 or
A 1162.
C M. OLSEN Safes, pianos, furniture moved,
packed and shipped. Office 66 3d St. Both
phones. Office, Main 1666: res.. Mala 3480.
W. M. JOHNSON, transfer and express, so
hand goods. 23 Union ave. East 4441, B 1004.
Street ravine
WARREN Construction Co., street pa v ins,
sidewalks and crossings 314 Lumber Exoru
Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester bloofc.
NEW and second-hand type-writers, at
makes repaired, sold, and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. The Type
writer Exchange.. 84 3d st. Main 608.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re
paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phoee 1404
(Established In 1864.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. . W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000,000
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .910,163,879
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit issued, available In all
parts of the world. Interest paid on tlsde
Accounts opened for sums of 10 and up
ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager
W. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd J. W. Land
Established 1859.
Transact a General Banktng Business.
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits.
Interest Paid on Tims Deposits.
P.. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R. W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Ca.hler
8. E CATCHING 3d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit Issued. arreaV
able In all parts of the world.
Collections a sseclalty.
Portland. Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,500,000.09
Deposits. 1 4. 000.000. 00.
Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast.
A. L MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS td Assistant Cashier