THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907. 1 RIBBON STREAMERS FOR $1.05 EACH Taffet Silk Ribb ms in good widths, to make streamers for football enthusiasts. Wear the col ors of your favorite team and boost the side you favor. We sell the streamers ready-made, complete with bow, 2J2 yards of each color; red and white for the followers of the Winged M, Oregon and Multnomah Pennants 19c Show your colors and root for your side. Display your enthusiasm by waving a pennant of the colors of the side you'd rather see win. A very special sale on Multnomah and U. of O. Pennants in our smallwares aisle. The regular 50c. quality, special at 29c, and the 10r 30c size, only iUC or gold and green for the u. of O. enthusiasts. Complete streamers of 5 yards of Ol- ribbon, $1.05, or, the yard. BRIOOE WHIST KIHIJO X. Very latest novelty. SILK BELTS, with pearl or brass harness buckles, or with large hooks; come In black and colors; regularly worth 50c, 75c or and $1.00, special WINGED M PESXANTS. The latest and most nnnular emblem of the Multnomah Club. In ALL PENNANTS REDUCED. Our regular school and college pennants Portland Acade my, Hill Military Academy, Columbia Uni versity. East Side High School, Portland High School. The 65c grades 39e. and the 0" 50c kind JOC These pennants are all In official colors and designs. Come while the assortment Is perfect and make your selection. Comes In widths of to 4 Inches and In 4 designs, from 15c the yard to 35c red ana wnne. i ju m want, uhc iu wave on Thursday. Each 50c VALENCIENNES LACES In edges jar insertions ; a large variety of patterns, in widths from . 1 inch to 2y2 inches, either in round mesh or French Val. designs. They are regularly worth from 12V2C to 30c a vard, or $1.50 to $2.50 the dozen. Today, your choice, per dozen 70 virHc a7C MULTNOMAH OR OREGON PENNANTS They are good slsed and good colors. Regular 75c quality, but selling Wednesday for, 3&C LET US HELP MAKE THANKSGIVING HAPPY Great Sale of Shoes A more opportune sale were impos sible, for right now is when you need new shoes, and right now is when we offer some of the most phenomenal values that shoe men have ever heard of. Be early and you will profit largely. LOT 1 Women's French heel Shoes in tan or black kid or calf leathers. rue sizes are oroken m some lines, but all can be fitted. Worth 0 Q $3.50 and up. 07 LOT 2 1000 pairs of women's heavy sole shoes in kid, dull calf or patent leather, Blucher cut. f O JQ Regular $3.00 and $3.50 values O a LOT 3 Women's high-grade shoes, 3500 pairs, button or lace, light or heavy soles, all leathers. iJQ Values $4.00 to $6.00, choice -. O .7 LOT 4 Women's shoes, $3.50 Du Barrvs, $3.00 Empress and odd lines of $3.00 and $3.50 QO grades ipl.&O LOT 5 Men's shoes, high-grade footwear in decidedly good shapes and styles. Immense as- o on sortment. Values $5.00 and up; choice. . pJ 07 LOT 6 Men's shoes in kid or calf leathers. Splendid materials, all sizes, is one worth less than $3.00; choice $2.39 $9.00 Wilton Rugs, $6.75 200 homefltters should be on hand early this morning, for there are 200 of these handsome rugs bargainized. They are the newest patterns and colorings; 11 designs to choose from; size 36x63 inches. 77 Regularly worth $9.00 each; a bargain marvel today pO. f V COUCH COVERS In heavy tapestry, 50 inches wide, 108 inches long, fringed all around and regularly worth $2.00 each; 7 special !. We 11 Save You Half on a Gown or Evening Coat for the Ball Lovely, luxuriant affairs that will delight the heart of any woman. Moreover, we are offering them at prices just half the usual values.. Gowns that were priced at $75.00 and up and Coats marked $65.00 and up are in this assorV ment, and all we own, without reserve, are included at WW A V r prices just jg MjTTLMiF 150 OP THE FINEST TAILORED STREET AND CALLING GOWNS in the land on sale, from makers whose names are famous, constructed from the best materials, trimmed in an artistic manner. They are this season's preferred productions. In handsomely, yes, elaborately-trimmed effects, with a few un usually smart plain tailored styles. The decorations are marvels of good taste in artistic braiding and lace to match material. There is a choice array of good colors to select from. In all ways, these garments are the acme of perfection in style, make and finish. Regularly worth W W7 O O from $50.00 to $175.00; your choice of any 3 I XSj33 Another Lot of Suits at Half Price In this assortment, too, you will find quite profusely trimmed, or the almost severely tailored models. These run in values from $20 to $150 each. "Workmanship, materials and trimmings, as well as style, entitle them to vour careful consideration, if you've a garment need to supply. $ 20.00 Suits $10.00 $100.00 Suits $50.00 $ 50.00 Suits $25.00 $150.00 Suits $75.00 Women s Rainc9ts Reduced Ml This means choice of any Raincoat we have in the house. The Craven ettes run from $10.00 to $45.00 each at regular price. The Silk Coats many new models being shown are $28.50 to $75.00 values. There are moires also in plaids, checks and Roman stripes. $10.00 values $ 7.50 $20.00 values $15.00 $45.00 values $33.75 $75.00 values $56.25 AllWomenys Furs Reduced 4 We offer these vivid values on the largest and best-assorted stock of Purs in all Portland. We call special attention to our Mink Pieces Scarfs, Muffs and Sets. The newest and most approved fashions in furs are here m abundance, and on any one you may now SA VE V4 Fancy Hose to $2.50 69c Pr. See the Fifth-St. Window. A hosiery economy of unequaled im portance ; unheard-of reductions on the finest examples of the best hosiery manufactured in the world. Fine French lisle in Jacquard pat terns, in dots, stripes, lace, boot or allover effects; silk and lisle in plaids and other patterns; there are also plain colors and white, navv, tan and black, in the all-lisle or part silk. The regular values run from 85c to $2.50 the pair, and for today we offer a bargain that will set a new pace for values in hosiery in Portland. See the Fifth-street window. Pair 07C Women's Hose Worth 65c for 25 c Fine lisle or lace Hose, in black, tan, navy, garnet, gray, pink or fancy effects; there are also a large number of brilliant black hose in embroidered designs. Come look over the large table full of them and buy in ad vance for Christmas use. Worth 35c to 65c OZ-, the pair; choice JC WOMEN'S SILK LISLE HOSE in plain black, one of the best grades made and selling regularly at $1.00 the pair. We will make a special price to- (ZCh day of $4 per box of six pairs, or, the pair . . " Roy alWorcester Corsets "BON TON" MODELS We've been through the stock and selected several hundred pairs of these famous corsets, dividing them into two lots. They are bargains unpar alleled! Fpr all figures slender, medium or stout, and in sizes from 18 to 36. Materials are coutille, batiste, silk and figured fO A 7 broche. Lot 1 are corsets regularly worth $3.50; choice for-V" Lot 2 is composed of corsets regularly worth from $6.00 to O OQ $7.50 each; save tremendously by paying only pJJ& THESE CORSETS CANNOT BE EXCHANGED OR RETURNED Richardson's Famous Linens Made in Belfast, the home of the world's largest linen indus tries. Richardson's works were established more than 100 years ago, and for more than a cen tury Richardson's linens have been famous as the best made. The spinning, weaving and bleaching are all done by ex perts. For more than 20 years we've been Portland agents for the Richardson linens. You know our reputation as a linen store mark well the fact that the bargains that follow are in these grades. Damask pattern tablecloths, with one dozen nap kins to match. Fine Tablecloths Cloth 2 yards square; a $7.00 value, now Cloth 2x2y2 yards ; a $7.75 value Cloth 2x3 yards, an $8.50 value Table Damask, full width, in several exquisitely beautiful patterns, worth $2.25 the a f vard $6.15 $6.83 $7.50 PATTERN TABLECLOTHS Pine double Damask, 2x3 yards. Worth $4.50 each. Special $3.60 HAND-EMBROIDERED SCARFS, Centerpieces and Teacloths, with hem stitched border; Richardson's linen. $1.15 values 852 $2.00 values $1.50 $3.25 values $2.65 $8.00 values $5.00 To Grace Your Table Cut Glass WINE BOTTLES Reg. price $9, sp'l., each. 8 7.15 Reg. worth $11, sp'l, ea.S 8.75 Reg. $22 vals., spl, each. $15. 50 SALTS AND PEPPERS Reg. price $1, sp'l, pair.. 75 Reg. worth $1.50, sp'l, pr.Sl.lo Reg. $1.80 vals., sp'l, pair. $1.40 Reg. worth $2.50, sp'l, pr.$1.95 WATER PITCHERS Reg. worth $9, sp'l., ea.S 7.15 Reg. price $15, sp'l., ea. .$11.75 WATER TUMBLERS Regular $12.75, special, dozen $10.15 Regularly worth $15.00, special, dozen J511.75 Regular $22.00 values, special, dozen JS17.50 Regular price $30.00, special, dozen S 123. 50 Regular $36.00 values, special, dozen $28.75 KNIFE RESTS Regular $1.25 values, special, each 95 & Regular price $2.75, special, each $2.15 Regularly worth $7.25, special, each $5.75 SAVINGS ON DINNER SETS ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN With Border Decorations. 50-piece sets, regular price $7.20, special, the set $5.40 DECORATED SEMI-PORCELAIN 50-piece set, regular price $6.80, special, the set $5.10 60-piece set, regularly worth $9.10, special, the set $6.83 HAVTLAND DECORATED CHINA 100 pes, w'th $40.00, spl. $30.00 100 pes, reg. $48.25, spl. $33.50 100 pes, w'th $58.00, spl. $40. 50 117 pes, w'th $77.00; spl. $53.00 SYRACUSE DECORATED CHINA 112 pes., worth $15, sp'l. $10.95 112 pes., worth $18, sp'l. $13.00 GERMAN CHINA DINNER SETS 100 pieces, worth $22 set. $17.50 100 pieces, worth $20 set. $15.50 CARVING SETS, 3 PIECES Beg. price $3, special, set. $2.35 Reg. worth $4.50, sp'l, set. $3.55 Reg. $5 values, special, set. $3. 95 Reg. price $5.50, sp'l, set. $4. 35 Reg. worth $7, special, set. $5. 55 Reg. $9 values, special, set. $7. 15 $1. 75 Silk Special at 83c A wonderful whirl in the silk section that has to do with the dis- t r i b u t ion of 18,000 yards of silks in plain colors or the best novelties.. The patterned silks are plaids, checks or stripes or Jac quards in taf feta and lou i s i n e weaves. India silks. 27 inches wide, in black or white only. Crepe de chino, in plain colors. Peau de cygne, in black or white only. Evening silks, in pompadour effects, and new colors and handsome grenadines. In this assortment there are suns ior every purpose. For sensible everyday or extremely dressy even ing wear, and by buying now you will save from one-third to more than half. Regular $1.25 and $1.75 values; price, the yard Dress Goods 51c Yard II 56 -In. Panama $1.09 83c Novelty Suiting in Panama, hard fin ished worsted, French foules, $1.00 and $1.25 qualities 51? IMPORTED SUITINGS, English or French plaids, wool or silk and wool mixtures, worth $12.5 and $1.50 the yard 79 A phenomenally good value on the most wanted weave to be had; colors are navy, brown, green or black; regular $1.75 value, for $1.09 COLORED DRESS GOODS in newest weaves and shades, regularly $1.50 to $2.50 the yard; hundreds of yard 98 s STABS ALIi COMERS TILL MAR SHAL FINISHES HIM. Forest Agent Causes Reign of Ter ror Ignores Bullets Till His Skull Is Crushed. DENVER, Nov. 26. A special to the Post from Alamosa, Colo., says that af ter Betting flre to the Palma Hotel early today and attempting to commit suicide, Basllio Rodriguez, a Government Forest Reserve Agent from New Mexico, stabbed C. B. Anderson, of Coldwater, Mich., to death; seriously stabbed and assaulted four other men and Anally attempted to kill City Marshal Baumash fir, who was attempting to arrest him. The Marshal then shot and killed the Mexican, who was undoubtedly insane. Rodriguez started the fire In his room in the hotel by hurling a light ed lamp to the floor. Then, slashing his throat, he rushed from the room and broke In the door of the room oc cupied by Leonard Nation, of Little ton, Ala., and J. W. Hague, of Duran go. Colo. He stabbed both repeatedly and then fled to the stairway, where he net Anderson, who has recently been employed as a sawmill engineer at Edith. N. M., and was on his way to his home at Coldwater, Mich. He plunged his knife in Anderson's neck, severing the jugular vein. Anderson plunged down the stairway, breaking his neck. F. Mllburn, of Alamosa, was the next man to meet the maniac, and Rodriguez stabbed him in the face and shoulder. In the meantime a call for help had been sent to City Marshal John Baumaster. The first man to respond to the call was Charles Ewerts, who attempted to grapple with Rodriguez. The Mexican ceised a large water pitcher and stunned Ewerts with a blow. By this time Baumaster ar rived and fired four bullets into the crazy man. Rodriguez paid no atten tion to the bullets and closed with the Marshal, who, clubbing his revolver, crushed the maniac s skull. Plague Cases on Decrease. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25. The plague situation shows much Improvement. Only a1 few verified cases remain under treat ment. The following figures were given out by the Board of Health today: To tal number of verified cases up to noon last Saturday. 101; deaths, 63; discharged as cured. 30; verified cases still under treatment. 8; suspected cases. 39. was treated to a coat of sticky fly paper for a false article on the organization of a "smoking club" of the co-eds. Levy has been publicly reprimanded for writ ing the article and placed on probation by the undergraduates students' affairs committee. Also, proceeding on the ground that two wrongs do not make a right, the committee has publicly reprimanded the men who did the hazing and placed them on probation for the remainder of the term. The matter has been under consideration for some time. Cleveland Only Had Indigestion. PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 25. It . was declared at the residence of Grover Cleve land today that the report of his illness was exaggerated and that he had been Disciplines Both Hazed and Hazers. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Berkeley. Cal., Nov. 25. As a result of the recent hazing of D. L. Levy, who "Arrow CLUFECO SHRUNK Collar. Quarter Siaea, 15c each, 1 for 25c. tl.Ul.TT. PEXBODV 4 CO.. MH.n f Cinett ind Woo.roh Shirt.. suffering only from an attack of indiges tion, from which he had completely re covered this morning. Dr. Carnochan, after visiting Mr. Cleveland today, stated that he was up and about and showing no signs of yesterday's attack. De Moines, la. Frank Gretehel, who was in jured In an automobile accident In which R. O. Nattlnger was killed. Saturday, died Sun day. Other members of the party who re ceived Injuries will recover. COFFEE It isn't much itself; but it makes a good breakfast of common materials. Tour trocar returna your money If to. don't UK Bcbliunra B..t: w. par mm. We Are Now Prepared To show the grandest stock of diamonds, jewelry, silverware, watches, cut glass, art goods and other kindred lines, ever displayed in Port land. Each and every article is carefully selected for quality, and, with the variety of exclusive styles, makes your selections choice in every detail. Prices are interesting and in plain figures. Corner Third and Washington Street Manufacturing Jawslara Opticians Diamond Importers G. P. RUMMEL1N 8 SONS 126 SECOND STREET BT. WASHINGTON AND ALDER Established 1870 We are showing new styles in Alaska Mink Goats, Persian Lamb Coats, Alaska Sealskin Goats, Russian Pony Coats, As trachan Coats, Squirrel Coati FUR NECKWEAR AND MUFFS made in Sable, Ermine, Black Lynx, Blue Lynx, Sable Fox, White Fox, Mink, Etc., Etc. Send for Catalogue. FUR RUGS, ROBES I