11 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVE3IBER 14, 1907. NO REDUCTION Iff PRICES OF FUEL Amounts Charged Consumers for Wood and Coal Are Al most Prohibitive. HUGE PROFITS INDICATED With Labor More Plentiful, Slab wood Sells for $4.50 Cord, Fir for $7 and Coal From $7.50 Ton t'p. - 4 RETAIL FCEL PRICES. Coal $7.50 to 14 a ton Slabwood i ZTy four-foot $4.50 a cord Green four-foot $3.50 a cord Dry sawed $4.75 a load Green tawed $4.'-i5 a load J Dry four-foot fir $7.00 a cord J Dry rawed fir $7.50 a load 4 Four-foot oak $8 a cord Four-foot maple or ah..$7.50 a cord Sawed maple and ash $8 a load It is the evident Intention of the fuel dealers of the city to maintain the present retail prices of both wood anil coal, which almost prohibit the workinerman from purchasing fuel. Yet he must either pay the price, cut his own wood, or go without. Good grades of coal are selling for $10 and $10.00 a ton. while the best frrade of coal on the market retails for $14 a ton. The same high prices prevail for Blabwood and fir. To obtain dry sawed slabwood of the meanest kind the householder must pay $4.75 a load, which means about three-fourths of a cord. Block wood, or Inside wood, comes higher. For the dry sawed fir $7.50 a load is asked. These prices are for short hauls, where it is necessary to take the wood to a distance the charge is higher. The present prices are even higher than those asked last Winter, when the silver thaw put the roads In bad condition for the hauling of heavy loads. But at the present time, when labor Is plentiful on account of the men laid off by the railroads, and when the streets are in the finest condition which the weather could make possi ble, the price continues to soar. Extra Charge for Hauls. "We are getting $7 for four-foot fir wood," said George A. Steel,, president of the Portland Fuel Company, yester day, "and $7.50 for the same wood sawed. For four-foot oak we are charging $S a .cord." "What extra charge do you make for long hauls?" was asked. "Oh, I don't know much about the prices," replied Air. Steel. "Mr. School field, our secretary, attends to these mat ters. We make an extra charge for haul ing beyond Must Twenty-eighth street, ac cording to distance. No, we don't have any regular rate for long distances. "These high prices are just as bad for the dealer as for the consumer. We are not making much even at this high price for wood: In fact, we would rather have low cost and low prices." Mr. Steel admitted that it cost the com pany $1.35 to get the wood cut, that the stumpage is 25 cents, and that it costs about $1 to bring the wood to the city. He said that to haul it'to the consumer and to pay for office help cost nearly an other dollar. He did not mention any further expense attached to getting out and delivering the wood, so that at this rate the company would make a net profit of practically 50 per cent on every cord of wood sold. Slabwood at $4.75 a Cord. M. C. Banfleld, of the Ban Held-Veysey Fuel Company, refused last night to give to the press his prices on slabwood. This company is reported selling dry, sawed elabwood for $4.75 a cord where there Is a very short haul, and retails the green, awed slabwood for $4.25. This is the price for the outside wood, the block wood and inside wood being sold at a ma terial advance. The Portland Slabwood Company maintains practically the same prices for slabwood as the Banfield Com pany. Charles K. Aylsworth. of the Sunny- side Fuel Company, said yesterday that his company carries two grades of fir which retail at $7.50 and $6.50 a cord. In the four-foot lengths. He said the com pany had been able to get but half the cars ordered and needed, and that fpr nine days in the last two weeks he had been compelled to leave his men Idle and his horses In the-barns because the O. W. P. & R. Company did not furnish the cars necessary to haul the wood In from Gresham and Estacada. He named other fuel companies, however, which he said could get all the cars they wanted. William Jones, of F. B. Jones & Com pany, said that this company expects to obtain 150 tons of coal a week from Cold Creek, Or., near Stella, which is to re tall at $S a ton. A. I . Stephens, of the Pacific Coast Company, said the best coal In Washing ton sells to the dealer here for $6.50 a ton. He asserted that the freight rate on this to Portland is $1.75 a ton. This firm Is selling coal for from $7.50 to $12. The Independent Coal & Ice Company has raised the price of Its Welch An thracite coal from $13 a ton to $14 a ton. It has also raised the price of Carbon Hill coal from $11.50, which was the selling price in September, to $12. The cheapest coal this company carries Is $10.50 a ton. O. M. Rankin, of the com pany, said last night that Wllkeson mine, at Wllkeson, Wash., has been closed for some time, and the Carbon Hill mine has now closed, on account of the strike among the miners. KILTIES BAND TOMORROW First Concert by Famous Organiza tion at the Armory. With a record of over 4000 concerts played In the past seven years, the famous "Kilties" Band, of Canada, will appear In this city for three perform ances. Friday nit?ht, Saturday matinee i and Saturday night, at the Armory. The "Kilties' have recently returned frohl a triumphal tour of Mexico, where Ihey were the first musical organization from a foreign country touring that re public and playing the best theaters. There is no other concert band in the world as unique as this one. Not only is It a remarkable combination of high class artists who render classical and popular music with an equal musical understanding, but it represents In cos tumes and appearance the Nation from which each player is sprung. The men, who wear the kilts of Scotland (from which the name "Kilties" Is derived) are nil Scotch Canadians, and accompanying the band is a splendid male choir, which sings the ballads of the mother .country as none but Scotch can. In addition to these singers, there is a troupe of Scotch pipers and dancers, headed by Angus McMillan Fraser, who dances with true Scotch fervor and re markable grace. The visit of the Kilties to Portland Is an event that will be enjoyed by all who hear these traveled. talented players. Seats are now on sale at Rowe & Mar tin's drug store. COMPLY WITH FRANCHISES St. John, City Attorney ScrTes Notice on Telephone' Companies. Though the St. John Council is not hold ing regular business meetings during the bank holidays. Mayor Couch and the Councilmen meet every Tuesday night to talk over city affairs. This was done Tuesday nigjit. City Attorney Greene discussed the franchises granted the tele phone companies about the first of the year. He said that the franchise of the Home Telephone Company was passed June 14. and that while the company bas until December 14 to start work on its St. John plant It has so far done noth ing. The City Attorney declared that he would move for the forfeiture of the franchise of the Home Telephone Com pany Immediately after December 14 if the company, does not comply with Its requirements in full. "This granting of franchises to com panies and then letting them sleep with out doing anything," declared Attorney Greene, "will not be tolerated In St. John. The Pacific States Telephone Com pany secured a franchise on its agree ment to establish' an exchange in St. John and give the people acceptable tele phone service, but It has made no move to carry out that agreement. I give notice that both these companies must carry out their agreement with the Council." Complaint having been made that the sewer from the St. John Woolen Mills does not reach the river, but discharges near the plant of the St. John Ship Build ing Company, this matter was discussed. The ship building company has threat ened to take the matter up In another form unless the Council orders the woolen mill to extend its sewer to the Willamette River and remove the menace to the health of the employes of the ship com pany. Other affairs. Including street Im provements that are now held up were discussed. The City Attorney Is looking carefully into the legal phases of the special elec tion January 6. 1908. Fpobably there will be three questions submitted to the voters the new city charter, bonding the city in the sum of $75,000 for parks and a public dock and annexation of new ter ritory. It means three special elections on the same day. DAILY CITY STATIsYlCS Building Permits. . C. It. BRUBAKER East Thirty-second street, between Lincoln and East Harrison, one and one-half story frame dwelling: $3000. DR. J. M. YATES East Thirty-third, be tween Hawthorne and East Clay, one and one-half-story frame dwelling: $2000. P. E. FREEBERG Overlook Addition, two-story frame dwelling; $2000. MRS. C. A. COOLIDGE East Sixteenth, betweeA Alberta and Florence, one and one-half-story fcame dwelling; $2000. Births. ROSS At 744 Kirby street. November 3, to the wife of Allen Rush Ross, a daughter. BOND At 1022 Berkeley street, Novem ber 10, to the wife of John P. Bond, -a son. CTOBB At 1047 Van Houten street. No vember 10, to the wife of Merrll 8. Cobb, a son. CHU At 415 Second street. November 10, to the wife of Chu Wong, a son. MELTON At 815 Grand avenue, Novem ber 8. to the wife of Elmer Melton, a daugh ter. THOMAS At 5flO East Morrison street, November 18, to-the wife of Ben D. Thomas, a son. Deaths. NAYLOR At St. Vincent's Hospital. No vember 11, Edward W. Naylor, aged 47. STREETER At Spokane, Wash., Novem ber 12, K. D. Streeter. aged 58; crematorium. K1NSER At 231tt North Twenty-third street. November 12, Dora Kinser. aged ,'15. MAYHEW At 347 Lincoln street. No vember 12, Fannie Mayhew, aged 80. CREWS At 341 Sixth street, November 13, Anna Crews, aged 53. TAYLOR At Baker City. Or., November 11. arah Taylor, aged 01; Lone Fir. WELSH At St. Vincent's Hospital. No vember 9, Michael Welsh, aged 34. Marriage Licenses. 6MITH-THURSEY R. L. Smith, 30. Leb anon; Mrs. Ida Thursey, 30, city. DISTLER-ROEBUCK Luther E. Dlstler, 21, St. John; Jennie Roebuck, 22, city. MOYE-LAC'EY Walter Moye. 2. Gaston; Ruth Lacey. 10. city. PRINDLE-WALLAUER Robert ' C. Prln dle. 28, Cape Horn, Wash.; Louise A. Wal lauer. 23, city. MELTON-HERMAN James M. Melton, 32, Lents; Elva J. Herman, 22. city. Hold Sunday School Convention. A Sunday school convention will open In Milwaukie tomorrow afternoon In the Evangelical Church. A. H. Cross, a well known Sunday school worker, of Cleve land, O., will address the convention at 3:30 P. M. on "The Fast Express." The following is the general programme: 2 P. M., opening exercises, President R. C. Black well; welcome. Rev. F. M. Fisher, pastor Evangelical Church of Milwaukie'; "The Primary Department," B. M. FIsch; "The Home Department," Mrs. T. E. Gault: "Special Day in the Sunday School," Mrs. L. H. Axtell; Rev. C. A. Phipps, "Some Essentials of Success;" round table session. In the evening the following will be the programme: Song service, F.ev. J. M. Linden; "The Boy Problem." J. TV. Grasley; special music; "The Plea for the Child," B. S. Muckley, of Portland. Blind From Curling-Iron. ALBANY. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) While curling her hair, Mrs. Ed Mc Danlel, wife of an employe of the Albany Iron Works, let her curling Iron slip, and as a result she will probably lose the sight of her right eye. .The heated iron struck her squarely In the eyeball, and It is believed the sight Is permanently destroyed. Mrs. McDanlel was formerly Miss Clara Peterson, and was married March 30 of this year. iyr up pTgs OixirSenna acts geattyyet prompt; Won bowels, cleanses me system ejectually, assists one in overcoming habitual constipation, permanently. To get its, oeneicial.eects buy1 the genuine. Manufactured by the CALIFORNIA fio Strup Co. SOLD BYlCTDIWDrWCaSTS-5OpB0TTlt RETAINS OLD SITE Council Adopts Majority Re port on Crematory. BUILD ON GUILD'S LAKE Ordinance Appropriating $60,000 tor w. Incinerator Is Intro duced Money Voted to Fight Introduction of Plague. After many weeks devoted to the con sideration ' of various sites proposed for a new and modern garbage crematory, the ways and means committee, yester day submitted two reports to the Council. The majority report recommended that the new Incinerator be built on the site of the present "bake oven" at Twenty fifth street and Guild's Lake, and after the opponents of that location had their say In favor of other districts of the city, the majority report of the com mittee was adopted, thus bringing to an end a controversy that has injected, more bitterness Into Council debates than any other matter coming before that body In a long time. An ordinance was afterward introduced providing for an appropriation of 60,000 for the erection of the crematory under the direction of the Board of Health. It was understood that this amount would not be sufficient for the purpose, but In order to have some basis upon which to solicit bids it was thought necessary to name an amount In the ordinance which may be Increased after the committee on ways and means has reported back with Its recommendation as to the amount necessary. City Treasurer Werloin submitted his regular report showing the condition of the several funds, and also a statement showing where city funds are on deposit. The latter report was substantially the same as presented at the special meeting of the Council a few days ago and printed In The Oregonlan. The report of the condition of the standing funds follows: Portland. Or.. Nov. 12. To the Honorable Mayor and Council: At the close of business this date the bal ances in the several standing funds were as follows: General fund $189,250.74 Fire Department fund 121. 4311.85 Police Department fund 66.725. 4t Street reparr fund 13,710.96 Bonded Indebtedness Interest fund 44,250.51 Lighting fund 30.516.30 Park fund 20.900.7 f Water fund 168,535-93 Library fund 699.82 Alblna ferry fund 119.85 Sellwood ferry fund 128.83 Pireboat fund 272.42 Special bridge fund 195.93 Water bond sinking fund 82,460.75 Park concert fund 0.29 Total Respectfully submitted. .$689,211.36 J. E. WEELEIM, City Treasurer. A request was received from the Board of Health asking for an appropriation of $2300 to be used in preventing the intro duction of bubonic plague. An ordinance was introduced in favor of the appropria tion. The rules being suspended, the measure was passed. The City Attorney was asked by Chair man Rushlight yesterday if the Council might legally make appropriations during the bank holidays and gave it as his opinion that such action could be taken. G. A. FL Veteran Jokes on Sick Bed Astounds Anxious Watchers With Quip at Their Expense Marks Crisis In Dangerous Illness. CAPTAIN C. J. WARD, who has a brilliant record as an officer on the Union side of the Civil War, having served on the staff of General Crook, Is again critically ill at his home on Beach street and Williams avenue. Last Win ter he came near death. Captain Ward was attacked with neuralgia In the face which shifted to his heart last Mon day, when for a time his death was mo mentarially expected. M. L. Pratt and A. J. Newell, of Sumner Post, G. A. R., were with Captain Ward most of that night. The first Intimation they had that the crisis was past was when Cap- $5.00 We Will Cure You We are especially anxlons that any WEAK MAN who has failed' with other methods call on ns anil let us explain to him -why vre CURB people who have failed to get relief before seeing; us. This we will cheerfully do FREE of any cost. WEAK Everybody Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only. Varicocele. Cured by our new method; no pain. The enlarged veins are due to mumps, bicycle or horseback riding, disease, etc. In time it weakens a man mentally as well as physically. We will cure you for life or make no charge. Hydrocele Cured; no pain, no loss of time. Why suffer longer when you can be cured in a few hours at a moderate cost? Call and consult us at once, and we will convince you of the su periority of our New System Treat ment over any other method. Blood Poison. Overcome In ninety days or no pay. Symptoms overcome in seven to twenty-one days without chemicals or poisons. If suffering from ul cers, sore mouth or throat, falling hair, bone pains, come and we wllT drive the poison from your blood forever by our New System Treat ment. We Do Not Patch Up; We Cure Forever. The Oregon Medical Institute 291 1-2 Morrison Street, Near Fifth, Portland, Oregon. SEPARATE PARLORS. EVERYTHING SECRET. NO NAMES USED. ST0MAC OF HUMAN New Theory Advanced by Young Man Is Spreading Over Entire Country L. T. Cooper's theory concerning the human stomach, which he claims to prove with his new medicine. Is being given more respect and comment every day. Cooper claims that 90 per cent of all ill health Is due to stomach trouble. When Interviewed about his theory re cently, he said: "Stomach trouble la the great curse of the 20th century so far as the civilized races are con cerned. Practically all of the chronic 111 health of this generation Is caused by abnormal stomachic conditions.. In earlier days, when the human race was closer to nature, and men and women worked all day out of doors, digging their frugal existence from the soil, the tired, droopy, ,half-slck people that are now so common, did not exist, "To be sure, there was sickness In those days, but .It was of a virulent character, and only' temporary. There was none of this half-sick: condition all tha time with which so many are afflicted nowadays, z'" "I know positively that every bit of this chronic 111 health Is caused by stomach trouble. The human stomach In civilized people today Is degenerate. It lacks tone and strength. This weak ness has gradually come ' through a sedentary existence. I further know that few people can be sick with the digestive apparatus In perfect shape. The sole reason for my success Is be tain Ward suddenly opened his eyes and gazing quizzically on bis two comrades remarked: "Well, one of the greatest mistakes of my life was that I did not make a better selection of my friends." The two watchers were dumbfounded until a feeble chuckle brought them to a realization of the Joke. Captain Ward yesterday was reported considerably bet ter, although not entirely out of danger. He is at the home of his son, Wilbur Ward. GIFT FROM LADD ESTATE Tract of Nine Lots Donated to Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. At the regular monthly meeting of the board of trustees of the Boys' and Girls Aid Society, held yesterday afternoon in the chambers of Judge Gilbert, a deed was presented to the society, dated Oc tober 23, 1907, and signed by the heirs of the Ladd estate, donating a tract of land equal to nine lots In the Terence Quinn donation land claim, the land being con tiguous to the present receiving home of TUT Mill The entire inner portion of the body Is covered with mucous membrane ; this membranous tissue Is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, veins, arteries, and capillaries. Each of these is constantly supplying to this tissue or lining, blood to nourish and strengthen it and keep the system healthy. When the blood becomes infected with catarrhal matter it 13 not able to fur nish the required amount of healthful properties, but feeds the parts with impurities which disease the membranes and tissues so that they become irritated and inflamed, and Catarrh, with all its disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, i3 established in the system. There is a constant ringing in the ears, a thin, watery discharge from the nostrils, the breath has an offensive odor, slight fever often accompanies the disease, and gradually the entire health becomes affected and the system upset and deranged. In its earlier stages, when Catarrh is confined to the nose and throat, sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., are soothing and in a way beneficial, because they are cleanly and usually antiseptic, but such treatment has no curative effect, because it does not reach the blood. To cure Catarrh the blood must be pur- ' ified, and this is just what S. S. S does. It 2 PURELY VEGETABLE toms all disappear, the health Is improved and Catarrh is permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT. SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, .GA.1 WE WERE THE FIRST EXPERT SPECIALISTS TO OFFER OUR SERV ICES FOIt'tn.00 OTHERS SINCE HAVE COME OUT WITH ADS IMITAT ING OUR METHODS, BUT WHEN YOU CALLED ON THEM YOU WERE ASKED UNREASONABLE FEES IF YOU WILL STOP AND THINK YOU WILL COMB TO US AND GET CURED. The Reliable Specialists. Varicocele from 110 to $25 Hydrocele, from $10 to $50 Atrophy, from $5 to J12.50 Nervous Debility, from.. 5 to 20 Wasting, from 7.60 to 10 Discharges, from $5 to $10 Ulcers, from $5 to $15 Blood Poison; from $10 to $30 Falling; Hair, from -. $5 to $10 Pimples, from $7.50 to $15 Eczema, from $10 to $33 Bladder Ailments, from... $5 to $12.50 Kidney Ailments, from.. $10 to $30 Prostate Ailments, from. $5 to $15 Free Advice Given. Send ns particulars of your case at once if you cannot call. Medi cines from $1.60 to f.50 a course. Dally Hours i 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday Hours t 9 a. ni. to 13 noon. Do Not Delay; Call or Write Today. H IS SEAT cause my New Discovery medicine tones the stomach up to required strength in about six weeks' time. That Is why I have had more people come and thank me wherever I have gone to Introduce my medicine, than I have had time to tallc with." Among the Immense numbers of peo ple who are now strong believers in Cooper's theory and medicine Is Mrs. M. E. Delano, a prominent resident of the suburb of Brookllne, Boston, Mass. She says: "For several years I was broken In health, caused primarily by stomach and nerve troubles. I gradu ally became worse, until recently I was compelled to go without solid food for days at a time. I had sour stomach, palpitation of the nerves of stomach and heart, dyspepsia, and extreme nerv ousness. I suffered terribly with In somnia, and my liver, bowels and whole system gradually became de ranged. I felt Instant relief the first day I began this Cooper medicine. I now feel like a new being. Today I walked all over town, shopping some thing I have not done for years. "I make this statement wholly from a sense of duty. I feel I owe It to my one who might find relief and re newed happiness as I have done." The record made by the Cooper medi cines is astonishing. We will take pleasure in discussing It with any one who wishes to know about them. The Skldmore Drug Co. the society. This magnificent gift has been virtually promised to the society for some time past, but the representa tives of the Ladd estate were unable to give a deed therefor until certain litiga tion had . been settled, but now the tract adjoining the gift to the society Is platted and ready for the market, and the first deed to be signed was that of the gift of this property to the society. This land was very necessary to the organization, as the east line of the present property owned by them ran close to the building, thus giving no room for a playground for the children, but now a beautiful grove is secured and the children will be provided with an ample and pleasant recreation ground. Resolutions of thanks were unanimous ly adopted, and copies of said resolutions ordered sent to each representative of the Ladd estate. Those present at the meeting were Judge Williams, Judge Gilbert, Judge Wolverton, Mrs. Levi White, Miss Helen F. Spalding, Mrs. C. R. Templeton, Mrs. J. A. Sladen and Superintendent Gardner. EXHIBIT OF SCENIC PHOTOS. Riser's new store. 248 Alder street BLOOD UNHEALTHY SYSTEM BEMIiGED goes down into the circulation and attack3 the disease at its foundation ; it removes the cause and makes the blood pure and healthy. Then the blood vessels are filled with fresh, reinvlgorated blood, which Is carried to all the mucous surfaces and linings, the inflam mation and irritation are corrected, the symp $5.00 iseasei Run No Risk Investigate our methods and learn that we are all we claim to be, and when you place your case in our hands you are sure of getting the best treatment that can be ob tained anywhere. To every man who knows himself to require advice as to marriage and Its requirements, or who has taken that step, we also extend a cordial Invitation, that we may advise him as to the best thing; to do. This we will do FREE of all charges. Nervous Debility. Cured in a few weeks. Improve ment from the start. If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you arise In the morning, lame bacc, dizziness, fjpois before the eyes and feel you are not the man yoi: once were, we will cure you for life. Urethral Obstruction, Cured by absorption in a short time; no pain, no cutting, no operation. By our method the urethral canal Is healed and entire system restored to its healthy state. No failures, no palu or loss of time. Examination Free. ' Call and we will explain why our New System cures when all else fails. A friendly chat will cost you nothing:. Call at once; don't delay. Examinations Are Thorough; Our Diagnoses Positive. D M M E i n Don't Treat Cases I Can't Cure I treat for real and lasting cures. Every rem edy I employ has its part in bringing positive and permanent results. Under my treatment the patient who notes improvement in his con dition can feel assured that real benefit and not a temporary drug effect has been obtained, and can continue with confidence that a thor ough cure is being accomplished. My success as a specialist is due to the fact that I accept no incurable disease and always treat with a cure in view, never resorting to the use of a remedy that brings out temporary encourage ment to the patient. WEAKNESS I use neither knife, ligature nor caustic In m y treatment for Varicocele. I positively cure this disorder by a n absolutely painless method and without de tainlng the patient from business. I have conclusively demonstrated the fact that derangement of the mascu line functions Is a curable ailment. That there has been considerable di versity of opinion upon this point among the profession is but an evi dence that functional weakness bas not been thoroughly understood and has been unscientifically treated. Though commonly regarded as a nervous disorder. It has never, yield ed when treated upon this theory. I have ascertained by the closest observation In thousands of cases that only In rare instances is the general constitution or nervous sys tem involved to any noticeable de gree whatever, and that "weakness,' in all Its phases Is merely a symp tom of nervous disorder. In by far the greater number of cass the functional derangement Is due to a single case, a chronically Inflamed condition of the prostate gland, brought on by early dissipation or lingering as a result of . some Im properly treated contracted disorder. Such cases mav show temporary im provement under stimulating pro cesses of treatment, but ultimate re lapse Is certain to follow all such methods. The only radical cure Is the absolute removal of the ab normal condition responsible for the functional disorder, and this I posi tively accomplish through carefully directed local measures. My treat ment is entirely distinctive and original. No other physician em ploys like methods or approaches my success In curing. The results I ob tain are thorough and lasting, and strength and vigor are restored In the full and normal degree. M y treatment for Specific Blood Poison forces the very last taint o f virus from the system, and all this Is accom plished without the use of dan gerous miner als. I afford you a complete and permanent cure. My colored chart' affords a n Interesting study In men's diseases. Will be sent free upon application. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Private Entrance Morrison Street. GAINED TWENTY POUNDS, PLEURISY CURED. Mr. I. Brown, of 614 Bingham Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., Who Suffered from a Severe Case of Pleurisy, Which Left His Lung in a Weak Condition, Was Completely Cured and Re stored to Health by the World's Greatest Medicine. In a recent interview Mr. Brown said: "I deem it my duty to state what Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done for me. In the Fall of 1905 I contracted a severe cold, which I neglected until it developed into pleurisy in my right side. I did considerable doctoring for it, and I seemed to get all right. I returned to work, but again immediately contracted another se vere cold, which found me in a weakened condition. I tried many different kinds of medicines, which did not seem to help me ; I was very weak and run down, and I decided what I needed was a tonic-stimulant to build me up, so I made up my mind to try Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I am very thankful that I did; it has put new life in mfy it took out the pleurisy and healed my left lung, which was left in a very weak condition, and I feel as strong and hardy as it is possible for any man to' feel. I have a good appetite and have gained twenty pounds in weight; and, while I am a temperance advo cate and do not believe in drinking intoxicating beverages, whenever I feel the need of a tonic and stimulant I do not hesitate to take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I can heartily recommend it to any one who is run down and is troubled with colds or pleurisy." , Unsolicited testimonials like the above come from thousands of men and women who have been cured and restored to health by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,- is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain ; great care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and pro ducing a predigested liquid food in the form of a malt essence, which is the most effective tonic-stimulant and invigorator known to science; softened by warmth and moisture 'its palatability and freedom from injurious sub stances renders it so that it can be retained by the most sensitive stomach. It is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives. power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forc?s, it makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens and sustains the system, is a promoter of health and longevity, makes the old young and keeps the young strong. Caution. When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey, and is sold in sealed bottles only; never in bulk. Price $1.00. Look for the trade-mark, . the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable during the Summer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS AND CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. All Grocen and Druggirta, MY FEE IS ONLY $10 la Any Uncomplicated Caae. Pay After BeingCured DR. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist I cure contract ed Diseases thoroughly and In less time than is com monly required to even cure partially. D o not endanger your health and power by rely ing upon patent nostrums or other uncertain measures. My method of curing Stricture is new and en tirely original. No cutting or dilating. The stricture Is dis solved and com pletely removed and all affect e d membranes thoroughly cleansed. I make no charge for con sultation, e x amlnatlon o r advice. All af flicted men may feel free to call upon me or write regarding their cases. I CURE DISEASES OF MEN Those who have been disappointed ' by cheap and unskilled specialists are earnestly requested to investigate my methods and terms without delay, which, had they done in the begin ning, would have saved them time, pain and money. , - I Guarantee an Absolute and Lasting Cur GONORRHOEA. SYPHILIS. BLOOD POISON, SKIN PIS E4SES. SOKES, IH.CKHS. RTRItTlKE, VARICOCELE. HY DROCELE. NERVOV8 DECLINE. WEAKNESS. TILES Oft CHRONIC DISEASES OF T.IE KIDNEVS AND PROSTATE. I charge for cum only; nothing for failures. Investigate and learn that my word is good. Twenty-five years of successful practice and thousands of cures Justify this assertion. Call or write DR. T. J. PIERCE. 181 First St.. Portland. Or. ftay SS fS A AAfvVOfaWkftrYnB remeay for Gonormotr Gleet. Spormatorrha Whites, unnatural diar charfret. or any inCamma mis mataaion. tion of noooor men TheEvM(8 CHEMICAL Co. branee. Non-astringent. or sent In plain wrapper, br jxDrMa. ttrenaid. fot $1.00, or 2 bottifc, $2.7 WHIM 01, 3 NlUMtl FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Ikt In and Cotton Root PI Urn. th beat and only reliable remedy tor FEMALE TROtULlJi AND IRREGULARITIES. Cur the .Host obstinate cases In B to la days. Frlce $2 per box, or 8 boxes $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address Dr. T. J. PIERCE. 181 First St., Portland, Oregon. j QuihmI Y e.l v. n u .i ... r E?3 AlOHTl,0.fl V V o..a. 7. r