Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Tabor Heights, end of Mount Tabor and
Morrlson-st. car line. The new, sightly
"Broadview" lota from $300 up, on term
made easy. Only 2 block from carllne:
wide streets. Bull Run water, shad and
fruit tree; the beat buy now on the mar
ket. We hare a Ions Hat of lota, acreage,
timber lands and trading property. Phone
Bast 6050. Fare 5 cent.
DEC. 1ST WILL BE $0o0.
See agent on ground, 37th and Bandy
Road, af ternoons.
848 Mississippi ave.
Phone Woodlawn 202.
$50n0 Holladay Addition. 8-room house, recep
tion hall, parlor with grate, dining-room
with china closet, butler's pantry, large
kitchen, four large bedrooms with closets,
large bathroom, walls all tinted, cement
y basement with furnace, large porch, lawn
and roses; cash. Lathrop & Lawrence.
204 Lumber Exchange.
8 ROOMS. CORNER LOT. 40x122.
1042. C. C. SHAY.
WE have on the PENINSULA only 20 lota
1 block from tar. 1 block from station:
only $300 per lot; $5 down and $5 a
- month will carry one of these lots; the
cheapest lots on the Peninsula this
... close to car. See them at A. C Mc
Donald, agent. Get off of St. John car
at Peninsula Station.
$2754' 37xld0, Northup St., 1?0 feet
west of 26th. ELEGANT RESIDENT
NEIGH HORHOOD: restricted as to flats and
apartments; gas, water and sewer In; $1250
LAMONT & HARRIS. 308-7 Swetland bldg.
Large square 7-room house, nearly new;
fln surroundings, fireplace, piped for fur
nace, gas and electrlo lights, double floors,
laundry, full cement basement, high terrace,
with fine lawn and mses.
Phone A or Main 1942. C. C. SHAY.
MOUNT SCOTT, best buy for home or spec
ulation, 4-roomv new house, with 2 lotH,
choicest location In Lents; also 1 single
lot: very reasonable for cash. E. Meln
hold, owner. Webb's Addition. Lents, 1
block south of station.
$5500 3 new modern 5-room cottages, cor
ner lot. bath, etc.. fiber plaster, gas and
electric lights, sewers and all improvement
In. Inquire 208 4th. Pacific 2123..or Main
- 8t90.
lo-ACRE orchard in applet, cherries, grapes,
Mrawberrl: live stream runs through
place; 2 acres Umber; 8 miles from P. O. ;
$,10iK; includes hotse. cow, chickens and
tools. ,125 Lumber Exchange.
$,W0 About 3 acres all Improved, best soil,
assorted fruit, mostly berries, 6-room plas
tered house, barn, chicken hoiute, lo-mlnute
walk from car, 5c face. (17 East 0th, north,
near Davis. Call forenoons.
NON-RESIDENT will sell fine 10-room house
and quarter-block best part of HoHaday's
Addition, or would trade for Eastern
Wash, wheat land. Laldlaw, 611 Commer
cial blk. Phone Main 6120.
$HO0 CASH secures a lot 100x100, best cor
ner, on good carllne. with 7-room cottage
basement, furnace, electric lights, barn and
fine lawn; $2tiM, on good terms. M. C.
Davis, 1(1 Hamilton: bldg.
FOR SALE 10 acres 3 ml:es from the
Courthouse, on Salem electric line, adjoin
ing acreage selling for $.100; will sell this
week for $223 cash, F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th
. street.
JULIO Home buyers! Corner 100x100, small
new house, fruit, 6 blocks north Irvington,
. near Union ave.; street, sewer, gas, south
and east front. 118 Ablngton bldg., lot
BRAND new modern 8-room house, bungalow
chape, corner Eart 27th st., on Richmond
carline; S2.V10, $r.0O cash. bal. ?'JR per
month. Bollam, Grussi & HJgley, 128 3d st.
A SNAP Must sell, leaving town; house
and lot, 100 feet front, 50 deep; house
is now rent ins $12 per month. Cor. Oth
and Falling; $1750. Apply 400 Glisan tit.
A SUBURBAN HOME large arounds, mod
ern cottage, windmill and outbuildings,
mile south Gray's Crossing. Mt. Scott
car; $2500. R. B. Spooner, owner.
$tlW0 Only cash, two houses on lot 85x110,
West Side, rented and paying over 10 per
cent on total investment. Room 327 Falling
bldg. Phone Main 8429.
$0250 Four modern flats, bringing $708 year;
East Morrison car. close to business; build
ing worth the price; full lot. 118 Ablngton
bldg., 106 3d st.
20 ACRES under cultivation, 1 miles from
. station, 10 miles from Portland; $2000. part
cash, mortgage on balance. ICS East Oth
st., after 3 P. M.
6-ROOM new bungalow. 3 lots, fine trees,
on Portland Heights: $3000; $hH!0 cash, bal.
6 years. Bollam, Grusai & Higley, 128 3d
PORTLAND HEIGHTS For sale by owner,
115x100; positively the finest view on the
Heights; very reasonable. Inquire 444 11th
$4500 52x52. with six-room house; close in on
West Side, that's a winner. Waldo F. Stew
art, 211 Commercial block. Main 1500.
A SNAP in a fine 7-room house, south Mt.
Tabor; easy terms. Apply to owner, EL T.
Cannon. 300 McKay blrig.. 3d and Stark.
Wo have several attractive timber prop
' esition?; eall and investigate; timber
lands In Oregon, California and Washing
ton from 2000 to 20,000 acres.
Sixth and Washington.
TRACT of from 2000 to 3000 acres of heav
ily timbered land, situated in Josephine
and Jackson Counties, Oregon; 35 per
cent sugar pine, balance yellow fir. For
sale cheap. Address H. J. Martin A Co.,
202-203 Mohawk blk., Spokane, Wash.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. ,
20 Chamber of Commerce.
ONE claim, Fhelltx Reservation, $500; 1
claim near North Bank road, all fenced,
easy cleared, wheat land. $500; 2 timber
claimjs, Douglas County. $500 each. 225
226 Ablngton bldg.. City.
We have a specially good buy in a large
stract of yellow fir; also some pine tracts.
Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark st.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange
for city property; will assume mortgage.
X 257. Oregonlan.
TIMBER wanted. Or. or Wash.; large or
small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark.
OREGON TIMBER CO. Timber lands
bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg.
WHAT have you to trade for elegant resi
dence and two 8-room cottages In Eastern
city of 15.000. hours from Chicago; aisu
finest gentleman's country seat site of la
acres on banks of Hudson River, with
finest scenery of mountains, rivers and
cities In the m-orld; 2 hoars from N. Y.
City and from 1 to 3H miles from 3 other
cities. Owner, O 300. Oregonlan.
$5000 Fine new 7-room bungalow with mod
ern conveniences, nearly block of
ground, on West Side, commanding- mag
nificent view; would consider Improved or
unimproved lots as part payment. Address
E 320, Oregonlan.
FOR sale or exchange. 160-acre fruit and
stock farm at White Salmon, Wash., for
, Portland property. Address John Lealand
.Henderson, riooa rtiver, ur.
DESIRABLE Salt Lake residence properties
to trade for Portland property or timber
lands. Causev Land & Investment Co.,
606-7 Swetland bldg.
1G0-ATRE farm near Columbia River In
Skamania County. Washington, In ex
change for city property. 620 Marquam
WHAT have you to exchange for equity In
East Side lots? Address B 340. Oregonlan.
HEAL estate for Oregon Trust ft Savings de
. posit. A ins worth Smith, 309 Wells-Forgo.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns
worth Smith. SO0 Wells Fargo bid.
ALL kinds, including approvel forest re-
arve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim
ber and prairie Government land. H. M.
Hamilton. The Portland, Portland. Or.
MEMBERS wanter. Acme Dramatic Club,
second season, experienced directors; dues
- 60c weekly. 603 Goodnough bldg.
VERY choice 35-acre farm on Willamette
River at Yeager's Landing, 30 miles from
Portland, with splendid shipping facilities,
as steamers land on premises, and town of
Dundee, the railroad station, Is only half a
mile; rich soil-and level; 7 acres of hops,
yielding this year 13,000 pounds; splendid
hophouse; good barn; 200 English walnut
trees; also all kinds of fruit trees; new
fences; beautiful view of river and on coun
ty road. Price $4000. cash or terms. Call
or write Gregory MacGregor, 519 Swetland
bldg., 5th and Washington.
80 acres choice land. Including T acres
hops, yielding this year 15.000 lbs. ; all
kinds fruit trees. Including 200 English
walnuts; good shipping facilities, steamers
landing on premises; situated 30 miles from
Portland, at Yeagers landing. Marlon Co.,
Or. Apply at 207 Oregonlan bldg.
20 ACRES near Gresham, all in cultivation,
at a bargain a few days; 160 acres near
Gresham, H5 in cultivation, fine spring
water in house, some good timber, price
$50 per acre If sold by Nov. 10. 1907.
Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresham, Or.
6000 SHEEP, $4 per head; 3000 acres land.
$5 per acre; 250 tons new hay, $6 per ton;
four horses, farm implements, $1000; 150
head cattle, $20 per head. See James
Connolly, Burnet Ranch. Crook County,
. .
25 ACRES fine rich soil, level, under culti
vation; few miles from city; half mile to
electric car; $200 per acre; terms. Seng
stake St Lyman. 90 5th st-, near Stark.
CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, for
sale by Van Tassol & Davis, Write or call
on them for information. Madras, Crook
County, Oregon. ,
FARM CHEAP 47 acres, 12 miles from Port
land. 10 acres cleared and in berries; $300O;
terms. Northwestern Investment, 103 4th.
FOR SALE 20 acres, miles east of
Clackamas Station: all cleared bottom land;
price $2000. Inquire ICS East th.
100 ACRES, 24 head cattle, $2250, 60 acres,
10-room house. $1000 ; 40 acres on bay, $700.
O. Mlddlekauff, Yaquina, Or.
14-Mlle ocean front. 66 acres.' south of Tilla
mook City. Or. X 830, Oregonlan.
HOOD RIVER apple land for sale.
Main or A 16S5.
BUYERS waiting for homes from $1600 to
$5000; now Is the time, today; don't wait
for tomorrow. G. S. Draper, 343 Wash
ington t, rooms 3 and 4. cor. 7th.
WANTED 5, 7-room home. $1XH cash, bal
ance time. Owners or agents. S 317,
ALL kinds of property wanted by F. Du
bois. Washington bldg., room 8.
1000 to 1300 acres, good wheat land for
rent in Gilliam County. Oregon, with good
transportation, fine soil, fair improvements,
with plenty of water, a chance to make a
fortune, will rent for term of years on very
easy terms. Particulars. 108 2d st., Port
land, Or. Phone, Main 2404.
FARM to rent; 135 acres, good house and
barn. 3 milch cows; phone Main 6982.
Address 801 Hood st.
Horses, ehickles. Etc
Receiver's sale of 150 head of good young
logging horsee, weight from 1500 to 1800 lbs.,
with harness?, whiffletrees and neck yokes
complete; these horses are acclimated and
right out of work; must be sold. Part tims
given If desired. Horses can be seen at the
trpokane Fairgrounds, Spokane, Wash. For
further information address Mivte Zimmer
man, Trenton Hotel, Spokane, Wash.
PAIR 4-year-old mares, well matched, weight
2580, sound and gentle, good workers; bay
horse. 8 years old, sound, very stylish,
weight 1300; pair of mahogany bay road
horses, 8 and 7 years, 16 hands high, weight
llOO and 1130, sounxl, very stylish ; will be
sold at & bargain. 204 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Horse, top buggy and harness;
Ideal city driver for lady or family; owner
leaving city; outfit complete, $200, if taken
at once; worth double. Call Lyon's stable.
Union ave. and East Alder st.
FOR SALE Bay team, well matched, about
2500 pounds; good travelers, good workers
any place; must sell, have no use for
them ; also gray mare. 1400. 423 Schuy-
ler St., phone Union 2764..
$100 BUYS team of bay horses, weight 2100;
good workers and drivers; $75 buys good
farm mare, sound and good worker; $00
buys big mare,' weight 1380, with foal. 294
Montgomery st.
ELEGANT Studebaker brougham, seats 3;
in first-class condition ; cheap for cash.
Phone Main 1270 or box O 328. Oregonlan.
BARGAIN $125 buys nice bay 6-year-old
driver: weight 1075; sound and gentle, with
good top buggy and harness. Main 6227.
FOR SALE Team geldings 5 and 6 years,
weight 3200; no blemish. W.- J. Kelly, 5th
and Glisan, Overland Stables.
FOR SALE 20 N. 15th st.. first-class lady's
riding and driving horse; will be sold
for half "value; $350.
$100 TAKES & team of work horses; owner
has to sell. 307 20th St., near Jefferson.
Phone Main 6430.
6 GOOD horses; gooseneck furniture wagon;
2 express wagons. Cosgrove Bros., 1st and
Hubert & Hall, 266 4th. dealers In horses
and vehicles: horses and vehicles for rent.
A GOOD team and harness cheap. 410
Lively st., St. John. Get off at Stewart.
: Miscellaneous.
$G.V CHARTER OAK steel range, good as new,
$35; Monarch steel range with water connec
tion,, $22.50; good cook stoves. $7.60; heat
ing stoves from $1 up; gas water heater,
$5: gas stoves and ranges from $3.60 up to
$15; $200 black walnut combination desk and
bookcase, $50; black walnut sideboards $20;
hotel dressers, $3.60; full-size dressers,
$7.50; genuine blrdseye maple dresser, $20;
white maple bedroom suite, 3 pieces, $20;
ash bedroom suite, 3 pieces, $16; Iron beds,
$2.50; chairs, 35c; carpete, rugs, matting;,
ail sizes, cheap; lace curtains, portieres, in
fact everything In the housefurnishing line
at way-down prices; all kinds of exchang
ing allowed; old household goods taken In
exchange for new; we can furnish you with
the best on the market; furniture bought
and best cash prices paid.
66 N. 3d st., bet. Davis and Everett.
Phono Main 20S7.
60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at
ery low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson,
Domestic, White, Household, Davis and
others ; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler A Wilson and Singers. S. S. Stgel,
335 Morrison st., Marquam bldg.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and
pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables,
with privilege of buying ; modern bar fix
tures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col-lender,
40 3d st.
FOR SALE One 9x11 Columbia Engineering
Company's donkey, 54 boiler, well mounted
on practically new sled ; all In first-class
condition. Eastern & Western Lumber Co.,
For sale cheap; suitable for furnace or
steam plant. Oregon Fuel Company, 334
Alder st. Phones Main 65. A 16G5.
DONKEY engine 25 horse power, 800 ft.
-lnch wire rope. 1000 ft. trip line; perfect
condition. D. E. Ke&sey, 7 Chamber of
j : ,
ONE 7x10 Orr & Sembower No. 71 donkey en
gine complete, with 12-inch main line drum.
For terms address Ed. Biddle. Dallas. Or.
EXTENSION table. 2 rockers, sewing ma
chine, window shades, phonograph and
records ; all new. 267 Clay.
$500 OREGON Savings Bank deposit to sell;
make me an offer, or what nave you to
trade. B 335, Oregonlan.
BUY or sell furniture, stoves and household
goods. Call Main 6374 or A 2327. We want
your trade. The Dollar.
FOR SALE Drugstore fixtures complete;
floor caees, shelves, bottles, etc. 1 Post
St., Spokane, Wash.
LOGGING and hoisting engine fer sale or
rent- Railway Equipment Co., 824 Cham
ber Commerce.
FOR SNAPS on second-hand automobiles,
call at Portland Motor Car Co.. 16th and
COME at one and get a good second-hand
sewing machine from $2 to $5. 812 Main st.
MAKE an offer for $400 deposit In Oregon
Savings Bank. Address B 337, Oregonlan.
FOR roses, lawns, manure or rich dirt de
livered $2.25. Phone Main 66S3.
$12,600 From 500 up Oregon Savings Bank
deposits at 45c. V 336, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Scholarship on Behnke-Walker
Business College. Reasonable.
OFFICE FURNITURE Bargain : we have
taken a lot of strictly modern office furni
ture on & debt and will sell same singly or
In lots; desk, typewriter, chairs, leather
settee, filing cabinets, sectional bookcases,
very little used. Chapman Advertising Co.,
605 Commonwealth bldg.
$100 BUYS nice 2-room furnished floating
houseboat. B 338, Oregonlan.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men for po
sitions now open, city and country; salary
$900 to $1SOO. Call or write Commercial
Abstract Co.. Raleigh bldg.
MEN and women to learn barber trade ltt
eight weeks; graduates earn from $13 to
$25 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges. 19 North
Fourth st., Portland.
WANTED A salesman to take charge of each
of the following departments: Shoes, fur
nishings and clothing; must be honest, sober
and good salesman; salary $25 a week. R
825. Oregonlan.
WANTED Boy over 16 to do light delivery
and work in store: one experienced In
teas and coffees or groceries; references
Grand Union Tea Company, 473 Washing
ton st.
WANTED A young man who has some
knowledge of the grocery business and
knows the city, to drive a grocery wagon.
R 335. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED salesman travel Eastern Ore
gon and Washington for large Portland con
cern. Give references and previous record.
A 340, Oregonlan.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 64, Par
sons, Kas.
Physician wanted for office practice; good
position for right man. B 323, Oregonlan.
WANTED Solicitor; only first-class men, ca
pable of earning at least $150 a monthi,
need apply. 223 Chamber of Commerce.
10 BOYS, 16 years of age or over; to work
after 7 P. M. till 10 or 11. Inquire of
Sam L. Beary, 323 Morrison st.
DANCING lessons. 25c, waits, two-step, etc.
Prof. Wal. Wlllson's Dancing School. 804
Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison it.
A STEADY, reliable young man to drive a
wagon, and make himself generally use
ful. Apply at 104 N 5th st.
WANTED Blacksmith. city, $3.50; two
signal bovs for logging camp, $1.26 and
board. Inquire 12 N 2d st.
A MARRIED man to run a meat market In
a email town; references required. Address
A. L. Glle, Ilwaco, Wash.
BARBER shop for sale, cheap, two chairs,
lease, low rent, good business. A. H.
Wedhoff. 493 Glisan st.
WANTED 2 A-l advertising solicitors. Room
216 Chamber of Commerce. Call between
9:30 and 12 A. M. .
WANTED Barber to go to Aberdeen, Wash.;
$20 a week. Apply to Lewis-Stenger Bar
bers' Supply Co.
HAVE you a motion picture machine outfit,
films, views, to sell? State particulars. W
336. Oregonlan.
WANTED One first-class all-round dentist.
Electro Dental Parlors, cor. 5th and
WAXTED Boy to drive grocery team; one
living on East Side preferred. Apply 127
Grand ave.
WANTED Boy to learn trade. Columbia
Wire & Iron Works; 368-370 E. Washing
ton st
California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks
and helpers. 148 4th st Pac. 2183. P. Loratl.
WANTED Photograph and portrait agents;
big money; new offer. 801 Dekum bldg.
600 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
2S4 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Old clothing, shoes, right price
paid. 50 3d st. Home phone A 4951.
BOY wanted; $5 per week, 8 hours per day.
Anderson & Duniway Co., 208 Alder st.
COAT and pants maker wanted. H. Deier
llng, 106 Fifth St., Vancouver, Wash. -
BRIGHT boy 10 years old to work in store
and deliver parcels. 171 Third st.
WE secure posttlons for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A.
'"ti - jjjjiii
If you happen to be in The Oregonian business. of fice any Monday morning you will see bundles of ""Want
Ad." answers like the above. They come by mail, by messenger and persons who answer "Want Ads."
hand them in over the counter.
Is the Classified Medium of This Section of the Country
Five or more pages of best ""Want Ads." are published every Sunday and two and more every
week-day. The advertisements printed in The Oregonian, whether daily or Sunday, are always THE
BEST. When positions are advertised they are the better positions.
When real estate is advertised, the best bargains are always given to The Oregonian.
Real "Business Chances" are sent to this paper, because it is generally known that the people
who read The Oregonian mean business.
In "Rooms to Rent," furnished or unfurnished, the best ones are always advertised in The Ore
gonian. . . '
It has been known for over 50 years as "The great newspaper of the Pacific Northwest." 1 It has
quality of circulation as well as quantity.
If you want something out of the ordinary in a position, in a real estate bargain, in an investment,
or in a place to live, you should follow The Oregonian advertising columns daily and Sunday. ' Tie
rarest bargains are offered every day, because" in Oregon nearly everybody reads The Oregonian.
Start today to read the classified ads., and you will profit thereby.
Remember, if you desire to insert an advertisement and. find it inconvenient to call at The' Ore
gonian business office, you can phone in the ad. and it will be inserted under the proper .classification
and the bill sent you later.
PHONES: Main 7070; Home A 1670.
WANTED Young men to prepare by mall for
pollutions as traveling salesmen; only eight
weeks time required; experience unneces
sary; positions guaranteed for our gradu
ates with the bt firms In the United
States, - who Indorse and recommend our
schools; write for our free cata-log, "A
Knight of the Grip." today. Address Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association, 799
Scarrltt bldg., Kansas City, Mo., or Lum
ber Exchange bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
WANTED Young men to prepare by mail
for positions as traveling salesmen; ex
perience unnecessary; salaries $100 to $250
a month and expenses; positions secured
with reliable firms; write for free catalog
today. Address National Salesman's Train
ing Ass'n., suite 849 Scarrltt bids;., Kansas
City, Mo.
to work for Uncle Sam; qualify for special
examination at once; only able-bodied young
men between the ages 18 and 45 need ap
ply, and must not be afraid of work. Call
today. Pacific States School, 613 McKay
bldg., 3d and Stark. w
WANTED For United States Army, able--bodied
unmarried men between the ages
of 21 and 85. citizens of United States, of
good character and temperate habits, who
can speak, read and write English. Apply
to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block.
Third and Oak sts., Portland. Or.
WANTED First-class business man and
salesman with few hundred dollars to take
Interest and charge of fireproof safe depart
ment of the Northwest for a Portland job
bing house; good opportunity right party.
Address Beall &. Co.. 321 Hawthorne ave.
ALL diseases of mn successful ty treated ;
discharges positively cured in from S to
H days; consultation fres and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
sts. ; entrance 258 Alder St.. Portland.
WANT workT Call at once; bookkeeper,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladles, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, grocers, hotels. Clerks Registra.
tlon Bureau, office 808 Allsky bldg.. 265
Morrison st
YOUNG man of good appearance; must be
over S feet 6 Inches tall, about 21 years
- of age, as floorwalker and window trim
mer; state former experience, references
ant salary desired. Address N 198. Ore
gonlan. - -
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing,
plastering, bricklaying; day and night
classes ; free cat. ; positions secured ; no
book learning. Coyne Trade School, .23D
240 8th st, San Francisco and New York.
R. R. CAMP timekeepers. $50 to $60 and
board; camp cook. $75; ratchet setter, $2.75;
many other jobs.
' 26 X. 2d. 250 Burnslde.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Wrrite or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 300
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
REPORTERS, country papers; subscription
solicitor. Idaho; linotypers, newspaper,
printing help wanted. Newspaper Broker
age, Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Boy about 16 year of age. Mount
Hood factory. No. 233 Couch st.
PANTRY man wanted at
Confectionery, 131 6th st.
once. Oregonlan
WANTED Boy for light office work.
315, Oregonlan.
WANTED Good cabinetmakers.
Washington st. "
WANTED City salesman with rig at 497
Washington st.
WA NTED Shoemaker
Burnslde st
for repairing. 304
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 H Front
WANTED Girl for housework, small fam
ily. 747 East Madison st.
GIRL for general housework. 104 East 19th,
near Alder. Phone B 1612.
LADY barber wanted, or will teach one the
trade. 54 Fourth street
COMPETENT dining-room girl at The Mar
ly n, 653 Washington st.
A GIRL to assist with light housework; good
wages. 641 Sixth at. -
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
785 Irving st
WANTER Short hour waitress,
rison st
886 Mor-
WANTED A gtrl talloress. 206 Goodnough
The Usual Mon
day Morning Bag
- -
GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on
shirts and overalls; lessons given to In
experienced. Apply at Standard Factory,
2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st
WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist with
housework and help care for child 1 year
. old; good home for right party; no washing.
Address W 329, Oregonlan.
WANTED A first-class saleswoman for suit
dept. Good appearance and thorough expe
rience necessary. Good salary. Geo. J.
Wolff, Aberdeen, Wash.
WANTED Elderly lady to help with
housework: a good home, small family.
Inquire 865 E. Everett near 28th, An
keny car.
GIRLS with talent for a rawing, painting
and designing; good position to ths right
party D M- Averlll ft Co.. 102 N. 6th t.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement Vlav Co., 10th and Morrison
GIRLS IS to 20 years of age to work In
factory: good wages. Apply at once, Amee-Harrls-Nevllle
Co., 6th and Davis.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st
SCHOOL teachers for Wash., Or., Mont..
Idaho. C. R. B. Teachers Agency, 303
Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison st.
COOK and housemaid in officer's family;
references. Address Quarters 114 A, Van
couver Barracks, Washington.
843 H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
SALESLADIES for underwear, fancy goods,
notions; must be competent and experi
enced. Apply 171 3d st.
WANTED Girls for office work, 12 to 20
years old ; no experience necessary. Call
room 16, 108 4th st.
FOR work or help, restaurants, hotels, fam
ilies, city and out. see Drake, 203 H Wash
ington. Telephones.
TWO girls, dishwasher and dining-room.
Michigan House, 882 Sandy road. Tele
phone East 10S5.
EAST SIDE Employment Office; all kinds
of female help wanted. 122 Grand ave.
East 1055.
WANTED Finishers, alteration and fitters
for ladies garment work. The J. M. Ache
son Co.
WANTED Girl for general housework: fam
ily of two- 49 North 20th, near Washlng-
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking end
general housework. 233 N. 24th st Main
' 717.
WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
alls. Mount Hood factory. No. 233 Couch
GIRL over 16 years of age who has had ex
perience in candy store, at 323 Morrison.
WANTED Girl for general housework; family
of two. 40 North 20th. near Washington.
WANTED Girl for light housework;; no
washing. Call forenoon 296 Tillamook st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework and
cooking. 161 14th, corner of Morrison.
WAN TED GI rl for housework ; f am lly of 4
adults; good wages. Apply 367 10th st.
COMPETENT girl for Bmall family of adulta.
324 East 21st .fit. X. Phone East 3096.
GIRL wanted to wait on table at Riverside
hotel. St. John. Phone Union 8102.
GIRLS for cutting, edging and pasting. 102
6th st North. D. M. Averlll ft Co.
WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts and
Boss, of All overalls. Inquire 76 1st
WANTED Girl for general housework. 223
Cornell Road, head of Lovejoy st
WOMAN cook; short order and dinner; good
wages. At Dan's Grill, St. John.
EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Mor
ris Restaurant, 229 Washington et.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 610
Spring st., Portland Heights.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good wages. 686 Tillamook st
GIRLS wanted. Apply Standard Factory, 2
- Grand ave. and East Taylor st. .
WANTED Girl for general housework; fam
ily of two. 684 Everett st.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
wages. Apply 018 Main st.
Applicants for all kinds of work, regis
ter with us, free of charge, so ws may
locate you on short notice. .
S43H Washington St.. Cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANT work? Call at once; bookkeepers,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladies, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, grocers, hotel. Clerks' Registra
tion Bureafa, oft Ice 808 Allsky bldg., 266
Morrison st.
GOOD strong girl for 'hamber work and
wait table In private boardlng-houoc.
Swedish or German preferred. Phones A
4190; Main 6490.
WANTED At once waist and shirt finish
ers, also sewers. Miss L. Summers. 120
North 3d.
WANTED Beginning and advanced sten
ographers to join our special drill classes,
day or night; will place you as soon as
competent. The school that makes young
people happy. Eclectic .Business Univer
sity. 68 Third street.
DESIRABLE permanent positions for ener
getic men and women; reliable firm ex
tending its branches needs capable local
and traveling managers to control sales.
203 FUedner bldg.
TOTJNG men and women to prepare for
higher positions; advertising and shorthand
taught free; write today for particulars.
Oakland Correspondence School, Oakland,
WANTED Musicians for orchestra, all in
struments. Apply Lillian Marr studio. Hotel
Kenyon, 18th and Wash. sts.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
COMPETENT clerical people, bookkeepers,
stenographers, collectors, shtnplng and bill
clerks, salesmen, etc., reference as to char
acter and experience and ready to go to
work on the Instant. Free of all expense
to employer. Both phones. Main 7t37,
A 5937. Clerks' Registration Bureau, Allsky
bldg., 265 Morrison, third floor.
RELIABLE bookkeeper or general office man,
eight years' experience; best references. Ad
dress 940 Ellsworth st.
YOUNG man desires position, clerical capa
city, experienced stenographer and office
work. K 386, Oregonlan.
TOUNG man desires position, office work,
experienced stenographer. J 337, OregonlaJi.
SOLICITORS First-class hustling man wants
position. Address N .325, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER who s competent and re
liable. O 317, Oregonlan.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. W
145. Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced married man situ
ation as warehouse foreman, timekeeper, re
ceiver, etc. ; handle men ; had department
store experience; go anywhere, want re
sponsibility. F. A. Woods, Philomath, Or.
WANTED Position by first-class Japanese
cook and waiter, for business house; ex
perienced. Let us know by mail. 268
Everett et.' Harry Noka.
POSITION as Janitor in apartment house,
married man, 16 years experience; can
furnish best of references. O 316, Ore
gonian. MA LB nurse desires position to take care of
Invalid also willing to be companion to
aged gentleman. Best of references. C 304,
JAPANESE, married man. wants nooitlon
family as cooking, housework and garden
er. 48 rs,. isc St.. teiepnone
AN experienced Japanese wants a position
as elevator or bellboy; waiter at hotel or
restaurant. P 8 JO. Oregonian.
ACTIVE, strong man of 40, experienced
DOOK-neeper; any worn win uu tor Bta-ri;
best ref. M 823, Oregonian.
WINDOW-CLEANING, floors and halls a spe
cialty. Main. 60(3, - evening, tt to 10.
Thomas Green.
JAPANESE young man wants situation to
do housework In private house. Phone
Pac i no 1626.
INTELLIGENT young colored man would like
to get porter work of some kind. M 336,
A NICE Japanese boy wants position, house
work, in good family. Address G 836, Ore
gonlan. JAPANESE boy wants a place to do .cooking
or housework In family. T. S., 43 N. 4th
t., city.
ET young married man as collector, for in
stallment house preferred. K 835, Ore
TOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for board and room. Main
JAPANESE want outdoor work: can furnish
20 or more laborers. A. Harada, 248 Couoh
JAPANESE first-class cook wants position in
family or hotel In city. M 837, Oregonlan.
TOUNG, honest Japanese boy wants position
as schoolboy. Address M 334. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants position, family,
housework or cooking. M 320, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED printer wants Job as com
positor in city shop. G 346, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants place to do plain cooking,
city or country. V 335, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese laborers want to cut brush,
any other work. D 836, Oregonlan.
at housework.
i, good boy, wishes situation
6 tMZ, oregonlan.
DRAUGHTSMAN. competent,
evenings. D 816, Oregonian.
wishes work
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
CASHIERS, bookkeepers, stenographers, col
lectors, salesladies, billing and office work;
reference as to character and experience fur
nished and ready to go to work on the In
stant. Free of all cost to employer. Both
phones, Main 7637 A C637. Clerks' Regis
tration Bureau, 80S Allsky bldg., 265 Morri
son Ft.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone the Eclectic Business Uni
versity, Main 4504: ths special training
and polishing school.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier
-would- like position; best of .references. V
827, Oregonlan.
LADY typewriter and office assistant desires
position. Phone Main 4304.
STENOGRAPHER who Is competent and re
liable. O 317, Oregonlan.
WANTED Typewriting to do at home. Will
call. I X. 338 Oregonian.
HELTA RLE bookkeeper wants position.
144. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged nurse wants
nursing; semi-invalid child ; would travel.
230iA Yamhill. Main 6413.
NEAT, capable woman with girl 11, desires
situation, housekeeper for widower's fam
ily. 230H Yamhill. Main 6413.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 242
6th and Main. Facinc 2776; A 30S2.
DRESSMAKER wants a few more engage
ments by the .day. Call Main 2012.
UP-TO-DATE dressmaking, high-class work.
340 4th st. Pacific 2776, A 4323.
PLAIN sewing wanted. 91 let at., room 23.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housework.
Sunday free; S5 week. Young Women's
Christian Association. Main 6267. after 9:30.
CAPABLE German girl desires situation,
governess or children's nurse; best refer
ences. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
EXPERIENCED girl wants work In Chris
tian family for not less than 20 per
month. G 335, Ore inlan.
WANTED A place for general housework
for small family, north of Washington st.
Call at 703 Wilson st.
A SITUATION as cook, wages $35. Address
S77 Oberlin st.
A YOUNG girl for housework. Call 642 East
12th st.. N.
Ml see 1 laneons.
WOMAN wants few hours work each day.
Phone Main 1129.
LAD! entertains invalids, aged, children, by
Mlscel laneons.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses.
second girls. bt. Louis Ladler Agency,
230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
RELIABLE woman wishes housework by the
hour; not less than four-hour call. Phone
East 6176.
EXPERIENCED telephone ex. operator
wishes position. X 339, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED compositor want s steady
work. Phone 288 Tabor.
LADY wishes washing and ironing by tha
day. Phone A 4)02.
A HOME company; low premium rates and
high cash values make the policies of the
Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If
so. we need you; complete outfit free;
cash weekly. Write for choice of terri
tory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS WANTED To sell our " high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished free;
commission advanced each week; good terri
tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
WANTED 6 good real estate agents to sell
Waverlelgh; good commission ; none but
hustlers need apply. H. W. Lemcke Com
pany, 122 6th st.
WANTED A good agent. Apply Sunday all
day or week days after 8 P. M. 227
Washington st.. room 07.
WANTED To rent Houses, cottages, flats, ;
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. IS. or. 3d '
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Three desirable unfurnished house
keeping roome, conveniently located; not to
exceed Sift; walking distance; no children.
Address F 342, Oergoniaa.
THREE nice completely furnished housekeep
ing rooms; must be strictly first-class, good,
neighborhood, close in, pay $40. F 344, Ore
gonlan. MEDIUM-SIZED, heated room for kinder
garten, mornings only. Vicinity 23d and
Lovejoy; at once. Address P. O. Box 554.
WANTED Small furnished apartment of 8 or
4 rooms on West Side. Apply J. W.
Thomas, Oregon Hotel.
WANTED By elderly lady, .comfortable room
and board! with cheerful, quiet people. B
346 Oregonlan.
YOUNG professional man desires room and
board with private family. M 824, Ore
gonlan. GENTLEMAN desires board and room with
Jewish family. B 347, Oregonlan.
SINGLE gentleman wants room with board;
state terms. H 339 Oregonlan.
WA NT ED To rent 7- room h ouse, el ose 1 n.
reasonable. Call Main 2600.
FURNISHED room by young man, close in. B
336. Oregonlan.
VAIN 6655. 211 FIRST BT.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buv household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal" 62 N. 3d sL Phons Paclflo 1722.
THE) Western Palvage Auction Co. wants $5000
worth of furniture and household goods;
highest prices paid. 20th and Wash, sts.j
phone Pac. 793.
WANTED A team 1150 or 1200, to work for
their keep for the Winter, city work and
light work. Address G 345, Oregonlan.
BULL TERRIER (dog) puppy, 8 to 1J
months old; give full description and low
est cash price. F 330, Oregonlan.
WANTED All kinds of plain sewing done;
reasonable charges. 477 East 11th and Di
vision ats. Phone Sell wood 373.
WE have a client wishing to borrow $5000;
will pay 7 per cent ; secured by close-in
acreage, 825 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED 800 pure bred young white Leg
horn hens. Communicate with S. B. Barr,
Fern Hill, Wash.
CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer
chandise. Phone Main 1626- J. T. Wilson,
WANTED AH kinds store and office fixtures,
wall cases, counters, showcases. W 836,
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savags A
Pcnnell Fur Co.. 845 1st. Pacific 360.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath, principal carllnes pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
ONE room in private family without children
for one gentleman, walking distance. East
Side, alt modern conveniences, rent reason
able. Phone Hast 404.
FURNISHED rooms, elegantly furnished; cor
ner suite in steam-heated apartments, suita
ble for 2 ladles or gentlemen. Apply 494
Morrison st., flat 11.
maangement; A. W. Spangler. proprietor.
Try us for good accommodations. 69
6th st.
THE GENEVIEVE ; steam heat; porcelain
baths; free phone; walking distance; $3
a week and up. 445- Columbia su. Main
THE WOODLAND Two or three choice
rooms, hot water, bath, heat, etc 265 6th
t., 4 block from Poetofflce; week or month.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
steam heat, free bath. 50c to $1 a day: $2
to $4 week. Phone Pacific 2744. A 5620.
THE OGDEN, 83 1st. S. Vi, cor. Oak St.
Nice large front rooms, clean, neat; baths;
phone; 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 week.
LARGE, beautiful rooms, all conveniences,
large, closets, both phones. Walking dis
tance. 163 17th. corner Morrison.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, strictly
private family; every modern convenience;
ideal location. 690 E. Madison.
THE) YALE, 291 Grand ave., within walk
ing distance; comfortable rooms, modern
conveniences; very reasonable.
TRANSIENT and weekly, comfortably fur
nished bedrooms, with eleotrlo lights and
stoves, reasonable. 109 3d.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
two ladies; S nicely furnished rooms for
housekeeping. 485 Clay st.
COMFORTABLE room, suitable for 1 or 2
gentlemen, beautiful private bouse, furnace
heat, hot water. 227 7th st.
NICE furnished suite and single rooms; mod
ern conveniences; suitable for 2 or more
persons. 213 13th st.
NEWLY furnished front r6ora, reasonable;
suitable for two gentlemen; alsa other
rjom. 186 6th st.
YOUNG man as roomer with private family,
references required. Phone M. 8403 for
ST. FRANCIS. 84 North 8th St., cor. Couch;
nicely furnished rooms en suite or single;
steam heat.
THE FRANCES, Morrison st,, cor. West Park;
$4 to $7 week; downtown; quiet, respectable.
WELL-FURNISHED room for two; good lo
cation ; furnace heat and bath. 251 10th.
LIGHT, warm front rooms; bay windows,
new carpets. 248 N. 20th, near North nip.
FRONT room, phone and bath, use of parlor,
$12. 326 Kearney, between 15th and 16th.
MAXWELL HALL Furnished rooms, hot,
cold water, all rooms. 207 14th st.
ONE steam-heated room; private; modern
flat; $10 per mo. 403 10th. flat C.
NEWLY furnlehed. room for rent. 195 14th,
cor, Taylor. Phone Main 8102.
NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, $1.60 up per
week Hotel Mason, 247 5th st.
ONE large upstairs front room, suitable for
two gentlemen. 66 N. 14st st.
A FINE front room for rent, heat, bath etc.
. Inquire at 192 13th St., West.
FRONT parlor, suitable for 8 or 4 ladles
or gentlemen. 210 7th.
EAST front room, suitable for two. 306
TWO large rooms for rent. 410 HalL