TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1907. 13 RECOMMENDS A NEWHIGH SCHOOL Board of Education for Building to Will Ask Cost About $300,000. ENLARGE OTHER SCHOOLS May Take Two Years Before Addi tional Structure Will Be Built. Bonds Will Be Voted for the Improvement. J One new high ,chool and approximately 40 rooms for the extension of the gram mar schools will be recommended by the Board of Education for erection dur ing next year. The total cost of this con struction will be between J2SO.00O and J30O.00O. It will probably require two years to erect the new high school building and bonds may be voted for that pur pose, but It is the intention to have the new rooms for grammar grade pupils In readiness by the opening of the next school year and the taxpayers will be called on at the December election to authorize a levy high enough to pro vide $150,000 for this work. At the meeting of the Board last night there waa a general discussion of the new buildings and additions that will be required to meet the Increased needs of the city next year. In spite of the many school buildings that have been erected the past two years, the growth in population has kept pace with the In crease In facilities and it is absolutely necessary to enlarge several buildings as soon as possible. The board has prac tically decided where it will be neces sary to build next year and although the list that has been made out does not Include all the extensions that have been asked for, it is considered that It will afford relief wherever there Is pressing need. Enst Side Is Favored. Residents of the East Side interested In having a new high school erected on the three acres In the Patton tract, owned by the city, were given to under stand last night that the Board favors this Improvement Chairman Wittenberg announced that it is the unanimous opin ion of the Board that the taxpayers be asked to authorize this building at the coming school election. Architect Jones was instructed last night to prepare plans for additions to the Shaver and Arleta schools. Six rooms will be added to the Shaver school and eight to the one at Arleta, making the former 17 rooms and the latter 18 rooms. The Board also plans to build eight rooms at Sellwood, . four at Penin suia and four at Richmond. Aside from these a new eight-room building will be constructed In northwest Irvington to relieve the Highland and Irvington schools. Councilman Vaughn, representing the North East Side Club, appeared before the Board last night In regard to the new high school that Is -io be erected on the Patton tract. He declared that such a building Is badly needed, as that part of the city Is rapidly growing and is not convenient to the other high schools. Ha called attention to the fact that a large area which was covered with brush a few years ago, Is now thick with dwell ings and Is growing more rapidly than any other portion of the city. To Build for the Future. "We want a building that will last for many years to come," said Mr. Vaughn. "It would be worse than useless to erect a frame building and the only materials desirable are stone and reinforced con crete. We believe that we are entitled to as good a building as the present East Side high school, and we estimate that It would cost at least $150,000." "The Board has had this matter under consideration for soma time,1' replied Mr. Wittenberg. "I think I can assure you that wa shall ask the taxpayers in De cember to authorize us to go ahead with Its construction." WILI; WORK FOR NEW LIBRARY East Side High School Pupils to Have a Branch Building. Pupils of the East Side High School will be used as the medium for spreading Interest In the subscription of funds for the erection of a branch library at East Eleventh and East Alder streets, where a site for the purpose has been donated. O. M. Scott, chairman of a committee from the East Side, went before the Board of Education at Its meeting last night and received permission to go be fore the pupils and Interest them In the work. It was first intended to request the pupils to solicit funds for the new library, but permission for this was re fused by the directors. The Board, how ever, decided that everything possible should be done to help out the project, and granted Mr. Scott and representa tives of the Portland Library Association permission to go before the pupils and ask them to Interest their parents in the plan. Boys of the East Side High School were given permission to form a Y. M. C. A. Bible class. The class must be un der the control of the boys themselves and subject to the supervision of Super intendent Rlgler and Principal Herdman, as there is a state law against organiza tions within the public schools controlled by any one except the pupils. A contract for furnishing 1500 desks at an advance of 25 cents a desk over the scale that has been enforced was award ed to ' the National School Furniture Company. A contract for the cement work, at the Highland School was award ed toD. E. Steele for $1045. No report on the petition of teachers for an increase of salaries was made last night. This matter. Is In charge of the supply committee, consisting of I. N. Flelschner and Mrs. U. W. Sltton. Mr. Fleischner has been ill during the past week, but a report was promised for the next meeting. RAILROADS STILL WAITING Big Corporations Insist That Their Assessments Are Too High. A second application for reduction of taxes was filed by the Northern Pa ciflo' Terminal Company with the Coun ty Board of Equalization yesterday. Its 1.22 miles of track in this county was assessed at $44,000 a mile, or $53,680. while the railroad corporation alleges the road could be rebuilt for $10,000 a mile, or $12,000. The assessment asked for Is lower than the valuation of any of the track age of other railway companies, as stated In petitions filed during the past week, for the O. R. & N. Co. and the Southern Pacific Company value their trackage at $20,000 a mile, and the Northern Pacific at $14,000 a mile. Ths Oregon & Washington Lumber Company made application yesterday to have Its machinery, merchandise, notes and accounts assessed at $35,000, in stead of $50,000, and its improvements at $4500. instead of $6500. Whether six day or seven should constitute a week was the question which the Equalization Board faced, and it was finally decided to keep the rolls open yesterday, thup giving the taxpayers a full seven days in which to file petitions for reductions of assess ments. When the board closed Its last session at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon 336 petitions had been filed, while last year there were 629. Many of the petitions this year were from owners of property In Couch Ad dition. Assessor Sigler explained last night that the cause for complaint with the assessments there this year was probably because that part of the city is beinb utilized more than ever as a warehouse district, making the prop erty more valuable. -'Couch Addition has perhaps Increased more In value In the last 12 months," said he, "than any other part of the city." It is thought that about a week will be consumed by the Assessor's deputies in Investigating each complaint indi vidually, after which the board will meet and act upon the reports, giving a hearing to all taxpayers who wish It. THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. , LAST TIME TONIGHT. The Comedy-Drama, "Checkers," at the Helllg Theater. For an evninr's enjoyment' of real comedy one of the best kind, that causes your blood to tingle, ask any one who has seen "Check rs," at the Helllg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, the past two evenings. Tonight will afford your last opportunity of witnessing this delightful drama and you'll enjoy every minute of It. 6eats art selling at theater box office. ' "HIGHWAYMAN" AT MARQTJAM San Francisco Opera Company in Romantic Opera Tonight. Once again the Ban Francisco Opera Com pany will repeat Its splendid success In "The Highwayman" at the llarquam tonight. The organization Is doing; the best work that Port land has seen at its hands In this beautiful masterpiece of DeKoven and Smith, - Arthur Cunningham, Alda. Hemml, William Blaladell and the other principals are becoming more popular every day. "DIPLOMACY" AT THE BAKER One of the Most Powerful of All Modern Dramas. Few plays have even for a short tims superseded Sardou's famous "Diplomacy," which the Baker Company Is presenting all this week. It Is by one of the great mas ters of the drama, author of the wonderful "Cleopatra." "La Tosca" and all those other magnificent productions in which Fanny Davenport achieved fame. Empire Matinee Tomorrow. Bertha M. Clay's "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" will be seen at the Empire Theater all this week, and it naturally has a strong attraction for all women, as well as most men. It Is a beautiful romance of love the good old-fashioned "love stories" we all have at one time or other poured over for many an hour when we ought to have been studying arithmetic or geog raphy perhaps. Matinee Today at Star. This afternoon ths French Stock Company at the Star, will present a matinee perform ance of "The Struggle for Gold." A Western play, with scenes which afl pioneers have seen, It la a drama which Is proving popu lar. The locale and characters are Califor nlan :and the story 1 the struggle for pos session of. a mine. Politics at the Lyric. The most popular Governor In the West at this time Is undoubtedly .Governor Lee, of Kentucky, who Is being Impersonated at the Lyric by Herbert Ashton. Last night the Governor, his supporters and bis rivals all made a big hit. DRAMATIC TREAT TOMORROW "The Three of Vs," a Delightful Drama at the Helllg. Portland theater-goers are to be given one of the dramatic treats of the season at the Helllg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, todmorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday nights, in ths comedy drama of Walter N. Lawrence's, "The Three of Us." The play Is In four acts and it reflects mining phases of life truthfully without any C exaggeration but with a freshness of treat ment and sincerity of character drawing that excite heartfelt interest. "The Three of Us" are Rhy Macchesney and her two brothers. "The Three of Us" is also the name of a mine Inherited by these three children from their father, who left little else. The com pany comes highly recommended for Its gen eral excellence. SEAT SALE TOMORROW. Advance Seat Sale Opens for Olga Nethersole at Helllg. Tomorrow (Wednesday) .morning, at 10 o'clock, at box office the Helllg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, the ad vance scat sale will open for the noted Eng lish actress. Olga Nethersole. The following plays will be given: "Carmen," Friday night, November 1; "Sapho" at the Saturday mati nee and "Ths Awakening" Saturday night. Killed in Poker Row. VANCOUVER, B. C. Oct. 28. James Chance died today at Princeton, B. C, having been shot last night by Walter Gross In a fight. Chance accused Gross of cheating and pulled toward himself a large sum of money lying on the table. Gross drew a pistol and emptied the con tents Into Chance's stomach. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 28. Maximum tempera ture, 62 degrees; minimum, 63 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 1.6 feet. Change In last 24 hours, 0.6 feet. Total rainfall (8 P. M. to 6 P. M.) .07 inch; total rainfall since Sep tember 1, ' 190T. 2.21 -Inches: normal' rainfall since September 1, 1D0T, 8.09 inches; defi ciency, 2.88 Inches. Total sunshine, October "7, 1907, none; possible sunshine, 10 hours 20 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M. 29.87 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 6 P. M.. Pacltto time, October 28. p 3 Wind. S - 3 E S0 STATIONS. -9 O a ?3 2. a . 2 - ? 8 Faker City Boise Eureka Kam loops North Head..... Pocatelio. ....... Portland Red Fluff Rneeburc Paeramento Salt Lake Han Franc Lsco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... 68'O.Oal 4.N 62!0.0! 4'W 66;O.0o 8lS 60 T.ICalm! Cloudy Pt. Cloud Clondy ICloudy 66!0.O6,40;SS Ram Pt. Cloud Rain 64 0.021 4 S 620.07 68 0.00 4:SH 4 KB 4S 4 SW Cloudy 66 0.00 ICloudy 680.00 Clear Clear Clear f)S T. 64 0.00 8W eoio.oi! 4 pw O!O.02!12'SE: 54'0.44'l8.SE 70 0.001 41W Cloudy Main Rain Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. . The disturbance noted this moraine ever A CONDITION THAT CALLS FORA TONIC When Run Down and Debilitated Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a Tonic That Is Also a Specific for Many Dis orders of the Blood and Nerves. When the health" is ran down from overwork, overs tudy, or from whatever causa, a good tonio is needed. But sometimes what is mistaken for simple debility is a symptom of a more serious disorder, ansemia perhaps, or a. breaking down of the nervous system. By taking a tonio that is also a speciflo for many disorders of the blood and serves the threatening disease may be prevented. That is what was done in the case of Mrs. Ora Ford of 1008 Wash ington Boulevard, Chicago, HL, who was undoubtedly in the early stages of anaemia before Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured her. She says: "I was completely run down in health for about a year. My blood was thin and poor and I had a great deal of trouble with my stomach and kidneys. My appetite was poor and I had no desire for food. What I ate distressed me. I had always been troubled with sick headaches which came on as often as three or four times a week. I also had dizzy spells, my breath was short and I frequently had pains in my side. I had no ambition or desire to do any thing. I became so pale and thin that I looked terrible. My friends thought I was going into consumption. "After I had tried several kinds of medicine that did me no good whatever I read of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in a newspaper and decided to give them a trial. I began picking tip a little after taking about two boxes of the pills and notioed that I was getting an appetite. I gradually got stronger, the dizzy spells left and my color came back. The headaches ceased to be so frequent or so severe. I can recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for troubles due to poor and impure blood." Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box ; six boxes for $2.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Vancouver Island has undergone a decided development during the last 12 hours and this evening storm warnings were ordered displayed along the Strait of Fuca, Grays Harbor and at the mouth of the Columbia river. High winds prevailed this evening at North Head, where a maximum velocity of 48 miles from the southeast was record ed this afternoon. Rain was general over ths entire district, ths recorded amounts were usually small. A high area overlies California, and clear weather prevails la consequence over Central California, Ne vada and Utah. Ths Indications point to rain west of ths Cascades Tuesday, and to cloudy weather with occasional rain east of ths range. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Rain; southerly winds, high along the Coast. Baa tern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy with occasional rain. L. LODHOLZ. Local Forecaster (temporarily In charge). AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Oilman's auction rooms, 411 Washington St., at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. GUman, auc tloneeer. At corner of Park and Buraside sta. at 10 A. M., groceries and fixtures. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. AT 10 A. M. the big furniture auction be gins at the Portland Auction .Company's, 211 1st st. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park sts., fine furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son., Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE, OREGON CONSISTORY, NO. 1. Regular meeting in Memorial Hall, Scot tish Rite Cathedral, this even ing at 8 o'clock. By order MASTER OP KADOSH. PORTLAND LODGES, NO. 68, A. F. as A. M. Special communica- wuu uiw iinesaay; evening at w uv,o uur, in p. j. Qe- gree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. I. W. PRATT, See'y. COLUMBIA LODGE). NO. 114, A. P. 4 A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Masonic Temple, thence to Frnley's chapel and to Rlvervlew cemetery, to conduct funeral serv ices over the remains of our late brother, Lowis M. Dobyns. All M. M. invited. Mem bers please attend. By order of W. M. B. S. PAGUH, Sec'y. COMRADES, ATTENTION! ! Member of George Wright Post, No. 1, G. A. R., and all com rades are respectfully requested to aittend the funeral services of Comrade Randolph Mlnnlck. which will be held at rinley's Chapel at 1:30 P. M. today (Tuesday). In terment G. A. R. Cemetery. R. S. HENLEY, Commander. A. C. SLOAN, Adjutant. . THE OHIO SOCIETY will meet in Audit orium hall, Tuesday evening, October 28. Ths election of officers for the ensuing year and. other important business will be transacted. Fine programme and refreshments. W. L. 6TRAUGH. Boo. JrUNJiKAI, XOTILMM. DOBYNS The funeral ceremonies of the late yewls M. Dobyns will be held at Flnley's chapel. 2:30 P. M. Tuesday, Oo tober 29. Interment at Rivervlew. HERSHNEJR The funeral services of Aman da Hershner will bs held at Flnley's Chapel at 8:30 P. M. today. Friends invited. In terment Etna Green. Indiana. VOLHEYES In this city. October 27, at 400 Multnomah avenue. William Volheye, aged 86 years and 28 days. The funeral services will bs held at A. B. Hemstock's Chapel, corner Thirteenth -and Multnomah, Sell wood, at 2 P. M., Tuesday, October 29. Friends Invited, interment at Lone Fir Cemetery.- i. P. FINUBT SON. Funeral Directors, No. 261 3d St., cor. Madison. Phone Main . Dunning, McEntee ft GUbangn, Funeral Di rectors, 5 th Fine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON trNDEBTAKTNG CO., 409 Aids St. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. EDWARD HOLMAX CO.. Funeral Dimet ers. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 601. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Direct ors, 273 Russell. East 10S8. Lady assistant. F. 8. DtTNNXNO, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Ladr assistant. Phone East 52. A Jf ssaUiSM THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OX, EURO PEA? PLAN MODERN BBSTAERAXT. , tOBI ONE MILLION DOLLARS. MOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON EUROPEAN PLaAN Rooms. (1.00 to ta.04 Per Day According tm Location. sT. F, DATTJBS, nwsaruss, St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN, CONNECTION HOTEL LENOX P.l T. j ..,' ae TOIL XETBOHAjr, President and Maassros. Bsrrsoth European Plan - and Washtsxton AMUSEMENTS. ttSahiSL. HEILIG THEATER n TONIGHT 8:15 O'CLOCK THE COMEDY-DRAMA "CHECKERS" "Gee. Ain't It Hell to Be Poor I" Prices 60c. 75c, 1.00. 1.50. Seat sals at theater. HEILIG THEATER 14th and Washington Phono Main 1 TOMORROW (Wednesday) AJTD TJTUR5DA NIGHTS. WALTER N. LAWRENCE PRE SENTS THE COMEDY DRAMA, THE THREE OF USW PRICES Lower floor, 1.B0. $1.00. Balcony, 1.00, 75o, 60c Gallery, 33c. 25c. PHONE MAIN 1. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING! HEILIG THEATER 14th and Washlngoa I'Uone Main 1 OLGA &EAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW NETHERSOLE "CARMEN" JIPP SATURDAY JlTTERXOON 5APHfl" noykubeb t aainu l ne iwaKening -ovembj2r z PRICES Lower Floor, 2. $1.80; balcony, $1.00. $1.00. 75c; entire gallery, BOc BAKER THEATER Phone Mala GEO. L. BAKER, Gen'l. Manager. Home of Baker Stock Company. All This Week, the Famous Play, Sardou's "DIPLOMACY." A Powerful Drama of Russian Intrigue and Police Spy System. Evening, 25c. S5o, 50c; matinees, 15c, 26c Matinee Saturday. Next Week Hoyt's "A Hole In the Ground." Savoy Hotel, Seattle. Sd a -re-, near Union St. 12 stories, fire proof, concrete, steel and marble, in the most fashionable shopping; district. Special larsre a a m p 1 a rooms for display, English Krtll; 210 rooms, 135 baths; barber shop; library. Most refined, mod era hostelry In Seattle. 'Busses meet all tralna and boats. RATES 91.00 TJP. Portland' Newest and Most Modern Hotel Up-to-date grill Auto bus meets all trains Rates: $1 day and upEuropean plan Long dis tance phone in all rooms Private baths. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS and COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS) Special rates jmad to families and sin gle gentlemen. The management will bs pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A msd era Turkish bath es tablishment la ths hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Msssfsr, Fsrst-CtjM. Cheek Baslsor 1 Connected With Hotel. C O. DATU. . amS Tnaa, ROOMS 50c TO $1J0 Third and Main Sts. as uj u-l - eaee Senses, Portland. Omsea. - 91.00, 81.50, S2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theater Phone Main 6 TOXIGHT and remainder of week Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Ban Prnnctsco Opera Company in "THE HIGHWAYMAN" Beautifully Costumed Magnificently Staged Great Cast Evenings, 2Bc. BOc, 75c; Matinees, 25c. 50o EMPIRE THEATER Morrison and 12th. Phone Main 117. Milton W. Seaman, Manager. Eastern Road Plays Only. Tonight, All .Week, Matinees Wednesday and Satur day, Bertha M. Clay's Noted Love Story. "THORNS AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS." Strong Company. Beautiful Scenery. Night. 15c, 26c, 35c. 60c; matinees. 10c. 20o, THE STAR won. Old, M. 0484 New, A 140 All This Week the R. E. French Company Presents "A Struggle for Gold" Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2:80. Prices, 10c and 20c. Evry evening at 8:15. Prices. 15c, 25c and 85:. Secure seats by either phone. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4A85, Home, A 1028. Week commencing Monday, October 21. THE LYRIC STOCK CO. PRESENTS "THE GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY." Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 15c. 25o and 35c. Boxes 80c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe. All Thia Week, HARRY FIRST & CO. In "THE MARRIAGE FEE," Plenty of Other Headllners. Dally matinees at 2:80; prices 15c to seats except boxes. Every evening at 7 :30 and 9:15; prices, lower floor 2Hc and balcony and gallery 15c. Sunday and holiday matinees same price as evenings. HORSESHOW Under Auspices of - The Portland Hunt Club NOVEMBER 7-8-9 Oriental BIdg., Exposition Grounds SEASON TICKETS Ths sale of Season Tickets, which are interchangeable. rlf-CS-WIIX CLOSE TONIGHT These tickets entitle the holder to three matinee and three evening ad missions. PRICE So .00 RESERVED BEATS The sals of Reserved Seat Tickets opens at 9 A. M. Thursday. Tickets may be 'purchased for either of the three matinees or evenings. TRICES : MATINEES. 78c. EVENINGS, 1.S0 GENERAX. ADMISSION Oeneral Admission admits only to the Balcony. Tickets will be on sale at the general entrance. PRICES: MATINEES. 5o. EVENINGS, BOo All tickets, except General Admissions, for sals at POWERS S ESTES DRUGSTORE 143 SIXTH STREET PIANO RECITAL Beatrice Dierke Oct 29th, 8:15 P.M. Mori ark Hall, Washington and 23d Sts. Admission $1.00 TICKETS ON SALE AT Graves & Co., Eilers Piano House And Box Office NEW TODAY. See other good townsites first if you wish, but see Gooding before you in vest your cash, for when you come to Good ing, you will come for good "WHY?" Because Good In gr Is the now town on ths main lln of ths Oregon Short Llns Railway, 16 miles west of Shoshone, Idaho. It has 6 passenger trains through It each day. Because Gooding Is located' In the midst of several thousand acres of fine land that has long been cultivated and there are fine buildings, shady groves, orchards and meadows now there. It has good schools, a posiofftce, store, hotel and many other things that will add to your comfort. Because Tributary to Gooding are the 70.000 acres of the Big Wood lands that will be opened November 14; the 150,000 acres of the North Side Twin Falls lands opened October 1; the rich and fertile Camas Prairie and the Justly famous Hagerman Valley. Because Gooding has more acres of flne Irrigated lands within a radius of 10 miles of it than any other city of Idaho. Because The two Wood Rivers flow through the town end there will be plenty of shade, water, trees, grass, flne domestic water from wells. The town Is platted In an al falfa meadow and there will be no dust and no sagebrush. Because Gooding has already secured the location of a beet sugar factory and It Is also the Junction of the Mllner electric line with the main line of the O. S. L. Ry. Because Four different companies are now Install ing electric, power plants at from 14 to ISO miles of Gooding, the combined capacity of which will be 200.000 horsepower. Lots In Gooding will be sold for M cah and the balance on one, two and three years time. The Gooding townslte opens November 14, 1007. Remember the date. Reduced rates on the O. B. L. Ry.. 2 cents a mile each way. For further Information write to LISLE & BARBER Sales Agents, Shoshone or Gooding, Idaho. FOR RENT Quarter Block, Known as the Haseltine Bid. on Second and Pine streets. Four stories and basement. By Brooke & Kiernan 91 Third Street. Irvington Building Lots Wa bavs soms choice corners. Hers they are: 100x100, S. E. corner 6th and Broadway sts. 45x100. N. W. corner 7th and Weldler sts. 150x100. S. W. corner 8th and Weldler sts. 60x100. S. W. corner 14th and Schuyler ata. 100x100. S. E. corner 9th and Tillamook. See us If you want anything good. Wo havs ths property. JOHN P. SHARKEY CO. 122 14 6th St., cor. Washington. Phone M 550 Successors to H. W. LEMCKE CO. HARRY B. PERKS MEMBER A. I. M. E. CONSULTING MINING ENGINEER Reports on mines In any part of ths coun try. jo. 2ot. tea couch bldg. LOOK! I can offer you bargains in apple, pear, cherry and walnut lands ready to plant, that will beat a gold mine; see me Quick. T. WITHYCOMBE Boom 600 Commercial block. Portland. Or. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. BIRRELL C01 to 3E03 McKay Bid.. 3d and Stark. OEOROO BLACK, PTJBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 818 Worcester Building. Phone Pacific 1807. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LAND FOR BALE La Center, 20 miles from Portland: the- best part of Clark County. Larsen A Wompler have for sale some fine property from 10 to ISO acres, wrrll Improved, at a bargain. J. H. Larsen. La Center. Wash. TRY A. 8. Draper's system of securing JUST WHAT TOTT WANT in ft to 8-room hous. modern, 500 to $3500, on terms of $250 down, balance as rent; ALL NEW HOUSES In all parts of the city. 343 Washington. Rooms 8 and 4, cor. 7th. BEST BUNGALOW BUY IN IRVINGTON Must be sold at once; owner wants use of money in business; furnace, fireplace, nice lawn, rosea, full lot; faces south; price $4200. Phone Main or A 1042. 306 Ablng ton building. PALMER-VAN ALSTINB CO., 222 Falling bldg., makes a specialty of selling East Side residences. Main 6601. A 2033. $1000 4 rooms, 753 E. 8th, terms. $1500 5 rooms, new, modern, 768 E. 8th, OWNER, Main 3900. A BARGAIN ft-room modern house, IS-mln-me walk from Stppl bridge; owner leaving the city. 455 E. 8th N. TWO flne lots, cost $1000, for $900; small amount down, easy monthly payments. Ad dress D 341. Oregon Ian. $10 CAPH. balance $10 per month, buys fine lot on East Bide ; improvements paid for. Address A 348, Oregon lan. TEN acres, $200 per acre; best Investment in Portland ; 4 miles from river. 825 Lumber Exchange. $3OO0 Modem 6-room double walled house. George King, 29th and Broadway or Orego nlan engine room. 100-FOOT corner, close In, on- 3d st, one of the best for apartments in city. Apply room 89 Hamilton bldg. FTVB-ROOM house, modern Improvements': fractional lot, 10th at., clooe In; $3 260. 327 Falling bldg. $2400 Beautiful new bungalow; $400 down, $20 monthly; 3 blocks south Hawthorne, 43d. Dr. leaning. - 1 FOR SAL13 -8-room house, modern, West Side; good locality. Address R 328, Ore- gonian. TWENTY acres, $150 per acre, S4 miles from Post of flee. 325 Lumber Exchange. KENT free and 4 per cent Income on $4500 Investment, Owner, 13 S3. 12th South. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. JUST AS SURE AS OREGON GROWS, and grow u must Just ex sure will real estate In and around Portland Increase In value. Be wise and Invest your money la some one of the following properties: All located within few minutes walk of Flrland station, a pretty little suburb on Mt. Bcott trolley; we have branch of fice at station and will be on the grounds every dny In the week. 1. 4-room celled house., lot 40x125. minutes walk from station, only $675; all cash. 2. 4 -room house, pantry and closets. 3 lots, well improved, 12 fruit and other trees, berries and grapes. $000; $5.V) cash. 3. Half acre ground. 6 minutes walk from station, good 2-room house, wood -shed and chicken-house, all fenced; $900. $500 cash, bal. $ IS monthly. 4. 4-room plastered house, nearly new, good condition, lot 40x129. city water, chicken-house and run, close to station, a cozy little home bound to Increase lu value; $900. $250 cash, balance - $10 monthly. 5. -4-room cottage, good shed and work shop, chicken-house and yard, fruit trees, strawberries, flowers, fine garden, beauti ful lawn, V acre ground, few minutes' walk to station, all fenced, city - water in house and on lawn; ground Improve- , ments alone cost hundroda of dollars, a cozy little home worth more money; $1050, all cash. 6. 4-room modern cottage, electrio lights, toilet, bath, city water, lot 50x 100, $140, $?00 cash, balance $20 month ly. T 5-room, nearly new, celled house, 1 acre flne ground, 5 minutes' walk to sta tion; city water in house and garden, a bargain and sure money-maker; $1600. $1000 cash, balance $10 per month. 8. 4-room cottage (.cost about $125 to finish), 3,a acre ground. 7 minutes' walk from station, $1600, $500 cash, balance terms. 9. - 8-room modern house, city water, also 1 four-room house on 1 acre ground, 10 minutes' walk to station; $2830. $1000 cash. 10 Good 6-room modern cottage, electric lights, city water, bath, good barn, fruit trees, flne garden, chicken house and run, 115x100 ground, corner, opposite station; a very nice home; $2200, all cash. 11. Two lots. 50x100 each, 2 blocks from station; $450, a sure money-maker. 12. 6-room modern house, 2 lots, 50 x 100, good basement, fine improvements, small fruits; $2300, $700 cash, balance $30 monthly. 13. Lot 75x100. near station, only $400, half cash. . 14. 10-acre tract at Bell's station, on Estacada car line; will make flne build ing lots; $3000. half cash. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, Specialists In residence properties., 801 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. $6000 H cash will iy a fine 8-room resi dence, choice locattua on Portland Heights, lot lOOxloo. $55lK Finest view in South Portland with well arranged 7-room house and all kinds of fruit trees. See this if looking for a home. $ii500 S. E. oor. 11th and Thompson sts.. 10-room house, 4 bedrooms, full attlo, full cement basement, all modern Improvements; lot iwixlOO; terms on this. 12400 will buy a nice 5-room cottage on East 40th, between Belmont and Yamhill sts. $:;0K For new 6 room modern house, cor ner lot, McMillan and Ross sts. $10,500 A fine 9-room house and garage, choice location on Nob HjU, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement and walks. This place can be had on terms. We have a fine list of residence property. See us if you want a home. JOHN P. SHARKEY CO., (Successors to H. W. Lemcke Co.) Phone 550. 6th at. WEST SIDE. MODERN HOMES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. We own and offer for sale and Imme diate occupancy the following 6-room houses, containing every modern convenience and In exceptional locations : 391 Guild st. (Just off Thurman at ); two carlines; $4000; $400 down, $40 per month. 393 Guild St., $3850; $300 down, $30 per month. 390 North 24th at., $3750; $250 down, $30 per month. Are you paying rent? Our plan eliminates the rent leak. "Pay rent to yourself." FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. 406 Commercial block. Phones Main 447, A 1445. THE finest country place In Oregon, no ex ception; extensive grounds, groves, hedges, shrubs, etc.. modern house, city water, with 40-acre orchard averaging $1S00 per annum net, one mile from best town In valley. 26 miles south of Portland, four daily trains; must and will be sold at much less than cost. A. C. Churchill & Co., 110 2d st. ACRE AND HALF ACRPJ TRACTS. We make a specialty of acre tracts, with water mains laid and payments of only $10 cash and $10 a month; a much better pur chase for a home or investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO.. 110 2d at 1 FROM OWNER. -$175.00 Each. Two lots In Tremont. 40x120, with alleys: end of W.-W. carllne; easy terms; small amount down, with monthly payments. Address H. C. B.( 892 Salmon St. $1600. Five-room modern cottage, Just fin ished. E. .34th st. ; hot and cold water, gas, bath, full cement banement and ce ment floor; best of plumbing, flne plas tering, hard finish; terms if desired. If you wish a snap, V call at onoe. Must sell this week. 181 4th St. FINE home, walking distance, 8-roora house, everything modern, including gas, electri city, furnace and fireplace, rooms all large and well finished throughout with selected lumber; $5200; terms. Lathrop ft Law rence. 204 Lumber Exchange. SWELL modern home, 8 rooms, beautiful lawn and roses; walking distance; East 18th and Washington; $55uO; $3500 cash, bal. long time; you can't appreciate this place until you see it. Bollam, Grussl A Hlgley, 128 3d st. IRVINGTON HOME. Z am leaving the city and will sell my flne Irvington home, located near end of Broadway carline, for the small price of $4150; I am making this sacrifice for a quick sale. Address G 317, Oregonlan. 8-ROOM modern houra on carline, west slope Mount Tabor; all kinds fruit; large grounds, 80x115; across the carllne; you can't buy the grounds alone for less than we can sell you this place; $3000, part cash. J. M. Cameron Co., room 412, Commercial bldg. $8760. 80x100, with new store building paying $35 per month on lease to reliable tenant doing $100 worth of business a day; .get the location today. WALDO F. STEWART, i 211 Commercial blk. Main 1006. LOOK AT THIS! 7-room house in Irvington, perfectly modern, with basement, stationary tubs, cement floor, furnace, Isrge reception hall, fireplace, gas, electricity, lot 50xl0O, for $4250. See 21. C. Davis today, at 16 Hamilton bldg. BY OWNER, Just finished, 5-room cottage, 2rttb and Oaruthers sts.. concrete founda tion, cement floor and walks; modern plumbing, gas, electric. Phone Union 2704. INVESTMENT Quartr-block on Third St., with side tracks: flne location for whole sale, manufacturing or warehouse; snap; $40,000; terms. 325 Lumber Exchange. FINR home on South First St.. 8 large rooms, large reception hall, full concrete basement, only $3500; house alone cannot be hullt for the money. See M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. BUY from owner and save commission, nice 5-room bungalow, modern every way, full concrete basement, on carllne, near Pied mont. Phone East 2466; easy terms. $1825 Corner, lOOxloO. on Kllllngsworth ave.; near streetcar barns; easy payments; I will sell at a sacrifice; must have money. Call at room 40 Washington bldg. 20 ACRES highly improved. 6 miles from city, near carllne; good house and out build ! n gs : snap at $7500 ; terms. 325 Lumber Exchange. 100x180 Patten ave. looxloo, Kllllngsworth ave. Zella Gossett, Riverside office, St. John car. T-ROOM house at Mt. Tabor, good location, near carllne. Owner, 210 Chamber of Com merce. Telephone 1293 Main. $3200. $22.000 Swell new apartment hause, close in, all rented; revenue $225 month. J 331, Oregonlan. FORTY acres, 20 cleared, fine soil. Portland 9 miles ; terms. Address F. Kruse, Qi- we go. Or. SPHINX AGENCY. 305 stark st.. can aall your business property or residence. BOMB acreage for sale, by owner, at Uni versity Park, phone. Woodlawn 39T. $3000 Two cottage houses, 20 aad 211 Olbh st. & owner, 641 Front st.