I THE MORMXG OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. 17 FOR RENT. Housei for Kent Furnltur for Sal. 11-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; In the hf-art of the city; paying well; rent $44. Smith Rental Agency, 314-15 Couch bUlg. Phone Main S12t and A 13.6. FURNITURE of 10-room house for sale. In Kooi location, all In good condition; iom rooms rented pays more than rent of house. Phone Main 1087. MODERN" flat for rent, furniture for Bale: a bargain ; Keam heat, hot .ami coid water. Janitor service free; rent reasonable. 405 Uth at., flat H. PARTLY furnished 8-room house for rent, furniture for sale chap; must be sold; centrally located. M 2&7. Oregonian. KICB modern house for rent in grood resi dence location, furniture for sale. 626 Kearney at. ; rent reasonable. FURNITURE of modern 6-room house; fine location; nice lawn; rent reasonable. F 2i4, OreRonian. SMALL hou." close in, for rent; furniture for sale at a bargain. D 2U3. Ore gonlan. A fiRO M modern flat for rent, close In; furniture for sale; price $300; terms. East (.HIT. LTo Furnished 5-ronm flat; sot to sell on account of bad health. Phone Paclflo 134. FURNITURE of 5 -room house, nearly new, price $7."p. Inquire 474 East Pine. TH H KE-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale. Apply KU West Park st. 'NICB furniture for sale and sunny flat for rent. Inquire 387 4th st. Stores. . , CORNER store, 25x40. or larger, also Inside stores of 20x30, 40x50 or Gi.xoO, equipped with balcony; aleo fine cement basement, steam heat and modern lighting Installa tion; In flve-Btory brick build ins, S. W. corner Fifth and Oak sts., opposite Com mercial Club bk.g. Inquire on premises. STORES to rent, full-sized store on Park, . between Morrison and Alder, under the new Calumet Hotel. Inquire at the hotel office, on Park at.; take elevator. STORE. llUh and Pettygrove. suitable for any business ; rent reasonable. Inquire S. Bromberger & Co., 343 Washington sc. i MODERN atore for rent on Washington St., near 11th. Apply 836 Chamber of Com merce. " - ' i FOR RENT Front of building for cigar stand. Call at 04 North 6th st. PTORE suitable for any kind of business for rent at 1070 Corbett st. Offices. ANT lze you want or whole floors of BOxlflO, suitable for displaying sample lines or other commercial purpoees; steam heat, elevator service and all other modern conveniences; In flve-story brick building. S. W. corner Fifth and Oak sts., opposite Commercial Club bldg. Inquire on premises. OFFICES TO RENT Single or en suite, front and back rooms; most central loca tion In city, corner 3d. Apply X-Radium Institute. 253 AldeQ. FRONT and back offices with water, heat, light and elevator. Best location in city. Dammeler, agent Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. OFFICES to rent In ther Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg. DESK room In bright front office, business center, both telephones, stenographer. P 290, Oregonian. FOR RENT Desk space in light front office. Central location; both phones. G 299. Ore gonian. FINE offices, best location. Room. SIS Bwetland bldg, 5th and Washington. ' PERSON AX. LADIES, ATTENTION. Dr. Flora Emmett treats diseases of women and children exclusively; 20 years of constant hospital experience In the treat ment of diseases peculiar to women places me I n the front rank of women m-edlcal practitioners; I make a specialty of at tending to those ailments from which ladies mostly suffer and in every case assure you of absolute satisfaction. I am a licensed graduate physician of the State of Oregon; maternity cases are given special attention under my personal supervision; trained pro fessional nurses and expert attendants at my sanitarium, the best equipped In the Northwest. Consultation absolutely free. - I Invite correspondence, which I a-ssure my patients is sacredly confidential. Addresa Dr. Flora Emmett, suite 26 Alteky bldg.. corner 3d and Morrison, Portland. Tel. Main 3348. WB CURB All diseases of men, women and children both acute and chronic dieeases of the eye, ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys, bladder, brain and stomach, catarrh, rheu matism, goitre, Indigestion, constipation and skin diseased promptly cured. All private and wasting diseases promptly cured and their eftects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and strictly con fidential. We guarantee all of our cures. New York Surslcal & Medical Institute, Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. LANE INSTITUTE Medical and surgical. Inc. Diseases of women and children ex clusively, nervous and chronic diseases of children given special attention, all up-to-date electrical apparatus, treatment given by the month if desired; maturity cases are given careful and peninnl attention by a graduate woman physician; sanitarium in connection; consultation free, open evenings. Room 5 to 14 Grand Theater bldg. Corre spondence solicited. M. 3928. Home 5607. 6UITS pressed while you wait. 50c To vlcllnr nf Pnrtlanil tlntplfl and tO DUbllQ at largo: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor s, iuu utn si., next io wuouo. la dies' klrti pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone pacific 208S. DR. PHILIP T. BALL. NArvmi nnd ohronic diseases, rheuroa tlsm, paralysis, piles, constipation, goitre cured by latest scientific methods; electric tub baths; lady attendant. 603 5th, cor. Sherman FRTixn of Mrs. Ethel Brock would like to know her address. She left her rooms in Portland on or about June 20; boy 5 years old accompanying her has not boen heard from since. D 299. Oregonian. Ladles Ask your druggist for Chtchestera Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known a the best: safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere. 1 DRESS suits for rent, an sixes; $1 month kaand vnii rirtthciB tMeAneri. nressed. but tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. unique Tailoring to., 809 Stark eL WANTED To know the whereaboutB of the family of Alexander Bauman, who came to Alaska In April of this year. Address Standard Copper Mines Co., - Land lock. Alaska. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, etc., removed by electrio needle; established 1894; phy sicians' references, lady operator. Parlors 170U 10th st.s near Morrison. Phone Main 6267. WE positively guarantee to cure eczema and piles or any okin diseases. Wells Eczema and Pile Remedy. rite for booklet free. Address W. F. Wells, box S96, Boise. Idaho. GERMAN, French. Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. fcehmale Co.. 229 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c a box. Writs or call at EysseVs Pharmacy. 227 Morri son st., bet. 1st and ifa. GENTLEMAN, 33 years of age, first-class me chanic, would like to meet a respectable lady or anout same aire; oDject matrimony. Aaaress u uregoniao. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. SAVTN and Cotton Root Pills. Sure remedy for delayed periods. Trial box fi. Keguiar size $z uy man. Dr. leroe, isi 1st st. Mrae. Courtrtght. skin and scalp treatments facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery 225 Fleldner bldg. M. 5042. Home A 2069. LADim Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate ; advice free. 170H 3d st. pacific 2229. WANTED 500 la.lies to learn about "Splrel la; tree demonstration dally. Suite 16, MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous harr removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fleldner bldg. Pac. 133. PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin quickly healed by Satin Skin Cream. hurt 25c Recently opened manicuring parlors removed from 351 to 343 Morrison St., room 2. MISS ETHEL WARD'S manicuring, chiropody parlors, suite 16. 351 Morrison st. A 5542. BALM of Figs for all female diseases, 62 E. Belmont. Phone E. 4034. BALM OF FIGS For all female diseases. 803 Fliedner bldg. Main 7721. fMADAM VASHTT Magnetic massage treat ments. 201 3d flt. PERSONAL. LADY barber shop now open; 4 chairs; no waiting. 54 4th. BUSINESS CHANCES. i THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 Morrison t., the largest and best located office In the city. Main 1568, A 4150. 21KK) 5-room modern house, close. $-00 handles chicken ranch; other places at all prices, locations and terms. Rooming-house, 27 rooms, $1000. . $2500 79 rooms; good buy. $350 7 rooms, new and good. Rooming-houses. $200 to $20,000. $300 Empovment agency, $18 daily. Confec, living rooms, $650, $1000. Grocery stores. $800. $1000, $2500. Restaurants. $500 to $5000. Other business chances, all prices. Home stead and timber claims located. Some fine chicken and dairy ranches. THE COAST REALTY CO.. 226 H Morrison st. Main 1568. A 4150. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS CHANCES. The Ames Mercantile Agency (established 1895) furnish free Information on opportu nities in mercantile or manufacturing lines, clcy or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Bakery, delicatessen and lunch eon parlor, in first-class location; Dueiness established and Increasing; good reason-for selling; will take $900 if deal is closed promptly; an excellent opportunity for man and wife who are competent to cater to a high-class trade. B 277, Oregonian. NICE grocery and cigar store; clean stock. at invoice, about $1000; 3 living rooms u floor; fell half Interest or all. Several new rooming-house deals. $S50, 10-room housekeeping outfit; central. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 31U-811-312 Shetland bldg. WANTED Lady or gentleman to' help re organize company; over quarter or a mil lion spent on proposition; all sound and millions will be made later; references and few thousand required ; party able to act as sec. or treas. of company preferred; in terview only. J 2S5. Oregonian. FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R. terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.; has 343 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all modern conveniences ; 3-year lease; rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge vurtz, of Gevurtz & Sons. 173-5 First st. FOR RENT Store room suitable for first- class barber ship, also for first-class bar room (liquor license included in rental), in flve-story brick building. S. W. corner Fifth and Oak streets, opposite Commercial Club bldg. Inquire on premises. PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi ness; mut be sober and satisfied with $4 to $6 a day now, but with active man-will be greatly Increased; experience not neces sary and very little money required. Call 248, Stark st. A RARE CHANCE. Grocery store in a suburban town doing $3500 per month; owner has other business Interests; would reduce stock somewhat to suit purchaser. W 2GS, Oregoniark FINE BUSINESS OPENING- Can be bought, if sold at once, for $500, best suburban real estate office, clearing at least $3000 a year; fine list of property. 1065 East Thirteenth. Sellwood 16L WHY take 4 per cent when you can invest with established manufacturing concern (in corporated). Must extend business, 25 per cent guaranteed. From $100 up accepted. Office 66 Sixth St., room 3. WANT a nartner with $600 to Join me in buying a good paying business; draw 100 per month and half the profits; references required, as you handle the money. Ad dress C 816, Oregonian. RELIABLE real estate man will take a partner who Is willing to show property, and guarantee no less than $150 monthly; very little money required. Call 323 Lum ber Exchange. ONLY a small block of Improved Smelter stock left to be sold at present price; smelter nearlng completion at Ladd's property. Oswego. W. J. Curtis, 215 Com mercial blk. TEN acres, all in cultivation, 8-year-old or chard; new 6-room house; improvements cost me $3000; two blocks car lino at Wil lamette. Price $4000; easy terms. E 299, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY to buy established small hard ware business or piumotng estaonsnment in Willamette Valley. Cash down and balance on time. P. W. Beggs, Belvedere Hotel, Portland. ROOMINGrHOUSE, 19 rooms, on Wash. st. ; lease for 1 years; furniture all new; al ways full; sickness takes owner out of city. Call today, 191 4th st. HAVE a fine saloon for sale, down town; also cigar store ; both money-makers. REALTY BROKERAGE CO., 268 Stark st., suite 32. FOR SALE $600 buys photo studio In Con don, Or.; population low; goon surrounding country; easy payments. Aoaresa is. u Merrilield. Condon, Or. 9 WANTED Partner with $125 to handle in side work of light manufacturing busi ness; experience unnecessary; good honest business. 331 3d st. FOUNDRY1 Partner wanted who understands the business; owners guarantee no less than $200 a month. Particulars call 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. OPPORTUNITY to locate plumbing shop in connection wim naraware store in Will amette Valley. P. W. Beggs, Belvedere Hotel, Portland. FOR SALE Hotel in country town, $2600; will clear 50 per cent on investment first year. Call room 605 -Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington at. ROOMING-HOUSE GEJNUINB SNAP. Centrally located; low rent; owner leav ing citv; quick sale, $450. Call Room 7, 1S1 First st. Ort account sickness, we are Instructed to sell a cash business; will pay you $7 daily; $3oO required. Call 323 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner with small capital; services not required; big money. A. J. Matter, 518 Commonwealth bldg, 6th & Ankeny. BEST opportunity In sight; partner with $16,000 wanted for togging chance; can clear $90,000; I furnish outfit. E 292, Ore gonian. ST. JOHN Business location In St. John for rent; suitable for grocery or meat market. St. John Land Co. Phone Union 3104. FOR SALE or trade for city real estate, grocery, established 18 years; owner retir ing account poor health. H 280, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED promoter, organizer, pub licity expert, desires engagement; state na ture of enterprise, ti. 284, Oregonian. HALF INTEREST in amusement ball: money required $350, or guarantee profits $Ku per montn. jv dots, irregonian. NOW' or never, cigar, fruit and candy corner: Al cash trade; Just for a song, stock and trade considered. A sis, oregonian. WOOD BUSINESS Clears $400 a month and stands full investigation; sacrificed to sell quick at $2300. call 248 stark st. PARTNER wanted to attend store, collect. etc.; pay you --h a wees.; required, secured. Call 243 Stark st. $2000 Will sacrifice fine Jewelry busi ness, A-l town; good reason. Address F. H. Russell, Anderson. Cal. OWNER of a growing manufacturing business wants partner: $1500 required; good chance today, uau -te ya mar x at. nfiM'T bur until you see us for mnminr. bouses; we have bargains In all sizes and prices. ib i-n st. TAILOK snop, centrauy located-, cheap; a gooa paying proposition, soiling at once. O 29s, oregonian. WILL pay 90c on $1 for limited amount of urt-gon Trust savings deposits. N zi3. oregonian. GROCERY, best money-maker In city. Investi gate, fine proposition if taken aoon. 723 w imams ve. JEWELRY store; good looation; owner has other business; cneap ror cash. K 292, Oregonian. LOOK our way for rooming-houses; over 60 for sale. Northwestern Investment Co.. 193 f ourth st. FOR SALDat a reasonable price, newly fur nished rooming-house. Inquire 167 West Park St.- RESTAURANT SNAP Lunch counter and 6 taDiea; income aaiiy; Sioo. call le9 Ln si. CLIFFS: Stunt No. 1 Incorporate town when tnree momns 01a. eee it. j. j, Reld, Cliffs, Wash. IF you have a buslnes of any kind for sale, can 191 4th st.. or phone Pac 2234 or A 1321. ABSTRACT 'business cheap; In atate. Addresa X 3t3, best proposition care Oregonian. FOR SALE! Only bakery county seat; good business. Address B 318, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSES. Here are a few extra good ones; good locations; always full; low rent. $400 12 rooms. $3000 30 rooms. Si 200 24 rooms. $2f00 79 rooms. $2S'K) 34 rooms. $23i0 32 rooms. $3000 34 rooms. - - $2500 30 rooms. $1500 20 rooms. And lots of others. All show big- net re sults. Terms on some of them. W. W. SMITH & CO., 250 Alder, cor. d. room 1. A SURPRISING BARGAIN The old bake Bhon. delicatessen, grocery and bakery busi ness located on southeast corner of 2d and Jefferson sts., over $300 worth of fancy and staple groceries, besides showcases, scales, counters, shelving, fixtures and complete bakery outfit. This is a grand opportunity for wide-awake up-to-date business man or woman. Inquire, at 208 let st. Phone .Main 1626. A 4243. $2500 A very profitable business, paying $30 per week clear of all expenses, t witnout attention from owner, or $30 if owner takes the place of present manager; short hours and no Sunday work. Trade for house and lot or farm considered; would pay difference If value is shown; best business opening in Portland. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 165 3d st. 17 ROOMS, well located, $1000. 20 -room apartment house. $900. 50 rooms, lately furnished, $4250. 4tt-room apartment-house, clearing $350 per month, $3500. 60-room hotel, we 1 1 f ur n Is h ed. $5000. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. The Original Hotel Brokers. 351 Morrison st. Phone Main 7311. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. To rent, the Holden House, Astoria; an old established and well-known boarding house of 27 rooms; furniture for sale at very low estimate at reasonable terms. For more particulars inquire at 77T Petty grove St., or phone Main 63 SO or A 2623. or write directly to Mrs. E. C. Holden, Astoria, Or. FEED store, paying from $3 to $7 per day good location; 100 feet frontage on carllne; good buildings; owner must sell on ac count of old ape; will give trial; $25m; terms. Phone Tabor 732, or address C 3O0, Oregonian. SOLID manufacturing business partner want ed to do collecting; must furnish references and Invest 2ooo ana win be guaranteed no less than $250 monthly. Call at 323 Lumber Exchange. WANTED To enter into partnership with a reliable real estate firm or ronl estate and hanking. Can give good references and can furnteh some money for legitimate use. C 296, Oregonian. FOR SALE A grocery business with good trade and the best location in town; a big thing for the right party; also all kinds of real estate for sale and exchange. Ken dall & Fugate. Walla Walls Wash. : FOR BALE 2-chair barber shop; fine loca tion, doing good business; rent $10 for shop and 2 rooms in rear; must be sold on ac count of other business; $150 cash. 462 Gllsan st. FINE business location. 20 rooms, lease good for three years: will sell today; takes in $425 per month; rent $125; terms, $2000 cash handles it. 181 0th, opposite Hotel - rortlana. GROCERY STORE We have a fine stock and good business In splendid location; will sell at invoice or otherwise if desired; must sell on account of disability. J 280, Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted in strictly cash business, to do office work; owners responsible and guarantee no leas than $200- monthly. $1500 required. Call room 323 Lumber Exchange, A SNAP Must be sold at own price, stock and fixtures cigar store, central location, good lease. See E. P. McCroskey, 21 North Second. Main 3074. WANTED Three partners in duck lakes, 600 acres, center Sauvies Island. For par ticulars see C- P. McCroskey, 21 North Second. Main 3074. CLIFFS: Stunt No. 2 Population September 1, 1907, 0; population September 1, 1908, 2000. See It. J. J. Retd, Cliffs, Wash. FOR SALE Grocery store andllving rooms; cash trade; cheap rent; a Snap; sickness cause. 181 1st st., room 7. SEE " CLIFFS," NEWSPAPER Valley; sacrifice for quicK saie account oiner Dusiness opening j terms T 251. Oregonian. GOOD paying transfer business, established lhba. Office in poetonice building, Oregon tuy. WANTED Partner to open business chance otrice. inouire loo ltith. If you want to swap horses or automobiles or jack-knives you'll make the best trades if you go to the place where ' ALL the horses ALL the automobiles ALL the jack knives are to be FOUND. HI That's in The Orego- V ffiilftlST 'H nian's Classified Want ifcafeA fc-M 4s Columns. . fP:00W3&Wri& ftll ' . David Harum never MjlS ' V fft ' j had such a "swapping" ' x' V. - " j place in his life as this I ' 1 . M y W4 "The Market Place MmMmXM&BmMMw ' of Portland." 1 "T" ' And there's more hu- fW Wv man interest reading f OREGONIAN " IB&MW , I'' i WANT ADS , . i:t, - -you'll find than '0jm0 . " . !;f?Ti5; in anything David fMBiW. fJpM 105 ' f; iJ!h: . Harum ever said. iiffW iJI l,-- If . to day - . gp m -and-, iS;l il m ' see! . tpw. iM ' H pw. yfwm 'mMsm 0-'- Kill BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTY leaving the city will sell his In terest in a manufacturing business tjiat has netted him over $150 per month since March, and In on the increase. Price $750, with $600 cash, balance monthly. B 298. Oregonian. OWNER of a central saloon wants honest partner, as he can t depend on hired help; experience not necessary, as he will soon teach you the business and guarantee you $125 to $175 a month; $550 required. Call 248 Stark st. ' . PARTNER wanted to help manage old es tablished business; must be sober ana a hustler; it's the man I want, not bis money. Austin, care of Chicago Dentists, 6th and Washington. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, strayed or stolen, V?ne brlndle bull terrier, white chest and white on paws, black collar with brass spikes; return to 202 Third street and avoid trouble. FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated. returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. LOST Diamond and pearl cluster ring In a package of a Jewelry firm. Liberal re ward. Return to 503 Macieay bldg. LOST Saturday afternoon, mink collarette. riease return and receive rewara. j. w. Latimer, Union Depot Restaurant. LOST White Spitz dog; answers the name "Pedro." Reward, no questions asked. Golden West Hotel. LOST Mink fur boa on Williams ave., be tween Broadway and Holladay ave.; reward. Phone East 2417. FOR SALE 60-room rooming-house doing good business; price $1000. 181 First st., room 7. LOST Thursday morning on Cth or 16th st. car, tan purse, initials "R. G." Reward. Main 1114. LOST Gold cross and chain. East Side, about three weeks ago. Reward. Phone E 3680. FOR SALE Restaurant, good location, doing big business; $1000. 181 1st St., room 7. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store; low rent; $300. 181 Ist.st., room 7. LOST White, brown spotted pointer dog. Re ward. 706 Wash. st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS INVITED. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees, Oregon State Insane Asvlum. at the Governors office, baiem. Or., until 1:30 P. M.. October 22. 1907. for mixed paint for exterior painting at the Oregon state insane AByium. Specifications giving formula and ap proximate quantity can be seen at the Governor's office, superintendent of the asylum office, and at the office of Delos D. Neer, architect. 133 1st St., Portland, Or. - Bids must be made In accordance with the specifications and quote price per gal lon, delivered at the said asylum at Salem, Or. By order of the Board of Trustees. Ore gon State Insane Asylum. Attest: W. M. GATENS, Clerk. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Van- couver, Barracks, Wash., Sept. 25. 1907 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. Oct. 24. 1907, and then publicly opened, for furniFhing and installing electric light fix tures in new N. C. O. quarters, railroad sta tion and Dos toff ice at Fort Stevens, Or. Full information will be furnished on ap plication to this office and at office of Constuctlng Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or. The U. S. reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Fropo?a.ls for electric ifeht fixtures at Fort Stevens." and ad dressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Van couver Barracks, W asn. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by Dalles City for the construction of the superstructure of the proposed city iriau until October 21, I9i7. a certified check, made In favor of the Re corder of Dalles City, to the amount of 5 per cent of the bid, must accompany each bid, to insure the acceptance of the contract should It be awarded to tha bidder. Dalles City reserves the right to reject any and all bias. Responsible contractors may apply to C. J. Crandatt, architect. The Dalles. Or., for the drawings ana specifications. SEALED bids Will be received at tne office of the School Clerk, In the City Hall, Port land. Oregon, until 2 o'clock P. M.. Tuee day. Oct. 22, 1907, for fifteen hundred (1500) or more school desks of assorted numbers. Desks to be delivered where and when needed during the current year. I. N. FLEISCHNER. MRS. L. W. SITTON, Supply Committee. A if pHH ' t;iMf f. 1,;t (Advertisement from The Oregonian.) H SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS INVITED. Sealed bide will be received by the Board of Trustees, Oregon State Ineane Asylum, at the" Governor's office, Sa.em, Oregon, until 1 :S0 P M., October 22, 19o7. for painting brick foundation walls, wood work and other buildings In the open court of the O. S. I. Asylum grounds. Specifications can be seen at the Gov ernor's office. Superintendent of the Asy lum office and at the office of Delos D. Neer, architect, 133 First street, Portland, Oregon. Bids must conform in every respect with the requirements of the specifications; otherwise will not be considered by the board. By order of the Board of Trustees, Ore gon State Insane Asylum. Attest: W. N. GATENS. Clerk. U. S. ENGINEER Office. Portland, Or., October 18, 1907. Sealed proposals lor furnishing and delivering four hoisting en gines, three locomotives and two boilers will be received here until 11 A. November 18, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on appli cation. S. W. Roessler, Lt.-Col. Engrs. Miscellaneous. NOTICE to creditors and to all persons, firms and corporations Interested in the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County in the suit of Louis J. Wilde, plaintiff, against the, Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, a cor poration, and others, notice is hereby given to the creditors, as well as all per sons, firms and corporations having any claim or demand against the said Ore gon Trust- & Savings Bank, a corpora tion, of Portland, Oregon, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, duly verified, to the undersigned receiver of said Oregon Trust & Savings Bank at his office In the city of Portland, Oregon, on or before the 1st day of January, 1908. Portland. Oregon, September 25, 1907. THOMAS C. DEVLIN, Receiver of the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. To the taxpayers of Multnomah County, Or. rsotlce is aereoy given mat on .aioncay, October 21, 1907. the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Clerk of eaid county and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1907. and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property, and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if It shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lots, or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or as sessed under or beyond its value, or any land?, lots or other property not aesessed, said Board of Equalization shall mnke the proper corrections. B. D. SIGLER. County Assessor. Portland, Or., September 28, 1907. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF THE SEC RETARY. WASHINGTON, D. C. October 7. 1907. Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of Agriculture has, under au thority conferred by law. issued Amend ment No. 1 to Rule 3, Revision 1 (B. A. I. Order No. 146) to prevent the spread of scabies in sheep. This amendment re moves and revokes the quarantine placed by Rule 3. Revision 1, uupn the States of Idaho and Wyoming, and will become ef fective October 15, 1907. Copies of Amendment No. 1 to Rule 3, Revision 1, may be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, whose address is Washington, D. C. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. WANTED Property-owners to Join and put small water main from Portland nouie vard north on Montana ave.. distance 2200 feet. Telephone East 1248.. 386 East Irv ing at. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. MONEY loaned In sums of $5 and up on att- kinds of security, w. A. Hatnaway, room 10. Wash. bldg. Pacific J.832. MONEY at 6 per cent on city property; no commission. Sol. Bloom, 635 Chamber Com merce. State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com. $10,000 OR less at 6 and 7 per cent; no de lays. F. O. Northrup, 314-15 Couch bldg. MONEY to lean on all kinds of security. Wrm, Holl, room 9, Washington bldg. $500,000 to loan at 6 per cent on mortgages. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg. DON'T borrow money on your salary until you see Hutton Credit Company. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security. 510 Chamber of Commerce. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg M'''!4jili4yyiiW..ytyKW.iu! ... jOMiin i.iiU'ij jJM g "jilM'a.Wf f- BARGAINS. Surrey, team and harness, all in good condition. $150. $65 buys saddle horse, 7 years old; weleht 1000 pounds; has all gaits; $33 buys hack and harness. $12 buA Bao'd light Democrat wagon. Main 6227. is riNANCIAlu Money to Loan. SOMEWHERE. THERE IS SOMETHING WANTED, BY SOMEONE, AND SOMEONE HAS SOMETHING YOU WANT. IF YOU WANT MONEY REMEMBER WE HAVE IT. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." Give "Your Note." GET $10 TO $100. "THAT'S ALL." NO PUBLICITY. NO DELAYS. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS, 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WDD. AND SAT. TILL 8 P. M. All Railroad Men, Car met., etc.. Clerks, Salesmen, Bookkeepers, Ail salaried employes. Can get from us Any amount from $10.00 to $100.00. Easy payments and lowest terms. Strictly confidential. THD CPFSCKXT LOAN COMPANY, 428 Mohawk Building. MONET TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and re placed. Fred II. Strong, financial agent, 242 Stark st. LOANS made to salaried people holding per manent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; roomlng-houset a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN - Se MORTGAGES CO.. 205 Abington bldg. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, cam got on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month. H-month. Week. $."ii Repay to us...13.33 or S0.05 or S3. 35 $25 Repay to us...$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.69 $15 Repay to us. . .$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 20 McKay Bldg., 102 Third. MONEY advanced salaried people-and others upon their own names without security; rheanest rates, easiest Davments: offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms nrsc. TOLMAN. 223 Abington Bldg.. 106H 8d. MONBY LOANED On salaries, no other se- curity: my system Is the beirt for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employed and others; all business confidential. . a. Newton. Oil Buchanan bldg., ,28i& Wash ington et. VVB make loans to salaried employee holding permanent positions; get our rates before going elsewhere; notes bought; cash on hand for trader of any kind. Fidelity Loan & Trust Co., Room 10 Washington Bldg. CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages. bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried nennle: lowest rates: strictly confiden tial. Employes Loan Co., room T16. The Dekum. Sd and Washington. Main 224. ' $100,000 to loan In sum of $1000 or more to suit, o to j per cent, on improvea reauy. m. G. Griffin. - 206 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $50O0 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson Co., room a. Washington bldg. Phons Ftc lbJl. LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se curities; lowest rates. 6. W. King, room 45, wash. bldg. v hone Mam otov. $5000 OR less In sums to suit on real estate charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle ton, 017 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money to loan on improved Portland property; 6 and per cent, vv m. J. Murphy, 122 Vb 6th. Main 550. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgage or contracts. Small building loans a specially W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. Louna Wanted. WANTED Loan of $1500 for one year on good bankable collateral security; good rate interest. oW Abington omg. BUSINESS DIKKCTORY. Accountants. THE GEO. T. Mt'UTON AUDIT CO.. 318 Chamber of Commerce. Office systematizing and general accounting, iioth pnones. Arts. KEHAMIC STUDIO China painting and firlne: orders taken for Christmas. Mrs. F. A. Mark ley, 4 Alilner bldg.. cor. Park At Morrison. Main 047. Art School. LESSONS In hand carving; buy and sell tiQue furniture, repairing. 528 Wash. Assayeri and Analysts. Wells A Proebstel., mining engineers, metal lUrglSIS ana ttMafeis. 7S dining luu. MONTANA Assay Office. 186 Morrison at. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL B At' MEL, aaeayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 2u7 Alder st. Bookstores. MEYER'S Book Store, formerly at 225 Morrl son, is now at 2tf let st. Carpenter and Builders. J. A. PETERSON, carpenter, contractor and "builder; contracts taken for buildings of all kinds, estimates furnished. Call on me be fore buildin&. Adurass Barr Hotel, 6th and Glisan sts., city. W L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting , oou o tar it. auun ooai. Caxvet Cleaning. standard Caitet Cleaning Co. Carpets cleaned by latest process, bocn steam ana compressed air; Oriental rugs a specialty; featlieiti and mattress renovated. Ph. E. 2H0 thk IONE steam carpet cleaning- works, re- fittlnK and Sewing; prompt aojivery; worK guaranteed, tt. x . anepara. .a&l aw. SANITARY carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on noor; suction ana coinpreraea sir. oooi. Commission Merchants. HKR1UAN METZGKH. purchaser or hide. pelts, furs, wool, mohair, -tallow and rubber sna oia memi im.'t ,-uuiiuiMiuu uim- chant. Front at., near Main, Portland, Or. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., 'ship broken, com- muiaion mercnanta, Buenous uius;., t-ortiana. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers merchants. 210 ad st. and commission Collections. INTERSTATE AUJl.arfllLrtr JU., law col lections, reports. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130 Dancing. and Deportment. Lessons dally, private or ciaaees. npwi." .v... . ..iuki.ii fcsaons 55c. Walts, twe-etep, three-step stage aancinH, wun. nuu ww,., viug, j.s. Skirt, high fling. Both phones. Hall and office, 3o4 AJtsky bldg, ztis Morrison st.. cor. ou PROP. RINQLER, dancing academy, a select school ; class or private lessons uuuy. ossm B. Morrison St. pnones. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A P ARMSTRONG, Lb. B., PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class In struction. Position certain when compe tent. All modern methcus of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work, Chartier ehon baad; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue free. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. W. W. Williams, M. S., Prin., 148 Bin St. Central location; Pitman shorthand; expert graduates; low tuition; day and night school; new pupils dally. MISS CALL'S Primary ana Grammar School; individual tutoring in higher branches or class work. Phone E. 2700. 6S8 B. Burnslde. PBP.SONAL Instruction In plain or fancy penmanship. M. A. Albln. BIT Worcester bldg. Harness and gaddlee THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harness mnfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 226. Kindergartens. THE 14th MATTIXGLY KINDERGARTEN 268 near Jefferson. Phone Main 3M3. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L- SHANK 4 CO.. purchasers of hides; pells, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 812 Front St. ' t Machinery. B. TREX KM AN Sr CO.. mining, sawmill log ging n-.acbinery. hydraulic pipes, castings, all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st. Chiropody and Manlcurina. WM. DEVEST and Estelle Deveny. -the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew building, 162 .2d st. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room S30 Fliedner bldg. Phone Paclflo 134. BCSLXESS UTliECTOBI. Civil Engineers. Portland Enginaering Company, civil and mta- wiis engineers, surveyors, assay ers, drafts uien. ooti Sherlock bldg. Main eUoO, A 5681. Leather and findings. A. 8TROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S58. Leather and nndlngs; Stock, ton solo leather and cut stock; full llQ4 Eastern Jun bos. lbU Front au CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. Front and Oak sts. Leather and skins of every description for ail purposes; sols and tap cutters' find ings. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil Prof. Bevclk. via- .u a.uu vioia luacner. 334 fine, racina zwsu. Mining Engineers. Portland Engineering Company, civil and mla ins engineers, surveyors, assayers, drafts men. 5at Sherlock bldg. Main 8200, A 6681. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHKUP, 415-18-17 Dekum bldg.. Tnird and "Washington sta. Phone, office. Main 349. Residence, IS. 1028. DR. L- B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore sun, grauu&ie mrKvme, aio. utf uregomaq Mdg. Main 124.; res. Main .752. Paints, Oils and Ulasa. RASMUSSEN & CO.. lobberw paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent l.nwyers. R. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign patoxttsl wiringement cases. uo4 uekum. Flumblng. WINTER la here; call up East 404 S for hot water connections and stoves set up; nral claba. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON. Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. c Co., Ml stark st. Both pnones, 140T. Spiritualists. FREE! FREE ! FREE! FOR ONE WEEK MORS. BRING. THIS AD AND RECEIVB ABSOLUTELY FREE. One of my CONSULTATION K&ADINGS. The above CONSULTATION READIiVd will ba GIVEN FREE to every person who comes prepared to take one of my celebrated $a.00 Psy chopalmo Readings for only $1.00) to all who bring this paper ad. This is strictly a matter of buslnes oft your part, to call at my office and be come familiar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to the wise la sufficient. WHY T Because there 1b no person In life that ' does not meet with trouble. In the path of life, which they cannot overcome without help. Ard you now have the golden op portunity. WITHOUT PRICE, to consult one of the most SCIENTIFIC OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS IN AMERICA this, week. I know when I have demonstrated to you that I am en rapport with the MOST POWERFUL, SPIRITUAL INFLU ENCE that can advise and help you. When you are in need of such advice and help you will call and see PROFESSOR E. KHIMO Greatest living astral dead-trance elalr. voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI. NESS AND ALL AFFAF1RS OF LIFE: whom you will marry, how to control tha one you love, even though miles away; reunites the soparated; gives secret pow ers to control others; no difference how close or now far away, you can alwaya obtain your desired results. Tells you ust how, where and when to Invest your money, to obtain the best possible results If you are sick, melancholy, dlsheartenod or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IM DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual ad vice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advertise to do, and a great deal more. Office. No. 8 and 4. Grand Theater bids. SWA WASHNOTON, Phone Main 1267. IN THE WONDERFUL, MYSTIC REALM OF CLAIRVOYANCE. The field that challenges doubt and make the most critical skeptics accept the mys teries, there Is but one PROF. NIBLO. Whatever your trouble may be. If It re lates to past, present or future, II It, con cerns your own actions alone or your re lations with others, he renders you valu able assistance. WASHINGTON ST. THE STEVEN SONS, celebrated trumpet nd clairvoyant meaiuma ana pscmc puum-i. from the East, will give readings dally; select circles fy appointment. At the Karo. 171 West Park st., upstairs, rooms 11 and 12. Home phone A 2.176. MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, spiritual teacher and reader, parlor Ho AnsKy oiag. puduo meeting Tuesday and Friday, 8 P. M. dally Hi to 8. MARION CORELL:, palmist and trance me dium, satisfaction guaranteea. Washington St., bet, 1st and 2d. MAY ANDREWS, card reading, at 823 Mais. 25c. Phone Main 7043. Bates. DIEBOLD manganese safes large Unea car ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks. Jails, metal furniture. Honest prices and goods. Bota phones. J. E. Davis. 66 Hd. Showcase, Bunk and Store Fixtures. THE JameB I. Marshall Mfg. Co. show cases, cabinets, store anu ouice natures. 28U Couch st. Pacific 21M1. R. H BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530. THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., Hoyt. Phone Main 14U8. eor. ttth aad Sign Painting. Portland Slga Co., 287 Stark. Pao. 13M. Storage and Transfer. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. First-class fireproof atorehouse; prompt and careful attention given to alt classea transferring. Office 2(9 Oak. Phone Main 547. A 2247. Pacific 1081. O. O. PICK, office 8S 1st. bet. Stark and Oek. Phone fU6. P;anos and furniture moved and racked for shipment; commodious brlclc warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. C M OLSEN Safes, pianos, furniture moved, packed and shipped. Office 68 3d at. BotU phones, Office. Main 1655; res.. Main 3480.. Surveyors. Portland Engineering Company, civil and min ing engineers, surveyors, assayera, drafts men. 800 Sherlock bldg. Main 8200. A 6681. Teachers' Agency. C R. B. TEACHERS' AGENCY can place 'you at once where -your ability to "make srood" will command the highest remunera tion: "no delay." 808-4 Alleky bldg.. 261 Morrison at,' Typewriters, NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re paired. Coast Agencr. 231 Stark. Phone 1407. BANKS. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA t Established In 1864. J HEAD OFICE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER 8. KINI Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$10,153,873 A General Banking and Eaohange Business . Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and Up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager SV. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd LADD & TILT ON. Bankers. PORTLAND, OREGON. Established 1850. Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. , 6avlngs Books Issued on Savings Deposits. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President Tl. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. IIOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier S. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. -Collections a specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ' Portland, Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. II. 500.000.0ft, Deposits. $14,000,000.00. Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast. A. L. MILLS President J. W.- NEWKIRK Cashier W. C.,' ALVORD As-drtnnt Cashier B. 7. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier