THE MORNING OREG0TIA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 19Q7. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAN TELEPHONES. Countlng-Room Main 7070 City Circulation iin 7070 Manaetng Editor Mal 7070 Sunday Editor Main 7070 Comp-jRlng-Itoom Main 707O Cl:y Kdltor Main 7070 Superintendent Building Main 7070 East Sldo OlTlca . -M" " AMCSEMKNTS. THE HEIUG mth and Washington streets) "In Old Kentucky. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Tonisht at S:15. MARQl'AM GRAND THEATER fMorrlson between Gth and 7th The Calitornlans In "Robin lloud." Matinee at 2:15; to night. 8:13. BAKKR THEATER (Thlrd between Tam htU and Taylor) Baker Theater Company In "All on Account of Eliza." Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) The comf dy-drama, "The Choir Singer." Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. GRAND THEATER (Washington, betwoen I'tti-k and Seventh) Vaudeville, 2:30. 7::iu nd U 1". 11. VANTAGES THEATER (4th and Star) Continuous vaudAvlllc. a:a0. 7:30. 0 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (7th and Alder) The I.yrle Stock Company in "The Girl I Lett Kchlnd lip." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees Tuisday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 P. M. f t -H i KK.IiEn (Park and Washington) The French Stock Company in "The Girl Engineer." Tonight at 8:15. Matinee pUtMiiy' Saturday and snday ' --15 T1JE OA Kd (O. W. P. canine) Gates open 12:30 P 11. to 11 P. Sundays and holidays. io A. M. to 11 p. M. Band con cent and Jree specialties. Diocese to Bn Divided. Word was re ceived yesterday from Bishop Scaddlng, who Is attending tlie annual convention or tne i-pUscopal Churches of America, at Richmond, Va., that In the near fu ture the Diocese of Oregon Is to be di vided. All that section of the state lying east of the Cascade Mountains is to be known as the Diocese of Eastern Ore gon and will constitute a missionary Jurisdiction, which means that affairs governing the Episcopal Church In that section will be administered by the heads of the Episcopal Church of Ameri ca. The section of the state lying west of the Cascades will be known as the Diocese of Oregon and will be adminis tered as heretofore by the local Bishop. It Is not known definitely when this im portant change will be Inaugurated. Daughters ok Revolution. Sons and Daughters of the . American Revolution will observe the anniversary of the cam paign of Saratoga and Yorktown by a patriotic celebration in the Selllng Hlrsch building at 8 o'clock next Friday night. The meeting will be open to the public. No invitations will be issued and announcements have been sent out by Colonel James C. Jackson, W. B. Chase and W. H. Chapin. This meeting will be the occasion of the first public appear ance In Portland of General A. W. Greely, commanding ofllcer of the Department of the Columbia. General Greely will de liver an address on "Twentieth Century Patriotism." Other speakers will" be Judge George H. Williams and Bishop David H. Moore. Initiative Onb Hundred Meeting. A meeting of the Initiative One Hundred will be held In the Board of Trade rooms Friday night, October 18. Among the pubjectg to be discussed is the question of Improvement In the cleaning of the city's streets. It Is also proposed to choose committees for the purpose of debating the question as to the advisability - of uniting the governments of Multnomah County and the City of Portland under the name of Multnomah. The question of Inaugurating a campaign to have all the county roads in Multnomah County, where practicable, widened to 80 feet, will also foe discussed at this meeting. Thief Breaks a Window. A daring at tempt was made to rob Lcfferts' jewelry store, 272 Washington street, at about 9:30 o'clock last night. One of the large plate-glass windows was broken, and from the appearance of the pane Detec tive Sergeant Baty, who Investigated, Is Inclined to believe a blow with a sharp Instrument was dealt It. It is believed that whoever hit the glass Intended making a hole large enough to admit his hand, the motive belng to obtain several valu able diamond earrings. The plan failed. It is thought, because the blow struck was not sufficiently heavy The police were unable to secure any clew to the identity of the vandal. Reception to Dr. and Mrs. Ford. A public reception was given Dr. Ford, pastor of the Sunnyside Methodist Church, and his wife last night in the church. It was held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society and was large ly attended. A committee of women re ceived members and their friends. An interesting musical and literary pro gramme wa.s rendered, followed 'by re freshments served in the Sunday-school room. Dr. Ford has been pastor of the Sunnyside Methodist Church for the past three years and has entered on his fourth year under most favorable circum stances. Will Hear Committer Reports. The Sellwood Board of Trade will meet to night to consider several propositions, the time having been changed from Friday night. A report will be received con cerning the proposition to erect a gas plant and supply gas to Sellwood people at the rate of $1.45 per thousand cubic feet, the establishment of the dividing Hue at Leo avenue between the Sellwood and Lewellyn school buildings, and firj protection. Gas is wanted badly by the residents of that suburb, but they do not want to pay $1.15, which they consider ex cessive. Wants Hiqh School. The Ninth "Ward Push Club, which will be permanently organized next Friday night at Wood-merf-of the World Hall, on Russell street, Alblna, will pull for the erection of a High School in that part of the city. The Koita Improvement Club, in North Al blna, has already started agitation. In this neighborhood a three-aerj tract for the site of a High School was purchased some time ago. At the meeting Friday night the new Push Club will elect of ficers and select a name. Annual Sunday-School Rally. The annual rally of the Sunday-School of Grace Methodist Church, which marks the opening of the Sunday-school work for the year, will be held next Sunday, October 10. Plans for the day are being arranged by Edward Drake, superinten dent, and Walter J. Gill, assistant. The attendance in the Sunday-school at the present time is much larger than the same period last year. The extension of the work of the Epworth League Is es pecially marked. Council op Jewish Women. The Btudy class of the Council of Jewish Women will meet for the first time this year In the Selllng-Hlrsch Hall today at 2:30 P. M. This year's work will be under the direction of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, who has arranged to give a series of Plble lectures. The subject for today Is "Bible Criticism, History and Method." Falls Into Elevator Shaft. Because of the condition of his eyes, E. Logan, 13 years of age. walked oft the floor at the door of the elevator cage in the J. K. Gill store yesterday afternoon and fell a short distance to tne bottom. He was not seriously Injured, but was'removed to St. Vincent's Hospital for treatment. Killed 'Whii.r Blastino. J. Martin employed as a laborer on the Beaverton branch of the O. "R, & N. Company, was killed Monday by an explosion, of dy namite. He was blasting stumps, and when two out of three charges were suc cessfully set off he started to Investigate the third, when he. was killed. The North Pacific Lumber Company is again taking orders for cut-up slab wood, and planer trimmings; they promise quick delivery. Phone Exchange 43. Attention. Kniohts op Columbus. Special meeting at the clubhouse, next Wednesday night. Consideration trip to Seattle. To Study Self-Culture jlnd Chahac- ter Reading. On Thursday evening of i thlg week a class in self-culture and char- j acter reading will be organized. All who : are interested are Invited to be present. Professor George Morris, a retired lec turer on phrenology, has accepted an In vitation to conduct the class. He will be assisted by Mrs. Morris, who will give character sketches, advice to wives on "How to Cook a Husband," and other readings. Strangers will toe welcome, one object of the founders of the class being to promote sociability as well as Intellectuality. The organization meet ing will be held at 8 P. M., Thursday, October 17, In room 1. 181 Sixth street. Recruit for Navy. N. H. White, mid shipman In the United States Navy, who Is visiting the cities of the Coast for the purpose of opening recruiting stations for the enlistment of sailors, arrived in the city last night from Seattle, accompanied by his assistant. Chief Turret Captain W. T. Boyd. Midshipman White is trav eling in advance of a recruiting party un der Ensign John Rogers, U. S. N., who will arrive tomorrow. Past Assistant Surgeon A. K. Dunn, physical examiner, is a member of the party. An office will be opened in the Custom-House. The party will later open temporary offices In The Dalles, Walla Walla and Spokane. EX-POLICEMAN IN FlOHT. W. F. Stitt, a former Portland policeman, and John Katschner, a machinist, engaged in a fight at Park and Washington streets last nlghl at 7:30 o'clock, and both were ar rested by Patrolman Wade and Special Policeman Maher. Stitt accused Katsch ner of undue intimacy with Mrs. Stitt. The latter took sides against her husband at police headquarters and said she would like to bail Katschner out but had no money. Katschner went to Jail and Stitt was released. Brewery Leases Hotel. A long-term lease of the Hotel Perkins has been practically concluded by the Star Brew ery, of Vancouver. It Is understood that an agreement has been signed by Z. S. Spaulding, the owner, and the Vancouver concern, and that nothing remains to close the deal except the drawins up and signing of the lease. It is reported that the -consideration is about $:M,O0O a year, and that the rental contract is to run for 15 years. The Star Brewery agrees to spend a large amount In the Improvement of the property. Detectives to Have Hearing. Before the police committee of the Executive Board at the City Hall tonight Acting Detectives Kay and Kienlen will be tried on charges of Insubordination, pre ferred against them several months ago by CaptanBruin. It is possible, also, that a portion of the session may be consumed with the trials of the former detectives who were discharged a long time ago by Mayor Lane. Dr. Wilson is Welcomed. Rev. Clar ence True Wilson, the new pastor of Centenary Church, was welcomed to his new field last night with a general re ception at the church. There was a large attendance of members. Dr. J. J. Wiggins delivered a short address of welcome to the new pastor, to which Dr. Wilson re sponded in an appropriate manner. Special rates and service to the Mult nomah County Fair. Gresham cars leave First and Alder streets every hour from 7:30 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Last car from Gresham to Portland 11 P. M. Fare 25 cents, round trip. Tickets must be pur chased. On sale in waiting-room. Picks Raspberries in October. B. Lee Paget yesterday had the novel ex perience of picking raspberries off the bushes in his garden at his residence in Oak Grove. The berries were fully ripened and delicious In flavor. Football Today. Columbia University vs. Hill Military Academy. Game called 3:30 o'clock. Ad mission 25c. SALE FOR SOUSA CONCERT Great Conductor and His Band at the Armory Friday and Saturday. Seats are now selling at Eilers Piano House for John Philip Sousa and his band, who come to the Armory, Tenth - and Couch streets, next Friday and Saturday nishts, October 18 and 19, with a special price matinee Saturday. Following la the programme for the first concert, Fri day night: John Philip Sousa Conductor MIks Lucy Alien Soprano Mips Jeannette Powers Violinist Herbert L. Clarke Cornetist Overture "Kaiser" Westmeyer Cornet solo "Rondo Caprice" (new). . .Clarke. Herbert L. Clarke. Suite 'The Laet Days ot Pompeii" Sousa (a "in tne House or tfurbo ana siruto- nlco" (b) "Xydia" , c 'The Destruction of Pompeii and Nyriia's Death" Soprano eol "Roberto" Meyerbeer Miss L-ucy Alien. 'Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks" R. Straus INTERMISSION'. Suite "Peer Gj-nt" . Grieg ft) "Morning" ib) "Apa's Death" (c) "Anitra'a Dance" (d) "In the Hall of the Mountain King" (a) Humoresque Dvorak (b) March "Powhatan Daughter" (new). . SOUKA Violin solo Caprice "Slav" Geloso Mifw Jeannette Powers. Ride of the Valkyries, from "Die Walkure" Wagner CAUSES HEALER'S ARREST Health Officer Files Complaint Against Dr. W. E. Mallory. Dr. W. E. Mallory, who professes to heal diseases by means of electricity, was arrested last night by Acting Police De tective Price on a charge of falling to make a written report of a contagious disease. Dr. Esther Pohl, City Health Officer, swore to the complaint. She ac cuses Dr. Mallory of treating a case of diphtheria without reporting the case to her office, as is required by law. Dr. Mallory was released to appear before Municipal Judge Cameron this morning. Glen Barley was the patient cared for by Dr. Mallory, and lives at East Thirty fifth and Main streets. It is said that the disease spread to many homes be cause Dr. Mallory failed to .quarantine the house, and, not knowing of the mat ter, as she declares. Dr. Pohl did not have opportunity to attend to it herself. ROBINSON FOUND THEM Held in Store for Public Example and Inspection. All the long-missing suits, overcoats. hats (Dunlap brand) and men s furnish lngs are now located at the store of Robinson & Co. When a man looks through this splendid assortment he soon comes across a suit that appeals to him particularly, as just exactly what he wants, and he knows why it was none of tlje others seemed just right. There Is an Indefinable difference between "Cam bridge Correct Clothes" and all the oth ersa difference realized, but hard . to describe. The number is 2S9-291 Washing ton street. ,. SALE FOR MAUD POWELL Mail Orders for Concert by Great Violinist Now Received. Mall orders from both in and out of town are now being received for Maud Powell, the world's greatest woman violinist, who comes to .the Heilig The ater Friday afternopn. October 25, at 3 o'clock. Address letters and make checks payable to the Heilig Theater. For Men and Women Standard of the World LJERE'S a Black Caracule Coat drawn from life. Collat and cuffs of rich Black Lynx fur, toft and even; glossy and durable; fancy satin lined. Fit in every way for the most critical taste and pleasing to the most particular judgs of quality. Prices on these garments begin at . . . $175 Other coats from $25. McKib bin jackets from $28 "J Ask your dealer. If he cannot show you write us and we will direct you to one who can. McKIBBIN, DR1SCOLL & DORSEY Hikers of KcKibbin Purs SAINT PAUL FINDS THE COUNTY EftSY TIMBER CRUISER GEJS INTO IT FOR $18,000. boose Contract Drawn X!p and Coun ty Will Have Trouble In Try lug to Recover. ST. HELENS, Or., Oct. 15. (Special.) There is trouble between the County Court of Columbia County and George Nease, a timber cruiser. The court let a contract laet Spring to Nease to cruise the timber lands of this county, in order to have a basis for an equitable assess ment. VS. H. Powell, the Deputy District Attorney, drew up a contract which would have effectually safeguarded the county's Interests, but Nease objected to Its condi tions and the County Court rejected it and entered into a contract more agree able to the cruiser. By Its terms Nease was permitted to draw pay for his work as the returns were brought in, every 15 days, -without regard to the accuracy of his work or whether any of the conditions of the con tract had been complied with. In this manner he has drawn $18,000 of the tax payers' money. The contract provided, that In case the accuracy of any portion of the cruise was disputed the court and Nease should agree upon an arbitrator, whose decision should be final. The court appointed an expert cruiser to follow up the work, and the report of this expert is to the effect that a great portion of the cruise is worthless. Still Mr. Nease has his J18.000. As to the appointment of an arbitrator. It seems difficult to suit Nease, as he plainly told the court that he would not consent to the appointment of any man who had the reputation In Portland of being an expert, and said that he would not do anything further in the matter until the corrt gave him a full statement of every portion of the cruise with which they were dissatisfied. The court judged from his talk that there was no hope of an agreement, and decided to turn the matter over to the District Attorney, whose contract and advice they rejected. Nease Is under bond in the sum of $8000, but as the bond is of course based upon the contract, it Is thought it will be diffi cult for the county to recover. "BOB WHITE" GOOD FRIEND Farmers Regard Quail as Excellent Insect Destroyer. That the common, or garden variety. of Bob White quail, such as choose the balmy climate of Oregon tor Its Borne, is the best friend the farmer has. Is the unqualified testimony of Jefferson Myers, who makes the claim of be ing somewhat of an authority on farm ing. Mr. Myers returned from Sclo yesterday and says this bird Is found in that district in large flockc. The Bob White quail," said he, "does not touch the farmers' grain; in fact, the bird will not eat wheat or other grain. It exists entirely on insects and other animal food. In fact, it might be called a scavenger were It not for the fact that this word is tabooed since the recent open letter of Francis I. McKenna, who applies it to the crawfish. "I have never known the Bob White qualL to be so thick In the Sclo coun try. Farmers realize the good the birds do, for they are becoming very warm friends of the quail. I am as sured by a Sclo farmer that the pres ence of the quail In such large num bers is responsible for the unusual absence of insect pests and worms in fruits and vegetables this season." POOL-SELLING TO STOP Spokane Authorities Endeavor to Stamp Out the Practice. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 15. (Special.) Pool-selling In Spokane, under what ever guise, Is to be stamped out. I. li Hlldenbrandt, proprietor of the War wick Turf Exchange, was arrested this morning by Chief Kice on the charge of conducting a poolroom in the city in violation of the city ordinance re cently passed. The arrest followed a conference which was attended by Mayo Moore, Chief of Police Rice and William Klntz, arrested yesterday In connection with the case. As a result of the conference a prom ise has been made by Kintz that there will be no more pool-selling or at tempts at pool-selling under the guise of transmitting bets to Minnehaha Park from the Warwick Turf Ex change. The proprietors of the place have promised to 'be good" and obey the law in letter and spirit In the fu ture. THE SEAS0N0F THE YEAR Is now here when lighting fixtures, fire-place appliances, grates and and irons are a necessity. Phone The M. J. Walsh Co., or call at their salesrooms. 311' Stark, between.. Fifth and Sixth, and have your lighting fixtures installed. Of fice and residence lighting promptly at tended to. Both phones. EVERYONE WHO KNOWS YOU Wants- a picture of you for a C..rlstma gift such as Aune, the Photogr: ,r , Columbia building, makes. It is time to see about it; come and see display. " WHERE JTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 6U. Tastefulness Nothing so surely reflects tastefulness and refinement as Djer-Kiss (Dear Kl) TUB NEW PEBTCME Delicate and unobtrusive, but noticeable for Its rare fragrance. . Djer-KUs Sachet and Djer-Kiss Pace Powder are scented with Djer-Klsa and are indispensable to users of this perfume. For Sale Kverywnertt. KERKOFF, Paris. France. ALF8EU H. SMITH CO. Sole Agents Kew A'ork luisiiaucciaosBBmiai MAIL ORDERS NOW Are Being Received From IN and OCT of TOWN For the World s Greatest LADY VIOLINIST MAUD POWELL At the Heilig- Theater FRIDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER-25 PRICES I.ower floor, $1.50, $1.00; bal cony, $1.00. 75c. Address letters and make checks payable to Heilig Theater. D FLATES We can extract one or all of your teeth without hurting a bit. and put in new teeth the same day If you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work Is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. 1 Wise or my personal service. Fainlesa Extracting; Free When Flates are Ordered. . 20 YEARS HERE and doing dental work all the time. That is the record "of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grown our patrons come back, and they semi their friends. W. A. WISE, Dentist Failing bltlg., 3d and Washington sis. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Fundays 9 to 12. Painless Extraction 50c; Plates 3. T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturdevant H. A. Buff man and C.S. Kelsey ASSOCIATES. BOTH PHONES. A AND MAIN 2029. WATCHES and Jewelry . pay a small payment at the time of purchase and balance in easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your income or convenience. Eastern Outfitting Co. I Washington & ALx Tf WktU Tenth .US . rT ?m Pianos or Player-Pianos UPRIGHTS OR GRANDS In a variety of styles and woods. We have some splendid prop, ositions for shrewd buyers. Investigate; cannot be dupli cated anywhere on the Coast. Terms of payment can be ar ranged to suit. Don't put it off and let an other take the opportunity from ' you. ' HOVENDEN-SOULE PIANO COMPANY Corner Morrison and West Park Streets. Teeth Extracted Free When Plates or Bridges are Ordered All work at half price for a short time to introduce the "Electro Painless System" Full Set, that fit. ..... ..$5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-K $3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K $3.50 Gold Fillings ...$1.00 Silver Fillings 50 Guaranteed for 10 years. Open evenings THE ELECTRO DENTAL PARLORS 303y2 Washington St., Cor. Fifth, Opposite Olds & King's. Mi;!inUlBIaEx5CiUlasssnEr immi mm m WxsSssell CHILDREN'S FALL AND WINTER APPAREL Every economically inclined parent has been a patron to our "Homelike Children's Dept." A department of our immense institution, which has built up an unassailable reputation through 45 years of faultless merchandising. Boysv Norfolk and Double - Breasted Suits, Bloomer and Knickerbocker Pants, in fancy tweeds, plaids and checks. Beautiful browns and navy serges, priced from $5.00 to $16.50 Children's novelty Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, a fine variety of dressy models in Che viots, Scotches and Worsteds, at WARNING! Many Rain Coats are sold as "Crarenettes" which are not there fore bear in mind when purchasing It is NOT a unless this circular registered trade-mark is stamped on the cloth and this 'silk label is at the collar or elsewhere. and insist upon eeing them. come in a large variety of cloths for wear by men, women and children, and are for sale by the leading Cloth ing, Haberdashery, Dry Goods and Department Stores throughout the world. , We w'H send booklet if yon write us. Manufacturers of ' Cravenette " Cloths. Wool n. Mohairs, Dress Goods, etc 100 Fifth At... Cor. 15th St. New York A Rsliabla Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects t.h diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and driyes away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomizers 75 ets. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. rHKB PBEHK. Dentist, (11.00 Full Set ot Teetb. $0.00. ml Hrtflsre- work ss ea. 405. Dektus Bundles'. chwab Printing Co. BEST rOr. ttXJtONAHE F KICKS 2 4 7 M STAR.K STREET M TRADE HARiy RAIN -"PROOF $3.35 and $3.85 The National and State Pure Food Laws provide only for products of a moderately good standard. Hislop's standards of excellence are away beyond the re quirements of any pure food law. Mark the difference ! INSIST ON HISLOP'S THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS' BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU Ours Is on. of the tsn largest business colleges in th. United States. Enrollment past year, 842 pupils. Equipment. $10,000. Graduates ar. all. em ployed. Placed S.11 pupils Into lucrative positions durlns past year. TV. will place you when competent H. W. BEHNKE. Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE I M. WALKER. Frtn. wm mam jiiift mm W EH II ' 'I . V - it.'(h,rfi,..n.n " 111 "I H f iul 1 1 MP11" SUBJECTS TAl'CHTi Bookkeeping, arithmetic, abort hand, typewriting, KnBlli.h, spelling, penmanship, peed shorthand, banking and accounting. Drop a postal for our College Journal. M write to desk A Washington HAND SAPOLIO It insures an enjoyable, invig orating bath ; makes every pora respond, removes dead skin. ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation and leaves a glow equal to a Turkish bath. AJ.T. GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS CHICHESTER'S PILLS ts-. , THE DIAMOND BRAND. - IVrunrapisit IlAilOJ,I flftAND PILLS, for SO, ytnn known u Best. Sfat, Alway R el labia SOLD BY DRUfifilSTS EVERYWHERE Radway's Fills regulate all th. Internal organs. Cur all female complaints. jMieai abu jotr irrttrt iu hr hlhts-tr IlU-nond Tlrnd.A la Red and Cold irctaJHcWx boxes, sealrd with Blue Rtbbon. V Task A , sstksao Vis,. .4 V Am. Inr tl ft ifF JrV Ttm NIGHT SCHOOL . No pupil teacher tnatrnctor In our IVlgrht School Departments) re not overcrowded. Per.onal at tention to each student la our meth od. You m7 enter at any time. tenth sts., Portland, one. mmMmsmmwMomm US liiESS COLLEGE. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" TILFORD BUILDING, TENTH AND MORRISON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. PRINCIPAL Ours is a large and arrowing' institution. W occupy two floors 65x100 feet, and hava a S20.0C9 equipment. Reputation for thorough work bring more calls for help than we can meet position certain for each student when competent. An modern method, bookkeeping taug-ht. Chartier is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. ' Students admitted at any time. Catalogue, business forms and pen work free. Call, phone or write today. Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. MorriiKra and 10th Streets. Fine Cutlery and Toilet Articles. Repair ing ot all kinds of Sharp edged Tools.