THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1907. 13 WILL GET MORE PAY School Finance Committee Fa vors Teachers. TWO MEMBERS ON RECORD Petition of Pedagogues Meets Ap proval of Majority of Board, hut Action May Be Deferred Until Next Year. There is every indication that teachers' in the Portland public schools will be al lowed the increase of 20 per cent in salaries they have petitioned for, or at least will be granted a portion of this advance. Both Mrs. L. W. Sltton and I. N. Flelschner, members of the finance committee, to whom the petition has been referred, believe the teachers are not now receiving adequate pay. Flelschner de clared yesterday that he would vote to etrant the petition, and Mrs. Sltton said that she had not considered the matter sufficiently to know how much of an ad vance she would favor. J. V. Beach said he was ready to vote an increase In the salary of teachers, and it is understood that H. C. Campbell takes a similar view of the matter, although he could not ba seen yesterday. Herman Wittenberg alone in opposed to granting an Increase at this time. As the teachers are under contract for the present year, he holds that the Increase should not go into effect until the next school year, and he believes it to be Inadvisable to take any action at this time. Wittenberg was of the opinion that the teachers were not requesting an increase for the present year, but Acting Super intendent Grout says this is not the case. Their petition for 12 months' pay is for the present year, and for this reason it will be necessary for the directors to act upon it before the taxpayers' meeting In December, when the levy is voted. Deserve More Pay. "The school teachers certainly deserve an increase." declared Flelschner yester day. "I do not think that their request for 12 months' pay at the present rate is exorbitant, and I shall vote for it. Teachers are now among the most poorly paid classes of employes and they should be one of the best. We should take into consideration the high cost of living at present, and also that teaching is hard, tedious work. "My idea Is to grant the higher sal aries and if we have any teachers who are not worth so much to the district, we can let them go. Many good teach ers, who would rather be in the Port land schools than elsewhere, have gone to other cities because they could earn more money. With the increase that has been asked for we would receive more applications from thoroughly competent teachers than we do at present." The opinion of Flelschner is shared by Mrs. Sltton and Mr. Beach. Neither Mrs. Sltton nor Mr. Beach, however, is ready to say that the advance of 20 per cent should be allowed. They will have to Investigate the matter more thoroughly, they say, before they will be ready to indorse any definite ecale of salary. "My idea is that this proposed ad vance is not expected to go into effect until the next school year," said Wlt tenberg. "If the cost of living keeps up until then, as it is now, I would favor an advance of perhaps half the amount asked for. It all depends on conditions at that time, and I can see no reason for us to decide the matter now. "There are a great many conditions to be taken into consideration, and I think we shall grant no increase hur riedly. The plan suggested would cost the city $100,000 more next year and the added expenses would grow with the extension of the schools. The teachexa say we are paying less than Oakland or Seattle, but it is also true that the cost of living is lower here than in those cities." Leave to Taxpayers. Whatever action is taken by the board will be only in the nature of a recommendation, as the higher tax levy necessary would have to be voted at the meeting of the taxpayers in Decem ber. If the board voted for the higher salaries, the taxpayers could prevent them going into effect by refusing to Increase the levy, and it would also be possible for the voters to provide more pay, even though it should not be Indorsed by the board. Teachers' salaries in Portland are now lower than they were 15 years ago. The high salaries that were once paid were cut down during the hard times of the early 90's. Since then there have been two advances, but the former schedule has not been reached. The last Increase was voted by the tax payers without the recommendation of the board. NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY Large Increase In Attendance Is Looked For This Year. Portland's public night schools 'will open for the regular season of five" months next Monday in the West Side High School, Williams avenue and Sunny side buildings. The attendance at these schools last year was 2S2 during the first month and 460 for the entire term. It is expected that this number will be ex ceeded this year in proportion to the In crease In the day schools. Four assistant teachers have been named for duty in the High School, where Q. W. Henderson is principal. They are H. S. Brlmholt. Mrs. W. C. Alder son. Mrs. Julia Comstock and Miss Mar garet Conway. Mrs. Julia McDaniel will assist Principal William Parker at Wil liams avenue. It is probable that another assistant will be named in the High School and a teacher will be named to work with Principal G. N. McKay In the Sunnyslde School, Other teachers that have Just been named to fill the vacancies in the day schools are Miss Lela E. Chase, third grade. Sell wood: Mrs. Jennie Richardson, fifth grade. Brooklyn, and Miss Keine Tuttle, assistant in the drawing depart ment. OREGON FIR IS SUPREME Spnds for Dredge Are Largest Tim bers Seen on Isthmus. WASHINGTON. Oct. lo.-Advlces from Panama say: The anchor timbers or spuds that have arrived at La Boca for use on the new dipper dredge will be the largest timbers that have ever reached the Isthmus. They come from Portland, Or., and are of the finest Oregon fir. One of them is 8 by 9 Inches by 62 feet, another is 24 by 36 inches by 60 feet, and the third 36 by 36 Inches by 60 feet. These spuds will be used to ke.p the dredges in their proper position while at work, and will be raised and A LARGE PART OF OUR NEW STOCK OF Tl Drap me HAS ARRIVED We offer many money saving opportunities to lovers of beautiful drapery and upholstery fabrics. J. G. Mack, & Go, Carpets and Draperies 86-88 THIRD STREET lAwa, Kff tnm TherA la no timber of these dimensions to be obtained on the Eastern coast of tne united iaies. spuds which were brought here from the States on the dredge which recently ar rived at Colon, instead of bein: single timbers were each composed of four Um bels bolted together. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 15. Maximum tempera ture. 65 degrees; minimum, 60 degree. River reading at 8 A. M., 2.4 feet; change In last 24 hours, fall, .4 foot. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to S P. M.). none: total rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1907. 2.13 Inches: normal rainfall, 3.80 Inches; deficiency.' 1.47 Inches. Total sunshine October 14, 8 hours. 12 minutes; possible sunshine, 11 hours. Barometer (re duced to eea-level). at 6 P. M., 29.98 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at S P. M . Pacific time, October 16. GO Wind. gj S i , 2. 2 2 , a ,J I : g 8!SB Clear 4NW Clear 4IV Dense fog 18 NW Clear 4;N Clear 8 NW Clear 4 NW Clear 4NW Clear 16SW Cloudy ' 8NV Cloudy 12W Clear 6 SW Clear 61 N Cloudy 4N Dense fog 4lW Clear STATIONS. to TO Baker City Boise Eureka North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburgr Sacramento Halt Lake Ban Francisco..... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ... . Walla Walla...... 7010 6a o wlo. 70 0 66 0, 80 0. ,8 0 84 0 6810 60 740 B2i0 4S:0 780 WKsTHER CONDITIONS. The barometer la again rising over Western Washington and the pressure is now moder ately high over that region. The depression over the Interior of Northern CalifornU re mains stationary. As a result of thla at mospheric distribution clear skies, with north erly winds, prevail over this forecast district, excepting along the Strait of Fuca. where dense fogs are reported. The temperature over Southwestern Oregon was somewhat higher, but elsewhere no marked thermal changes occurred. The temperatures east of the mountains ranged considerably above the normal. The Indications point to continued fair weather over this district Wednesday. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight Oct. 18: Portland and vicinity Fair; northerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Wahlngton Fair; northerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. L. LODHOLZ, Local Forecaster "Temporarily In charge. Grand Central. Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland- 8hasta Express' Cottage Grove Passenger. California. Express ...... San Francisco Express. . West Bide Corvallls Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger . .... Poreat Orore Passer ger. . . Forest Grove Passenger.. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Orove Passenger. , Shasta Express Portland Express .... West Side Corvallls Passenger Eherldan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger.., Forest Grove Passenger. .. 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. t :45 p. m. 11:80 p. m. T:00 a, m. 4:10 d. m. 11:00 a. m. 5:20 p. m. 7:25 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 7:30 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2:50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. leaving Portland- Tacoma and Seattle Express North Coast ft Chicago Limited.. Puget Sound Limited..... Orerland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express ... ............ Overland Express Puget Bound Limited 8:30 a. m. 2 :00 p. m. 4:80 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 8:15 p. m. 10:55 p. m OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City ft Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi., Kan. City ft Portland Ex. Chicago-Portland Special ' Portland Passenger 7:15 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 7 :00 p. m. 7:40 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 0:45 a. m. 8:20 p. zn. 5:15 p. m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express...... Astoria Express Arriving Portland! Astoria ft Portland Passenger. Portland Express 8:00 6:00 a. m. p. m. p. m. 12:15 10:00 Jeflerson-Street Station BOUT HERN PACIFIC. Leavlng Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ..... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger T:0 4:13 a. m. p. m. 10:15 i 8:25 I Steel box cars have been built recently which will weigh about 3000 pounds less than wooden cars of th. sam. also and capacity. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER, No, 8, B. A. M. Stated convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock .harp. Work- mark master degree. A. M. KXAPP, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2, A. P. A A. M.. SDeclal communi cation this (Wednesday) at 1:13 P. M., lor the purpose of con ducting the funeral services over me remains of our deceased brother. Emu Btoesssl, of Cectla ionge, ,ew i or, run attendance 1 de sired. Visiting brethren Invited. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2. 1. O. O F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) eve ning at 8 o'clock. Second degree. Visitor, welcome, 11. OSVOLD. Secretary. e eries AMUSEMENTS. Wa.h?nSn HEILIG THEATER r& Two Performances Today Bargain Price - Tonight at Matinee 2:15 8:15 o'clock "IX OLD KENTUCKY" A Great Treat for Young and Old Evening. 11.00 to 25c; Matinee, 75c to 250 Kt.. HEILIG. THEATER SBTi Begins Tomorrow Night Continues Friday, Saturday Nights Special Price Matinee Saturday The Musical Comedy "TIME PLACE GIRL" Evenings, $1.50 to 50c; matinee, $1 to 80o Seats Selling at Theater MARQUAM GRAND , Portland's Famous Theater ' Phone Main 6 MATTXEE TODAY AT 2:18 The Greatest Success of All Comio Operas "ROBIN HOOD" Immortal Melodies Matchless Voices "Oh Promise Me," "The Tinkers' Chorus," "Brown October Ale," "The Armourers Song." Evenings, 24c 50c, 75e; matinees, 25c 50c BAKER THEATER Phone Main CEO. L. BAKER, General Manager. The Famous Baker Stock Company To night, all this week A laugh, a scream of fun! Greatest of Modern Comedies. "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZA" By. author of "Are You a Mason?" The exciting adventures of a frisky "School Mam." In the town of Hemlock. Evening prices, 25c, 30c. 50c: matinees, 1 5c and 25e. Matinee Saturday. Next Week "In the Palace of the King." EMPIRE THEATER Morrison and 12th. Phone Main 117. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. All this week, matinees Wednesday and W. K. NankeviUe's heart story of simple Ufa, A play soft, tender and pathetic. It Btlra every emotion of the heart. A great comedy drama. Night prices, 15c, 25c. 85c, DOc; matinees, 10r and 20c. Next Attraction "The Cowpuncher.' SEATS NOW SELLING SOUSA AND- HIS BAND Friday. Saturday Nights, Saturday After " noon AT ARMORY, TENTH AND COUCH Sale) at Ellerg Piano House Evenings, $1, 750. 80o; Afternoon, 78c. BOc, 25c. THE STAR -. !r.L AS? All This Week. THH R. E. FRENCH STOCK CO. PRESENT THE GIRL" ENGINEER" Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Prices lOc and 20c . Every even Ins at 8:15. Prices 15c, 23c and 35c. Season seats may be had by application at box office. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4B85. Home. A 10Z6. Week commencing Monday, October 14. THE LYRIC STOCK CO. PRESENTS , . "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME" Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 15c. 25c and 35c Boxes 60c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe " ALL THIS WEEK FRANCES TENITA GREY AND HER FA MOUS DANCING GIRLS. Plenty of other headllnera on the bllL Don't overlook it. PANT AGES THEATER i. A. JOHNSON, Resident Manager. 8--BIG FEATURE ACTS-8 Thla week's feature. Barton and Ashley in "Canal-boat Bailie," one of the biggest ana dbsl come ay acis in vaudeville. Performances daily at 2 :30. 7 :30 and P. M. Admission 13c. Reserved seats, 25c CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. The Ore gonian charges first-time rate each insertion for classified advertising that is not run on consecutive days. The first-time rate - is charged for each Insertion in The Weekly Oregonlan. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House, beeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, IS cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads one-time rate eacn insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "new xoaay, su cems iwr 10 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 60 cents, etc. nrst insertion. Sach additional Insertion, one-halt; no further discount un der oue month. "NEW TODAY," (gauge measure agate). 14 cents per tine, nrst insertion 7 cent, per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, snould always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is -required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons, The Oregonlan wll accept aaverosemems lor publication In classified columns over the teleohone. mils for such advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan will not be responsible for error, in advertisements taken over tb. telephone. Telephone: Main 7010; A 1670. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson at salesroom. 2i First St., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. SPtTRLOCK October 14. to Mr. and Mrs Harry Russell bpurlock, a daughter. FUNERAL NOTICES. SWEENET In this city, Oct. 18, at the family residence. 454 Montgomery at., Mrs. Nellie J. Sweeney, beloved wife of V. W. Sweeney, mother of Mrs. J. D. Leonard and sister of Aire. Worth W. Cason. Funeral services will be held at the Cathedral, corner 15th and Davis sts., at 9 A. M. Thursday, Oct. 17. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. i BTOESSEL In this city, Oct. 14, Dm. Emll Stoessel, aged 48 years. Funeral services will be held at Erlcson's chapel, 409-411 Alder St., at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday), Oct. 16. Friends Invited. Interment Ahaval Sholom Cemetery. J. P. FINLEY A SON. Funeral Directors. No. 261 Sd St., cor. Madison. Phone Main 8. Dunntnr. McEntee & Gilbangh. Funeral Di rectors, 7th Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady aast. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. 408 Aids. St. Lady assistant. Phono Main 6133. ' EDWARD HOI. MAX CO- Funeral Direct ors, 220 8d St. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507. ZELLER-BYRXES CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady" assistant. Phone East 52. NEW TODAY. An Elegant Home IN IRVINGTON MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Seven, Rooms LOT 75x100 Do Not Miss This Opportunity for a Home. F. B. Holbrook Co. 250 Stark Street. A QUARTER BLOCK 912.500 ltlvht in the business district East BlJe, olld ground, sure to double In value soon. ON GRAND AVENUE $11,000 Lot 50x300, 4-story brick block would pay if built at once. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY $8,300 100x100, all solid nrround, suitable -for warehouse, factory or livery barn; East Clay. 17TH ST. (West Side) $4,500 50x100. with pretty s;ood house. 17th St., North; this lot is worth at least $5000 today. J. F. COMPTON, 100 Alilnicton Buildinr. ' Both phones. RIPE FOR PLATTING 16 acres adjoining platted property selling for $500 per lot. All city con veniences available; $1250 per acre. Good terms can be made.' Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. A GENUINE SNAP 100x100 on Morrison Street, $32,SOO Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. A Bargain L.ast Sunday w edverttsed the best bar sain we have offered this year and showed the block to over a half dozen prospec tive buyers, and received several offers for the same, but the amount of cash was too mall. This is really a force sale to raise money Immediately, and we want to empha size the fact that whoever takes this, buys for $7000 less than Its actual value. It must be sold this week. Takes less than $0000 to handle and pays good income. We can make you a handsome profit by Jan uary 1. This is the southeast hm on East iavis ana East 'intra streets. Reed, Fields & Tynan Co. 102 Second Street. Phones Main 7004; A, 8651. 8MALI, TBACJS FOB 6 ALB. $1250 Buys 1 acre Improved; house new; Oregon City line. IfiOO S acres 8 miles from City Hall: 1 acre In cultivation surveyed electric line vaBi ,ic 1750 20 acres, all level and very rich; will double In value when projected lines are completed; 1 mile now from car. It ACKKS Half of same In cultivation; 8 room house. Brood barn, choice fruit; mile from car, 7 miles from Port land; would take Portland propertjr In part payment. J. F. COMPTON. 100 Ablncrton Bulldinc MOUNTED BROADSWORD CONTEST For Championship of the World Sunday, October 20, 1907 CART, NELSON VS. MAJOR 3. A. St'OCIBB Baseball Grounds, Z4th and Vaughn streets. DAVIDOR & CO. 06-7-8 Conrb Building. MINES BOUGHT, SOLD, EXCHANGED. HAKRT B. PERKS. Member A. I. M. E. in charge consulting department. WHO CAN BEAT IT? The cheapest 4 bloclc in the city, south' east corner of Fourth and Jefferson streets. $3 1,000 Portland ReaJ Estate Company Paclflo T78. 220 Ablngton bldg. Warehouse and Retail Site If you are looking for a genuine bargain In a site, here is one; price $18,400. J64UO cash will handle the finest quarter-block, 100x100. only one block from East Morrison and near Grand avenue, owner must sell, willing to sacrifice. Alak appointment. D 270, Oregonlan. NEW TODAY. Income Property FOR SALE BY W. B. STREETER 114 THIRD STREET $9750 Improved lot (business), oOxlOO feet, with net annual in come of $1020. You can't beat this anywhere, and you can't buy it after .Wednesday noon. $19,000 Corner flats, paying $2100 per year in rents, that can be increased to $2350. It ' will take $12,000 cash, balance three years at 6 per cent., to buy this. The buildings could not be replaced for less than $14,000, and the lot is -worth ' $10,000 figure this out. ACREAGE One acre of ground. 4-room shingle bungalow, large woodshed, chicken house; all fenced, fruit trees; a very nice place, with streets on two sides; 2 blocks of W.-W. carline; 20 min utes' ride; $2200'. One acre of ground, with no build ings, all fenced, in same neighborhood as above, $1400. acre, with very good 6-room house, workshop; fruit, roses, cement walks, etc.; on Alberta car; $2650; terms. COAST COMMERCIAL CO. Dekum Bldg.; Main 7342. $so,ooo FOR Oregon Trust 8 Savings Bank Book Accounts and Deposits Sig'ned or Unsigned. Will exchange good INSIDE Real Estate to the amount of $50,000 In any amount that you may wish, from $500.00 up to $50,000 WALTER A. GREEN 207 Goodnough Building. A 1099. Pacific 593. Buy a Nice Home $4200 A nice 10 -room modern home, on 100x100, near car, in Sun nyside. The house carries $3000 in surance. Terms $1500 cash and bal ance monthly. $1800 A new shingle bungalow, 5 rooms, on a cement foundation and basement; near car, In Woodlawn. $1150 A' 4-room modern cot tage, with bath, and newly painted, good condition, in Woodlawn. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & nTRUST CO., Corner Second and Washington Sts. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Laidi. The EAST SIDE has the GREATEST Fiopulation. Is growing the most RAP DLY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL, be there. In 1906 there were 631 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portland Is attracting more atten tion than any city on the Coast and is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFOR MATION, and in the next ten years' will likely make more PROGRESS than it has in Its entire past. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is tne greogrraphical center of the city, and Is the most DESIRABLE residence district and much of this will become BUSINESS Toperty. Do not overlook: these facts when making- investments, and call and inspect the property; for reelng Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Co 88H Third street (room it Portland. Or. KEARNEY STREET 100x100 S. E. cor 21st and Kearney. $10,000 Cheapest Buy In the District $4000 Cash Devlin 5 Firebaugh 808-508 SwetUnd Bids, oor 5th and Wash. Looking for a Home? "We have a strictly modern house with 4 block on southeast corner of Eleventh and Thompson streets; lO rooms. 4 bedrooms and bath; full attic: full cement basement, gas and electric fixtures, cement sidewalks; owner compelled to leave city and will sell at a sacrifice. Price. $0500; $3000 can re main on mortgage. H. W. Lemcke Co. ' Phone Main 550. 122 Sixth St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $7000 Elegant East Side home; best locality; owner must leave the city; appointments of home superb; new and modern ; will rent easily for $(M); can sell the furniture aleo; give Immediate ponsesslon. Phone Hellman, Main or A 182 $3,2.W 8 -room house; gas. electricity, beau tiful lawn 100x100; 16 fruit trees; nice barn, etc., on North Tenth st near Highland school; this Is a bargain; cash, balance to suit. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton. 1 " ' ' ' y THE FRANCES, Morrison St.. cor. Wert Park; $4 to $7 week; downtown; quiet, respectable. IK you want to buy a home, It pays to see Chapln & Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. BPHINX AGENCY, 0oH STARK ST.. CAS sell your business property or residence. 0 ACRES 4 miles from river, "West Side, $100 per acre. 825 Lumber Exchange. DESERT homestead relinquishment with, lmprovementa 823 Ablngton bide FOB 8ALFA-REAL, ESTATE. Z A V. BARGAINS. $1600 Five-room houee, 624x125, good barn, bearing fruit, one block from car; $4H) down. $15 per month. $2,256 Eight-room house, 50x100. block and a half from car, full cement basement. $2..V0 Six-room modern house, full ce ment basement, lawn, etc., close In. $2.800 Six-room modern house, SOxlOO, corn er. east f acln g. $2,900 nve-room modern house, china closet, full cement basement, cement side walk, close in on cast side. $3,500 100x100, 6-room house, flowers, fruit, lawn. $4,500 Corner on Union ave., 6 rooms finely furnished. $5,500 Brand new 6-room house, Irving ton. $6.000 Fine corner on Broadway; 8 rooms, all conveniences. $6.500 Beautiful 8-room house; it will surely please you. , Beautiful homes all over Portland. See us before vou buy. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAX. Room 303 Buchanan Bldg., 2S0l-a Washington Street. THB finest country place in Oregon, no ex ception; extensive grounds, groves, hedges, shrubs, etc., modern house, city water, with 40-acre orchard averaging $lb00 per annum net, one mile from best town in valley, 26 miles south of Portland, four daily trains; must and will be sold at much less than cost. A. C. Churchill & Co., 110 2d at. NEW A-room house for sale at less than It will cost to duplicate It, fireplace, furnace, gaa and electric fixtures. Imitation tile bath room, special hand rubbed finish in parlor, dining-room and hall, cement cellar floor, cement wash tubs, wood lift, good size front and rear porches, largo closets, big pantry, very complete ; house built with a rein forced frame, double boarded, artistic, best material and best workmanship in the most desirable location of Irvlngton and Holla days Addition. East IMh, between Haisey and Weldler streets. Time or cash terms. Reiridence phone East 728, store at a20 Bast Morrison street; phone EaM 02. C. L. Boes. JUST listed, modem 6-room furnished house; well built, fine location, full cement base ment, large attic; 1 block from car, 2-minute service; close In. A cosy home two years old tn excellent condition; large bedrooms, electric and gas light, furnace, gas range and water heater; finest of carpets and linoleum ; built-in china closet, lai-ge bathroom; price $.1000; $2000 cash. Pine investment; would rent readily for $45. THE CROSSLET COMPANY, 301 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. J ACRE AND HALF ACRE TRACTS. We make a specialty of acre tracts, wlih water mains laid and payments of only $10 cash and $10 a month; a much better pur chase for a home or investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO., 110 2d at. $800 Cheapest lot in bithullthlc Belmont. $1000 Full corner near-by; a fine home site. $S00 50x120 In Irvlngton, near Han cock St. $120U 3 beautiful lots in Woodmere; best in the addition. . B. PAGE HARRIS. Healy bldg.. Grand ave. and F. Morrison. East 8H6. FOR SALE WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY BUILDING, flood location on R. R. track within free switching limit. East Side. Strong build ing; suitable for boiler or machine shop, or any factory purpose or warehouse. Will sell building at bargain together with sev eral years lease of ground. Phone Sell wood 46. or call at East 0th and Division. 2 NEW 6-room houses, modern improvements; terms to suit. 2 new 5 -room cottages, modern; choice location; easy payments. 1 new 8-room house, 2 lots. 60x100 each; fruit trees and roses; nice lawn; terms to cult purchaser. The Portland Real Estate Agency, Stark st. ; phone A 5148. A SNAP. Strictly modern 8-room house, close In on East 12th st. ; it Is well built and con veniently arranged: lot 50x100; fine lawn and roues; only $i0A; easy terms; must ell. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg., low Fourth St., near Washington. NEW MODERN HOME, WEST SIDE. $.'1,500 50x 1O0 and 6-room house; gas and electricity; furnace; stationary tubs; full cement basement; walking distance; near Mill st. Buy and save rent. FRED C. KING, COO Commercial Block, 2nd and Washington. 6-ROOM new and etrlctly modern house, full lot, just completed ; first-class In every de tail; handsomely finished on initide; in Up per Alblna, close In ; you will have to see this plat-e to appreciate its ' value; cost $:J200; terms $750 cash. H. W. Garland & Co., 111 4th st. BUNGALOW Just what you have been look ing for; 7 rooms, bet modern plumbing, fine locality, 4 bedrooms, with living room, dining-room and kitchen; up-to-date style; rare chance; can move In at once; owner leaving city; must be sold this week. Phone Tabor la. EAST SIDE LOT. East 6th. one block from Burnside. suitable for buslnea, flat or apartment; lot across street sold at auction more than price asked; corner same block held at twice the value. If you want to make gilt-edge investment, phone Mala Or A J.V4Z. $2500 BUYS an 8-room home, lot 4.1x148, with pear, peach, prune and apple trees, roses, barn and chicken-house, bath, tolW, hot and cold water: 2 blocks from Sunnyslde carline; small amount down and 6 per cent Interest will handle. Phone Hellman, Main or A 1942. 300 Ablngton bldg. A SIGHTLY residence lot COxlOO; Bull Run water; cement walks and curbs; all paid for and less than two blocks from car line; only 15 minutes out; $450; terms. Call on Us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg.. 109 Fourth St., near Washington. 11 ACRES Joining Portland on car line, all un der cultivation; fine soil; good buildings; running water; tools and crop all go with thi for $0000, $3700 cash, balance on time. Call for particulars at 8134 Wash ington st., -Room 15. 10-ACRE orchard In apples, cherries. grapes, straw Demes. live stream runs through place, 2 acres timber, 8 mlls from P. J. ; KMi; includes horse, cow chickens and tools. 825 Lumber Ex change. SPLENDID, sightly building lot; cement walks, curbing, wat"r mains In; within two-mile circle; restricted district. Price, $rt,r0: $50 cash, balance $lo per tnonttY. Bound to Increase In value. P 201, Ore gon ian. A NICE home of 7 rooms with 'furniture if desired, located on East Rth t., near Davis. Owner going East and will sell at a bargain for $4,500. See us at once. Phone M 55, H. W. Lemcke Co., 122 Sixth st. WATER FRONTAGE for sale; deep water with railroad running full length. Excellent shipping facilities. If taken In 80 days will sell cheap. T 294, Oregonlan. I HAVB one of the finest building lots on East Madison st. Will build a house to suit you. One-half cash, balance monthly. M- C. -Davis, 16 Hamilton. SIX-ROOM modern Spanish mission houe and barn. COxlOO lot; nice location, $3500, $r00 cash, balance easy terms. Phone owner, Woodlawn 107. 20 ACRES highly improved, D miles from city, near carline, good house and Out buildings, snap at $7500; terms, 325 Lum ber Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For sale by owner. 115x100; positively the finest view on the He-ights; very reasonable. Inquire 444 11th street. SEE " CLIFFS." CHOICE new flat property; will easily bring 12 par cent net: sacrificed for $9000. In quire room 40 Washington bldg. CLIFFS: Stunt No. 2 Population September 1, 1007. 0; population September i, 108, 2000. See It.- J. J- Reld, Cliffs, Wash. NEW, modem 6-room house In Irvlngton, with full basement and laundry; $4000; cash. . Owner, 455 E. 8th N. 6 ROOMS, 50x100 lot, Mt. Tabor district.' $1250; terms; no agsnt. 428 E. 43d st. Mt. Scott car. $1250 Choice lot cheap for cash, E. Couch St.. near E. 24th st. Fred H. Strong, 242 v Stark st. CLIFFS: Stunt No. 1 Incorporate town when three months old. See It. J. J. Reld, CllfTa, "Wash. IF you want to buy a home, it pays to see .Chapln A Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 Two cottage houses, 200 and 211 Qfbbs t. See owner,' 841 Front st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. i i - . 4 OW N your home and stop pay i n g ren t $240O. 6-room house, vry large closets, etc. ; fine bath; full basement; beautiful city view: 1 block from car; terms. $2.2X 41-rooin brand new residence; lot 75xloo; river view; terms. $1,500 Fine new 4-room home, one blocs) from beautiful Hawthorne ave.; basement, electric lights; easy payments. $1,700 Beautiful 5 room house, full lot, fine bath; 3 blocks from car. $S& Lot on Belmont; sewer, gas. water on lot; cement sidewalk made and paid for. $2,000 14 block on Baat Washington, ntcs) . neighborhood. Call and see us. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO.. The Homesellers. 10a Morrison st. , WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Installment homes; only two left of those modern 6 room houses on the soy th west corner of 2Rth and Savler sts.. one blo-k from the carline; gas. electricity, furnaces, full ce ment basements, fireplaces, porcelain plumb ing, wood-flber plaster; unequalled neigh borhood, superb view, overlooking Fores try Park: arice $4O00, $400 down, $40 per month. Fidelity Trust Company, owner, 406 Commercial blk. Phones Main 447. A 1445. WAT BR FRONT AGE at Astoria, where tho railroad terminals are to be. Is going to make millions for some one tn the next few years. Just, as it did on the Sound. We have a few good pieces under con tract that can be bought at "ground-floor" prices, if taken up at once. Full particu lars at our office. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash; WEST SIDB INSTALLMENT HOMES. Modern 8-room home, with ample ground In a splendid neighborhood, with two car lines, for $300 down and $30 per month; price $3750; 388. 390. 302 North 24th st.i buy now, before the rains begin. "Payl r-nt to yourself." Fidelity Trust Co. owner. 406 Commercial block. Phones Main 447. A 1445. WALKING DISTANCE HOME 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, modern plumbing, 8 rooms, wit a buffet built In dining-room, extra laree closets, stationary tuba, cemeit basement: In neighborhood where ground will double In value by Spring; full lot. with lots of roses, shrubbery and shade trees : must h seen to appreciate. Phone Hellman, Mala or A 1942. 306 Ablngton bldg. A BUNGALOW Of 8 rooms, now nearlng completion, on East 27th St.; strictly modern, with elertrta llphts, gas. bath, furnace, etc.; price $2SOO; $00 cash and $25 a month; buy this and your house troubles will be over. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 1004 3d st. - THE BEST LITTLE INVESTMENT IN PORTLAND Four acres on Villa avenue, two blocks from streetcar, for $5000; unques tionably the best unimproved real estate investment in Portland; $1000 will handle It. THE SPANTON CO.. , 270 Stark st. (ground floor). HANDSOME, modern 6-room house, fine full lot, lawn, flowers, gas and electric llght furnace, fine car service, splendid neighbor hood; a beautiful modern home In every respect: $38."h; trms. THB CROSSLEY CO.. 301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. - ' WH are forming a little syndicate to buy a bunch of cwoice residence lots. We have arranged for a flne discount; $40 or $ftO la enough. See us without delay, for there Is only room for a few. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg., 109 4th St., near Washington. FINE HOME FOR PALEJ. $0500 8-room house, with reception hall, attic, b&jtoment with cement floor, furnace,' flreplsce; all conveniences. In cluding fixtures, shades, carpets and bil liard table; choice location on the East Side. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark st. WE have some nice little residence proper ties on the Mt. Scott line, ranging In price from $100 to $1600; very easy terms; pay ment of $200 down, balance like rent; good comfortable homfl and good investment. THE CROSKLEY COMPANY, 801 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. ( YES. the railroads are all headed for Astoria, Before construction of the Hill and Hani man terminals begins you had better buy some of those cheap city lots. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 109 4th st.. near Washington. m THE best snap in Portland; $2.5oo only takes fine large modern 6-room cottage on car line. East Uilwin st., flne lot, with cement steps; walk; lawn and fruit worth, $1.2oo; eauy terms. F. Dubois, Washington Bldg.. Room 3. GOOD INVESTMENT. Four 5-room fiats, thoroughly modern, and desirable in every way. In a clean, sightly and handy location; paving well. KENKLK & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. TRY A. S. Draper's system of securing JUSll WHAT YOU WANT in 5 to 8-room houses, modern. $500 to $.15O0, on terms of $250 down, balance as Tent; ALL NEW HOUSE in all parts of the city. S43& Washton, Rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. MUST be sold1 this Week, the finest 100x100, In Vernon Addition : high and sightly, east front, located on 17th St., between Alberta and Wygant. Call Wednesday and Thurs day at 634 Wygant st.; take Alberta oaf and get off at 17 th st. 4 SACRIFICE SALE Parties going Bawt. ion 100, worth $1.5o0 and elegant 7-room house with every modern convenience which cost ,$4,000. Take It all for $4,750 and pay me ' $2,500; balance can run. M. C. Davis, 16) Hamilton. 1 $5,000 8-room modern house; close In on East side; corner lot; basement; gas and elec tricity; would cost $4,000 to build house' lot worth $2500. cash. L&throp & Law re nee, 204 Lumber Exchange. , PRETTY modern home, $2650. 6 largs rooms; gas. electricity, best porcelain plumbing;; cement basement; lot 50x100, nice lawn ; Improved street; terms. Se towner. 969 E. Salmon. 100x100 GLENWOOD PARK, close to car, fine fruit trees, graded street and Bull Run water: will sacrifice for quick sale, one or two lots. A. B. Richardson, 614, Chamber of Commerce. i STRICTLY modern six-room house, near car, school, stores; nearly new; look at It and, k If It won't suit you for a home; price $8500; terms. Owner. 834 Kerby at. Phon East 5901. 160 ACRES finest dairy land, 1H miles t tl. R. ; will feed 200 cows 12 months in year; biggest snap tn Oregon; only $12.50f an acre; worth $50 an acre. O 204, Or gonian. t 1 BUT from owner niiA me commission, nlc. 6-room bungaloni modern every way, full concrete basement, on carline. near Pied mont. Phone East 2466: easy terma. 8 T.OT8 ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Value S1H00. but must be sold, and will consider, reasonable offer. Gnldsebmldt'e Agency. 2M WashliiKton. cor 3d. $24no 'WIIjL pay for a new 8-room house and barn: take Montavllla car. stop wlndwlll station, two blocks north. 1383 B. Irving ton at. Mrs. J. Bndura. FOR SALE BY OWNER ' 4 LOTS IN BERKELEY, 4 2S-mlnute car ride; $600, cash or terms 8 284. Oreironlan. NOH HILL Corner lot: bitullthlo pavement, $.1200; have number of good buys tn hlith class Nob Hill property. W. G. Cox. 291 Stark et. BA KG AIN .Vroom cettape, lot flOxlOO: on. , East Flanders St.. 1 block to carline; flooo, half cash. K. J. Oelscr. 221 Morrison St. HT.tfciO Large corner on Clay st. with 2 good, houses. A good Investment. Lathrop da Lawrence. 204 Lumber Exchange. 1 1NVESTK1ATE 2 stores paying 5240 per year rent; SlfiOO; terme. Owner, II. R. Baiter, Laurelwood. Phone Tabor 595. BEB ." CLIFFS." PALMER-VAN ALFTINB CO., 222 Falltnaj bldg.. make a specialty of selling East Side residences. Main 6661. A 2K53. $320 Over an acre In Holladay Park, with 100-foot frontage, on Multnomah at. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark st. BY owner, modern 7-room house, lot 50x 116 at 400 K. Sacramento, near Unloq ave'. Phohe E. 5879. ALDER SPRINGS lots going; 22 already aol! 40 left at 100 to flZO. See Dr. Cardwell, Oregonlan bldg. I i i New. modem bungalow: $300 down, $20 monthly: 3 blocks south Hawthorne, 43d. Dr. Darling. t , , I CAN trade fractional Nob Hill comer lot for house in Central Eaat Side. TV. O. Cox. 291 Stark St. 10 ACRES miles from Postofnce. unlm. proved, $100 per acre. 325 Lumber Ex change. WEST' PIDE lot, walking distance. $lSno; $500 casa; lies flne. W. O. Cox, 201 StarH traet. BY owner, $3500 fl-room modern house, West Irvlngton. 450 Eut 12th at. N. Phone East IMS. ) i IF you want to buy a home. It pays to sea Chapln & Herlow, 425 Cham, oi Commerce.