THE MORXIXG OREG0XIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. 13 STRUCK HER WITH. AN AX MRS. PYGALL MAKES CHARGE AGAINST HUSBAND. Sensational Allegations Contained in Divorce Complaint Bride or Three Months Sues. Alleg-ins that her husband hit her with an ax in a fit of anger in November, 1906, that he slapped her in July, 1906, and that at mill another time, while under the influence of liquor, he drew a knife on her and threatened to kill her. Bell Py gall has filed auit for a divorce in the State Circuit Court against S. H. Pygall. Mra. Pygall alleges that only last Monday her husband came home angry because she had secured a lockbox at th Post office, and knocked her down with a blow In the face from his clench. 1 fist, then drew a revolver with which he again threatened to kill her. The matter was reported to the police, she says. Accord ing to Mrs. Pygall, her husband has often promised to do better, but is constantly becoming more addicted to intoxication. The couple were married In this city September 26, 1jo. The wife asks $5 ali mony a week for a year. The police ar rested Pygall Tuesday on a charge of as sault and battery. V. Atleen Peterson has brought suit for divorce in the same court against Lo Pe terson, whom she married last July in this city. She alleges that her husband has accused her of infidelity in the pres ence of other persona, and he has been slanderlnjc her in every way possible, and that he has refused to permit her child to live at their boarding place, having sent It to be cared for by Lis mother. Both parties to this suit have been in the divorce court before. Mrs. Peterson hav ing been divorced last year from Frank lyn A. Freeman, whose surname she wishes to resume. She asks $50 a month alimony. According to an affidavit filed with the Circuit Court by Mrs. Anna B. Hague, she does not want a divorce from her hus band, does not want him to secure one. nnd furthermore wants him to pay her r00 that she may use It as lawyer's fees in preventing him from obtaining a de cree. Thomas O. Hague filed suit against his wlfo for divorce in the State Circuit Court, and as his wife is in Rockaway, N. Y., service was secured by publica tion. As soon as Mrs. Hague heard about the suit she employed an attorney and sent the affidavit, to be filed in the local court. She says she is 58 years old, has no support except that given her by her children, and that though she has a good defense to the suit cannot afford to Bend her witnesses to Oregon, or to have their depositions taken In the Bast unless she secures the $300 from her husband. She says further that when her tusband sued for a divorce in the Klamath Couny Circuit Court In December, 1906, she was successful in defeating him. and that her husband never r .id her the suit money as ordered by that court. The couple were married at "Woods burgh, X. Y., In November. 1S68. and Hague alleges his wife deserted him there in August. 1RIC. which she denies. ' Montesano After Paper Mill. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 9. The pro moters of the pulp and paper mill, who ' are up against an Inadequate flow of water, are waiting the action of the Mayor and Council In repard to getting the company what it demands. In the meantime the boosters of Montesano have offered $30,000 for the plant to be located there. DAIT.T METEOH01.00ICAL RKPORT. PORTLANH. Oct. fl. Maximum tempera ture. 70 degrees: minimum temperature, 50 deprees: river reading at 8 A. M, 4.2 feet: Chans: In last -4 hours. 0.3 feet: total raln fsll HP. M. to 5 P. M.l, none; total rain fall since September 1. 2.13 inches: normal rainfall since September 1, 2.86 inches; de ficiency, 0.73 Inches: total sunshine. October 9. 8 hours. 48 minutes; possible sunshine. October 8, 11 hours. 20 minutes: barometer (reducsd to sea level), at S P. M., 30.08 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at B P. M. Pacific, time. October 9: 2 S3. 3 STATIONS. PaVer City Poise Fureka North. Head Portland Red PHlff Ttoseburg Pa.-ramento Kelt Lake San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tntoosh Isl , Walla Wella 70!(. 7410. .00" 4INW (Clear IClear iciomlv 00 4 W 58 0 .0O 41 N 74 0 001 4'N 001 SiNW 01)1 4iS .00 4INW OOI 4S nil 4.v t lenr Cloudless l't. Cloud, Clear Clear , M'lonr IClear IClear IClear IClear IClear 7 0. 94 0 7 0. 84'0, 72 0 Rrt'o. no. 64'IV .001 12i W 001 4 NR 00 1 01 N W MO. .0(li30:R 74'0. 001 4 w WEATHER CONDITIONS. The hlph area over Eastern Washington la slowly drifting eastward, and the pressure is In consequence falling over this fore cast district, particularly along the Coast. A distinct depression la central over the Interior of Northern California, but la witn cut energy. Clear skies continue to pre vail over the entire Pacific slope and plateau region, excepting at Sacramento and Tnfinpnb. where cloudiness Is reported. Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC, leaving Portland Phasta Kxprai Cottage Grove Fasten gar California Express Ban Francisco Express , West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger , Forest Grove Passer ger Forest Grove Fatifngtr , Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottar Grova Passenger Shasta Express Portland Express , Wst Side Corvallis Fasten ;r Fheridsn Passenger .......... Forest Grove Paasenger Forest Grove Passenger v 3 Wind. 2. " K IT 3 ? i 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 7 :45 p. m. 11:30 p. m. T;00 a. m. 4 -.10 p. m. 11 :00 a. m. 5:20 p. zn. T:25 a. ra il : 30 a. m. 7:30 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 6:55 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. ra. 2:50 p. m. , NORTHERN PACIFIC. Lea Tina; Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express.... North Coast Ss Chicago Limited. Puget Pound Limited Orrland Express ............. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express Puget Sound LI mited 8:30 a. in. 2:00p. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m, 4 15 p. mi. S:15 p. m. 10:55 p. nx OKEliON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Lea v ins Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Fiyer Kansas City A Chicago Express.. Arriving; rortiuna Spokane Flyer Chi., Kan. City Portland Ex.. tnictno-fortiana Special Portland Passenger .j ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria Express Arriving ort land Astoria A Portland Passenger. . Portland Express 8:00 a. m, 6:00 p. m. 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Jefierson-Street Station eOCTHl.K fACUlC. leaving Portland' Dallas Passenger allas Paseenger Arriving Portland Pa! las Passenger ..... Xa4iaa Faasenger ..... 7:40 a. I 10:15 a. i :2s p. l 7:15 a. ra. 8 30 a. ra. 7:00 p. m, 7:40 p. m. 8:00 a. ra. 9:45 a. m. 8:20 p. rn. 5:15 p. m. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, QK. KCKOFEAJT PLAIT MODERN BESTACBAXT. COST OXK MnXIOX DOLLAR. HOTEL OREGON j 2 CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS J t Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up I I Europeap Plan. Free Bus. I I WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props, HOTEL PERKINS Filth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Raoma. H.N tt 13.00 Par Dar Aecordlng to LocmtloB. 3. F. DATtES. rmldent. St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION Port land a Ncwoat and Moat Modern Hotel Up-to-date grill Auto bus meets all trains Rates: $1 day and up European plan Long dis tance phone in all rooms Private baths. fHIL MET8CHAJ!. rroslatnt ul MlHSf. Ssrsntti mitd Waablnartaa European Flan Tsmperaturea were decidedly higher along the Oregon, and Southern California Coast. Elsewhere no marked changes occurred. The Indications point to continued fair weather over this forecast district Thursday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Fair; northeast winds. Western Oregon and "Western Washing ton : Fair; northeast winds. Eastern Oregon. Eaatern Washington and Idaho: Fair. I TJDHOI-Z. T.ornl Forecaster. Temporarily in Charge MEETING XPTICE8. GEO. 'WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS. NO. 2. will give a liter ary and musical entertainment In G. A. R. Hall, 8d floor, N. E. cor. 2d and Morrison, tomorrow (Friday) eve. Programme fur- sic"' ntehed by the Western Academy of Music and Veteran Quartette. CARRIE COITRTER. Chairman. fVN OREGON COMMANDER Y. No. i f . K t Special Conclave this g&o evening at 7:90 P. O'f" ir Hfrl cross. Visiting Bir Knight, courteously r. WASHINGTON LODGE'. NO. 46, A F & A. M. Special communi cation thia (Thursday) evening. 7:30 o-clock. Burkhard bldg. F. C. de gree Vlaltora welcome. By order w M " J. H. RWHu-". COT I'MBIA LODGE, NO. 114, A. CF & A M.-Special communlca on thl. Thursday evening ToO o'clock: work In F C Degree, all F. C. Masons Invited. . . T.iir vn 19. I. O. O. F. Rwula? meeting this Thursday) evening at t 'ir,r.v work in second degree. v n- itor. wVlcom.. B. KLOTZ, Sec. FEKERAL NOTICES. NOT.TNER. In this city. October S. An thony Miia. as" V ; j tH davs. Funeral services will be held Frl da'v at 2 P. M., at St. Stephena Chapel. T.nn. Flp Cemetery. ADAMS The funeral services of Emma M. Adams win ne neiu u m. .......-, SOS Morris ot., at 1 P. M. today. Friends In vited. Interment Rlvervlcw. j p, UNI.KY SON. Funeral Director. No. 61 Sd St.. cor. Madison. Phono Main . , . 1 1.-n , tflilliaiiirh. TSmeral 1)1. reftiirs. 7th Tine. Phono M. 430. Lady aast. ERICSON rXDERIABJNO CO.. 40 Aider St. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. EDWARD BOLMAN CO., Funeral nlrect or. 220 Sd at. Lady assistant. Phone M. 6q7. ZLLIxn.Dirt.r.B V'.. . uun.i .'" .- on, 27S Russell. ast 1088. Lady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East tt. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will b lTen only wha ndvertiftinjc ordrrrd to run constseutWe davs. Iaily and Sunday Iftmiea. Th Or Knlan chmrRC firwt-tirae rate each insertion for rlfusitied advertiinc that l not run on coniiyutivf. day. Tho flrt-tim mU I rhnricd for ach lnertlon in Tbe Weekly Orrironian. "Koon,M "Room and Board." "House keeping Room. "Situation Wanted." 15 wnrds or lew. 15 cents; 16 to 0 word. 20 centBj 21 to 25 words, S5 cents, etc. No discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-tim rate Mrh insertion. UNDER AIX OTHER HEADS, except "w Todar." SO cents for 15" words or less, 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, SO cent, etc first Insertion. Each additional Initertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TOUAV." ImtvOK-e measnre aate), 14 cents per line, flrftt Insertion : 7 cent per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVKRTDEIENTS, ad dressed care The Orefonian, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required an such letter. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons. The Oregontan wlU accept advertisements' for publication in classified columns over tbe telrpbone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment is expected promptly. ( are will be taken to prevent errors, but The Orcironian will not bo res pone lb 1 for errors in advert inements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main .070i A 1670. A KKADQCARTXB8 FOB TOCR16T mmi COMMERCIAL TRAVKI.FRrt Sprclml rmtem mmOm to famllta. aknd tn gl. ffttlina. Tb nuBafonieat wl! I b. plMKd mt aJl time, to allow rooms aad give prices. A mod ern Turkish KM k tsbllaluneot U th. hotel. II. C. BOWKB8. MSD.f T. Vtrat-Ctawa Cheek Bcataumatt Cm hoc ted With ilotoi. C. O. DAVIS. Soa. aaaal Tim, Third and Main Sts. Stresto. Partlon. Orrgwn. $1.00, $1.50. $2,00 per Day, AMUSEMENTS. tfaohEgU BEILIG THEATER SBr. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. EVery night this week, matinee Saturday, IJehler A Co. present Mr. William Faversham In the gripping. Western drama "THE SQUAW MAN." Evenings 2.00 to 50o.. Matinee $1.50 to 60o. MARQUAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theater. Phone Main 6 Tonight and remainder of week; matinee Saturday First time in Portland "THE MOCKING BIRD" Beautiful songs and novelties, "What's the Matter With the Moon Tonight?" "Bly Musette," "In Silence" and many others . A Great Bit Evenings, 25c. 50c. 75c; matinees, 23c. 50c Next Week Robin Hood. BAKER THEATER Phans Main 3 GEO. I,. BAKER, Ueneral Manager. All this week Baker Ptcle Company In BARBARA FRIETCHIE. ' Clyde Fitch's great play of the South, orand production. Greatly augmented cast. Entire Company T, O. N. G.. to assist. Seats should be secured early. Evening prices: 25c. 35e and 50c. Matinee: 15c and 25c. Matinee Saturday only. " --ah on Account or Ellaa." EMPIRE THEATER Phone Main 117. MILTON W. SEAMAN, Manager. Popular-price home of road attractions. TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The Thrilling Scenic Melodrama. "THE DENVER EXPRESS" .Night prices: 15c, 2Bc, 35c, 60c. Matinees: 10c and 20c. xt Week "Tho C hoir Singer!" THE STAR Phone.. gE..s? Week of October 6. THE R. E. FRENCH CO. PRESENTS "MIDNIGHT IN CHINATOWN" Regular matinees Sunday. Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 2:30. Prices. 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices. 15c 25c and 35c. Reserved seats may be secured by either phone. Season seats can be secured by applying; at box-office. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4S5. Home. A 1028. Week commencing Monday. September 30 THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY IN OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices lOo and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 15c, 25c and 35c. Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M, THE GRAND Taqderille de Lnxe. WEEK OF OCT. TTH. '07. HARRY HOTTER CO.. fox & foxte enters And a host of other big acts. Three shows dally at 2:30, 7:30 and 8:15 P. M. The World's Best Trained Animal Exhibition. TOD AT AND TOMORROW ONLY The Children's Perennial Favorite Presenting Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb and 500 Animal Actors. EXHIBITION GROUNDS TODAY Circua Grounds, 25th and Quimby Sta. TOMORROW . East Side, Knott St. and Williams Ave. GRAND FREE STREET PARADE ,ACH HORM.& ATJCTION SALES TODAY. Again at 2 P. M. at tho Western Salvage Auction Co.'a stores, cor. 20th and Wash ington sta. Sale by the Portland Auction Co. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. Of furniture and " carpets, ets,. at Baker's Auction House. Alder and Parri. Sale 10 A. M. Baker & Son. Auctioneers. At Gllman's Auction Room. 411 Washing ton St.. at 10 o'clock A- M. 8. L. N. Gllman, re. At 10 A. M. by tho Portland Auction Co. at Sll First at. NEW TODAY. TRUSTEE'S SALE Of Choice Homestead Property by Public Auction THAT CHOICE HOMESTEAD PROPERTY, BEING LOTS NOS. S, S. AND 7. BLOCK N. TABOR HEIGHTS Facing- Royal avenue and Clark street (be ing 250 feet north of East Morrison, ML Ta bor carllne) .will be sold In 50x135 foot, or 100x135 foot parcels at the office on the premises. TABOR HEIGHTS MONDAY, OCT. 14 At t o'Clock P. M. On Easy Terms. 35 per cent. cash, bal ance In 6, IS and 18 months, or by monthly payments with 6 per cent. Interest per an num. Payments to be made to tbe Title Ouarantee & Trust Co. Title perfect. Ladles are Invited to attend the sale. Provision made for inclement weather. For particulars of sale Inquire of the Auc tioneer or at real estate office. Tabor Heights (on the ground.) This is Indeed choice "Home" property and with the im provement of Belmont street and other Im provements will rapidly Increase In value. Gentlemen will be on the premises all this weeJt and Sunday to show the property. S. I. N. OILMAN. Real Estate Auctioneer, 411 "Washington St. Phone at Tabor Heights Cast 5050; Auc tioneer's Phones at office. Main 2473, A 4750. Evenings call up Tabor 768. N. B. This delightfully situated property It desirable In every way; Bull Run water, and five minute car service, with a through (no stop car) after 5 P. M. ; lies level, with a most superb view, and I can personally recommend a purchase of one or more of the lots for a home or as a. safe and profit able investment. 8. I.. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. Acreage For Sale A fine 10-acre tract, close to the Waver-ly-Wood stock line, at an bargain, or can make it 15 acres If wanted. ' A very fine 14-ocre tract, good for plat ting, close In, near car; close to school; property around It has been platted and selling fast; a bargain to the right man. 1400 acres east of the mountains, 5 miles of R. R.; 1100 acres have been Summer fallowed; the whole tract ought to raise 20 bushels of wheat per acre next season; has good house and barn; extra good land. Price, 16 per acre. We also have a fine farm of 120 acres; also one of P00 acres, within 6 miles of Salem; both well improved, on good roads, to trade for Portland property. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Cornsr of Second and Waahlinrton Sts. The Best Yet A ten-room modern residence .In the moat fashionable section ot Nob Hill The lady who Is seeking; a well-built. conveniently arranged home need look no further. Come and see this one. Hartman & Thompson Cham her of commerce. 6000 ACRES TTmatnia County land at til per acre, This property adjoins tract sold last week for $16.50 per acre, and tracts of 480 acres two miles south sold last week for $25 per acre. Must be sold this week. See us at once. 2SOO ACRES Morrow County, near lone, wheat land, IB to 40 bushels per acre, per acre; or will trade for city or country property. What have you? Come and see us. H. W. LEMCKE & CO. Phone Main 550. Sixth, and Washington, Must Have Money! S7250 100X104 8. W. CORNER 22d AJTD THTJR- MAN. 42S0 CASH. Lamont & Harris SOB-7 BWETLAND BLDG. $35,000 Takes It 100x100 on Fourth, street: a dandy for business ana omce tmnaing; is wortn $30,000; that Is the price of adjacent 14 block's location near City Hall; bis move ment In this direction. Dealers protected. C. B. DE BUROH. 2S0 Ablncton Bids;. Holladay Park A beautiful six-room home on Wasco street $4400 Bee this at once. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. 15-$27,000 Quarter block, covered with new, modern, eteam heated flats, near business center; West Bide. Permanent tenants. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton Bldg. This Ought to Look Good to You 90 acres. 20 minutes out; all cleared v.inr-k to station: new line soes throuKh It: fine land; can be platted. Now $200 per acre. W. W. SMITH ft CO., 250 H Alder, Cor. 3rd, Room 1. SPECIAL I hare a corner lot. SB x 100. near port' ion Hotel: S5GO Der'month Income: fine ft. storv and 8-story new improvements on all the otner cui.i iu muiiu k;mjw our price Is 70.OOO. Dealers protected. r. r. de buk;h, 220 Ablngton Bldg. East Madison Street A beautiful six-room house In this fashionable East Side district a snap at $4300. It is placed at this low figure to make a quick sale. Imperative rea sons for selling. . HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. KEW TODAY. SaveThatRent 60 Acres Added to . RAILWAY ADDITION MONTAVILLA NOW OPEN TOR SALE. $8.5.1211 $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY. Five-Cent Fare. 25 Minutes to Third Street. AGENTS AT TRACT SUNDAY. Take Hontavilla car, get off at corner of Villa and Hibbard streets. For farther information and maps call at office. Lambert-Wbitm e r Company 107 Sherlock Building, Cor. 3d and Oak. A SNAP 160 acres of fine younsr flr timber, near college campus: fine fruit land at a very low figure. T. WITHTCOMBB, 609 Commercial block, Portland, Or. OB ORG Hi BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. S18 Worcester Butldln. Phone Pacific 1807. FOR SAIjE REAL ESTATE. GENTLE REMINDER Holladay Park, SoxluO. 1400. lrvington, 50x100, 1250. Weidler st., 6uxl65. 1WX. Rose City Park, 100x100. $1250. Willamette Heights, 50xlOO, J 1600. Ea. 25th St., 100x100, J1O00. Richmond, 100x100, S500. Foxchase. 100x100, $450. Gay's Addition to Alblna, 100x100. $1000. One acre near Richmond, $1000. 6-room cottage N. Mt. Tabor, $1500. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber ot Commerce. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES We have a few very desirable, new, mod ern, up-to-date 8-room houses In lrvington, Holladay and other districts, at prices rang ing from $ii500 to $0000. everyone a bargain and tenanted by owners who built for a home. Those In the market for choice prop erties should see us. THB CROSSLEY COMPANY, S01 McKay bldg., Sd and Btark iLa. CHOICE residence lot, high and sightly; first- class improvements, including hara-eur-faced streets, cement curbs and walks; close In on EaM Side; $100C. CALL OX US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 4th at., near "Washington. " ONLY $800 40-root lot on 87th St., near Haw tnorne ave., y casn, oaiance to euit, cement sidewalks and macadamized streets inciuaea in price. If you know values this is your chance. Priced for Immediate sale only. Jas. C. Logan, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 'W ashington st. MODERN 6-room houa, Irving-ton district, fine neighborhood, fine large living-room, bunt in bookcase, fireplace, wash trays, gas and electric lights,- an up-to-date modern home, only $3500: $1400' cash, balance terms. The Cross ley Co., 801 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark sts. $4500 Eight-room modern house in the eweii uist Kurnsme aistrict; nas nam or garage; $1000 down, balance three yeara PALMER-VAN ALST1NE CO., 222 Falling bldg. Main 6661, A 2053. $5000 A whole block on 26th and Division sts.; only 4 blocks east of Laaa s Tract, where inside lots are sold at $1050; flneat Btnre site on the East Side; for a short time only. Sherlock A Woerndle, PO 5th . OWNER will sell modern 8-room house with 60x100 lot, walking distance, at a bargain If taken soon. Inquire on premises, 105 East 15th. near Alder, or phone East l&lo, for particulars and terms. $2500 A brand new 6-room cottage on. East ARn st. : cement pasemrni ana an moorn conveniences; only 2 blocks from car; $800 cash, balance easy terms. bherlock & Woerndle, 90 6th at. 10-ACRE orchard in apples, cherries, grapes, strawberries, live stream runs through place, 2 acres timber. 8 miles from P. O.: $3000: Includes horse, cow, chickens and tools. 325 Lumber Exchange. SNAP 50x100, East Davis; $850, Including improvements: street graded. sidewalk. water, gas, electricity; $325 down, bal. $10 per montn. jjudois, Washington bldg.. room a. $1900 OjLY A cozy 6-room house on EaBt ivin ti.( win nil tuuuci u tuiiii-uieuceii, otJJt 100 lot : you may acquire this home on your own terms. Sherlock & Woerndle, 90 6th st. - 8-ROOM house, complete with basement, gas, electricity, furnace, fireplace, everything ex tra fine in Holladay Park, for only $3500; nair casn. u. uavis, ij tiamuton bldg. S3700 "BleKant new 8-room house, flreolace. lurnace. eiecxncuy, gas, in iaci everytninir that goes to make a modern ihome: easy terms. M. c Davis, 10 n amnion Didg. NICE 6-room house on East 31st st.. near East Ankeny; nanfly to car ami beats pay ing rent; price Is $3150, an easy payments. Boliam, urussi ml fiigiey, aa st. i.nOTf Beautiful West Side home, lusrt fin ished, thoroughly modern. 8 rooms, 200 feet off Upper v asnington st. bee it at once terms. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark. 4500 A nice little buy. 100x100: five cot tages, always rented ; income $50 per montn. on tn st., near snenaan. c;. it. DeBurgh, zzu ADington Diag. $1500 A whole block only one block from .roruana couievaru uau o Diucits irom at bor Lodfre station; a bedrock snap. Sher ' lock & Woerndle. 90 5th st. I $160 A 50x100 lot, only 2 blocks from car- line; nice anu- ievei, hub neignoornooq; must be sold before Thursday next. Sher lock & woernaie, w otn t. $475 Corner lot, 1 block north of Division st.. on Elsemere. way under market nrice: $200 will handle it; must sell. Purse, 823 unamDer or commerce. $6000 A corner lot on 16th at., 50x100; this property is offered $3000 below ,it actual value; must oa sum how. onenocK ft Woerndle, w otn st. f.4500 Lara-s 8-room house and lot on Oulm by st., between 19th and 20th: all in .fine snape ; warning distance. anenock & woernaie, w Din si. INVESTIGATE! 2 stores paying $240 per year rent; iwu; terms. uwner, xi. H Baker, Laurelwood. Phone Tabor 695. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS, comer TRtIAO beautiful building site, $2500. Inquire room 4U, w asniogton Duiiamg. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., 222 Falling bldg., make a specialty of eelllng East Side residences, juain owi, a ztc.. ON easy payments, two strictly new modern 6-room houses, near w imams-ave. canine. See owner, 1 95 Cleveland ave. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room cottage and 8 lots lota ouxiuu. aaa wurtis il, juonta villa. . H. C. Webster. rs!tni Solid investment: 7-room hone fractional lot. East end Steel bridge. 113 Ablngton ouuaing. PRETTY home, just finished 6 months sgo for a home, now sacniicea; casn nanaies. O 276. Oregonian. X GOOD Investment. 1H acres on Vancouver $1250 Choice lot cheap for cash. E. Couch St.. near Eu 24th st. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark st. 6-room house at 264 Bast 37th; $3000; cash balance 8 years at T per cent. Inquire within. IF you want to buy a home. It pays to see Chapin t rienow, v. udiu. ui uoinmercg. ACREAGES One to ten-acre tracts, 6c fare; bargains. u vvauiug stars sc. FOB 8AIX BXAL ESTATE. THB finest country plac In Oregon, no Mt- cepllon; exienaive grounds, grove, hedges, ahrubs. etc.. modem house, city water, with 4-tLcre orchard averaging $1800 per annum net. one mile, from best town In valley. 20 tnllea south of Portland, four dally trains; must and will be sold at much leev than cost. A. C. Churchill A Co., 110 2d at. ACRE AND HALF ACRE) TRACTS. Vfe make a specialty of acre tracts, with water mains laid and payments of only 10 cash and $10 a month; a much better pur chase for a home or Investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL A CO., 110 2d at. ' NEW 6-room house for sale at less than- It win cost to duplicate It, fireplace, furnace, gas and electric fixtures. Imitation tile bath room, special hand rubbed finish in parlor, dining-room and hall, cement cellar floor, cement wash tubs, wood lift, good s4se front and rear porches, largo closets, big pantry, very complete; house built with a rein forced frame, double boarded, artistic, best material and best workmanship in the most desirable location of lrvington and Holla day's Addition. East 15th. between Halwy and Weidler streets. Time or cash terms. Residence phone East 728, store at 320 East Morrison street; phone East 92. C. L. Boss. $60OO lO-room house. 770 Marshall st. bet. iJa ana 24th: bitulithic street ana hair block from best carline; beautiful lawn flowers and trees; house- in At condition; bath, separate toilet, lavatories in three rooms; lot 50x100, worth $45O0 If vacant; 6-room house 50 feet away brought $7004 last year. What should lO-room house this year bring ? MORGAN. SWEET & CHAPMAN. 213 Ablngton bldg. Phone M 2015. JUST THINK. FOR SALE. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. BY OWNER. Property on Thurman St.. 100x100, on corner; streets Improved; this Is a bar gain If taken at once. Small amount of cash will swing same. Call for particu lars. Room 20. Lafavette bldg.. Corner 6th and Washington sta E. M, STEVENS. Tabor Heights end of Mount Tabor , and Morrlson-st. carllne. The new, sightly "Broadvw" lots from $300 up. on terms made eajy. Only 2 blocks from carllne; wide streets. Bull Run water, shade and fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar ket. We have a long list of lots, acreage, timber lands and trading property. Phone Bast 6050. Fare 8 cant. A SNAP. Strictly modern 8-room house, clctm In. on E. 12th st.; it is well built and con veniently arranged : lot 60x100; fine lawn and rosea; only $5000; easy terms ; must CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 4th St., near Washington. 2 NEW 6-room houses, mooern improvements: terms to suit. 2 new 6-room cottages, modern; choice location;, easy payments. 1 new 8-room hot:. 2 Inta KArlnA cioh- fruit trees and roses; nice lawn; terms to Suit purchaser. The Portland Real Estats Agency, 2i btark St.; phone A 6148. AN elegant suburban home of 25 ar&x nnlv o miit;B rrom center or tne city. 10-room house, barn and orchard, fine spring and email lake. Property is located on the best road out of Portland and within one mile of carllne. To close an estate we offer this for .lu oays at $7oo; terms. Jordan & Gar bade. 232 & Washington st. SEVEN room modern home. Bast Side, must oe soia at once, owner using" money for business; good locality, lot on elevation, 60x100. roses and fruit tree; modern plumbing; toilet and bed room on lower floor. $300 will handle it, balance easy payments. Phone Hellman. Main, or IF you are looklne for an ideal home you should see those 6 new houses on East 17th Btreet, near Alberta carllne. They are modern In every way; cement walk; etc., and can be bought on very easy terms. Call at 634 W'ygant St., cor. 17th st. . Take Alberta car. $32.VW-7-room house, Kearney, bet. 23d and ztn; nouse is strictly modern anq In first class neighborhood: caroets. llirht flxtnrp window shades,' awnings and gas range go with house; one-half cash, balance two years. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber commerce. - OWNER must sell Ropsmere corners, 100x 100: will sell $200 less than nrices of aeents and on any terms: cement sidewalks, curbs and graveled streets all paid for; le?s than 200 feet from Sandy Road carllne. Inquire at H4 couch nidg., 4th, near Washington. RIVER FRONT 2-acre tracts. West Side Willamette, north of Oswrgo, 8c fare; 16 trains dally; fine water, electric lights; all level, rich soil; raise your own vegetables, chickens, keep a cow ; cheap at $750 per acre, uengataite & Lyman, 90 otn st. PENINSULAR LOTS Lots adjoining Swift's new narking - plant; will soon be very valuable; jyze 2Gx 100; price $150 each, eapy terms. For saiw by rl. . carey. peninsular Station, St. jonn car, lobu peninsular ave. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, larpe rooms, both gas and electricity, select neighborhood fine car service, beautiful terraced lawn. flowers, a very desirable place, owner tenant: price $350. The Crossloy Co., 301 McKay DHig., oa ana outrji bls. FOR SALE A modern nine-room house in lrvington; lot 6oxl(K); very desirable neigh borhood; prce $3700; close to carllne; easy terms; this is an excellent chance to ee cure a nice home. Call -at 425 Chamber of Commerce. FINE corner. 100x100. on Tillamook et.; ce ment walks; two blocks from carllne; only $1400. CALL OX US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bidg., 4th st.,- near Washington. $950 Choice lot on Multnomah st., Holla day Park Add. ; easy terms. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., 222 Falling bldg. Main 6661, A 2G53. SELLWOOD $325 Fine residence lot; have TOWN SITE benefit of 3 carltnes; 3-room CO; house. $750; swell bungalow, $'2350. 1665 E. 13th. Sellwood 161. STRICTLY modern new 8-room house and nice barn; lots 50x104, on Hawthorne ave. and 32d st. ; a swell home; terms $1400 cash, bal. $3Q per month; house will rent for $36; price $4800; a snap. Bo 11am, Grussl & Higley, 128 3d st. . 4 FOR SALE A very nice ft-room house on East Main St.. between two carllnes; price $4000; $1000 cash, balance $50 per month; this Is a bargain and must be taken quick. . Call 425 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP Party must leave this week; $2600 only for fine large 5-room modern cottage; lot alone worth $1200. East 20th st.; easy terms. F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 8. BUY from owner and save commission, nice 6-room bungalow, modern every way, full concrete basement, on carline, near Pied mont. Phone East 2466; easy terms. BRAND new 6-room cottage In Vernon, near carllne; lot 50x100; price only $1400; easy terms. Call at 634 Wygant St., cor. 17th st. Take Alberta car. 6-ROOM new modern cottage, $2400, $500 cash, balance to suit; all street Improve ments In and paid for. Call 4104 Dekum bldg., or phone Main 5646. WOULD you ' know a snap? A nine-room houee and 4-room house and five lots, each 100x150 feet: price $2800. See Strange, room 12, 268 Stark st. A NICE little home at Laurelwood stat'.on, on Mt. Scott carline, for $70O. Doctor's de mand money; must sell this week if possible. Call 181 4th st. 20 ACRES highly Improved, 6 miles from city, nar carline. good house and outbuildings? snap at $7500; terms. 325 Lumber Exchange. 21 acres, near Lents Junction; cleared, run ning water; close to car. $400 acre. Van duyn wanun. 010 Lnamner commerce. NOB HILL CORNER LOT, ONE OF THE very .few left at a reasonable price; faces east. W. G. Cox, 291 Stark st. $3250 Over an acre In Holladay Park, with 100-foot frontage, on Multnomah st. Fred Strong. 242 Stark st. 10 ACRES miles from Postofflce. unlm proved. $100 per acre. 345 Lumber Exchange, IF you want to buy a home. It pays to see . Chapin & Herlow. 425 Chamber of Commerce. 12 NICE, level lots. 60x100 ft., near Alberta carline; a bargain. Call 1085 E. 17th N. BUY from owner; two good houses. Nob Hill; bargain; half cash; no agents. M. 1963. 100x100-4 new buildings, close In, $8500. . Phone Scott 617a. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. W. H. M'NX. $26.000 Quartsr block, 11th and Gllsan, at main entrance to terminal grounds. ,.!3fltiLot on Ruell. near Rcdney. 60X 15; bitulithic pavement. $7500 Russell between Kerby an4 Commercial; 67 feet front, with lour fiats; rent ?rt0 per month.. w37J Cornr "nlon ave. and Sellwood: 62t-,xl00; small cottage. j.i5t-uCorner, 60xlno. Williams ave. and Mason; small store building. "orthuipHOUe Bd 40xl00; lftth' nr uV2irIj0t Ma Vaughn st., Willamette Heights; good view. r?T:uil lot, Delaware ave.. bet.' Milton inanmen?.0; 3 bIocka St" John " fc-fiilr0??0 of 8vral lots 60x100: 13th, lSIT!. - 5f"OBw d slre. North Irv provement and sewer paid. oo3 Sherlock block. - HERE'S A SNAP. cloWTn f1 ,n South Portland, nfl up and down the river: finT ks'wn' roea lar basement, flfj "rnace- fireplace, fixtures and plumb conrenientTr lateatj .autlfuUy finished, mSSttl ? rtP porch; If ou liking for $thcafhflinfevr;,bfehla; onIy "nt nm,1 Couch bldg.. 4th st.. near Washington. WlhKET,TE H EIGHTS INST ALLME NT modern 6-room houses, just completed, oo southwest corner of 28th and Savier sts. one block from the carline; gas. electric ity, furnaces, full cement basements. nr p aces. porcelain plumbing. wood-fiber plaster. Unequaled neighborhood, superb ii?.o;t .looklnB forestry Park. Price, fti00 4(M down. $40 per month. Fidel .Uet, CmPny. owner. 400 Commer clal block. Phones Main 447. A 1445. S"dHM?",9dIi1 gd EttSt SI,1 residence n.w " ofiYM uu",er; Duuaing nearly x52, 2-tory nd basement. T large 111 "e rooms; front and rear entrance, good Darn, plenty room to build two morehousesj oL "UCk, .of groceries, fixtures, horse. S-if buggy: all for $5500; part cash,' balance easy terms; buildings and ground alone worth more than price asked. C. C. SHAY, 306 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main or A 1W2. . 75x100. $2600 roLdway' 0111 y vacant lot on block; . - 100x100. on K. Davis, south face, oloss In: $5000. , 100x100. un Missouri ave.. near Rsvsre sC; $2000. 37x15. on Fenton, near Broadway; $2200. THE VETERAN LAND CO., " 15H 3d st. 12 PER CENT INCOME. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. Fifteen apartments, , , Twelve single rooms. CentralTy located, stylish, up-to-date; a safe proposition; sure money-maker: $20,000 will swing It. CALL ON rS. Tit titii , rrrT.n . Couch bldg., 4th st., near Washington. 7 CHOICE lots. Henry's Addition, overlooking thl fit,. T .1 T - . facing on Division and Ivon, bet. E. 22d and 23d sts.. one block to Clinton st. carline and only about IB minutes' walk to Madleon-st, bridge; offered by non-resident to close an estate. $700 EACH. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bldg.. Sd and Stark sts. FOR SALE WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY BUILDING. Good location on R. R. track within free switching limit. East Side. Strong build ing; for boiler or machine shop, or any factory purpose or warehouse. Will sell building at bargain together with sev eral years' lease of ground. Phone Sell wood 46. or call at East th and Division. WEST SIDE EASY-PAYMENT HOMES. A thoroughly modern 6-room home, with ample grounds, in a splendid neighbor hood, with two carHnes, for $300 down and $30 per month; price $3750; 3S8, 300, 32 North 24th st.; buy now, before the rains begin. "Pay rent to yourself." Fi delity Trust Co., owner, 406 Commercial block. Phones Main 447, A 1445. $260 CASH and $25 per month and Interest will buy brand new 7-room. thoroughly mod ern house; plumbing complete; walls tinted; full basement; largo fine yard, with shade; close to carline; desirable neighborhood; sewer, city water, gas, electricity and tele phone. Price $3fl50. Call 410 Dekum Bldg., or phone Main 5646. HERE is a snap: Beautiful 8-room residence, closa in, modern In every respect; full biusement. full lot, on bcot street oa East Side; Will pay 9 per cent on invest ment; worth $roo more than price asked; eaoy terms. Call, at room 16 Hamilton, bldg. at noon and save eoramlassion by buying from owner. FINE HOME FOR SALE. $6600 8-room house. with reception hall, attic, basement with cement floor t furnace, fireplace; all conveniences. In cluding fixtures, shades, carpets and bil liard table; choice location on the East Bide. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark st. SELLWOOD Good rental property; fine 6 TOWKSITB room modern home, nearly CO. new; rent for $20. I have list of renters who will take lease. lots from $825, homes from $700 up. 1666 B. 13th. Sell- wood 161. $100 CASH and $12 50 per month will secure you a fine acre on Oregon City oarllne; $10 fT month will buy a half-acre on Mt. Scott lne; water mains laid. THORNTON, A 2727; Main 4261. 319 Chamber of Commerce. MUST HAVE MONEY. Must be sold at once. 14 acres, includ ing 475 ft. of river frontage, four miles from postofflce, three blocks from carllne; garden land and residence sites: $400 per acre. Inquire room 2u9 Alisky bldg. FINE 6-room house in Holladay Park; lot 50x123. all modern throughout; three block from car; a bargain; only $4300. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg., 4th at., near Washington.' A NICE HOME ON EASY TRRM8 $1M) cash and $50 per month buvs a mod ern 6-room cottage and full lot at Sunhyside close. Price $2500. A. B. RICHARDSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce. $2050 e-room modern house. close In, !n East Burnside district, on corntr; easy, terms. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., 222 Falling bldg. Main 5661. A 2653. ' MODERN" 8-room house, easy walking dis tance. East Side ; brick basement, cement walks, furnace, mantel and grate, gas snd electricity; all selected. lumber; a 'fins house. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lumber Exchange. TRY A. S. Draper's system of securing JUST WHAT YOU WANT in 6 to 8-room houses, modern, $500 to $3500, on terms of $250 down, balance as rent; ALL NEW rTOUSES In all parts of tbe city. 343 Washington Rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. $21,000 BUYS 6 acres on Union avenue; beau tlful tract to plat; will plat into 47 lots; can make $10,000 by platting eeme. See Thompson ft Swan, CI tifeens' Bank bldg. , Vancouver, Wash., 806-7 S wet land bldg., Portland, Or. AM FORCED TO S ELL 7-room cottage, with cement basement, furnace, electricity, fire place, lot 100x100, with fruit trees and barn, block of streetcar, for $3000; $1000 cash. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. 8 LOTS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Value $1900. but must be sold, and will consider reasonable offer. Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 Vx Washington, cor 3d. FINEST lot on Bast Madison st., between two $6000 residences, 100 feet apart, with all im provements In, for only $1200; phone the owner. East 2020. 6-ROOM house, lot 50x100. gas, cement base ment, etc., on East Salmon st., only $2650. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. 8 ACRES on carline; good home place; $30j0 cash. $37.50 per month. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7S09. WEST SIDE lot $2500, $650 cash; not a mile west of postofflce; high and sightly. OWNER, 2S1 Stark St. gltioo New. modern bungalow, $300 down, $20 monthly. 3 blocks south Hawthorne an3 43d. Dr. Dftrllng. 100x100, N EAR Piedmont car bam , $1 150; only $400 cash needed. Purse, 823 Cham ber of Commerce. IK you want to buy a home. It pays to Chapin & Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AGENCY, 808 STARK ST.. CAJsJ sell your business property or resldenos. $6250 Full lot. four good flats. Income over ten per cent net. 118 Ablngton bldg. 6 ACRES 4 miles from river, West Side, $100) per acre. 325 Lumber Exchange. COME and see W. Wolfsteln for bargain In real estate. 110 1st st. $4500 Phone cwner about 8-room modern J home. East 386. G106.0