i THE HORNING ORKGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1907. 13 First Glass Travel Fine Dining Service Every Modern Excursion Rate, Including Every Privilege, $l.QO 'SPS ' : ' I ALL ABOARD VXVI I I 1 W W ev "WA. 7 XE "V. -w -11 i - -W ,(temet?s - Going to the land of contentment. There's another train leaves in fifteen minutes. It stops at every home along the way. There's an "Eclipse" right-of-way from ocean to ocean controlled by the people whose stock is pro tected and guaranteed for fifteen years, and consists of one "Eclipse" Range There are 15,000 shares held in Port land 15,000 homes where "Eclipse" Ranges are working, and you couldn't buy one of those shares for love nor money. There's an "Eclipse" mail train rolls in twice a day and from now until November 1 our little mail clerk will be swamped with "Eclipse" contest entries. Some day we're going to introduce our score of little workers to our patrons. ' Now a few words regarding the contest. Write us a little letter upon the "Eclipse" Range. Give us your par ticular reason or reasons for your preference of the "Eclipse" above all other makes of Ranges. Then send this letter to I. Gevurtz & Sons' "Eclipse" Prize Contest, Portland, Or. On the last day of this month these letters will all be bundled together and sent to the "Eclipse" Stove Company of Mansfield, Ohio, makers of the great "Eclipse" Range and Heater, who will pass judgment on the letters. Then these three prizes will be given out by us: j First Prize Our popular Gevurtz "Special" the $60 sewing machine we sell at $25. 1l Second Prize A beautiful "Writing Desk of Birdseye Maple large in size and com plete in appointment. A $20 desk. Third Prize 'A pair of handsome Landscape Paint ings, valued at $15. Contest Open to Everybody. Prizes May Be Seen at the Store The Great "Eclipse" Range $ l.OO A WEEK The Economical "Eclipse" Heater The Stove of Choice Stands at the head of the class in the Bchool for the higher development of stove perfection. People have their own reasons for preferring the "Eclipse" but there are several rea sons that stand out prominently in the preference of every person WHERE IN THE "ECLIPSE" EXCELS FACTS RELATIVE TO ECONOMY: It is strictly air tight.' Separate air chamber. Cannot smoke. Heavy steel body. Cast-iron body top. and main front. Cast-iron lining encircling entire in side of body, protecting steel from fire. The most important features of other stoves, are but the minor elements of the "Eclipse." Shipped anywhere and sold on our original terms of $1.00 a week. Prices $10.00 and upwards. Twenty styles. There's a bit of sympathy aroused within us at the small talk of certain Range dealers. They cannot help say ing, what they do, for they're driven to it through sheer desperation. No their Range won't do, so say the great majority of people. Every day we hear something of this sort, as the lady im patiently stamps her foot "I've been all over town looking at Ranges and no they simply won't do" or "yes, show me what you have but there is little use for I've been all over town and haven't found a Range that suits me! but, ah! the sudden settlement in the nettled disposition when the lady sees the "Eclipse." "Eclipse" Ranges are favored everywhere but nowhere are they more popular than right here in Portland where 15,000 of them work in satisfied harmony. "Eclipse,", the world's best. Guar anteed for fifteen years with fifteen distinct improvements over its nearest competitor. SIX OF THE FIFTEEN REA SONS WHY IT SHOULD BE AN "ECLIPSE." Quicker baking with small consump tion of fuel. Simplicity of management no com plicated flues or dampers. Sliding damper which admits of per fect control over oven. Broiler ratchet, an unrivalled con venience for broiling or toasting over coals. Front grate, which admits of perfect and complete draft upon entire length of fire. Scientifically proportioned oven, which guarantees thorough and rapid baking. THIS IS THE MAIN SE CRET OF ITS SUCCESS. Be sure to investigate this feature. Agents for the Famous "Eclipse" Range and Heater. Every One Warranted Large st and Best Furni ture House in Q r e g o n GEVUR SONS GOOD FURNITURE DEALERS Eclipse Heat- Ranges ers, Are Shipped Anywhere PHILIPPINES MADE CLEAN Islands Inder Army Regulations Healthier Than American Cities. Major A. N. Stark, who comes to Van couver as post sura-eon in command of tho medical department of the post, was at U-.o Portland Hotel yesterday. Major Stark recently served two and a half years in the United States General Hos pital in Manila and four years in Cuba under General Wood. His family will ar rive soon, -as he expects to be located at Vancouver indefinitely. "There has been a big change in health conditions in the islands since the United States took charge," he said yesterday. "Today Manila is one of the cleanest cities in the world. Under the Spaniards it was one of the worst. We now have 23,000 men in the Philippines, and the death rate among them Is only 12 per cent. The average in any large American city. like New York or Chicago, Is from 15 to 2a per cent, so you see that army life in the islands now is nearly twice as healthy, if one may express it that way, as it is in our large cities. Of course, the rate varies greatly in different places some localities axe very healthy and tae others just the reverse, but the average over the whole Islands is excellent. "There is no fighting there now. Every thing is quiet. Or course, there is always the ordinary police work for the Army to do, but there la no organized resistance. I am glad to get back to the United States once more, and am particularly glad of having such a location as here near Portland." Concerning possible war movements af fecting the Philippines Major Stark de clined to speak, because of his official position. There's gold in Oregon! Get your share by investing in Western Dredg ing & Exploration Co. stock. 215 Couch building. - PHOTO FOST CARDS 8CENEBT. Baser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel, DR. BROUGHER TO REMAIN Satisfied Here and Will Not Go to Seattle. The report that Dr. 3. Whitcomb Brougher, of the White Temple, will be again offered the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Seattle, has been xe- I vlved, although he has already twice de clined the office. The report Is given little consideration by him. "I have a great many friends among the Baptists of Seattle and in the First Baptist Church of that city, who would like to have me come there," said Or. Brougher last night. "But no definite proposition has been made me and I have no desire to leave Portland.- My work was never more delightful and successful than It Is today."