r TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1907. 11 Furnish rl Koomi. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicply furnished rooms, single or n suite, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free batha; free phone; dining-room in connection; transients so licited; open all night; best location in the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 4SS Washington. HOTEL, BUPHMARK, Washington and 17th Flrst-clHss furnished rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light, phone In every room; suites with private bath, single, from $3 by week, 7.c up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 5A47. TWO front rooms, en suite or slnple, newly decorated, handsome mahogany furni ture; velvet carpet; everything new and first-class; furnace heat; phone and bath; half block to Hotel Portland; no chil dren. 18.1 7th st. Phone Main 40P. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts., newly furnished throughout, nw building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., the handsomest furnished rooms for bachelors in the city, with every modern convenience at reasonable rates; only four blocks from postofllce. THF) BENSON. 211 H Morriaon, cor. Oth, under new management, thoroughly reno vated and partly refurnished, convenient to Postofflce and ar!lne; rooms $3 up per week; 7c to $1.60 day. HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington st., modern rooms, single and en suite; also houfkeeping; running water; private and free baths, rates reasonable. Pacific 400 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house and grounds occupying entire block; hot and cold water; steam heat. 300 Jefferson, between 6th and 6th. Telephone A 6345. THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Vi Ptark, S.W. cor. 8th St.; well furnished rooms, large ana light, single or en suite; transient, 60c to $1; by week. 2 to g5. Pacific 12fl. HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites with hath, principal carlinea pass the door. Phone Main 2333. LARGE, newly furnished room In modern apartment; first-class location; use of kitchen if desired; also smaller rocnn. N 202. Oregonlan. PRIVATE family will rent one or two rooms; newlv furnuhed, strictly modern, very rea sonable. Flat 10, 4&3 Morrison, opposite High Bchool. WELL furnished suite of rooms with bath: also culte of light housekeeping rooms. 209 10th mU, five minutes' walk from Postofflce. THE ELLSWORTH Nicely furnished rooms; baths, phone, hot and cold water, steam heat. 16 Lownadale, between Morrison and Yamhill. FOR RENT Gentleman, pleasant bedroom, running water, bath, yard and trees, rea sonable, phone East 2570 or call Monday. THE OGDEN, 83H 1st. S. W. cor. Oak St. Nice large front rooms, clean, neat; baths; phone; 50c to $1 a day; $2 to 4 week. 181 H FIRST, cor. Yamhill, nicely furnished rooms; two blocks from Baker Theater; permanent or transient. 324 MAIN LarK front room for two or more; modern 1 conveniences; basement room $1 per week. NI"ELY furnished front rooms, gas. bath and phone; walking distance. 14V Lowns dale. Main 7224. WANTED Applications for board and room for students. Apply Behnke-Walker Busi ness College. 10 Bright, quiet, elesn furnished rpom: cen tral; phone, gaa, bath; gentlemen preferred. 415 Taylor at. DESIRABLE furnished room for gentle man deaf rfiig home comforts. 'Phone Main 7852. NEWLY furnished room. 66 N. 14th St.. call and see after 4:80 or Phone Main 7UJI Monday. THE RIDGEWAY Nicely furnished single rooms, four blocks south of poet office. 270 6th at. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front moron; every convenience. 180 17th St., cor. Yam hill. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk; also transient rooms. 34UVi Morrison. $2.75 TO $4; outside rooms; clean and airy; 2 blks. P. O.; just vacated; 8534 Yamhill. THE RANDOLPH. 8d and Columbia, rooms 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. Paclflo 2744. ST. FRANCIS Nicely furnished rooms In suites or single. 34 N. 8th at., cor. Couch. 452 Morrison, cor. I.lth Rooms single or en suite, modern conveniences; board optional NICELY furnished alcove rooms; all modern conveniences; quiet, refined. 2o9 N. 19th st. NEWLY furnished front room; gas, bath, near car line. 3284 Jackson st. MAXWELL HALL Furnished rooms, hot, cold water all rooms. 207 14th at. 6 ROOMS, lower flat, nicely furnished, for rent, cheap. 4I5 Montgomery at. NICELY furnished front suite, suitable for two gentlemen. 24SH 6th et. THE MARLTN Furnished rooms; good board; convenient- 663 Washington. THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot, cold water. 225 11th t. 9 Nicely furnished room for gentleman. Ill 13th st. FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. 209i4 4th at. Rooms With Board. . THREE large, newly furnished parlors with breakfast and dinner, for four refined young men or can be rented separately; private, quiet. All conveniences; rea sonable. 202 N. lth st., near Marshall. Portland Women's Union; 18th year Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Rawlings, Supt., 610 Flanders. THE THORNDYKE 635 Washington st., beautifully furnished rooms with board ; nice location; walking distance; refer ences exchanged. THE COLONIAL Cor. 10th and Morrison; 3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; first-class rooms and board; prices reasonable. ELEGANTLY fjrnlshed room, with first -class board; Nob Hill location; everything strictly first-class; select. 715 Everett et. TO -RENT Sitting and bedroom for two or three people, with board. 329 Mont gomery st. Phone Pacific 666. ROSEDALE Select, newly furnished, close In, large grounds. 404 Madison, corner 10th. Phone Main 200S. ROOM Bath attached; every convenience; best of board; suitable for two; private family. 284 H Park et. 270 MONTGOMERY, corner 3d, comfortable rooms and board; central; quiet; desir able. Main 4409. 41 ELLA ST. Well-furnished rooms, suitable for two. with board; home cooking; terms reasonable. COMFORTABLE room for lady, two meals; all conveniences; home-like. Phone Main 64S6. LARGE front room with good board: suitable for two gentlemen. 674 OliHan at., cor. ISth. PLEASANT front room for two: phone, bath, with board; good location. 38. 12th st. ROOMS with or without board, modern. 860 Morrison st., cor. Park. x THE MORRISON, strictly modern family hotel. 5;i3 Morrison st. NICELY furnished rooms with board. SS7 Taylor st. Apartment. THE WESTMINSTER. 8th and Mad'.son sts. Unfurnished apartments with every modern convenience; up to date in every respect; reasonable rates; central loca- tlAn. nn1u fnur kl..nb. . .1. TH HE CH ETOPA A few more 4-room apartments unfurnished; electric ele vator. Clarence J. Wheeler, agent, with I. Gevurtx & Son, carpet department BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartments. 295 12th. cor. Columbia, Phone 7741 Main. Flats. 2844 16TH ST. Nearly new, good condition 6 and 6-room fiats, $20 and $23; com plete plumbing and gas, etc. Morgan. Sweet & Chapman, 213 Abington bldg. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and West Bides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. cor. 8d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. NEW, modern 7 and 4-room flats, 200 feet south Washington and 23d st.. Green av. Apply on premises or phone Pacific 1245. FOR RENT. Flats. FIVE-ROOM eteam-heated strictly. . modern flat on E-st Side; walking distance. Apply room 5, 2T3Vj Washing too et. SWELL new flats, 4 rooms and bath, furnace heat and hot water; $S7.50 Clay st. bet. West Park and lth sts. SWELL new flats, 4 rooms and bath, furnace heat and hot water, $:7.50. Clay et., bet. West Park and 10th sts. NEW upper flat 5 rooms, gas. bath, wood lift, basement, ehades, yard. 321 East 8th st. North. Phone j&ast 2il9. 8-R30M flat, 745 Hoyt. near 23d; every thing modern newly built. Inquire after noons, l'ij Morrison. $25 South; 4 nicely furnished rooms; mod ern ; near school; roses and lawn. Main 4418. A 4I2(i. Hoasekeeplnfc Room. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, All 14 -Washington, cor 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free I ath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; heat rooms In city for money. ANY combination furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 4-room flats, 5 and 7-room houses, on West Side of river, very reasonable. Apply Jtti4 North 2th, Wil lamette Heights cars to 20th, turn south half block. THE ONEONTA. 1R7 17th st., near Tan-mill; new house, elegantly furnished. In suites of 2. 8, and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, 83 range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. THE GENEVIEVE 445 Columbia, newly, handsomely furnished suite in 2, 3 and 4 room, complete for housekeeping; steam heat. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms with In 15 minutes' walking distance from Washington st. 313 14th and Clay. 109 N. IfiTH ST. Newly furnished house keeping apartments; steam heated, gas range. Call between 10 and 5. THREE large unfurnished housekeeping rooms; private residence, East Side, at 730 Eaat Oak, near 22d. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; also furnished room; nice location; gas, bath, telephone. 3H8 5th st. THE HYLAND, 490 Morrtfon. M. 1925 Nicely furnished rooma, with bath and steam heat; transient. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, also office rooms; rents reasonable. 557 William ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 4 rooms nicely furnished, lower floor; adults only. 3 West Park St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, new, modern flat; central; adults only. 05 N. 13th St.; call after Sunday. NICELY-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. 273 N. 12th st. Phone Pacific 2bB0. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, phone, bath. 95 East 30th. Phone East 5505. 32S PARK 6T. Well-furnished housekeep ing rooms, man and wife or two ladles; chenp. SUITE housekeeping rooms; private family; all conveniences; no children. 95 17th st. North. 3 OR 4 rooms, partly furnlFhed. modern,' for adulta 249 Grand ave. North, Holladays Add. FURNISHED front suite for housekeeping; hath, heat, light and phone. 171 N. 17th. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping 4fl7 N. 2IM st. SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping rooms; $1.25 per week. 382 E. Yamhill sL FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, furnished. The Henderson. 20914 4th St. FRONT housekeeping rooms; modern. Phone Main 5802. 65 5th Bt. Bouses. GOOD 5-room cottage, water included, $ 10. good 5-room cottage, well furnished, $20. 7-room cottage, grafy yard, $20. New lower 4-room flat, $16. Any combination of housekeeping rooms cheap. All above are West Fide river. 4-room cottage, barn, 300x100, East Side, ?X. 5 acres in suburbs, with buildings, lota fruit and berries; 6-room house. $ 15. COAST REALTY CO.. 228 4 MorrisMl. 10-ROOM house, not modern, but well located, corner upper West Park st. Might rent . upstairs separate with some furniture rea sonable to responsible tenants. Vanduyn & Walton. 616 Chamber of Commerce. Pacific 1953. FURNISHED hotel. 23 rooms, $35; 7-room house, $10; 2 flats, reasonable. C. II. Piggott. owner, attorney at law. Rooms 4. 5 and 6, Mutkey building, N. E. corner Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Large, beautiful home, quarter block; West Side; carpets for Bale, reason able. Telephone Main G550. FURNISHED modern 0-room house, snn 32th st. Inquire H. T. Hendry ac, 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT S-room how a, 2 attic rooms. fcS K. 10th et. Inquire Wm. R. Stokes & Co., 305 Grand ave. NEW 6-room house; East Side; walking dis tance; no small children; $5. B 01, Ore gonlan. 7 ROOMS, second floor; modern; fine yard. Ca'l 671 Gllsan, near 21st. Phone Main 5527. $16 5-room cottage, yard, walking dis tance. 40 Grand avenue, corner E. Couch. $11 Five-room cottage in Montavilla, near car. 211 Commercial block. Main 1506, A-4506. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses, new apartments. Hynson, 84;t Wash. st. FOR RENT A 7-room house, 533 Flanders t. Take 16th-et. car. GOOD 7-room house; easy walking distance. 624 South 6lh st. FOR RENT Four-room cottage, furnished. 485 East Clay. Furnished Houses. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5-room flat, strictly modern, swell location, walking distance. West Side. 6 months or longer, vacant September 15; adults; no dogs. D. 205, Oregonlan. IN Irvlngton, furnished hnuee for rent by Sept. 1 ; eight rooms, complete; reasonable terms to right party. Call 26th and TiUa-t-mook sts. LOWER floor, private residence (4 rooms), furnished, freshly papered, all conveni ences, good neighborhood. 695 Front. FIVE-ROOM cottage, well furnished, $26; others unfurnished, $16, $8 and 7 rooms, $20. Coast Realty Co., 226 Morrison. FOR RENT Elegant furnished home to care ful people with no children, who can furnish flrst-olass reference. 100 E. 10th. STRICTLY modern, up-to-date new 6-room flat, furnished if desired; nothing better in city. Phone Pacific .3091. FOR RENT Neatly furnished 4-room flat, with bathroom and piano. Apply 2V2 Hail st. FURNISHED modern 6-room house, $20. S77 Oberlin St.. Portsmouth, St. John ear. COMPLETELY furnished four-room cottage; gas, bath; $16. 1049 Corbett st. 243 20TH ET. NORTH 11-room furnished house. Call at premises. , 12 FURNISHED rooms to rent. Call 142 N. 10th. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR rent, furniture for sale; rooming house, 17 rooms, splendid location, 14 11th st. N. FURNITURE of 5-room flat. Call morn ings between 10 and 1, 126 N. 23d, top floor. COTTAGE. 5 rooms, $20. 12th st.. East Side. Some furniture for eaie. Phone East 1198. FURNITURE of 6-room modern flat for sale; flat for rent. Phone A 4015. Summer Reports. CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve-Mile House) Most unique and beet roadhouse in the West. Kitchen supplied from our gardens and farms; nothing but first-class goods and a square deal for all. Portland prices. Fred T. Merrill, manager-general and originator. (Open year around.) Bos well Springs open; health and pleasure re sort, 2 miles south Drain. Or., on S. P. R.R. TWO modern front store rooms; steam heat ed, in splendid location for drucstore and delicatessen. Room 5, 2533 Washington st. FOR RENT. Storm. STORE 25x60, In the stone building, 3d and Oak sts.; rent reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exc 72. STORAG15 room In cement basement, sidewalk elevator, with desk room on first floor; 2d near Washington. Howe, Davis & Kllhara, 131 2d st. LAROE storage room, 3d and Glisan sts.; would rent space in corner of wmfi for ea loon. il. Earde & Soils, 8th and Qllsan 6W. NEW stores for rent. Washington st.. near 11th: lease. Inquire S36 Chamber of Com merce. Office. FINE offices, besi location. Room 815 Swetland bldg, 5th and Washington. DEPIRABLR RTOund-floor office on Fifth. Inquire 91 5th t. PERSONAL. LADIES, one word with you 28 years of successful practice In Portland in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced phy sician and surgeon. I have assisted hun dreds of anxious and suffering women. I can .assist you. If in trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old, reliable specialist; no charge for consultation or advice. 2.il Ald?r st.. corner 3d, Portland. Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE, Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladies will consult their best in terests by communicating with me; no fee for consultation ; correspondence abso lutely confidential; maternity cases given special attention. Sanitarium and offices, 2r.s Alder, corner 3d. Portland. Or. Phone Main 2700. THE MARY LANE INSTITUTE INC ) Medical and surgical, under the manage ment of Dr. Mary Lane, the well-known peclallat, with a corps of able phyelclansi diseases of women and children, maternity casea given special attention; correspondence confidential; concuUatlun free. Offices B-14, 3.124 Washington St., Grand Theater bldg. Phone Main 2D2&. SUITS pressed whlln you wait. 50c To visitors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tnilnr's, 100 Ath st-. next to Quelle. La dies' skirts prepped, 50c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088. DR. PHILIP T. BALL, Nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children ; piles, constipation, anemia, rheumatism, paralysis, goitre cured by latest drugless methods. 603 Fifth St., corner Sherman. GENI TO-URINARY and chronic disease cured by natural methods; electric treat ment of prostate; plies cured without op eration or pain; concultatlon free. Dr. W. 1. Howard, Commonwealth bldg. Ladies Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known tie the best, safest. Reliable. Take no othr. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by drugKlsts everywhere. DRESS suits for rent, all siaes; $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons swed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3H Ptark st. FERTN. greatest living palm-reader and as trologer, will advise and rend your future. Hrnd 2-cnt Ktanip for instructions. Carl L. Perin. 1402 Broadway, New York. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A, W. Schmale Co., 220 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 2"c a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri son st., bet. 1st and 2d. WE want respectable ladies and gents to jrdn our club; ladies fre. The BooIhI Acquaintance Club. Mrs. Gray, 01 E. 8th st., cor Washington. MISS ENGLISH, elt-ctropath, treats success fully diseases by, electricity. Portland Insti tute, 250J-6 Morrison St., rooms &-10. Main 7.120. Mme. CourtrtKht, skin and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery; 2Jfi Fleldner bldg. M. 5042. Home A 206J. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 3;i0, Fliedner bldg. Pacific 135. PRIVATE home before and during confine ment ; confidential trained nurse; Phone Pacific 2i;iU. L ITS, Oregonian. LADIKS Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170V4 3d 6t. Pacific 2229.. 35ISS ETHEL WARD'S manicuring and chiropody parlors, suite 16, 851 Morrison street. Recently opened manicuring parlors removed from 351 H to 843 Morrison St.. room 2. FLESH, white, pink, brunette; Satin skin1 powder is made in 4 dainty tints. 2oc BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone E. 4034. LADY barber shop now open at 54 4th; will teach one lady the trade. MADAM VASHTI, jnanlcurlng and chirop ody. 201 , 3d st. BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTY with small capital guaranteed $200 per month ; best Investment In the city; fully secured; only $;iO0 required; no bonus. See this at once. Particulars room T, 181 lt st. $550 BUYS Interest In well-established real estate business ; best of references given and required ; can be investigated by par tics meaning business. Particulars 243 Vj Staik st. ROOMING - HOUSES. 9 rooms to 135 rooms; price $r50 to $16,000; busings chances, real estate. See us before buy ing. .510 Buchanan bidg., 286 Wash ' ington. BEST paying business in Eastern Oregon, for sale; $25,000 cash, balance of $ir,0o0 on time; business paying over 20 per cent on Investment. Call room 514 Buchanau bldg. WANTED Partner with $2r0 for estab lished, fine-paying 5c motion picture theater in Portland; reference given. X 203( Oregonlan. GOOD opening for the right man in old es tablished real estate off ire; small capital r'-quird; fully secured. 61S Commonwealth bldg. GROCERY store for sale; bargain; good out door trade; corner store; Jow rent; good rea son for celling. E 174, Oregonlan. $2000 CASH Grocery; must sell; will ex change for real estate or livestock; no agents. M 185, Oregonlan. THE best offer will take any part of 6000 Mammoth and 6'00 Morning stock; need 1 money. X 100, Oregonlan. I HAVE for pale some good safe mining ftocks for. cash. F. P. Bruck, 711 Dekum blcig. Phone Main 3617. $6K) BUYS half interest in established manu facturing business. 610 Buchanan bldg., 2oV' Washington. FOR PALE First-class wood proposition; part cash, easy payments; no agents. A 1S3, Oregonlan. PART or all of 1000 shares Hurst Switch Ftock for sale or trade. Call or address 694 Belmont St. MANUFACTURING partner wanted; $000 re quired; pays you $100 per month. 248 Stark at. $10,000 WORTH of .Btock wanted in the Hazelwood Creamery. M 171, Oregonlan. A HALF Interest in second-hand and fur niture repair business. N 187, Oregonlan. WANTED Active man for light business; $460 required. Call Monday. 2484 Stark st. WELL-EQUIPPED dairy for rent; good open ing. Address William Creea, Corvallis, Or. WANTED To buy a good country saloon; give full particulars. A 204, Oregonian. FOR RENT Hotel In Caiby, Or. Apply to Sec L O. O. F., No. 156, Canby, Or. $225 SNAP; 11 rooms, nicely furnished, low rent, close In. J 201, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Bakery in country town, doing . good business. R 179, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store; good stand. 'at 329H l9t et- 4-CHAIR barber hop for sale cheap If taken at once. 64 4th st. : GOOD opportunity for barber shop. Hotel Hoyt. 142 N. 10th St. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter. Call A 2779.- tORNER cigar store for sale. Phone Pa cific 1746. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS, YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21. Cambridge bldg., 2H1 Morrison St., S. W. cor. 3d st. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A ROOMING-HOUSE, call at the. above address. We have them all pizes, all styles, all priees from $2."0 to $18,OoO. All the desirable ones for sale are on our list. Terms may be arranged on any. SWELLEST ON THE MARKET. 20 ROOMS Mostly apartments, excellent location, furniture and carpets bst the market affords; new building, nil furnished new few months ago; pays $150 a month profit. Price $CO00. THIS IS DESIRABLE. 18 ROOMS, beautiful cryner residence, with ground 100 feet square, close in, ex cellent neighborhood; shade trees, flowers, etc.; well furnished; rent $60, Income $150. Price $1500. PRICE) REDUCED TO $W0. 20 ROOMS, well located In residence eec tkm, 14 furnished, . 6 rented unfurnished; rent $05 . with, lease, Income $120; quick sale price $&oO. v EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. For lady capable of taking charge of 40 room house, w here hel p is em ployed to do the work. You can buy half interewt of lady retiring for $1850: pay down $1250. Net profits $200 a month. GREAT OPPORTUNITY. 27' ROOMS, all on one floor, corner brick, central location; rent "qnly $5, with a four years' lease. This can be bought at a bar gain; good speculation for some one to fix up and sell at a profit. EXCELLENT BUY. 23 ROOMS. In business district, new brick building, modern place, iron beds, Brussels carpets. Here is a pretty flat where you can make $lO0 a month clear; a bargain at $1200; terms. Something fine. 10 ROOMS, beautiful modern comer dwell ing In bent West Pide, locality, npar Park chooI; furnished" in mahogany and quar tered oak, Axminster and Brussels carpets; rent $50; price $1100. DO YOU WANT A FLAT? A few modern flat have been listed, $250 to $750, and are very desirable. CALL BEFORE YOU BUT. And see what we have In PRIVATE ROOMING and ROA RDlNG-TIOT'SEf!. EU ROPEAN and FAMILY HOTELS, APART-MENT-HOUSES ' and cheap LODGING HOUSES. Some of the beet are not adver tised. DO IT NOW. COAST REALTY CO., 2211 Morrison st., the leading real estate and business brokers. Main 15ft8, A 4150. $10,000, cash, buys one of the finest res idences on the Heights; fP.000, new modern 7-room bungalow, terms; $10u0, Vi cash, new strictly modern 7-room hnure, 3 block from carline; $325 buys rooming-house of 8 rooms; $450. 10 rooms ; $1 250, 14 cash, 14 large outside rooms; $nin), I5 cash, buys splendid employment agfney; $.'150, confec., with liv ing rooms; $1000, grocery, with 8 living rooms; $1500 buys Into real estate office averaging $1000 per month; will give right party trial before Investing; $000, fine res taurant; $200, interest in ground-floor real estate office; $7o00, general stock dry goods: we want a man to ahow property on commission basis. CoaFt Realty Co., 220 Morrison srt. Main 1568, A .4150. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. 0 rooms, rent $25; $250, centrally lo cated. v 12 rooms, rent $00; $1250, exceptionally fine. 23 rooms, rent $100: $1900, steam heat. ;;2 rooms, rent $150; $;i00O, close tn, house always full. SO rooms, rent $200; $8000, up to date In every particular. Hotels and rooming-houses, any size and any location. We do tho business. Call H. W. Garland & Co., 101 4th st. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. The Amps Mercantile Agency, estab lished 10 years, makes a specialty of sup plying merchants with the latest infor mation upon business openings In Oregon in cities or country towns. They also negotiate sales or procure additional cap ital for business enterprises. No cigar stands, saloons or real estate partnerships listfd. All information free. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abington Eldg. THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO. 412 Marquam Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Incorporated 1004. Stocks, bonds, real estate, timber, mines. Industrial enterprises. We try to protect the buyer and seller. No scheme of our own to promote. investigate thoroughly everything offered. Furnish information without charge. Our rating furnished when requested. WE CAN PROMOTE ANY ENTERPRISE OF MERIT. FOR SALE Hotel. 80 rooms. Including bar fixtures, carpets, furniture, pictures and fur nishings, together with stack on hand, with 4-year lease; beautiful gardens, located In best small town in California, 22 mils from San Francisco; electric carline service every 20 minutes to and .from San Francisco, also 42 train daily; this is a snap for some one; price $&H). Can clear from $000 to $lot0 per month easily; line bar trade. Ad dress F 177, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, furnishings, shoes and groceries, in prosperous town of 2O00 population in Willamette Valley, Oregon, with $12,000 payrool per month; cash bus iness; stock will invoice $12,000; sales 1UO0, $40,000; stock was purchased for cash and Is clean; brick building with lease; no trades considered. Address, L. Pewtheror, Hotel Ohio, 200 Front St., Portland, Or. GENERAL merchandise store In a rich valley has practically all the trado; price, Including store, ground and stock, about $!i5o0; terms if desired, stock all new, an old established trade for ten years ; pres ent owner has made a fortune there and wants to yetlro from business; will noil 15 per cent below Invoice; a great bargain; books open for investigation ; will take part trade. H. W, Garland & Co.. 101 4th street AT Cliffs, Wash., they are doing things; newspaper and bank under way; 27 cottages contracted for and 60 more needed ; many business buildings under way and many mora needed; commercial club being organ ized; track-laying has reached Cliffs; "wuik begun on yards and roundhouse; all we ask if, come and Fee. J. J. Reid, 200 Stark St.; also office Cliffs, Wash. 80 ROOMS; best paying boarding house in Portland; near business center; 80 regu lar boarders; will trade for a good farm. 2ft rooms, only hotel In Brownsville, Or. For sale 2 large lots with 2-atory build ing and furniture; good buy if taken soon. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310, 311, 312 Swetland Bldg. CATHOLIC gentlemen; exclusive business; es tablished trade in four Northwestern 'States; larger capital necessary to care for Increas ing trade; right party can secure one-third. possioiy controlling interest; Catholic par ties preferred; $5000 to $10,000 required. For complete particulars address K 175, Ore gonian. BIG BUSINESS. BIG PROFITS. Grocery and general merchandise in most rapidly growing part of the city; doing business of $100 a day; you can get this witn cneap rent ror soooo. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. Rooms 21 and 21. 2(54 Morrison st. WILL sell a $10,000 (or. more) Interest In $."0.00o general merchandise business in Eastern Oregon ; good location, fine cli mate : done $120,000 business last year ; purchaser to be assistant manager; we mean business; L ISO. Oregonian. FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R, terminal grounds, ii:tn ana m iranail ptm ; has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all modern conveniences; 6-year lease; rent $3oO per month. Apply to Phil Gevurt, of Gev urtz & Sons, 173-5 First st. SO-'ROOM hotel ; finest business location ; newly furnished; modern; clearing $7,"u monthly; is for sale by owner for private reasons. Only principals with means need reply. No agents. G 13. Oregonian. $375 Busy flttle chop houae, lease, fine loca tion. North End: reason for selling proprie tor has other urgent business. See this and you will buy. Call at H. W. Lemcke Co., 1224 6th st., corner Washington. FOR SALE 28-room house. East Side; al ways full with desirable adults; reasonable rent; modern; owner must sell reasons explained. See Abraham, room 8, 227 Washington. $1250 BUYS best paying saloon of its size In Portland; good lease, cheap rent; sickness cause sacrifice; worth double. Call or ad dress the Coast Realty Co., 226Vi Morrison. 1 ROOMlNG-HOrSE with GO rooms, fur- " pished; central location; guaranteed net In come over $200 per month; price $3SoO. Ad dress L 173. care Oregonlan. OTSTER and chop house; g-ood location; do ing flrst-clfiss business; experienced partner wanted; $400. L, E. Thompson & Co., 2l 3d. GOOD oaying market business for eale, only $1200r an old established buslnetis; will Gtand closest investigation. P. O. Box No. 6, city. WANTED A man In a good paying enter prise as partner; small capital required and your services. Call 191 Fourth st. BRIGHT store for rent on Washington St.; suitable for groceries, drugs, etc Inquire 830 Chamber of Commerce. ftnancll: Money to Loan. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET DON'T BE HARD UP. SALARY LOANS TO EVERY ONE WORKING LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER WHAT MORE COULD YOTT ASKT - STATE SECURITY CO- 704 DEKUM BLDG. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONKY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY" MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY TO LOAN. , On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and re placed. Fred H.. Strong, financial agent, 242 Stark st. LOANS made to salaried people holding per manent positions and responsible firms; , easy- payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property ; rooming-houses specialty. NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE CO 205 Abington bldg. WE loan on notes to employes of permanen cy and integrity; those who can repay and whose Intentions are to do so can get our money at a rate they can afford to pay. We offer you businesslike treatment ana use businesslike methods only. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bldg. Main 2041. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month. H -month. Week. $.,0 Repay to us... $18.33 or $6.05 or 18.35 $2o Repay to us...$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65 $16 Repay to us. . .$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $L00 209 McKay Bldg., 102 Third. MONEY loaned to salaried people Just on your own name; no other security neces sary; don't boryow until you see me; my system is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices tn 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bldg., 106H 8d- WE have ready money on hand to loan on Improved city residence property; reasonable Interest; no commission. Pig got t. Finch & Bigger, Attorneys at Law, rooms 4, 6, and 6. Mulkey bldg., northeast corner 2d and Morrison sts. CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington, LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried neoule: lowest rates: strictly confiden tial. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, Th Dekum, 3d and Washington. Main m. $1000 to $100,000 to loan in sums to suit at 5 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on Improved city property or for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust Company, 214 Lumber Exchange Diog. MONEY -loaned in sums of $5 and up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Wash. bldg. .Pacirio ibsx $5000 OR any part thereof to loan on negotiable- papers or other securities; low rata , ot interest. s na, oregonian. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson A Co.t- room 5 Washington bldg. I'Uone pao. 1SJL LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se curities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. -S5000 OR less in sums to suit on real estate: charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle- ton, ui7 unaniDer 01 commerce. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, Go 2 Sherlock block. State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. B. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com. $5(i0. or-0 TO loan at 5 and 6 per cent on mort gages. Wm. Q. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate; mortgages boug lit. w. Keiat, room 10, vvasn. oiock. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. wm. 1011, room w, wasningion Diag. DON'T borrow money on your salary until you see uutton u re ait tompany. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The ixan jo., 41 o ut-Kum Diag. Loans Wanted. WIPH to borrow $450 for two years on 1m- provea Portland property, valued at $2000. Will pay 8 per cent interest. K 186, Ore gonlan. CATHOLIC corporation wants loan of $2000 to sww rrom catnouc parties at o per cent; g 00a se c u r 11 y . Aaarees 1 111, ure gon 1 an. WANTED Loan of $1400 on highly Improved city property; 7 per cent; no commloslona O ISO. Oregonian. $2000 OR $3000 at 7 per cent for one year or more. Answer J ltw. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST One brown Irish water spaniel, 2 years o;d; one black ana white collie pup, 3 montita old. Return to David M. Dunne & Co., ItHh and) Sherlock ave. Liberal reward. - LOST 3 rings, 2 solitaire diamonds, 1 ruby and diamond settings, from auto Sun day. Finder return and receive reward from c J. cook, oa in. ?tn st. LOST- English setter dog, 14 month old; white, tun colored ears, spot on each aide. Return to 7o Pettygrove m.., and receive rt-ward, J 10. LOST A coach female dog; polka-dotted, black and white. Liberal reward for re turn to A. C. Ruby & Co., 30314 Washing ton st. FO'TND Where hair mattresses are renovated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474, Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger, LOST A silver watch and run metal fob, near Union and Holladay aves. ; suitable reward. 225 and 226 Abington bldg. POUND Pocketbook with valuables. Frank Mitchell, E. 3Uth and Powell sta Phone Scott 'll'l. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for Flour, Oats. Dried Fruit, Etc. Department of the Interior, Offic of Indian Affairs, Washington, D- C August 7, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope 1 "Proposals for flour. oats, dried fruit." etc., as the case may be, and addressed to tne "commissioner of inaian Airairs, Washington, D. C," will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M of Thursday, September 26, 1907, and then opened, for furnishing the Indian Service with canned tomatoes, ' cornmeal, cracked wheat, dried fruit, feed, flour, hominy. oats and rolled oats, during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1908 Bids must be made out on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information tor bidders win be iurmsnea on appuca tion to the Indian Office. Washington. D. ' C. ; the U. S- Indian Warehouses at New Xork City. Chicago, 111., Bt. Louis, Mo., Omaha. Neb'r. and San Francisco, CaL; the Commissary of Subsistence. U. S. A. at Cheyenne, Wyo. ; the Quartermaster, U. S. A.. Seattle, Wash., and the Post masters at Tucson, Portland, Spokane and Tacoma. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. C F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of J. H. Ackerman, Superintendent of Public instruction. baiem, (Jr.. until 2 o'clock P. M. on the 19th day of September, 1907. and then opened, for the construction of a Cattle Stable, for the Oregon Agri cultural College, at Corvallis, Or., In ac cordance with the drawings and specifica tions, conlee of which may be had at the office of J. H. Ackennan, Salem, Or.; office f E. E. Wilson. Corvallis. Or., and at the ffice of the architects, Bennes, Hendricks & Tobey. 67 Labbe bid.. Portland. Or. Certified check of 6 per cent, payable to j. ri. Ajc iter man. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids lor a stock or groceries ot tne inventory value of $1497.12 together with fixtures and a horse and wagon, $1554. Located at 11th and Morrison streets, Portland. Or., up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, SeDtcmber 11. 1&07. A cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and stock may be in spected on application. Dated September 7, 100T, R. L. SAFIN, T First street, Portland, Oregon. " " srrciAL NOTICES; Proposals. Invited. IN THB Dtict Court of the United State, for the District or Oregon in mo mnum of the Pacidc Burial case Co., Involuntary bankrupt For aale, to the highest bidder for cash the entire stock of the Pacific Burial Case Co.. Including caskets, shells, rough boxes, machinery. fixtures. tools and all materials. Any and all bids must be sealed and accompanied by 10 per cent thereof In cash or a certified check, which amount is to be forfeited In case the bid der fails to comply with the terms of his hid after acceptance. The right to reject any and all bids is to be reserved, and said sale Is to be made subject to the approval of the court. AH bids must be In by IO A. M. on Tuesday. September 17. Ift07. Inventory and itemised list of the propertr may be seen at my office. 400 Alder street. E. E. Erlcson. Trustee of Paciflo Burial Case Co., in Bankruptcy. Miscellaneous. NOTICBJ OF THE BALE OB" STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until S o'clock P. M. on September 9, . 1907, for the purchase of the following de scribed Indemnity School Lands, towlt: Clatsop County N. W. of 8. E. of section 21, T. i 4 N., R. 6 W. 5. W. of b. W. H of section 1. K. W. M. ot X. W. M of section 12, T. 4 N., R, 7 W. Lot 13 of section 15, lot 4 of section 23, lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 1L 14, 15, 19 of section 21, lot 1 of section 28, lots 6, 7, 10, 1L 12, 13, 14, 15 of section 29, S. E. of 6. E. of section 80, T. 4 R, 8 W. Crook County 8. of S. H ot section 20, T. IB 8 R. All' of section 28, T. 19 S., R. 11 E. 6. . of N. W. of section 8, T, 22 6., R. 10 E. Grant County N. E. of S. H. U. of section 28, r. E. of N. E. U, N. H of S. E. S. E. H of 8. EL k ot section 27, T. s B,. R, 26 E. W. of a B. of section 27, T. 8 R, R. 2T E. 8. E. 4 o N. E. 14 ff section 8, N. W. of 8. W. of section 27, T. 9 B R. 26 E. 8. W. H of 6. B. H, 8. B. H of 8. W. of section 31. N. E. f N. W. , N. W. H of N. B. 14 of section 28, T. 9 6., R. 27 E. 8. W. 14 of N. E of section 18, T. 11 8., R. 26 B. N. E. of B. W. 14 of section 8. lot 4 of section 4, lot 1 of section 6, T. 14 8., R. 29 E. Jackson County 8. B. 14 of 8. W. H of section 28, N. B. 14 of N. W. 14. N. H of N. B. 14 of sec tion 34, T. 87 8., R. 1 E. N. E. 14 of section 2, N. W. H of N. W. U. S. E. 14 of N. W. 14, N. W. 4 of B. E. 14. N. E. 14 of 8. W, 14, 8. E. 14 of 6. E. 14 of section 12, T. 38 S., R. 1 B. All of section 34, T. 40 S., R, 1 E. Klamath County N. W. 14 of 8. K. 14, S. B. 14 of N. W. 14. lot 3 of section S, T. 88 6., R. 714 B. - 5. W. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 25, S. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 26. N. H of N. E. 14 of section 85. T. 87 S., R, 9 E. N. W. 14 of N. B. 14 of section L N. H of N. B. 14 of section 12. T. 88 8., R. 9 E. W. H of 8. B. 14 of section 22, N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of s--tlo 28. N. W. 14 of section 27, N. E. H wf N. B. 14 of sec tion 80, T. 87 S., R. 10 B. N. W. 14 of N. B. 14 of section 1, N. H of K. B. 14. of section 12, T. 88 8., N. E. 14 of N, E. 14 ot Motion 13, 8. E. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 27. 8. W. 14 of N. W. 14. N. H of 6. W. 14. W. S of 6. E. 14 of section 84, T. 88 8., R. 18 E. Lot 1 of section 18, T. S8 R. 14 B. 8. E. 14 of S. B. 14 of section 85, T. 89 & R 11 14 B 6. B. 14 of 8. E. 14 of seotton 25, T. 89 8., R. 11 E. Lot 1 of section 2, T. 40 8 R. 11 B. 8. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 5, N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 26, T. 40 8., R. 18 B. Lane County 8. W. 14 of N. B, 14 of section 80, T. 17 8.. R. 9 W. Lincoln County S. E. 14 of 8. W. 94 of seotion 2T T. 11 8., R. 10 W, Marlon County E. 14 of N. W, 14, B. H of 8. B. 14 2f section 12, N. B. 14 of section 82, T. 8 IL 2 B B.' H of KCtlon T. 8 B.. R. 8 m. Multnomah County N. E. of section 21. T. K., MS fihtmun Count. Lot, 1. 2. 8. 4, N. H of N. B. of cctlon 3, T. 1 N., K. id a. E. of S. B. 14 of Motion IT. T. 4 R, p. 18 B. B. W. U of 3. W. M of MctJon 83, X. 4 6., R. 18 B. Tillamook County 8. W. W of N. B. H, lot . 8. W. 14 of N. W. , lot 4 of Miction 8. 8. B. 14 of N. B. K, lot 1 of aectlon 4. S. B. k of N. E. 14, lot 1 of .ectlon 0, E. hi of ' E. U o( lection T, S. W. U. of .eetlon 13, N. W. M of N. B. 4 of (action IT. N. E. 14 of .eetlon 31. N. W. 14 of N. W. 14. 8. 14 of H. W. 14 of notion 22. T. 3 R. 8 W. . Lota 8 and 4 of Motion 8, T. 8 N., R- 5 W. Lot, 8 and 4 of notion 19. T. 4 &, R. 10 W. Union Count E. H of S. B. 14 of netlon 31. 8. H of notion- 22. 8. H end 8. 14 of N. of notion S3. 8. W. 14 of notion 24, E. H. 8. B. 14 of N. W. 14. N. E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of aeetton 23, N. 14 of N. 14 of notion 28. N. H of N. 14 of aeotlon ST, 8. 14 ot 8. B. 14 of notion 82, N. 14 of 6. W. 14 ot section 83, T. S B.. R. 85 E. S. W. 14 of section 29. 8. H of N. 14 and 8. H of .eetlon 8tr, 8. W. 14 of 8. W. 14 of notion 82, T. 5 8.. R. 88 B. W. 14 of B. E. 14, lot, 3 and 4 of no tion 1, T. 6 8.. R. 35 B. 8. E. 14 of notion 1. T. 8 8., R. S6H B. N. 14 of notion 12. T. B., R. 8514 B. Waaco County Lot. 8 and . 8. W. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 2, 1. 1 N., R. lb E. Wheeler County n u r a. li V of section 22. N. W. 14 of N. W. 14, N. H of 8. W. 14. N. B. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 23, W. 14 of N. W. 14. N. W. 14 of 8. W. 14. N. E. 14 ol N. W. 14 of section 24. 8. B. 14 of N. B. 14 of seotion 28. T. 0 8., R. 22 B. Lot 4 of section 81, T. 8 8, R. 23 B. Lot 1 of section 1, T. 9 8., R. 22 B. N. 14 of N. W. 14 of notion 8. T. 8 8., R. 23 B. E. 14 f S. W. 14 of seotion 82, T. B., R. 25 B. 8. W. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 29, T. - 10 8.. R. 23 B. , Lots 2 and 8. B. B. 14 of N. W. 14. W. E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 4, N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 8, T. 10 B, B, U IL N. E. 14 of N. B. 14 of section 83, T. 11 8., R. 24 E. . 8. W. 14 of B. W. 14 of netlon 8, N. W. 14 of N. W. 14 ot seotion 8, I. 11 6., R. 26 E. N. W. 14 of B. W. 14 of section 4. T. 12 S., R. 24 EL ' All bids must be accompanied by a rev ular application to purchan in accord ance with the law tor the sale of school lands and by cash or check for at least one-fifth of the price offered. No bid for leaa than 85.00 per acre will be considered. The ricbt to reject any and all bids la rsserved. Applications and bids should ba ad dressed to O. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity Bchool Lands." O. O. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 8th day ,of June., 1907. THE undersigned will receive naled bids until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, Sep tember 10, 1P0T, for a atock of dry goods of the Inventory valuation of $3503. 9:1, together with fixtures of tTT, located at 825 Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. A check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and property may be nen on application. R. L. BABIN. T First street, Portland, Oregon. Dated September 4. 190T. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aooonntanta. GEO. T. MURTON, 808 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 8681. General accounting and auditing business. Architects. H. J. HEFTY architect Office, Lumbar Exchange bldg., room 423. Assayer, and Analysts. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, metal lurglsts and assayera. 20414 Washington. MONTANA Assay Office, 189 Morrison st Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL RACMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGBR, purchaser of hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber and old metal and general commission mer chant. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commJaatoa merchant a 210 8d 1. Chiropody aad Manicuring;. WM. DEVENY aad Us tell. Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 28 Drew building, 162 2d st- Phone Main 1801. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Paclflo 135. BCbNSS directory. Carpenters and Builders. Store., houses and buildings remodeled. Plans drawn, showcases manufactured. 2tot Couch. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting; 360 Stark. Main 5SSL. PROP. WAL. WILSON'S School of Daaclng and Deportment. Lessons dally, private or classes. Special low terms this month; lessens 25c. Walts, tw-step. three-step, stage dancing, buck and wing, clog. Jig. skirt, high fling. Both phones. Hall and office. 3i Allsky bldg, 265 Morrison St.. cor. 8d st. WESTERN Academy School of Dancing. P. 8. Carter, principal; 5 assistants, includ ing lady; class Monday, Thursday and Saturday evenings; ladles' class Thursday afternoons; children's Saturday afternoon. Corner 2d and Morrlnn. Phone Pacilio 16? 0. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B.. PRINCIPAL. . " mo rnvaw or class m structlon. Position certain when compe tent. All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work. Chattier ahort hand; eaay, rapid, legible. Catalogue free. MISSES RODNEY, late principals of St. jioien s nau, lessons In English, literature, history of art, piano, vocal culture (Seller method), history and French. 128 N. 22d et. MRS. WALTER W. BRUCE, graduate Ott School Expression, dramatic reader, teacher of expression. 431 B. Ash. Tel. E. 4118. ". Harness and Saddles. THB George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle and harness mnfrs., 80-88 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. BHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metala and sacks. 312 Front st. Livestock. 8. P. VETERINARY COLLEGE opens Octo ber 1. For oatalogue apply to Dr. Chaa, Keane. pres., 1818 Market at.. Ban Fran Cisco. Leather and Findings. J. A. 8TROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 18fi8. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; lull 11ns Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front at. CHAS. L. MA8TICK CO., Front and Oak sts. Leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN ac'CO., mining, sawmill log ging machinery, hydraullo pipes, castings, all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th St. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN, pupil Prof. Sevclk. vlo lin and viola teacher. 834 Pine. Pacific 2959. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 411H6-1T Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sta. Phone, office. Main 840. Residence, Main 1503. Residence. E. 1028. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Kirkvllle. Mo. 4U9 Oregonlan bldg. Mala 1242; res. Mala 2702. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUS8EN ft CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor. -Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents 1 infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON, Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Robber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. slugs, bar checks, to. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder at. Rubbe, stamps, nals, stenolla, checks, brass sngna Safe. DIEBOLD manganese safes large lines car ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks. Jails, metal furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both phones. J. B. Davis, 63 8d. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 1 Hamilton bldg. Main 5630. THE Lutks Manufacturing Co.. cor. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Sign Painting. 6IGN8 ("That Attract.") Portland Sign Co., 28T Stark. Pao. 1E98. Spiritualists. PROF. KHIMO. Greatest living clairvoyant. Readings on all affairs of Ufa, Satisfaction guaranteed. No queatlons asked. Call today. Don't delay. 85214 Washington. Phone Main 128T. MARION CORELLI, palmist and trance medium. Satisfaction guaranteed. 22814 Washington St., between 1st and 2d. MAY ANDREWS, card reading, at 825 Main, 2&0. Phone Main 7548. Storage and Transfer. C O. PICK, office 88 1st, bet. Stark and Oak Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodious ' brick warehouse, with nparate Iroa rooms. Front and Clay sts. HAY, oats, flour and merchandise stored at reasonable rates; correspondence solicited. Oregon Warehoun Co., 848-374 Water at. OL8EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Flrst-clsss storage and transferring. 209 Oak at. Phona Maln 547, A 224T, Paclflo 1061. Teachers Agency. C R. B. TEACHERS' AGENCY can place you at once where your ability to "make goed'r will command the highest remunera tion; "no deiay." 808-4 Alieky bldg., 2t Morrison st. Typewriters. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re palred. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Phone 140T. BAKES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND 8URPLUS. 8 1.500, 000. 00. Deposits, 814,000,000.00. Oldest National Bank on the Paclflo Coast. A. L. MILLS President J. W. NEWKIRK. Cashier W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES. OVER 2,400,000. General Banking. 9 per cent Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and exohange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts 8 per cent. Time certificates 8 to 4 per cent: short-call special certificates. $500 or over, 214 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "Illustrations. " Phone Private Exchange T2. 8. EL Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK . Vice-President B. LEE PAGET... Secretary J. O. GOLTRA.M... Assistant Secrotary THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1884.) HEAD OFICE. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER 8. KINO Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up (4.000.000 Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$10,153.87? A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In a!l parts ot the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Acoounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BCRTCHAELL Assistant Manager W. M. Ladd C. B. Ladd J. W. Ladd LADD A TILTON. Bankers. PORTLAND, OREGON. Established 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits. Interest Paid on Tims Deposits. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. JT. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT' Assistant Cashier 6. E CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty.