Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 02, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Farnlshed Room.
Nicely furnished rooms, ainffte or en
suite. $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and
cold water; free baths, free phona; dining
room In connection; traniienU solicited;
open all night; bst location in the city;
office and reading room ground floor. 4bS
HOTRL BUBHMAfcK, Washington and 17th
Ftrst-class) furnished rooms, slagle or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric
Hfht, phone Id every room; suites with pri
vate bath, single, from 3 by week. 75c up
by day; reasonable by month. Main SWT.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
coM water In every room. Phone Main
7195, Long-distance phones In all room.
THE WESTMINSTER, 8th and Madison
sts., the handsomest furnished rooms for
bachelors In the city, with every modern
convenience, at reasonabte rates; only
four blocks from FoaUofflce.
SUITE of 2 rooms, front and back parlor,
large handsomely furnished. electric
lights, bath, phone, etc.; 2 blocks from
streetcar. 620V Uanteubein ave.; break
fast If desired.
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington
sts., modern rooms, single and en suit;
also housekeeping; running water; private
and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 41M
THB BENSON 291 Morrison, corner 6th,
under new management; thoroughly reno
vated and partly refurnished; rooms JJ3 up
per week. 75o to fl.50 day; briok building.
THB WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark. 8. W. oor.
6th St.; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50c to
91 ; oy week, iz to fa. raciuc
TWO connected nicely furnished front
rooms in home of gentleman and two
daughters; nice locality near Portland
Academy. T 188. Oregonlan.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sta, all modern conveniences, seltes
with bath, principal car line pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
THE COLLINOE) has two nicely furnished
rooms, hot and cold water, free phone and
bath; rare chance. 821 4th, corner Clay.
Main 675.
MAXWELL HALL Handsomely furnished
rooms, single and en eulte; hot and cold
water In every room; reasonable rates. 207
14th st.
252 13TH ST. Eight blocks from postofflce.
family residence; desirable neighborhood;
parlor bedroom; upstairs; furnace heat.
THB WOODLAND Beautiful "location; a
pretty suite and couple of single rooms
vacant this week; nice people only, 266 6th.
THB GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia, Just opened,
elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat, bat lie,
telephone, 10 minutes' walk from poMofflce.
NirELT furnished front room; private fam
ily ; bath, gas. phone; 10 minutes' -walk
from postoruce. d-ii i-iq bt.. aimn oouk.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board; Scandinavians preferred, it sNortn
10th at., between Stark ana iiurnsiae.
A N elegant bay window suite, ground floor,
modern; Just decorated; furnUure new to
day. 1S9 7th st. Phone Main 4968.
THE OGDEN, 83 1st, S. W. cor. Oak St.
Nice largje front rooms, ciean, neat: dsiiw;
phone; 6oc to $1 a day; $2 to 4 week.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished double parlors;
other rooms; free phone and bath; walking
distance. 149 Lou na dale. Main 1224.
FRONT alcove, bay-window room; modern
residence location private family; peopli
employed preferred. -Main 7101.
"THB C039Y." 105 7th. oor. Taylor, nicely fur
nished roome. suitable for two gentlemen,
with or without board.
NICELY furnished front parlor and alcove
suitable for two gentlemen. zou itn St.,
corner Madison.
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, also an
elegant suite, with private bath. 163 17th,
cor. Morrison. "
NEWLY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentle
men; phone, gas, bath; board handy. 415
Taylor st.
394 COLUMBIA, corner 10th, well furnished
room, close in ; porcelain bath, gas, furnace
heat, phone.
$10 Bright, quiet, newiy furnished rooms;
central; hath, gas, phone. 415 Taylor st.,
corner 11th.
460 YAMHILL Front room, with bay window;
also front room with alcove; clean, quiet,
DESIRABLE furnished room for gentle
man desiring home comforts. Phone
Main 7 SO 2.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms
60c to $1 day; S2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744.
ST. FRANCIS Nicely furnished rooms in
suites or single. 34 N. S'.h st cor. Couch.
ST. FRANCIS Nicely furnished rooms In
suites or single. 34 N. 8th st., cor. Couch.
THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
213 13TH Nicely furnished suite and rooms,
suitable for two or more persons.
NICELY furnished front room In an excel
lent locality. 361 10th.
Rooms With Board. t
The most desirable family hotH In the city;
centrally located; well-furnished outside
rooms, single or en smite; hot and cold run
ning water In rooms; the best table board;
free bus.
Portland Women's Union; lfitn year Rooms
with board, use of sewing -room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs, Supt., 510 Flanders.
PLEASANT room for one gentleman with
breakfast and dinner; private, quiet; all
conveniences; reasonable. 252 N. 19th,
near Marshall. Phone Pacific 2497.
A LARGE front room for two. In strictly pri
vate home; first-class board if desired; mod
ern conveniences and all home comforts.
Phone Paclflo 800.
THE COLONIAL Cor. 10th and Morrison;
8 blocks west of Portland Hotel; first
class rooms and board; prices reasonable.
WELL furnished front rooms, suitable for two,
with board ; reasonable. Aho table board ;
SIS per month. 3S9 Taylor. The Chrysler.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms and flnst-class
board In choice Nob Hill location ; every
thing modern and select. 715 Everett at.
NICE room end board for two men; private
family; 6 blocks from east end Steel bridge.
291 Williams ave. Phone East 1741.
ROSED ALE Select, newly furnished, close
in. large grounds. 404 Madison, corner
10th. Phone Main 2006.
FURNISHED rooms with board, home cook-
ing; very moderate rates. 442 Jefferson
St. Phone Main 6425.
74 4TH. cor Jefferson, one newly furnished
room, with good home cooking, suitable for
two gentlemen.
WANTED Applications for board and room
for students. Apply Behnke-Walker Busi
ness College.
41 ELLA ST. Well furnished rooms, suitable
for two. with board; home cooking; term
ELEGANT furnished rooms, with good home
cooking. Phone Main 6619, A BtHS. 215 13th
432 Morrison, cor. 13th Rooms single or en
suite, modern conveniences: board optional
IF you want Swedish cooking, go to No. 11
North 10th. bet. Stark and Burnslde.
NICE rooms end good board for 2 or 8 gen
tlemen. 6i4 Glisan st., cor. 18th.
NICELY furnished rooms with board. Inquire
at 263 7th at. ; gentlemen preferred.
NICELY furnished rooms with first-class
board. The Sterling, fttfS Couch. fj
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good board;
convenient. 653 Washington.
54 N. 16TH Fine front room, with or without
board, for two young men.
THB OZARK Rooms, first-class seme; hot,
cold water. 225 11th st.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts. Unfurnished apartments with every
modern convenience; up to date in every
respect ; reasonaDi races ; central loca
tlon; only four blucks from Postofflce.
THE CHETOPA A . few more 4-room
apartments unrurnipnea; electric eievator.
Clarence J. w neeier, agent, win i. ue
vurtz & Son, carpet department.
BEAUTIFUL fl-room apartments. 295 12th,
cor. Columbia. Phone 7741 Main.
-ROOM modern upper flat. ISth and Wash-
FOUR desirable new o-room flats on Port
land Heights will be ready for occupancy
In few days, located on carline. See H.
W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington sta
Main 560.
MODERN flats, all sixes, for rent. East and
Went Sides, Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. S. E. cor. 8d, and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
ITEW, modem 7 and 4-room flats, 200 feet
south Washington and 23d sta. Green ave.
Apply on premises or phone Paclflo 1245.
FOR RENT 3-room flat, all conveniences. In
quire Se villa, 225 Market. Phone Main 016.
WEST SIDE 4-room upper flat, modern;
688 7th sc. near Grant; $10; open
A NICE e-room flat; reasonable price. In
quire rear cottage. 228 Hall st.
BEAUTIFUL furnished 6-room flat; modern,
central. 470 Taylor st.
NEWLY furnished flat; modern. 849 Hall.
Key at 444 11th. -
Housekeeping Room.
GOOD furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, suite, IS, $10, $15; new lower flat,
unfurnished, $16; good five-room furnished
cottage, $26; house, 4 rooms, $8; house. 7
rooms, $20. Apply 864 North 26th. Wil
lamette Heights care to 26th, turn south
half block.
FURNISHED housekeeping and single
rooms, fine flat, reasonable ; get well lo
cated for winter with perpetual beat and
hot water. 490 Morrison across from
High School. Top flat 3. Don't bother the
Hyiand landlady below with Inquiry.
Washington, cor 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water,
free tath, free phone, both floors; nice
sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; heat
rooms In city for money.
THE ONEONTA, 187 17th .st.. near Yamhill;
new house, elegantly furnished, In suite of
2. S, and 4 rooms; hot and cold water, ga
range each kitchen; steam heat, bath, free
phone each floor; no children.
CONNECTING parlors, kitchen, small room
off; all nicely furnished; piano, ground
floor; modern residence; 8 minutes post
offlce: reasonable; no children. 293 10th
st., near Jefferson.
WOULD rent 5 well-furnished rooms in
private home of 7 rooms and take board
for three; walking distance. Phone Main
FURNISHED, housekeeping cr single, walk
ing distance ; free bath and phone. The
OtLs, cor. Union ave and Burnslda.
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; f-irnlshed rooms, low rents. Man ley
Court. 55 ? Williams ave.
TWO large rooms, alcove, bay window nice
ly furnished for housekeeping. 615 20th
t., Portland Heights.
850 MORRISON, corner Park, In the Mll
ner, offices on first floor, centrally located.
Very convenient.
8 CLEAN, light rooms, completely furnished.
housekeeping; gas, bath, nice yard; $15
montn. tarn "ront.
492 CLAY 3 or 8 housekeeping rooms;
clean; private family; reasonable; gas,
bath, phone.
SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; 91.22 per week, usz is. Yammu su
THE NICKUM Furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping apartments. 889 6th st.
2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with
water, ua 4tn St., near Harrison.
ALCOVE, furnished for light housekeeping;
iusq single room, zu jsortn ima st.
135 14TH. cor. Alder, 2 nicely furnished
Housekeeping rooms for rent.
FURNISHED roome for housekeeping; modern.
rnone aiain omjz. oth st.
FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, furnished.
i ne i-ienaerson, xvvhs 4tn st.
FOUR-ROOM house, bam, chicken-house, $8.
ooq i -room nouse, yara, oasement, $ 20.
New lower 4-room flat, $16. -
Good o-room house, furnished, $26.
Five acres, fruits, berries, house, barn.
Furnished housekeeping rooms, suites, 83,
$10. 116.
Front rooms In cottsge, furnished, $16.
i Aijii.iN x ju., iiio jnonson.
$27.60 For rent, very choice 5-room cottar.
r-asx ;.ta ana ivon; nneiy finished through
out: cement basement; all modern conven
iences; reference required. C. W. Pallett,
ou j enton mug.
$18 PER month, 6-room cottage, modern.
eiectric iignts, oatn; nice grounds, 828
Ke'.iy street. 2 blocks Clinton-Kelly
School. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., l4Qhi
First street.
LARGE residence. 327 East 11th North, suit-
. able for roomers; walking distance; carpets
and ranges for sale. Farrington, 813 Fen
ton bldg.
MODERN 5-room cottage for rent, $15
month. 291 E. 19th. Pacific North; East
Ankeny carline. Phone East 360.
FOR RENT Modern 7-roo- ; house, corner
E. 1st and Wasco sts. Inquire 827 Wasco
st. Phone Scott 5396.
FOR RENT 2 good modern 7-room houses.
12-14 corbett st.: $22.60 each. David S.
Stearns, 249 Wash. st.
MODERN 6-room houee, 170 N. 23d St., near
Johnson. inquire by phone Main 3595, or
Home phone A 3595.
$30 New 6-room corner house, furnace,
gas, electricity, porcelain plumbing. Sit
E. Washington st.
7-ROOM house, light and sightly, 592
jnarKei aireei a rive, forriana .Heights
car. Main 57. '
T-ROOM modern house. 736 Irving. Call 10
to in a. m. j-' none -Main omh, or owner, 844
Sherlock bldg.
FOR RENT 6-room house, 285 Sacramento
st. inquire w. h . - Hummel, 849 Grant et.
5-ROOM cottape, plainly furnished; close In;
East Side. Phone Sellwood 330.
FOR sale or rent ; a new modern house,
rlose In. Inquire 316 Crosby st.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage; bath and gas.
E. 18th and Main,
Furnished House.
IN Irvlngton. fumlhed honee for rent by
Sept. 1 ; eight rooms, complete ; reasonable
terms to right party. Call 26th and Tilla
mook sts.
LOWER floor, private residence (4 rooms),
furnished, freshly papered, all convenl-
enccs, good neighborhood. 695 Front.
NEWLY-FURNISH ED modern 6-room lower
flat; close in. West Side; $50. Main 6548.
12 FURNISHED rooms to rent. Call 142 N.
Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE of 6-room house, good quality.
"used few months, complete for housekeep-
ing; 3 bedrooms, large hall, pantry, paved
street, fine location. walking distance;
$35u. A 161, Oregonlan. '
BEAUTIFUL furniture of a 14-room house,
centrally located; modern, reasonable rent,
long lease; price very reasonable; party
leaving city ; no agents. Call after 9 A.
M 470 Taylor st.
MODERN 7-room flat 6 beds, furniture new;
3 block Portland Hotel, south. Phone A
2465; Main 394. Commonwealth Trust Co.,
6th and Ankeny.
ALL or part of elegantly furnished house
on carline: strictly modern; Nob Hill
district. Phone Pacific 5S4. 675 Glisan.
FOR SALE: Fine furniture and all household
"goods or a private home; bargain; only $250.
Call at 630 Couch st.
FURNITURE of 18-room brick rooming-house
on Park art.; reasonable rent. Farrington,
813 Fenton bldg.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished 4-room flat,
with bathroom and piano. Apply 2 12
Hall st.
FOR SALE Complete furnishings of five
room flat, house for rent. 225 Mill st.
FINE 20-room house, well furnished and In
best location. Inquire 631 Couch.
COMPLETE furnishings modern 5-room
cottage. Phone A 1381.
Summer Kesorta.
CASTLE EDEL BRAU fTwelve-Mile House)
Most unique and best roadhouse In the
Wert. Kitchen supplied from own gardens
and farmtf; nothing but first-class goods and
a square deal for all. Portland prices. Fred
T. Merrill, manager-general and originator.
(Open year around.)
FURNISHED cottage. Seaside, balance sea
son; beach front; owner. Phone East 2S23
Boswell Springs open; heaHh and pleasure re
sort. 2 miles south Drain. Or., on S. P. R.R.
FOR RENT Seaside cottage, until Oct. 1,
Three fine storerooms, new building, ready
for occupancy in few days; splendid business
location. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and
Washington at.. Main 560.
STORAGE room In cement basement, sidewalk
elevator, with desk room on first floor; aa
near Washington. Howe, Davis & Kilham,
111 2d st.
FOR RENT Store, J30 Thirteenth st-. near
Washington, $3x Apply Sheeny troa
Main 8072.
NEW stores, N. W. cor. 11th and Wash, sta.
Inquire 836 Chamber of Commerce.
STORE fcr rent, suitable for drug store or
barber shop. 30TO Corbett st.
BC0H MORRISON, corner Park, in the Mil
ner, offices on first floor, centrally located.
Very convenient.
FOR RENT Office rooms in the Fech
helraer building. 7th and Washington
sta, room 5.
FINE offices, best location. Room 81S
Bwetland bldg. 6th and Washington
LADIES, one word with you 28 years of
successful practice In Portland In the
treatment of diseases peculiar to women
should be sufficient guarantee to those
seeking the aid of an experienced phy
sician and surgeon. I have assisted hun
dreds of anxious and suffering women. I
can assist you. If in trouble, no matter
from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D.
Gray, the old. reliable specialist; no
charge for consultation or advice. 251
Alder st., corner 3d, Portland, Or. Cor
respondence sacredly confidential.
Late superintendent of Chicago Women's
Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu
sively; ladles will consult their best in
terests by communicating with me; no fee
for consultation; correspondence abso
lutely confidential; maternity cases given
special attention. Sanitarium and offices,
253 Alder, corner 8d, Portland. Or. Phone
Main 2796.
Medical snd surgical, under the manage
ment of Dr. Mary Lane, th well-known
specialist, with a corps of able physicians;
disease of women and children, maternity
case given special attention; correspondence
confidential; concultatlon free. Offices 6-14.
852H Washington St.. Grand Theater bldg.
Phone Main 392a
BUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To
visitors of Portland hotels and to public at
large: Suits pressed at B0o at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 106H 6th st., next to Quelle. La
dles skirte pressed, 50c. Feathers and boa
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chiches
ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years
known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
WANTED To know the whereabouts of
James Gordon Robertson; anyone know
ing the same please communicate with
Mrs. A. Robertson, 1150 Howe St., Van
couver, B. C. Anxious mother.
PILES, constipation, rheumatism, paralysis,
all abdominal, chronic and nervous dis
eases treated by electric and natural
methods. Dr. Philip T. Jtiall 003 oth el
cor. Sherman.
DRES3 suits for rent, all sizes; $1 month
keens vour clothes cleaned, pressed, but
tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls
and deliveries. unique Tailoring lo,
309 Stark st.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot
ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy
for female troubles and Irregularities; t,y
mail, $2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st., Port
land. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionarits. Text Books and Litera
ture (tierman dooks a specialty;, a. w
Schmale Co., 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri
son st., bet. 1st and- za.
Mme. Courtrlght. skin-and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery ;
225 Fleldner bldg. M. 5042 Home A 2009.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed,
No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D.
Hill, room 330. Fliedner bldg. Pacific 135.
LADIES Dr. Ketchum removes any and all
your curable aliments. Advice free.
170 3d st. Pacific 2229.
MISS ETHEL WARD'S manicuring and
chiropody parlora. suite 16, 3519 Morrison
Recently opened manicuring parlors removed
from 3oift to 4iV- aiorrison at., room a.
FLESH, white, pink, brunette; Satin skin
powder is made in dainty tints. -:oc
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 626
E. Helmont. Phone ki. 4U34.
LADY barber shop now open at 64 4th;
will teach one lady the trade.
TAPEWORM removed without fall. E- Wll
helm. 108 12th st.
MADAM VASHTI, manicuring and chirop
ody. 201H 3d st.
Proposals Invited.
IN the District Court of the United States for
the District of Oregon In the matter of the
estate of J. Rosencranz, bankrupt: The un
dersigned will receive seated bids for the
f ol low ing properly Deiong ing to t ms estate.
One stock of general merchandise of the
Inventory valuation of $3118.41, together
with nxturee amounting to JfSiS.tttt, up to
Tuesday, September 3, 1007, at 12 o'clock
A certified check or cash deposit of 10 per
cent of tne amount onerea must accompany
each bid; sale subject to confirmation by the
Inventory may be seen on application and
property may be examined at 983 Belmont
Btreet. 11. i. SAK1N, Trustee.
7 First street, Portland, Or.
Dated August 28, 1007.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon In the ma'
ter of E. M. Pratt, bankrupt:
The undersigned will receive sealed bids
up to Soon Friday, Sept. 6, 1907, for the
following property:
Stock of groceries located at 551 Mor-
rison street. Portland. Oregon, of Inven
tory value of $265.35; fixtures Inventoried
at $135.75.
A certified check or cash deposit of 10
per cent of the amount offered must ac
company each bid. Inventory on file at
office ol tne unaersignen.
R. L. SABIN, Trustee.
7 First street, Portland, Oregon.
' DatedNA.ugust 81, 1907.
THE undersigned will receive seeled bids for
a stock of merchandise or the invoice price
of $titKSS.21, consisting of hats and caps,
gloves, furnishing, shoes and clothing, to
gether with fixtures amounting to 132. 14.
located at Lewiston, Idaho, until 12 o'clock
noon. Tuesday. September 3, 190t.
The Inventory may be seen at my office,
and inspection of the property may be had
at Lewiston, Idaho.
The right is reserved to reject any arid all
bids and a deposit of 10 per cent of the
amount of bid must accompany each pro
Dated at Portland, Or., Aug. 23. 1907.
CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster's office, Van
couver Barracks, Wash., August 31, 1907
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.,
September 25, 1H07, and then publicly opened,
for the construction of two coal eheds and
a railroad track sj-sle. Full information
furnished on. application to this office. The
United Stales reserves the right to reject
any or allA)lds, or to accept any part there
of. Envelopes containing proposals ehouid be
Indorsed: "Proposals for Coal Sheds" and
addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster,
Vancouver Barracks, Washington.
SEALED bids will be received by the County
Clerk of Multnomah County, up to 12 o'clock
noon, September 13. 11H17, for the erection
of a two-story frame detention home at
Center Addition, for the boys and girls of
the Juvenile Court. Bids will be received
either separately for each branch of the
work, or complete for the entire buililng;.
Plans can be viewed at the office of the
County Clerk, at the Courthouse. The
county reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
County Clerk.
BIDS will be received by the Countv Clerk
of Multnomah County for furnishing ap
pliances for burning oil as fuel. In the
ferryboats "Lionel R. Webster" and "W.
S. Mason," up to Wednesday, September
18. at 12 o'clock noon, when bids will be
opened.' Plans and specifications can be
seen at the office of the undersigned. The
county reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. F. 8. Fields. County Clerk.
V. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 602 Burke bldg..
. Seattle, Wash.. August 5. 107. Sealed
proposals for dredging Swinomish Siough.
Wash., will be received here until 13
o'clock noon. September 5, 1907, and
then publicly opened. Information fur
nished on application. H. M. Chitten
den. Alaj. Engra
Proposals Invited.
PROPOSALS for Flour, Oats, Dried Fmlt,
Etc. Department of the Interior, Office
of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
August 7. 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly
marked on the outside of the envelope:
"Proposals for flour, oats, dried fruit."
etc., as the case may be, and addressed
to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
Washington, D. C," will ba received, at
the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M.
of Thursday, September 281907. and then
opened, for furnishing the Indian Service
with canned tomatoes, 'commeal, cracked
wheat, dried fruit, feed, flour, hominy,
oats and rolled oats, during the fiscal
year ending June 30, lttOP Bids must
be made out on Government blanks.
Schedules giving all necessary Information
for bidders will be furnished on applica
tion to the Indian Office, Washington. D.
C-; the U. 8- Indian Warehouses at New
York City, Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo.,
Omaha. Nebr. and San Francisco, Cal. ;
the Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. A.,
at Cheyenne, Wyo. ; the Quartermaster.
U. S. A., Seattle, Wash., and the Post
masters at Tucson, Portland, Spokane and
Tacoma. The Department reserves the
right to reject any and all bids, or any
part of any bid. C. F- Larrabee, Acting
U. S. Engineer's Office, Honolulu, T. H.,
August , xvj i . eea-iea proposal lor
dredging Honolulu Harbor will be re
ceived here until 12 M.. September 9,
1907, and then publicly opened. Informa
tion furnished on application, C. W.
Otwell, Capt. Engrs.
M lscellaneous.
Notice la hereby given mat tne state
Land Board will reoelve sealed bids until
2 o'clock P. M. on September 9, 1907,
for the purchase of the following de
scribed Indemnity School Lands, towlt:
Clatsop County
N. W. 4 of B. R U of section 21, T.
4 N-, R. 6 W.
S. W. of b. W. K of section N. W.
M. .of N. W. of section 12, T. 4 N.
R, 7 W. . '
Lot 18 of section 16, lot 4 of section 22,
lota 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 of section
21, lot 1 of section 28, lots 6, T, 10. 11.
12, 13, 14, 13 of section 20, S. E. U of
S. B. of aecUon 30, T. 4 N., R. W.
Crook County
8. H of S. H of section 20, T. IS S., XL
18 E
All of section 28, T. 19 S., R, 11 H.
S. E. of N. W. hk of section 3, T.
22 S., R. 10 B.
Grant County
N. E. j4 of 8. E. of section 23, N.
E. of N. E. N. of 8. E. S. E.
of S. E, of section 27, T. 8 6., R.
28 E.
Wr. of 8. B. K of section 27, T. 8
S. E. hk- of N. 39. of section 8, N. W.
of S. W. 14 of section . 27, T. 9 8,
R. 26 E.
S. W. 4 of 8. E. 8. E. M of 8. W.
of section 21, N. E. of N. W. N.
W of N. E. of section 28. T. 9 8.,
S. W. f N. E. of section 18, T.
11 R R 2B K
N. E. hi of S. W. 4 of section 8, lot
4 of section 4, lot 1 of section &. i. i-
R. 29 E.
Jackson County
B. E. u of s. w. of section 26. N. E.
of N. W. N. V of N. E. hk of sec
tion 34, T. 37 S., K. X bi.
N. E. 4 of section 2, ti. W. of N. W.
S. E. Vl of N. W. M.. N. W. 4 of S.
E. K. N. E. hk of S. W. hi, S. E. of
6. E. hk of section 12, T. 88 S., R. 1 E.
All of section 34, T. 40 S.. R. 1 E.
Klamath Countv
N. W. of 8. E. 8. E. H of N. W.
lot 8 of section o, J . 3 s., it. - tu.
S. W. i of S. E. L ot section 25. S.
E. M of S. E. of section 26. N. ft of
N. E. of section 35. T. 87 8.. R, 9 E.
N. W. K of N. E. of section 1, N
H of N. E. of section 12, T. 38 8.,
R. 9 E.
W. ii of S. E. U of section 22. N. E.
H of N. W. k of Btlo 23. N. W. of
section 27, in. xC. r m. oi sea
tlon 80. T. 87 8.. R. 10 E.
N. W. M of N. E. of section 1, N.
H of N. E. 4 of section x. o
N. E. of N. E. of section 13,
B. E. U of N. E. U. of section 27. S. W
U of N. W u.m. xl of S. W. L. W. H
of S. E. V of section 34, T. 8 8., R. 13 E.
Lot 1 of section 18, T. 38 S., R. 14 E.
8. E. of S. E. hk of section 35, T. 89 8.,
R. 11 H E.
S. E. hk of 8. E. M. ot section 25, T.
89 8., R. 11 E.
t ... - -m ti. - n a n a T 11 IB
1UI A DL BCt LtUU ., J. 1U u.j -
R. V.. u of S. E. u of section 5. N. W. hk
of N. E. of section 28. T. 40 S.( R. 13 E.
Lane County
S. W. hk of N. E. 3& of section 80. T.
17 s., . w.
T.lncnln Cnn ntv
6. E. of S. W. K of section 27, T.
11 B., R. 10 W.
Unrfnn f!minrv
E. of N. W. E.. of 8. B. U
or section J z. . Jii. k ox section oi. i.
8 S R 2 E
JB.' hi' of section 24. T. 8 S., R. 8 B.
Unlttinmiih Countv
N. E. of nectlon 21. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.
Rhurmnn fTonntv
Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. N. V, of N. B. H of
section 2, T. 1 N' K. IS XI.
E. Vi of S. E. hi. ot section 1 T. 4 a,
it ifl re
S. W. ii of 3. W. 14 of section 82. T,
4 K. is is.
Tillamook County
8. W. A of N. B. 14. lot 2. 8. W. 34
. . . . , , . .. . . i . . '1 13 T.""
OI JN. W. lui . m nci-irju o, m
or N. E. "i. lot 1 of section 4. S. E. V.
of N. E. . lot 1 of section 5, E. Vt of
E. hi of section 7. s. w. 14 oi section ij,
N. W. M of N. E. hi of section 17, N. E.
hi of section 21. N. W. hi of N. W. hi.
s. or . w. 14 oi section za, a. .
Lots 3 and 4 ot section 8, T. 8 N.. R.
8 W.
Lots 8 and 4 of section 19. T. 4 S.,
R. 10 W.
ITntnn rnimt,
E. W or S. B. hi of section 21, S. hi
bt section 22. S. hi and S. hi of N. hi
of .ectlon 2'i. B. W. hi. of Bectlon 24, E
hi. 8. E. hi of N. TV. hi. N. E. hi of
B. W. hi ot section 25. N. hi of N. hi of
section 26, N. hi of N. hi of section 27,
S. hi of S. E. hi of section 32, N. ot
S. W. V4 of section 33, T. 5 6.. R. 35 E.
K. W. A OI section o. o- 7 "i 7
and 8. hi of section 3w, S. W. hi of 8.
W. hi of section az, x. o a., n. ovu..
W. hi of S. E. hi. lots 3 and 4 ot seo
tlon 1. T. 6 S.. R. 35 E.
R w. U of .cot Ion 1. T 8 S.. R. sSVi B.
N.- hi of section 12, T. S., R. 35 hi B.
TV n mm Pountv
Lots 8 and . S. W. hi ot 8. E. hi of
section 2, 1. 1 N., R. 1U E.
Whealer County
N. hi ot 8. B. hi ot section 22. N. W.
t of N. W. hi. N. hi of S. W. hi. N. E.
u of K. E. of section 23. W." hi ot N
W. hi. N. W. hi of S. W. hi. N. E. hi ot
N. W. hi ot section 24. 8. E. hi ot N. a
hi ot section 1!S. T. 8 S., R. 22 E.
Lot 4 of section 31. T. 8 S., R. 23 B
l.nt 1 nf .ertton 1. T. 9 S.. R. 22 E.
N. hi ot N. W. hi ot section 9. T. 8.,
R. 23 E. s .
E. 14 of S. W. 14 of section 32, T.
r n e.
8. W. hi of N. W. 14 of section 29, T,
in K Tt 23 E.
Lots 2 and 3. 8. B. 14 of N. W. 14. N.
E. Vi mt S. W. 14 of section 4, N. E.
14 of N. W. 14 of section . -T. 10 S
T 9 E
'N. E. 14 of N. E, 14 of section 83, T.
11 3., R. 24 E.
S. W. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 5. N,
W. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 8, T. 11 fa.
"n. W. 14 of S. W. 14 of section 4. T.
12 6., R. 24 E.
ah h,dm must be accompanied by a res
Hiar nnnilcallon to purchase in accord.
ance with the law for the sale of school
lands and by cash or chock for at lea3t
one-fifth of the price offered.
No bid for less than 5.00 per acre will
The right to reject any and all bids is
ini.ur-atinni and bids should be ad'
dressed to O. G. Brown. Clerk State Land
vtrtnrrt. Snlem. Oregon, and marked "Ap
plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity
School Lands." G. G. BROWN, Cleric
State Land Board. Dated this 8th day
of June,, iaui.
NOTICE Is hereby given that th annual
meeting of the etockholders of the Port
land & Asiatic Steamship Company will be
held at the onice ot tne company in rurf
,rH rireeon. Thursday. September 5, 1907.
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., for the elec
tion of a board of directors and the trans
action of such other business aa may proper
ly come Derore tne nicciin,.
W. R. LITZENBERG. Secretary.
xim-if-m i. hereby given that the annual
meeting of the Mockholders of the Oregon
Railroad & Navigation Company will be
held at the office of the company, in Port
land, Or., Thursday, September 6, 1907.
at the hour of 12 o'clock enoon, at which
meeting a board of directors will be elected
and such Other ousiness transaciea as uicljf
r.rnnerlv come oeiore me Hireling. v . w,
Cotton, secretary.
GOOD paying market business for aale, only
$1200; an old established business; will
fitana cioeesi. mvcousauuii. sr. -r. on. a,
12 ROOMS, modern, 3 blocks from postofflce.
clearing J40 per month, an baimon st.
FOR RENT Hotel in Canby. Or. Apply to
Sec I. o. o. no. loo, canDy, or.
BY owner, furniture of 8 rooms will go lor
JHKO. call at Ml wasnington st.
GOOD opportunity for barber
Hoyt. 142 N. 10th St.
"Seattle" Bar," 049 South
I first St.
Rooms 20 and 21, Cambridge Wig.,
264 Morrison St., 9. W. cor. 3d at.
above address. We have them, all
all etyles. all prices from 2S0 to $18,000.
All the desirable ones for sa! are on our
list. Tirmi may be arranged on any.
88 ROOMS Modern, steam heat, furnished
elegantly, new few months ago: leaae O
years at $4 a room; central business section;
has cleared J200 a month from time it was
opened and can be made to do much better.
Price 4600. 3000 bandies It.
81 ROOMS Best corner In central burt
ess district; furniture and carpets extra
good; lease 8 years, cheap rent; large tran
sient business; can ethow you the figures
for a clear profit of 200 a month. - Owner
needs money elsewhere and offers this, for
the small sura of 2750.
27. ROOMS All on one floor, corner
brick, central location; rent only 96, with
4 years' lease. This can be bought at a
bargain; good speculation for some one to
fix up and sell at a profit.
23 ROOMS. in business district, new
brick building,, modern place, iron beds,
Brussels carpets. Here is a pretty flat
where you can make 100 a month dear;
s bargain at 1200; terms.
t0 ROOMS, beautiful modern corner dwell
ing In best West Bide locality, near Park
Sohool; furnished In mahogany and quar
tered oak. Axmlnlster and brussels carp.tsi
rent $50; price 1100.
X few modern flats have been listed, 250
to too, and are very desirable.
And see what we have In PK1V ATB
and cheap LODGING
HOUSES. Some of the best are not adver
tised. DO IT NOW. .
9 rooms, housekeeping, rent 30. 450.
12 rooms on Washington at., 550.
16 rooms, brick building, lease, AO0.
12 rooms, housekeeping, 40 rent, 700.
37 rooms, rent 35. snap. S50. '
20 rooms, brick bids., dandv. 1900.
24 rooms, housekeeping, on Washington
20 rooms, brick, good lease, lftOO.
R6 rooms, brick, good buy. 1900.
85 rooms. 8 blocks nostnfflce. S250O.
21 rooms, new bldg., 5-ycar lease, steam
neat, snap, sltioo.
42 rooms, brick bldg., 8300.
23 rooms; close In. 3400.
27 rooms, rent 150, 3S00.
40 rooms, modern bldg., 5000.
73 rooms, close In. 5000.
45 rooms, long lease, S00.
50 rooms, see thle. 10.000.
35 room, we will prove to you that this
place clears 800 per month, (15.000,
Call and Investigate before buying. Rooms
. ana o, zoi 4th st.
WATCHMAKER and jewelry repairer: a
spienaiu opening lor a nrst-ciass man to
worit on nis aa-a account; he must d ao
solutely reliable and a first-class work
man; this Is an opportunity out of the
ordinary. Reply at once, with references
and experience, to P 144, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A flrst-claas family hotel, cen
trally located. 00 rooms, completely rur
nlphed. In best part of the city; prloe
12.500, 2000 cash down, balance 200
montmy; ror full particulars see us.
250 Alder at. East 1872.
ROOMING HOUSE bargains by "Hatfield
omitn, ito',fc 4tn st.
83-room hotse. near Morrison, 2500.
80 rooms, brick building. 1400.
14-room house, fine furniture. 1200.
10-room house, 95 Income, tV0.
38 rooms, partly furnished, 1600.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R.
terminal grounds, lzth and Marshall sts.
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen: all
modern conveniences; fi-year lease: rent 500
per month. Apply to Phil Gevurts, of uev-
urts & bens, 113-0 nrst st.
BUY stock In an Invention that will pay 1000
per cent pront and income lor lire; small
Investors as welcome as the large; see me
when you wish to buy. sell or borrow money
on storks or boens. W. J. Curtis, 215 com.
merclal block.
FOR SALE Bv owner, a 26-roorh house,
good lease and reasonable rent, clearing
about 00 per month; price 32.10 cash;
fair trial given; If you don't have the
money, don't answer. D 146. Oregontan.
FOR SALE Sawmill, 20.000 capacity, 8 to 4
million feet timber. 40, two ties contract.
teams, wagons and complete outfit; now in
operation: fine opening for experienced man.
inquire room eo, commercial Dlock.
FOR SALE Neatly furnished saloon; rea-
sonablo rent: central location, good lease.
with 7 furnished rooms in connection
steam heat, electric and gas; owner re
tiring. Phone Paclflo 647.
FOR SALE Good paying, well-equipped
steam laundry in one of the best towns
In the Willamette Valley; good reasons
lor selling; 9400 casn. Address L 161,
FOR SALE Confectionery, fruit, lee crearn
and lunch business combined; located In
good business quarter; open day and
night: no triflers nor agents need apply.
?i 1K1. uregonian.
20 ROOMS, elegantly and newly furnished:
steam heated; Janitor service free; lorn?
lease; close In; a big snap; no agents. O
I80, Oregonlan.
WANTED To sell hi Interest In old estab
lished real estate office; I am going to leave
the Btate the only reason for selling: a good
chance for the right party. E 164, Ore
lTHR K1T.K A An. RnnllnHnm .
at Boise. Idaho. For particulars and
price address W. F. Wells, box 896, Boise,
Idaho. ,
HALF interest in established produce com.
mission house can be bought by reliable
' man conversant with the business; about
10.000 required. Particulars 248 hi Stark.
tVLM-'.viii vi-nt; r.;? v ruum. to lao rooms,
price 550 to 16.O0O: business chances, real
eat nr. Rpa ll. h.frtrs hlivin. MA T4i
chanan bldg., zstl4 Washington.
FOR SALE Half Interest in a well-paving.
long established mercantile business; will
exchange for good real estate or farm lands.
Address a lttl, uregonian.
1000 BUYS highly profitable, strictly cash
business; regular monthly Income from con
tracts already secured: suitable for lady or
gent. t ioi, uregonian.
500 WILL buy half Interest In established
business: owner will show vou where vou
can make $200 per month. Particulars
zlHhi Stark st.
WILL give anyone 50 who can point me
out country saloon where reliable man on
small capital can make good. Address P
ltu. oresonlan.
FOR BALE Redwood timber lands; mill
now In full operation; best opening on
coast of California. V 142, Oregonlan.
300O CORDWOOD stumpage proposition, on
new Salem line. 9 miles out. Vanauyn &
Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Partner with (1500 In estab
lished business; money needed to pro
mote. Address V 181, Oregonlan.
A SNAP Cigar and confectionery store; a
waiting-room proposition; cost of fixtures
and stock. Call 248' Stark st.
WANTED To rent furni.hed or unfurnished
country hotel, by thoroughly experienced
hotel man. N 165. Oregonlan.
GOOD opening for saloon, restaurant, lodging-house,
near Aberdeen. Address Lamb
& Son, Hoquiam, - Wash.
LODGING-HOUSE of 7 rooms for sale;
nicely furnished; pries (500; cash or
terms. Stl'i W. Park.
BAKERY for rent In Eastern Oregon; fine
location. For particulars see R. Martin,
928 Commercial st.
ROSE CITY STABLES Boarding -horses, (18;
stalls for rent: horses tor sale. 446 Flan
ders. Main 7505.
FOR SALE First-class wood proposition,
part cash, easy payments; no agents. A
1S3, Oregonlan.
AN attractive corner cigar and fruit store
that pays well; must sell; leaving town. D
181, Oregonlan.
BAKERY for sale in country town of 1500
inhabitants: no competition. Address L
163. Oregonlan.
(1200 BUYS first-class business: will sell In
terest; no competition; big profits. S 160,
NICE store for rent for drugstore or barber
shop; Washington st. 836 Chamber of Com
merce. FOR SALE First-class ' grocery store, do
ing good business. (1100; terms. 675 1st.
GOOD small business, suitable for either
ir" or woman, a 16J. tsregaoi&a.
COAST REALTY CO., 22614 Morrison st:
phones Main 16BS. A-4100. oiu "
new 6-room houses, Income (60 per montn;
lots better than a bUBted bank. (300 cash
buvs 4-room house, balance (15 per
month. (350 buys rooming-house.
rooms. (1230 buys 27 rooms; terms (12o
buys 88 rooms. (600 choice 15-room
house. Several choice homesteads and
timber claims Just Usted; all near good
town. Coast Realty Co.. 22614 Morrison
St. Phon. Main 1563, A-4150.
412 Marquam Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Incorporated 1904.
Stocks, bonds, real estate, timber, mines.
Industrial enterprises. We try to protect
the buyer and seller. No scheme of our
own to promote. Investigate thoroughly
everything offered. Furnish Information
without charge. Our rating furnished when
requested. WE CAN PROMOTE AN1
For suitable woman to get Into rooming
bouse business; half Interest In 40-room mod
ern place, elegantly furnished, clearing (2O0
a month after all expenses are paid, In
cluding: help; only (1850. (1250 cash re
quired. EI,LIS, YORK Sc CO.,
Room 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st.
WANTED Partner to start feed and sale
stable; have good location; cheap rent.
J 166. Oregonlan.
Money to Loan.
On Improved city property or for build
ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time,
with privilege to repay all or part of loan
after two years. Loans approved from
plans and money advanced as building
progresses; mprtgages taken up and re
placed. Fred H. Strong, financial agent.
242 Stark st.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsiDie nrmi,
easy payments and strictly confidential;
on personal property; rooming-houses a
205 Ablngton bldg.
WB lotn on notes to employes of permanen
cy and Integrity: those who can repay
and whose intentions are to do so can
get our money at a rate they can afford
to pay.
We offer yon businesslike treatment and
nse businesslike methods only.
428 Mohawk bldg. Main 204L
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, without mortgage (con
SrianM.ll Month. u-montiL Week.
.TO Hepay to ns... 113.33 or 6 65 or (3.35
(25 Repay to ua...( 6.05 or (3.20 or (1.65
(15 Repay to 4.0O or (2.00 or (1.00
20U Mcliay ttiog., iua lairu.
MONEY loaned to salaried people Just on
your own name; no other security neces
sary; don't borrow until you see me;
my system Is the best for railroad men,
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all
other employes; business strictly confiden
tial. 1 . A. Newton. OIX DUCUIUian uius
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In
60 principal cities; save yourseit money uj
getting our terms first.
TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton Bldg., 10614 8d.
WE have ready money on hand to loan on
Improved city residence property; reasonable
Interest; no commissfon. Piggott, Finch A
Bigger, Attorneys at Law, rooms 4, 6, and
6, Mulkey bldg.. northeast corner 2d and
Morrison sts. .
CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages,
bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real
estate, either country or city property. H. E.
Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington.
LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried
neonle: lowest rates: strictly confiden
tial. Employes' Loan Co., room 718, The
Dekum, Bd and Washington, mam
(2000 TO LOAN
On rood real estate security. East or West
Side. A. C Gage. 424 Lumber Exchange
bldg., 1 to 4 P. M.
(1000 to (100.000 to loan In sums to suit
at o to i per cent on improvea realty, at.
G. Griffin, 2G6 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
IMMEDIATE loans from (3 to (5000 on all
securities. rt. a. ccaerson c I.U., ruuin u,
Washington bldg. Phone Pac 1831.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust
company, Zi4 i.umoer xcnange Diug.
LOANS on furniture, ptanos and other se
curities; lowest rates. S i W. King, room
45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
5000 OR less In sums to suit on real estate;
charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle
ton, 617 Chamber of Commerce
MONEY loaned In sums of (5 and up on all
kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room
10, Wash. bldg. Pacific 132.
State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas,
state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
MONEY to loan on real estate; mortgages
bought. W. Reldt, room 15, Wash, block.
MONEY to loan on all kir.ds of security.
Wm. Holl, room 9, Washington bldg.
DON'T borrow money on your salary until
you see Hutton Credit Company.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
TO LOAN (400 on city real estate; good se
curity. Phone East 3252.
Loans Wanted.
FOR 8AEE Mortgages from (10O0 to (3000,
bearing 7 per cent Interest; first-class real
estate security. Hartman & Thompson,
room 8. Chamber of Commerce.
LOST Monday. August 26. fox terrier male
pup, 11 weeks old; right eye black; from
186 Clackamas St.; (5 reward) for return or
to the party who can tell .where he Is.
Phone Pacific 1700..
WHITE English terrier, brindle spots on
hips, one in center of back and on right
eye; long tall and trimmed ears. Return
to 350 N. Union avenue and receive re
ward. LOST 8 rings. 2 solitaire diamonds, 1 ruby
and diamond settings, from auto Sun
day. Finder return and receive reward
from C. J. Cook, 65 N. 7th st.
LOST Lady's gold watch, Elgin make;
between Washington and Alder and 2d
and 7th sts. J. Domnlsse, 3d floor. Olds,
Wortman & King. Reward.
LOST String gold beads. 1 on 2.1d st. car,
or 3d St., bet. Washington and Yamhill.
Return Mace's Market, 151 4th st. Re
ward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated,
returned same day.- 228 Front. Main 474.
Portland" Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST On Sunday. Sept. 1. pair of spec
tnnlea between Portland and The Oaks.
Return 135 Front st. and receive reward.
LOST Pocketbook containing checks payable
to Bessie Smith at the Lyric Theater. Re
ward If left to box-office of Lyric Theater.
LOST String of gold beads with cross; set
with amethyst. Reward. 545 hi Washing
ton St., or phone Pacific 2379.
GEO. T. MURTON, 808 Chamber Commerce.
Phone Main 3681. General accounting and
auditing business.
H. J. HEFTY architect Office, Lumber
Exchange bldg., room 423.
Assayer, and Analyst.
Wells 4 Proebstel, mining engineers, metal-
and SSSaverS. 204U. VV'nahlnvlnn
MONTANA Aassy Office, 186 Morrison at.
Best facilities. Prices reasonable.
PAUL RAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Chiropody and Manicuring.
WM. DEVEST and Estelle Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew
building, 162 2d st- Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
loom 830 FUedoex bids, Phona -Pacific X3
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZOER. purchaser of hides,
pelu, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chanu Front St., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D- c- BURNS CO., grocers and.-eommissloa
merchants. 210 3d Bt.
Carpsnters and Builder.
Stores, houses and buildings remodeled. Plans
drawn, showcases manufactured. 2S9 Couch.
W: Bucltner, office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting: 3ao Stark. Main 6S81.
DANCING lessons, 25o during Summer months;
school open all year; social, fancy and stage
dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing
School. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis.
' w m. yeur. mvaw or class in
structlon. Position certain when compe-
itent. All modern methods of bookkeep
Rf .taught; also correspondence, rapid
alculations, office work. Chartier short
nand; easy, rapid. legible. Catalogue free.
Harness and Saddles.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
harness mnfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 224.
Junk. Rides and Pelts.
SHANK It CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts.
" . inuow, 01a ruDDers, metais ana
sacks. 812 Front st.
. x- ur catalogue apply to Dr. cnaa.
Keane, pres., 1818 Market St., San Fran
cisco. Leather and Finding.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings: Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; lull lln
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front et.
CHA& L. MAS TICK ft CO., Front and Oak
sts. Leather and skins of every description
for all purposes; sol and tap cutlers' find
ing. Machinery.
B. TRBNKMAN CO., mining, sawmill log.
glng machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings,
all kinds, repaired. lo4 N. 4th St.
Osteopathlo Physician.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts.
Phone, office. Main 840.
Residence, Main 1503.
Residence, E. 1028.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 49 Ongoolaa
bldg. Mala 1242; res. Main 27B2. .
Paints. Oil and Glass.
RASMUSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent Lawyer.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and forelga pataatsi
Infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
Real Estate.
Real Estate, 614 Chamber ot Conunsro.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stenolls, TeL slugs, bar checks,
to. Coast Co., 231 Stark. 11. 1407.
P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber
stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs.
DIEBOLD manganese safes large line car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furniture. Honest prices and goods. Botn
phones. J. ij. Davis, 66 3d.
Showcase, Bonk and Store Fixture.
R. H. BIRDSALL, designer: agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530.
SHOWCASES, cabinets, etc. Jaa. L Mar
shall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch St.
THB Lutke Manufacturing Co.. cor. 6th and
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
Sign Painting.
SIGNS ("That Attract.")
Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pa
Greatest living clairvoyant.
Readings on all affairs of life.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
No questions asked.
Call today. Don't delay.
852H Washington. Phone Main 126T.
26S14 MORRISON ST. 26814
MARION CORELLI, palmist and trance
medium, satisfaction guaranteed. 2281
Washington St., between 1st and 2d.
Mrs Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all
affairs of life. 35014 Morrison St., room 72.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading, at 825 Main.
25c. Phone Main 7548.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK, office 88 1st. bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipment; commodious brick
warehouse, with separate lroa rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
HAY, oats, flour and merchandise stored at
reasonable rates; correspondence solicited.
Oregon Warehouse Co., 368-374 Water SU
storage and transferring. 209 Oale st. Phone
Main 647. A 2247. Pacific 1061.
Teachers' Agency.
C. R. B. TEACHERS' AGENCY can place
you at once where your ability to "make
good" will command the highest remunera
tion; "no delay." 303-4 Alisky bldg., 2t
Morrison at.
NEW typewriters, ajl makes, rented, sold, re
paired. Coast Agency, 281 Stark. Phone 1407.
R. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R. W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
S. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail
able in all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland, Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. (1,500,000.00.
Deposits. (14.000,000.00.
Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast.
A. L. MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier
The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon.
RESOURCES, OVER 2,400,000.
General Banking.
2 per cent interest on check accounts (even
hundreds) on dally balances of (500 or over.
Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of
the world. Savings accounts 3 per cent.
Time certificates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call
special certificates, (500 or over, 2hi to 4 per
Call for Book of "Illustrations."
Phone Private Exchange 72.
S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets.
BENJ. I. COHEN President
H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary
t Established in 1864.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches.. W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000,000
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .(10.153.S73
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit Issued, available in all
parts of the world. Interest paid on time
Accounts opened for sums of (10 and up
ward. avm. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHAELL. ... .Assistant Manager
W. M. Ladd C. B. Ladd J. W. Ladd
Established 1859.
'Transact a General Banking Business.
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposit.
Interest oa, TJ.jjia . eposlj.