Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 27, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. XL VI. NO- 14,56
Denies Taking Part in
Bribery Work.
Many Contradictions Under
Merciless Attack.
JXency Pursues Purpose to Fasten
Responsibility for Buying Super
visors More Delay in Decid
ing on Indictments.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26. President
Henry T. Scott, of the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph Company, was recalled to
the stand when the Glass bribery case
was resumed this morning. Under ques
tioning by Assistant District Attorney
Heney, Mr. Scott testified that prior to
the earthquake and fire of 1908 F. A. Pick
rnell, assistant to the president of the
American Bell Telephone Company, took
no active hand in the conduct of the Fa
clflo 6tates corporation, but Immediately
thereafter he set about the formation of
plans for rebuilding the wrecked plant
The purpose of this testimony was, on the
part of the prosecution, to ambush any
prospective defense to shunt the bribery
blame onto the shoulders of Mr. Picker
tell. Scott Denies Complicity.
Mr. Scott, answering a series of ques
tions designed to clinch in the Jury's
minds the asserted fact that General Man
ager Glass was in complete control of the
company during the alleged bribery
period, said that he (Scott), between the
date of his election to the presidency and
his return from the East, in the latter
half of March, 1906, signed no company
. checks, authorized none, gave no author
ity to Glass or Halsey to expend any
Money, and gave no company Instructions
to any one. Mr. Scott said T. V. Halsey
had no stated position with the company,
but that he is drawing a salary of 175
per month
Mr. Scott declared that he gained from
the grand Jury the first knowledge of the
issuance of JJ0.000 worth of checks, on
which funds are claimed to have been
obtained by Zlmmer for Halsey by order
of Cxlass.
Makes Many Contradictions.
The closing hour of thn
eion was consumed by Mr. I)lma. in
merciless attack on Mr. Scott's veracity
.na creaiDiiuy as a witness. He succeed
ed In having the witness contradict him.
self and his former testimony 30 or 40
limes, in defense of himself Mr s.f
. took refuge behind a defective memory
una aeciarea me incorrectness of the offi
cial minutes of the executive committee of
ine leiepnone company's board of dlrec
F. W. Eaton was rernllH k. nr- is
at the afternoon session inH
an itemization discrepancy of $50,000 in
ine minutes of the board of directors by
the statement that It was a clerical error
and pointing to the correctness of the
Decision on Indictments Deferred
At the conclusion of the afternoon ses
sion Judge Lawlor put over until Friday
August 30, decision of th TnH. '
tions for the dismissal and setting aside
ul inaiciments and the ntnvlnr ne
ceedlngs in the other cases against Glass
and the cases against Calhoun, Mullally,
cimmi. xtuet and others.
Three Will Be Brought Into Court
by Bailiff.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 26.-When the
case of the officials of the Parkslde
Realty Company, indicted for offering
bribes, was called this morning in Judge
Dunne's court, three of them, Joseph E.
Green, G. H. Thompson and W. I. Bro
beck, failed to answer when their names
rB caueo. judge Dunne immediately
postponed me hearing until tomprrow
morning and directed the hnlitfr ln .
that the accused men are present in court
u me ume named.
Duffy, Deposed by Taylor, Shared
Bribes He Denounced.
SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 2i.-(SpecIal.)
George F. Duffy, an appointee of ex
Mayor Schmits. tendered his resignation
this morning as president of the board
of public works. Mayor Taylor appointed
Michael Casey to succeed Duffy.
Duffy, was a member of the Board of
Supervisors and resigned a few months
before the graft exposures to accept the
office he has Just laid down. When the
exposures came Duffy expressed surprise
that men could be so shortsighted as to
sell their honor for a few dollars. Within
a few hours after Duffy's criticism had
been exploited in the newspapers, the
graft prosecution issued a table of bribes,
in which it was shown that Duffy had
shared dollar for -dollar with his col
leagues in every crooked deal put through
up to the time of his retirement Duir
aade some effort to dear tha ailv irm.
but his energy lacked intelligent direc
tion, and Duffy's administration in the
public works department was not a howl
ing success.
Michael Casey, his successor, is presi
dent of the Teamsters' Union, and is re
garded as one of the squarest of local
labor leaders. He is honest, and when
on the board of public works some three
years ago proved an efficient commis
sioner. Originally appointed to the
works board by Schmitz, Mr. Casey re
fused to stand in with Schmitz' schemes
and was not reappointed.
California Woman Scores Three Hits
When He Breaks In.
BAKERSFIELD, Cal.. Aug. 26. E. A.
Tubbs. a business man residing in Kern
City, was shot three times by his wife at
31 o'clock tonight and is in a serious con
dition. One bullet entered the neck, sever
ing the aesophagus, another lodged In the
arm and the third entered his side. Do
mestic troubles, which have been made
public, led to the shooting.
Mrs. Tubbs telephoned to the Sheriff to
come for her. She stated that her hus
band had broken into her room last night
and today applied for permission to carry
the weapon with which she shot Mr.
Tubbs. - - . -
Conference Called by Governor
Names Committee to Draft Plans.
BAN JUAN, P. R., Aug. 26. The Boards
of Trade, Chambers of Commerce, busi
ness representatives and Army and Navy
officers attended the conference called by
Governor Post to discuss the plans for
the dredging of the harbor here.
A committee was appointed, consisting
mainly of representatives of transporta
tion companies, to report on the matter,
and their findings will be sent to the
War Department.
An Army engineer will be requested to
confer with the committee.
Wreck on Southern Railway Injures
Twenty-one Persons.
Twenty-one persons were injured, none
seriously, in the derailment of a north
bound train on the Southern Railway at
Red Hill, nine miles south of here, to
day. The entire train except the engine
overturned, but fortunately it was run
ning at a moderate speed. The accident
was caused by a broken ralL The in
jured were taken to Washington.
Aged Episcopal Minister Attempts
" Suicide While Insane.
LOS A-xiFA Aug. 26.' Rev. John
Hewitt, a retired Episcopal clergyman, 83
years of age, tonight attempted suicide
by cutting his throat with a razor. His
condition Is critical. His action is attrib
uted to a mind .temporarily unbalanced.
Persaval Works Motors and Steering
Gear to Perfection.
BERLIN, Aug. 26. The Persaval steer
able airship made its first flight of the
year today, carrying four aeronauts. Her
motors worked perfectly, as did her steer
ing apparatus.
Develop Mexican Oil Land.
NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Arrangements
have been completed for the organization
of a toO.000,000 American syndicate, ac
cording to an announcement published to
day, which plans to develop several mil
lion acres of oil lands in Mexico. It is the
purpose to ship the product to Central
and South America, also to Europe and
Africa, in competition with the Standard
Oil Company.
The syndicate will take over the Mexi
can Petroleum Company, which was or
ganized In California in 1902; and owns
approximately 1.000,000 acres of land in
the states of Tamaulplas, Vera Cruz and
San Luis Potosl. More than 100 gushers
and wells are reported on the property,
and the oil is the same grade as that in
the Southeast Texas fields.
Canada Would Check Brown Flood.
OTTAWA, Ont, Aug. 26. The Do
minion government is negotiating with
Japan to restrict the number of Jap
anese immigrants coming into Canada.
The existing arrangement provides
for the yearly admission of 500 of 600
from Japan, but this number is multi
plied many times by arrivals from
Honolulu. It is proposed to limit the
number to 500 from any port.
Posses Hunt Him in
Chicago Suburbs.
Body of Nine-Year-Old
Found by Mother.
Hosts of Men In Autos and Buggies
Sear Indiana Line Seek Negro
Seen Flying From Scene
of Brutal Crime.
CHICAGO, Aug. 26. (Special.)
Posses from Gary, Hammond, Whiting
and East Chicago, with scores of help
ers in automobiles, buggies and other
vehicles are searching the woods and
marshes about the towns for a fugitive
negro. The man is thought to be the
murderer of 9-year-old Ella Schrader,
who was attacked and strangled to
death within a half mile of her home
near Qary.
If he is captured, it is possible the
man will be put to death at once, if
policemen are not among the captors.
Many of the searchers have insisted
that immediate vengeance be wreaked
upon the man, if he is found to be
the criminal. The crime was peculiarly
revolting and the presence in the
searching parties of J relatives of
young girls upon whom similar at
tempts have been made recently has
excited the posses to a dangerous
The child's body was found hidden in
a clump of bushes by her mother this
morning. The Gary police were noti
fied and by telephone at once asked
the co-operation of the police of ad
jacent towns. Bloodhounds were
brought from Cro-n Point in. automo
biles by Sheriff Porter." They were put
on the scent at the scene of the crime
and followed it for 12 miles, where it
was lost at a cross road.
Residents of the section told of see
ing a negro running from a point near
the Graeselll Chemical Works. The
child was attacked and strangled while"
returning from Gary to her home. No
person at her home had sen her
Chicago Professor Proposes Inter
marriage or Segregation.
CHICAGO, Aug. 26. (Special.) Shall
the white race intermarry with the negro
or shall the blacks be permitted to rule
the Southern states in which they are nu
merous? These startling alternatives
suggested as solutions of the negro ques
tion by Professor Zueblin, of the Univer
sity of Chicago, in an address delivered
at the chapel exercises. School of Educa
tion, today, have caused a profound dif
ference of opinion at the Midday School.
"Intermarriage or segregation are the
only possible remedies for the race ques
tion," said Professor Zueblin. "Either
give the negroes the right to rule in the
districts where they are most numerous,
or break down the barriers of race by In
termarriage. "Take Mississippi or South Carolina, for
instance. Let the black men rule these
states. That does not necessarily mean
that all the white men must be driven
out, but that the black men. who are In
the numerical majority, must be given
the power to which their votes entitle
"By segregation, I do not mean the
placing of the colored race in a place
where no white man can Intrude, but I
mean to aHow the negro to have a voice
In the settlement of affairs. The negro
should have something to say abont the
government that rules over him."
Harrlman Expected to Take Train at
Shantko for the East.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Aug. 26. (Spe
cial.) Harrlman is going to see for him
self the conditions in Eastern Oregon,
and is tonight at Fort Klamath prepar
ing for a Journey by automobile through
the Deschutes country. This information
came from Pelican Bay lodge this after
noon, and it is reported that General
Manager O'Brien of the Oregon lines is
to make the overland trip with Mr. Har
rlman. It is understood that the trip will be to
Judge Alton B. Parker, Who Speaks
Against Extension of Federal
Shanlko, from whence Mr. Harrlman will
proceed over the O. R. & N. lines to the
Prince Wilhelm Enthusiastically
Greeted by Governor and People.
BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 26. Massachu
setts welcomed Prince Wilhelm, of Swe
den today, both at Worcester and Boston.
He was greeted by Governor Guild and
state and municipal officers here, while
crowds enthusiastically acclaimed him.
Throughout the day and night receptions,
including a banquet, the Governor was at
hte side: The Swedish organizations were
prominent in the various entertainments.
Illinois Road Takes Revenge .
Two-Cent Rate Law.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 26. The
Chicago, Peoria & St Louis Railroad
announced today that, owing to the 2
cent rate law it Is compelled to take
off two passenger trains between this
city and St. Louis and three between
St. Louis and Grafton, and -to run
trains on the Jacksonville and Grafton
line as mixed trains.
Second Benson Trial Postponed.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26,-John A.
Benson and Dr. Edward B. Perrln, re
cently convicted of conspiracy to fraud
ulently obtain 12.000 acres of public land
in Tehama County, were up in the United
States District Court this morning to
answer to another indictment of the
same nature.' By request of District At
torney Devlin the matter was postponed
to an Indefinite date, as the men are to
appear in the same court tomorrow for
sentence on the charge on which they
were convicted. ,
Must Prove Jfo Confiscation.
TOPEKA, Aug. 26. George F. Grattan.
attorney for the State Board of Railroad
Commissioners, went to .Omaha today to
take depositions of railroad officials rela
tive to the 2-cent fare law which is in
force there. It developed today that the
board cannot issue an order putting the
2-cent fare In operation unless the board
has proof that the rate Is not confis
catory in Kansas.
Roosevelt Gets Political Pointers.
OYSTER BAY, Aug. 26. Roosevelt dis
cussed Western political conditions today
with Dewey C. Bailey, United States
Marshal of Colorado.
Jht It
i ' $ v 4 ' i - 4
J. v
if 'N- V'C;J
Ends a Trip of Over
' 10,000 Miles.
Gathers Information for
Interior Department.
Matters Relating to Arid Lands,
Forests, 'Fuel Supplies, Indian
Affairs Have Been Investigat
ed by Cabinet Member.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. (Special.)
Secretary of the Interior Garfield returned
to Washington today from what probably
has been the most extensive tour ever
taken by a cabinet official In pursuit of
information for the conduct of his de
partment. The Secretary, accompanied by members
of his office staff, left the capital June 12,
and in a Journey totaling between 10,000
and 11,000 miles, he has investigated im
portant problems In 11 states and the
four territories that embrace the public
land area of the United States.
The problems to be submitted to
the next Congress, regarding which
Secretary Garfield will be able to sug
gest the best treatment, embrace the
following: Consummation of the
great project for the reclamation of
arid lands; conservation of forests and
of Western water-sheds; conservation
of fuel lands embraced within the pub
lic domain; the entry and settlement of
lands suitable to cultivation; restric
tion of granting privileges so as to re
tain the value of publlo lands to act
ual settlers; wind up of affairs per
taining to the five civilized tribes in
their tribal relations; the allotment
of their lands; thedistributlon of sur
plus belonging to Indians, and the
safeguarding of interests of less so
phisticated red men in the new ca
pacity as individual land holders.
$1,000,000 THEATER.
Will Be Finest in America and Be
Completed Next Fall Most Am
bitious of His Projects.
CHICAGO. Aug. 26. (Special.) Oscar
Hammerstein will build in Chicago a
great home of grand opera at a cost of
$800,000. Steps were taken today to secure
the site. If the location can be acquired
without delay, the construction will pro
ceed immediately, Mr. Hammerstein hav
ing asked that it be ready for opening
next fall.
The plans of the famous grand opera
impresario are for a venture far more
ambitious than anything he ever before
has attempted. He proposes to give Chi
cago the finest home of grand opera in
America, to establish here a resident
company and to keep the bouse open each
year throughout a regular season of 20
weeks. According to Mr. Hammerstein's
present plans, the opera house will occupy
a site 360x150 feet, facing the street
lengthwise. The structure will be de
voted exclusively to grand opera, there
being neither offices nor studios in the
Mr. Salomon & Co. have been commis
sioned to select a site on the south side
on or near Michigan avenue not far from
Twelfth street. According to Mr. Salo
mon, who returned from New York,
where he went to confer with Mr. Ham
mersteln. the impresario has his plans for
the Chicago venture well in hand. The
Investment here will run far above $1,000,-
Some Jew "Stunts" Practiced by
Cadets at Annapolis.
ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Aug. 26. Hazing or
"running" of fourth classmen has again
appeared at the Naval Academy, accord
ing to the members of that class, who are
the ones against whom the practice was
always directed. At the office of Captain
Charles J. Badger, superintendent of the
Institution, however. It was said today
that the new administration had not dis
covered any indications of the continu
ance of the practice, but that under the
new hazing laws little difficulty would be
experienced in nipping its re-establishment
In the bud.
The practice as now said to exist is
mild. Besides some of the old features.
the new "stunts," according to those who
say they experienced them. Include the
"elephant dance" and the "relay pie
In the latter, which is said. o take place
In the mess hall, "relay teams" of fourth
classmen are named and fbrced to run a
race in pie assimilation, "runners" Nos.
1. 2, 3 and 4 being forced to wait until
the cadet started just before them has
finished his slice of pie so well as to be
able to talk again.
(Tne elephant dance. also a new
feature, consists of making fourth-class
men chase each other around a table with
slippers or other similar handy weapons
of offense and score "hits" on the near
est portion of the fellow in front.
Reading Train's Narrow Escape.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26. The for
ward truck of one of tho coaches on the
Plttsville accommodation train on the
iteaamg J-tallroaa jumped the switch on
the west side of the Schuylkill River ap
proaching Schuylkill Falls bridge, and
tore up the roadbed a distance of SO.
yards. The train narrowly escaped
plunging over a 60-foot embankment Into
the river. Passengers in the derailed car
were thrown from their seats, but nobody
was injured.
The Weather.
YESTekDAYs Maximum temperature, 68
degrees; minimum. 54.
and warmer; northerly
Mulay Haflur leads prreat army of Moora
against French. Page 5.
Irish members prntest against compromise
with Lords by leaving Parliament.
Page 5.
Great fire and flood in Japan, Page 0.
American Judge In China takes Chinaman's
word against Americans. Page &.
Venezuela defiant "toward America and
Roosevelt may call on Congress to act.
Page 2.
Ishll talks plainly to bumptious Japanese In
California, Fas-' It -Politics.
Parker speaks to lawyers against extension
of Federal power. Page 2.
Taf t speaks In Missouri ; Bryan calls him
traddler. Page 3.
Whitney and LrOdge to have hard fight in
Massachusetts. Page 4.
Henry T. Bcott makes mny threats in Glass
trial, but contradicts Himself. Page 1.
Tailors convention dictates startling' fash
ions. Page 8.
Chicago suburbs hunt negro murderer of lit
tie girl. Page 1.
Professor Tueblln advocates lnter-marrlage
of races or segregation of negroes- Page 1
Hammerstein to build opera-house in Chica
go. Page 1.
Murderer and robber captured after five
years' chase around world. Page 3.
Gans deceives fighters about his weight.
Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Pacific Coast company averts strike by
meeting demands of coal miners. Page 1.
Murder follows drunken carousal at Shanlko.
Page 6.
Reports from Inland Empire show Injury to
gram by storm. Page o.
Harrlman plans to return East from Shan
lko. Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Condition of potato and onion, markets In
California. Page 10.
Sharp recovery in stock prices at New York.
Page 15.
Two-cent jump in wheat at Chicago.
Page 13.
Wireless telegraph apparatus placed on Har
rlman line steamers. Page 14.
Steamship Acapulco turns turtle at San
Francisco. Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity,
Cashier Morris of Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank returns. Page 7.
Thomas O'Day appointed by Governor to
succeed the late Judge Sears. Page 11.
Sale of liquor by restaurants to be prohib
ited between 1 and 5 A. M. Page 10.
Half million dollars being spent In East Side
etret improvements. Page 10.
Operators Yield to
Miners' Demands.
Pacific Coast Company to
Sign New Scale Today.
Union Is Recognized and Other Con
dltions Granted Possibility of
Fuel Shortage Averted as Re
sult of Recent Conference.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aujr. 5fi.-(Spec!al.-.
Coal miners will receive an average in
crease of wages amounting to 15 per cent:'
the operators will recognize the United
Workers of America: the price of powder,
supplied by operators, will be reduced to
contract miners; house rent and fuel will
be unchanged --id a number of small
operating conditions wl.l be regulated to
suit the miners.
This is the result of a month-s confer
ence between coal miners of the North-'
west and the operators. The Unitedl
Mine Workers will meet with the opera-,
tors tomorrow to sign a wage scale that!
will be effective for the next year.
Prepared for long Siege.
Through ail the negotiations between
the operators and the miners the laclflo'
Coast Co.. the 1
poration on the Coast. ha3 had l.SOO.OOf)'
ions ot coal afloat enrouto to this coast
which would sunnlv all tho nirm
of that corporation. Every steamshin
owned by the Pacific Coast Company!
could have been ODeratpil fro- iht "J
nine months, irrespective of the settle
ment or tne coal miners" demands, and'
the .Pacific Coast Pnmnnnv nui v...,,.1
closed iu collieries without fear of any!
interruption to business. But the cities
of the Pacific Coast denend ent iinnn th
Pacific Coast Company for fuel have been'
lacing a possibility of the worst fuel fam
ine anywhere in this country.
Today's agreement upon a wage sched
ule lifts all possibility of a strike, but It
means that coal prices all over thn PaniJ
flc Coast will be increased. The cost of
production is advanced 20 per cent by
the terms made with the I.'nlon. Th
average wage Increase is 13 per cent, but
ai ine same time tii production is de
creased, and mine efficiency falls off.
Advance to All Laborers.
The averaEs increase in wneri pmntnif
by the adjustment of difficulties between
operators ana miners Is: Engineers, 50
per cent: firemen. 40 ner rent: nil ontsirf
labor, 25 per cent; day men and drivers,
17 per cent; timbermen, miners and insido
laoorers, 14 per cent;, common laborers'
about the mines, 20 per cent.
Taking Into consideration the nnmhoi
of men employed, and the amount nt wnrlf
performed, the average Increase In wages
paid dally will be 16 per cent. An eight
hour dav is ff-rantpri hut thp minor. .tt
be compelled to put In eight full hours
taxing out coal, counting their time froni
the moment they reach the face of thrt
workings until they leave. Other labor
ers will get overtime for all hours over1
eight devoted to mining. .
Deserts Family to Gratify Infatua
tion, Then Shoots Its Object
and Himself.
CHICAGO, Aug. 26.-Char!es A. An
drews, a former restaurant keeper, of
Elkhart, Ind., today shot and killed Ethel
Blaine, of Flora, Ind., and then commit
ted suicide. He had registered at a hotel,'
naming the woman as his wife. Later the)
police learned that Andrews had been in-'
fatuated with the Blaine woman and hadi
left his own wife and children in Indiana.!
The couple arrived last night and were1
unseen again until the shooting caused
the occupant of another room to rush inj
The woman was lying dead with two
bullet wounds in her head. Andrews
was standing clutching a revolver and
with blood flowing from a wound in hi9
He died on reaching the hospital.
A letter was found addressed to C. W
Andrews, Jr., Elkhart, which said:
"Ethel and myself are not feeling welL
You know, the reason why. "Be a good
boy and mind your mother."
Dies of Wreck Injuries.
SALIDA. Cal., Aug. 26. Mrs. Arabella
Dolley. aged 68. of Whlttler, Cal., died!
yesterday at the Rio Grande Hospital of
Injuries received in a wreck on the Den-
ver & Rio Grande Railroad, on the Utahi
and California express, at Fernleaf, last
Saturday evening. The train was derailed!
by the dropping of the running gear of
the forward locomotive. The deceased
was on a pleasure trip accompanied by
her husband, her son and the latter's
wife and three children. Others who were
injured in the accident are recovering.