Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 26, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Concrete Retaining Wall Built
Around Oregon City Falls.
Tortland Railway, Light & Power
Company Plans to Erect Big
Electric Plant Across From
Present Station.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Aug 25. (Special)
Fifty thousand dollars has been expended
by the Portland Railway. Light & Power
Company in the construction of Improve
. ments at the falls of the Willamette that
will last for all time. Work was started
last May on a new concrete wall, form
ing the headworks for the basin, and this
Is now practically complete. The wall is
4X feet in length and from 18 to 22. feet
in height, and is so constructed that it
can be extended six feet higher when
future improvements demand. Twelve
gates have been placed in the wall and
eight are now In use two for the Port
land Fjauring Mill Company, two for the
Oregon City, -Manufacturing Company,
one for the city water system and the re
mainder for the Crown-Columbia Pulp &
Paper Company's pulp station.
This last company is now developing
an additional 100O horsepower for grinding
pulp, completing an option taken in 1904.
when a lease was made for the first 1000
horsepower. The company has also taken
options this year for 3000 additional horse
power of high water-power, and will put
in more wheels, grinders, additional wet
ting machine capacity and screens and
more buildings.
Protect Streets From Flood.
The concrete wall crosses under the
street and connects on the other Bide with
the rock wall of the Southern Pacific
Company, and the wall has post holes
for carrying splash-board posts on which
splash-boards may be raised three feet
high in case of extreme flood, thereby
holding back the flood waters and not
permitting the rushing waters to sweep
down the Main street of the city, as they
did in 1S0O. The concrete wall itself has
been built two and a half feet higher than
the old basin wall which it replaced, and
with three more feet of splash-boards on
top of the wall the protection Is made five
and a half feet higher than formerly.
This will be a great benefit to the city
and the adjacent property in case of ex
treme flood as in 1890. when the water
reached the highest point, February 5,
and on February 7 of this year the upper
river was only five feet lower and the
lower river 12 feet less than the worst
day 17 years ago, and it was only a sud
den cold spell that checked the flood last
The city plans to eventually put in a
new pumping station and within two
years to change the location of its pumps
to the property on the east side' of the
street adjoining the filtering plant and
abandon the present site. For this reason
a gate and a section of steel pipe have
been set in the wall for the purpose of
transmitting power. When this change is
made the gate and intake pipe now in use
will be given over to some other manu
facturing concern, and the Crown
Columbia Pulp & Paper Company will
1, . rrntno .1 fnn.niaa ..-111
utilize the water power through five
others. The steel pipes through the wall
for intakes instead of timber bent-work
and timber box-flumes will make the Im
provements lasting.
Plan Xew Electric Plant.
Other work that has been dona this
Summer is the wall of timber bent-work
on the west side of the basin. This wall,
480 feet long and from 16 to 21 feet high,
has been entirely renewed, but Is only
temporary, as it is calculated to com
mence the construction of a new electric
station along the east side of the falls,
just outside of the timber bent-work.
This wall will then be removed, the con
crete and steel construction of the station
forming a wall, otherwise the wall this
year would have been built of concrete.
The station will be erected in sections of
about 10,000 horsepower each, from three
lo four units, as required. The whole sta
tion, when complete, will have 14 units
sf 3000 minimum horsepower each, devel
oping from 42.000 to 56.000 horsepower.
It is probable that next year will see
the completion of the concrete dam
around the brink of the falls, running
from the center to the eastern extremity.
General repairs are now being made to
the canal and locks on the west side of
the river.
Miners VncoVer Some Promising
I.etlges Xcur Princeton.
PMXCKTON. Idaho. Aug. 25. (Spe
cial.) Much prospecting' has been go
ing on in the mining district surround
ing Princeton this season, and several
gotfd strikes have Jieen made. The
best so far reported were located dur
ing the past week. One location was
made by Charles Shaw, the other by
Robert Ward. The new-found mines
are very rich in silver and copper, said
Mr. Shaw, who came into town Thurs
day on his way out to Palouse. Wash.
"We sank," said Mr. Shaw, "about 600
feet into the ledge and then put in
several sticks of dynamite, which un
covered some very rich ore. We con
sider this one of the lucky strikes of
the camp, and one of the Richest. We
are located about 350 yards from the
famous Mizpah mine. We have located
six claims this season, and are satisfied
we have some splendid properties."
Many other rich finds have also
recently been made, one by the Post
master of Potlati-h. which he made in
the Hoodoos. "The surface showing,"
said Mr. Campbell. the Postmaster,
"would indicate that my find of last
week is very rich, probably one of the
richest copper propositions in the camp.
A company will be formed to work and
develop the property at once, and a
150-foot tunnel will be driven."
Mr. Campbell has six splendid claims,
all in a body, and 50 feet of iron cap
ping is to be seen.
Trout for Vancouver Lake.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug 25. (Spe
cial.) Vancouver Lake, situated in
Clark County, will soon be stocked
with trout. Attorney Edgar Swan has
received a letter from the United States
Bureau of Flsheriees to the effect that
the young fish will be brought from
the Government Fish Hatchery within
a few days. Mr. Swan first endeav
ored to get Black Bass, but as it was
found these are somewhat destructive
to young salmon. It was decided to
have trout sent instead. The lakes and
streams of Clark County have been
fished so extensively that sportsmen
. tavo . tompUlned. of the iuc of good
fishing this year. A united effort by
the citizens of the county should be
made to restock the principal bodies
of water in the county. The recent
assignment of fish will be appreciated
by all lovers of rod and line.
Special Interest in Milk Production
Evidenced on Coos Bay.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Aug. 25. (Spe
cial.) The Chamber of Commerce of
Marshfield Will on September 10 and
11 hold a big meeting for the advance
ment of the dairy and horticultural
interests of Coos County. Those who
have accepted Invitations to deliver ad
dresses on this occasion are President
J. W. Kerr, Professor C. I. Lewis and
Dr. James Wlthycombe, of the State
Agricultural College, at Corvallis; Mrs.
Waldo, State Grange Lecturer, of Port
land, and William Schulmerick, of
Washington County. They will talk
on dairying and he ticulture and Dr.
Kerr will also speak on some educa
tional theme. It is expected that Con
gressman V. C. Hawley will also be
present on this occasion.
There has been a lively interest In
the dairy and creamery business in
Coos County since State Food
and Dairv Inspector Bailey's re-
recent visit here. He pronounced
Coos County an ideal place for
the dairing business and expressed
the belief of possibilities of great in
crease in that line. Addresses to the
residents of the rural districts were
made by Mr. Ballley and he appointed
Mrs. Yoakam, - owner of a. dairy farm,
to act as Deputy Dairy Inspector for
the county.
Apple culture is also receiving more
attention than formally. P. Duffy, an
apple buyer, of Sidney, Australia, is
on Coos Bay looking over the orchards.
He has bought for shipment all of the
Gravensteln apples procurable and the
fact that outside buyers are coming
to this territory has given new Interest
to the culture of appier.
Sawmills and Other Industries Make
Bandon a Busy Place Electric
Light Plant Soon.
BANDON', Or., Aug. 25. (Special.) The
Price shipyards, which were destroyed
several weeks ago by fire, are in the
course of reconstruction, and will be
w-lthin the city limits instead of two
miles up the river as formerly. The new
location Is adjoining the Cody mills,
which are nearly completed, and which
will have a dally output of 100,000 feet
of lumber, thereby making ship timber
available at little cost.
Piles are being driven as fast as pos
sible, over 200 having already been placed,
and the work is progressing day and
night, according to the tide. As soon
as the yards are completed work will at
once begin upon two ships similar to the
two which were destroyed In the fire
at the former yards, and the work will
employ 75 men.
The Cody mills adjoining will be cut
ting lumber within a month and employ
100 men. The Lyons & Johnson mill, one
mile farther up the river, will also be
completed within six weeks, and will
have a capacity of 75.000 feet and will
employ 75 men. Including the expendi
ture of $00,000 Government appropriation
for the improvement of the local har
bor, the payroll of Bandon, when the
above mills open up, will be something
better than $jO,000 per month.
The local electric light and power com
pany will be in full- operation by Octo
ber 1, under the supervision of C. B.
Hollopeter, formerly of Portland, the
power house and various lines over the
town having already been constructed,
and the machinery will be installed at
once. Every dally boat brings new home
seekers, also a great number of people
who have no intention of locating, but
who become investors after a "brief visit.
The population of 1200 of last year has
been increased to more than 1500, and will
without doubt reach the 2000 mark before
Spring. Among the number : of investors
who have expressed a desire to live here
Is Bishop Scadding of Portland.
The new Fall suits at Le Palais
Royal. Latest models, new shades, up-to-date
in every respect, at the most
moderate prices. 375 Washington
Approve Having Timber Cruised.
CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Aug. 25. (Spe
cial.) The action taken by the County
Commissioners last week, in regard to
having all the timber in this county
thoroughly cruised, meets witn general
favor by our people, as it will greatly aid
In equalizing the burden of taxes as well
as give a general knowledge of the timber
wealth and resources of this region.
GASENE saves your clothes, saves your
time, saves your temper, saves your fuel.
tONSl hllll.b Tu HARNESS
Assessor Keeney Distributes
Burden More Evenly..
Cost of Administration of Lane
County Affairs Will Be Charged
Against Its Wealth at an
Approximate Value.
EUGENE, Or., Aug 25. (Special.) The
assessment has been made and the tax
roll for Lane County Is being written up.
The work of Assessor Keeney toward se
curing a more equitable distribution of
the taxes will bear fruit next year much
to the satisfaction of the rank and file
Assessor B. F. Keeney, of Lane County.
... 4
of the people, although occasionally a
wail goes up even now from the indi
vidual who is being assessed in a way
he has not been accustomed to. The un
derlying purpose of the work of the as
sessor has been to tax property and
wealth at its approximate value, to have
those who are able bear their share of
the taxes and to make it as easy as
possible for the man In the woods who
Is struggling to make a home, to Improve
It without having to pay too much in
taxes for that privilege.
Over $2,000,000 worth of property will be
added to the assessment rolls this year,
the principal sources of increase being
mortgage notes, timber land and South
ern Pacific Congressional lands. Asses
sor Keeney says, "By reason of my in
vestigation of the mortgage records, I
have added over $130,000 to the tax list
for 1907, and more will yet be added E3
fast as residences of parties are discov
ered. I expect to be able to add many
more thousands of dollar; to the tax
rolls next year by questioning more
closely as to the possession of such per
sonal property as money, notes accounts,
credits, etc., and more especially money
and loans made in which the lender has
taken deeds as securities.
"I am fully convinced that the burden
of taxation rests entirely too heavily on
those of moderate means whose property
Is all In sight, while those of the class
recognized as capitalists are escaping
rather too light assessments too many
of such have signed a very strong affi
davit after being questioned as to money,
notes and accounts, claiming in many In
stances not one cent of credit. There is
a large list of residents who should con
sider their oath more seriously in ren
dering their statements to the assessor,
and there is a strong probability of some
one being made an example of, for I do
not think any man can attain such a
prominent position In social, religious or
political circles that he is immune from
prosecution for perjury if guilty of mak
ing a false return to the assessor of his
taxable property."
Assessor Keeney has raised the valua
tion of the Southern Pacific Congres
sional lands in Lane County a little over
$1,000,000 for the 1907 assessment roll, and
the increased valuation placed upon tim
ber lands will approximate another mil
lion. The gentle slumbers of a number of
people have been disturbed by the in
creased valuation put upon timber lands.
One man who has been paying $1.80 an
acre was considerably put out when in
formed that he wouid have to pay $10
-js-x v '
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Nllilili llSlpi
Photo by Lymp'i Studio, Oregon City.
hereafter. His lands are all listed for
sale at $30.
In case of families living in remote
parts of the county endeavoring to build
homes under trying circumstances, as
much leniency is shown by the assessor
as the law will allow. This plan is thor
oughly appreciated by some who have
been almost afraid before now to make
improvements on their home places.
With' all this improvement in the as
sessment system, it is still Impossible to
distribute satisfactorily the burden of tax
ation. One instance in which the impos
sibility of adequately assessing property
is noticeable in the case of the Wells
Fargo Express Company, whose worldly
possessions in Eugene aggregate just $75.
But the fault here is not with the as
sessor, but there seems no law to aid
The work being done . by Assessor
Keeney Is meeting with wide approval
throughout . the county, and his deter
mination to keep the good work going
next year will add materially to the
prosperity of Lane County.
Aberdeen Mills Hard Pushed to Get
Water for Boilers.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Aug. 25. (Spe
cial.) The American Mill Company has
adopted a novel plan to supply its
boliers with fresh water and to overcome
the annoyance of the short supply pro
vided by the city. The Council at its
last meeting decided to notify, millowners
and other manufacturers that water
would only be supplied to them half a
day until there should be abundant rains.
The American Mill Company adopted
the scheme of getting what fresh water
It needs by cutting a hole in a scow and
towing the scow up the Wishkak River
where the salt water does not affect it.
The scow is filled and brought back to
the mill and the water pumped into the
boilers as needed. The scow, has a
capacity of 50.000 gallons.
KoII Just Completed Evidences Gen
eral Prosperity Throughout
Wheatgrowing District.
FARMINGTON, Wash., Aug. 25. (Spe
cial.) According to the assessment roll
for Whitman Counts', just completed by
County Assessor Duff, there are In the
county 37.582 head of horses, valued at
$080,840: 148 stallions, valued at $46,760, and
471 mules, valued at $18,050. Under the
head of cattle are listed 6,937 yearlings,
valued at $39,095 ; 5488 two-year-olds, val
ued at $58,000 ; 7889 three-year-olds, valued
at $108,845 : 8410 cows, valued at $150,225:
254 bulls, valued at $5830; 18.227 head of
sheep and goats, valued at $36,555 ; 80
bucks kept for breeding purposes, val
ued at $405; 16,196 hogs, valued at $66,465.
The rolls show that there are in the
county 4171 drays, wagons and sleighs,
valued at $86,505; 3206 carriages, hacks
and buggies, valued at $68,055; 63 bicycles,
valued at $780: eight automobiles, listed
at $1130; 1560 watches, valued at $10,640;
893 organs, valued at $15,460; 817 pianos,
valued at $62,825 ; 3070 sewing machines,
valued at $22,845. The value of house
hold furniture Is listed at $323,825: of gold
and silverware, $1055: of libraries, at
$15,765; of office furniture, at, $25,335; of
diamonds, jewelry, firearms and clothing,
$11,355; of agricultural machinery, Imple
ments and harnesses, at $194,310: of me
chanics' tools, at $18,200; of threshing ma
chines, hay presses, engines, etc., $102,075;
of sawlogs, at $12,325; of goods and mer
chandise, $664,775; of manufacturers'
tools and machinery. $29,390; of stocks.
moneys and credits of banks, $461,890; of
hay and grain in hands of farmers, at
$21,300; of hay, grain and farm products
in warehouses and in storage, $535,474; of
warehouses on railroad property, $137,955;
of improvements ,on Government lands.
$36,855; of telegraph, telephone and elec
tric light lines. $138,515. The total value
of all personal property listed In the
county Is $5,679,194; from which Is de
ducted the exemption, $1,190,865, leaving
the assessment of personal property
Best Quality Ever Produced.
WAlLOWA. Or., Aug. 25 (Special.)
The wheat crop in mis .vauey is jubl
Th mialltv is the best
ever produced here, and the yield is the
largest for several years, Deing irom au
to 60 bushels per acre for Fall sown
nho.t onri frfim 95 to 35 bushels Der acre
for Spring sown wheat. The barley and
oat crops are also aoove me average in
quality and yield.
The Webber-Bussell Canning Company
have an office and warehouse on dock, at
foot of Yamhill street, Portland, Or.,
where they are buying peaches, pears
and plums.
Klser Co Lobby Imperial HoceL
, 4. vkj j, kits.
Recent Reports Favorable to
Good Wheat Yield.
Fruits of All Kinds Promise Well
and Contribute Greatly to
General Prosperity .of
Farmers of County.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 25. (Special.) Re
ports from over the county give a much
better account of the grain crop than the
estimate given some time ago. On the
whole, the crop will be above the aver
age. The work in the . hopyards has com
menced and the yield will be good. If
pickers can be secured to get in the hops
during the good weather a splendid
showing will be made a full average
crop of splendid quality, with less bad
effect from lice than usual.
In potatoes and late vegetables the
yield will be large. The recent rain was
worth hundreds of dollars to potato
raisers, who will get a bumper crop and
a good price for it.
Grapes will be better this year than
for many seasons. There are not many
vineyards here, but those who have
carefully looked after this fruit have
found It a most satisfactory crop to raise.
Peaches are a good crop; the same Is true
of pears, but the apple crop Is a little
The question of help to do the harvest
ing may lessen the profit of the farmer
of Lane county; but nothing else threat
ens his return this year. The whole coun
ty is experiencing a prosperity it has
never before known, and the merchant
who is watching the conditions is looking
toward the largest and best trade from
the farmer in the history of the county.
Cause of Peace Once
More Victorious.
Rain Descends and Oregon National
Guard Postpones Sham Battle at Ful
ton Until a Bright Day.
TIMID Fulton mothers who hid their
children in trunks and bureau
drawers yesterday to keep them from
being struck by stray shots from the
sham battle, had all their trouble for
nothing:. There was no battle.
All the fuss and worry and tears "were
caused by the fact being advertised
that Company C, a crack unit of Or'e
jfon's famous Third regiment, was go
ing to battle another organization south
of Fulton yesterday. The men of "C"
company were called together at the
Armory at 9 o'clock A. M., clad in
khaki. One thousand rounds of blank
shells were to be fired at the "enemy."
Saturday night young mothers out
Fulton way, sang as they rocked their
babies to sleep, "Just as the Sun Went
Down." Old women, who lived through
the Civl War and whose sons fought
against the Spanish and the Filipinos,
croned, "Marching Through Georgia."
Bright and early yesterday morning
small boys lined tho highways and by
ways of Fulton, watching for the
khaki-clad heroes to come marching
"Come along to town and see the
circus, Johnnie," called out one papa
as he started for the streetcar.
"Can't," "was Johnnie's quick reply,
"got to see the war."
But It seemed that peace was de
clared before the war began, so John
missed circus and battle. Lowering
clouds and misty grass caused the bat
tle to be postponed. Oregon soldiers
don't need to practice marching
mrougn me rain.
Gives His Version of His Trouble
With Oswald West.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 24. (To th Editor)
Tour special correspondent from here hai
ftiven Mr. Oswald West's side of the trouble
which took place at the State Fair Grounds
Thursday, August 15- I wish to say that
I did not overwork or overdrive the horse
I had In charge In the races upon that occa
sion. I never used a whip on the horse.
The horse cut his left front quarter and I
put a quarter boot on him and finished the
I was arrested for th crime of cruelty
to animals at the suggestion of Oswald
West. Was tried before a Jury composed
of substantial business men of this county.
Mr. West was the principal witness against
me. The Jury were out considering their
verdict for about ten minutes and brought
in a verdict fully exonerating me from any
blame or cruelty to the animal whatever.
The jury believed my witness and myself,
disregarding the testimony of West and his
witnesses. I never at any time abused an
animal. Would not do so.
It was not a "tender heart" that caused
Oswald West to Interfere. The spirit which
actuated Mr. West was that of a busybody
and meddler. He applied to me a vile
name which I would not ask you to publish,
and struck, me. Nothing was left for me
to do but protect myself.
I am a hard-working young man. In the
eyes of the law I am the peer of Oswald
West every way. In physical prowess and
regard for the rights of others I am his
superior. Mr. Baumgartner. who was the
ostensible private prosecutor In the case, I
am Informed, is Assistant Adjutant General
of Oregon, a brother appointee under
Governor Chamberlain with Oswald West.
It would seem that the Governor and his
appointees have a "tender heart" and solici
tude for everybody and everything except
the poor prisoners at the State Penitentiary.
All the horsemen at the State - Fair
Grounds and my friends and acquaintances
rejoice with me at the complete exonera-
iVo More Alcohol
As now made, Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not
contain the least particle of alcohol in any
form whatever. You get all the tonic
and alterative effects, without stimulation.
Ayers Sarsaparilla
When a stimulant is needed, your doctor
will know it, and will tell you of it.
Consult him freely about our remedies.
The new kind contains no alcohol
We have no secrets to hide! We pub
lish the formulas of all our medicines.
J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass.
tlon of my conduct at the races at the State
Fair Grounds. CECIL. VAUGHAN.
District Wants Share of James
John's Property.
J. E. Williams, who was commissioned
by his fellow-directors of the St. John
School District to look after Its interest
In the James John estate. Is under the
Impression that an effort Is being made
to prevent a final settlement. Last Mon
days, says Mr. Williams, there was to
have been .a report, and he was present,
but consideration of the matter was put
off until Friday. Again on Friday the
matter was postponed until Monday,
August 26. on some flimsy pretext.
iJirector Williams says that he Is not
It reallv seems strange that men who are SERIOUSLY WEAK will
fo to the charlatan, when they might just as easily AND FAR MORE
ATISFACTORIL.Y, spend the time consulting physicians of known
merit. To the weak, rundown and nervous man no better advice can be
given than this:
' Tf you persist in going to those who have no standing professionally,
HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TC BE CURED? This Institution has built
up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given it by Its
PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit
of its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than In any other
way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't It worth the
little time It will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the
benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive
you In any way? A consuliatlon costs you nothing EXCEPT your own
27 Years' Experience. (
We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPER
DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Our fees are fair. Personal attention
given all patients..
Write If you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is always
CERTAIN and most successful. AH correspondence sacredly confidential.
HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 9 A. M. to
12 noon. . ,
Cases axe Treated
lor the Low Fee of
One Man in Every Five Has
You May Be the One
Varicocele causes congestion of the blood in some of the most vital
blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which
is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline of power.
Varicocele results from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers
that control local circulation of the blood. The muscular coating of
the veins is deprived of nervous control and becomes inactive, weakens
and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The
circulation becomes sluggish and clots form in little nooks and pockets
that constantly enlarge as the relaxation continues. These clots may
pass into general circulation, and should one find lodgment in the
valves of the heart, the result might be instant death. Should a clot
lodge in the minute capillaries of the brain, apoplexy or general
paralysis might follow.
Don't allow yourself to be butchered and tinkered with. I have a
cafe, painless and sure cure, original with me and employed by no one
else. I use no knife, cause no pain, and you need not be detained
from business a single day. I especially solicit those cases in which
many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been
wasted on electrio belts or other appliances. Don't experiment when
my direct method offers a certain means of cure.
234Vi Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Or.
able to .understand the necessity of this
delay if Robert Catlin, the administrator,
has on hand the money received from the
eale of the property. He says that the
district has a rifrht to a prompt settle
ment of the estate and title to the re
maining block Is especially wanted. Mr.
"Williams says he will follow the matter
to the end and if he cannot got a settle
ment from the County Court and the ad
ministrator he will at least ascertain the
reason and report to the people of St.
John. -rH
nr. Sanderson's Compound Bav
in and Cotton Root Pills, the
best and only reliable remedy
jinst obsllnnte cases In 8 to H
days. Price $2 per box. mailed In plain
wrapper. Sold by druggists everywhere.
Addr Dr. T. J. PIERCE. 181 First
tr.-, Portland Oregon.
Established 27 Years In Portland.
Consultation Free
- We Will Treat Any Single Vnoompll
cnted Aliment for $10.00.
Absolute Guarantee
No Pav Unless Cured
Leading; ripeciaiist.