THE MORNINO OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 26. 1907. TOO MUCH HEARST FOR PARTY'S GOOD Chicago Democrat Can Stand !t No Longer, So Joins Republicans WERNO IS FOR PROGRESS Ieclares Success of Democracy Cnder Present Radical Leader ship Would Spell Disaster for State and Katlon. CHICAGO, Aug. 25. (Special.) "The Democratic party, National and local, has been sold out to Hearstisrn and dem agogues. It has lost its moral force. Its temper is destructive Instead of obstruc tive. I can no longer consider myself a Democrat." With this general Indictment against the Democratic party, with which he has been identified since he became of age, Charles Werno, chairman of the Council committee on traction, and one of the brainiest and biggeBt Democrats of the West, bids farewell to his former asso ciates. Last week he Joined the Hamil ton Club, a widely known Republican or ganization. 1 "I am not in sympathy with Democracy as at present constituted," he said to night. "Party machinery in Chicago stands for absolutely nothing. It has stood for nothing that meant a forward step for the last three years to my per sonal knowledge. It has madly and blindly opposed all constructive measures which have become public issues and of fered nothing in their place. In short, the Democratic party as now constituted is thoroughly dominated by the radical element controlled by Hearst and Hearst Ism. "Success of Democracy, locally, state or Nationally, under existing conditions within the party would mean disaster. The Republican party stands for progress and wants to accomplish things. I desire to be associated with such an element." SEES DOOM TO STATES' RIGHTS Commoner Editor Comments on , Roosevelt's Latest Speech. LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.) William J. Bryan, In the fortheomlnsr Issue of the Commoner, makes a vigor ous attack on President Roosevelt's plan for a National Incorporation law for all corporations engaged in Inter state business. Mr. Bryan sees in this a sctieme to help the railroads rather than the shippers and producers, and calls on all Democrats In Congress to oppose any legislation to this effect. "The President has at last disclosed his scheme for centralization, at which he has hinted in former speeches," says Mr. Bryan. "In his Provincetown, Mass, address he proposes the National incorporation of railroads and other corporations en gaged in interstate commerce. Laws Sufficient for Control. "Most large corporations do a busi ness that is not confined to any one state. Experience has shown that the efforts to control these corporations by mere state action cannot produce wholesome results. "I believe in a National incorporation law for corporations engaged In Inter state business. I believe, furthermore, that the need for action is most press ing as regards those corporations, which, because they are cor.imon car riers, exercise a quasi public function; and which can be completely controlled in ail respects, by the Federal Govern ment by the exercise of the power con ferred under the Interstate commerce clause, and, if necessary, under the post road clause of the Constitution. "The National Government should exercise over them a simlliar super vision and control to that which it exercises over National banks. We can do this only by proceeding farther along the lines marked out by the recent National legislation. Demand Federal Protection. "Here is the secret It is out at last: The states are annoying the corporations and the corporations demand Federal pro tection from state legislation. The Presi dent thinks that action is most pressing as regard those corporations which, be cause they are common carriers, exercise a quasi public function. "The states have been enacting 2-cent fare laws and laws reducing- freight rates, and the railroad managers demand that they shall be relieved from further fear of such legislation. The President's Hamiltonlan Ideas make him an easy vic tim, and "he yields to the entreaties of the railroads. . "If it was the public he sought to pro tect he would recommend Federal reme. dies which would not Interfere with state remedies; but it Is the railroad, not the public, that demands the removal of authority to Washington. Stands up for States' Rights. "The Democrats can be depended on. to oppose with all their might this move ment toward centralization. If any Demo crat wavers, his constituents should look Into his business relations and see whether he is under obligations to any railroad. A Hamiltonlan Republican like the President may honestly think tuat the further the Government is removed from the people the better it will be, for a Jeffersontan Democrat does not cherish any such delusion. Even the Hamiltonlan Republican ought to hesitate to trust Congress with any more power while United States Senators are elected by Legislatures. "It is fortunate that the people have had an object lesson so recently. The Federal law stopped pasBes and rebates. But tne railroads make more money than they did before. The states, on the other hand, gave the people a reduction in rates, and those who are receiving the benefit will be slow to surrender the ad vantage thus far gained. It Is very doubt ful whether the Republican Congressmen from the West will dare to support the President's proposition, but If an attempt is made to put such a measure through Congress the Democrats will stand a good chance of retiring every Western Repub lican who votes for It. "Let the Democrats present an un broken front on this vital proposition." HAVE NO COAL FOR EXPORT American Companies Forced to Re fuse European Orders. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 25. Because of its Inability to fill the order, the Philadel phia & Reading Coal & Iron Company was compelled to decline a contract for 35.000 tons of anthracite, the order for which was tendered by a representative of the Austro-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce. The proposed purchaser was willing to pay the regular price for plac ing the coal on board vessels either here or in New York. ' Another order for 200.000 tons of bi tuminous coal, wanted by the Italian government, is also being offered to the largest soft coal operators of the United States, with little prospect of its being taken, because of the great expense in delivering it to its destination. The great demand for coal by foreign governments is attributed to the increased coal consumption by their warships. AH native coal Is being used for this purpose, and the supply is not equal to the de mand. An officer of the Reading Com pany explained that this company would be compelled to decline all such orders because of the great demand tor coal among customers In this country and be cause of the scarcity of labor at the col lieries. The same conditions confronted every other anthracite company as well as all bituminous operators. It was further explained that the short age is Increasing daily, and many West ern railroads are now much disturbed concerning the supply for the coming Winter. Men who formerly worked In the mines are seeking employment in less dangerous lines of business. . Many have abandoned mining as a means of liveli hood and have turned to -farming in Western states. Foreigners who formerly came to the United States to take up mining now seek employment In other fields of labor. VV A R ON HOUSE OF LORDS ENGLISH LIBERALS PLAPf A VIG OROUS CAMPAIGN. ' Parliament Will Be Prorogued This Week With Many of King's Promise Brakes, LONDON. Aug. 25. Of the many mea sures promised In the King's speech, at the opening of the present session of Parliament, which will be prorogued next week,, few have reached the statute books. Like the educational bill and the plural voting bill, the most prominent measures of the last session, and which were thrown out by the House of Lords, the Irish Council bill, which was to have been the most important piece of legisla tion at this session, met with early de feat, but In a different way. The educa tional and plural voting bills gave the Liberals an opening for a campaign against the House of Loras, which, as indicated In the speeches of Herbert H. Asqulth, ex-Home Secretary, Rich ard B. Haldane, Secretary of State for War, Chief Secretary for Ireland Birrell and Winston Churchill, at various meet ings throughout the country Saturday night, is to be carried on vigorously dur ing the recess. Despite differences, between the two houses, much useful legislation has be come law, among the most notable changes In the statutes being that brought about by the deceased wife's sis ter bill, which was Introduced at the be hest of the Nonconformists and accepted by both houses, in opposition to the wishes of the bishops and their follow ers. One of the most notable measures of the session, and one of great interest to American meat packers, was the Burns food bill, which both houses passed unan imously. In addition, bins have been passed creating a court of criminal ap peal, & rather radical reform In the criminal laws in England, amending the merchant-shipping act, changing the pat ent act, thoroughly reforming the army system and enacting a system of small holdings in England. The labor members of the House of Commons have not been so Insistent for legislation In favor of the masses, ex pressing themselves as content to assist the government to deal with the labor question, which In their opinion Is the root of the evils from which the workers suffer. They, therefore, have another grudge against the House of Lords for compelling the withdrawal of the Scot tish small landholdlngs bill, and while their platform calls for the abolition of the upper house, they will support less radical Liberal proposals. STATE OF CHAOS IN MOROCCO Moorish -Government Has Degene rated Into Mock Administration. PARIS, Aug. 25. Advices received today from Casa Blanca show no change in the situation. The troops are anxious for an engagement with the tribesmen, but France's determination not to penetrate far into the country prevents pursuit of the fanatics end results in a waiting game. Meantime the state of Morocco's inter national affairs Is growing .worse. Veri table chaos reigns and the government has degenerated Into a mere mock ad ministration. Mulai Hafig, the newly pro claimed Sultan, who is reported to be marching toward the coast to fight the French troops, has appointed a ministry, a member of which is Mulai Bidi Mo hammed, another brother of the actual Sultan, who Is now held a prisoner by the Sultan at Fez. Ralsull controls his own region, and the pretender rules Northeast Morocco. The Sultan Is not sure of his own followers and anarchy pervades the empire. The coast towns are tranquil because of the presence of foreign warships, but Rabat is reported to be constantly menaced by tribesmen who are ready to swoop down upon it at the first opportunity. Euro peans dare not pass outside the walls of Rabat and other cities.'-, COXFERS WITH THE CABINET Premier Clemencean Back to Direct Affairs in Morocco Case. PARIS. Aug. 25. 'Premier Clemen-eau, who returned from Carlsbad and Munich today, has assumed active direction of the Moroccan situation which developed dur ing his absence. He conferred with For eign Minister Pichon, War Minister Pic quart and Minister of Marine Thomson, who met him at the station and tomorrow will go to Rambousillet to see President Fallleres. The Juornal Des Debats in an editorial as to the effect of M. Clemenceau's re turn on the Moroccan situation, says: He knows the sentiment of the Serrer rans end the dispositions of the chancel lors; he ought to know that poltles today not only are most uncertain, but also more cost ly, and that calmness and conservatism are essential. TEX DEAD IX TRAIN WRECK Paris-Bound Passenger and Freight Collide 25 People Injured. COUTRAS, France, ' Aug. 25. Ten persons were killed and 26 injured In a head-on collision today betwen an express train bound from Bordeaux for Paris, and a freight train. The acci dent was caused by a misplaced switch. None of those killed or wounded was an American. Extortion Methods In Nicaragua. MOBILE, Ala., Aug. 25. "If you want to do business, pay me," is said to be the motto of the Nlcaraguan and Hon- duran governments under the regime of President Jose Santos Zelaya. This la the report brought here by W. L. Sharkey, of Blueflelds. Nicaragua, who for more than three months was in business in that, republic. DIVIDENDS ARE RIG September Payments Will Be About $65,000,000. STANDARD OIL LARGEST Month's Earnings on Stocks in In dustrial and Public Service Cor porations Make Extremely Favorable Comparison. NEW YORK, Aug. 25. (Special.) Divi dend and interest disbursements in Sep tember will amount to about J65.000.000. This compares most favorably with any previous September. Sixty-four railroads, industrial and public service corporations have declared dividends payable next month to the amount of J29.336.489. Inter est payments will be made by 257 com panies which will call for an expendi ture of $29,942,011. The total of these dividends and inter est payments, which are already declared, aggregate $59,278,500. and, allowing for dis tributions which are not yet declared, the total for the month will be practi cally $65,000,000. - Dividend disbursements to be- made may be summarized as follows: Thlrty-eeven industrials $18.1S3.B20 Twelve railroads . 9,073,387 Fifteen public service corpora tions 2.109.182 Total, sixty-four companies. . .$29,336,489 The interest disbursements to be made may be summarized as follows: Thirty-six Industrial $6,569,397 One hundred and twenty-five railroads 18,522.985 Ninety-six public service corpora tions 4.852.629 Total, two hundred and fifty seven companies $29,942,011 The largest disbursement to be made by any Industrial company will be made by the Standard Oil, with an outlay of more than $5,900,000. - The American Tobacco Company is the second, with the distribution of a divi dend amounting to $4,024,240. RETURNS TO SAFER BASIS Wall Street Rallies From Recent De pression in Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 25. The feeling of apprehension with which the stock mar ket began the week has been replaced by calmer Judgment. There was much less liquidation and few signs, save in Isolated instances, of selling by those whose margins were impaired or whose confidence in the future had fallen to a lower point. Such Improvement as was shown, how ever, was largely sentimental, based on the belief that prices have discounted all the more adverse conditions that may arise, and that henceforth there will be less of political agitation, or at least less response on the part of Investors to what have formerly been regarded as disturb ing policies. The speeches of Secretary Taft at Columbus on Monday and of President Roosevelt at Providence Town Tuesday were read with great interest in Wall street, but the effect on the market was slight. Much more interest attached to the general credit situation since it became apparent that the market was slowly but surely divorcing itself from purely politi cal considerations. Bankers, who look at conditions from a better vantage point than the average outsider, are more im pressed with the idea that the trouble through which the market nas been pass ing Is International In character, and that it Is the close relations between the money markets of this country and those of Europe that have produced the tension here. Our markets have not only had to absorb the liquidation of American share holders, but have been forced to accept securities to the value of many millions of dollars from investors scattered all over Europe. England, Germany, France and Holland have greatly reduced their holdings of American securities until now they are probably at the lowest level in some years. Further, the high rates for money abroad have reduced the borrow ing capacity of this country in "a field from which large amounts of capital are annually drawn. PASTOR FLEECES FLOCK Filer in High Finance Leaves Con gregation $300,000 the Loser. PITTSBURG, Pa., Aug. 25. (Special.)- Rev. John H. Norris. pastor of Pente costal Church at Mount Washington suburb, took a flier in high finance which cost him and the members of his con gregation $300,000. Members of Pastor Norris' flock until yesterday had dreams of becoming millionaires. Now they are wondering whether they are going to get back any of their money. . The true state of affairs became known when Mrs. William Watters, who invested S1O.000 in Dr. Norris' enterprise, started suit to recover her money. , Dr. Norris promoted a mining company and had offices of his concern in the basement of his church. With $300,000 obtained from the sale of stock, he bought 1000 acres of Ohio land containing both coal and fireclay. A development com pany was formed to exploit the land but that venture did not succeed, and the pastor formed a Are brick concern. This was no more successful, and the pastor then bought a silver mine. This scheme went the way of others and finally & receiver was appointed. MEAD TAKES ENGLISH JOB Weil-Known Engineer to Accept Po sition in Australia. LARAMLH. Wyo., Aug. 24. (Special.) Dr. Elwood Mead, formerly state engi neer of Wyoming, later professor of irri Cation engineering at the Colorado Agri cultural College, and afterward Chief of tho Bureau of Irrigation of the Depart ment of Agriculture, has accepted the position of Chief of Irrigation Investiga tions for Australia, from the British gov ernment, at a salary of $15,000 per annum, and will leave for Australia in about a month. Dr. Mead lost an arm in a streetcar accident in Washington a few years ago. ROB SEASIDE P0ST0FFICE Burglars Get $550 Cash and Some Stamps No Clue. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 25. (Special.) The Postoffice at Seaside was burglar ized during last night, by robbers. They drilled a hole in the safe door so that the combination could be slipped, and stole about $560 in cash, as well as a small amount of stamps. Theije is no clue to the burglars.. Dresser Scarfs Of fine -white linen, size 20x54, lV-inch hemstitched borders, hand-embroidered at both ends, in white floss, in floral and con ventional ' designs ; j CT reg. $3.25; special. O Profit A Great Annual Bedding Event that, is looked forward to with keenest housekeeper in Portland. Without doubt, a Blanket Sale of more than ordinary gives a welcome opportunity to prepare for the cooler months soon to come, and to save on the best grade of wool blankets made. The best blanket mills in the world are drawn on for the goods that go into this great sale. Made from the softest, finest wools and finished in the best possible manner. The patterns, plain grays, fawns, scarlets, vicuna browns, white, as well as a large as sortment of fancy patterns in checks, plaids and jacquard patterns. Indian Robes, Bath Robe Blankets, Steamer Rags, Reg. Bed Blankets SOME OF THESE ARE MADE OF WOOL ALMOST AS SOFT AS SILK AND ARE BOUND WITH THE BEST .Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $4.50 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.50 $5.50 values. . values. , values. , values. , values. , values, special, the AND THIS EXTRA SPECIAL, WHILE THE LOT OF 230 PAIRS Pine white Wool Blankets, well made and very good grades, priced Regular $6.00 grades, special $r suk $i.2i Today, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Silk and Dress Good3 Aisles. The best silk store in Portland'. A, prime grade of 36-inch black Taf feta silk with a rich luster and finish; regularly sold at $1.50 the yard ; special, three cial, three g j n j ........ . Tr days.. WOOL DRESS GOODS, in very swagger plaids; come in all-wool or silk and wool, in the Scotch clans and French overplaids; the most desirable shades ; regular $1.25 grades, spe cial 89c HOLY SCROLL COMPLETED INTERESTING CEREMONY AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE. Large Audience Gathers to Participate In Benefit for Portland Jewish Free School. Interesting ceremonies marked the beginning and completion of the holy scroll at the Neighborhood House, on First and Hall streets, yesterday after, noon. The large hall in which the ex ercises were held was crowded with the parents and friends of the pupils of the Portland Jewish free school. The completion of the scroll or Seyum Ha Farah. as it is called in Hebrew, is quite an event, as it occurs only when the scroll is brought 10 this country. The success of the afternoon was largely due to the Rev. J. Seidel, super intendent of the schaol, who took this opportunity of informally examining the pupils receiving instruction there. Little children of both sexes, of per haps 5 to 7 years of age conversed in classical Hebrew with their instructors. This is all the more remarkable as the school has been In existence only a few months. Most of the pupils are the children of immigrants from Rus sia and have taken the opportunity of learning both Hebrew and English in the school. After conversing in He brew, at the request of those present they translated their conversation into English. The first speaker was Rabbl Jonah B. Wise, who delivered an earnest talk, impressing on those present the sacred occasion and telling them of the ne cessity of proper education of the children so aa to fit them for higher citizenship in the land of their adop tion. The mention of freedom in the United States brought forth rounds of applause. Following the address of Dr. Wise, Rev. Mr. Seidel introduced P. T. Rogoway, who distributed the honors connected with the completion of the scroll. In his Introductory remarks Rev, Seidel acknowledged with thanks the use of the Neighborhood House, which was tendered by the Council of Jewish Women of this city. Quits an amount for the benefit of the school was realized from the ceremony of writing on the scroll. Rabbl J. Bloch spoke of the virtues of self-help and praised those present for the Interest they are taking "in the school and asked them to continue their support He announced that Dr. Wise had promised to see that a building is erected for the school. The exam ination of the children then followed. After the examination, a pleasing mus ical programme was rendered. At the close of the ceremonies Rev. Seidel was surrounded by the audience, who congratulated him upon the show ing made. The use of the scroll was donated by Dr. N. Mosessohn. It will be usea also during the high holidays of the Jews at the services which will be held by Rev. Seidel in the Neighbor hood House. STRONGER ARMY. IN CHINA Yuan Shih Kai to Take Charge of War Department. PEKIN. Aug. 25. It is believed to night that Yuan Shih Kai is about to relinquish the Vice-Royalty of Chl-Li for the purpose of becoming the head of the War Department. His action is eald to be due to the realization of the central government that lta posi tion is weaker than ever before, and was also promoted by the reported mal lUUViJ lJ I JL Vw J rs. HFT WASHINGTON SIXTH STREETS By the Annual Advance Sale of GRADE OF SILK IN COLOR TO MATCH. WOOIi . 3.9o ...$5.35 ...$6.35 ...S7.15 ...S7.65 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $10.00 $12.00 $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 values, . , values. . . values. . values- values. . , pair. 35 Regular $7.50 grades, special at, pair In the Muslinw ear Aisle LADIES FANCY HANDKER CHIEF APRONS, each made of three handkerchiefs of assorted colors, in very pretty and catchy styles. Regular price gf q 75c; special, each Oi7C Special Sale of LOT 1 Regular value 90c to $1.65; LOT 2 Regular value CI OQ $1.75 to $3.00; special...... LOT Regular value IB $3.25 to $4.65; special ',io LOT 4 Regular value fO $4.75 to $6.50; special . . P'J--iJ These dresses are made of pique, d Buster Brown styles. They are fancy eiaDorate. administration of China's modern army by Tieh Liang, the Minister of War, whose methods have resulted in the discontent of 50,000 soldiers, whose pay is in arrears. Yuan Shih Kai,' when urged to as sume office In the central government, before consenting to accept, named the fullflllment of certain changes relating to the affairs of the War Department as a condition. The Dowager Empress has summoned Chang Shi Tug and Yuan Shih Kai to consider the alarm ing growth of anti-Manchu sentiment. Several Viceroys and Governors have been memorializing the throne to ex plain the cause of such sentiment. The growing popular enmity is as cribed to the failure of the Dowager'e three edicts in the past six years, re moving the distinctions between Chi nese and Manchus in lnter-marrlage, abolishing the partiality shown to Manchus in law, and prevntlng the fa voritism shown Manchus in appoint ments to office. The murder of the Manchu Governor, En Ming, by Chinese and Dr. Sun Yat Sens' captured corre spondence have greatly excited the court. The correspondence of the re former. Dr. Sun Yat Sens, urged that China's undivided duty to exter minate the Manchu power. These rev elations have disposed the Dowager toward placing Yuan Shih Kai at the head of all defense. LUCKY FALL SAVES LIFE Three Accidents in Lebanon Sawmill in One Day. ALBANY, Or., Aug. 25. (Special.) Three accidents in one day is the record of the Lebanon sawmill. None of them resulted fatally. , Harry Sturm suffered the loss of one Hraft SRADI VRRNriH AND STAIN COMBINED It's wonderf til i how a coat of JAP-A-LAC -will improve the appearance of a weather beaten front door. Get a can today, and try it for yourself. It's easy to put it on, you'll enjoy doing' it, and the results are magical. SSIXTECN FOR JAU BY All FIRST CLASS WINT.rttRCMWE BEAUTIFUL COLORS. M) DRUG DEALERS! REFUSE u. rur( a 1 1 rtr - suBsrmmrs! loftO I MlilS. tUAOI. J J J i 1a 8.95 ,...$11.00 ....S16.50 ....S18.0Q ....$20.00 $3.95 LASTS: as follows: Vl? P ' LADIES PETTICOATS, of fine black mercerized sateen. They come in large variety of styles .of flounces, all are full 7-gored, and all have double-stitched seams. Regular price $4.50 ; 78 Children's Dresses special price 73t LOT 8 Regular value $4.16 $6.75 to $9.ju; special LOT 6 Regular (gular value CA OQ $10.50 to $12.60; special LOT 7 Regular value fy 07 $15.6.1 to $20.50; special p.Of uck lawn and organdy. In sailor and trimmed, from the plain to the most finger and injury to others on the same edging saw where Charles Swlnk lost his left hand a few weeks ago. Soon after this accident a piece of slab caught In the main Baw and was hurled back through the .mill with great force directly toward Delbert Walton, one of the em ployes. Walton was standing at the end of the mill and had the presence of mind to fall backward. He struck on the ground 12 feet below uninjured. Only the fact that the flying slab struck a pulley, which partially checked its force, gave Walton time to fall, and to tht3 circumstance he probably owes his life. A short time afterward Milton Bogart, another employe of the mlfl, fell against the head block of the carriage and broke his collar bone. Another Lebanon accident was suf fered by Orvllle Swlnk who resides on a ranch near that city. He was handling a large animal, when. In running, he stepped on a rock, which turned with him so that both bones of his ankle were broken. DEAD OP THE NORTHWEST. Dr. M. F Browne. BOISE, Idaho. Aug. 25. (Special.) Dr. M. F. Browne died of cancer yesterday at Dr. Mary Johnson's sanitarium, where he had lived for several years. Dr. Browne was well known through the Northwest and especially in Oregon, where he held a chair In Willamette Uni versity for many years. He was born In Ireland In 1829, and came to this country when 21 years old. His medical education was received In Philadelphia, but the most of his life was spent in teaching. T. D. Keed. ALBANY, Or. Aug. 25. (Special.) T. D. Reed, a Civil War Veteran, who tING Experts Do the Work AT LENNON'S UMBRELLA HOSPITAL There are as many different ways of treating a disabled um brella as there are of handling a sick patient. There is the skilled specialist on the one hand and the quack doctor on the other. We are pe-lalt!tn In the Umbrella Repairing RunlnrKS and employ a staff of trained attendants who take care of all cases that enter our hospital. "I nibrella Re covered and Repaired, better than new" our motto. We can tell you why. Guaranteed covers from 66 cents to 17.60. IS All kinds of nrgrleal work. 309 Morrison Street IS Fine Petticoats Of muslin, nainsook and lawn: trimmed in a great many styles In different kinds of laces, em broidery insertions and edging. Prices range from $5.50 to $50. j0. Your choice . from $417 A (Iff to $37.50 for Nr interest by every good importance. A sale that Jewelry And Leather Goods Dep't A special from each section that will prove of unusual interest for economical buyers. STERLING SILVER HAIR BRUSHES, in artistic floral de signs ; a high-grade article that sells regularly at $2.25 each; spe cial tor today $1.69 WRIST BAGS A splendid assort ment containing many styles, col ors and leathers; values worth to $12, in seal, morocco, walrus and novelty leathers. Your choice of Ef..'"!.1?. $5.00 moved to this city only six weeks ago from Crescent City, cal., died last ev ening at the Anderson Rooming House, where he was residing. He ras suf fered from a long Illness with cancer. Reed was 64 years old and leaves a wife, who accompanied him to Albany, and four children, residing in differ ent parts of Washington and California. He was a native of Delaware and served throughout the Civil War with Company C, of the First Delaware Cavalry. PERS0NAL MENTION. General David Vickers, the Adjutant General, State of Idaho, and Mrs. Vickers are at the Seaside House, Holladay station, where the former Is recuperating from a long and serious illness. CHICAGO. Aug. 25. (Special.) Oregon people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: From Portland R. C. Marion, at the Grand Pacific; F. R. Leaton, at the Well ington; C. E. Hicks, at the Palmer House. WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS W.G.SMITH 6 CO. WASHINGTON BUILDING Fourth and Waahinztoo Straeit Fees mot reasonable. 9- Formerly JLennons Allesina's Opp. Postoffice I"!