Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 24, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Couatlnr-Raom Main T070
City Circulation i ... Main 7070
Managing Erlltor Main 7070
Funi.ay Editor Main 7070
Composing-Room Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
Euperin'endent Building Main 7070
siae urnce uast oi
THEJ HBILIG THEATER (14th and Washing
ton RtreetM This afternoon. 2:15 o'clock;
tonlirht. 8:15, the popular comedian. Ezra
Ker.flall. In the comedy, 'Swell Elegant
. between 6th and 7th) Stockwell-Mac-Gregor
Company In "The Second In Com
mand." Matinee 2:15 P. M. Tonight at
.OIUNO THEATER (Washington, between
I--irk and Seventh) Vaudeville. 8:30. 7:30
and 8 P. M.
PANTAGLS THEATER 4th and Starlc)-'-Continuous
vaudtvl!l. 2:30. 7:80. t P. M.
LYRIC THEATER 7th and Alder) The
Allen Stock Company In -The Girl From
Albany." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees Tues
day. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at
2:15 P. M.
STAR THKATER (Park and Washington)
All-Star Stock Company ln,"The Tie That
Binds." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees Tues
day, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at
2:15 P. M.
THE OAKS (O. W. P. earllne) Gates open
12:30 P. M. to 11 P. M.. Sundays and
holidays, 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Band con
certs and Tree specialties.
Ocean Park C. H. H1U
The Breakers) J. M. Arthur
Lone Beach Etrauhal A Co.
Seavlew Etrauhal A Co.
Gearhart . . .Drewaer A Co.
Seaside Dresser A Co.
Newport r. H. Lane
Mocllps, Wash Breakers Pavilion
Carson Springs..... .Mineral Hotel
Collins Springs Belcher A Co.
Moffltt Spring. ...T. atoffltt
Wllholt Springs F. W. VcLeran
For quickest and moat satisfactory
service, subscribe for The Oregonlan at
Cummer resorts through the aboTe
agent. City rates. Subscriptions by
mall are payable In advance.
Slogans are Pourino in. The East
Side Business Men's Club will have
slogans to burn, judging from the rate
they are pouring In from all over the
country. The committee called for a
catchy phrase that would advertise the
East Side and call attention to Its busi
ness. The Intention Is to place the phrase
or slogan. In the form of an illumination
at various prominent points, and also to
use It on printed matter. H. Calef, C. A.
Blglow and W. H. Markell are the com
mittee to receive letters In the contest.
The sum of J50 cash Is the prize. One
woman said, "I just must have that $50."
Letters have been received from Pendle
ton and other points outside of Portland,
and other are coming In. The contest will
close October 3, and at the rate the let
ters are being received it Is estimated
that there will be 1000 suggestions.
Special, Train Leaves First and Alder
Streets, today 1:45 P. M., carrying per
sons to sale of Fairview fruit farm
tracts. Many ladles and gentlemen of
Portland and vicinity, have signified their
Intention of attending. Fairview fruit
farm tracts situated on new Troutdale ex
tension of O. W. P. Railway, 12 miles
from Portland. Get an acre and live
on It. Fruit, berries, cereals, celery, let
tuce, peas, string beans, every variety of
market garden produce. Development
work .all done. First crops will pay for
land. Terms easy. Secure tickets from
W. B. Keady or W. E. Burke, room 15,
Mallory Bldg., 268 Stark street, or on
special train marked "Falrview-Trotit-dale."
Take Special Train This Afternoon
1:45 o'clock, First and Alder streets to
attend sale Fairview fruit farms tracts.
Special cars marked "Fairvtew-Trout-dale."
Many well-known citizens of Port
land and vicinity will attend sale of these
choice tracts. Only 12 miles from city.
Cheap, rapid, frequent transportation,
monthly commutation less than rent of a
city room. Good income raising fruit and
market garden produce. Ground ready
for planting. First crop will pay for land.
Secure tickets from W. P. Keady or TV.
E. Burke, room 15, Mallory Bldg., 268
Stark street, or on special train.
Noted Redemptorist Couino. Very
Rev. Father Thomas Brown, of St. Louis,
Mo., principal of the Redemptorist Order,
Is expected to arrive in Portland next
week, and will be entertained in the
Redemptorist parish at Piedmont. He will
be given a formal reception by members
of the parish and will spend several
days here. The committee on entertain
ment held a meeting last night and com
pleted arrangements for the reception for
the distinguished guest.
Noted Reformer Oomino. Dr. TVilbur
F. Crafts, a reformer of National reputa
tion, will visit Portland, September 14 and
15. Dr. Crafts Is the founder and gen
eral superintendent of the International
Reform Bureau, of Washington, D. C,
and his wife, Mrs. Crafts is the Sunday
school superintendent of the World's TV.
C- T. U. Dr. Crafts and wifo have been
touring Asia during the Summer, and are
now on their return trip.
Butchers' Union Names Officers.
The annual installation and election of
officers of the Meat Cutters' Union, a
branch of the Almagamated Meat Cutters
and Butcher Workers' of America, was
held last night in the Cooks' and Walters'
hall. The following men were elected
to nil the offices: President, Charles J.
Pettycord; vice-president, v Charles J.
Geischel; secretary and treasurer, O. A.
Propertt Owners! We want houses to
rent. We are turning away scores of
desirable renter's every week for lack of
houses. If you have a house or flat (or
a dozen of them) list with us. We will
rent them for you, and collect the rent.
The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 240-244
Washington street, corner Second.
Telegraphers' Ball, -Murlark hall,
Thursday, August 29. Prasp's Orchestra,
Tickets, tl per couple: for sale at Mc
Allen & McDonnell, Woodard. Clarke &
Co., Samuel Rosenblatt & Co., Scnlller's
cigar store.
Bank Open Saturday Evenings. For
the accommodation f depositors, the
savings bank of the Title Guarantee &
Trust Company. 240 Washington street,
corner Second, is open on . Saturday
'evenings from 6 till 8 o'clock.
The Regulator Line steamer Tele
phone will make the trip to Cascade Locks
end return Sunday, August 25, leaving
Alder-street dock at 9 A. M., .returning
about 5 P. M.. fare for the round trip,
tl, meals 50 cents.
Take the A. & C. R. R. for Seaside and
Clatsop Beach Summer resorts, two
through trains daily, 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Special train Saturdays, 3:10 P. M. Ticket
office, Third and Morrison streets.
Operators and clerks wanted by the
Western Union Telegraph Company.
Good opportunity for young men and
women with some knowledge of teleg
raphy. Bonus salary paid.
Kruse's Beach Hotel, Gearhart Park!
Open for season. Address Harry T. But
terworth. Gearhart Park, Or.
For Rent. Two nice outside rooms.
See Superintendent. Room 201 Oregonlon
building. e
Entrance fee on Y. M. C. A. member
ship dropped until August 31. Join now.
Grand opening of Hotel Hoyt, 142 N. 10th,
Saturday night: music. and refreshments.
Dr. W. I. Northup, dentist has re
turned; 3C8 Fliedner Bldg.. 10th and Wash.'
A. Vuilleumier. jeweler moved to 250
Alder, between Second and Third streets.
Dr. Calvin S. White has returned.
Visitor From Treka. Secretary T. J.
Nolton, of the Treka, Cal., Chamber of
Commerce, has been paying a brief visit
to Portland. He is very enthusiastic over
the present prosperity , and about the
future of Siskiyou County, for which he
is preparing a gold exhibit for the Cali
fornia State Fair, to be held , at Sacra
mento next month. He says the mineral
resources of the county he represents are
limitless, and are just coming into pro
minence. Capital, he states, is being at
tracted to the gold, copper and timber
belts. The mineral wealth, he states, is
wonderful. He says that since the earth
quake. Siskiyou County has done a great
deal of its trading with Portland. At the
close of the State Fair, he says he will
bring th gold exhibit to this city to
show the people here how great that In
dustry Is. !
Dr. Matson Brings Bridd Home. Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph C. Matson, nee Ferrari,
arrived from San Francisco last night,
where they were married on Wednesday,
August 21. Mrs. Matson was Miss Adelina
Ferrari, member of a well-known family
In San Francisco. Only the Immediate
family and a few close friends witnessed
the ceremony. Marr Bissailon, of Port
land, acted as best man. Dr. Matson met
Miss Ferrari while stationed at a hospital
In San Francisco at the time of the earth
quake, being one of the physicians sent
there in the relief train from Portland.
He was formerly house surgeon at Good
Samaritan Hospital and Is at present
bacteriologist in the State Board of
Health. Dr. and Mrs. Matson will spend
a week In British Columbia and on their
return will reside at Elton Court. '
Repairing Pioneer Church. The Has-ealo-street
Congregational church. Rev.
Paul Rader, pastor, is being repaired. It
was found as the contractor started work
that the woodwork was badly, decayed.
The floor had settled four Inches and the
ends of the sills were nearly rotted off.
This church is the oldest on the East
Side,, it having been built 35 years ago
and is of brick. The Intention Is to make
It do for a year or two and then re
place It with a modern structure. Rev.
Paul Rader, the pastor, is away on his
vacation. He will return and resume his
work here on completion of the repairs
now under way.
"All Aroard" for Fairview Fruit
Farms Sale. Special train leaves First
and Alder streets 1:45 P. ,M. today. Chance
of lifetime for men or women to secure
Independence. Can make big income rais
ing produce for city trade. Rich soil
ready for planting. First crops will pay
for land. Development work all done.
Fortune, Independence, 'health, comfort,
with little effort. Only 12 miles from
Portland, cheap freight and passenger
rates. Secure tickets from W. P. Keady
or W. E. Burke, room 15, Mallory Bldg.,
2tS8 Stark street, or on special train
marked "Fairview-Troutdale."
Teachers' Examination. The regular
annual examinations for Portland public
school teachers will commence next Wed
nesday. The examinations will be held
In room No. 1. of the City Hall, and will
continue for three, days. Examinations
In arithmetic, reading and- grammar will
be held on the .first day; geography, writ
ing and physiology on the second day;
teaching, spelling and history on the third
day. The papers of all applicants In the
state and county examinations have been
forwarded to Salem, and the results will
not be known until the first week In
Funeral of Hamilton E. Brooke. Fu
neral services for the late Hamilton E.
Brooke were held at Trinity Episcopal
Church yesterday morning, Rev. A. A.
Morrison, the rector, officiating-. The
Impressive- ritual service of the church
was used. There were hymns toy a
male quartet. Professor F. W. Goodrich
presided at the piano. Services at the
Crematorium were private.
Missino Man Found. M. Bercovich, who
has been reported as missing from his
home, 270 Columbia street, is in St. Vin
cent's Hospital, Buffering from illness and
despondency. He was sent to the Institu
tion by Acting City Physician Short,
whom he met on the street a week ago,
and to whom he declared that he wished
to die,
"The Value of Stmmetrt in Lifd and
Character" will be the theme of tomor
row morning's sermon in the First Pres
byterian Church. In the evening,
"Christ's Commentary on the Leopard's
Spots." The services will be conducted
both morning and evening by the Rev.
Charles Gorman Richards, of Sterling, 111.
Visiting Officer Honored. Mrs. M. J.
Kinch, of Cedar Rapids, la., an officer In
the National auxiliary of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers, was the guest
of A. E. Curtis, Division 261, of the local
order at dinner on Tuesday last. Mrs.
Kinch was presented with a sliver spoon
by the women of the Division.
Holiness Religious Meetings. The
Oregon Holiness Association will hold
their all-day meeting at the Church of the
Nazarine, 428 Burnside street, Tuesday,
August 27. Services '10:30, 2:30 and 8
o'clock. Everybody cordially invited.
Excursion on the steamer Beaver to
Lewis River, under auspices of St.
Joseph's Aid Society, Sunday, August 25;
steamer leaves Couch-street docks at 8:30
A. M. sharp. Adult tickets 75 cents.
Funeral of the Late Charles Car
dinell. Arrangements were made yes
terday for the funeral of the late Charles
Cardinell, which will be held Sunday at
2 P. M. at the First Baptist Church.
"The World's Greatest Market," and
"Christ's Highly Contract" will be the
subjects of Dr. House at the First Con
gregational Church, Sunday, morning and
evening. '
New Notarial Certificates. The fol
lowing named received notarial certifi
cates yesterday at the County 'Clerk's
office: C. Ben Riesland and P. W. Lewis.
Fire! Fire!- Fire!
Canton bazaar, big fire sale, Chinese and
Japanese fancy goods at any price. Wing
Wah Lung Co., 90 Sixth street.
Calvart Presbyterian Church. Rev.
Boudlnst Seeley, Jr., will preach tomor
row on "The Resurrection," and "Moses,
the Great Deliverer."
TV. O. W. Take a trip to Seaside Sun
day and have a good dinner at Locksley
hall, .high tide at 1 P.JM.
Business Men's Lunch 11:40 to 2. All
home-cooking. Women's Ex.. 133 10th st.
Two Companies of National Guard
Will Engage in Struggle.
Tomorrow the people of Fulton will
have a chance to see what a battle
looks like. A sham battle has been
arranged between 1 Company C, of the
Oregon National Guard, and another
company, the scene of operations to be
one mile south of Fulton.
One thousand rounds of ammunition
will be fired and it is expected that
the boys will obtain some excellent
practice. Company C, which has a
reputation of being the best company
in the Oregon National Guard for
skirmishes and drill, will take the of
fensive and will send out squads to
attack the enemy, who will be- hidden
in the brush. One squad will be held
back for reinforcements.
The men will be dressed In the regu
lation uniform of khaki, with leggings,
campaign hat and blue shirt, canteen
and sabor. All the members of Com
pany C have been asked to report at
the armory at 9 o'clock promptly. A
warning has also been sent out to the
people near Fulton not to come too
near, to the firing.
If Baby la Cutting Teeth
Be sure and use tnat old well-tried remedy.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens the
gums, allays pain, colic and diarrhoea.
Investors in Coos Bay Town
site Property Disappointed.
Local Purchasers of Stock In South
Harbor Development Company
Seek to Realize on Holdings In
New Promotion Concern.
When Portland people put their money
In stocK of a certain Coos Bay townsite
company they supposed the enterprise
would pay the promoters well, for pro
moters, as a rule, are not In the business
for tnelr health.
It would appear from tne complaint en
tered In the Circuit Court yesterday with
the title: "Amended complaint South
Harbor Development Company vs. B. D.
Whitney, C. W. Tower. Isaac Tower, C.
W. Codding. E. R. Robinson, W. I. Lati
mer and Bennett Trust Company,- that
recent purcnaserg of stock in the town
site company are not quite satisfied with
the manner the concern was organized.
The complaint recites at great length
how the Individual defendants, or ome
of them, obtained an option on certain
lands near Marshfleld. belonging to Ste
phen and Pleslly Lapp, for $11,700. It
was the Intention of the organizers of the
land company to form a stock company
to which the land would be transferred,
the tract platted into manufacturing sites
and uuilding lots and put on the market.
In furtherance of this plan, two mem
bers of the optlonists, according to the
complaint, sold stock in the townsite
company, the real estate being put In
at a valuation of $20,500.
A list of those buying stock In the new
company is given In the amended com
plaint as follows, with tne amount sub
scribed by each: Q. TV. Waterbury, $250;
John Lamont, $500; Pun Harris. $400; S. S.
Lamont, $100; W. G. Kegler. $1000;
Charles M. Hemphill, 1000; J. E. Davis.
$250; S. L. Hays, $500; A. C. Gage, $500;
F. E. Brockenbrough, $260, and R. S. Mc
Bride, $250. The promoters also appear
on the list of stockholders in various
When the option was about to expire,
so runs the complaint, it was voted to
send E. D. Whitney with $2500 to Marsh
field, there to raise the balance of the
money from the original option holders
with which to meet the payment and
have the deal closed up.
Averment Is made that "In order to
keep secret from the other stockholders
the true amount paid for the property,"
the optlonists had formed the liennett
Trust Company, and it was to that com
pany the transfer of the tract was made
at a figure different from that under
bought stock from Whitney. It Is
charged that with the $2500 voted by the
recent stockholders, $4000 was to have
been raised by the optlonists and Whit
ney was to put in $1000, thus provkiing
for a payment of $7500 to the Lapps. The,
plaintiffs represent that but $2000 was
paid the Bennett Trust Company, and
that the balance was divided between
the promoters and Whitney.
Michael Sln9 Left Testament Dispos
ing of Estate 14 Years Ago.
Soon after the death of Michael Sins,
which occurred last April, his widow was
appointed administratrix of his estate,
no will being found and it being believed
he had never executed one. A few days
ago, Henry Wagner found among his
papers a will made In April, 1893, the
existence of which had entirely .escaped
Mr. Wagner's memory. The provisions
of the will were of such a character that
the administration of the estate since
his death in no wise conflicted, as his
widow and children are the sole legatees.
The will was filed for probate yesterday
and Mrs. Sins appointed executrix, under
which title she will continue to act.
License for Saloonkeeper Merrill.
Doubts In the mind of Fred Merrill
concerning the sufficiency of his signers
for a renewal of his liquor license were
dispelled yesterday when he presented a
petition signed, he Btated, by 20 more
names than required. He said there are
194 voters on the last register of the
Gresham district, in v hich his 12-mlle
house is located, and that his petition
was signed by 120 voters, auuing he would
have had more but for the fact that
about 50 are away on vacations. He said
there were only nine refusals to sign and
those from prohibitionists. He declares
that he had not been selling anything
over his bar for the past few days.
Mrs. Darlington Changes Plea.
-Irs.. Darlington was beiore Judge Fra
zer yesterday on a charge of contributing
to Juvenile delinquency. Alice Francis, a
girl about li years of age, hau been har
bored in the Darlington house, and when
the woman was arrested fciie entered a
plea of not guilty. Yesterday, however,
she decided to change her plea to that
of guitly, and stana her chances with
the court. Deputy DiBtrict Attorney vai
loway had announced his Intention to
prosecute relentlessly the case against
the woman and another of .e same
stripe, a -4rs. Watklns, and tnls an
nouncement is believed to have had some
effect on- tne action taien by the accused
Partln Deposits Cash Ball.
When the case of G. K. Partln was
called in Judge Webster'B court yesterday
a young man from Lawyer Frank F.
Freeman's office arose and stated to the
court that Mr. Freeman was about to
start on his vacation and would be un
able to attend the hearing In the inter
ests of his client, Partin. prisoner
was allowed to enter bail In the sum of
$200, $100 of whjch the court required to
be deposited forthwith to cover payments
due for support of the wife and children.
Spreading Rapidly Through Hills
. North and "West of Town.
FOREST GROVE. Or., Aug. 22.
(Special.), Forest fires have been
burning at several places in the hilla
north and west of here during the past
two or three days. So far the
damage has not been very heavy.
The fires have been running mostly
on the ground, burning tops of trees
that have been cut and weeds and un
dergrowth among- standing- timber, but
not seriously affecting live trees.
M. W. Patton, of the Base Line Lum
ber Company, reports today that the
fire ran through his loggring- ground
Jupt beyond Gale's Peak where a half
million feet of logs was down.
Contaminating a Stream.
PORTLAND, Or.. Aug. 22. (To the Edl-
tor.) On Monday last I returned by team
from the headwater of Wind River. Wash.
While crossing: the bridge over said river,
located four miles above Carson, a buggy
drove ahead of our team. It sole occupant
drove close to the side of the bridge, lifted
a sack, containing some four or five full
grown cats, and weighted by a rock out of
his buggy, and threw it Into the clear water
of the stream. The struggling of the dying
felines rolled the sack and contents for a
short distance until it lodged in a deep hole
In the river,- where the decaying carcassed
of the cats will henceforth contaminate the
pure water of said mountain stream.
Farmers below this point and some 500 or
600 sojourners-at St. Martin's and the new
mineral springs, are daily drinking this
water. I drank It myself a week prior,
while fishing on the stream near the
springs. On learning who the perpetrator
of this dastardly act was, I felt more In
censed than ever. His name Is Wlgel, and
he holds the position of a Government forest
ranger In the Skamania County Reserve.
That such a beast, endangering the health
of the people, is able tp hold a federal po
sition is astonishing to me. He should be
made, per force pump, to drink the river
dry as long as the cats in question remain
lodged In the stream. Frank Easterbrook,
conducting a livery stable at Carson, and
wife, and another gentleman residing at
that place, but whose name I forget, wit
nessed the act. '
Allow me the query: Is it not a federal
offense to contaminate a mountain stream?
Or have the county health' officers au
thority In the matterf If so, the County
Health Officer of Skamania County Should
get busy to prosecute this wretcn. I am
willing to appear as a witness at any time,
if subpenaed.
We Will Be. Pleased to Take Home
- Bonds,
We, the undersigned, depositors and
creditors of the Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank, (closed) will be pleased to accept
In full payment for our balances or ac
counts in that Institution, Home Tele
phone bonds of either issue, allowing the
bank the regular price of par for bonds
with 60 per cent stock bonus. , This will
give the bank a profit on its purchase
and be highly satisfactory to the un
dersigned as we consider the bonds and
stock at this price same as cash to us and
a good investment and will allow us to
quickly realize on our balances now In
the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank,
Ernestine Strandborg Balance
James O'Brien, agent Balance
F. A. Jones Balance
Guy L. Johnson Balance
Merltt O. Collins 294.00
C. H. Pierce 41.00
Mrs. Marion Gilbert 70.00
Miss Emma Hitsman 750.00-
Julia Joham 11,100.00
N. 8. Hanief tSOO.OO
Ethel Habighorst ..: ajO.OO
Miss C. L. Prehn 60.00
Louis Wilde, on deposit 4,100.00
Taeoma Telephone Company, on
deposit 90,000.00
Omaha Independent Telephone i
Company, on deposit 320,000.00
Portland Home Company, on de
posit 2,500.00
James O'Brien, on deposit.. 2S5.00
Roberts & Co., on deposit !X.00
C. C. Craig, on depoait.. 925.00
L. W. Smeltser, on deposit 626.00
E. R. Heckman, trustee, on de-
posit 14,000.00
Wilbur, attorney, on deposit 1,200.00
Annie K. Berridge, on deposit 65.00
John K Day, on deposit S.116.SS
J. F. Greans. on deposit 150.00
A. H. Pemks, on deposit 40i)4
G. L. Allan, on deposit : 60.00
N. N. Curtis, on deposit 100.00
F. Wyler. on deposit 110.00
L. M. Rutonic, on deposit 850.00
A. B. Burghays, on deposit 300.00
Fred Good, on deposit ' 30.00
A. L. Tetu, on deposit 200.00
D. C. Henny. on deposit 1,600.00
Haskell (Journal), on deposit Balance
C. F. Fisher, on deposit 3,200.00
George B. Wagner, on deposit 200.00
Albert Freda, on deposit 60.00
Mark Roberts, trustee, on de
posit 300.00
B. El Clements, on deposit . 360.00
Mrs. B. B. Clements, on deposit.. 100.00
Guy Frank, on deposit 50.00
J. Ooyle, on deposit 137.00
Mrs. W. D. DeVarney. Albany,
on deposit, balance 201.00
F. M. Coker, Jr., on deposit 150.00
Fred Gavin, on deposit 120.00
Dr. Swensson, on deposit Balance
R. A. Nielson, on deposit Balance
Mrs. C. M. Dukengille 755.00
Otto Herman 665.00
(R. B. Condon 40.00
A. G. Roy 30.00
J. W. Boyer 623.00
Alex Sweek, trustee 1,240.00
Alex Sweek. personal Balance
E. L. Sweek Balance
Empire Construction Co 12,000.00
W. B. Stewart Balance
C. W. Muth : 300.00
S. F. Fouts Balance
Clements -Syndicate, on deposit... 60,000.00
E. C. Brismann, on deposit Balance
Thomas Gavin on deposit 130.00
Dr. W. A. Cox, on deposit Balance
Women's and misses new tailored suits,
coats and skirts now on display. Extra
special values today In children's and
misses' coats and dresses. McAllen &
McDonnell. The store noted ' for best
goods at lowest prices.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; . flno private apart
ments for parties. SOS Wash., near 6th.
Two Bankruptcy Petitions.
Carl W. Jones, a Portland cigar dealer,
yesterday filed a petition in bankruptcy
in the Federal Court. His liabilities
amount to $6123.40. Daniel A. O'Meara,
of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, also
filed a petition In the same court yester
day. His liabilities aggregate $1546.37.
Potter Schedule for Beach.
The steamer Potter will sail from
Portland, Ash-street dock, Saturday, 7:30
A. M. Get tickets and make reservations
at city ticket office. Third and Washing
ton streets. C. W. Stinger, city ticket
agent. .
'"pHE letters in the
word G-o-r-d-o-n
are just a little more
than enough to speU
Gordon Hats are just"
a little better than
need be.
Gordon de Luxe
"pHE hat label
' that means
a whole dollar
more of
the extra 3
better- A
ness, I
Barber's Supply Co.
Headquarters for reliable Toilet Goods.
Cutlery, etc We s-lnd everythlng
Morrlaos and Tenth Sts.
The Importance
Absolute Safety
for your money Is a matter you can
settle cow by opening an account
with the
"Oldest Trust Company in Oregon"
It has been in business over 20
Strong and well-equipped. Progres
sive, yet conservative.
RESOURCES, OVER $2,400,000.
Does a general banking; and trust
company business.
Portland Trust Company ot Oregon
B. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts.
Phone Exchange 72.
BEN J. I. COHEN President
H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA.. .Assistant Secretary
DR. W. A. WISE has returned from Alaska.
We can extract one or all your
teeth without hurting: a bit, and
fiut in new teeth the same day
f you desire.
Our system of crown and
bridge work Is simple, quick and
When desired you can have T.
P. Wise or my personal service.
Palnlee Extracting; Free wheal
Platea are Ordered.
and doing: dental work all the
time. That Is the record of Dr.
W. A. Wise. That's one reason
our business has grown our pa
trons come back, and they send
their friends.
W. A. WISE, Dentist
Failing bid., 3d and Washington mtu
8 A. M. to 8 P. SI. Sundays O to li
Painless Extraction BOcf Plates 93
T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturdevant
and H. A. Huffman
E. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Established in 1866 by
FuU Shrank.
Hare "LINOCORD" eyelet bnttonbolec
Essy to button. Strong to hold,
aio. r. ioc a oo ( trot, h. v.
taoold bo of Interest to ererr woman. If
Grr or Btabcbed, It can bo restored to Itt
natural oolor, or made any ahado desired.
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
is the acknowledged STANDARD
HAIR COLORING of the age. It is
easily applied, makes the hair soft
ana ffiossy, is aDsoiuteiy narmjess.
Sample of hair colored free. Corre
spondence confidential,
lmpaltl Ckca. Mlf. C0..1J5W. 2J4 S4..N.Y.
& Martin, 323 Washington Street.
Crowns and Brlago
work $3.00.
SIS.OO Fnll Set of
Teeth, 16.00.
Room 405, Deknm
Qchwab Printing Co.
The C&tli&rine Aiken School
FOR GIRLS. Btamford, Conn., Near New
York City.
Address Mrs. Harriet Beecher Scovillo
Devan, A. B. (Wellesley.)
I pi,nM 5 Main 165 I
I Phone8 t Home A1165
I First and Oak
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
dg Always Boy ""''Jv
xWfMi&W Collars'
sr? ii isslsrr-fisSlsWtHssatStsnvisi' I
108 said 110 Fourth Street.
Sole Distributors for Oregon mud Wsksblncton.
The Oregcnian, 1 Year
A Good Talking Machine, value
Six Standard Records, value .
mm $25.65
By subscribing; to The Oregrmian for one year you can obtain a
reg-ular J25 high-grade TolTtin" Machine, six records of your selection
included, or choice of a 125 Violin and complete outfit all for $26.66.
Amount saved to subscriber is
oner, ana tne most popular ever mad. to western .newspaper reaaers.
Open only to those subscribing for Th. Oregonlan. The conditions and
terms are very liberal.
Delivery is promptly msTde upon payment of $1.85 for th. machine)
and 75 cents for a month's subscription. Thereafter 60 cents a week on
the machine and 7R cents a month for the newspaper until th. contract
naa been completed. . Bend In your order at one. Call, phone or write.
US Washington, Corner Park.
(Pfcona Ex. 23.)
Coma to School at BsautlTid
St. Mary's
of Portland,
THERE is no place
in all the West
which enables
younjr ladies to se
cure complete edu
cation under such
delightful conditions
as a,t. Mary's of
The situation
Is ideal, overlooking
magnificent moun
tain peaks, wooded
heights and "The
Beau tlful Willam
ette." Training and
e n v I ronment at St.
Mary's combine to
the development of
eullu red. talented
. and graceful young
w o m e n: Portland;
the wealthiest city
of the North west,
has finest ad
vantages socially, as
well as In music, art,
T o u can make
your education as
complete as you
wish at St. Mary's,
of Portland.
Send Today for Cata
logue. P V I A L A "
Belmont School
Near San Francisco, believes that it fairly
offers the educational advantages that
thoughtful parents are seeking for their
boys. A catalogue and book of views wtll
explain the purpose and spirit of the school.
Next term begins August 12, 1907. W. T.
EEID, A. M. (Harvard). Head Master; W.
T. REID. JR., A. M. (Harvard), Assistant
Head Master.
America 'a
Without a Rival
Wears Well, Brilliant
to a Degree
The Oriental Wood Finish
A combination of most dur
able Varnish and Stains, for
Interior Wood Work. Floors,
Furniture, etc
Fisher, Thorsen 8 Co. I
Front and Morrison Sts.
111.95. This Is the beet combination
Boom 200, Oregonlan B Eliding,
(Pbon Main 7070.)
University Park Station, Portland. Orecon.
Catholic Boarding and Day School for
young men and boya. Situated on a high
plateau skirting the Willamette River and
overlooking the panoramic City of Portland;
a veritable health resort for students. Ex
tensive play-grounds and the largest gym
nasium in the Northwest.
Collegiate, Preparatory and Commercial
Catalogue sent on application.
School opens September 10.
Brunot Hall
A Boarding: and Day
School for Girls
Certificate admits to Smith-Wellesly
and other colleges. The music depart
ment under the charge of artists is a
special feature. Fine art studio. Write
for illustrated catalogue. For further
information address
1209 Paclflo .Avenue, Spokane, Wash.
Delightfully situated; magnificent view:
homelike comforts. Manual Training, Mili
tary Discipline, College Preparation. Boys
of any age admitted at any time. Writ
for Illustrated Catalogue.
Proprietor and Principal.
MedlcaJ Department
University of Oregon
21st Annual Seeolon Begins Bept. 16, 1807.
Address 6. E. Joseph!. M. D., Dean,
010 Dekum Bids.. Portland.
The Allen Preparatory School
Corner East Twelfth and Salmon sts.
Fits for Eastern colleges and scientific
schools. Seventh yer begins Bept. 18. 1907.
For catalogues address The Allen Prep
aratory School. Telephone East 4S89. Office
hours, 9 12.