14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1907. E CK OF COPiUNA PURCHASED BY DOE Stranded Steamer Bought by North Pacific Company of Portland. WRECKERS TO THE SCENE Efforts Will Be Made Immediately to Haul, the Craft Into Deep Water Owners . Are Confl - dent of Success. C. P. Doe, manager of the North Pa cific Steamship Company, now operating the steamships Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder, between Portland and San Pedro and way ports, has purchased the wreck of the Pacific Coast Company's steamer Corona, now on the sands to the north 'Ward of the entrance to Humboldt Bay. - During the past six weeks Mr. Doe has been In the vicinity of Eureka and has made an extended examination of the wreck.' If It Is found possible to save the Corona she will bo floated. It has been stated that her hull is full of sand and that It will be impossible to save the vessel. Mr. Doe. however, has had con siderable experience in wrecking vessels, particularly the Oo. W. Elder, and is satisfied that the Corona can be dragged Into deep water. With a full crew of competent -wreckers and all the paraphernalia requsite for the work, Mr. Doe will leave San Francisco today for Eureka, where he will remain until his efforts are proven a success or , failure. If successful, the Corona will probably be placed on the run between Portland, Coos Bay and Eureka. Mr. Doe began operations with the Roanoke and' later acquired an Interest in the Geo. W. Elder, which -was bought from the O. R. & N. Company, by J. H. Peter son. Mr. Doe' looked after the wrecking of the vessel and placing her in com mission. Later he bought out Peterson. The steamship Corona, operating be tween San Francisco and Eureka for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, while on the north-bound trip and in command of Captain Boyd, stranded on the north Jetty of the Humboldt bar on the morning of March 1 last. At the time she had on board 100 passengers and a crew of 30 men. With the exception of one man, H. Erickson, all on board were saved. The Corona was one of the crack steam ers of the fleet. She was a sister of the Pomona and was built in Philadelphia In 1S8S, and measured 9C5 net tons burden. Her dimensions are: Length, 220.7 feet; beam, 35.2 feet; depth of hold, 15.7 feet. SALMON FROM BKISTOIi BAY Ship St. Nicholas Arrives With Pack of Columbia River Association. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 23. (Special.) The American ship St. Nicholas arrived in this afternoon from Nushagak River. Bristol Bay, Alaska, with a cargo of 29.865 cases of salmon, the pack of the Columbia River Packers' Association's cannery at Nushagak. The St. Nicholas reports an exceptionally pleasant trip, and she made the record run of 17 days from port to port: The same vessel made the run to Nushagak last Spring in 16 days, which was also the record for sailing vessels. The St. Nicholas was in company with the Ship John Currier on the evening of August 8, the night before the latter ves sel was wrecked. The fog was very thick and a light wind was blowing from the southwest. When approximately five or six miles from the coast the St. Nicholas found 26 fathoms of water, so stood oft. shore, leaving the Currier still standing on her course. That was the last seen of her. While In Unimak Pass the St Nicholas saw the Guy C. Goss, which is under charter to the Northwestern fisheries, but left her soon after reaching the Pacific. IiAWTOX IS TO BE RENAMED New Steamer for Portland Run Will Be Christened "Rose City." .On completion of the repairs now being made to the steamship Lawton, of the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Com pany, she will be rechrlstened the Rose City, in honor of the City of Portland. The steamship Kansas City, recently purchased from the Ocean Steamship Company, of New York, will probably be renamed the Bay City. This information was conveyed in a message received yes terday by J. H. Dewson from General Manager Schwerin. . The Kansas City will be the first vessel on the route. She Is now outward 'bound from New Tork and is due to arrive at San Francisco early in October. She is fully equipped for passenger service. When the renaming of the new steam ers for the Portland run was first broached a number of names were sug gested. Among them were Willamette, Sacramento, Beaver and Seal. VINCENNES IS CHARTERED OUT Spot Ship Taken by Kerr, Gifford & Co. for Grain Loading. The French bark Vlncennes, which ar rived In several days ago from Glasgow with general cargo for Meyer. Wilson & Co.. was chartered yesterday for out ward loading of wheat and barley by Kerr, Gifford & Co. The vessel is a union ship and the rate established by the Association was probably paid for the outward freight. The Vlncennes is a craft of 1739 net tons burden and is capable of carrying SiXiO tons of cargo. She moved from the stream to Columbia Dock No. 1 yester day and will begin discharging this morn ing. She will clean up within a week and will line immediately for the out voyage. Her Jay days will begin about September 20. VIOL ATE 1 NAVIGATION LAWS Owner of Launch Lotus round Guilty by Inspectors. A. Norman, one of the owners of the gasoline launch Lotus, which collided with the launch Nancy, the evening of August 11. inflicting considerable damage on the latter craft, was yesterday found guilty of disobeying the navigation laws and the matter was referred to the customs officials for action. The investigation was held before Lo cal Inspectors Edwards and Fuller. All evidence went to show that the master of the Lotus was at fault. As neither the man in charge of the Nancy nor the master of the Lotus was operating under a license, it was up to the Inspectors to turn the matter over to the customs offi cers. Under the law a fine of $500 can be imposed on the operator of any. ves sel propelled by power for disobeying the navigation laws of the United States. V Queen Alexandra Arrives In. The British steamship Queen Alex andra, under charter to the Paclflo Ex port Lumber Company, arrived in the river yesterday afternoon and proceeded on up to Portland. The, steamer left Vancouver three days ago. The Queen Alexandra will take a part cargo at Linnton and will finish at some point on the river. Marine Notes. The steamship Costa Rica, from San Francisco, is due to arrive in tomorrow morning. The steamship Breakwater, from Coos Bay ports, will arrive at an early hour this morning. The steamship Alliance, now undergoing repairs at the Supple yards, will be ready for service bythe last of the month. The steamer Bailey Gatzert will be launched at the yards of the Portland Shipbuilding Company at 10 o'clock this morning. The German ship Siam finished dis charging at Columbia No. 1 yesterday and shifted to aboVe the Madison-street bridge in the evening. Arrivals and Departures. ASTORIA, Or., Aug-. 23. Condition of the bar at 6, P. M., obscured; wind, northwest, 20 miles; weather, clear. Arrived down at mid night and sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer City of Panama, for San Franclaco. Arrived down at 5 and sailed at 9:30 A. M. Steamer Excel- elor, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 5:20 and sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for San Pedro and way port. Salle at 10:3o A. M. Schooner Beulah. for San Francisco. Arrive at 11:45 A. M. ami left up at 3:30 P. M. German steamer JCumantla, from Hongkong and wa- ports. Arrived at 12:05 and left up at 5 P. M. British steamer Queen Alexandra, from Victoria. Arrived at 12:10 and left up at 1:30 P. M. Steamer Catania, from Monterey. Arrived at 1:40 P. M. American ship St. Nicholas, from Nush agak. Sailed last night Schooner Alumna, for Valparaiso. Port Harford. Aug. 23. Sailed yesterday steamer Santa Maria, for Portland. Cherbourg, Aug. 23 Sailed Auguet 17 jrench bark Bayard, for Portland. Newcastle, Aug. 23. Sailed August 13 French bark Brlxeux. for Portland. San Francisco, Aug. 2A Arrived Steamer Daisy Mitchell, from Wlllapa; steamer Westerner, from Gray's Harbor; steamer Grace Dollar, from Gray's Harbor. Sailed Steamer Aurella, . for Astoria; tug Defiance, for Portland; steamer Mayfair, for tvillapa; steamer Fulton, for Gray's Harbor; steamer Temple Dorr, tor Gray's Harbor. Tide at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 0:54 A. M 95 feetl":40 A. M 1.0 feet 1:50 P. M 8.4 fpet!7:R3 P. M 1.6 feet Circus Postmaster Has No Sinecure Finding letters for Fat Lady From Her Affinity, the Living Skeleton, and l'a.vlng Postage for Clown Who Makes 111 Like Roosevelt, Among Hia Trials. ONE of the most remarkable post masters in the world is Jules Tumour, a clown in Ringllng Brothers' circus. The postmastershlp is an im portant function in the organization of this band of wanderers, which comes to Portland Sunday, and the responsi bilities of the office are great. The perqulsitles are many, however, and although Jules does not receive his pay from Uncle Sam, he is by no means the loser at the end of the sea son. Tumour is not only postmaster, he is chief moneyorder clerk, general distributer and carrier, and as com pensation for his services he is al lowed certain exclusive privileges. Like many rural postmasters, Jules Tumour carries a side-line. He takes subscriptions among the performers for the various professional news papers, and in addition to this agency he has the prerogative of selling the official song books. The commission from these sources nets a considerable sum during the season, and the privi leges are well Worth saving. But he receives even a more substantial rec ognition on the day before the colony disbands and the circus goes. Into Winter quarters. Every performer, ac cording to his means, makes Jules a present, ranging from $5 to 10, thus bringing his combined Income up to a substantial figure. On arriving at .a new town Jules proceeds at once to the postoffice for the circus mallbag, and for an hour or so in the morning he is the most popular man around. He is the bearer of state secrets and he could tell many a romance if he would. The "living mountain of flesh," who traveled with the sideshow last sea son, gave him no end of annoyance over the subject of her "affinity." The "affinity" was suspected of being a living skeleton, with a similar aggre gation touring the South, and every day the fat woman would hand Jules a pudgy letter, written in a fat round hand, requesting him In a stage whis per to mall it. Jules really grew to dread the answers to these burning epistles, as the fat woman would re ward him with a kiss. The postmaster being a married man, lived constantly in fear that his wife would witness one of these performances and insist on his resigning from office. Every day on the road Jules is In trusted with an important mission. Many of the performers are citizens of other countries, and, like nearly all foreigners, they send money-orders to the folks at home. The clown fre quently goes to the town postoffice with several thousand dollars In his pockets and the lavish way he - re mits large sums to persons with high sounding names in Persia, Poland, France, Austria and Japan Is the talk of the town for months afterward. Never in a single case has he made a mistake sent the wrong sum of money or written the address incorrectly. On his return to the big tent he gives re ceipts and memoranda to each person who has sent a money-order. "It isn't such an easy Job as you might think," said Jules recently. "Some of these performers are sus picious, and if I don't bring them a letter when they expect one, they think I have hidden it somewhere or don't want to give it to them. "And then there is Al. Mlaco, a good clown, but an tmposter. Just because he makes up like President Roosevelt, with false teeth and a rough rider hat, he thinks he can send mail for noth ing. He simply writes in one corner of the envelope, 'official business free,' and thinks it ought to go at that. In the end it is I who always have to pay the postage stamps." Administrator for Xevlus Estate. C. W. Muggins, secretary of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company, was appointed to adminis ter upon the estate of Charles L. Nevius, the employe of the company who was brutally murdered by a highwayman on the Rose City Park line the night of May 27. Mr. Huggins had succeeded in locating the dead man's father and mother in Illinois, and it was at their request that he was appointed administrator. The estate was found to consist of about $500 in personal property. The funeral expenseji amounted to $135.50, due J. P. Flnl'ey & Son, who joined In the application to have Mr. Huggins ap pointed. 1? AS FX TH Anna iha vnrlr In .J t warm, hard or soft water. ' SHIPSTARBUCK LOST- Old Pacific Vessel Reported Abandoned at Sea. ' c CREW IS SAID TO BE SAFE Ship Was a Famous Craft on This Coast and -Made Her Maiden Voyage to the Colum bia River. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. The Mer chants' Exchange has received a dis patch from London, stating that the ship Tlllle E. Starbuck, from New York for Honolulu, has been abandoned at Bea. Her crew is reported safe. No details of the disaster have been received. The ship Tillle E. Starbuck was one of STEAMSHIP COBONA ON THE ROCKS the best known vessels ori the Pacific Coast. She was constructed especially for the North Pacific trade and was the first iron sailing ship built in America. She was built at the Roach yards, at Chester, Pa., and was the only sailing vessel ever constructed by the famous builder. On her maiden voyage she reached Astoria, January 10, 1884. ' She had on that trip a cargo valued at $1,000. 000, consisting of 22 locomotives for the Northern Pacific Railroad and the parts of the steam ferry Tacoma, which is still In operation between Goble and Kalama on the Columbia River. The Tillie E. Starbuck came to the Coast on her maiden voyage in command GTBAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name. From Alliance Coos Bay. . . .. JohanPoulfien San Francisco. Redondo Seattle Nome City. . San Pedro. . .-. Breakwater. . San Francisco Costa Rica. . Ban Franclaco R. X. Inman. San Francisco. Roanoke Los Angelea. . Numantla. .. .Hongkong. . .. City of Pan . . .San Francisco. Geo. W. HlderSan Pedro.... Arabia .Hongkong. Alesla Hongkong. . . . Nlcomedia. . . Hongkong. . . Date. ..In port -In port . In port . Aug. 24 Aug. 25 , Aug. 25 .Aug. 27 .Aug. 27 ..Aug. 23 . Sept. 1 ..Sept. 8 . Sept. 17 . Oct. 10 . Nov. 1 ' Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Date. JohanPoulsenSan Francisco. Aug. 24 Redondo Seattle Aug. 24 Nome City. . . San Franclaco. .Aug. 26 Breakwater.. Coos Bay Aug. 2 Costa Rica. . San Francisco. .Aug. 28 Roanoke Los Angeles.... Aug. 29 R. D. Inman. San FranclFCO.. Aug. 31 City of Pan. . .San Francisco. .Sept. 3 Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro Sept. 6 Numantla... Hongkontc Sept. 5 Arabia Hongkong Sept. 25 Alliance Coos Bay Alesla Hongkong Oct. 20 Nlcomedia... Hongkong Nov. 8 of Captain William Rogers. On the put ward voyage she carried over 3000 tons of grain and held the record for that year. Later Captain Eben Curtis . succeeded, to the command, and remained with the fa mous old ship until he entered t-c serv ice of the American-Hawaiian Company. Captain Curtis is now superintendent of that company, t with offices in San Fran cisco. The Starbuck was one of tne fastest sailers afloat and never had a slow voy age marked against her. Incidentally, four of the old-time fleet have Buttered disaster during the past month. They are the Prussia, the Shenandoah, the John Currier and the Tillle E. Starbuck. REVENUE CUTTER SENT NORTH Manning Goes to Rescue of Refu gees From Wrecked Ship. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 23. (Special.) Yesterday aftarnoon Collector of Cus toms Carnahan telephoned the Secretary of the Treasury at Washington, asking that a revenue cutter be sent to the relief of the passengers and crew of the wrecked ship John Currier, who are on the beach at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska Peninsula. Tonight he received a dis patch from Beekman Wlnthrop, Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury, stating that the cutter Manning, which is at Val dez. has been instructed to proceed to Nelson Lagoon and render assistance. GUART AGAINST THE PLAGUE All Vessels at Astoria Must Undergo . Thorough Fumigation. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 23. (Special.) In structions have been received from the Surgeon-General at Washington, directing that all vessels arriving here from coast wise ports shall be thoroughly fumigated once each month, the object being to de stroy the rats on board in order to pre vent a possible spread of the bubonic plague. This order Trill apply to sailing vessels as well as to steamers, but ar rangements will be made to cause as little delay and Inconvenience as possible. The regular liners from an Franc Is co4 Coos I ' , , - . ' t - -, - ' - - " k 1 Xv H -''' 1 1 x . ' f J1 1 .JBxii Bay and Pugret Sound will be fumigated at Portland after their cargoes have been removed, but the sailing vessels and steam schooners will be treated here, un less they have certificates showing they have been fumigated within a month. These regulations will not necessitate any of the vessels being taken to the Federal quarantine station, unless there should be sickness on board, as the pro cess used In killing the rats is to burn sulphur in the hold after the hatches have been tightly closed. Kumantia Makes Fast Passage. The German steamship Numantla. from Hongkong and way ports, arrived In the river yesterday, and left up during the afternoon. The Numantla made a quick run across the Pacific, arriving In four days before her schedule. She will reach Portland early this morning. . The Nu mantla is bringing one of the largest car goes ever brought eastward by one of the steamers of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company. WOMEN'S CLUBS GROWING Vice-President of General Federa tion Discusses Their Work. "The growth "of the women's club movement in the United States has been remarkable." said Mrs. Philip N. Moore, OFF Hl'MBOLDT BAY, CALIFORNIA. of St. Louis, vice-president of the general federation yesterday. "The most con servative estimate of membership would place the figure at 500,000, and the pros pects favorable for an increase of fully 50 per cent during the coming year." Mrs. Moore is on a vacation trip and is touring the ' West. She arrived over the Canadian Pacific and is. full of en thusiasm over the scenic beauties of the trip. During her stay In Portland she will be the guest of the Woman's Club and also the Collegiate Alumnae. Mrs. Moore will go South through California after leaving Portland. "The women's clubs have accomplished a world of good," continued Mrs. Moore. "In my own state, Missouri, we have ob tained the passage of the compulsory ed ucational law, the child labor law and have stood by the pure food law. All this means a great deal. Aside from pro tecting the child, it betters the condition, of the mother. We have things so ar ranged that a woman need not work all night and day too in order to live. "A meeting of the General Federation of Women's Clubs has been arranged to convene in Boston in 1908. Another inter esting meeting will be that of the colle giate Alumnae, which will hold its quar ter centennial in Boston. I have the honor to be president of the Alumnae, and the work we are doing Is extensive. One line of work taken up by this organization is the European Fellowship for Original Re search. About 1500 women have taken advantage of these fellowships and it is most interesting to hear them tell of the work accomplished." Mrs. Moore was entertalnea r'rlday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, and to day will be tendered reception at the home of d.rs. P. J. Mann by the Woman's Club. WHAT IS A REPUBLICAN? You Must Answer This When You Ask, What Is a Democrat? ST. JOHN, Or.. Aug. 22 (To the Edi tor.) Numeroua articles have appeared re cently in answer to the momentous question "What is a Democrat?" None, to my mind! however, has treated this subject from a philosophic, or rather psychologic, point or view. The question is insoluble without at the same time considering the question. What Is a Republican? There is no Isolated fact In nature. Before the Governments of Europe had become sufficiently centralized to offer adequate protection to the individual, and more especially the female Individual,' pri vate persons took It upon themselves to sup ply this deficiency, and out of this effort . Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of jAyers Cherry Pectoral REVISED form Ola for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. The new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. arose the order of knlgrhthood. a highly chivalrous society, very much devoted to the rights of chivalry and the defense of grand dames and ladiea of eminent degree against all dangers and ' wiles except Its own. But the political Governments in time were able to offer sufficient protection to the grand dames and the rest, and yet knight errantry, or its ghost, like Banquo's, kept walking and reftiaing to "lay" until Cervantes wrote the story of Don Quixote. The same principles are Involved In all governments or systems of thought or movement. When our constitution -was formed our political society broke Into two factors. nearly opposite in principle, or purpose. Hamilton may be taken as the representa tive of the centralizing factor of govern ment and Jefferson as the opposite factor, and about each gathered the political unite. which were to form the original parties, by whatever name, and stand as aggregate representatives of the respective leaders. Tie a stone to a string and, holding the loose end of the string, whirl it around your head and note the pull of the stone. This pull was the voice of Jefferson, crying for a weak government more liberty for the individual. This was the original cry of what has generally been known aa democ racy. Note also the firm grin on the string, preventing the atone from taklntr a header Into space. This Is the cry of Hamilton for sunicient authority to "keep house." This cry has generally been known as Hepub llcanlsm, and those opposite cries constitute the fundamental difference between these two great parties In the past. These oppo site political units were psychologically dif ferent. Jefferson see in the letter of the law and Hamilton the spirit of the law. The same element is found in the church, and called Pharisee the letter-of-the-gospel man. He is found In science. Huxley says of him, "The man who refuses to go neyond the fact Is not likely to get as far as the fact." Jefferson would have been described in Indian dialect as 'Old-Man-Afraid -of-hls-Government." His null on the string almost defeated the adoption of the constitution and then set up a tremendous strain, as in dicated by the Kentucky and Virginia reso lutions and states rights propaganda in general which finally ended In the Civil War. But Uncle Sam's grip on the string held fast. Hurrah for Hamilton! The old-time Democrat opposed the Idea of free schools, for the same reason that his great leader lacked copiousness of In tellect; he saw the letter but not the spirit of what American Institutions were to be. Would you expect the same Individual to oppose the appropriation of National money for internal Improvement? He had to; he was built that way. That is what made him a Democrat. That was only another pull on the string. This psychologic classi fication will not include such men as Ben ton. A man must have taken a (rood null on the string to be entitled to such negative distinction. The war ended Jeffersonlan Dem ocracy. The school question was won. even In the South. Internal Improvement is a universal fact. The knight errantry of Jet ferson has been superseded by the govern ment of Hamilton, and to lay Its ghost w have W. J. Bryan personating the mad lvnight of aamanca, attended. In his cour ageous assaults on the windmills. tv a re doubtable squire, once known as a Dem ocrat. JAMES RHODERICK KENDALL. GIVEN LEAVE OF ABSENCE Movements of Army Officers at Vancouver Barracks. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. S3. (Spe cial.) Major Harry I Hawthorne, De partment Artillery Officer, Department of the Columbia, who arrived here from the war collepe at Washington last week, has been granted a leave of absence for ten days. Major Hawthorne will spent! his vacation at San Diego, Cal. At the ex piration of his leave he will return to his station at Vancouver Barracks. Captain George H. Shields, of the Third Infantry, U. S. A., stationed at Forts Lawton and Wright, reported at head quarters. Department of the Columbia, today. Captain Shields was appointed senior aide on the staff of General Greely. department commander. He re ported here by order of the General at the expiration of a 30-day leave of absence. Word has been received here from General Greely. He will leave Nome for Seattle today and will be back at Van couver Barracks sometime next week. Lieutenant-Colonel William A. Glass ford, chief signal officer, has been re lieved and granted . a leave of absence. Upon the termination of his leave he will go to the Department of Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha, Neb. Colonel Glassford has been appointed chief signal officer of that department. and upon his arrival at Omaha will also take command of that post. The reslgntion of Captain Biddle, Four teenth Infantry, has been Anally accepted. This resignation has been passed upon by the War Department three times. It was first accepted, later that acceptance was revoked and by orders received to day the revocation is annulled and the resignation again accepted. Private Lester C. Arnold, Company B, Tenth Infantry, now in Alaska, has been ordered to the post hospital at Van couver sarracits lor treatment. TAKES UP IMPROVEMENTS Meeting of Street Committee of Council Draws Big Crowd. Surrounded by a crowd that almost filled the space outside the railing, the street committee met in the Council chamber yesterday afternoon to consid er applications for important Improve ments. Beside the consideration of these ap plications the committee, on motion of Councilman Driscoll, made a motion to recommend to Council the passage of an order revoking the Oregon Traction Company's franchises in cases where the company had not lived up to the terms of their agreements with the city. Also the matter of the heating franchise was discussed and a recom mendation for the revocation of that franchise was favored by several mem bers of the committee. Hood's Sarsaparilla, purifies the blood ana strengtnens tne wnoie system. Dr. Prise's Wheat Flake Celery Food It is said that nine children out of ten are in a fair way to be dyspeptics at six years of age. The plainer children live the better for them. VfltfKjLA Dr. rncea Wheat FUU fVT FA U fk- - s.w -"Wai j JJJk lO WAV ideal food for children; made from wheat and so prepared as to bring out its full nutritive value and render it most digestible. The best food for all classes. 164 I Cure the Cases That Others Cannot Cure A bold statement, but lust as true as it is bold. Not all cases that others fail to cure are qurable by my methods, but fully ninety per cent of them are. The way to learn whether your case is curable is to consult me. 1 know exactly what can be done in every Instance. I ought to know this, for I have done nothing else other than treat men's diseases for twenty live years. If your case is curable I will treat you. If it isn't I will not. In uncomplicated disorders my fee is $10 Pay Me When I Cured You WEAKNESS Functional weakness in men Is In reality a comparatively sim ple ailment, and it but a symp tom of local disorder, a state of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether internal or locally applied, can do more than exMte temporary activity. By my system of local treatment I restore absolutely normal condi tions throughout the organs in volved, which promptly results In complete and permanent restora tion of strength and vigor. This treatment is original with me. and is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. VARICOCELE Varicocele is a relaxation. Knotting and twisting of the most vital blood vessels of the or- fanic system. It stagnates the o c a 1 circulation and interferes with the processes of waste and repair. Neglect brings derange ment of functions and injury to the general health. Most physi cians rasort to surgical operations and hospital treatment. I cure CONSULTATION FREE! t. S.VJ nothlnS In my announcements but the straight, square truth. ii cost you notnlnBf to call and. talk over your case. You can find out ail about your trouble and von can later arrange to hetrln treat ment OnV tlmo VA11 lllrA Vf.. r-. f e I . . , , t,.l.. - . . 1 larges t, most elegant and best equipped in the West. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234V4 MORRISON STREET. CORKER SECOND. PORTLAND, OREGON. Patients livlnir out of the city and coming to Portland for treatment will be furnished with fine room free of charge. Check your trunks direct to 234 Morrison street. TVfl7TJ TAKE THE HOUR'S TIME! IVJLJ-il SAVE THE DAILY WORRY! YOU CAN DO IT BY CONSULTING THE DOCTORS THAT CAN CURE SIC1C It reallv seems strangre that men who are SERIOUSLY WEAK will iro to the charlatan, when they might Just as easily AND FAR MORE SATISFACTORILY, spend the time consulting physicians of known merit. To the weak, rundown and nervous man no better advice can be given than this: SEEK HELP WHERE IT IS CERTAIN TO BE FOUND. If you persist in going to those who have no standing professionally. HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE CURED? This instituticn has built up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given it bv its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than in any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't it worth the little time it will take wh?n you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST. SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you In any way? A consulratlon costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. 27 Years Experience. We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPER MATORRHOEA. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES VARI COCELE, HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA. GLEET. OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Our fees are fair. Personal attention given all patients. Write if you cannot call. Our system of home treatment is always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. 9 A. M to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL. Diseases of W I AT"iIP"C All forms of Female Weakness, Debilltv, Pain in the unuiuuj Back and Loins, Ovarian and Womb Troubles, speedily and permanently cured. Office private; no exposure; consultation free. If in trouble, write or call. Delays are dangerous. Medicine sent any where by mail or express. Charges moderate. Office hours 9 . M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 JL ' DR. T. J. PIERCE, 181 First St, corner Yamhill, Portland, Or. Have DR. TAYLOR, Tbe Leading Specialist Varicocele without operation, pain or detention from business. My cures are absolutely permanent and no ill effects whatever can fol low my treatment. CONTRACTED DISEASES I have reduced the time re quired for curing contracted dis orders about one-half. This is an important achievement. it re- F ibices danger with safety. It orestalls chronic complications. It removes the. Infection and in flammation before that vital center, the prostate gland, can be come involved. To many men it means the difference between, per fect health and a lifetime of mis ery and functional weakness. My method is mine alone. My treat ment is original. In some features it resembles the ordinary. In its chief essentials it is different. In results it is entirely different. It is safe, prompt and thorough. The above, together with Or ganic Weakness. Nerve Debilita tion. Lost Vigor, Specific. Blood Poison, Stricture. Plies and Reflex Ailments constitute .my specialty and are the only diseases I treat.' OUR FEE .00 MEN SIO Established 27 Years Id Portland. Consultation Free We Will Treat Any Single Vnoompll cated Aliment for 10.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured DISPENSARY STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. omen