Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 24, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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WANTED Saleswoman forcloak and suit de
392 Washington.
Applicant for all kind of work, reflate
w'tr im, free of charge, ao we may locate
you on short notice.
$4S Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANTED Saleswoman for waist department.
392 Washington.
A FIRST-CLASS solicitor to act as general
agent In this territory for the magazine
Good Housekeeping. A big renewal list
and high rate of commission o proper
person. Address R. H- Maddan, General
Delivery, Portland. .
WANTED At onoo, three young ladles
wanted for carnival company for ten
weeks; salary $15 and $20 pr weelc
and transport ation. Call at 88 North
ftth St., between 10. A. M. and 4 P. M.
"ARTIST" A steady position with pleasant
surroundings lor good designer familiar with
lettering and photo retouching; state expe
rience and salary. M. L. Rimes Illustrat
ing Co., 1140 Geary it., Ban Francisco.
A. Women and girla to make simple draw
ings; devote spare or whole time; exper
ience unnecessary; splendid income. Write
for particulars. International Art League,
Lockport, N. Y.
WHY look for work? Call and see me.
Clerks, stenographers, cashiers, bookkeeperSj
timekeepers, collectors, office workera Clerks
Registration Bureau. 266 Morrison, cor. 3d
at., offices 803.
COOK for private family in country; good
wages. 22 Kearney fit.
COMPETENT girt for general housework;
good wages; modern, gas and electric
ranges in kltrhr n. 10!J Franklin St.,
Willamette Heights. Phone Main 2P24.
on shirts and overalls; lessons given to
inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory.
2 Grand avo. and E. Taylor at.
WANTED All kinds of laundry help, ma
chine girls, hand Ironers. starchers, mangle
girls, markers ani sorters. Opera' House
Laundry, 2d and Everett.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Vlavl Co., loth A Morrison.
WANTED Girl rrr woman for general house
work; steady work: $33 per month. 101 East
17th t., cor. Washington. Phone Eat. 472
Bookkeepers avnd Clerks.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks,
Faleeiadles, salesmen, in furnishing goods,
shoes, etc.; rrerence as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the Instant. Clerks' Registration
Bureau. 205 Morrison. Entrance office 803.
POSITION as salesman for commission or
wholesale house by Eastern man with col
lege education; can furnish A-l recommenda
tions. C 150, Oregonlan.
Books opened or adjusted; satisfaction
guaranteed. W. H. Harmon. Phone Main
So60, 1 to ft P. M.
BOOKKEEPER wants position; quick and"
accurate; good 'references).; 17 years' exper
ience. B 146, Oregonlan.
POSITION desired by competent bookkeep
er of leng experience. A-l references.
O 142, Oregonlan.
BY experienced office man,, any position of
fering chance for advancement. R 144,
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. W
145, Oregonlan.
WANTED A young man, now In charge of
the accounting department of one of the
largest corporations in this city, with the
most modern systems in practice. Is de
sirous of making a change. Would en
tertain a proposition in or out of the city,
and tan furnish ample reference as to
qualifications from present employers. X
14:, Oregonlan.
VINEGAR EXPERT Practical man with
long experience, familiar with up-to-date
methods of manufacturing elder, grape
and spirit vinegar; refining and bottling
of sweet cider, wishes position with
progressive concern, or partner with
money to atari business. Addreea
Capitol Hotel, Boise, Idaho.
POSITION wanted First-class all-around
electrician looking for permanent connec
tion with electric light and power or In
dustrial company; my past work speaks
for Itself. E 121, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by middle-aged man as
night watchman, familiar with boilers
and engines: references and security fur
nished. Address K 140, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with large experience wants
position as collector, all kinds of collec
tions, part tlnvi' or nil time; steady; ref
erences. A 140, Oregonlan.
WANTED A few good paying side lines by
salesman calling upon the grocery trade. Ad
dress 712 Spencer st.
PRACTICAL airbrake man wishes position
. with lumber road or streetcar company.
X 141, Oregonian. .s
SITUATION Good hand with horses; can
break colts to drive or work. S 146,
EXPERIENCED blacksmith wants permanent
position, can give beet of references. O 144,
JAPANESE boy wishes position in small
family in city or country. O 134, Ore
gon!. in.
JA PA N ESB boy wants a position for house
work in city or the vicinity. H 134, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE wants to work at grocery or sa
loon, any place. M 143, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers ancl Stenographers.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks.
fa!eladles, salesmen, in furnishing goons,
shoes, etc. ; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the instant. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303.
COMPETENT stenographer desires few hours'
work In evenings, copying abstracts, etc. C
144. Oregonlan.
EXPERT stenographer warts any kind of
copj ing to do at home; low rates. Main
RELI ABLE bookkeeper wants position. A
144, Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper in widower's
family or gentleman's Tub, by a refined
middle-aged widow. Address Mrs. H. B.
Day. Dayton. Ya.h.
DreMm a kern.
FOR stylish gowns and reasonable prices,
go to the Elite Dressmaking Par ions,
34.1 Yamhill st. Phone Pacific 1907.
FIPST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 2411
5th and Main. Pacific 9Si; A 39S2.
3 1 1 seel I a n eou.
WANTED By Virginia girl, position In
Western college or private school (or pri
vatf ly to prepare for college) ; broadly
trained in best Eastern schools; A. M.
graduate Columbia 1 'ntversity N. Y.) and
specially fitted in English and modern lan
guage. Box ISO. Martinsville, Va.
FIRST-CLASS lady pianist, sight reader,
wlfhes position, orchestra or alone- V
1 14. Oregonian.
WANTED Agents to sell our high-grade
trees. ehrube, etc. ; outfit furnished free;
commission advanced each week; good ter
ritory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outfit tree; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade nur
sery stock; big commissions and premiums;
write todsy. before all territory is taken.
Chieo Nursery Co., Chlco. Cal.
MEN. $10 dally, sure selling "Mendarlp." and
combination hatchet, 8 tols in one; two big
rrof it producers; exclusive territory. Foote
Mfg. Co., Los Anftelts. Cal.
WANTED Desk room for real estate office,
or will furnish a front office If I can get
rims one to take half cheap; host location in
city. O 147. Oregonian.
LADY solicitor for Portland School of
Music; cash commissions; at least $6 a
day. Mr. Kennedy, care Reed-French Co.,
6th and Burnslde.
tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses,
etc. Landlords will do well to call on
Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 8. 2.
cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED To rent, first-class modern house
of 8 or 10 rooms. Nob Hill district; will
lease if place satisfactory; best of ref
erences given. Address O. W. T., 417
' Failing bldg. Phcne Main 6354.
CONTRACTOR to build and lease for a term
of years a 6 or 7-room bungalow in Irving
ton or Holladay. With privilege of buying
when lease Is up. B 136, Oregonian.
TO lease for a term of years, a 6 or 7-room
cottage or bungalow in lrvlngton or Holla
day addition; will care for as their own.
family of three. O 138, Oregonlan.
WANTED Three nice furnished or unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, well out, near
carllne; state price and conveniences; refer
ences. M 141, Oregonian.
WANTED Two furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, downtown location, by
young Eastern man and wife. Address
Box 42, Scott's Mills, Or.
WANTED Positively first-class room and
board for man and wife; must be close in;
pleasant surroundings; use of piano. Ad
drees N 147, Oregonian.
MOTHER and daughter will care for house
or want unfurnished rooms near St. Hel
en's Hall. Young Women's Christian As-
" soclatlon. Monday.
WANTED To rent, man and wife, furnished
cottage, 5 or 6 rooms, modern, gas range,
close in. East or West Side; references,
L 143, Oregonlan.
WAifTED Room and board by man, wife
and 2-year-old baby ; central ; East Port
land. Address F 146, Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand horizontal tubular
boiler, lo to 15 horse power, for low press
ure. Address E 149, Oregonian.
WANTED Fprnished house, suitable for
private boarding-house. West Side, close
In. A 148, Oregonlan.
WANTED by couple, furnished cottage on
East Side. Address, full particulars, 504
East Pine St.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. Sd. Phone Pacific 1723.
ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar, 232 1st. pays'
higher prices for household goods. Phone
Main 6374. A 2327. $$ $$$$$
WANTED A copy of B. A C. Code General
Laws of Oregon. Address, giving condition
and price, W. R. Walpole, Irrigon, Or.
BELL your furniture to the Western Salvage
Co.. 627 Washington, and get. the highest
price. Phone Pacific 703.
and merchandise. Phone Main 1C26. J
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, etc. ;
prompt attention always given. Phone East
WANTED 2 or 4 "ladders, and also opera
chairs, for a shoe store. W 146, Orego
nlan. WANTED Male bulldog, for breeding pur
poses; state terms. Box D 145, Oregonian.
I pay cash for household goods. Savaga
Pennell Fur. Co.. 845 1st. Pacific 360.
WE call for dead horses and cattle free ot
charge. Phone East 2233.
Furnished Rooms.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite. 2 per week up; steam heat.' hot and
cold water; free baths, free phone; dining
room In connection ; transients solicited ;
open all night: best location in the city;
office and reading-room ground floor. 483
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th
First-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold . water, eleetrlo
light, phone in every room; suites with pri
vate bath, single, from $3 by week. 75c up
by day; reasonable by month. -Main 5047.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. ISth and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
coM water In every room. Phone Mala
7195. Long-distance phones in ail rooms.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts., the handsomest furniehed rooms for
bachelors in the city, with every modern
convenience, at reasonable rates; only
four blocks from Postofflce.
THE ELLSWORTHi Just' opened; new brick
building; modern thrpughout; nicely furn
ished rooms; steam heat. hot and cold
water, electric lights, baths. 1C6 Lownsdale,
near High School.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
sts., modern rooms, single and en suit;
aiso housekeeping; running water; private
and free baths; rates reasonable. Pad Go 496
THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Stark. S. W. cor.
Gth st.; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50o to
II; by week. $2 to $5. Pacific 129ft.
THE WOODLAND An elegantly furniehed
parlor suite vacant this week, also two very
choice single rooms; nice people only. 205
Sixth et., comer Madison.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, saltes
with hath, principal car lines pass the
door. - Phone Main 2333.
THE OGPEN. 83 1st. S. W. cor. Oak St.
Nice large front rooms, clean, neat ; baths;
phone; 50c to SI a day; $2 to $4 week.
NICELY furnished rooms in modern house
one block from car; terms reasonable;
use of piano. 166 E. Iflth st.
CLEAN, quiet -rooms, very central, reason
able to permonents. 450 Yamhill, near
12th. Phone Pacific 346.
BEAUTIFI'L front rooms. $2.50 to $4; free
bath, large closets. 853 Yamhill. New
THE COLLING Newly furnished, with hot.
cold water, free bath and phone. 821
GROUND floor of cottage, 3 large rooms; com
pletely furnished, modern. 224 14th. Paci
fic 2622.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3
week; also transient rooms. 843 Morri
son. LA ROE front alcove room, suitable for two;
well furniehed; porcelain bath. 209 North
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia, rooms
50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744.
ST. FRANCIS Nicely furnished rooms in
suites or single. 34 N. 8th st,, cor. Couch.
FOR married couple, two very nicely fur
nished rooms, en suite. $25. 351 6th St.
NICELY furnished rooms for couple gentle
men, $10 and $12. Apply 351 6th st.
WELL furnished rooms for gentlemen, from
$10 and up. 250 6th st.
LARGE, airy room, east front. 305 12th.
Main 7527.
Unfurnished Rooms,
WANTED Man and wife (without chil
dren.', laboring people preferred, to i ent
G-room iiouse, completely furnished. 25' waik. $6 per month. Pho.
oenwooa .in Detween a. M. ana l P. M
or 5 to 7 o'clock P. M.
FOR RENT One or two large unfurnished
rooms fcr middle-aged couple. 697 Everett.
Rooms With Board.
WELL-FURNISH ED rooms with board, rea
sonable; ail modern conveniences.- 389 Tay
lor. The Chrysler.
168 10TH Large, handsome front room,
with board; other rooms, suitable for gen
tlemen. BOARD and room, large front room for two,
$5.50 per week. 328 Clay. Phone Main
v 5903.
452 Morrison, cor. 13th Rooms single or en
suite, modern conveniences; board optional
VERY desirable room, excellent tab'.e, every
thing modern; two men. Phone Pacific 1742.
WANTED Board and room for man and two
emmren, ana o. j n., oregonian. .
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good board;
convenient. 553 Washington.
THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot,
, cold water. 225 11th st. t
Booms With Board.
YOUNG- men, if you want first -class room an a
board reasonable, all conveniences, nice yard
and porch, also table board, $4 per week;
good home cooking, call at the Aster House,
Seventh and Madison.
Portland Women'j Union; 18tta year Rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs, Supt, 510 Flanders.
PLEASANT room with breakfast and dinner
for one gentleman; private home; reasonable.
252 North 19th st. Phone Paoiflo 2497.
THE CLAY Single and double rooms, with
board, $5.50 per week; gas, bath; just
like home. 320 2d, cor. Clay.
ROSED ALE Select, newly furnished, close
in, large grounds. 404 Madison cor.
lOth. Phone Main 2000.
NICE rooms and good home cooking, pri
vate residence; gentlemen preferred. 574
G I if an, cor. 18th. ,
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts. Unfurnished apartments with every
modern convenience; up to date In every
respect ; reasonable rates ; central loca
tion; only four blocks from Postofflce.
THE MARLBOROUGH Cor. 21st and Flan
ders; limited number of 6 and 6-room
apartments; modern building; up-to-date
conveniences. Clarence J. wheeler, agent,
with Tull & Glbbs.
BEAUTIFUL five-room apartments. 299
12th. cor. Columbia, Phone Main 200.
NEW first-floor flat, 5 rooms and bath, fur
nace heat, electric light, gas, water heater,
stationary wash trays, gas range, shades,
combination gas fixtures, drop celling in
dining-room ; first-class in every respect;
walking distance; best section West Side;
$37.50. F 147, Oregonian.
6-ROOM. steam-heated apartment in beautiful
new building, every thing complete, hot water
and water rent included In The Virginian,
600 Flanders St., Morgan, Bweet at Chapman,
213 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2015.
FOUR desirable new 5-room flats on Port
land Heights will be ready for occupancy
in few days, located on carllne. See H.
W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington sts.
Main 550.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
JUST completed modern flats of 7. 6 and 4
rooms, walking distance, 200 feet south
of 23d nnd Washington sts.. Green ave..
Cedar Hill.
LOWER floor, private residence (4 roome),
furnished, freshly papered, all conveni
ences, good neighborhood. 695 Front.
FOR RENT A suite of 5 new upper rooms,
modern. 321 East 8th st. North. Phone East
284 16TH Nice, nearly new 5 or 6-room
flat, very reasonable. 213 Ablngton bldg.
Housekeeping Rooms,
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, fine flat; -also
swell furnished single rooms; price right;
get welt located for Winter, with per
petual heat, and hot water; top floor,
flat 3. 490 Morrison st. Don't bother
the Hyland landlady below by inquiry.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month;
best rooms in city for money.
THE ONEONTA. 187 17tn st.. near Yamhill;
new house, elegantly furnished, is suites of
2. 8 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free
phone each floor; no children.
COMPETENT music teacher will rent nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap, to
musical students, all kinds of instru
ments and practice free. 595 Jefferson,
cor. Stout.
FURNISHED, housekeeping rooms, overlook
ing street, modern accommodations, with
yard. 313 14th st., cor. of Clay.
FINE furnished rooms, also suites housekeep
ing rooms; modern conveniences; reasona
ble, at the Yale, 291 Grand ave.
THREE rooms, furnished for housekeeping,
modern conveniences, no children, desira
ble; rent $15. Phcne Pacific 906.
THE NEWCASTLE. 402S4 3d st. Furnished
housekeeping rooms, also single rooms,
reasonable. Main 800.
TWO or three furnished- housekeeping rooms;
modern, best locality; walking distance.
Phone Main or A 8203.
LARGE, light newly furnished housekeep
ing suites, gas range, running water.
503 Alder
3 BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping
- rooms; modern conveniences. Flat 4, 490
Morrison st.
NICELY furnished modern housekeeping
rooms; gas, heat. 195 N. 15th St.. cor.
PLEASANT, nicely furnished. 3-room suites;
phone, bath, light, heat, sink. 117 N. 18th.
SUITE 'of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; $1.25 per' week. 382 E. Yamhill st.
$13 Furnished cottage, with nice lawn and
flowers. 917 Cleveland ave.
A FIRST-CLASS and modern 7-room house,
supplied with gas and electric light, furnace;
on East 30th st.. near Hawthorne ave., will
be rented to responsible and desirable ten
ants only. It Im a daisy home. Just finished.
Particulars, see J. Kramer, 90 5th at.
FOR RENT Strictly modern upper flat on
12th st.. near Harrison; new 6-room mod
ern house in North Portland. M. E. Lee,
323 Washington St., room 20 Raleigh
FOR RENT House at 250 Nartllla; $22.50,
8 rooms; house in 'good condition and well
worth the money. Wakefield, Fries A Co.,
229 Stark st.
LARGE residence, 827 East 11th North, suit
able for roomers: walking, distance: carpeta
and ranges for sale. Katrington, 813 Fen
ton bldg.
6-ROOM cottage, modern, gas, bath, 643
Pettygrovo st. Phone Woodlawn 785. Key
at 2SS N. 17th st. E. Sand.
$27.50 New six-room house, furnace, gas,
electricity, porcelain bath. Inquire 691
East Washington st.
$15 Five-room cottage, close in; water in
cluded; no gas or bath. 446 East Everett.
N E A RLY new modern 6-room cottage ; gas,
bath; fireplace. E 145, Oregonlan.
FOR RENT rooms upstairs, cor. 1st and
' Hall sts. Inquire 308 Hall st.
7-ROOM house for rent, centrally located.
Inquire 325 Ablngton bldg. . "
FOR RENT Two hoiwa on 20th and Vaughn
sts. Inquire 387 24th st.
FOR RENT Five-room cottage. 438 Rosa st.
Inquire 3c9 Stark st.
$18 7-room house for rent. No. 432 7th at.
Inquire 434 7th st.
Furnished Houses.
NEW flat, new furniture, 5-rooms, furnace
heat, brick fireplace, fine neighborhood, near
Portland Academy, $50 per month. -Phone
Paclflo 3091. .
IN lrvlngton, furnished houee for rent by
Sept. 1 ; elcht rooms, complete; reaponabte
terms to right party. Call 26th and Tilla
mook sts. ,
SEPT. 1, well furnished fi-room house, fine
piano, fine location, reasonable to responsi
ble parties. Phone evenings Main 2160.
$500 FOR a 9-room house; some rooms fur
nished for housekeeping; house always
full. Particulars. 193 4th st.
6-ROOM ED cottage, well-furnished. gas
range and bath. South Portland. No chil
dren. Call 27 N. 11th st. .
FOR RENT Furnished fiat, 4 rooms; bAth,
gas range, for Fix months. 614 E. 21st.
Woodstock-Richmond car. .
MODERN convenient 6-room house, six months
or longer. 90 E. Burnslde st. Call after
noons. FURNISHED four-room cottage, electric
Hphtsu bath, central. Inquire 273 7th.
STRICTLY modern furnished flat. 348 Hall
st. Key at 444 11th.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale
MODERN 5-room cottage; splendid location,
for rent, furniture for eale. Inquire . 726
Everett st.
FURNITURE of a 7-room house, close In,
West Bide. Inquire 208 7th or phone Main
INVESTIGATE New furniture; fine quality;
5-room modern flat, corner. 420 2d st. Flat A.
6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale;
a snap at $150. Phone Mala 4C0.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE for sale of a completely fur
nished cottage, 6 rooms, halls, bath, etc.;
all very conveniently arranged; rents for
f2I per month; very reasonable; West
Ide. Geo. J. Schaefer, 317 Chamber of
MODERN 7-room flat 6 beds, furniture new;
8 blocks Portland Hotel, south. Phone A
2466; Main 894. Commonwealth Trust Co.,
6th and Ankeny.
FURNITURE of a 22-rootn house, well
furnished, in best location. For Infor
mation inquire 475 Flanders St.
NEW furniture for sale, flat for rent if de
sired. Call Main 585 or call between 2 and
4 P. M., No. 694 Irving.
Summer Resorts.
CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve-Mile House)
Most unique and best roadhouse in the
West. Kitchen supplied from own gardens
and farms; nothing but first-class goods and
a square deal for all. Portland prices. Fred
T. Merrill, manager-general and originator.
(Open year around.)
A FEW choice rooms facing ocean, with home
cooking; Necanlcum Inn, Seaside. Or. AIfo
four furnished housekeeping rooms with
modern conveniences. Beautiful grounds and
SHELBURN HOTEL Everything first-class;
home cooking; modern prices. Mrs. . T.
J. Ho are, Seaview, Wash.
FOR RENT New 4-room furnished cottage,
Seaview, after Aug. 25, balance 6eason. Far
rlngton. Fen ton building.
Bos well Springs opent health and pleasure re
sort, 2 miles south Drain, Or., on S. P. R.R.
IF COTTAGB or tenting outfit Is wanted for
Bummer, write F. McFarland, Seaside, Or.
Three fine storerooms, new building, ready
for occupancy in few days; splendid business
location. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and
Washington sts. Main 650.
NEW, modem corner store; splendid location
for grocery; rent $25. S. W. corner 87th
and Belmont. Phone East 4785.
STORAGE room in cement basement, sidewalk
elevator. 2d, near Washington. Howe,
Davis A Kilham, 111 2d sC
FOR RENT Store, 180 Thirteenth St., near
Washington, $36. Apply Sheehy Bros.
Main 8072.
FRONT and back offices very reasonable:
heat, light and elevator services; best lo
cation In city. Dammeler, agent. Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
COMPLETELY furnished office rooms or
desk room; will sell furniture and rent
rooms. 209 Lumber Exchange.
FOR RENT Office rooms in the Fech
, heimer building, 7th and Washington
sts., room 5.,
FINE offices, best location. Room 815
Swetland bldg, 5th and Washington.
. Money to Loan.
On Improved city property or for build
ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time,
with privilege to repay all or part of loan
.fter two years. Loans approved from
'plane and money advanced as building
progresses: mortgages taken up and re
placed. Fred H. Strong, financial agent,
242 Stark st.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms;
easy payments and strictly confidential;
on personal property; rooming-houses a
205 Ablngton bldg.
WE loan on notes to employes of permanen
cy and integrity; those who can repay
and whose Intentions are to do so can
get our money at a rate they can afford
to pay.
We offer you businesslike treatment and
use businesslike methods only.
-428 Mohawk bldg. Main 2041.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, without mortgage (con
fidential). Month, -month. Week.
S5fl R.nav in us... 13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35
$25 Repay to us. ..$ 6.65 or $3 20 or $1.65
$15 Repay to us. ..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00
209 McKay Blag., 102 xnira.
MONEY loaned to salaried people Just on
your own name; no other security neces
sary; don't borrow until you see me;
mv flvstem Ik the best for railroad men.
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all
other employes; business strictly coniiaen
tlat. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and othere
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in
OO principal cities; save yourseii money oy
getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg., 106 Sd.
WE have ready money on hand to loan on
improved city residence property; reason-
. able interest; no commission. --Piggott,
Fincn A Bigger. Attorneys at Law, Rooms
4. 5 and 6, Mulkev bldg., northeast corner
Second and Morrison sts.
CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages,
bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real
estate, either country or city property. H. E.
Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington.
LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried
oeoole: lowest rates; strictly connaen
tial. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, The
Dekum, Sd and Washington. Alain i-4.
$1000 to $100,000 to loan in sums to suit
at 5 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M.
G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes, toiumoia Lite at Trust
Company, 214 Lumber Exchange biag..
$5000 OR less in sums to suit on real estate;
charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle-
ton, 617 Uhamner ot commerce.
IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all
securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 6,
Washington biag. f none rnc. is 31.
LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se
curities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room
45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
MONEY loaned in sums of $5 and up on all
kinds of security W. A. Hathaway, room
10, Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832.
' 1 J
State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnoman jo. - tuu u or Lonu
$1300 TO loan on improved property for long
time. R. C. Wright, 604 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on all kinds of security.
Wm. Holl, room 9, Washington bldg.
DON'T borrow money on your salary until
you see Hutton Credit Company.
$500,000 TO loan at 5 and 6 per cent. Wm.
G. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg.
TO LOAN Twenty-five hundred dollars
for short term. B 144, Oregonlan.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
' The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on reai estate security.
R. Buetlkofer, 265 Salmon.
I HAVE $50,000 worth of municipal bonds
paying 6 per cent, a first-class invest
ment. Come and see me. Thos. McCusk
er, 203 Couch bldg. Phone Main 7046.
$3000 Steam laundry; only one In, city of
4000: dctng a business of $150 per week;
this ifc a snap for he right man. M. C.
Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg.
SALOON Good drop-in place; half inter
est for $550; cwner says will make at
least $160 per month. Call 248 Stark st
$450 BUYS half interest In office business;
owner guarantees $125 per month to right
party. Particulars 248 Stark st.
WANTED Partner with $1500 established
business; new Invention; need money to pro
mote. H 141, Oregonian.
$250 CASH buys Interest In good paying
real estate business. Iuqulre 225 Fifth st.
RESTAURANT Must be sold quick; it's
paying. Call and see us. 248 Stark st.
$1600 BUYS restaurant in fine location, low
rent and long lease. 225 Fifth st.
Investment Realty Co.
Something swell In business chances
of rooming-houses on Washington st., 23
rooms, furnace- heat, eleetrlo and gas
light, furniture good; lease; 'rent $125;
price $3500; terms.
26 rooms, 4 baths, nicely furnished and
clean; rent $100; nets $180; price $300Oj
28 rooms, gas light, rent $200, lease;
price $3900, terms.
P0 rooms, lease 2 years, rent $150; price
$3500; half cash.
40 rooms, brick, steam heat, eleetria
light, rent $225; price $7500; nets $322
per month.
40 rooms, rent 9125. lease, nets $300;
price $3700; cash.
45 rooms, brick, rent $250. lease. Insured
$7500; price $S000; nets $250 per month.
49 rooms, electric and gas light, rent
$225, lease; price $5000; cash.
65 rooms, rent $300, steam heat, electric
and gas light,- Insured $5000; price $8000;
nets $300 per month.
60 rooms, brick, steam heat, gas and
electric light, rent $3T)0, 4 years' lease;
price $10,000 Owner leaving for the Old
70 rooms, gas light, rent $300, 8 years
lease, nets $200; price $6500; cash.
Hotel and rooming-house, brick, and a
money-maker, at $12,000; cash.
A snap; 20 rooms, new brick, modern
In every respect, low rent, long leases
good reason for selling; at $1400.
A 12 -room house at $550.
A 24 -room house at $1200.
A 21-mom house, brick. West Side, long;
lease, rent enly $24; price $2000.
A 1 6-room brick, eleetrlo light, rent
$40, long lease; only $600.
A 17-room. rent $35, long lease, $900,
8-room brick, rent $50, long lease, $450.
Hotel, 73 rooms, brick, rent $450, $5000;
$3000 cash; clears $300 per month.
7-room cottage, concrete, good location;
v$25O0; cash.
6-room cottage, rood location; $2200;
cash. 1
Inquire 209 4th St., roome 4 and ft.
IO Lcrea
Coat of orchard and planting 10or . .$2760
value, awv
Value, 1909 . 4000
Value, 1910 &000
Value, 1911 6000
Valuer 1912 70O0
Value. 1913 7500
Value of land. 1914 ...$10,000
Profits from fruit, 1918 ... 1.000
Profits from fruit, 1914 2,500
Profits from fruit, lftl6 . 6.000
Profits from fruit, 1916..... 6.000
Profits from fruit, 191" 6.000
Total value in 10 years $28,500
original cost
Gain in 10 years $25,750
The above table is based on existing con
ditions. For further particulars aavircaa
Medford, Oregon.
largest list of rooming houses and hotels in
the city; our list comprises the most up-to-date
houses. We have an v thin you want
f ro m $ 250 to $500, 000. We assure y ou
fair and courteous treatment. Consult ub be
fore buying. C. S. Arnold A Co., The Orig
inal Hotel Brokers, S51 Morrison st. Phone
Main 7311.
FOR SALE A well-known men's, women's and
children's ready-to-wear store, doing a profit
able cash business of $85,000 per year; middle-class
trade; long leaee at very low rent;
best of reasons for soiling; take $16,000 to to handle. For further particulars
apply V 143, Oregonian.
WILL buy or loan money on approved stocks;
I have stock in an invention that will pay
1000 per cent profit and Income for life.
Large or email Investments accepted. Stock
exchanged for other property of value. W. J.
Curtis, 215 Commercial block.
A WELL-ESTABLISHED general merchan
dise business; store building and eight
room cottage cost $37O0; goods will in
voice between $4O00 and$5000; at invoice
price; a bargain if token at once. Address
O. G. Dalaba, Elk Citv. Or.
FIRST-CLASS business for sale; no compe
tition city or county, guaranteed now or
In future; $1500 required, cash or security;
slcknees the reason for selling. Apply 361
6th St., after 6. Phone A 3H53.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R.
terminal grounds'. 12th and M &rshall sts. :
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all
modem conveniences; 6-year lease; rent $500
per month. Apply to Phil Gevurtx. of Gev
urts & Sens. 173-6 First at.
FURNITURE stTe In the best Interior town
of Oregon, with annual business of $20,
000; stock of about $5000: this Is a fine
L location, with a big Fall trade assured;
ror sate on account 01 111 neaitn. ao areas
E 100, Oregonlan.
Three chairs and two baths; runs from $80
to $120 per week; invoice $WO0; $700 down;
balance easy payments. . Owner must leave
to live on homestead. Address F. E. Slver,
Pullman, Wash.
FOR SALE Best paying hotel in Oregon, In
fast growing town; wish to make quick sale,
as owners nave other plans. Price $45,000.
It will pay you to investigate If you are look
ing for a snap. Address W 141, Oregonlan.
80-ROOM hotel; finest business location;
newly furnished ; modern ; clearing $700
monthly; for sale by owner for private
reasons- Only principals with means need
reply. No agents. M 142, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, whole or half interest
In old and well-established transfer and
storage business in one of the best cities
on the Pacific Coast; will consider any rea
sonable proposition. D 150, Oregonlan.
DEPOSITORS Will trade my home, good
business lot and six-room house for your
claim. Only nominal discount. I take the
ruk. Address G 145, Oregonian.
LOOK here, why net invest some money In
good reliable plumbing stock? Good divi
dends, no risk; legitimate business; perma
nent investment. Addreas Modern Plumbing
and Heating Co., Seattle, Wash.
(18)X Buys interest in merchandise
stock; business paid $6000 last year; must
be a capable business man. able to handle
office. 610 Buchanan bldg., 236 Wash
ington. $2500 BUYS Interest In established mer
chant's business; office man preferred;
references given and required; A-l op
portunity for right party. L 120, Ore
gonlan. B AUTI FU L furniture of a 14-room house,
entrally located; modern, reasonable rent,
v lor.g lease; price very reasonable; party
leaving city; no agents. Call after 9 A. M.,
. 470 Taylor at.
WELL-KEPT, clean stock hardware at In
voice; about $250 required; low rent;
long lease; owner wants to retire; snap
for right party. L 148, Oregonlan.
GOOD, live business man, with $2000 to
$51 00, to take management branch of
fice, Seattle or San Francisco: good salary;
large profits. L 143, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Clean stock general hardware;
invoice about $1800 or $2u00, in one of the
best locations In the city; best of reasons
for selling. B 131, Oregonlan.
GENERAL store, Town of 8000;- logging
camps and mills all. directions; clean
stock; modern fixtures; snap. W. C
Winks, South Bend, Wash.
FOR SALE Rooming-house, 14-rooms; all full;
-your opportunity; good location; rent $."V5;
bath, gas; am going away. 511 GUsan,
corner 16th.
FOR PALE $1500. bakery; good location, in
thriving town; owner wishes to retire. In
quire 23 N. 16th St., city, or phone Pacific
FIRST-CLASS mortgages' for sale, $1000 to
$3000. bearing 7 per cent Interest. Hart
pian A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce.
MILLINERY store, doing good business, in
leading Vallny town; store, fixtures and
stock for $500. M 145, Oregonian.
SALOON for sale; good business; good loca
tion. A snap. Or will take partner.
Phone Pacific 2717.
RESTAURANT for sale, good fixtures, lease.
Inquire S North 6th st.
MAKE an offer on $1000 in Oregon Savings
Bank. B 147, Oregonian.
WANTED Partner In machine shop. O
137, Oregonian.
CIGAR and confectionery store for sale at In
voice. Pacific 1746.
GOOD opportunity' for barber shop. Hotel
Hoyt, 142 N. loth st.
MISS ETHEL WARD'S manicuring and
chiropody parlors, suite 16, 361 Morri
son st. 1
DR. ATWOOD, female diseases; maternity
case, private hospital- 8 Lewis bL P. 1753.
Recently pened manicuring parlors removed
frcm Sl to 843 Morrison il, room 2.
THE healing household remedy. Satin skin
cream should always be handy. 26c
MADAM VASHTL scalp and facial
and chiropody. 01 3d sU
LADIES, one word with you 28 years, -of suc
cessful practice in roruma in me imuueni
Of diseases peculiar to women should be suf
ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of
an experienced physician and surgeon. I
bave assisted hundreds of anxious and suf
fering women. I can assist you. If in
trouble, ao matter from what cause, call on
old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special
ist; no charge for consultation or advice.
251 Alder corner d, PortlAsd. Or. Cor
respondence sacredly confidential.
Late superintendent of, Chicago Women s Hos
pital, treats diseases of women exclusively ;
ladles will consult their beet interests by
corr munlcatlng with me; no fee for con
sultation; correspondence absolutely cona
dentlal; maternity cases given special at
tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder,
corner 3d, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796.
Medical and surgical, under the manage
ment of Dr. Mary Lane, the well-known
specialist, with a corps of able physicians;
diseases of women and children, maternity
cases given special attention; correspondence
confidential; concultatlon free. Offices 6-14,
352 Washington st.. Grand Theater bldg.
Phone Main S92& '
SUITS pressed while you wait. 600. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to publlo at
large: Suits1 pressed at GOo at Gilbert, the
tailor's, KKi 6th St., next to Quelle. La
dies' skirls pressed, 6O0. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 206.
Swedish trained nurse, Helslngfors graduate,
cures rheumatism, nervous disorders, sprains,
superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat
and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East
Akeny car. Phone East 260. Home B 1&03.
CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases of
men and women cured by modern scientific
methods; eleutrio treatment for diseases of
the prostate; consultation free. Dr. W. L
Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth st.
TRY MEt" Pure, natural, nourishing food
not medicine), guaranteed to cure consti
pation. Write today for free sample and
full particulars. Puget Sound Natural Rem
edy Co., 14 Jones block, Tacoma, Wash.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlches
ters Diamond Brand Pi Us. For 26 years
known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand
Fills. Sold by druggists every wh era
DRESS suits for rem, six sixes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, psessed. buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. So9 Stark st.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot
ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for
female troubles and Irregularities; by mall,
$2 box. Dr. Pierce. 181 1st st., Portland.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonio Tablets, 25c a box. Writs
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison
st., bet. 1st and 2d
GERMAN, French, Spanisn aad other Foreign
Dictionaries Text Books and Literature
(German books a specialty). A. W. feonmal
Co.. 229 First st.
Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 5042.. A 2069.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M- D. Hill,
room 330, FUedner bldg. Pacific 135
MRS. W. HOWE, Indian root and herb so
cialist, herbal baths, removed to 374 East
Market, cor. Union ave. ,
AUTOMOBILE for sale or" will trade for city
property. Phone Main 6718.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 626
B. Belmont. Phone E 4034.
GEORGE Send address and we will write
Proposals Invited.
THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for
a stock of merchandise of the Invoice price
or $!903.2l, consisting or hats and' caps,
gloves, furnishings, shoes and clothing, to
gether with fixtures amounting to $332.14,
located at Levlton, Idaho, until 12 o'clock
non, Tuesday, September 3, 1917.
The inventory may be seen at my office.
and) inspection of the property may be had
at L.ewiston, io:ano.
The right is reserved to reject any and all
bids and a deposit of 10 per cent of the
amount or bid. must accompany eacn pro
posal. Dated at Portland, Or., Aug. 23. 1907.
Bids will be received until 12 o'clock
noon. 31st August, on the construction of
hosDltal build ins at Stevenson. Wash.
Plans and specifications, now at Puph A
Lepg's office. Ainnworth building. Port
laud, or at office uf secretary in Steven
son, Wash. Address The Stevenson toan
atorium Co., Stevenson, Wash.
U. S. ENGINEER Office. Honolulu. T.'H.
Aug. 15, 1907. Sealed proposals for fur
nishing and delivering 14.000 barrels rort
land cement, 16,500 tons broken stone and
70O0 tons sand will be received here until
12 M., October 10, 1907, and then publicly
opened. Information furnished on appll
cation. C. W. Otwoll, Capt. Engrs.
TRUNKS and grips belonging to Mr. Brown.
CTTarles Green and J. J. Flynn are held for
rent; if not called for In 10 days, will be
sold for amount cue. Mrs. noss, S4w ad
keny street.
M iscellnneous.
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
meetins of the stockholders of the Port"
land A Asiatic Steamship Company will be
held at the office of the company in port
. land, Oregon, Thursday, September 6, 1907,
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., for the elec
tion of a board of directors and the trans
action of such other business as may proper
ly come before the meeting.
W. R. LITZENBERG. Secretary.
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon
Railroad A Navigation Company will be
held at the office of the company, in Port
land, Or., Thursday, September 6, 1907,
at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at which
meeting a board of directors will be elected
and such other business transacted as may
properly come before the meeting. W. W.
Cotton, secretary.
TRUNKS and grips belonging to Mr. Brown,
Charles Green and J. J. Flynn are held for
rent; if not called for in 10 days, will be
'sold for amount due. Mrs. Ross, 349 An
keny st
$10 REWARD Stolen or strayed from E.
48th and Taylor sts., July 18th, horse ;
color, white and gray; weight about 1300
pounds; branded anchors on both shoul
ders. Finder please notify Andrew Kan
A Co.
LOST 16th st., between Marshall and Wash
ington, lady's purse containing four $5 bills.
2 pennies .and a trade check on a Grand
Island, Neb., confectionery store. Return
to 836 E. 33d st. South. Reward.
LOST A bunch of keys in the vicinity of
Morrison and First or Alder sts., or at
The Oaks. Finder return to Bureau Saloon
and receive reward.
FOUND Where hlr mattresses are renovated,
returned same day. 223 Front. Main 474.
Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST At City Park, small pin. with
wreath around white heart, with Initials
W. B. C. Phone East 3610. Reward.
Lost On Washington st., bet. 3d and 7th.
open-face watch. Initials on back "F.F."
Phone Main 2740. Reward.
LOST Elk's head button, diamond setting;
liberal reward for return to Hub Clothing
Co., 3d and Burnslde.
LOST Pearl crescent pin.
East 5872. Reward.
Finder phone
GEO. T. MURTON, 808 Chamber Commerce.
Phone Main 8081. General accounting and
aud 1 ting business.
H. J. HEFTY, architect Office,
Exchange bldg., room 423.
Assayerg said Analysts.
Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, metal
lurgists and aesayers. 204 Washington.
MONTANA Assay Office, 186 Morrison st.
Best facilities. - Prices reasonable.
PAUL RAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Chiropody and Manicuring.
WM. D EVENT and Estelle Deveny. the only
scientific chiropodists. parlors 23 Drew
building, 162 2d et. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 FUedner bldg. Phone Pacific 185.
J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist all Instru
ments sterilized. 702 MarquanrS Main 523o
Carpenters and Builders.
Stores, houses and buildings remodeled. Plans
drawn, showcases manufactured. 289 Couch.
W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting; 330 Stark. Main 688L
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides.
pens, rurs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal anq general commission mer
chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com
mission mercnants, tsnerlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission
merchants. XW tid St.
DANCING lessons, 25c during Summer months)
vcaooi open an year; social, fancy and stage
dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing
School, Alifcky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts.
Holmes Business College, at Washington
and Tenth streets, Portland, Or., has
raised its commercial courses to the
standard of a university training. Th
Private Secretary Course may be had
either day or night. Do not decide upon
a school until you have written for in
formation. Open every day and evening-
Tenth and Morrison.
KJima aii tne year. private or class in
struction. Position certain when compe
tent. All modern methods of bookkeep
ing taught; also correspondence, rapid
calculations, office work, Chartier. short
hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue free.
Gasoline Engines.
Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch
es, accessories, wholesale, retail ; engine re
pairing. Reierson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mor.
Junk, Hides and Felts.
L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of bides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacks. 312 Front st.
Harness and Saddles.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
and harness mnfrs., SO-80 1st. Main 226.
ber 1. For catalogue apply to Dr. Chas.
Keana, pres., 1618 Market et San Fran
cisco. Leather and Findings.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front et.
CHAS. L. MAS TICK A CO., Front and Oak
sts. Leather and skins of every description
for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' flndr
Ings. Machinery.
Bw. TRENKMAN A CO., mining, sawmill log
ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings,
all kind, repaired. 104 N. 4th st.
Osteopathic Physicians.
416-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts.
Phone, office. Main 340.
Residence. Main 1608.
Residence. E. 1028.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate KIrkville. Mo. 49 Oregonlan
bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2762.
Paints. Oils and Glass.
RAFMUSSEN A CO., Jobbers, paints, olla;
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
ratent Lawyers.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patent si
Infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
Real Estate.
Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. slugs, bar checks,
etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407.
P.1 C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder St. Rubbei
stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs
DI EBOLD manganese safes large 1 lnes car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both
phones. J. E. DavlsP 66 3d.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures.
R, H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530.
SHOWCASES, cabinets, etc Jas. L Mar
shall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch St.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., eor. 6th and
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
Sign- Painting.
SIGNS ("That Attract,")
Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pac. 1596.
Greatest living clairvoyant.
' Readings on all affairs of life.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
No questions asked.
Call today. Don't delay.
852 Washington. - Phone Main 1267.
LARFEN. the palmist, has returned. Read
ings for short time only. 815 Allsky bldg.
Mrs. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all
affairs of life. 360 Morrison St., room 72.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. pir'K, office 88 1st, bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and
parked for shipment; commodious brick
warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
HAY, oats, flour and merchandise stored at
reasonable rates; correspondence solicited.
Oregon Warehouse Co., 368-374 Water st.
storage and transferring. 209 Oak st. Phone
Main 647. A 2247, Pacific 1061.
Teachers' Agency.
C. R. B. TEACHERS' AGENCY can place
you at once where your ability to "make
good" will command the highest remunera
tion; "no delay." 808-4 Allsky bldg., 266
Morrison st.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re
paired. Coast Agency, 23 L Stark. Phone 14i.
(Established in 1864.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000,000
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$10,153.8 13
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit Issued, available In all
parts of the world. Interest paid on time
'. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up
ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager
W. M. Ladd C E. Ladd J. W. Ladd
Established 1859.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
J. FRANK WATSON . , President
H. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R. W". HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
S. E- CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail
able In all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland, Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00.
Deposits. $14,000,000.00.
Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast.
A. L. MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W. C. ALVOP.D Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier
The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon.
RESOURCES. OVER $2,200,000.
General Banking.
2 per cent Interest on check account
feven hundreds) on dally balances of $50O
or over. Letters of credit and exchange on
all parts of the world. Savings accounts 3
per cent. Time certificates 8 to 4 per cent;
short-call special certificates, $500 or over,
2 to 4 per cent.
Call for Book of "Illustrations."
Phone Private Exchange 72.
S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets.
BENJ. I. COHEN... President
H. L. PITTOCK VicePrestdent
B. LEE PAGET .Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary