Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 23, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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September Butterick Patterns, 10c and 15c September Delineator 15c New Fall Suits, Cloaks, Millinery and Dress Goods
Mercerized Silk
Ginghams 19c Yard
Exquisite mercerized silk Ginghams
in blue and white, black and white,
red and white, brown and white,
checks and plaids. Regulail Q
25c to 35c values, yd. 1 7C
Collar Supporters
Every woman uses this useful and
pretty piece of jewelry. A pair of
patent adjustable Collar Support
ers sets with assorted stones, pretty
rose finish gold, -regular
75c values for JOK
50c Brooches 18c
Sterling silver Brooches in pretty
etched designs, flower patterns and
head effects, French gray finish, reg
ular 35c and 50c values, 1 O
Friday special ... . OKZ
Linen Handkerch'f s
500 dozen women's all-pure linen
Handkerchiefs, 1-8-inch and 1-4-inch
hemstitch, regularly sold for
$1.75 dozen ; great Friday 1 1
special at $1.25 dozen, each..
30c Black Lace Lisle
Stockings, 21c Pair
2000 pairs women's fine quality
black lace lisle stockings, large as
sortment of patterns, regular 30c
quality; special for this Fri-O "I
day Bargain Day
Cotton Vests 12V2C
500 women's ribbed cotton Vests, low
neck, no sleeves, silk taped neck, '
regular 25c quality. A tremendously
good Friday bargain at 1 O
just half price aC
Lisle Drawers 25c
500 pairs women 's fine quality ribbed
lisle Drawers, deep lace edge trim,
regular 45c quality, Friday OC
sale tOC
Sale Pillow Cases
45x36 inch Pillow Cases, plain hem
med, ready for use, extra good val
ue at the Friday sale 122C
Hemstitched, ready for use, extra ,
good value at . OA
only a&VC
Table Cloths
100 bleached linen Tablecloths in an
assortment of choice designs, with
border on four sides. Actual size,
66x70 inches and a special good
Friday value at $1 48
500 New Leather Belts
$2.00, $4.00 YaL $ 1.00
500 latest and most popular and stylish wom
en's leather Belts, crushed and fitted Fall
styles, in white, black, gray, red and tan. A
manutacturer's sample line of new Fall Belts selling reg-
ularly at $2, $2.50, $3 and $4; special for Friday Bargain Day pX.vlO
Seal, Horn
Walrus and
Values to $2.25 at $1.00
Special for Friday Bargain Day we offer 100 walrus, horn, alligator
and seal back strap purses with gusset" sides, fancy gilt and black
clasps in the latest Fall, 1907, novelty ideas. A leading manufac
turer's sample line of new purses, intended to sell reg- q- ff
ularly for $2 and $3.25. Special for Friday Bargain Day4jlAVJ
See Big Corner Window Display. No Phone Order. None on Approval
Great Sale
of Lace
Buy now and
save money
Here you will find thousands of pairs of Lace Curtains greatly reduced for this great Alteration Sale. Car
penters have been at work for weeks renovating our Drapery Department. "We must make room for our new
goods. White and Arabian Curtains in cluny, renaissance, Battenberg, Marie Antoinette, cable net, and Scotch
lace all greatly reduced for this sale:
Keg. $1 Curtains. $ .79
Reg. $1.50 Curtains, 1.09
Reg.$2.00 Curtains, 1.49
Reg. $2 .50 Curtains, 1.89
Reg. $3.00 Curtains, 2.29
Reg.$3.50 Curtains, 2.59
Reg. $4.00 Curtains, 2.95
Reg.$5.00 Curtains $3.85
Reg. $6.00 Curtains 4.59
Reg. $7.50 Curtains 5. 85
Reg. $8.50 Curtains 6.65
Reg. $10.00 Curtains 7.95
Reg.$12.50Curtains 9.75
Curtain Materials, Etc.
1500 Prs.Long Silk Gloves
$2.25 Vals. 1.39
1500 pairs of women's extra heavy long silk Gloves,
full 16-button length, double-tipped fingers, white
and black, sizes 54 to 7. . Regularly sold at $2.25
pair. Made by one of the Jeading glovemakers of
the world. This famous glovemaker has contracted
to supply the Lipman-Wolfe store with thousands
of pairs of his matchless product, and, owing to the
lateness of the season we will sacri-tfl4 ry "V
fice 1500 pairs Friday at only atpX?ty
Hm,c.kmTaf f eta Petticoats
$3.50, $3.75 vi. $2.95
100 black Hetherbloom taffeta Petticoats, elabor
ately made with beautiful flounces and ruffles!
They can be washed and retain their beauteous lus
ter and surpassing finish. They never crack like
ordinary taffeta. They have a delicate swish and
rustle ; cost half as much as ordinary taffeta and
over twice as long, four times better. Regular $3.50,
$3.75 values; special Friday
at only
All Summer Garment ere being doted out for lesa than coat
New and Stylish Fall Suits in great variety.
75cBeIt Buckles 23c
Prettiest Belt Buckles of the season,'
bought from a jewelry manufactur
er at such a low clearance price that
we can offer 50c and 75c HO
values for 40C
$1.50 Parasols 75c
White linen Parasols, both embroid
ered and plain styles; a parasol will
last year after year, and this,"7Cr
is great bargain at, only..
Linen Collars 15c
1000 women's embroidered stiff linen
. Collars, beautifully embroidered on
fine linen, regular 23o values ;1 C
Friday sale - ... AiJC
Beauty Pins 18c Pr.
Rolled-plate Collar or Beauty Pins
for the waist, cuffs, or ribbons, sat
in finish gold, regular 1
values, pair . . . .
Collar Buttons7V2c
A chance for the men. A fine gold
filled Collar Button, with pearl
backs, silver riveted so that backs
will not come off, in four sizes and
styles, regular 15c values, 71f
at jewelry counter '"
Lawn Kimonos 78c
Women 's fancy lawn Kimonos and
Dressing Sacques, made with and
without belt and collar, light or
dark colors; values to $1.25, yO
on sale for
Big Notion Savings
Another of our famous Friday Notion
Sales, new and desirable goods at
money-saving prices :
25c Combination Black Shoe Dressing:
will not injure leather; best grade
offered 18
15c White Shoe Cleaner or Canvas
Cleaner, good grade;" only 1 dozen to
customer; each 5t
15c card Assorted Pins; black, white
and mixed
' I5c box Bone Hair Pins, straight and
crimped, shell and amber 18
3Bc and 50c Steel Shears, all sizes 19
50c Rush Shopping Baskets, extra
strong weave, strong handle. .. .23
15c box Assorted Wire Hair Pins, extra
largo size assortment
20c pkg. Pure Parafflne Wax.,..10
25c Gold Dust Washing Powoer 17H
3c Ironing Wax, in sticks, with han-
2.1c pkg. pure Paraflne Wax lO
15e, 20c, 25c Playing Cards, line tln-
ish '. 12
Stationery Bargains
20c and 25c Quire Paper, assortment
of best papers now used," all sizes
and shapes, odd lots at only, "1
a quire.
15c and 20c Envelopes, all sizes in
newest shapes, just the right quality
of linen paper, R
Gould Interests Said to Have Bought
Idaho Road, Which Will Be Link
in Transcontinental Chain.
BOISK, Idaho. Aug. 22. ('Special.'
It comes from a source that Is reliable,
based on Information that bears all the
earmarks of being direct, that the
Gould interests have secured control
of what is called the San Francisco,
Idaho & Montana Railway, upon which
work has been started from Caldwell.
It is added that it is the Intention to do
a little work this year for the purpose
of holding all rights and that the road
will be constructed when the Western
Pacific shall have been more nearly
Some two months ago a railway man
who is g-enerallyaable to give some re
liable information respecting the
movements of two or three .campanles
said that the next railway line to be
constructed into Boise would be the
Northwestern. He added that it would
make a connection here with a line to
U'lnnemucca to a connection with the
Western Pacific, or build such a line
ltsolf. The further statement was
made at that time that an agreement
had beer, reached between the Gould
and the Northwestern interests under
which the Northwestern would make
Its connection with San Francisco over
the Western Pacific. Both were to
Invade the Harrtman territory in this
section and they would co-operate in
every possible manner in the In
vasion. This same person stated the Goulds
would have a line reaching the various
irrigated tracts in the vicinity of Sho
shone Falls and might have an inde
pendent line Into Boise, but the first
road to reach this place would be the
Northwestern making the connection
with the Western Pacific in the man
ner stated.
This story of the sale of the San
Francisco. Idaho & Montana to the
Goulds fits in so well with that
Information that it will arouse much
interest. Everyone can understand
that the Goulds would be likely to
seek a line reaching this Valley and
that they would have much to gain by
affording the Northwestern an outlet
to San Francisco.
Children of Sprlngboro Play With
Fish in Fountain.
SPRING FI ELD, Pa.. Aug. 17. The oro-
tection of Ben. a carp that has lived In
the town fountain for 14 years and Is
regarded as the town pet, has become a
municipal problem. Children of Spring
boro look on Ben as a playmate and
would not harm him for the world, but
several times boys visiting here have
taken advantage of Ben's friendliness to
the extent of Injuring him, and once or
twice his life has been in danger. More
over, Ben's fame has spread so far that
several efforts have been made to kidnap
him. The latest attempt of the kind was
by a member of a small circus, who
tried to steal Ben under cover of the
night. Fortunately, the town constable
was not far off and he thwarted the
circus man. , -
Every afternoon the children take Ben
from the mountain and play with him on
the grass around the fountain, which is 16
feet in diameter and is fed by a living
spring of pure water.
When caught in a neighboring stream.
14 years ago, Ben weighed three pounds,
and was presumably about three years
old. Now he tips the scales at 10 pounds,
which Is probably half of what he would
have weighed if he had been living in a
muddy stream or pond all these years.
But while the clear water of the foun
tain, to say nothing of the handling he
receives, has stunted his growth, Ben
Is not only healthy, but is much more
active than carp which lead a normal
existence. At the beginning of the Win
ter earth is thrown into the fountain for
Ben to burrow in, and the lountain is
boarded up so that the mud will not
freeze solid. Ben loses aoout a pound
In weight while hibernating, but quickly
regains that and more in the Spring,
when the water becomes warm and
people again begjn to pamper him.
The long mooted question among scien
tists. "Do fish heari ' has been settled
by Ben. If a person at the edge of the
fountain, out of Ben's sight, whistles
sharply or calls him. by name, the carp
will swim toward" him and come to the
Ben does not struggle when lifted
gently out of the water and shows no
Relieve Nasal Catarrh, allay inflamma
tion, soothe and heal the mucous mem
brane, sweeten and purify
the breath. Best gargle
for Sore Throat. 60c. or
$1. Druggists or mail,
Made by
l It's Goody
Give instant rHf
- - - wvruicev&Ae
Heartburn, Nausea, al discomforts of
indigestion and dyspepsia. Pleasant
and economical. Medium size, 25c;
Large, $1 ; Pocket, handsome aluminum
bonbonniere, 10c. Druggists or mail.
C. I. HOOD CO.. Lowell. M jsa.
The worst extravagance
is a "cheap", one; better not
waste the money.
Tour grocer rtnrai year money If yon
don't like Schilling's Best; we ar him.
sign of distress if kept out an hour or
two. He will eat out of one's hand, not
only in the water but while resting on
one's knee or lap.
May Build Into Arizona.
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 22. Adrian H.
Joline. president of the Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas Railway, accompanied by
his wife, niece and secretary, Is in
this city. Mr. Joline and party left
New York August 2. The report is
current that his coming has something
to do with the building of the San
Diego Arizona road, construction
work on which is expected to begin
within a week.
If Babr ! Cutting Teeth
Be sure and use tnat old well-tried remedy.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, aoftens the
sum, allays pain, oollo aad diarrhoea-
Young Parisians Practice With Pis
tols on Men in Armor.
PARIS, Aug. 17. Regular schools for
the instruction of prospective duelists
have been established in the vicinity of
the Champs Elyseea, and the lotions in
clude both fencing and shooting.
In the schools where pistol practice
Is taught the student fires at the living
man. The "target" Is. of course, spe
cially clothed for the occasion like a
deep-sea diver, and his face is protected
by a helmet containing a thick slab of
plate glass. A long-barreled dueling pis
tol Is used, but instead of cartridges
harmless clay pellets are used, and the
jeunesse doree of Paris love nothing
better than to put In an hour or two
firing at patient mannequins who stand
up to be shot In the most literal sense.
Some of the pupils are old men, but
the majority are mere boys and cauow
youths, who take their tuition in a- seri
ous way and cheerfully pay 10 francs an
hour demanded by the instructor. Some
of them. It is only fair to say. are as
tonishingly accurate shots, and after a
rapid exchange will wa t up to the in
structor to have tne adhesive pellets on
their glass visors gravely counted.
There can be little doubt as to the ef
fect of schools of this kind; it is evi
dent that they encourage quarrelsome
ness of a dangerous and deadly nature.
Fortunately there is a bill before the
Chamber of Deputies by which dueling
will be taken entirely out of the cate
gory of "breaches of the peace and
made a criminal offense.
Similar institutions exist In all the
great military cities of Germany and
Italy. Within the past few weeks a
dueling school for both sword and pistol
has been established In Madrid under
smart and fashionable auspices. When
remonstrated with, pupils merely shrug
Fourth and Washington Street!
their shoulders and say that even if they
never have occasion to profit by a course
of lessons, at least the school serves for
Today's Sensation
All Portland will buy today,
and buy for months to come. The
Golden Eagle, the big department
store at Third and Yamhill
streets, in order to raise a large
amount of money immediately, on
account of the suspension of thfr
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank,
will sell everything in their im
mense stocks today Friday at
one-half regular marked prices.
Man sslt SILVERFIELB'S I Enflre co" Four,h
Satisfaction Guaranteed Morrison Streets
Commencing Today Our Great Alteration Sale
With the grandest bargains on good seasonable merchandise ever
offered A few extra specials for today
Odds and ends in fine tailored suits
' come in both fitted and semi-fitted
jackets in all the newest stripes,
checks and invisible plaids.
Skirts are full plaited with Mas hands at the bottom; regular,
values to $35.00. Special Today for ....$11.93
Lingerie Waists at $4.98
Ladies' fine lawn, mull and lingerie waists,'
well made and beautifully trimmed with
lace and insertion. Regular values from
$6.00 to $7.50. Special Today for.. $4.93
Panama Skirts at . $7.85
Ladies' fine Panama and voile skirts in mannish mix
. tures, stripes and checks, also gray,' champagne,
brown and bine; extra values for Today only. $7.85
Ladies'-Vests at . . 27c
A fine line of ladies' lisle vests with plain and embroid
ery necks; regular 50c values. ' Special for Today
bnly 27tf
Fine Furs
One of the newest styles
i n Brodkmink sets of
throw and muff, well made
and lined; regular $16.50
values. Special Today and
All Parasols Red'ced
Choose from our entire line of hizh
grade linen, taffeta silk and pongee Parasols in white, solid colors
and checks. Today only at the following low prices:
$3.50 Parasols 1 $2.19 $2.60 Parasols $1.69
$3.00 Parasols $1.98 $1.50 and $2.00 Parasols. . .98
$4.00 Parasols $2.25 $3 and $3.50 Parasols. . .$1.98
Only a Pew Days More in
Which to Have Your
Furs Remodeled at
Summer Prices
Those who have furs to
be remodeled or repaired
will do well to bring them
in at once as only a few
days remain in which to
have them attended to at
reduced Summer rates.
Stored free of charge.
Children's Wash Hats at 98c
Children's embroidery wash hats, slightly soiled by
display; regular $2.25 to $3.00 values. Special for
Today 98
R. & G. Corsets at . 98c
A few models in this renowned corset in all sizes and
to fit all figures; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values.
Special Today for 98