Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Counting-Room Main TWTO
Cltv Circulation Main 7070
Mnnaglnr Editor Main 7070
Sum. ay Editor Main 7070
Composfnfr-Room ..Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
Superintendent Building Main 7070
East glda Office East !
blwn 8th and 7th) Stockwoll-Mac-Grgor
Company In "An You a Mason T"
Tonight at 8:80.
GRAND THEATER Waahlnston, between
Park and Eeventh) Vaudeville. 2:30. 7:3U
and S P. M.
PANTAOKfl THEATER 4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. T:30. 8 P. M.
J-YRIC THEATER f7th and Alder) The
Alln Stock Company In "The Two Or
phan." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees Tuei
uay. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at
!i:15 P. M.
STAR THEATER Park and Washington)
All-Star Stock Company In "The Scout's
Revenge." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees
Tuesday. Thursday. Eaturiay and Sun-
. day at 2:15 P. M.
THE OAKS (O. W. P. earllne) Gates open
12:30 P. M. to 11 P. M., Sundays and
holidays. 10 A. M. to 11 P. 11. Band con
certs and tree specialties.
BASEUALL, at Recreation Park (24th and
Vaughn streets) Today at 8:30 P. M., Port
land vs. San Francisco.
Ocean Park C. H. Bill
The Breaker ......... J. If. Arthur
Long Beach ........ ....Strauhal A Co.
Seavlew .........Strauhal A Co
Gearhart ....... ...... ..Dresser A Co.
Seaside ............ . ..Dresser at Co.
Newport r. H. Lane
Mocllps, Wash Breakers Pavilion
Carson Springs . Mineral Hotel
Collins Springs Belcher Co,
Moffltt Springs ...T. Moffltt
Wllholt Springs F. W. McLeran
For quickest and most satisfactory
service, subscribe for The Oregonlan at
Summer resorts through the above
agenta City rates. Subscriptions by
mall are payable In advance.
Sellwood MAils Not Satisfactory.
After over a month's trial of the con
solidation of the Sellwood mall station
with the Brooklyn station residents of
Sellwood declare that for ten years or
more the mail service has not been so
unsatisfactory as under the new method.
Two carriers take the mall to Sellwood
by streetcar and distribute It. V. G. Wal
burg, who has lived in Sellwood for more
than 15 years declared yesterday that
the service was better 15 years ago than
now. He says that the carriers collect
mail from the Sellwood mall boxes at
noon, and at 4 P. M. every day. It any
mall Is left after 4 P. M. It stays in
the boxes until the next day at 12 o'clock.
On Saturdays mall deposited In the boxes
is not taken up until the following Mon
day. Mr. Walburg said that he got
magazines before consolidation, but none
have been received since then. He at
tributes this to the overloading of the
carriers who come so far for mall. It Is
expected that the Sellwood Board of
Trade will take the matter up at Its next
meeting and will ask that the Sellwood
station be restored.
Chinese Vacate and Pat Costs. The)
long-drawn-out case against the Chinese
tenants of the rattletrap building at the
southwest corner of Alder and Second
streets has at last been settled, the
Chinese paying $250, the costs of the case.
The lowest fine In case of conviction
would have been J6000. The 12 Chinese
were compelled to put up I2S0O bail and
then when they refused to move were
shut out of the building. This put the
Orientals in the nervous squad, and
visions of what might be the end of the
affair led them through their attorney
to seek a settlement. The city dismissed
the case upon the agreement of the
Chinese to vacate without further trouble.
Rev. P. E. Deli, Will. Preach. The
union vesper services In Hawthorne Park
tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock will be
In charge of Rev. H. C. Shaffer, pastor
of the First United Brethren Church, and
Rev. F. E. Dell, of the Salem Congrega
tional Church, will deliver the sermon.
Rev. Mr. Dell was formerly pastor of
the First United Brethren Church, of
Portland. Special music will be provided
for this union meeting. Rev. Mr Bell is
now In the city, the guest of a friend
on the East Side.
Accused op Stealing Quilts. R. C.
Schmidt was arrested by Policeman W.
E. West yesterday morning on a charge
of drunkenness, but wllVbe prosecuted on
a charge of larceny o quilts, which he
is accused of taking from the lodging
house at First and Columbia streets. The
prisoner has been sought by Acting De
tective Price for several days, but finally
fell into a trap that was set for him and
was captured. The quilts are held as
Arrested ox Assault Charge. Lawyer
Frank Melvin, having an office in the
Chamber of Commerce building, was ar
rested by Acting Police Detective Price
yesterday morning on a warrant Issued at
the request of W. T. Linn, of 834 Clinton
street. Assault and battery Is charged
against the attorney, the complaint al
leging that he struck Linn, who. is 72
years of age, because the latter called at
the office to ask about an attachment.
Still Held at City Jail. Edward
Lewis, an aged pauper who was captured
while knocking at the rear window of the
home of L. H. Tarpley late Thursday
night. Is still held at the City Jail. There
Is no charge against him, as he is old
and Infirm and but recently left the
County Poorfarm. His actions greatly
frightened Mrs. Tarpley, who was alone
in her home at the time, and she sup
posed him to be a burglar.
The Regulator Line Excursion
. Steamer Telephone will make the round
trip to Cascade Locks and return Sunday,
the 18th, leaving Alder-street dock at 9
. A. M., returning about E P. M. Fare for
the round trip $1.00. Meals, 50c.
Bank Open Saturday Evenings. For
the accommodation of depositors, the
savings bank of tde Title Guarantee &
Trust Company, 240 Washington street,
corner Second, Is open on Saturday
evenings from 6 till 8 o'clock.
Messengers Will Not Strike. The
messengers employed by City Messenger
& Delivery Co. are not on strike and
all business entrusted to them will be
promptly handled. Telephone Main 29;
Home A 2929. . e
Messengers Will Not Strike. The
messengers employed by City Messenger
& Delivery Co. are not on strike and
all business entrusted to them will be
promptly handled. Telephone Main 29;
Home A 2929.
Take the A. & C. R. R. for Seaside and
Clatsop Beach Summer resorts, two
through trains daily, 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Special train Saturdays. 3:10 P. M. Ticket
office. Third and Morrison streets.
Operators and clerks wanted by the
Western Union Telegraph. Company.
Good opportunity for young men and
women with some knowledge of teleg
raphy. Bonus salary paid.
"The Symphony op Lire," and "A
Fragment Saved" will be the subjects of
Dr. House at the First Congregational
Church. Sunday, morning and evening.
Fire! Fjre! Fire!
Canton Bazaar Big Fire Sale Chinese
and Japanese fancy goods at any price.
Wing Wan Lung Co., 90 Sixth st.
Calvary Presbyterian Church. Rev.
Boudinot Seeley, Jr. will preach tomorrow.
Subjects, "Reprobation," and "Jacob, the
Kruses Beach Hotel, Gearhart Park.
Open for season. Address Harry T. But
terworth, Gearhart Park.- Or.
Business Men's Lunch 11:30 to 2. All
home-cooking. Women' Ex., 133 10th at,
Harness Races. There will be three
days racing at McMInvllIe. September 5,
6 and 7. The fastest horses will take part
in them, that are now in the Northwest.
Owing to the McMInvllIe track being
the fastest on the Coast, all Oregon"
records -are pretty sure to be smashed.
The programme follows: First day 2:30
trot. 2:30 pace. Second day 2:17 trot and
free-for-all pace. Third day 2:25 trot and
2:20 pace. Twenty-five dollars entrance,
with $100 added by the proprietor for each
race. Money divided 60, 30 and 10 per cent.
Entries made by Saturday. August 24, will
entitle horses to start. R. L. Bewley,
secretary, McMInvllIe, Or.
Spontaneous Combustion. The printing
establishment of Alvln S. Hawk, 144 Sec
ond street, was endangered by a fire,
caused by spontaneous combustion, last
night Painters had been working at the
place during, the day and threw some
oily rags Into a barrel. They broke Into
flames. Firemen of chemical No. 1 were
galled and extinguished the flames with
out any loss.
Falls From Gangplank. William
Brooks, a waiter on the Bteam schooner
Northland, loading cargo at the Oceanic
dock, fell from the gangplank while going
on board last night, and tumbled about 25
feet. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hos
pital. The exact extent of his Injuries
could not be stated last night.
The theme of tomorrow morning's ser
mon in the First Presbyterian Church
will be "A Personal Sense of God." In
the evening. "Second-hand Convictions."
The services will be conducted both morn
ing and evening by Rev. Charles Gorman
Richards, of Sterling. 111.
Organize A Masonic Lodge. A meeting
has been called for tonight for those
interested to take steps toward the or
ganization of a Masonic Lodge for Sell
wood. A considerable number of residents
have signified their desire to start a
lodge In that suburb.
OrncB for Detectives. Work on the
room in the Postofflce building to be oc
cupied by the Secret Service Bureau has
been completed and furniture Is now
being put in place. This room Is on the
third floor and was formed by partitioning
off a small hall.
Oregon City Boats. Short river ex
cursions Sunday, a most delightful river
trip. Boat leaves Taylor street 8:30, 11:30
A. M. ; 3 P. M. Leaves Oregon City 10
A. M.; 1:30 and 4:30 P. M. Round trip
45 cents, tickets good on O. W. P cars.
Many people are looking, for snaps. One
seven-room house, one eight-room house,
new modern, must be sold In ten days.
Good locality, close In. R. L. Cate, 226
Stark street. "
For Rent. Two nice outside rooms.
See Superintendent, Room 201 Oregonlon
R. Peterson and T. Dahlgren Ar
rested for Having Bottled Goods
on Tap on Sunday Picnic. "
Two subjects of King Christian of Den
mark were purged of contumely In a
decision of Municipal Judge Cameron
yesterday, which had pertinent bearing
on the Sunday closing law. R. Peterson
and T. Dahlgren were haled Into court
on a charge of punching holes In the sab
bath day lid. Both had been among the
large throng of Danes who had taken
themselves to Rhose's Park, last Sunday
for the purpose of enjoying a picnic. In
fact, it was the annual outing of the
Danish Aid Society of Portland, and they
were determined to celebrate the occas
ion to the fullest extent.
A vital part of the day's programme
wis the mid-day luncheon, and In pur
suance of tue national custom, Peterson
and Dahlgren provided themselves with
some select bottled goods. And Just be
cause It happened to he Sunday, those
conscientious sleuths, Kay and Kienlen,
arrested them.
Judge Cameron, without making any
comment on the case, gave the arresting
officers a stinging rebuke, quoting from
decisions in Pennsylvania, Indiana and
Alabama, touching similar cases, as fol
lows: In the case of the Commonwealth va. Carey
In the Atlantic Reports, State of Pennsylvania,
we flnd this decision: .
"If for reasons of health or habit one
chooses to supply his own table with his own
liquors for use by himself, his friends or his
gueBts on Sunday, there Is not now and never
has been In this state a statute forbidding
him to do eo."
In the case of Commonwealth vs. Hechler,
In the Atlantlo Reports:
"The place la not material, , except as a
matter bearing on the is the nature
and intent of the act, not the place where it Is
done, that determines its character as lawful
or otherwise."
Also In the case of Reynolds vs. the State
of Alabama, we find that In deciding a simi
lar case the court says:
"Taking a glass of spirits or wine with a
friend or visitor In one's own residence is
one of the forms In which hospitality shows
itself. We are not dealing with the morality
or hurtfulness of the custom. ' That Is
not a Judicial question. TVe are endea
voring to arrive at the Intention of the law
making power. In this (poeslbly Injurious)
act of hospitality, we apprehend no one should
entertain the thought of a change of owner
shop, or property that he was thereby dis
posing of the article thus used and consumed.
Quite as appropriate would it be to affirm
that the host had disposed of the viands his
friend consumed while enjoying a hospitable
dinner with him." '
"The cases being almost identical with
the case at hand, the court feels that it
would not be just to do otherwise than
discharge the defendants."
Oriental Rug Opportunity at Gll
nian's This Afternoon.
It Is a great rug opportunity to
buyers of Oriental rugs to visit our
auction rooms, 41J Washington street,
and view the great aggregation of
Persian rugs to be sold this after
noon commencing 3 P. M., until 10 P.
M. The collection comprises of all
specimens of Oriental fabrics, Ker
manshah. Saruk, Senna, Daghestan,
Bokhara, etc. Every rug is an ex
quisite example of its kind a great
bargain at this sale.
It is part of a great shipment re
ceived by a reputable firm of great
integrity and must be sold to realize
quickly a sum of money.
A. Huddad, an expert in the Oriental
rug business Is in charge of the col
lection and will gladly give you all
the information necessary.
S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. .
Charles McGinn, of Los Angeles, Is vis
iting his daughter, Mrs. John F. Shea, at
her home, 562 Glisan street, for a few
County Clerk Frank S. Fields, who has
been confined to his house for the past
week, expects to be able to resume his
duties at the Courthouse today. Mr.
Fields suffered from a peculiar swelling
which the doctors believe was caused by
the bite of a spider or some other insect.
Abscesses and Ulcers Cured by
"The Household Surgeon." Druggists re
fund? money If Dr. Porter's Antiseptlo Heal
ing Oil falls. :oc
County and State Pedagogues
Take Examinations.
Results of Inquisition of 1(24 Teach
ers Who Have Gone Through
Tests Are Still In Doub.
- List of Questions.
Teaching the young Idea how to shoot Is
an exact science Into which some 124 jolly
pedagogues, young and old, have been
delving for the. past two days. Each and
every one Is on the anxious seat, await
ing the decision of the examiners. These
tests have been conducted at the Ladd
school, the annual county examinations
having been completed yesterday, and the
catechism for applicants for state certifi
cates drawing to a close, this afternoon.
In the opinion of County School Superin
tendent R. P. Robinson, the list of ques
tions put to the applicants for Multnomah
County certificates, were comparatively
easy, and he is confident that a very large
percentage of those who took the tests
will go through with flying colors.
The programme for yesterday was a
series of tests In geography, civil govern
ment and school law for would-be county
teachers, while the state applicants were
put through a course of sprouts In
botany, geometry, general history, English
literature and school law.
Yesterday's subjects and questions were
as follows:
North America: 1. Name 10 important In
dentations of the coast. 2. Name five
drainage systems. 3. Name, in order, the
states bordering on the Mississippi, with
their capitals. 4. Oregon (a) Name the
five most Important rivers: (b) name the
five largest cities; (c) bound the county In
which you sre writing, and the name of
the county seat of each contiguous county:
d name some locality specially noted for
strawberries, watermelons, peaches, grain.
coal, gold, cherries, building stone, water
power ano scenery. (r-iny creaiis.
South America: 1. Name 10 countries with
their capitals. 2. Name five important sea
ports, and the most Important export from
each. 3. Define the following: Pampas,
Llanos, Sllvas, cinchona, caoutchouc. 4.
Name the three drainage systems and two
of the largest branches of the Amazon.
(Twenty-five credits.)
Europe: 1. Name 10 countries with their
capitals, and Indicate the form of Govern
ment by a letter placed after the name of
eacl' country. 2- Name and locate five
mountain ranges. 3. i Describe five rivers.
4. Name 10 indentations of the coast.
(Twenty-five credits.)
Civil Government.
State the difference between civil and.
criminal cases?
Who exercises legislation over the Dis
trict of Columbia, and why this provision?
In ' case of a vacancy in the National
House or Senate, how is the vacancy filled?
What do you understand by the term
copyright, and for what length of time Is a
copyright Issued?
Define majority, plurality and quorum.
Mention five powers of the Governor of
this state.
Through what sources is the revenue of
the United States derived?
A ptrson convicted of counterfeiting is
tried in what court?
How would you teach pupils the Justice
of penal Institutions?
What is a treaty? How are treaties
State clearly the difference between the
"referendum law" and the "initiative law.'."
Theory and Practice and Methods.
Define teachipg.
There is an axiom of pedagogy relative to
the subject-matter and method. State it.
. Name the three guiding ends of teaching.
. What Is the sure test of a device?
Is knowledge transferable? Give reasons
for your answer.
Name the three teaching processes.
Name five maxims.
Name and define the three distinct"meth
jds of calling CD pupils to respond to ques
tions or topics In a class exercise.
During the past 40 years there has been a
mirked change in school teaching in the use
of pen and pencil by pupils. "What 1b this
chbnge? Has this change been for the
best? Give reason for your last ancwer.
Relative to the subject-matter, what
should a teacher have?
Name two uses of the "test."
School Lav.
What penalty tnay be Imposed upon a
teacher for willful failure to fulfill a con
tract to teach a term of school?
State two causes for which a teacher may
be dismissed during a term of employment.
What Is the penalty when public money
Is applied to the payment of an unqualified
What duties of the teacher are usually
enumerated In the teacher's contract?
What provisions has the State of Oregon
made for libraries in country schools?
Does the State of Oregon uphold the
teacher In cases of corporal punishment?
How does a teacher's certificate affect
the length of a contract to be made by a
district board for the employment of such
What steps must be taken in order that a
new school district may be formed?
Is It lawful for a director to perform labor
for his district, or to sell supplies to It and
receive compensation for the same?
What is the provision of law relative to
the teaching of the effects of narcotics and
stimulants on the human system?
State fully who are required to attend
upon Instruction at a teachers' Institute.
Changes His Mind About
Going to Jail
After Seeing Interior of Town
Prison, A. D. McDonald, St. Johns
Capitalist. Decides to Pay Fine.
ffKIVE dollars, or two days in the
I City Jail,'' said Recorder Bsson,
who presides over the St. Johns Municipal
Court, yesterday morning as A. D. Mc
Donald, a St. Johns property owner
stood before him.
Mr. McDonald was charged with main
taining a dangerous opening In front of
his building on Jersey street and was
haled before the Recorder by Chief of
Police Bredson. The charjge was clearly
proven and as the Recorder could not
discriminate between Mr. McDonald and
the propertyless citizen, pronounced sen
tence. As soon as Mr. McDonald compre
hended the meaning of the sentence, he
declared very promptly:
"I'll spend two days in the jail. Officer,
do your worst."
Mr. McDonald had never been Inside of
the St. Johns jail and knew nothing of
the terrors of that Institution. He was
conducted to the Jail and permitted to
take an Inventory of the interior of the
cell he was to occupy. Only pedestrian
tourists had honored Hotel Bredson up
to this time, and the Chief of Police was
feeling highly honored at the prospects
of so distinguished a boarder, but the
boarder objected to the room to which
he had been assigned and demanded one
with more light and a bay window. Chief
Bredson expressed regret that he could
not furnish him better quarters, but It
was the best room in the house. Mr.
McDonald seld he would not board in
such a disreputable den, and demanded
to be taken back to the Recorder, where
he paid his fine.
New Lumber Rates Fixed.
COLVILLE, Wash., Aug. 16. (Spe
cial.) The Board of Equalization has
fixed ' the basis rate of value on logs
and lumber, for assessment purposes
in Stevens County, as follows: For logs
on the railways, $3 and lumber $8 per
Safety Follows
Prudence Governs
Conservatism and loyalty to de
positors during 20 YEARS of
business life.
Invites your business whether
large or small.
In return we give
In the handling of all funds and
interest at from
2 to 4
per annum.
Our resources over
Call for our statement and
book of '
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
8. E'. Corner Third and Oak Sta.
Phone Exchange 73.
BENJ. I. COHEN President
H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA... Assistant Secretary
thousand feet board measure; within
three miles of railway, logs 12.50 and
lumber $7 per thousand, and over -three
miles $2 for logs and $6 for lumber,
per thousand feet. This rate has been
fixed for all of the mills, and those ef
fected by the raise are advised to ap
pear at a stated time and show cause
why the new rate should not apply.
Best Grade Government-Inspected
Meat Values $175.'
On page 6 will be found the details;
these prizes are worth working for, or
rather reading' for, as one has only to
read an Intensely Interesting little blue
book and then do a little thinking.
AH the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; flnu private apart
ments for parties. 306 Wash., near 6th.
Northwest Scenery Imperial Hotel.
We can extract one or all your
teeth without hurtinsr a bit, and
Iiut In new teeth the same day
f you desire.
Our system of crown and
bridge work is simple, quick and
When desired you can have T.
P. Wise or my personal service.
Painless Extracting; Free when
Plates are Ordered. T
and doing; dental work all the
time. That is the record of Dr. "
. W. A. Wise. That's one reason T
our business has grown our pa- ?
trons come back, and they send Z
their friends.
W. A. WISE, Dentist :
Falling; bloU 3d and Washington eta
8 A. M. to B P. SI. Sundays a to 12.
Painless Extraction 50c Plates $5 m
T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturdevant I
and H. A. Huffman ;
F.TT. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
f Main
( Home
Home A1165
First and Oak
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Povvda
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purifies the brfeath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
Barber's Supply Co.
Headquarters for reliable Toilet Goods,
Cutlery, etc. We grind everything;.
Morrison and Tenth Sta.
gchwab Printing Co.
Radway's Ready Relief Cures all Summer
Complaints, Diarrhoea, Dyseatery, . Cholera
f l3
Corns to School ai Beautiful
St Mary's
of Portland.
THERE is no place
in all the West
which enables
young; ladles to se
cure complete edu
cation under such
delightful conditions
as St. Mar y'a of
The situation
is ideal, overlooking:
magnificent moun
tain peaks, wooded
heights and "The
Beau tlful Willam
ette." Training and
e n v i ronment at St.
Mar y's combine to
the development of
c u 1 1 u. red, talented
and graceful young
wi o m e n. Portland,
the wealthiest city
of the North west,
has 'finest ad
vantages socially, as
well as in music, art,
You can make
your education as
complete as you
wish at St. "Mary's,
of Portland.
Send Today for Cata
logue. a k. .a -
Uni varsity Park. Station,' Portland, - Oregon.
Catholic Boarding and Tay School for
young men and boya. Situated on a high
plateau skirting the Willamette River and
overlooking th panoramic City of Portland;
a veritable health resort for students. Ex
tensive play-grounds and the largest gym
nasium in the Northwest.
Collegiate, Preparatory and Commercial
Catalogue sent on application.
School opens September 10.
Mills College
Confers degrees and grants diplomas;
seminary course accredited to the
University and leading Eastern col
leges. Rare opportunities offered in
music, art and domestic science. Forty-second
year. Fall term opens Au
gust 14, 1907. Write for catalogue
to MRS. C. T. MILLS, President,
Mills College P. O., Cal.
Brunot Hall
A Boarding and Day
School for Girls
Certificate admits to Smith-Wellesly
and other colleges. The music depart
ment under the charge of artists ig a
special feature. Fine art studio. Write
for illustrated catalogue. For further
information address
2209 Pacific Avenue, Spokane, Wash.
Delightfully situated; magnificent view:
homelike eomforts. Manual Training. Mili
tary Discipline. College Preparation. Boys
of any age admitted at any time. Writs
for Illustrated Catalogue.
Proprietor and Principal.
Belmont School
Near San Francisco, believes that it fairly
offers ths educational advantages that
thoughtful parents are seeking for their
boys. A catalogue and book of views will
explain the purpose and spirit of the schooL
Next term begins August 12, 10T. W. T.
REID, A. M. (Harvard), Head Master; W.
T. REID, JR., A. M. (Harvard), Assistant
Head Master.
Medical Department
University of Oregon
21st Annual Session Begins Sept. 18. 1907.
Address 6. E. Joaephi. M. D., Dean.
610 Dekum Bldg.. Portland.
Delicate enough for the softest
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath, It should be on every wash
Crowns and Bridge
work $3.00.
flf.00 Fall Set of
Teeth. S8.00.
Boom 405, Dekum
jf" Always Buy V
Womr Collars
0 ' ' '-j-sss Shrunk. .
HTe"LINOCORD"ejeletbnttonholea a
y Easy to button. Strong to hold. a
E OIO. P. ID! a CO., Makers TKOV, M. V. 1
mm' vSW 11 '""Jm-'i-lssis.
1 ni-iinTisni:WsSisf"ssT-n I'-"- -
108 and 110 Fourth Street. .
Sole Distributors for Oregon and Washington.
Travel " Tourist "
at Half Cost
Northern Pacific tourist sleeping-cars are built
for comfort. They are new, well ventilated,
sanitary and pleasant. They are handsomely
finished inside, and safety of travel is assured
by steel platforms, wide vestibules and careful
construction. Roomy toilet and washrooms;
every convenience. Operated on transconti
nental trains of the
Northern Pacific Railway
Aaat en'l Paasensfer Agent
2ft 5 Morrison Street,
' ' Portland, Oregon.
The Oregonian, 1 Year . $9.00
A Good Talking Machine, value . . . 25.00
Six Standard Records, value . . . . 3.60
fmyz& $25.65
THE mi
By subscribing- to The Oregonlan for one year you can obtain a
regular 125 high-grade Talking Machine, six records of your selection
included, or choice of a $iS Violin and complete outfit all for $2o.6ov
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