Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Grand Central Station Time Card
Lea vine Portland
Shasta Express
Cottage Grove Passenger
. California Express
Ean Francisco Express. . ......
West Side
Corvallls Passenger .......
heridan Passenger
Forest drove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Arriving; Portland
Dregon Express
Pottage Grove Passenger
phasta Express
Portland Express
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger.
8:15 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
7 :45 p. xn.
11 :30 p. m,
7:00 a. m.
4:10 p. m.
11:00 a. m.
5:20 p. ra.
T:25 a. m,
11:30 a. m.
7:80 p. m.
11:30 p. xn.
S :55 p. m.
10:20 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
2:60 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Tacoma and Seattle Express...,
North Coast & Chicago Limited..
Puget Sound Limited
Overland Express. . ..........
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited
Portland Express ,
Overland Express
Puget Sound Limited
8:80 &. m.
2:00 p. m.
4 :30 p. m.
11:45 p. m.
7:00 a. xn.
4:15 p. m
8:15 p. m.
10:55 p. ra.
Leaving Portland
Local Passengei
Chicago-Portland Special
Spokane Flyer
Kansas City ft Chicago Express. .
Arriving Portland
Spokane Flyer
Chi., Kan. City ft Portland Ex..
Chicago-Portland Special
Local Passenger
8:00 a. xn.
8:30 a. ra.
7:00 p. m.
7:40 p. xn.
8:00 a. xn.
0:45 a. xn.
8 : 20 p. m.
6 :45 p. xn.
Leaving Portland
Astoria ft Seaside Express
.Astoria & Seaside Express
'Seaside Special
Arriving: Portland
8:00 a. xn.
6:00 p. xn.
8:10 p. m-
Astoria ft Portland Passenger. . ,t!2:10 p. xn.
Portland Express. 10:Q0 p. xn.
Jefferson-Street Station
leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger
Dallas Passenger
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger
1 Dallas Passenger
7:40 a, xn.
4:16 p. xn.
10:15 a. m.
6:25 p. xn.
Saturday only.
- All other trains daily.
WOODCRAFT The officers and members are
requested to attend the funeral of our deceased
neighbor, Frederica Macdonald, from fit.
Francis" Church. East 11th and East Oak
etreets, today (Saturday), August 17, at 10
o'clock. Visiting neighbors invited. 6ervicen
at Lone Fir Cemetery conducted by Oregon
Circle. No. 171. By order
Guardian Neighbor.
Attest. MARY RANDALL, Clerk,
'ft W7 r. V A. -VI . OlUlflf CUIIIlIIUIlnnLlUH
in hall of Oregon Commandery,
Third and Alder sts. ork In M.
M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited.
Bv order W M A. J. H AND LAN, Sec.
LEr-'SORD In this city, August 15, at the
family hrtme. -472 Spokane ave, the Infant
eon of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lessord. The
child was born August 9.
FFRGt'SOX In this city. Aug. IB. Richard
M . Ferguson, aged 40 years. Funeral no
tice hereafter.
LOWTTZ In this city. Aug. 16. Pltra Lowits,
aged 20 years. Funeral notice hereafter.
STRONG At the family residence, 712 Brook
lyn St., Eryman Hennett Strong, aged 6
months, 3 days, infant son Mr. and Mrs.
Harold W. Strong.
BARKERVILLE In this city. August 16,
at the family residence, -70 East Sixth
street North. Herbert E. Barkervllle, aged
3 years. Funeral announcement later.
MACDONALD At the residence of her daugh
ter. Mrs. George Van R. Vedder, 10 East
9th st. N., August 1ft. Mis. Fredrica M. Mac
donald, aged 64 years. 6 months. Funeral
services will be held today tSaturday), Aug
ust 17. at 1 A. M. at St. Francis Church. 12th and East Oak sts. Friends Invited
to attend.
AT DONALD In this city, on Friday, August
10. Alice Maud, beloved wife of George M.
McDonald, of Portsay, Banffshire, Scotland.
Funeral services at St. Stephen's chapel,
13th and Clay sts.. Sunday. August 18, at 3
P. M. Services at the grave private.
6TRONO At 712 Brooklyn, August 15. Bry-
man Bennett, youngest son of Harold W.
and Ethelwyn Strong, aged 6 months.
Funeral services at Sellwood Crematorium
at 10:43 today. .
J. P. KIN LEY & SON, Funeral Directors,
:. 261 3d t., cor. Mudlon. Phone Main 9.
Dunning. McKrtte & Gllhaugh, Funeral Di
rectors, 7th A pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst.
at. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133.
EDWARD HOL.UAN CO., Funeral Direct
ors. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507.
ZELLKR-BYRXKS CO., Funeral Direct
ors, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant.
F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East
Alder. Lady usslbtant. Phone East 52.
B !t5, 104. 117. 122.
' !4. 0(i. OS. I'J. 107, 112. 115, 118. 110.
32"l. J;s.
I) .if., us. 121, 12, 127 12S.
E 7i. 10fi. 112. li:i. 118, 122. 125.
K 17. 01, 04. 05. lit). 117. 119. 120. 124.
S27. 128.
SO, 08. 00. 100. 106. 113, 118, 110. 121.
II 01. T.'l. 7!5, WO, 112. 113. 117. 120,
12:!. 124.
J 07. 101. 102. 11T. 11!. 120. 12S. 120.
K 17, ss, 07. OS. Oft. 112. 11. 117. 110.
I. K0. 07. loo. IIS. lift, 120. 121. 122, 126.
M 2., 112. 11S. 114, 115. 124, 130.
X 0:t, 07. 1O0. 107. 10S. 115, 118, 130.
:;. 07. 100. los. 113. 114. 115, 119,
12H. 127, 1:10.
V 07. 00. 100. 102. 103. 110. Ill, 112.
113. 11 1. Utf. 122. 124. -
K ,-xl.- 03, OB, 10C, 114. 115, 11T, 121.
S 4.".
T 116. 122, 125.
V 07. 105. loll, 117. 121. 123, 125.
W 03, 1M. inn, 108. 110, 111, 112, 113.
114. llrt. US, 110, 122. 124.
X 400.
Z 117.
4 good flats and one good house,
100 feet on 14th street, just op
posite Ilobnrt Curtis, which sold for
$125,000; income, $145 per month.
$9000 cash ; balance 6 per cent.
128 Third St.
In first-class condition. Cost J2750. Will take
Kasy Paj'ments.
Inquire :;00 Stoarns Bid)?.
$31.000 Quarter-hlork on 11th St.,
near new terminals. $10,000 cash.
$30.000 QJarter-hlnok on 12th st.,
near new terminals, $15.00d cash.
S8.500 Residence on Portland
lleiRlits. cash. Income J600 a
B14 Buchanan Building:.
The New Capi. Schneider Cottage
Open Alt the Year.
North Reach, Sea view. Washington.
Or- Block Bark of Depot.
A beautiful park around new building, big
rooms, newly furnished, table supplied the
best. Mrs. Schneider will do the cooking
Address Seavlew. Wash. Capt. H. Schneider,
And Buy a Lot for
Railway Addition, Itataviila
Improved Streets, 5c Carfare
Easy Terms
$10 Down, $5 Per Month
Come out and see these lots.
Take Montavilla Car. Get off
at Hibbard St., corner of Villa,
or call at office. -
Lambert-Whitmer Co.
Heal Estate Department.
107 Sherlock bldff. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
New modern
7-room house,
large living
room, now be
ing completed;
close in on
East Side.
Modern , 8
room house;
furnace, fire
place, laundry,
tubs, etc;
terms; on
East Burnside
222 Failing Building.
M 5661. A 2653.
' East Ash Street
37x100. 6-room house, being 731 East
Ash street. ' .
Price $3150 Terms
East Ash Street
60x130 and 8-room, new, modern house,
being 715 East Ash street. A beautiful
home. See It. Parties in the house will
show you through. '
Price $5500 Terms
East Ash Street
100x120 and 10-room house, being' 721 feast
Ash street. A desirable home.
Price $6250 Terms
Mall 6 Von Borstel
104 Second Street and 3M East Burnside
City Property and Lands.
population, is growing the most RAP
MUST and WILL, be Ihere. In 1906
there were 531 residences built on the
EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side,
Portland is attracting more atten
tion than any city on the Coast and is
undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFOR
MATION, and in the next ten years
will likely make more PROGRESS than
it has In Its entire past.
Is the eeogTaphical center of the city,
and Is the most DESIRABLE residence
district and much of this will become
BUSINESS property. Do not overlook
these facts when making Investments,
and call and inspect the property; for
teeing Is believing.
The Orffcoa Real Entate C
88 Third street (room 4) Portland. Or.
RL'PTIC bungalow, corner, lawn, roses: In
terior tastily decorattl. $275". $12ik down.
See thin. 870 Division t. W.-R. car.
$500, OR make offer, 2 lots near town;
$J'K cash, balnnce very easy terms. North
western Investment Co., 11KS 4th st.
6IX-ROOM modern and new nouse. West
Bide; fractional lot; $3600; $750 down. baU
$25 month. S 46, Oregon Ian.
6IX-ROOM modern and new houae. West Side;
fractional lot; $3600; $760 down. bai. $23
month. S 45, Oregonian.
$100 WITjL. handle lot 50xlnf and 2-room
house In Pell wood, on improved street. In
quire owner, East 6387.
BARGAIN Lot, 4oxloo. with 4-room house,
near High School. East Stark; terms. Pal
let!. A04 Fenton bldg.
$1000 For sate by owner, large five-room
house and lot lOOxlOO, in Beaverton, Or.
Telephone Scott 6141.
QUARTER block, walking distance, only
$1500. This Is a bargain. M. C. Davis,
la Hamilton bldg.
MODERN 6-room house. Sunnyslde, for sale
at bargain.. Inquire of owner, 329 Cham
ber of Commerce.
FOR SALE $2250. modern five-room cottage,
lot 5oxH,. near Williams ave.; terms.
Owner, 3ifl Ivy st.
SMALL houee. lot 50x110. 15 fruit trees, near
Mt. Srott car; $500. Phone Tabor 22, after
2 P. M. Owner.
FOR SALE Two fine lots In Piedmont, cheap
for cash if taken very soon. Owner, H54
I'nlon ave.
$1500 Corner lot (Holladay Park); cement
sidewalks: Improved street. L, 40. Oregonlan.
LOT, with 6-room house. In Oswego, Main
st. Inquire J- M- Sykes, Oswego, Oregon.
$650 Fine corner. 50x100, city water; small
house; Sellwood car. 714 Tacoma ave.
CHOICE lot, Holladay Park Addition; $1000.
Owner.- 16 East 13th. Phone East 503.
ell your business property or resident.
HOUSES, lots and land, by J. Tressler, 1440
E. GUsan st. Stop at Claremont ave.
GOOD Income property. $0()io to handle it;
business corner. F 126. Oregonlan.
ONE-ACRE country home on carline; 1-3 cash,
bai. to suit. L 121. Oregonlan.
MODERN 8-room bungalow for sale, $2SO0
easy terms. P 130. Oregonlan.
$800 Phone owner about beautiful resi
dence lot. East 3S6.
$2300 New 5-room bungalow, 2 lots,100x
lw: $700 cash, $20 per month.
$17r,t New 5-room modern cottage, $600
cash, $20 per month.
$LVM) 5-room house, nicely furnished, 1
lot, near car.
$S75 l-room house. 3 lots, fruit trees and
berries; $450 cash, balance terms.
$1AUU 5-room modern, 2 lots lOOxlOO; $200
down. $15 and interest per month.
$1600 5-room house. 3 lots. 120x120; $200
down. $15 and Interest per month.
$1600 5-room house, one acre good soil,
all fenced; $1000 cash, balance $10 per
I have some nice lots and acre tracts on
easy term. Will build you a nhee home on
easy terms. J. H. Dorman, Flrland Station,
Mount Scott car.
$22,000 40 acres adjoining Rose City Park
1 acres on wooastocjt car
line. hiKh, dry, -level.
$1R,OOU 14 acres bordering on S. P.
carihops. cash.
$uono 90 acres adjoining town of Klam
ath Falls; Interest for $4500.
fTOiiO 10 acres on Mt. Scott carline,
perfectly clear and level.
$6500 40 acres on Base Line road, 7
miles from Willamette River.
$roo-frtoo Single acres near carline.
$110-$50 Lota along Mt. Scott carline.
J. H. HECKER. 014 Buchanan Bldg.
Act hastily, cr lose heavily, and repent
at leisure. A morbid ease of the blues
and prolonged heart palpitation -if you loa
this. Two. lots, 100x100 feet, close in on
Salmon, easily worth $lo.O00, for only
$7000;. or one lot for $3650.
, 222 -Washington St.
If you want a snap, come and look at
two 6-room modern houses just being fin
ished on 27ih and Clackamas sts. ; first-
class plumbing, furnace, fireplace, cement
floor and walks. See owner. 848 Clacka
mas at.
$3250 A full lot and strictly modern
6-room house, all ready to move right
in; must be sold.
506 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington.
I am overloaded and will sell contract
on my fine Belie Crest residence lot for
half. One of the flrt and best selected.
One block of car. Address P. O. Box 15,
Nywberg, Or.
ACRES. 1 mile railroad station, near North
YamhilJ ; an Ideal chicken place ; fine or
chard, house and harn ; 6 Acres finest hopa
anywhere; only $1750. B. S. Cook A Co.,
251 Alder at.
LOTS Full size, block from station, car
every 15 minutes, 5c fare, $200 each, $25
down, $5 month. Houses and lots for
sale, easy terms. Mt. Scott car. Stew
art's Station. Phone Tabor 660. C. W.
$45K Worth $55uo : buy from owner; save
commissions, leaving uregon; win sen one
of the finest 6-rqom homes In the city; very
choice; East Taylor, near 23d; very easy
terms. Address owner, K 119. Oregon i an.
1 ACRE on Oregon City carline, with new
5-room house, half cleared, balance tim
ber, partly fenced; price $1250; half
cash, balance three years at 7 per cent.
The Shaw-Fear Company, 245 Stark st.
WHY pay $400 to $H00 for lots 4 to 8 miles
from center or city? e are selling some
within the two-mtle limit for $275 to $350
and making terms to cult purchaser.
STATE LAND CO. 133 H First at.
A SIGHTLY residence lot, 60x100; Bull Run
water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for
and Jess than two blocks from carline;
only 15 minutes from heart of city; $450;
terms. Columbia- Trust Co.. Couch bldg.
Choice lots and homes, also acreage;, cash
or terms; some overlooking river and city;
residence or business lots. C. A. Zygowskl,
office Willamette Station, St. Johns car.
222 "ailing bldg.
Main 5661. A 2653.
ONE and one-half acres on the river, oppo
site Kock island Club House; nice ror coun
try home; "city water and spring; also lots
and large blocks. Phone East 189 or Har
low & Dowling, Mllwaukie.
NEW. artistic 7-room residence, just fin
ished ; beautifully arranged, complete in
every detail, desirable location. Holladay
Park Addition, near Broadway carline.
Owner, G 46, Oregonlan.
NEW, well-built 7-room house, one block
from Hawthorne ave. with gas, electricity,
basement, etc., for $1000 and easy pay
ments on balance; price $3800. M. C.
Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg.
$3000 5 acres. 3 cleared; spring, small stream,
well, no gravel, 125 fruit trees, small well
built house. 50 chickens, acre potatoes.
W. Pohte. Center Sta., Oregon City line. No
ONE block from carline, beautiful new home,
S large rooms, double floor, furnace, fire
place; gas, electricity, laundry, sewer; 10
fruit trees. 100 roses, one or 2 lots; no
agents. 400 Prescott st.
FOR SALE 5-room cottage and barn, cor
ner lot, fruit trees ; rent paying 10 per
cent on money wanted. Inquire 503 East
2ltt st., near Clinton. Take Richmond
or Woodstock car.
NEW 6-room cottage, strictly modern; picket
$1500 cash. See owner, Joe Nash, at Mil
lard ave.. Nashville Addition, on Mount
Scott carline.
NEW 6-ROOM two-story frame house and
lot, 50x100; also $1000 worth of furniture, in
cluding one $5 m) piano, for $5000, by owner,
SW. corner 13th and Park ave., Sellwood.
$2(UH 8-room modern house, new tinted
walls, porcelain bath, etc.: one block
from car; full lot. Palmer-Van Alstlne
Co., 222 Falling bldg. M. 5661, A 2653.
$6500 5053, In heart of East Side business
district, with buildings, leased at $40 per
month. V. Page Harris. Phone E. 3K6.
Healey bldg.. Grand and EaRt Morrison.
MUST be sold, a new, neat four-room cottage,
at 835 East th st. N. ; modern plumbing,
walls tinted, shades and mirrors go with
place; prise $1400; terms same as rent.
FINE- residence lot in Holladay Park. 60x100;
cement sidewalk and curb, parked street,
sewer and ail improvements; desirable neigh
borhood; $1200. B 12S. Oregonlan.'
LOT 50x5O. East 7th, near Broadway: good
surroundings; street improved; concrete
sidewalk, sewer, water, gas. $1100. Cul
ver, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
$22 (Xi Cozy 5-room house on E. 21st and
YamhiLl; easy walking instance; half
cash. Palmer-Van A If tine Co., 222 Fail
ing bldg. M. 5001. A 2653.
no Controlling interest in brick busi
ness building; growing town; values in
creasing; 13 per cent clear annually. Lock
Box 2H, Heppner, Or.
TWO good bargains. $1100. new 5-room cot
tage, bath, $1250; one 5-room cottage, cor
ner. See owner, 1446 E. Everett, cor. 61st
Telephone Tabor 821.
$2000 A bargain, double house of 12 rooms,
P4 Hood st.; four blocks northeast from end
of Mt. Tabor carline; high and sightly; will
give easy trms. Brubaker Normadin,
West ave. Base Line.
WE have some choice acreage, fine loamy
soil, three carlines; a bargain. Rooms 4-5-6.
Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison ats. Phones
Main 7145, A 1240.
I MUST sell my modern six-room house and 2
large lots In Mt. Tabor by Thursday, Aug.
22; it will go at a bargain. Apply to owner,
M V-J, Oregonlan.
NEW 4-room cottage, wood fiber plaster, on
Mount Scott carline, lot 40x125; only $000;
$250 cash, balance $20 per month. Owner,
212 Allsky bldg.
CHOICE 8-room modern residence, near Mor
rison carline. on East 16th st. ; lot 80x100;
fine lawn; ideal location. Pallett, 304 Fen
ton bldg.
FOR SALE by owner, corner, 50x100. one
block from Union ave.; ail street Improve
ments In; a snap; one week only. Fliy,
FINE modem house of 6 rooms, walking dis
tance. Side; a fine home, at $4650.
M . E. Iee, room 20, Rale I g h bldg., 323
Wash. st.
5-ROOM modern house In West Irving ton,
gas, electricity, basement, etc.. for $3000;
easy terms. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton
MUST realize some money immediately;
will sell my lot in Rose City for $325;
all improvements included. 301 Swetland
$3600 CASH will buy the best 12 acres of land
within 6 miles of Portland. Inquire of owner.
Mat Foeller's cigar stand. Chamber of Com
merce. AN 8-room house, plastered, bath, lot 50x100,
fruit trees, on Failing st-; a snap at $1650
STATE LAND CO. 133 First St.
$1K00 New 4-room modern bungalow; $300
down. $20 monthly. 43d. near Hawthorne.
E 523. Dr. Darling, Cambridge bldg.
SIGHTLY Int. Vancouver ave., near Broad
way. J 125, Oregonlan.
f750 cash and $25 per month for 7-room
modern residence, close In on Rodney
ave., well worth $4000; price only $3500.
if taken at once. Owner leaving state
account of health.
222 Washington St.
120 acres of fine fruit land at The Dalles.
Or., with valuable Improvements, surrounded
by flourishing fruit orchards and vineyards:
.equal to famous Hood River fruit land at
quarter the price; for terms, price and rea
son for selling see owner at Week's Granite
Works. 4th and Columbia sts., Portland. Or.
la recognised to be th standard way of
handling timber lands. The timber must
first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals
very detail of the conditions surrounding
It. Our reports are prepared In such &
way that the buyer lmows whether or not
the timber will satisfy him befsr hs visits
the tract.
Twenty years experience and the client
age we represent. Is a sufficient guarantee
that our methods axe right. You may
waste jour valuable time in looking up the
tract you want Take advantage of the
results of our own constant efforts alone
this line and get the beet.
Lumber Exchange. Seattle. Wash.
Chamber of Commerce. PortlalfS, Or.
We have several tracts of timber lands
which are for sale. We have detailed esti
mates by forties, making it very easy to
determine whether or not the timber is
there, and will pay all expenses of crul
if not as represented.
401-2-3 Buchanan Bldg.
The Benlgnus Lumber Co., Houltcn,
Or., will give a bargain In this Summer's
cut of common rough luiuuer. It's fine
yellow fir, and we also, have a car or
so of white fir and several cars -of extra
good cull ties, 7x0x8, all at a bargain.
SAWMILL, located In one of the best towns
In Oregon; splendid -retail trade; no com-
fetltlon; located on two railroads and Wil
amette River; plenty of timber. If inter
ested call and get full Information of W. H.
Buoy, 612 Swetland bldg.
SAWMILL, located one of the best towns
In Oregon; splendid retail trade; no com
petition; located on two railroads and Wil
lamette River; plenty of timber. If Inter
ested call and get full Information of W. H.
Buoy, 612 Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE All timber on the S. Vi of Sec.
34, township No. 31 South. Range No. 14
West of the Willamette meridian; esti
mated at about 10.0O0.000 feet. Address
Grant McMahan, Ely, Missouri, box 111.
FOR SALE Quarter section timber, yellow
pine and fir. near town Wallowa; cruise
1.500,000 feet; logging R. R. surveyed to
land; $2500, or stum page. Owner, P. O.
Box 111. Hermiston. Or.
150.000,000 FEET best quality redwood, lo
cated on good stream and near railroad;
' the price is right. For particulars call
at room 15 Lafayette bldgr. cor. 6tli and
Washington sts.
OREGON Rnd California railroad lands lo-
cated; location fee- $25; also some Gov.
claims. Apply W. F. Wlnard, 11 5th
st., Portland, Or., between Stark and
A FEW specially good yellow pine claims
in Wheeler Ccunty; must be located at
once. Columbia Trust Co.. Couch bldg..
4th st., near Washington.
FOR SALE 280 acres ot timber land In
Washington County, near Scappoose, Or.
Carl Buhler, Scappoose, Or.
TIMBER $5000 can be made In year on In
vestment of $1000; homestead relinquish
ment. N 12", Oregonlan.
FORTY million feet yellow flr on tidewater
for sale; best buy in the state. Hoban ft
Taggart, 211 Allsky bldg.
A FEW good homesteads and timber claims;
Eastern Oregon. See -me before August 20.
R 128, Oregonlan.
80 ACRES piling and cordwood at snap
price. H. M- Barrett, 32 Chamber of
TIMBER wanted. Oregon or Washington, large
or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 3o5 Stark.
OREGON TIMBER CO.. timber lands bought
and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg.
fruit and chicken ranch of 20 acres; fertile
soil, with 12 acres under cultivation, bal
ance partly and easily cleared; running
water year round; under fence; large farm
house, nicely painted, barn and other build
ings, large bearing orchard of choice fruit,
a cow, chickens and farming tools included;
house and orchard worth price asked; only
4-j mile from steamboat landing, dally ser
vice, close to school and 1 miles from La
Center, Wash.; owned ,by widow SO years
old, left alone and unable to run it ; write
for particulars; price $1400, with best of
terms. A. D. Willoughby, Kalama, Wash.
$22.50 PER ACRE.
You will soon have money to burn if you
buy this 300 acres of fine land near Long
Beach. Wash., at $22.50 per acre 100
acres Is first-class cranberry marsh. There
la some fine timber on place. Same char
acter of land adjoining selling for $60 to
$ 100 per acre. Owner is old unmarried
man, matrimonially inclined, without
heirs, and wishes to enjoy use of money
while he lives.
222 Washington St.
FOR SALE3 OR RBNT Attention nurserymen
and farmers, 320 acres, all in cultivation,
deep soil, nne improvements, convenient to
rail and navigation. This farm Is especially
adapted for nursery business. Inquire of
owner, George O'Brien. 490 North Capital
St., Salem, Or.
FOR PALIS 2800 acres of land and BOO0
sheep, 2;0 head of cattle, all farming imple
ments. Write James Connolly, Burnt Ranch,
Wheeler County, Or.
KLAMATH FALLS, city of the watered
plains. Government water now flows on our
lands, $UK) per acre, at edge of town. Ore
gon Realty & Trust Co., 6ol Fenton bldgn
6th und Stark.
FOR SALE Some of the. best dairy and stock
ranches on Alsea Bay and vicinity. C. J.
Smith. Waldport. Or.
20 ACRES. 7 miles from Courthouse, ail in
cultivation; a snap; $3000. H. W. Lemcke
GOOD farm near Portland, 315 acres: good
timber, fine soli. J 135, Oregonlan. -
FOR EXCHANGE Good business- property on
ptreet carline, whorl, short distance from
Portland, with 3 acres of land, all clf-d
and in high state of cultivation, good bidd
ing, etc.; price $4200; for good residence,
close, in; not to exceed $6ttO0. R 127, Orego
nlan. HOUSE and lot, exchange for merchandise;
also will take good team and wagon part
payment on ft or 6-room house and lot; good
location; elope to car; Improved street:
bring me what you have to exchange. Nel
son, 329 Burnside.
TO EXCHANGE A half Interest In a $2400
clean stock of groceries: business growing;
In beet suburb of Portland, for exchange or
apply on house and lot; will bear Investiga
tion. Address J 118, Oregonlan.
WHAT have you to trade for a half interest
in a splendid patented article? You must
be willing to work, as I want a working
partner; It pays a big commission. G 12S,
2 HORSES, one fine dapple gray horse,
young and gentle, 1200 pounds, good trav
eler; also one good work horae, 1400
pounds. Call 2 Si Morrison st.
EXCHANGE 40 acres timber land near
Portland; navigable stream; 1.5O0.OO0 fir;
for house, lot in city. Owner, 16 East
. 13th. Phone East 503.
FOR TRADE A 4-cylinder 24-h.p. shaft
drive runabout for "05 or '06 Cadillac
touring car in good condition. Phone
Woodlawn 45S.
GOOD income property to exchange for Val
ley land in large or small tracts. W. p.
Rlhorn Land Co., 209 Alisky bldg.
WANTED To exchange equity In 6-room
modern house. West Side, for automobile.
Addrees E 129, Oregonlan.
A-l CITY property to exchange for good farm
land. Address owner, P 128, Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Alna
worth Smith. 109 Sherlock bldg.
Old established, with or without saloon;
furnished; newly remodeled; $35; also 7
room house and orchard. $10. and 4 flats,
IS rooms. $25; all on West Side. C. H.
Plggott. owner, lawyer, 4, 5 and 6. Mul
key bldg.
TO LEA SB Vacant. lot 50x50. Mill St.. be
tween 2d and 3d sts. 220 3d st.
Have you property you want to sell at the
market price ? If you have we will spend
our money, our time and go a mile to list
It; best of all we will sell it for you. What
have you got? Call and see us.
WE have a' strong demand at the present
time for closeiin residence property, one or
two people who will pay cash for homes
and several who want to pay installments.
Please let us know If you wish to sell.
222 Falling bldg. Main 5661; A 2653..
WISH to buy or rent S or 7-room house, walk
ing distance from business center; West
Side preferred, from $2000 to $3000; give
best terms and location; owners only. O 119,
TO buy vacant or Improved residence prop
erty, close in-. Wft Side. A. W. Hunt,
general delivery, city.
WANTED Five-room cottage, one floor,
full lot, good location. L 131. Oregonlan.
WANTED Six-room house, good nelghbor
hood; not over $3500. L 132, Oregonlan.
WANT to sell timber? We have 20 buyers In
line. Send description and price to Baxter
Realty Co., Walla Walla, Wash.
WANTED Timber land, relinquishment or
homestead, east or west of mountains.
E 118, Oregonlan.
ALL kinds. Including approved forest reserve
ecrip, for surveyed, uneurveyed timber and
prairie Government land. H. M, Hamilton,
The Portland. Portland. Or. -
Horses, Vchlcklei. Etc.
A FINE large pair of mules. 2 pairs flne
heavy horses, 1 pair hack horses and I
heavy single horse; all young and fine
animals; will sell them very cheap. 'Che
halls River Lumber Co., Centralla. Wash.
New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk: wagons,
100 second-hald vehicles; single, double
furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom
Unson & Casslday. 211 Wash. Pacific 507.
TEAM, 5 years, blocky built, weigh 3000 lbs. ;
well matched. W. J. Kelly. Overland Sta
bles, 5th and GUsan.
ROSE CITY STABLES Boarding. $18; stalls
for rent ; horses for sale. 446 Flanders.
Main 7505.
HUBERT ft HALL. 266 4th St., deslers in
horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles
for rent.
FOR SALE Good buggy horse, city broke;
also buggy and harness. Apply 310 Davis
SADDLE or driving horse, gentle, weight
150. 5 years old. Phone Union 287.
PIANO for sale, one year in use, for $145 cash,
worth double the amount. Address teacher.
K 97, Oregonlan.
WANTED To buy second-hand upright
piano for cash. V 120, Oregonlan.
UPRIGHT piano for rent. V 119, Oregonlan.
UPRIGHT piano for rent. V 110. Oregonlan.
Mi isce 1 laneou.
FOR SALE Best bred Boston terrier pup
pies on the Coast.- Sire Champion Sports
man, dam Lady True B., she by Cham
pion Nebska II. Can be seen today at
Beck's Cigar Store, cor. West Park and
Washington st. Owner and breeder, J. A.
Beck, 510 Going st. East 194.
PIPE, both black and galvanized, any amount
of any size; 100 tons black and galvanized
wire, cheap; miscellaneous lot of second
hand electric fans, largest assortment of
fuUeB. shafting, etc., in the city, at very
ow prices. M. Barde & Sons, 8th, and GU
san sts.
FOR SALE One hand carved solid oak exten
sion dining table with double set oak, leather
, seat dining chairs; one oak sideboard; one
black walnut dresser. Call at 653 Johnson
st. from 10 to 12 A. M. Monday and Tues
day. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender,
49 3d st.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
FOR SALE One Elliott addressing machine,
with about 6O0 holders: good condition; only
used short time; cost $125; price $80. Ad
dress Rawlings. printer, Albany. Or.
FOR SALE 2 slightly used Remington
typewriters, billing attachments, high
numbers; a snap, $67.50 each. Glass &
Prudhomme Co., 123 1st st.
10 HEAD of fresh cows. G. Scott, Martin's
Island. Take steamer Kellogg every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7
FOR SALE A special lot of 4-ft. flr wood at
$5.50 per cord while It lasts; small orders
taken. Address and we will call. J 12y,
FOR SALE 10 head of fresh cows. G. Scott,
Martin's Island. Take steamer Kellog,
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
7 o'clock.
100 TONS black and galvanized sheet Iron,
any size, chea p ; would do for roofing, sid
ing, etc. M. Bard ft Sons, 6th and GUsan
MOVING picture machines. $25; film, 3c a ft.;
views, 10c. Newman's Motion Picture Co.,
145 H 'h, Marquam rooms, cor. Alder.
THE largest stock of 2d-hand pipe in the
Pacific Northwest, all sizes, in any quan
tity. J. Simon & Bro.. 244 Front st.
100 TONS of corrugated Iron, painted and
galvanized, all weights, practically new. J.
Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
ONE 10-H. P. donkey engine, running order;
one 5-H. P. 210-volt motor, $40. M. Barde
ft Sons, Sth and GUsan sts.
BARGAIN Five head young cows, some to
be fresh in about 3 months. 212 Allsky
bldg. Phone Pacific 2218.
31-FOOT gasoline launch. 4-cylinder, 15-H.
P. engine, with boathouse. in fine condi
tion. W 88. Oregonlan.
TWO Jersey cows, thoroughbred. 05 East
30th, cor. East Waehington. Phone East
6505. Sunny side car.
FOR SALE First-class 6x7 camera and com
plete outfit; a bargain; Sunday or Monday.
127 Glbhs st.
3-ROOM houseboat, furnished, for S75. Call
for B. Crampton, Imperial Hotel barber
TWO band saws, one lathe, for sale cheap;
nearly new. J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front st.
MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs,
film slides; bargains. Stevens, 1051 4th.
NEW and second-hand logging engines. Adams
ac o., i namner or commerce.
100.000 NO. 1 grain bags in any quantity. J
Simon & Bro., 244 Front st.
GOOD mechanical shooting gallery. J. J Rus
sell, The Oaks Park. .
BRIGHT young man. 16 to 18 years old, for
i iic icimi uiciLiiaiiuiae UUBineBS, Cliy. V 127,
Oregonlan. '
WANTED Chnpmaker, harnessmaker and sad
dle hands. Victor Marden. The Dalles, Or.
BARBER wanted Saturday; steady job for
rig ui mail. trsj, .Mississippi ave. Take L car.
WANTED Physician registered In Oregon for
omce wont. Aaaress so. lot, Oregonlan.
WANTED A few good yard men at once.
East Side Mill & Lumber Co.. Sellwood.
FIRST-CLASS carpenters wanted. Call Car
penter Shop, 357 Burnside, corner Sth.
WANTED Foundry helpers. Heacock & Law
rence Iron Works, .E. 7th and Belmont.
COO MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
24S couch st. Moler .Barber College.
WANTED A man to attend a lawn for the
Summer. Call at 293 San Rafael st.
SALESMEN Big wages; something positive
ly new. 215 Commercial blk.
WANTED Men's clothing; right price paid.
5046 3d st. Home Phone A 4U51.
BOY wanted In grocery store, over 16 years
out. tHO .bast Main.
WANTED A presser. Unique Tailoring Co.,
309 Stark.
WANTED 2 boys to learn trade. C5 Front,
corner Davis.
WANTED A man to clean up a house. Main
DISHWASHER, 165 W. Park.
POSITION open, outside of Portland, for a
well equipped dry goods man, with city
experience, for head of department. A
good place for one who has a thorough
knowledge of dry goods, and who has had
some experience in buying. Is able to write
ads, dress windows, decorate the Interior and
direct help under him. State former em
ployers; matter will be treated as confi
dential. Salary $125 per month. Address
R 98, Oregonlan.
Wanted 15 rough carpenters. $3.50 to $4;
6 boys or young men to work in box fac
tory, $2.25; flier for gang saw, $3.50; 4
planer feeders. $2.50 up; 4 lumber graders,
$2.65 to $3: others.
Main office, 12 North 2d st.
WANTED Staveholt cutters, $1.60 per cord;
timber yellow nr. Apply room sub Stearns
bldg.. Portland. Or.' .
ICE, also LETTER-CARRIERS and clerks
for Portland postoffice if qualified ; increased
salaries, opportunities for advancement. Ses
mngr. Pacific States Schools. 613 McKay
bldg. You can begin preparation at once.
Call today.
A SEATTLE Jobbing house, handling crock
ery, glassware and house Turn innings, re
quires the services of a young man in the
capacity of floor salesman, with a chance
of advancement ; must be experienced and
able to furnleh references. G 124. care
ALL diseases of men successfully treated;
discharges positively cured In from 8 to
6 days; consultation free and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
X-radium Medical Institute, 8d and Alder
sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland.
BRIGHT, ABLE young men to qualify for
salaries; life' positions, with gradual pro
motion. Call today. West Coast Schools,
315 Oregonlan bldg. Open evenings.
WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for best
proposition ever made to both agent and
public; $50 to $75 per meek easily made;
do not overlook this. Call after 7 P. M.,
New Occidental Hotel, 1st and Morrison.
Room 212. P. Kramer.
WANTED At once. 2000 men for railroad
construction at Karalla, Alaska; laborers,
bridge men. station men, etc. ; work will
be continued all Winter. For particulars
apply to 322 Railroad ave., foot Jackson
st., Seattle, Wash.
Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas
tering. DncKiaymg, aiso sheet metal pattern
draughting; positions secured; day and night
classes: free catalogue; vie I tors welcome.
Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York
MEN and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st Portland.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association 109
Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
SOUND MEN between 18 and 45 to qualify
Portland postoffice. See us at once. West
Coast Schools. 315 Oregonian bldg. Open
dally and evenings.
WHY look for work? Call and see me.
Clerks, stenographers, cashiers, bookkeepers,
timekeepers, collectors, office workers Clerks'
Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison, cor. 3d
st., offices 303.
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving, jeweler work, optics, easy terms;
positions guaranteed; money made learning.
Watchmkg-Engvg. Sc'l, 1426 4th av, Seattle.
WANTED Intelligent young men to study
telegraphy; railroad and commercial po
sitions secured when competent. Call.
Oregon College, 4o6 Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED 20 coal miners, wages $3 for eight
hours, tonnage after Sept. 1 ; good camp, 53
miles from Portland. Address Common
wealth Trust Co.. 6th and Ankeny.
WANTED Strong boy to carry paper routs
on Portland Heights; boy with horse pre
ferred. Call at city Circulator's desk,
business office, Oregonlan.
SALESMAN To experienced, conscientious
worker, will pay big money ; cheap men
need not apply. Call at noon. T. R.
Phillips, 226i Sixth st.
WANTED Ad and circulation man for mag
azine; first-class proposition and perma
nent. Address The Inland Empire Maga
zine, Pendleton, Or.
RELIABLE young man for good position as
collector and oiflce worker. Clerks' Reg
istration Bureau, 265 Morrison. Office
303 Alisky bldg.
WANTED 50 hop-plrkers to pick In my 80
. acre yard near Brooks; good hops, good ac
commodations; long job. Address Jno. Zol
lei. Brooks, Or.
WANTED Adjuster, bookkeeper. stenog
rapher, grocery hardware and dry goods
salesmen. Commercial Abstract Co.,
Raleigh bldg.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office mn for
wholesale and retail business; must he ex
perienced. Address, with references, B 1CX,
ORIENTAL commissslon house wants first
class male stenographer In Portland office,
with possible transfer to China later. L 110,
PRINTING, newspaper h"lp furniehed, solicit
ors wanted, plants bought, sold. Newspaper
brokerage. Goodnough bldg. Main 5558.
WANTED 2 experienced furnishing goods
salesmen ; come ready for work, before 10
A. M. The Boston Store, First and Salmon
BUSHELMAN wanted for repair work in
clothing store; permanent. James J. Pad
den, 002-4 Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
NIGHT, also day bellboys for steady posi
tions. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 205
Morrison st. Office 303 Alisky bldg.
A FIRST-CLASS presaer on coats; good
pay; steady work. Columbia Woolen
Mills worKsnop, cor. rarx ana ubk.
WANTED Experienced prefser and repairer;
must be sober and industrious. Address
Persian Dye Works, Astoria, Or.
DANCING lessons. 25c, waltz, two-step, etc.
Prof. Wal. Willson's Dancing School, 304
Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison st.
WANTED 2 experienced clothing mrn-, come
ready for work, before jo a. ji. me lios
ton Store, First and Salmon.
WANTED Boy, 16 years of age or older,
to carry paper route south of E. Stark
street. Phone E. 2047.
TWO coatmakers wanted; prices $9 up; best
equipped shop In the state. Andrews &
Berry, La Grande, Or.
6HOEM AKERS wanted; No. 1 laters. ma
chine or hand lasters. Inquire Capen Shoe
Co.. Oregon City. Or.
WANTED Young man 25 or 30 years of age
to collect in city, can oaiuruay, j jr. ai
415 Oregonlan bldg.
WANTED Photocranh operator; first-class.
good retoucher; also printer for arte to. Cut-
berth. Dekum Dicg;
WANTED First-class sheet iron worker who
has experience constructing machinery. Ed
wards. 4 Second st.
WANTED First-class meat cutters-; best
wages in the city. Frank L. Smith Meat
Co., J& Aiaer.
CARPENTER at once; payment when house
finished; about five weeks; good wages. K.
129. Oregonian.
YOUNG man about 20 years. Apply at glass
stand, the oaKs; no experience necessary;
salary good.
EXPERIENCED baker wanted at the Cali
fornia bakery, Salem Or.; good wages for
a good man.
WANTED Four first-class saddlemakers;
steady work. Apply Duncan ft Sons, Se
attle. Wash.
AN assistant bookkeeper and collector; state
age, experience and salary expected. G 129,
Oregonlan. '
California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Loratl
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; good wages.
434 Washington st.
EXPERIENCED waitress. The Morrison, 533
Morrison and 1 7th.
GIRL for general housework. . Apply at 104
North Sth st.
GOOD woman cook. 386 Morrison.
Arpllcants for all kinds of work, register
wtfc us, free of charge, so ws may locat
you on short notice.
3-S4 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANTED Good cook and second girl; Swed
ish girls preferred, to go to Boise, Lia ho,
to work in family of three; good w ages;
must give references. Call every day from
0 p M- aL Raleigh. Phone Mala
WHY look for work? Call and see me.
Clerks, stenographers, cashiers, bookkeepers,
timekeepers, collectors, office workers Clerks'
Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison, cor. 3d
St.. offices 303.
on shirts and overalls; leson given to
Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory.
2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Viavl Co., 10th ft Morrison.
WANTED Experienced waitress and up
stairs girl; good waces. Apply at Hotel
Nortonia. 14th and Washington sts.
GIRL wanted for general housework, know-
ins some cooKing; new o-room nat, two in,
family. Call 514 Montgomery si.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shirtmaklns. Apply Standard Factory. 2
Grand ave, and East Taylor at.
COMPETENT girl fnr general housework;
good wages. 1O01 Franklin st.. Willamette
Heights. Telephone Main 2S24.
COAT finishers v anted at once; good pay.
w oik. loiumma w ooten Aims
Workshop, cor. Park and Oak.
043 H Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phous Main 2692.
WANTED Waitress, family style; wages $30
Pr montn. at Moire's Hotel, 515 River St.,
Lower Ahina. Take L. car.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
1"""''-. oi tour grown persons;
good wages. 570 4Ioyt st.
WANTED Girl to do general housework
and ay.-dst with cooking. 242 North 22d
st. I'hone Main KS24.
HOUSEKEEPERS, rooks. nurses, waitresses.
second girls. St. Iniis Ladles' Agency, 230 U
Yamhill. Main 5413.
GIRLS with some talent lor burning, palnt-
iiiic ana assigning, u. Aver 111 ft Co.,
102 N. 5th st.
WANTED Young girl, with recommenda
tion, for cashier. H. B. Litt. 351 Wash
ington st.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, over 25.; per
manent position ; good wages. B 126,
A YOUNG girl wanted to help with housework
In small family. Apply at 2."2 Stout st., in
WANTED Apprentice girls In cloak and
suit department. H. B. Lltt, 351 Washing
ton st.
FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist;
state experience and salary. C 12-S. Ore
gonian. WANTED A girl for general housework;
good wages. Call lol East 17th. cor. Wash
ington. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manlcur
er; good wages. Rosenthal Sisters, 109 7tli
OFFICE assffltant. one who understands lum
ber business and stenography. Y 113, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts
and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
Factory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED I-ady retoucher fnr studio work;
steady, good wages. Cutberth. Dkmn bldg.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. 181 East 16th. Phone East 1GB3.
GIRL for general housework in small fam
ily. Apply mornings. 702 Lovejoy si.
A WOMAN to cook and do a little of the
washing; wages $35. 227 West Park st.
PLEASANT outdoor work for ladies; good In
ducements. Apply 406 Washington st.
GIRL to assist with housework and children.
319 Tillamook st. East Side. W. car.
WANTED -An experienced dinner waitress
at the Beverley, Park and Yam hilt.
GIRL to assist with llpht housework for
room and board. Phone Pacific 24S3.
WANTED Girl for general housework: no'
washing; good wages. 2i N. 9th st.
WANTED Ironers, markers and mangle girls.
Troy Laundry Co., 201 Water.
WANTED f econd girl that understands
sewing. 474 Market at., cor. 14th.
.WANTED Waitress. Apply today after
I'J A. M. Swetland's 273 Morrison.
.WANTED A reliable lady clerk. Apply
to Andrew Kan ft Co.. 131 5th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Mt. Tabor. Thone Tabor 776.
MODERN 9-room house, near 34th and E.
Main sts. Call 212 Alisky bldg.
APPRENTICE girl in alteration department.
H. B. Lltt, 351 Washington.
GIRL to assist with housework; small fam
ily. Apply itTt'2 Kearney st.
GENERAL housework; family two. Inquire
morning, 447 West Park.
YOUNG lady stenographer; salary $S week.'
Lennon's. 309 Morrfsrm st.
WANTED 2 shirtwaist girls. H. B. Lltt.
351 Washington st.
GOD pastry cook, also dining-room girl.'
567 Washington.
WANTED 1000 hop-pickers to pick 624 acres
of hops; big crop; largest and best equipped
hapyard in Oregon : all on trellis wire; per
fect accommodations; grocery store, bakery.,
butcher shop, restaurant. barber shop,
dancing pavilion, 60x150 ft., telephone, phy
sician, beautiful camping ground, 3 acres,
bathing pool, provisions sold at Portland
prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 lbs. Reduced
excursion rates on our special train. For
further particulars apply to Krebs Bros.,
272 Stark st., Portland, Or., on or after
Aug. 17. Telephone Main 1320. Home phone
A 3153.
German and bookkeeping man. $800.
, Mining engineering. $ 1HOO.
Principal high school. $M0 to $1200.
Engluh and elocution, man. $S00.
Grammar principals. $75 to $BO.
Grades, $55 to $70; rural. $35 to $75.
!200 Williams Ave.
WANTED Hoppicker for large yards; long
season; fine picking; fine camping grounds,
etc. Groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew
Kan & Co., 287 Morrison sU
HOTEL, restaurant cooks, dishwashers,
teamsters, choppers, waitresses. family,
farm, chamber help. "Drake's," 205
DAY and night classes in shorthand, typewrit
ing and on Ice work by experienced stenog
rapher. Terms reasonable. O 12S, Orego
nlan. SALESMEN and salesladies wanted 1n ever?
town in West; also city salesman. 2u3
Flledner bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks,
salesladies, salesmen, in furnishing goods,
shoes, etc ; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the Instant. Clerks Registration
Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303.
Books opened, closed or balanced. Day
and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 4504.
A YOUNG Japanese wants a position tc
work every morning. Address Y. -K., 24
N. 4th st., city.
WANTED A small set of books to keep
evenings; will also do collecting. Phone
Main 222. A 2u22.
WANTED Position by experienced boiler
man as water tender - and fireman. O 129,
JAPANESE boy wishes poeitlon in small fam
ily in city or country. T 117, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese boy ivants to do any kind of
work from 2:30 P. M. R. 126. Oregonian.
help supplied. Main 4059. 268 Everett.
WANTED Position with real estate company;
experienced. Write H 128. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on farm; both good
workers. Address N 129, Oregonian.