9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN. FRIDAY. AUGUST 9, 1907. OREGONIAN TELEPHONES ) Countlng-Room Main T070 City Circulation Main 7070 Managing Editor Main 7070 . Euncay Editor Main 7070 Composing-Room Main 7070 Cltjr Editor Main T070 Superintendent Building Main 7070 Ealt 8lda Office East 6t AMUSEMENTS. MAKQfAM GRAND THEATFTR t Morrison between 6th and 7th) Stockwell-Mac-Gregor Company In The Undertow." Tonight at 8:30. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Park and Seventh) Vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. PANTAOKB THEATER tn an Btark) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30, B P. M. X.TRIC THEATER fTth and Alder) The Allen Stock Company In "Jim. the West erner." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees Tues day. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) All-Star Stock Company In "A Bachelor's Honeymoon." Tonight at 8:13. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sun day at 2:15 P. M. THE OAKSO. W. P. carllne) Gates open 12:30 P. M. td 11 P. M., Sundays and holidays, 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Band con certs and free specialties. BASEBALL At Recreation Park, (24th and . Vaughn streets) today at 8:30 P. M. ; Port land vs. Oakland. OREGONIAN AT RESORTS. Ocean Park C. H. H1U The Breakers) ......... J. M. Arthur Long Beaoh . Btrauhal & Co. Beavlew .....Btrauhal Co. Gearhart ..... ...Dresser A Co. Seaside ...... .... -Dresser A Co. Newport r. H. Lana Moclips, Wash Breakers Pavilion ' Carson Springs- .Mineral Hotel Collins Spring Belcher A Co. Moftltt Springs ...T. Moffltt Wllho'.t Springs F. W. McLeran For quickest and most satisfactory, service, subscribe for The Oregonlan at Summer resorts through the above agents. City rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable In advance. East Side Building. The brick work on the Buckman building on the corner of East Burnslde street and Union ave nue has reached the third and last etory, and the cornice Is being put on. It is expected that this building will be com pleted In about two months. Its cost will be $35,000. The reinforced concrete building for B A. Proudfoot on the north west corner of East Third and Burnslde street has reached the fourth story, and the walls are now being completed. A roof garden will be a feature of this building. The cost will be $60,000. The fourth and last story of the Morgan build ing on Grand avenue and East Stark streets is nearing completion. The original plans called for a three-story building, but a fourth was added. It will cost about $40,000. The two-story Markell build ing on East Morrison street and Union "avenue, costing $25,000, will be com pleted ' by September. Seeks Portland Conndctions. The Chamber of Commerce la in receipt of a letter from H. B. Miller. United States Consul-General at Yokohama, Japan, giving the name of a firm In Yokohama which desires to secure connections with firms here that export leather, flour, cotton, paper and chemicals. The Chamber Is also In receipt of Circular 3S2 of the Isthmian Canal Commission, in viting proposals for furnishing plumbing and various electrical supplies and ma chinery, besides different kinds of hard ware and office furniture for use In Panama. Concert at Piedmont. At the concert and social given in the Redemptorlst parish at Piedmont Wednesday night the following programme was rendered: Overture,- Mueller . Bros." Orchestra; Oregon Male Quarete; monologue, T. W. Sullivan: dialect, "Dudes Soliloquy," A. L. Morris; violin solo. Miss Mollie Keat ing; male quartet, selection; solo, Harvey Sullivan; vocal selection, M. J. Keating; character song. A. L. Mdrrls; song, Ore gon Male Quartet. The new parish is growing rapidly. Accused of Beating Wife. A. EL Thomas, employed by the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company as a con ductor, was arrested at his home, 932 Thurman street, yesterday morning by Detective Price. The prisoner is charged by his wife with assault and battery of a most brutal nature. She said he was provoked at her because she awakened him early to go to his work, and that he beat her unmercifully. She exhibited . marks and bruises. Girl Accused of Lmcuiti.-Viola Klosterman was arrested at East Water street and Hawthorne avenue last night by Detective Price and was booked at the police headquarters on a charge of grand larceny. She Is alleged to have stolen $35 from a purse belonging to Mrs. M. S. McGUvery, of 227 Market street, in the Plaza blocks during a band concert last Monday night. Deputy Health Officer Reskjns. Dr. J. L. Wooden. . deputy health officer tendered his resignation yesterday to Health Officer Pohl to accept a more lucrative position elsewhere. He was ap pointed several months ago during the cerebro-spinal meningitis epidemic. No successor will be appointed. Have You Heard the Teleoraphonb Talk? If not, you are cordially Invited to call at room 403 Oregonlan building and have a free demonstration. Bring your friends and see the "Eighth Wonder of the World." Office hours, 9 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. H. P. O'Reilly, general Northwest agent.' Lecture on Chinese Missions. Tonight at 8 o'clock in the Volunteers of America hall at 3 North Fourth street, Mrs. M. J. Fisher, who has Just returned from China after eight years of missionary work In that country, will lecture, giving an Interesting account of her experiences. Excursion to CascAdb Locks. Sunday, Aug. 11, fast steamer Chas. R. Spencer. Leaves Washington-st. dock 9 A. M., re turn 6 P. M. Fare $1.00. Meals 60c. The most beautiful scenic river trip In the world. Come and enjoy yourselves. The Fast Steamer "Telephone" will make the excursion to Cascade Locks, Sunday, August 11. Leaving Alder-street dock at 9 A. M. returning about 5 P. M. Fare for the round trip $1. Meals 50 cents. Don't fall to take this trip. Injured, by Fall. Mrs. Boothe, wife of Lawyer J. F. Boothe, was painfully In jured Tuesday morning by falling Into the basement of a neighbor's home, where ehe was visiting. She Is being attended by Dr. Hampton. Take the A. & C. R. R. for Seaside and Clatsop Beach Summer resorts, two through trains daily 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. finecial train Saturdays, 3:10 P. M. Ticket office, Third and Morrison st. Firm Changes Name. The name of Alvln S. Hawk Company, printers, 147 Third street, has been changed to Christie-Curran Company, by order of the board of directors. William Christie, secretary. . . - . Anthracite Coal. Buy your Winter supply now. Most economical fuel on the market this season. Independent Coal & Ice Co., telephones: Main 7S0, Home 37SO. Dcn't forget Knights' and Ladies' ex cursion to Bonneville. Sunday, August 11. Tickets $1 at Laue Davis Drug Company. Train from Union Depot at 9 A. M. Wanted. Unfurnished eight or nine room modern house. West Side: must be first-class In every detail. Willing to pay good price. F 106, Oregonlan. For Rent. Two nice outside rooms. Bee Superintendent, Room 201 Oregonlon building. Painting done by C. F. Pearson stays printed; shop 221 Main street. You Should Bank WITH THE OREGON TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, OREGON BECAUSE: It is. a strong, careful, safe, liberal, prompt, ac curate and successful institution. It is a growing, active, progressive, conservative and up-to-date bank in every particular. RESOURCES OVER $2,600,000 It pays 4 per cent interest on savings accounts compounded twice every year. It has safe deposit boxes which are absolutely fire and burglar proof. COME IN AND SEE US (SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS) W. H. MOORE, President. E. E. LTTLE, Vice-President. W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. Want Bitulithic Pavement. The First Street Improvement Association has suc ceeded Id having practically all the property-owners on First street sign a petition for the improvement of the street from Washington to Madison with a bitulithic pavement. . The streetcar company is taking up the third rail along the street and proposes to pave between Its tracks and when the work Is finished the street will be one of the best leading to South Portland. When the portion of the street from Washington street south to the be ginning of the improved part south of Madison is done there will be 21 blocks of unbroken modern paving extending from Stark to the Marquam-gulch bridge. Coos Bat to Entertain. For a week prominent citizens of Coos Bay have been making arrangements here for the Knights of Columbus excursion to Coos Bay. During their stay in Southern Ore gon Portland Knights and their ladles are to be royally entertained by the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Marshfleld and North Bend. Among other things the Commercial Club at North Bend has arranged for a smoker for the men, and during this time the women the party will be entertained by the Women's Club of Marshfleld. FIRED INTO HIS CABIN Aged Indian Lodges Complaint Against Dusky Enemies. Poke Scott and Elias Williamson, In dians from the Grand Rondo reserva tion yesterday appeared in Assistant District Attorney Cole's office and re lated a story of the attempted murder of Scott and his wife on the night of June 6, by Louis Commoyer said Jim Farher. Scott speaks only Chinook, but from Williamson's broken English Mr. Cole was able to gather that ten shots were fired into Scott's cabin, four bullets lodging in the bunk in which he and his wife were asleep. He did not know why his life should have been sought, but believed that the shooting was the result of an over indulgence In whisky. Scott, who is old and blind was led about by Williamson who is lilmself almost blind and the two old Indians presented a sorrowful spectacle as they endeavored to make themselves under stood. Scott did not succeed in making quite clear what he wished done to Commoyer and Farher but Mr. Cole promised to look into the matter. WILL PLAY AT CITY PARK Band to Bender Popular Pro gramme, Beginning at 8 o'clock. Tonight's band concert will be given at the City Park, commencing at 8 o'clock. The programme follows: March "Queen of the Carnival". .De Caprio Overture "Der Tambour der Garde" Hill Intermezso "Russe" Franke Selection "Cavalleria Hustlcana" . . .Mascagnl ValAe "Angels' Dream" Herman Intermission. Fantasia "The Dying Poet" Gottschalk Reverie "The Roses' Honeymqon"". . .Bratton Selection "The Singing Girl" Herbert "Flag Dance" Tobanl March "Father of Victory" Ganne A De Caprio. director. MAY NOT PROSECUTE DAY Police Learn That Mascot Saloon Sold Drinks in Restaurant. As a result of their long-continued practice of selling the liquor served to the patrons of the Jewel Restaurant, next door, the proprietors of the Mascot saloon, at the corner of Seventh and Morrison streets, are threatened with ar rest and prosecution for violation of the box and wineroom ordinance. They are NO PLATES We can extract one or all your teeth without hurting- a bit, and Fiut in new teeth the same day f you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service Painless Extracting: Free wheat Plates are Ordered. 20 YEARS HERE and doing dental work 'all the time. That is the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grown our pa trons come back, and they send their friends. W. A. WISE, Dentist Falling bid., 3d andWaihlnglon at HA. ill. to f. M. . Sundays to 12. Painless Extraction 60c Plates 95 Z T. P. Wis 3, H. A. Stardevant and H. A. Huffman " ASSOCIATES. " . BOTH PHONES. A AND MAIN MM. placed in the unpleasant predicament as a result of the arrest. Tuesday night, of R. Day, manager of the restaurant, on a charge of selling liquor without a license. Day appeared in Police Court yesterday morning, at which time it de veloped, according to Days story, that tne liquor served in his place is pur chased in the Mascot and. passed into the restaurant through a wicket cut in the partition between the two places, the saloon receiving pay for all drinks. Though the police take the view that the liquor law is being violated by Day, Judge Cameron postponed the trial of the case until Monday in order to give the authorities time to look up the law. In the event Day cannot be successfully prosecuted, the Mascot proprietors, Cas well A Fall os, will Inherit the trouble. FALLS THROUGH SKYLIGHT Girl Roomer at the Antlers Hotel Suffers Slight Injuries. Miss Gertrude Graham, aged 19, em ployed In a Portland department store, fell through a skylight in the Hotel Antlers about J o'clock last night and sustained a number of severe bruises which necessitated her being cared for at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Miss Graham had left her room in haste ana had forgotten her "key, and as the door swung closed she was locked out. She called on a girl friend In the adjoining room and asked per mission to climb through the window on the roof in order to gain access to her own room by means of the win dow. In clambering around the narrow ledge she became over-balanced and fell on the glass skylight over a crock ery store on the ground floor, which gave way, precipitating her to the floor. She was picked up unconscious and taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where It was found that her injuries, which were dressed by a physician, were not serious and consisted of bruises and a slight cut on one arm. SAVE THEDISCOUNT. Only two days remain! Mail- checks, or send remittances, to general offices, Park and Burnslde streets, on or be fore August 10th and save twenty-five cents. Home Telephone & Telegraph Company. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; Una private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 6th. ' Potter Schedule for Beach. The steamer Potter will sail from Portland. Ash-street dock, Saturday, 8 A. M. Get tickets and make reserva tions at city ticket office. Third and Washington streets. C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. PHOTO POST CARDS SCENERY. Klaer Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel. Final Half Price Sale Final Half Price Sale FINAL HALF FRIGE SALE As a rousing close of the most successful season of our long and extensive business career we of fer the following lines of Men's, Youth's and Children's High Grade Wearables at just ONE-HALF PRICE, . N Men's Fancy Three-Piece Summer Suits ONE-HALF PRICE Men's Fancy Two-Piece Outing1 Suits ONE-HALF PRICE All Our Young- Men's Two-Piece Suits ONE-HALF PRICE Boys' Sailor and Three-Piece Suits ONE-HALF PRICE Boys' and Children's Washable Suits ONE-HALF PRICE All Men's Straw Hats ONE-HALF PRICE Children's Straw Hats ONE-HALF PRICE An Invitation We invite any one who will buy a player-pianc of us or any other Port land dealer during the month of Au gust to come to our store and choose one of our superb instruments, and we will deliver it to their home free of charge, in competition with any other player-piano made. A Challenge "We challenge any other Portland dealer, "big" or little, "busy" or otherwise, to place one of their player pianos in the same home, with the understanding that the sale goes to the most satisfactory instrument. COULD ANYTHING BE MORE FAIR? We have faith in our player-pianos, knowing that they are far superior to any other. - THEY ARE DIFFERENT We court comparison and solicit r your investigation- Hovenden-Soule Piano Co. Cor. Morrison and W. Park Sts. Crowns and Briase wark fS-OO. I It. 00 Fall 81 of Teeth, S.0O. TOED FREHN, " , Dentist. Boon 405. Deknm Bnlldlnff. Have You Money to Invest? Read This! The 3. M. Acheson Company's big store and factory plant. Fifth ana Alder streets. Is conceded to be the best equipped and practical in the West. Lighting system "Unexcelled. The company is seven years old started with a capital stock of $2000 capitalized now at $150,000. Has a paid-up capital of about $80,000, and additional subscribed stock of $24,000. Assets about $160,000, not including unsubscribed stock. Lia bilities less than one-third the assets. Doing- a business of over $360.0)0 a year. Unsubscribed capital stock Is for sale in amounts of $100 up 10 per cent Interest or dividend guaranteed also trade discount allowed . stockholders on all goods purchased by them In the store. In connec tion with the department store is men's tailoring and woolens: also a grocery store. You can save enough on your grocery bills to cloth yourself. The company owns the five-story brick, its ladies' garment factory, men's clothing and grocery departments are located in. Very good asset isn't It? Subscriptions can be made for weekly or monthly saving payments. Call, drop us a card, or fill in the following sub scription for the amount you desire and how you wish to pay the same and mail It to us and we will call and complete your connection with the company. , I, the undersigned, hereby subscribe for shares of the Capital Stock of The J. M. Acheson Company. The price of said Capital Stock is the par value of One Dollar (Sl.OO) per share, payable aa follows t - ; The Incorporated Capital Stock of The J. M. Acheson Company Is One Hundred Fifty Thousand (160,000) shares, non-assessable, Btarned .-. Address 1 DIRECTORS t C. R. PEAKS A. J. FARMER J. M. ACHESON M. E. THOMPSON J. M. ACHESON. President. V. K. STRODE, Secretary and Attorney. EDUCATIONAL. Means Better Work Better Wages If interested In business education send for our latest catalogue, "YOUR SALARY DOUBLED." It's free. Call or write Elks' Bid sr. Portland, Or. PORTLAND ACADEMY PORTLAND. OREGO.V. Nineteenth year opens September 16. Fits boys and girls for Eastern and West ern colleges. Over two hundred graduates admitted to college. An athletic field and thoroughly equipped gymnasium. Includes an elementary school, which re ceives pupils at 6 and fits tor the Academy, giving especial attention. to reading, spelling and penmanship. Thoroughly competent teachers in both de partments. Office hours during August, from 8 AM. to 12 M. Catalogue sent on application. Medical Department OF THE University of Oregon 21st Annual Session Begins Bept. 16, 1007. Address 8. E. JoeephU M. D.. Dean, 610 Dekuxn Bldg.. Portland. Chicago Conservatory EBtabllahMl 1S. Wattan Parktwa, Praa. Oldest and best school for thorough teaching of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART This school always maintains the highest stand ards of artirtic excel lenoe emptor only best and moat capable inptractorm. Graduate are welt equipped in every amentia! requirement of Mnsto and Dramatic Art. fiend for interesting catalog. Saaowd Floor, Audita Hum Building, Chicago, III. THEY WEAR AND WEAR AND WEAR f CHILDREN'S ffVA SXOdfl! LEVI STRADSS & CO. Sole Distributors HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH ' Delicate enough for the softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the hath gives all the desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES S47H STAR.K STREET NEWP ORT YAQUINA , BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches . on the Pacific Coast (. AND is AN IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, has excel lent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and in viting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other attractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8 A. M. Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale daily, and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P.-agency else where, for complete information. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or. The Oregonian, 1 Year A Good Talking Machine, value Six Standard Records, value . $ 9.00 25.00 3.60 TOTAL WORTH, $37.60 FOR ONLY $25.65 SPECIAL TO OREGONIAN SUBSCRIBERS 63 Washington, Corner Park. (rnona Ex. SS.) Room 200, Oregenlan Building trnos Hal 7070.) A LITTLE EACH WEEK PAYS THE COST By subscribing- to The Oreg-omlan for on. year yon can obtain regular $25 hlg-h-grade Tnlkfrxr Machine, six records of your aelectton Included, or choice of a $25 Violin and complete outfit all for 125. S. Amount saved to subscriber Is $11. $5. This Is the beat combination offer, and the most popular ever made to Western newspaper reader. Onen only to th" subscribing- for The Oregonlan. The conditions and terms are very liberal. Delivery is promptly made upon payment of $1.65 for the machine and 75 cents for a month's subscription. Thereafter (0 cents a week on the machine and 7R cents a month for the newspaper until th. contract nas been completed. Bend In your order at once. Call, phone or writ. EILERS PIANO HOUSE THE OREGONIAN Lewis-Stenger Barber's Supply Co. Headquarters for reliable Toilet Goods. Cutlery, etc We grind everything-. Morrison and Teath Sts. D. CHAMBERS TRASS UAK7 Cee him cuncsrnuag your eyea. US arreath at. Mas AMes.