Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 09, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Agrees to Represent State on
Mississippi Junket.
Portland Chamber of Commerce Will
Pay Expenses of His Trip With
National Inland Water
way Commission.
Governor Chamberlain will be one of
the party that will accompany President
Roosevelt down the Mississippi In Octo
ber. With the Governors of the states
bordering on the Mississippi will be on a
committee which will escort the Presi
'dent on his first trip down the great
river. The members of .the National In
land Water Commission appointed by the
President and composed of the heads of
departments, will also be in the party.
As this state provides no appropriation
for the expenses Incident to such a trip,
the Portland Chamber of Commerce will
defray Governor Chamberlain's expenses.
The great good to Oregon that can be
done by -the Governor through meeting
the President and' other distinguished
men who will compose the party it is
thought will Justify the outlay. Gover
nor Chamberlain had appointed J. N.
Teal to be his personal representative
on this trip, but at Mr. Teal's sugges
tion the trustees of the Chamber of Com
merce at their meeting Tuesday decided
that much more benefit would be derived
by the state at large if the Governor
would go in person.
In accordance with this resolution the
following letter was sent to Governor
Dear Sir: The trustees of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting held this
morning, discussed the matter of the invi
tation extended you of Joining with other
Governors in accompanying President Roose
velt, and the members of the Inland "Water
way Commission on the proposed trip down
the Mississippi River.
This organization feels that it is of great
Importance that the Governor of Oregon
In person be one of the distinguished party
accompanying the. President of the United
States.. The Chamber realizes that this Is a
public matter of great interest to the Btate
at large and that expenses are incident to a
trip of this kind. I was therefore Instructed
to ask you to. make this trip If possible for
you to arrange to do so. and to Inform you
that the Chamber will be glad to defray the
attendant expense. Yours respectfully.
Acting Secretary.
Yesterday afternoon the following let
ter was received by Mr. Mosessohn in
My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your favor
of the 6th inst., in which I am advised' by
you that the trustees of the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, at a meeting this week,
discussed the matter of the Invitation which
has been extended to me to Join with other
Governors In accompanying the President on
his proposed trip down the Mississippi River
with the members of the Inland Waterway
Commission. You say that the Chamber
realizes that this Is a public matter of great
Interest to the state at large, and that you
are Instructed) to aek me to make this trip
If It is possible for me to do so, and advise
me that the Chamber will be glad to defray
the attendant expenses of the trip.
In reply permit me to say that I realize
with the trustees the Importance of this meet
ing of the Inland! Waterway Convention, which
is to be . held at Memphis, and have already
named two delegates to the convention, which
Is to be held on October 4. I offered to ap
point J. N. Teal as my representative to ac
company the President on his proposed trip
with the Inland Waterway Commission down
the Mississippi River . to the convention at
Memphis, but he did not feel that he could
go, I will endevor to so arrange my offi
cial engagements that I can make the trip
which you mention In the interest of the state,
sspecially so when, your body so generously
offers to defray . the attendant expenses, f
which no provision is made by The laws' of
this state.
I have the honuor to remain, your very re
spectfully. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN.
Regulars From Vancouver Start on
Annual Field Practice.
A battalion of the Fourteenth Infantry
slept in shelter tents Just south of River
view Cemetery last night. . The troops
were weary from a long march and the
service calls after mess were quite un
necessary. The camp ,' was asleep by
dark, except for the guard detail.
During the next three weeks the bat
talion will have a touch of real cam
paign marching. The command, 150
strong, is out for Its annual field prac
tice. Until the end of the month there
will be daily marches of from 15 to 20
miles, with nightly bivouacs in shelter
The battalion, in command of Major
Parks moved at 7 o'clock yesterday
morning from "Vancouver Barracks.
Crossing the ferry the line of march was
taken up in the direction of Portland.
Before noon the command passed over
the Madison-street bridge and swung
south. The point of bivouac, on the
road behind the Riverview Cemetery, was
reached the middle of the afternoon.
Camp was pitched at once for the night.
The men are carylng regulation field
outfits. Each man has his blanket roll,
shelter half, mess kit, haversack, can
Police Court Rudely Separates
Chums Arrested as Vagrants
Orders Tom Kinney to Leave City and Sends Richard Anderson to Jail
for Thirty Day3, in Order to Break Up Unprofitable Partnership.
7 HE bonds of friendship had become
so close between Richard Anderson
and Tom Kinney, two Vancouver youths,
that the law was compelled to sever
them in a most forcible manner, yester
day: . It seems that the two young men
were useful lumber mill hands before
they became( acquainted. Meeting they
found such a harmony of temperament.
Ideas and purposes existing between
themselves that they got to Idling about
fishing,- and talking their time away, In
stead of working.
Two weeks ago they came to Portland
and continued to loaf In the face of an
absence of funds. Free lunches by day
and an unpaid-for room by night kept
them happy until the landlady became
suspicious and demanded pay. This not
being tendered, she notified the police
who interviewed the young men, found
they 1 had not been working and took
them up as vagrants.
"It Is plain to me that you two will
continue worthless so long as you are
allowed the luxury of each other's com
pany," said Judge Cameron.
"We will leave the city," said Kinney,
speaking for both.
"DoubtleBS." said the court. "But you
-will leave in relays. Anderson, who
strikes me as the most worthless, ..will
teen, field rations, rifle or saber, and
canteen. The marching Is chiefly at
route. step and the command covers about
three miles an hour, marching BO minutes
and resting" 10, according to regulations.
Oretown, on the Tillamook Coast, is
the destination and .he Infantrymen In
tend to complete the Journey within ten
days; the distance being about 135 miles.
The return will be made on toot.
The officers with the expedition, are
Major Parks,' Captain Taylor and Lieu
tenants Bussche, Tolley and Brady.
Allen Stock Company to Leave After
the First Week In September.
Manager Murphy, of the Lyric Theater,
announced yesterday that after the first
week in September he would install his
own stock company at the Lyric with
Herbert Ashton as stage director. The
Allen Company which has made itself so
popular in Portland will transfer to San
Jose, Cal., where Mr. Allen has secured
a theater of his own.
There will be no change in the policy of
the Lyric The prices will remain the
same and a line of pays similar to those
presented in the past will be offered.
The only'names announced in connection
with the new organization are Herbert
Ashton as stage .director and "heavy'
man and Lily Branscombe as ingenue.
Both are well known and popular here
being re-cognized as leaders in their pro
fession. At the Theaters
What thm Press Agent 87.
Great Graft Play Creates Sensation
at the Marquam.
One of the most sensational dramatic sen
sations of the period is "The Undertow,"
which Is to be seen this week at the Mar
quam. The Stockwell-MacGrefror Company
has certainly hit the popular chord in pre
senting this new American drama of graft
In politics. The lines are brilliant, the
situations intensely dramatic and the heart
interest overwhelming. The newspaper of
fice scene Is alone worth the admission
price. There will be a matinee tomorrow.
"A Bachelor's Honeymoon."
There Is only one comedy playing in Port
land this week, and it is at the Star Thea
ter, where the stock company is presenting
"A Bachelor's Honeymoon." The leading
roles are played by Earl Dwire, of the
Baker Company, and Claudia Colona. There
Is not a solemn character. In the cast, and
each one has something to do to cheer up
the audience. As a laughter show, "A
Bachelor's Honeymoon" is a prize winner.
This Is the first time this standard comedy
has been played anywhere at such bargain
prices. There will be matinees Saturday
and Sunday.
"Jim the Westerner" a Hit
A great big hit has been made this week
by the Allen Stock Company In "Jim the
Westerner" at the Lyric, and thousands of
enthusiastic theatergoers are talking about
It. Everywhere you go they will tell you
that the show of the week is at the Lyric,
and as a result the house Is crowded at
every performance. The company Is more
than making good in the various roles and
the management has done itself proud in
the matter of stage- settings and effects. .
"Are You a Mason?" Monday.
The next offering of the Stockwell-Mae-Gregor
Company at the Marquam will be
the funniest of modern farces, "Are You a
Mason?" in which the company is certain
to repeat Its triumphs of this week in "The
Undertow." It will keep you laughing from
the rise of the first to the fall of the lasw
curtain. -v
"The Scout-b Revenge.'
Beginning Monday night, the stock com
pany at the Star Theater will present "The
Scout's Revenge,"' a. new Western melo
drama in four acts. This will be the first
time this play has been seen in this city.
It im filled with action and stirring situa
tions. Seats for "The Scout's Revenge" are
now selling.
"The Two Orphans," at the Lyric.
A play that always pleases is to be of
fered by the Allen1 Stock Company at the
Lyric next week. "The Two Orphans" is a
melodramatic classic and one of the most
popular plays ever presented on the Ameri
can stage. It will be worth anybody's
time just to see Verna Felton as Louise, the
blind girl, Kate Claxton's famous role.
Ibsen at the Grand.
The only vaudeville sketch ever written
by the late Henrlk Ibsen, the world-famous,
dramatist, is the feature of the current bill
at the Grand. "Friendship" Is unusual in
plot and treatment, as would be expected of
Ibsen. It Is presented by David F. Perkins
and Henry A. Lappln, two vaudeville actors
of note. Arthur Rigby, a blackface come
dian. Is one of the big hits of the show.
These are samples of what the. Grand is
giving this week. The entertainment is In
all respects up to the standard.
Big Vaudeville Acts at the Grand.
Next week the Grand Theater will have
one of the bills that has made the house
famous, no less than three big feature
acts appearing. The first of these is Harlan
& Rollison, a great European novelty act;
these people have just returned from the
famous Moss-Stolj tour In England. Besides
the above, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers and
William Macart, famous as a Klaw "and
Erlenger comedian, will go to make up one
of the best shows ever offered by this
popular vaudeville house.
President of Farmers Union 111.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Aug. 8. Charles
S. Barnett, president of the National
Farmers Union of America, is critically
ill at Connaty.
remain here 30 days, while Kinney will
leave inside of an hour."
"Gladly," said Kinney. "Thank " you.
"I'm always unlucky," said Anderson.
"Hang it all, anyway.'1
I c
Overdue Bark Reaches Astoria
From Antwerp.
Both Vessels Are Laden With Ce
ment Which Is Badly Needed In
Portland The Siam Is
Posted as Overdue.
The British bark Conway Castle, Cap
tain "Williams, 212 days from Antwerp,
with general cargo, arrived In at Astoria.
The vessel made one of the longest pas
sages recorded for the year and had
It not been for the fact that she put Into
Valparaiso for water. May 20, and was
reported from that port, would have been
placed on the overdue list and by this
Due to Arrive.
Name. From Iate.
JohanPoulsenSan Francisco. .In port
Nlcomedla. . . Hongkong In port
Geo. W. Elder San Pedro In port
City of Pan. . .San Francisco. . In port
Alliance Coos Bay In port
Breakwater. . San Francisco. . Aug. 9
Redondo Seattle Aug. 10
Costa Rica. . San Francisco. Aug. 12
Nome City. . San Pedro At Stella
R. D. Inman. San Francisco. , Aug. 12
Roanoke Los Angeles. ... Aug. 12
Numantla. . . .Hongkong. . . . -Aug. 28
Arabia Hongkong Sept. 17
Alesia ..Hongkong Oct. 10
Scheduled to Deport.
Name. For Date.
JohanPoulsenSan Francisco.. Aug. 1
Nome City . . . San Francisco. Aug. t
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro Aug. 9
City of Pan. . -San Francisco. . Aug. 10
Nlcomedla. .. Hongkong. .... Aug. 10
Alliance Cook Bay
Breakwater.. Coos Bay Aug. 12
. Costa Rica. . San Francisco. .Aug. 34
Redondo Seattle Aug. 14
Roanoke Los Angeles. ... Aug. 15
R. D. Inman. San Francisco. . Aug. 1S
Numantia. .. Hongkong Sept. 6
Arabia. Hongkong Sept. 25
Alesia Hongkong Oct. 20
Entered Thursday.
Casco, . Am.- steamship (Ahlln).
with general cargo from San Fran
cisco. . ' -
City of Panama, Am. steamship
(Nelson), with general cargo from
San Francisco. '
Cleared Thursday.
Casco, Am. steamship (Ahlln),
with ballast, for Goble. -
Johan Poulsen, Am. steamship
(Merrlam), with 450.000 feet of
lumber and 110,040 sacks of wheat,
for San Francisco.
time there would have been a small
amount of reinsurance quoted on the
The Conway Castle Is In to Taylor,
Young & Company, and carries a general
cargo. In addition to 12.250 barrels of
cement she brings a quantity of pig Iron,
some bar Iron and a large assortment
of groceries. The latter is made up prin
cipally of ginger ale, soda water, fancy
canned foods and 157 casks of taroil.
At 5 o'clock last night a three-masted
Bhlp was reported 20 miles to the west
ward of North Head. Hopes are enter
tained In shipping circles that the ves
sel Is the long-overdue German ship
Slam, now out 187 days from .London
with a cargo of cement for Portland
consigned to Meyer, Wilson & Company.
Reinsurance has been offered on the
vessel as high as 8 per cent.
While the passage is not sufficiently
long to cause quotations In the rein
surance market,' the remarkable get away
of the Siam places her at least 50 days
over due.
The arrival of the Conway Castle will
relieve the cement situation In Portland
to some extent. 'If the vessel outside Is
the .Siam, additional relief for builders
Is in sight.
Long Voyage From Antwerp Due to
Delays by Heavy Weather.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 8. (Special.) The
three-masted British bark Conway Cas
tle arrived in this evening, 212 days from
Antwerp with a general cargo including
about 2000 tons of cement, consigned to
Grace & Company, of Portland. Captain
John Jones, master of the vessel, says
the long and tedious trip Is the result
of delays by heavy weather off the Horn,
and the fact he was compelled to put into
Valparaiso for water, and light winds
and calms in the North Pacific.
I'he Conway Castle sailed from Ant
werp on January 9 and made a splendid
run across tne Atlantic and to the Horn.
There a succession of heavy westerly
gales was encountered and the bark was
buffeted back and forth for 35 days be
fore rounding into the Pacific. While
there Captain Jones sighted the British
ship Dalgonar, which arried here In
June and was in company with her for
nearly two weeks.
Although the bark was not seriously
damaged by the gales, her decks were
awash almost continually and the strain
Destroys Hair Germs
Falling hair is caused by germs
at the "roots of the hair. Dan
druff is caused by germs on the
Auers Hair Vigor
quickly destroys all these
germs, keeps the scalp clean
and healthy, stops falling hair.
The New Kind
Dqes 'not change the color of the hair
J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass."
ing - of the vessel caused the pipes
to leak so that the water in the
casks became tainted with salt water
and was spoiled. Captain Jones
decided to put - into Valparaiso for
a frsh supply, which he did. arriving
there on Sunday, May 19, and leaving on
the following Tuesday. From the South
American port to the line the bark made
a good run of 25 days but since then has
encountered only light winds and calms.
She arrived off the mouth of the river
this morning and was brought inside at
captain Jones says that altering bis
course to put Into Valparaiso and his de
lay there lengthened his passage fully a
month. The Conway Castle carries a
crew of 25, all told, and all are well on
Antllochus Brings Big Cargo.
TACOMA, Aug. 8. Nearly 10.000 tons of
freight was received on the steamer
Antllochus, which Is said to be the re
cord Inbound cargo of the Blue Funnel
line. The cargo includes a small ship
ment of silk, valued at J107.000. Three
Japanese stoways were found on the
steamer 60 miles out from Yokohama,
and were sent back on a passing fishing
boat. -
captain Keay says that three masts of
the Dakota are still visible, the report
that the wreck entirely disappeared
evidently being a mistake. The Salvage
Company had ceased its efforts to re
cover any further cargo and there were
no boats near the wreck when the
Antllochus passeu.
Casco Brings Full Cargo.
The steamer Casco, Captain Ahlln, ar
rived up yesterday with a full cargo from
San Francisco for Portland. The Casco
broueht. in addition to the canned stuff.
a large quantity of oak logs for a local
furniture factory. The timbers are all
Siberian oak and were transshipped at
San Francisco.
Marine Notes.
The steamship City of Panama, from
San Francisco, arrived in ytesterday
The tank steamer Argyll, from Port
Harford, arrived In yesterday. She will
discharge at Portsmouth.
Tho cfomHn Onsen shifted to Goble
yesterday, where she will take on a
cargo of lumber for San fcrancisco.
The sailing date of the steamer Al
liance has been postponed indefinitely
on account of the accident with which
she met yesterday. (
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, Aug. 8. Arrived Steamship
Daisy Freeman, from San Francisco: steam
ship J. B. Stetson, from San Francisco;
steamship Argyll, from Port Harford. Sailed
Steamship' Casco, for San Francisco, via Go
ble. Astoria, Aug. 8. Condition of the bar at 6
P. M.. smooth; wind, southwest, 8 miles;
weather, clear. Arrived down at 9:30 A. M.
Schooner Virginia. Arrived in at 10 A. M.
and left up at 10:30 A. M. Steamers J. B.
Stetson and Daisy Freeman, from San Fran
cisco. Left up at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Ar
gyll. Arrived in at 12 noon Tug Pilot, with
barge Oregon, from San Francisco, for Van
couver, short of coal. Sailed at 12 noon
British steamer Mathilda, for Freemantle. Ar
rived. in at 11:15 A.. M. British bark Conway
Castle, from , Antwerp. Arrived down at 2
A. M. Steamer Melville Dollar. Outside, 20
miles west, a three-masted- ship.
Hongkong, . Aug. 8. Arrived previously '
German steamer Arabia, from Portland.
Yokohama. Aug. 8. Arrived previously
Japanese steamer Manshu Maru, from Port
land. t
San Francisco, Aug. 8. Arrived Schooner
Transit, from Portland. Sailed yesterday
Steamer Asuncion, for Portland.
Kahull, Aug. 8. Sailed Schooner Alice
McDonald, for Portland.
San Francisco, Aug. 8. Arrived Schooner
Transit, from Columbia- River; steamer
Eureka, from Tacoma. Sailed Steamer -R.
D. Inman, for Astoria; steamer Iaqua, for
Gray's Harbor; City of Puebla, for Seattle.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
High. Low.
0:30 A. M 8.8 feet!7:22 A. M. 0.4 foot
1:37 P. M 7.4 feet7:28 P. M 3.0 feet
Charges of Graft Against Park
Superintendent Not Sustained.
Park Superintendent A. D. Montelth was
exonerated of "the charge of padding the
payroll of the park department and keep
ing a private rig at the expense of the
city, at an investigation held yesterday by
the City Park Board. It developed that
the charges were nothing more than spite
work of Charles Passig, a discharged em
ploye, and several of his friends employed
In the park, who have been opposed to
Superintendent Montelth since he was ap
pointed a year ago.
Passig called several witnesses to sub
stantiate the charges, but proved nothing.
On the -other hand Superintendent Mon
telth called several witnesses, their testi
mony tending to show that the charges
had been maliciously made.
After remaining in session- from 10
o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in
the afternoon without adjourning for the
noon hour, the board went into executive
session to consider the subject. The mem
bers were behind closed doors about ten
minutes, when they appeared and an
nounced that the superintendent had been
exhonerated. They decided to admonish
Mr. Montelth to be more careful In the
management of several minor details in
the care of the parks.
Northwest Scenery Imperial Hotel.
Rich red blood naturally results from
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It tones the
whole system.
A good appetite goes with
a good digestion. A gentle
stimulant like Pabst Blue
Ribbon Beer aids the diges
tion and whets the aDDetite
li is Dotn iooa ana dnnJc,
The Beer of Quality-
should be served at .meals
and 'tween meals. It will
help your digestion, build up
your strength, renew your
appetite and drive away all
dyspeptic tendencies.
Charles Kohn & Co., .
Cor. Third and Pine Sts., Portland.
Phone Main 460.
Nervousness makes some people
miserable, blue and unhappy. They
tninK someimng
terrible is going
to happen. At
night they toss
and worry and are
not rested. They
tire easily and
haven t much en
ergy. They think
many things are
the matter with
them Consump
tion. Kidney trou
ble, or twenty
other diseases. It s
just stomach
t r o uble, nothing
Two bottles of
Mrs. W. J. Schaurer
else in the world,
Cooper's New Discovery will put the
stomach in shape in three weeks. I
know this because I've seen It tried a
thousand times. Then all nervousness
will disappear. I know thls( too, be
cause 1 1'vo seen it happen a thousand
times. Hero's a letter I got the other
"My system was badly run down and
my stomach and nerves in an awful
shape. I could not digest my food.
was always tired and would often
feel faint and dizzy.
"I had heard so much of your New,
Discovery medicine tflat I began taking
it. Relief ana strength and happiness
were found in the very firs); bottle and
the benefit I have received from it has
been truly wonderful. I am no longer
nervous, my appetite and digestion are
good and I eat everything and sleep
well." Mrs. W. J. Schaurer, 220 Guth
rie St., Louisville, Ky.
We sell Cooper's New Discovery. It
makes tired, worn out, nervous people
happy. The Skidmore Drug Co.
unit wmmwimm mmnTww m WtTh K'(f !ti
Under the New Pure Food Law
All Pood Products must be pure and
honestly labelled. .
was titty years ahead of the Law. It was
always pure Vanilla. Every bottle now ;
bears this label : Guaranteed under the Food '
and DrueM Act June 30th9 1906," Serial
Number 9 J, which has been assigned tooti
by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. . tfi
JOSEPH BURNETT CO., ioiton, ham.
-. .X' JiiV
The City of Portland and the State of
Oregon are toth growing rapidly. xnera
are lots more " people who will come to
enjoy our natural resources, beautiful sur
roundings and exquisite climate If we offer
any Inducements whatever. Our greatest
fault Is lack of unity of interests and
LOYALTY to Our home Industries. Manu
facturing keeps our money at home and
gives employment to our own people. Let's
get In and patronize everything we possibly
can made at home. We will guarantee
that manufacturers producing goods here
will fully guarantee them equal to, if not
better than foreign brands. We do, on the
shoes we manufacture, and, in fact, make
the flat assertion that if we do not produce
a BETTER article for the money than can
be had elsewhere, we do . not ask your
patronage. Why? Because we are here on
the ground and know what this country
wants In a shoe. Ask your dealer for our
Shoes. If he does not supply you, you
know what he is doing in the way of ad
vancing our city and state. Our name
"The J. A. Reid Shoe" is stamped with a
steel stamp, on the bottom of every pair.
The J. A. Reid Company
13 and 16 Union Ave., City.
Home Phone only, B 1211.
Every Woman
uuiseresiea ana scoaia now
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new Ttbal Rjrimf. Jnjeo
non ana Bucnon. Best
est Moat Convenient.
Atk mr inirrlst ftr If.
If he cannot supply the
HiRVEii. soceot no
other, but send stamp fcr
Ulnstnlea Boo mm It gin
1 uU particulars and tllr Motions 1
valuable to lartlea. MM RVRt.
K. 9Sd ST., ! K V TOM
For sal. by
. lu-Davis Drug Co., S stora
. Xeedard. cimtkM. AC,
No Finer
in all the World"
See Yellowstone Park during the Suinmer
of 1 SOT. There's no more delightful outing
anywhere. First-class hotels, splendid
coaching journey of 143 miles, good trout
fishing, fine mountain scenery, the most
mysterious of nature's wonders seen every
where and every day.
For Full Information Call on or Write
A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Agent.
255 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
Northern Pacific Railway
Write at once for Attractive Descriptive Booklets
and Full Information.
One of the Most
Attractive Beach
Resorts on the Pa
cine Coast Jus
Now Is
New the month of the Columbia River, on the Washington
aide, reached from the City of Portland, on the
splendid excursion
Steamer T. J. POTTER
It Is upward of 20 miles long-, very broad and level and almost as
compact as a composition pavement. It Is dotted Its entire length with,
towns, cottage settlements, tent cities, villas, fine hotels, and all the
amusement accessories of a popular Summer beach resort. IT'S THE
PLACE TO GO for rest, health and a good time. Thousands go there
for their Summer outing. Try It.
The Potter Sails Every Day
See published schedules.
Fare from Portland, round trip, $4.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets, $2.50
Purchase tickets and malce reservations at City Ticket Office, Third
and Washington streets, Portland; or inquire of any O. R. & N. agent
elsewhere for information.
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR.
Nervo - Vital Debility
nervous system, purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses and heals the
bladder and Kidneys, invigorates the liver, revives the spirits and bright
ens the Intellect.
Rlrtrtrl Prticnn Our special form of treatment for blood pol-
WMpUII pon is the result of a life work, and is in
dorsed by the best physicians of this and foreign countries. It contains
no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of any kind. It goes to the
very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of impurity.
The blood, the tissues, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are
cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health.
By the latest and best methods vie cure, to remain rarwl, VARICOSE!
BLADDER and KIDNEY Troubles, and all associate diseases and Ttrak
nesses with their reflex complications.
We make no misleading; statements, deceptive or nnnaMlnena-lIke
proposition the afflicted, neither do vre promise to cure them In n
fevr days, nor offer rheop, vrorthleHs treatment In order to seenre their
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