THE -MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, .1907. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOJUAN TELEPHONES Counting-Room Main 7070 City Circulation Main 7070 Hsnaalnr Editor Main 7070 Sum. ay Editor Main 7070 Composing-Room .............. ..Main 7070 City Editor Main 7070 Superintendent Building Main 7070 East Bids Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. MAKQrAM GRAND THEATER Oforrlsoa between 6th and 7th) Nance O'Nell In The Story of the Golden Kleece." Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Park end Seventh) Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. PANT AGES THEATER, (4th and Stark) , Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30, 8 P. M. LTRIC THEATER 7th and Alder) The Allen Stock Company In "Road to Frlaeo. Tonight at S:15. Matinees Tuesday. Thurs day. Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 P. M. STAR THEATER Farlc and Washington) All-Star Stock Company in '"The Royal Slave." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees TueJ day. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 P. M. THE OAKS -CO. W. P. carllne) Gates open 12:30 P. M. to 11 T. M., Sundays and holidays. 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Band con certs and free specialties. BASEBALL (Recreation Park. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets.) Today at 3:30 P. M.. Portland vs. Los Angeles1. PORTLAND ACADEMY HALL Recital by Miss Large and Miss White, 8:15 P. M. OREGON1AN AT RESORTS, Ocean Park - C H. HII1 TS. Breakers J. M. Arthur Long Beach Strauhal Co. Beavlew Etrauh'al Co. Gear hart ...Drewsr Co. Seaside Dresser Co. Newport r. H. Lan Mocllps. Wash Breaker! Pavilion Carson Springs- -.Mineral Hotel Collins Springs Belcher A Co. Moftitt Springs T. Moftltt Wllholt Sprjnss F. W. McLeran For cuickest and most satisfactory service, eubscrlba for The Oregonlan at eummer resorU through ths above agents. City rates. Subscriptions by mall are payable In advance, i Feast or St. Dominic. The feast of St. Oominlc. founder of the Dominion order, will be celebrated next Sunday morning In the Holy Rosary Church of the Domin ican fathers, on Union avenue and Clack amas streets. Solemn high mass will be celebrated at 10:30 o'clock, when RieThl Rev. Abbot Thomas. O. S. B.. of Mount Angel, Or., will deliver the panegyric of the saint. The Holy Rosary Male Choir will furnish the music. Following will be In the choir: Tenors J. H. Cass, J. Bell, D, A. Morris. J. E. Malley, A. J. Brault. J. B. C. Lockwood. F. Barrett, G. W. Lamer: bassos E. J. Alstock. B. J. Eder, J. Hoben. Dr. P. Goray and Andrew Kane. Mrs. J. B. C. Lockwood will take the place of Miss Elizabeth Hoben as or ganist, the latter being absent from the city. The church auditorium has been decorated with a large painting of "Ros ary Group," which will be solemnly blessed before the last mass on Sunday. The painting is by Victor Le Galle. East Side Barn Nearlt Completed. The East Side city barn, between East Sixth and East Seventh Vtreets. on Han cock, for the Street-Cleaning Depart ment's use, is nearing completion and will be occupied some time this month. It Is little less than 200 feet long and near ly 50 feet wide. With the basement It is three stories high and not an unattrac tive building, after all the protests that were made by residents of the neighbor hood. On the first floor there are stalls for 22 horses. The building has cost about $16,000, exclusive of the site. It will greatly facilitate the cleaning of streets on the East Side and lessen the cost. The crew and teams for the East Side Cleaning Department will have tli'r headquarters at this barn, and will al ways be near their work. Death of George C. Peert. George C. Peery, a well-known Portland man, died Wednesday at his home on Prospect ave nue. Mount Tabor, after a long illness. He was born in Virginia in 1828. and went with his parents to Missouri in 1839. He came to Portland ten years ago. ami set tled at Mount Tabor. He is survive 1 by his wife and the following children: L. T. Peery, member of Mayor Lane's Execu tive Board and a real estate man of Al blna: B. H. Peery, a resident of Wash ington, D. C. at present In the service of the Government at Havana. Cuba: Dr. T. P. Peery. Yuha, Cal., and Miss Georgia Peery, Mount Tabor. Mr. Peery was a member . of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence. Louisa Kent Home Again. Miss Louise Kent, who became so popular with the Baker Stock Company last season, re turned to Portland yesterday after pity ing a Summer engagement as leading woman of the Frawley Stock Company In Minneapolis. Miss Kent immediately be came a great favorite in that city and was offered flattering inducements to re main at the head of the company dur- lng the coming season, but on account of her contract with Manager Baker fnv next season was compelled to decline the offer. Miss Kent will spend August at her 'mother's country place, resting up for the regular Baker season, which opens September 1. 'Booklet in Demand. The entire office force of the Chamber of Commerce Is en gaged In sending out the booklets on Ore gon which were recently published by that organization. It being necessary to engage extra help. Although- the entire edition of 50.000 has not yet been re ceived from the printer, there ar? enough booklets on hand to satisfy the immediate demand. More visitors have inspected the permanent exhibit In the. Chamber during the past month than ever before. A large number of prospective settlers are given information daily. Portland Man Supplies Pulpit. Rev. Bondinot Seeley, Jr.. of Germantown, Pa., will occupy the pulpit of Calvary, Presby terian Church during the month of Au gust, while Dr. Ely, the pastor, is absent on his vacation. The regular Sunday morning and evening services will be maintained throughout the month. As Mr. Seeley belongs to Portland, the large circle of his acquaintances here will be glad of this opportunity of hearing him. E. A. Williams Dead. E. A. Williams, electrician of the flreboat George H. Wil liams, died suddenly yesterday morning et his home. 10T5 Williams avenue. He was a pioneer electrician and steamboit engineer, and had been employed on Will amette River steamboats for a number of years. He was 65 years old and had been a members of the flreboat crew for two years. Will Hold Annual Retreat. The an nual retreat for the archdiocese will open next Monday evening. August 5, at 8 o'clock, at Columbia University. ' Right Rev. James J. Keane. D. D.. of Chey enne, will conduct the retreat. Catho lic clergymen come to this retreat from all portions of the archdiocese. Owner needs cash; will discount actual value 10 per cent If taken quickly. That handsome new residence at 650 East Tay lor St., near 17th, strictly modern, 6 rooms with 2 alcoves; nicely terraced; roses In front: fruit trees in rear, etc. See swner. 660 East Taylor St. - July Postal Receipts. The postal re ceipts from the Portland Postoffice for July. 1907, were tol.953.4S. The receipts for the corresponding month of 1906 wera 142.496.55, which shows a gain for July, 1907, of $3456.93, or 22 per cent. , Take the A. & C. R. R. for Seaside and Clatsop Beach Summer resorts, two through trains dally 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. Special train Saturdays, 3:10 P. M. Ticket office Third and Morrison st. For Rent. Two nice outside rooms. See Superintendent, Room 201 Oregonion Building. . Clemens Recovering Robert Clemens, who was slightly burned by an electric current while working on the lines of the Portland Railway. Light Power Com pany, at Seventeenth and Upshur streets, late Wednesday afternoon, is rapidly re covering. ... It was he instead of Elmer Downing who was Injured. The latter escaped unhurt. John Carlberg. who was killed at the time Clemens was burned, was found at an autopsy held by Dr. Glen Wheeler to have died from the, ef fects of contact with an electric current. It was first believed that Carlberg had died from heart failure superinduced by the excessive heat and in, order to ascer tain this Dr. Wheeler was called upon by the Coroner to examine the corpse. Death Due to Heart Disease. Fatty degeneration of the heart caused the death of N. C. Haversant, who died sud denly In his apartments at 271 Pine street, late Wednesday afternoon. This Is shown by an autopsy performed yesterday by Dr. J. D. Fenton. There had been an in timation of foul play, and an inquest was htld in part yesterday. The jury will finish the case at 1:30 this afternoon. Policeman Roberts Exonerated. A jury impaneled by Coroner Flnley. brought in a verdict exonerating Patrol man Griff Roberts for fatally wounding William Stevens, an Innocent bystander, during a riot at East Sixth and East Mor rison streets, the night of July 20. - Rev. Henry A. Barden, a Juror, remarked, "we should have more policemen like Rob erts." Change Among Depuths. A. M. Moult zen, who has been the chief deputy in the tax collecting department since Sher iff Stevens has had charge, tendered his resignation to the Sheriff yesterday. Dep uty Sheriff S. B. Martin was appointed to fill the vacancy. Martin has been In the department since Tom Word was Sheriff, and Is considered a valuable man. Rooms for rent. Selling-Hlrsch bids- WIFE-BEATER IS WHIPPED HENRY SCHAFFER THIRD MAN PUNISHED UNDER LAW. Acting County Jailer Lays on 15 Lashes While Slavonian Howls With Pain. ' Henry Schaffer. a Slavonian, who plead-' ed guilty in Judge Cleland's court when arraigned for wife-beating, received 15 stripes from the cat-o'-nlne-talls at the County; Jail yesterday. It was thought by Acting Jailer Beatty that Schaffer would take his punishment without a murmur, but after he felt the first cut across his bare shoulders he began to writhe and beg for mercy. When the case was called for trial be fore Judge Cleland yesterday morning Schaffer pleaded not guilty, but soon changed his plea, doubtless expecting to secure mercy at the hands of the court. As soon as it was announced that the plea was changed. Deputy District Attor ney Moser said he thought the case was one for the whipping-post, as the attack upon Mrs. Schaffer was exceptionally vicious. He told the court how Schaffer had stripped his wife nearly naked, tied her to a chair and whipped her until the blood ran, and how when her sister came to her aid Schaffer whipped her, too. "She spit In me face, and called me names of a vlleness; she go places no womens should go," interrupted- Schaffer, half rising from his seat. "But you pleaded guilty." remarked the Judge. And that settled It. - Schaffer is the third wife-beater to be flogged under the whipping post law passed three years ago by the Legisla ture. . . After the sentence had been executed, and while Acting Jailer Beatty was dress ing Schaffer's wounds. Schaffer turned to him and said. "I go down the river pretty soon. I send you big salmon." Schaffer was then released and went home. FINE RESIDENCE BURNS Two Fires Cause $5500 Damage at St. Johns. The home of W. C. Adams, one of the finest residences at Point View, St. Johns, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning, but the fire burned so slowly that nearly all the household goods as well as the windows and doors of the residence were . easily saved. The fire started in the roof near the chimney and then slowly burned downward. Water was not to be had, or the building might have been saved. There are no fire hy drants in the neighborhood, and the vol unteer fire company could do nothing. Mr. Adams completed the house about a year ago at a cost of $5000. He carried Insurance of from- $1500 to 12000 on the house. There was a movement to place fire hydrants In Point View some time ago, but the Council was persuaded not to Incur tthe expense. Smith's" drugstore In the Holbrook build ing, facing Philadelphia street, St. Johns, was damaged to the amount of about $600 by fire yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. A boy saw the blaze and gave the alarm bringing out the volunteers who attached a hose to a hydrant across the street and extinguished the blaze. The loss is cov ered by insurance.- BUYS INTEREST IN STORE C. V. Jackson, Seattle Capitalist, Acquires Control of Golden Eagle. A controlling Interest in the Golden Eagle Dry Goods Company was yes terday purchased by C. V. Jackeon, a Seattle capitalist, from G. A. Lowit. the principal stockholder. The latter still retains an Interest In the company and will continue as manager. Mr. Jackson will not actively par ticipate in the business, but his in terests will be looked after by G. H. Mayes, formerly with Lowengart & Co., who will hereafter take control of the financial end-of the business, which It Is planned to enlarge. Harry C. Whlttier, formerly for sev eral year with Olds, Wortman & King, has been engaged to assist Mr. Lowit as sales and advertising manager. TALE OF A TRAVELING BAG Odd Experience of a Big Consign ment of Leather Goods. They had been ordered a very superior grade of suit cases, traveling bags and hat boxes for Robinson 8c Co.'s remod eled store, but they got here in the midst of the big anticipation sale, so they were just put out at reduced prices along with the other men's furnishing goods, neck wear, underwear, bathing suits, hats, etc. It seems that about every exacting man in town has dropped in. to look, them over and buy but the stock was com plete and magnificent bargain are still to be found 2S9 Washington. Farming Conditions in Maryland. COLLEGE PARK. Ind., July 25. (To the Editor. A Western man accustomed to farm lands increasing- In value. Is surprised on visiting the Atlantic States to find in places farm lands down to a low value. Such a condition exists In Southern Mary land. 10 to 50 miles southeast of Washing ton, D. C Settled mora than 100 years ago. The Wife Who Saves IS THE- JEWEL OF T PTE HOME and should have the hearty -support of the. entire family. The husband should start a savings ac count for her in our bank. One dollar does it, and 496 Wo Pay Interest Compounded Twice Every Tear. Oregon Trust S, Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Sta, Portland, Oregon. Deposits Over $2,600,000 W. H. Moare President E. E. Lytle...Vice-Presldent W. Cooper Morris. .Cashier improved farms are offered at $10 per acre, with buildings out of repair and cultivated land worn, but pleasant homes In a pleasant land. Tha soil takes clovers and grasses. Cannot such land be built up by these crops; "Timothy , from whom that grass was named, was a Mary-lander. Farms about half clear, half timber, all near water or rail, and covered by thrifty young tim ber. $3 per acre, will make good farms when cleared. Will the growth of timber on land near water or rail pay taxes and Interest on (5 land ? W. r. DA RLT NOTON. XAXCE O'NEIL CLOSES SUXDAY Engagement of - Distinguished Ac tress at Marquam Near Close. This is the last week of the engagement of America's mort distinguished trage dienne, Nance O'Nell, at the Mar quam, and that wonderful young ac tress la giving one of the finest perform ance of her career. The splendid manlfes makea in the third act of The Story of the Golden Fleece" has seldom been equaled on the American stage. The entire course of the play Is marked by brilliant acting both by herself and the members of the company. ' "A Royal Slave." There is only one romantic drama on the local stage 'this week, and It is "A Royal Slave," presented by Frank DeCamp, at the Star Theater. Mr. De Camp has starred as Agullla, the Aztec King, in this play for three seasons, and haa made the character his own. It is considered by the patrons of the house as the best attraction seen in the theater In months. Eunice Murdock, the emotional actress. Is seen to advantage, and the balance of the company Is well cast. "A Royal Slave" will run until Sun day night. There will be matinees Satur day and Sunday. Seats for the remaining performances are now on sate at the box office. r "The Road to 'Frisco" Tonight. "Give the public what It likes" is the motto of the Lyric management, and as a consequence you will find that popular thea ter always well patronized, no matter how warm the weather gets. There are no dull days at the Lyric. There is no "off season." This week more than ever this has been no ticeable because there has been a regular crush at the doors of the Lyric to see that splendid. frontier drama, "The Road to Frisco." 11 In which the Allen Stock Com pany haa been so successful. Everybody likes the show and everybody comes away saying good things about It. They tell their friends and so the word goes around that the good show of the week Is "The Road to 'Frisco.' Another reason for the heavy patronage Is that the house Is al ways cool and comfortable. Go tonight. Matinee tomorrow. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "The Undertow" Next Week. Probably the most-discussed drama of recent years Is "The Undertow," which will be the offering of the Stock well-MacGregor Company- at the Marquam for next week, commencing Monday night with Franklyn Underwood in the leading role. The play tells an up-to-date story of politics and municipal graft, which unfortunately has become all too familiar with the public. "The Westerner" at the Lyric. You'll find that the Lyric Is keeping up Us record for excellence next week when 'The Westerner" will be presented by the Allen Stock Company. This is one of the big successes of recent seasons and always makes good. The production and perform ance that will be given, commencing Mon day night, will mark a mew record for Portland's most popular stock organisation. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS "Taming a Husband." Women are always anxious to learn "how to treat that brute, Man. One way of doing It is shown at the Grand this week In a -bright little comedy called "Taming a Husband." Asan artistic contribution to vaudeville it lias no superiors, at least none have visited Portland. Beatrice Moreland and Stanley Johns interpret the two roles. Grace Orna is a woman who can sing and tell funny stories as well as a man, and Cavana has the best novelty wire act In the country. Allen Shaw. premier of coin manipulators, is as clever as any one in his line. These are only a few of thm many acts on the programme. The night shows start at 7:45 and 9:30 o'clock. Good Show In Cool Theater. The best show in' the coolest theater is the offering Pantages makes to its patrons this week. Pantages Is so situated and en tllated as to defy the heat on the hottest days. Beauvais and company In a comedy sketch, "The Wild Flower," serves as the feature this week. It is a lively piece put on by clever people and you are bound tt enjoy it. Supplementing the feature are many excellent numbers. Including the Mu sical Nelsons. Ella Haxlltt. the girl from the Bowery: the Talto Trio, the Southern Quar tet, Jean Wilson, and "Wanted A Hus band." on the biograph. . New Train on Short Line. ' Commencing yesterday a new daily pas senger train on the Oregon Short Line between Huntington, Or., and Salt Lake City. Utah, was put in commission. This Is a through train, intended to relieve the congestion on the Oregon Short Line. It connects with train No. 8 at Hunting tcr. This train arrives in Portland at 9:25 A. M. daily. Sues Bankrupt's Creditors. Suit has been brought in the Federal Court by Henry McLean, trustee in bankruptcy for Frank Subarber. against O. E. Krausse et al. to recover merchandise alleged to have been fraudulently procured "by the -defendants.. Several months ago, after Su barber. had been declared a bankrupt, Krausee, through his attorneys, rep resented to the trustee that he had a AT THE THEATERS By Arthur A. Green. Hundreds of good dressers will be attracted to our store by the wonderful price concessions we offer during the next few days. SguiTs HALF PRICE Choice of all our Two-Piece Suits the entire assortment of Fancy Outings, single and double-breasted. All sizes $12.50 15.00 18.00 Great Reductions Men's Summer Suits We must dispose of all our Summer weights in a hurry. Choose from our elegant assortment any of our Fancy Three-Piece Summer Suits at the following prices: ' . $15.00 Reduced to $12.35 18.00 Reduced to 13.85 20.00 Reduced to 15.65 22.50 Reduced to 18.35 SPECIAL All our $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. Pure Worsted Trousers in a variety, neat at tractive patterns. Sizes up to 44. Choico $6.85 writ to recover the merchandise. The poods were therefore turned over to Krausse. No writ had been Issued in fact. MAD ACTION OF DRIVER Sailors of Maine Attacked toy Drunken Man, One Rilled. NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Aug. 1. Gar rett Walsh, a first-class fireman belong ing to the crew of the battleship Maine, was killed, and Chief Maater-at-Arms T. F. Maddox and Chief Baker J. Ackerman, of the same ship were wounded, the for mer probably fatally, by Fred Gutlerres. a "beach wagon" driver in Phoebus late tonight. Gutierres was arrested. The tragedy grew out of a quarrel over paying fares. The sailors had employed Gutlerres to drive them and a sick ship mate to Old Point Comfort. 'En route to get the sick man the driver stopped in front of the Palace Hotel to get a drink. The sailors, anxious to catch the launch out to the ship, asked the driver to fore go his drink, and an argument over the payment of the fares then started. According to spectators, Gutierres caught Walsh by the collar and jerked him out of the back door. Ackerman and a soldier named Smith followed. Then Gutlerres stabbed Ackerman in the arm with a knife. Flourishing his weapon the driver threatened the sailors and soldiers, and Walsh fled into a rear room of the hotel, closely followed by Gutierres. Later Gutierres stabbed the master-at-arms and escaped, but was finally arrested. Walsh was found dead, his throat cut, his heart pierced and his body badly cut. Gutierres, who had been drinking, said the sailors attempted to beat him. . WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 306 Wash., near 5th. End of Columbia Inquiry. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. With the testimony of five of the petty officers of the steamer Columbia, taken today, the investigation of the collision be tween the San Pedro and the Columbia has. practically come to an end. One or two witnesses may be examined to morrow. It will probably be two weeks before Captain Bermingham renders his decision. RISER rOH SOUVENIR PHOTOS. Northwest Scenery Imperial HoteL HO PLATES W can extraot one or all your teetn without hurting; a bit, and riut in new teeth the same day f you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service. Painless Extracting: Free wk Plate, are Ordered. 20 YEARS HERE and doing- dental work all the time. That Is the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grown our pa trons come back, and they send their friends. . W. A. WISE, Dentist Failing bid., 3d and Washington .t. S A. M. to a 1: M. Sunday. to 13. PainJea. Extraction 50c Plate. 95 T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturdevant and H. A. Huffman ASSOCIATES. BOTH PHONES. A AND MAIN 10M. a one-half one-half one-half $6.25 7.SO 9.00 MEN'S FINE TROUSERS CHEAP EXCURSION RATES TO EASTERN POINTS The Rock Island Lines will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis, on August 8-9-10, . September 11-12-13, One first-class fare plus $10. Choice of routes. Stopovers. Also cheap excursion rates to the Jametown Exposition and re turn, on sale August 19-29, September 11-12-13. And to Saratoga Springs. New York, and return, on sale Septem ber 3-4-5. It will be a pleasure to give you full particulars and to plan your trip. C. A. HUNTER, General Agent Rock Island-Frisco Lines, 140 Third Street, Portland, Or. HAND SAPOLIO FOB. TOILET AND BATH Fingers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hope lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re moves not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores the fingers to their nat ural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS EDUCATIONAL. PORTLAND ACADEMY PORTLAND. OREGON. Nineteenth year opens September 1G. Fit. boys and flrli tor Eastern and West ern colleges. Over two hundred graduate, admitted to college. An athletic field and thoroughly equipped gymnasium. Includes an elementary -school, which re ceives pupils at fl and tits for the Academy, Hiving especial attention to reading, spelling and penmanship. Thoroughly competent teachers In both de partments. Office hours during August, from SAM. to 12 M. Catalogue sent on application. MediceJ Department . OP THE University of Oregon 21st Annual Seeslon Begins Sept. 1. 180T. Address S. E. Josephl, M. D.. Dean. 610 Dekum Bldg.. Portland. .Chicago Conservatory establish wattM r rrmm. Oldest and beat school for thorough teaching of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART This school always maintains the highest stand ards of artlstio excellence employ onlj heat and most capable instructors. Graduates are well equipped in ewry eeeenttal requirement of Mneie and Dramatic Art. Send for Interesting: catalog. en4 riser, AttdtUHum Building, Ohlospo. III. chwab Printing Co. 147' STAR, re STREET one -half one-half one-half $25.00 Reeuced 30.00 Reduced 35.00 Reduced 40.00 Reduced SPECIAL $20.00 22. SO 25.00 An enormous assortment of Fine Summer Waistcoats, in plain white and neat figure effects. Values $3.00 to $4.50. Special $1.85 The Oregonian, 1 Year . ... . A Good Talking Machine, value Six Standard Records, value . A LITTLE EACH WEEK PAYS THE COST By subscrlblnr to The Oregonian for one year you can obtain a reg:ular $26 high-grade Talking Machine, lx records of your selection Included, or choice of a $25 Violin and complete outfit all for 25.65. Amount saved to subscriber is $11.95. This Is the best combination offer, and the most popular ever made to Western newspaper reader. Open only to those subscribing for The Oregronian. The condition, and terms are very liberal. Delivery Is promptlv mMe upon payment of $1.85 for the machine nd 75 cents for a month's subscription. Thereafter 60 cents a week on the machine and 7S cents a month for the newspaper until the contract has been completed. Bend In your order at once. Call, phone or write. EILERS PIANO HOUSE 353 Washington. Corner Park. (rnona tx. S3.) NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY . Has One of the Finest Beaches on the Pacific Coast AND IS AN IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, has excel lent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and in viting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other attractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. - Leave Portland 8 A. M. Rate from Portland $6.00 for the .roundy trip. Tickets on sale daily, and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency else where, for complete information. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or. D. CHAMBERS TRADB MARK Be. him concerning; your eyea U aereath St. Mti Alder. am and Brldge- work 13. OO. 12 OO Full Set of Teeth, $6.00. VKED FREHN, Dentist. Room 40B, Deknna $10.00 1 1.25 12. 50 to $19.65 to 24.50 to 26.50 to 28.00 MEN'S FANCY WAISTCOATS $9.00 25.00 3.60 TOTAL WORTH, $37.60 FOR ONLY $25.65 SPECIAL TO OREGONIAN SUBSCRIBERS or THE OREGONIAN Eoom 200, Oregonian Building, (Phona Main 7070.) Lewis-Stenger Barber's Supply Co. Headquarters for reliable Toilet Goods. Cutlery, etci We grind everything:. MorrUoa and Tenth St.. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson'. Compound Sav in and Cotton Root Pills, the best and only reliable rmdv fr FEMALE TROUBLES A"6 IRREGULARITIES. Cure ths Jaoft. obstinate c&s In fi n -in days. Price $2 per box. mailed in plain wrapper. Sold bv drugptsts everywhere Addreos Dr. T. J. PIERCB. 181 First street. Portland Orexoa. rax- . . v - - m I'Im m I "l I ' I Mf . i in. Tnir