THE MOEmG OKEGOXIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1907. APPORTIONMENT OF- SCHOOL -F State Treasurer Deals Out Each County's Share of Interest. LESS THAN LAST " YEAR Land Frauds Account for This Fact, However School Fund Will Ga'in In End From Land Sales. State in-- Good Condition. SALEM, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) State Treasurer George A. Steel this afternoon completed the apportionment of the common-school fund interest among the several counties of the state for school purposes. This amounted to $247,289.13, based upon a school population of 157.509 school children between the ages of 4 and 20 years, and a per capita of $1.57. Of this amount. Multnomah County will receive a total of $56,030.16, upon a school population of 35.688; the next highest being Marlon County, which will receive) $16,326.43, upon a school population of 10,399. The apportionment follows; No. Pennns Ovr Amount 4 anil Under 20 Appor- Conntv Years o( Agf. tloned. Baker ".302 $ Benton , 2.72B 4,27.25 ria-kamas S.MO 1H.4.-I4.W) Clatsop 4,0ft3 S.4-.'.OJ Columbia 2.15 4.R7.:iS Coos 4.4! I--Bf-S2 Crook 3.13S 3.3M.K5 Currv WS MWS.S1 Iiouglas ". ,i7s2-ii? cniiam 3.024 V07.r.S Grant 2S2...2 Harney J" Jackson .! 81H2 Josephine 2.SM 4-4 Klamath 1.713 ??2'1J I -ka firtS 1,51 B.B2 I Bna, S.S5II 13.908.83 Lincoln !.: Linn -'. H'SCH? Malheur 2. J 35 S-3"-?;! Marlon 1.3 1.2 Morrow l.n 2.6R2.72 Multnomah 3S.6SS 8?5?i2 Toik Xmt Hl)l 1.1' J21 .20 Tillamook l.R3 , . 2 .45J.M I'matlila .3' Tnion 8.410 8.S07.83 WaUowa .. 2.7n 4.248.42 n-... R 3(M R.476.43 Whln'ton 6.2-'7 9.776.39 TV heelr 1-42:-4; Yamhill 8,72. .63 Total ...157.509 $247,289.13 This amount, when taken into com parison with that of last year. $265, 992.20. and a per capita of $1.70 upon B population of 156.466, shows a falling off of $18,703.07. Th.s is accounted for by the iact that the wholesale cancel lation of school-land certificates, in connection with the land-fraud investi gations laRt year, and the repayment of purchase price upon same, also ne cessitated the repayment of $13,420.59 of interest paid on such certificates and out of the Interest fund. These repay ments were made upon certificates held bv Kelliher, Palmer and others, whicJi were cancelled by the State Land Board. Had the Interest fund not been drawn upon for this purpose the total amount would have nearly equaled that of last year. Aside from this, the. e were certifi cates representing 41.186.45 acres of school land sold at $1.25 per acre that were cancelled and repurchased at $2.50, by which transaction school-fund prin cipal gained approximately $52,000, which is now drawing interest for suc ceeding years' apportionments, and there are 36,492.63 acres the certificates upon which were held by A. T. Kelliher and were cancelled and which remain unsold. This land will be offered for sale, on bids by the St;.te Land Board. In the near future. The greater part of it is valuable timberland, and the state will easily realize an average of $5 an acre upon it, and -the school-fund principal will profit to the extent of the difference between $1.25 and $5 per acre, or an aggregate of $126,947.36. This, added to the p'oflt upon the 41. 186.45 acres cancelled at $1.25 and re sold at $2.50 per acre, amounting to $53,983.06. brings the total gain to the echool-fund principal up to $180,930.43. A general idea of the prosperous con ditlon of the state generally may be gained from the statement that of over 3000, loans that are- now outstanding of the school-fund principal, there is less than 1 per cent -of delinquencies. 8 XEW TEACHERS AT WESTON Normal School Adding to Force of Instructors. WESTON, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The election of eight new teachers from the "Weston Normal has Just been announced by the management. These are Miss Helen Kleinknecht, A. M.. a gradute of the Kansas State Normal and University of Kansas, who will be principal of the Training School and teacher of pedagogy and the philosophy of education: Henry H. Thurston. A. M., graduate of the Uni versity of Missouri, who will teach his tory, literature and physics; Ernest E. Walker, graduate of the Indiana State Normal School and a trained athlete, who will direct the work in Physical culture Mrs. Emma Davidson Worden, late of Pueblo, Colo., who will supervise the prl ma.ry work in the Training School; Miss Mabella S. Miller, graduate of the Thom as Normal School of Art and Music at Detroit. Mich., who is an accomplished artist and vocalist, and will teach music nd drawing: Mr. Winfred Arant, a na tlve of Oregon and former principal of the Brownsville School, who will assist in teaching English and manual training Miss Agnes Bulfinch, a Weston Normal alumnae, who has taken two years of fDeclal work at the University of Utah and Radcllffe College, who will be critic tcacner in the Training School; Miss Naomi Stengel, an Eastern Oregon teach er who comes for special study and will also assist in the primary department. The hold-over members of the faculty are president Robert C. French. A. B psychology, history of education, methods of teaching: Mrs. A. Z. Crayne, precep tress, English grammar and composition, rhetoric and elocution: Miss Clara G. Hall, mathematics and Latin; Mrs. Clara Graves French, A. B., botany, zoology, cnemistry, pnysical geography and lltera ture: Mr. Charles VE. Tredway, manuel training, stenography and typewriting. The next school year begins September 8, 1W7. FRIENDS FEAR FOIL FLAY ' IV. C. Cunningham, of Tacoma, Had $700 When He Disappeared. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 1. Mystery envelops the disappearance of W. C. Cunningham, a traveling man S5 years of age, who was to liave married Miss Anna Cooper, of Tacoma, last Tuesday night. Cunningham was last seen four hours before the time set for the wedding on Eleventh and PaclfTe ave nues. He bad purchased two tickets for Portland for himself and bride, and had his wedding suit sent to his apartments at 27 South C street, where, with his other belongings, it still is. Cunningham took nothing with him save $700 he was known to have on his person. Friends fear foul play, while the intended bride Is prgstrated "and refuses to talk to any one. Cun ningham is well known liere. BEGIN TAKING SALMON EGGS Experiments Being Made by Hatch ery on The Clackamas. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Fish Warden Van Dusen has received word that the taking of salmon eggs was com menced yesterday by the State Fisheries Department at the plant on the Clacka mas River and the work will probably be continued for several weeks. As there are about 4000 matured fish in the racks a good take of eggs is expected. A new experiment Is being tried on the Clackamas this year, as the fish are be ing held below the Oregon Water Power Company's big dam at Cazadero, where as the hatchery operations heretofore have been conducted about 30 miles fur ther up the stream. Thus far the ex periment has been a success as a large number of fish have been retained and they are apparently in good condition, but the question yet to be determined is whether the salmon will mature suf ficiently there, without being allowed to proceed to the headwaters of the stream. Only temporary buildings have been erected at the Cazadero station, the in tention being to keep the eggs there until the eyeing stage is over and then ship them to other hatcheries In the district. At the Salmon River hatchery the tak ing of eggs will begin within a few days, while on the McKenzie it will not begin until the latter part' of next month. At Wallowa, ' where a new hatchery with a capacity of 10.000,000 eggs has Just been erected, the spawning season will open in September, and at Ontario it does not begin until a month later. It is yet too early to estimate what will be the re sult of any of the latter .plants. DUNBAR MUST FACE SUIT Supreme Court Denies Appeal From Judge Galloway's Decision. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 1. Holding that the defendant's, rights are not concluded by the court's ruling that Sears had no legal capacity to sue and that the lower court has Jurisdiction to substitute the state for Sears as plaintiff, and that the order sustaining the defendant's demurrer to the original complaint is not final or ap pealable, the Supreme Court, m an opin ion by Justice Bakin, dismisses the ap peal of former 'Secretary of State F. 1. Dunbar from the. decision of Judge Gallo way, of the Circuit Court tpr Marion County, allowing the state to be substi tuted as plaintiff for J. K. Sears in the suit for an accounting and to require Mr, Dunbar to pay over to the state the fees collected during his eight years In office, estimated at $100,000. This decision has the effect r-t bringing the case up on its merits in the Circuit Court. SALEMTELEPHQNETRDUBLE KORTHWEST LONG DISTANCE COM PANY MUST GET OUT. Mayor and City Attorney Decide It Haa No Right to Operate Under Home Company's Franchise. SALEM. .Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) After due consideration and counsel with City Attorney Condlt and failure to find any grant or franchise permitting the North west Long Distance Telephone Company to stretch wires over the streets of Salem for the purpose of engaging in the telephone business, Mayor Rodgers has given written notice to General Manager C. C. Craig, of that company, of Portland, to remove Its wires and connections in this city with as little delay as possible. The Northwest Long Distance Company, presuming it had the right to come into the city and transact a long-distance tele phone business upon the strength of the franchise granted the Home Telephone Company, tapped the through wires and strung its local wires upon the poles of the Portland General Company and opened up thee long-distance stations here. Mayor Rodgers began to look Into the case with the understanding that the Long-Dlstance people, although affiliated with the Home people, had no right to engage in business here without special permission of the Council until the Home Company complied with the provisions of their franchise. General Manager Alfred I Tetu. of the Home Telephone Company, who came up to Salem to plead for an extension of time for his company to install an auto matic system and get a deduction of time for the time consumed in litigation when the Pacific States Company contested its right to enter the city, took the matter up with Mayor Rodgers and asked for a special permit for the Northwest com pany to engage in business here until the Home system could be installed. Mayor Rodgers, however, Informed him he had no such power, and the only thing for the long-distance company to do is pull up stakes and wait , the proper time to enter into competition. Furthermore, it is the sense of Mayor Rodgers and the City Council that if the Home Telephone Company does not comply with the con ditions of its franchise that is. Install and put Into operation 400 automatic telephones In Salem s within 18 months from the date of the grant, with liberal allowance' for unavoidable loss of time its franchise and bond of $5000 will be declared forfeited. NEW BUILDING FOR CORVALLIS State Board Awards Contract for Mechanics' Hall. SALEM, Or., Aug. 1. '(Special.) At a special meeting of the State Board of Education, this afternoon, the contract for the building of the new Mechanics' Hall In connection with the Agricul tural College at Corvallls was award ed to A. F. Peterson, of Portland, for $37,363, and for the steam-heating plant for tne same building to Gard ner, Kendall Co., of Portland. for $3525. These were the lowest bids offered. Each successful bidder- must iurnisn a Dona in me sum or. 5u per cent of the amount of the respective contracts and the ' building must be completed and ready for occupancy on or before February 1 of next year. Land Sales Drop. SALEM. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The total amount of collections for the sale of school, tide and swamp land, inter est on certificates, etc., in the State Land Department for the month of July, -as snown by the statement is sued by Clerk G. G. Brown, of the State Land Board, today was $47,735.37. which is a 'considerable falling off from the volume of business conducted last month, when the receipts reached a total pf over $100,003. This latter, however, was due to the transactions incident to. the cancellation and re purchasing of certificates resulting from the land-fraud investigations. Metzger & Co., headquarters Brauer's hana-paintea art cmna, 212 w a&n, st .ARREST 6 DROVERS Warrants Issued for Violators of the Law. . NOTICE WAS NOT GIVEN Required Provisions of Law Not Lived T'p to by Washington Sheepmeri Who Brought Their p'locks Into Summer Range. PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) Six warrants of arrest were is sued this afternoon for the Washington Bheepmen, who, by showing a total disregard for the laws of Oregon and the proclamation of Governor Chamber lain, brought their flocks across the state line and on to their Summer 'Mr iPtm Piiife Wilt CHARLES P. DCKE. FORMER NEWSPAPER MAN. WHO ESCAPED FROM THE STATE PRISON AT SALEM. A REWARD OF $50 IS OFFERED FOR HIS APPKEHEXSION. , range in this county without naving given the sheep inspector the notice required by law. This point was not passed upon by Judge Wolverton, of the Federal Court, in granting the temporary injunction asked by the Washington men against the dipping regulations several weeks ago. A separate information has been filed against each "band of sheep, and as each of the men and firms indicated have two or more bands they are sub ject to a double penalty. Those who will be placed under arrest as soon as possible are H. C. Bryson and Henry Adams, Felix von Holenbeke, Johnson Brothers. Grant & Kidd and S. V. Davin. Upon the return of Judge Bean, who Is now In the mountains, these men will be required to appear before him and give bail, while they are waiting trial. District Attorney Phelps and Dan R. Smythe, the secretary of the Sheep Commission, feel confident that the charges made can be proven and, if so, the offenders will be subject to fines of from $103 to. $500 for each band. It is said-that other of the Washington flookowners trailed their sheep' through Union County and will, therefore, be subject to indictment in the Circuit Court of that county. BOND THE CITY FOR SEWERS Centralia Votes to Issue $22,500 to Construct Trunk Sewer. CENTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) The special election which was held here on Tuesday for the purpose of deciding whether or not the City of Centralia should Issue bonds In the sum of $22,600 for the- purpose of construct ing a trunk sewer, carried with 17 votes to spare. There were not as many votes cast as had been expected, only 327 vot ers going to the polls. iThe law requires that on a question o. issuing bonds a three-fifths majority shall be cast 1n favor of the issuance before the same shall be allowed. This proposition was decided upon by the City Council several weeks ago. It was an undisputed fact that a system of sewerage was a necessity. The only question for the members of the Council to settle was how to raise the money. At first the voters not seem to take kindly to the Idea of bonding the city, but after three weeks of instruction from the various city officials and through the columns of. the press, the people were convinced that bonding the city was the proper thing to do. The City Council will lose no time in going ahead with the work. As much of the trunk sewer will be laid this Fall as possible. . and. if the weather .permits, the whole system may be installed be fore the rainy season sets In. The es tablishing of a sewer system In city will relieve the builders of the three Im mense fire-proof structures in Centralia of a great deal of anxiety. It began to look as though they would either be com pelled to cease building or else install septic tanks. ENGLISH HOPS HURT BY COLD Yakima Crop Estimated at CO Per Cent Below Last Season's Yield. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. L (Special.) A cablegram from London stated that yesterday it was too cold in England for tne growing crops. ' According to a message received by Isaac Pincus & Sons from North Yakima the outlook in .eastern Washington is not so encouraging as it was. The firm's cor respondent writes: "Crop is generally very poor, lack-of cultivation being the principal cause. I would not be surprised to see. Yakima fall short 20 per cent below last year (26.000 bales). The maket conditions are not Improving. ,1 look for .many of the growers to leave their hops on the poles. Everything is so high. "Growers from Tampico report that the outlook for a crop is the poorest in years." DANGER FROM FOREST FIRES Lightning Sets Fire to Trees in Linn County Rain Prevents Damage. ALBANY. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) Several small forest fires have been started In the woods near Mill City by lightning striking treee during the storms which have prevailed in the mountains of this part of the state the past two nights. None have attained enough size or velocity to become dangerous, however, and practically all of them have been extinguished by fire-fighters from the mills and logging camps of the Curtlss-Lumbec Company. 'Only the rain which fell in' the mountains concurrent with the thunder storms of the past two nights has pre vented greater damage. The Curtlss Company has been forced to keep "a great army of men cruising through Its timber lands on the look-out for fire this week. Though the ground Is now damp, the woods on the whole are very dry, and the effect of a rain soon van ishes. An employe of the Mill City Mills In Albany today stated that If a large force of mcu were not kept watching all the time the moss on the ground and the underbrush would eoon dry out and the fire. caused by light ning would soon begin to spreadrap idly, and there -would - be some dis astrous -forest fires. All of the fires thus- far reported as a result of the lightning of the past two nights have been In the vicinity of Mill City.' and it has thus been easy to extinguish them. If any fires were started from the lightning farther back in the mountains they may be smoul dering along yet and break out into big fires when the ground becomes "dry. BLAST SANDSTONE POINT AWAY Hindrance to Railroad Construction Blown L'p. BAT C1TT, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) Sandstone Point, which has stood in the way of the railroad track's cross ing a cove in Tillamook bay at this T A point, has been torn away by a charge of 400 pounds of dynamite. A hole was dug in the side of the cliff at a depth of 20 feet from the top and 20 feet in the rock, and the explosive placed within and heavily packed. The charge was connected by wires to a battery, and at 5:30 o'clock Miss Mar garet Watt, who drove the first pile on the trestle, touched the button, and the cliff was shattered to small peb bles. : . The unloading of the barge Walla cut continues. The large steam shovel and the locomotive with tender have been unloaded and about a quarter of a mile of rails have been laid. En gineer Wilkinson' and his crew will put their engine together at once and will be ready for construction work In about a week. It will take about three weeks more to unload the Walla cut. She will then return to Portland for another cargo of railroad materials. MRS. ALDERMAN WINS SUIT Supreme Court Decides ( Against the County of Tillamook. SALEM. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The Supreme Court has handed down a de cision in the case of Edith M. Alder man against the County of Tillamook, asking an injunction against the re moval by the County Court of the plain tiff as administratrix of her husband's estate. Thg lower court sustained a demurrer on the part of the county, and the Supreme Court reverses this Judg ment. The opinion, which Is written by Justice Bean, contains the follow ing: From the allegations of the complaint. which for the purposes of this appeal are admitted by the demurrer, and must be taken as true, a case appealing- more strong ly tr court of equity for relief could rare ly be found. The plaintiff and defendant. at the time the proceedings for her re moval were Instituted In the County Court, were engaged In litigation over a claim for a larg-s amount of money asaerted by th county against the estate of which plaintiff Is administratrix. " The county had brought sundry actions, suits and proceedings to es tabllsh its claim. The plaintiff was making an honest and apparently successful defense thereto, and the county had- been unable to establish its claim. To prevent the plaintiff from making such defense and to enable the county to succeed In the litigation. It Instituted a proceeding for her removal in the court presided over by the person who had been most active on Its behalf and under whose direction the litigation was being conducted. To give it an apparent standing to maintain such proceedings It alleges that it was a creditor of the es tate. although it had not established Its claim to that relationship and was not en titled to the rights of a creditor. It seefjis manifest, therefore, that the proceeding could not have been Instituted in good faith, bnt for the purpose of vexing, annoying and harassing plaintiff, and to illegally and wrongfully deprtTe the estate, of whim she was administratrix, of the right to defend against the action and suits brought by the county on an alleged wrongful claim. THINKS HE HAS FOUND CLEW Detective in . Halverson Case Gets Hint From Train Crew. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 1. (Special.) The only information received by Ed gar Halverson, the brother of Almeda Halverson, the 16-year-old girl who mysteriously disappeared from a train en route from Spokane to Tacoma Tues day, was in the form of a message this morning sent by the detective in charge of the case, who wired that the train crew had given a clew. The message does not give any Information, but the yount man is under the Impression that his sister was Induced to get oflT the train at some Intermediate station by the young man who, it is said by the uncle, helped her on with her Suitcase, The girl was on her way to relatives in Klamath Falls, Or. Severe Storm at Castle Rock. CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) One of the worst thunderstorms ever known here occurred last night. The display lasted nearly all night, but was the strongest during the evening. The electric lights were turned off soon after the storm began, as there Is no arrester connected with the plant, and the proprietors feared It would be burned out. - - Files Supplementary Mortgage. OREGON CITT. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The Portland General Electric Com pany has filed a- supplementary mortgage on its property, for the purpose od guar anteeing an additional issue of $10,000,00 in 6 per cent gold bonds. OWNERS TO UNITE Shipowners Federation of Pacific Coast Formed. INCLUDES ALL VESSELS Planned to Take In Both Steam and Sailing Ships and Liners as Well Object to Meet Labor Demands. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 1. (Special.) A meeting of steamship men was held today to organise the Shipowners- Federation of the Pacific Coast. A con ference was held here today between H. L. Stoddard, eeneral manager of the Steamship Owners' Association v of San Francisco; George Et Billings, a big owner of sailing vessels, and half a dozen offi cials of local companies. W. Et. Pearce. general manager of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, attended the meet ing, but he refused to take his corpor ation Into the new association. It was represented by Stoddard that most of the sailing ships and the steam schooner would be brought into the organization and the regular liners were wanted. The new association is to unite the own ers of the sailing and steam vessels to meet any demands made by organizations of labor or shippers. A tentative organi zation has been formed and Stoddard leaves at once for San Francisco. PORTLAND ACTO CLUB RUN Number of Cars Will Leave Tomor row for Foot of Mount Hood.- The Portland Automobile Club will leave tomorrow on a jaunt to Welch's Tavern, near Mount Hood. The ex cursionists will leave Portland sep arately in order to evade the dust clouds likely to be raised by the ma chines on the country roads beyend the city, and all are to meet at Welch's in the evening. From 10 to 20 machines are ex pected to make the run, the exact num ber depending on the ability of sev eral enthusiasts to get away from busi ness engagements. The first machines will start about 9 o'clock in the morning and the others will follow, some leaving as late as 3 o'clock in the afternoon." At Welch's the arrangements for their accommoda tion have been completed and all par ticipating in the excursion are assured of a royal time. The party will remain at Welch's over night and will return to the city leisurely during Sunday afternoon and evening. SALMON CATCH IS SHORT ALASKA RED SALMON DO NOT RUN HALF AS EXPECTED. Canneries on Bering; Sea Making Prep, nrations for Large Catch are Bitterly Disappointed. BELLINGHAM, , Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) From the canneries on Mering Sea, where the greater part of the Alaska red salmon used by the world are caught. comes the report that the season is ended and' that the pack is 60 per cent less than any previous year in the history of the industry. The packing plants of. the Alaska Packers' Association, many of which are located on Bering Sea. will be the heav iest loser by the failure 01 the choice red fish to appear. Several plants were fitted for packs running from 40.000 to 75,000 cases and the season has ended with only about half of the material used. LOSE MUCH MONEY IN FEES Clackamas County Receipts Dimin ished by Loss of Divorce Fees. OREGON CITY, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) Clackamas County stands to lose $1000 an nually by the action of the last Legls lature In abolishing the District Attorney fee of $10 in divorce suits. During the month JuBt ended there were 13 divorces filed, and the loss to the Country Treas ury is $130- Tne receipts of the Clerk's office were $329.15. when they might have been $469.15. and the showing is less than in July, last year, when the receipts were $374.20. There are now 60 divorce suits pending, and it is estimated that more than 100 will be on the docket when the November term of court Is convened. The fees of County Recorder Ramsby for the month of July were $620.55, as against $324.10 for the same month in 1906. This indicates a remarkably healthy movement In real estate in Clackamas County. ' START IN TO FIGHT RATES Seattle Mill Men Begin Campaign on Their Own Initiative. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. L (Special.) The committee named by President Griggs of the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufac turers' Association at Tacoma last Sat urday ' to make a fight against the In crease of lumber and shingle rates on the Northern lines has begun work without waiting for the committees from other mlllmen's associations. A meeting was beld here this afternoon and evening and it was decided to begin immediately to gather evidence to fight - the increase In rates. The present law department of the as sociation will be employed until It is known whether Eastern attorneys can be had. If Oregon, Southwestern Washing ton and other lumber associations co operate they will be given a voice in directing the fight in tne future. CITY SUPERINTENDENT WEDS Head "of Albany Schools Marries Roseburg Woman. ROSHBURG. Or..' Aug. 1. (Special. ) Professor A. M. Sanders. City Superin tendent of Schools at Albany, was mar ried at this place this evening to 1 Mrs. Gertrude Hampton. The wedding was quite a social event, being attended large ly by many friends of both the groom and bride. After a month to be spent at the professor's mountain bomei which he calls Glen Madrona. they will take up their residence at Albany. MILK DEALERS FORM TRUST McMinnvlIIe Residents Scurrying to Get a Cow. 1 M'MINNVILLE. Or'.. Aug. 1 (Special.) Pntrflnn of the dairies todav found themselves face to face with a, trust of no small proportions. Notices were left at the doors announcing that from this date the monthly rates for milk per quart would be increased rrom $1.60 to $2.25. and fixing the rate for a pint dally at $1.25 per month. The proprietors of the two dairies, together with a' few individuals who keep a cow and sell milk to their neighbors were parties to the agreement. There is considerable Indignation at what is termed the "squeeze" and there is a great scurrying among householders to become the owner of a gentle Jersey and a ton of hay. DEAD OF ' THE NORTHWEST John T. Redman, Tacoma Business Man. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 1. (Special.) John T. Redman, vice-president of the West Coast Grocery Company, and one of Tacoma's oldest and best-known busi ness men, after an illness of nearly five months, passed away last evening at Witter's Springs, Cal., where he went the latter part of Marsh in hope of regain ing his health. Mrs. C. G. Staples. THE DALLES. 4r.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Mrs. C. G. Staples, of Spokane, died, here today suddenly at the residence of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Moore. Mrs. Staples came to The Dalles on Saturday last to attend the funeral of her nephew, Ray mond Moore, who was drowned while bathing in the -Columbia last week. She had not been ill, but was not in robust health, and it is supposed that the ex treme heat of the past few days was the Immediate cause'of her death. Mrs. Sta ples was formerly Miss Nina M. Rollins and was a daughter of Dr. C. R. Rollins, of Grass V alley, Sherman County. She was 50 years of age, and besides her husband left two children. Mrs. Gordon Campbell, of Portland, and Oliver Staples, of Spo kane. .STATUE TO NOBLE RED MAN Seattle Will Honor Chief Sealth, for AVhom City Was Named. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 1. (Sne- A statute to Chief Sealth, for whom tha City of Seattle was named, will be erected on a public square at "ifth avenue and Denny Way. A rough plan of the statue was submitted this afternoon by Sculptor James- Wehn to a Council committee and the Park Board, and this design will be adopted. The old Indian's statue will stand on a 12-foot pedestal, and Is planned to be an lmnosi nir figure of the frienrilv Indian I. A new process win be used in forming the statue. It is to be of plaster of Paris or cement, and given a bronze covcrng by electroplating with pure cop per, after a new process discovered by H. P. Hughes, of Seattle. WATER FAILS AT HOQUIAM Reservoirs Go Dry and People Are Indignant at Water Company. HOQUIAM, Wash.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Hoquiam's water supply Is about exhaust ed, the water company today notifying the manufacturing plants that the reser voirs might go dry at any time. Last season the water supply ran short and the company promised an adequate sup ply for this year. For several months the work has been delayed and from time to time more water promised. Today the city stands without enough water to run Its manufacturing plants and in case of fire a half hour's time would empty the reservoirs. The public is indignant over the situation. Insane Man Goes to Asylum. y ALBANY; Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) William Umenhofer, who resides near Berlin, this county, was committed to the State Insane Asylum last evening. Insane Jealousy of his wife has affect ed Umenhofer's mind for some time and two days ago he announced that the Lord had commanded him to leave his wife. Wednesday night he ran away, but his brother later found him and brought him to this city for ex amination. Umenhofer Is 37 years old and is a well-known farmer. Lightning Bothers Seaside Plant. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) An electrical storm of unusual severity vis ited this section during last night and about 2 o'clock the rainfall a short dis tance south of the city was quite heavy. 80 far as can be learned no damage was done by the lightning, except that the electric light plant at Seaside was put out of commissslon temporarily. Deposits of Dead or Insane. SALEM, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Ac cording to statements filed with the Secretary of State by secretaries and cashiers, there is a total of $17,463.53 upon deposit in 25 banks of the state reporting, which have not been added to or drawn from within the past They war and wear and wear FOR CEILDBEN Levi Strauss 8c Co. SOLS DISTRIBUTORS ,m''iiMwiiiW';i'7iiW'i"MiwHi!)ijy Under the New Pure Food Law AU Pood Products must b pur and honestly labelled. BURNETT'S VANILLA was fifty years ahead of the Law. It was always pure Vanilla. Every bottle now bears this label : Guaranteed under the Food and Dratt Act Jan 30th, 1 90S," Serial Number 9 1, which has been assigned to us . by the U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture. ) J JOSEPH BURN ETT CO., iostom, mam. -u..miuiuiidmnuiTiiMninmmaaiilHiiMi An Invitation We invite any one who will buy a player-piano of us or any other Port land dealer during the month of Au-- gust to come to our store and choose one of our superb instruments, and we will . deliver it to their home free of charge, in competition with any other player-piano made. A Challenge We challenge any other Portland dealer, "big" or little, "busy" or otherwise, to place one of their player- pianos in the same home, with the understanding that the sale goes to the most satisfactory instrument. COULD ANYTHING BE MORE FAIR? We have faith in our player-pianos, knowing that they are far superior to any other. THEY ARE DIFFERENT We court comparison and solicit your investigation. Hovenden-Soule Piano Co. Cor. Morrison and W. Fark Sts. seven years and which belong to estates of dceeasod or insane persons and unclaimed. These reports are re quired to be made to the Secretary of State over the sworn statement of the secretary or cashier making the same, within 15 days after July 15 of each year, giving the name and the la?t known residence of the depositor, and whether or not, in the knowledge of the person making the statement, the depositor Is dead, insane or otherwise under legal disability. Suver AVants Better Service. SALEM, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) Petition was received by the Railroad Commission this morning, bearing the signatures of J. E. James, a hop grower, and 70 other residents of Suver, on the West Side division of the Southern Pacific, asking for better passenger and freight train service and for improvements In the handling and protection of freight shipments at that Boy Badly Burned. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special. l While playing last evening in the Al bany tannery, Charles Marovleh, aged 8 years, fell into a vat of scalding water. His grandfather, John Olvls, with whom the boy lives, was near by and quickly rescued him. Though bad ly burned, young Marovleh will prob ably live. THANKS ! We hav been told by fvral loyal citl Eens that thpy have asked their aho dealer for a pair of our shoes, as th"y wished to get something good. We wish to thank them and will thank everybody else before hand to do so. We can certainly save you money on your nhoe biil if you will let us." We make a special drive on ram'i. boya and youths' hard-wearlnir shos. We cut nothing but full stock and custom bottom. The proof of the pudding In in the eating a shoe in the wearlnc. Try a pair of our hoes. Our name. "The J. A. Held Shoe." is stamped with a steel stamp on the bottom of every pair. Yours for home indujtry. The J. A. Reid Company SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 13 and 15 Union Ave., City. Home Phone only, B 1211. SHORT TALKS BY. L. T. COOPER COXSTIPATIOX. I can tell a person who is constipated on sight. Their complexion is pasty or yellow. Their eyes are dull, and they look and feel sleepy. No wonder they do. The bowels are a sewer. They carry away the poison ous refuse. If they don't act the poisonous matter is absorbed by the body, and head aches, dullness, bad c o m p le xion SAMUEL BOOREN and eventually serious troubles result. There is no better rule for good health than that the bowels should move every day at the same hour if possible. Regularity can be acquired by making a- habit of this. Foolish people neglect this and when chronic constipation affects them they take pills every few -days to force the bowels to perform their natural func tion. As years go on they require more and more pills. This should be stopped. Cooper's New Discovery will build up the stomach and cause the bowels to act naturally. While taking the medi cine get the habit of regularity, then gradually stop taking the medicine. Here is a sample of letters from those who have tried it: "For sixteen years I have suffered from stomach and liver trouble, and chronic constipation. I bad frequent headaches and always felt tired and worn out. I beard of Cooper's New Discovery and began its use. After I had finished one bottle I was wonder fully improved. Constipation gave way to a pleasing regularity of the bowels and I ate better, slept better apd felt better than I had for months. It is the greatest" medicine I have ever known." Samuel Booren, 1742 Munsey Ave, Scranton, Pa. I Our customers who bave used them Bay tiie Cooper medicines do the work. We sell them. THE SKIDMORE DRUG CO.