THE MOKJVIJNl UKISlilKMAS, , FRIDAY. AUGUST. 2,. 1907. S5.50 1 mported Ostrich Flumes $ 2.5 9 mDorted Ostrich Plumes S5.69 See Big Corner Window Display Mail and Phone Orders Wilt Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. 1250 Magnificent, New, Imported Ostrich Plumes just re ceived by express all of the superb extra quality obtained from the wild male birds. Colors; garnet, champagne, mais, Ostrich Feathers These superb plumes will last oMLr , - rvvflflvk Orders Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. fi? s " ISMffl ': JSSMSk 1250 Magnificent. New. Imported Ostrich Plumes lust re- ,St&iP pink, olive, ciel, navy, copenhag, leather. Ttim will be all the rage this Fall. Wash Goods Short Lengths 50c, 60c, 7 5c Values 9c Owing to the unprecedented sales of Wash Goods during the week, a great number of short lengths are left on the counters. Remember that only the most popular patterns become remnants and you will appreciate the pretti: ness of the designs. Lengths from 2$ to 12 yards positively no lengths cut at this bargain price. Regular 50c, 6oc, 75c wash goods, Friday Ckt Bargain Day . . v Owl Cut Rate Drug Specials 50c Sugar of Milk, Owl cut rate, pound.. 28 25c Vegetable Worm Syrup, Owl cut rate . 16 25c W E L, C H'S GRAPE J VICE 21e 25r VIOLET AMMO NIA 16 BOc C A L- SYRUP. OF FIGS 39 80c Cream of Tartar, pound, Owl cut rate : 33 $1.25 Henderson's Syrup of Hypophos- phites 69 BOc Peroxide of Hydrogen, Owl cut rate. .29? $1.00 Borden's Malted Milk, Owl . cut rate 69 50c Borden's Malted Milk. Owl cut rate. -36 $1.00 Colwell's Sarsaparllia, Owl cut rate 59 25c Sun Cholera Cure, Owl cut rate 19 25c Henderson's Kidney and Backache PillH 19 "5c Ant Food, Owl cut rate 14 25c Mandrake Pills, Owl cut rate, two for, 25 $1.00 Iron Tonic Bitters. Owl cut rate.. .59. lSe SEALING WAX FOR FRl'IT JAHS 7 Me SEIDLITZ PO W- D E R S 18 3S? CITRATE LITHIA 18 25c HBNDERSOVS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS 17 TC BORAXO FOR THE BATH. 18 2Sc ASEPTIXE, DR. LISTER'S KORMtl. . 14 2Sc HENDERSO Si'S EYE WATER 19 $1.00 Stone Root Kidney Cure, Owl cut rate 59 $1.00 Henderson's Kidney Cure, Owl cut rate . 59 50c Henderson's Kidney Cure, Owl cut rate 39 75c Roger & Oallet Toilet Water, spe cial 59 75c Roger fr Gallet Perfumes, In bulk..6S 75c Dr. Fenner's Clear Skin Soap for 39 $4 White Linen Skirts $1.98 $7.50 White Linen Skirts $3.85 This Is the most remarkable bargain sale of skirts we have ever been able to announce to the public. Our garment buyer In New York closed out the surplus line of the foremost maker of high-grade skirts in this country regular $4.00 to $7.50 values. To these we added the balance of our regular stock, making a special lot of 255 skirts. Made of pure linen and union linen, cut with the broad and generous fullness character istic of high-grade garments; plain gored, flared and plaited styles. The entire assortment has been divided into two lots to be sold, regardless mm of our former prices, for only See Display. None Sent on Approval. No Phone Orders $1.98 and $3.85 lOOOpr.Men'sHosi'y Val. to 35c at 17c iooo pairs Men's Fine" Imported alf Hose of lisle thread, mercerized and cotton, in fancy stripes and figures, solid colors and plain black. Values up to 35c pair, Friday Bargain Day.i....' AC 300 Lawn Waists $1.50-$1.75Val78c Choice of 300 White Lawn Waists in a num ber of pleasing styles some with plain em broidered fronts, some with panels of embroid ery and tucking, some tailor-made style with plaited fronts. Also popular Marie Antoinette Waists with plaited fronts, tucked backs, sieeves, lace-trimmed collars and cuffs-TQ Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values CV 150 Women's Short Kimonos Vals. to $3.00 for $1.19 Daintiest washable Summer styles of Women's Short Kimonos, Nightingales and Dressing Sacques, made of plain white lawn, fancy figured and dotted Swiss or lawns. All newest styles, made with or without collar, belt, long or short sleeves, low or high and Dutch neck, prettily trimmedTsizes 34 to 44. Sold regularly to $3.00. Biggest kimono value of the year at only $1.19 House Dresses Vals. to $1.75 at $1.19 Women's Percale and Lawn Wrappers and House Dresses, made in one or two-piece styles, and wrappers made with or without epaulettes on shoulders, plaited waist, full skirts, light or dark cloths with small figures white, navy, gray, cadetT (t?"fl red. Values to $1.75, special Friday at 44) A 300 Fancy Vests $2.50 and $3.00 Values Now at $1.25 300 Men's Fancy Vests, made of fine oxfords, mercerized cloths and piques in a great variety of patterns stripes, neat figures, checks and plaids. Regular values $3.50 and n- ry e $3.00 each. Sale price only plwO Sale of Auto Veils $1.00Vals.67c Auto Veils, 3 yards long:, lV-inh" hemstitch, . in black, white, blue, pink, lavender, red, green, brown, etc. Extremely stylish and popular for hat drapes; regular RJ $1.00 values vll Lawn Croat CoFrs Reg.35c,atl5c Ladies' Lawn Croat Collars, with medallion ends, all new this season and very stylish and effective. Sold regularly at 35c. Spe cial for Friday sale, 1 only I UK, 50c Supporters 23c Sale of Military Pad Straight-Front Hose Supporters, strong and substantial, in b 1 a c k, white, pink, blue, red. The kind you have al ways bought for 50c. 1 Friday Bargain Day 23c All Men's Straw Hats $3.00, $2.50, IVTiTAr d $2.00 Values J3JU W 41 25cSleeversVestsl7c 35c Lisle Vests 23c 1000 women 's Vests, low neck, no sleeves; mercerized tapes; 25c quality, 17C 1000 women's Swiss-ribbed lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves, trimmed yokes; OJ 35c quality 500 women's fine Swiss-ribbed lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves, silk-tapes, plain or OOp trimmed; 50c quality r7W 500 women 's fine Swiss-ribbed' Drawers, um brella style, deep lace edge; 75c A r quality T1 W 20c Stationery at 12c One quire of gray or white Linen Note Paper, best quality, latest shape, 20c 1 0 value, Friday special Linen Envelopes to match. latest shupe, 1 1a grray or white; regular 20c value E FARES TD WEST EASTERN" ROADS FIND TRAVEL ERS BEAT THEM. Two-Cent Fare Iiaws Force Cut in Interstate Rates to Points AVest of Chicago. CHICAGO. Aug. 1. (Special.) Reduc tions in Interstate fares from aTl fhe prominent places in the East to the prin cipal points west of Chicago and St. Louis will be made August 6 by the East ern railroads, special permission to do so having been granted by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Because of the reductions in interstate fares made . by the Western railroads, owing to the passage of 2-cent fare laws by many states, passengers from Eastern and Western points have been able to save from $1 to $6 by buying a ticket over Eastern roads only to their Western terminals and then rebuying over a West ern line to their destination. Stowed Away by Chinese Police. HONOLULU. July 23 (via San Fran cisco, Aug. 1.) The immigration of ficers now have conclusive proof that the Funchan police authorities actively aided stowaways to get aboard the British steamship Kumerlc when that vessel was in the port of Funchan, taking on immigrants for Hawaii, i In all 74 stowaways got .aboard the ves sel, several of them having been brought from the Jail by the police. A policeman in uniform was stowed away. When found, he had his official sword with him. This was taken away from "nim by the ship's officers. When he left the ship here, he demanded the return of the sword. All of the stow aways who could qualify as immi grants were permitted to land here, by orders from Washington. SUICIDE HER ONLY ESCAPE Italian Girl Takes Poison to Avoid Marrying Sister's Murderer. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug.' 1. Impor tuned and persecuted because she would not agree to marry the slayer of her younger sister, Josephine San Marco, an Italian girl, 18 years of age, today attempeted to commit suicide and was baffled only through a drug clerk, who, suspecting her purpose, substi tuted ipecac for carbolic acid. The girl's action was based on methods that are commonly ascribed to the Black Hand in Eastern cities and the police are investigating a statement that the girl and her family had been threatened with death by members of the local Italian colony. Three weeks ago Marie San Marco, aged 6, was shot and killed by Sam la Turko, a suitor of her sister,, who is alleged tohave visited the house with the Intention of wiping out Miss Mar co's family, whom he believed was op posing his ult. The child wag Bhot "accidentally." Turko Is now in Jail, awaiting trial. Miss San Marco and members of her family itave been im plored, cajoled, and threatened .by friends and strangers who desire that the girl shall marry La Turko and im prove the latter'a chance of gaining his liberty. CHINESE SLAVES RESCUED Government Agent Finds Sixteen In Raid on Mongolian Joints. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. L In a raid organized and conducted by United States Secret Service Agent Richard H. Taylor, 15 Chinese slave girls were captured yes terday and were taken to the Alameda County Jail. They will be brought before United States Commissioner Heacock and given an opportunity to show cause why they should not be deported. Sight of the women claimed to "be natives of the United States and seven said that they were married and were permitted to land as wives of Chinese domiciled In this country. All were admitted at this port. Six of tbem do not appear to be more than 16 years of age. Thaw Selects Jfew Lawyer. NEW YORK, Aug. L Mdrtln W. Lit tleton, ex-president of the Borough of Brooklyn, and a lawyer and orator of wide reputation, will be chief counsel for Harry K. Thaw when the wealthy youafj Fittsburger again faces a jury to answer the charge of killing Stanford White. Thaw announced the selection of Mr. Lit tleton today, after a conference with his wife and mother. It Is said that Mr. Lit tleton's fee will be $25,000. Mr. Littleton made the speech In the last National Iemocratic Conventlonxat St. Louis nominating Alton B. Parker for the Presidency. SCABBY SHEEP IN MALHEUR SOUTH ERX END OF COUNTY , PLACED IX QUARANTINE. Inspector Ring Says Conditions Are AVorst He Ever Saw All Sheep Are Dipped. VALE, Or., A-ug. 1. (Special.) Spe cial Government Inspector N. S. Ring passed through Vale Wednesday for Pendleton. He has been on an Inspec tion tour of Malheur County, and found 48,760 head of scabby sheep. He quar antined the whole south end of Mal heur County, extending north for 70 miles from the south line, excepting a square of IS miles which he said was free from cab, no aheep ranging there. He stated he found but one band of clean sheep in that whole section of this county. He reported the matter to the Government and they have placed George Dodson, who has been inspec ing in this county, at McHermitt for Ave years at an Increased salary, with instructions to clean out the-scab. All sheep were dipped under the instruc tions of N. S. Ring while he was there and he states the range i the worst he has ever seen in his 15 years ex perience as sheep inspector. A lino rider has also been placedn the range to keep any sheep from entering the quarantined section of the state. This section of Oregon is sparsely settled and is owned and controlled. It Is said. by about 12 or 15 men' who have al lowed the condition to get worse and worse. These are mostly foreigners, a large part of them being Basques and Italians; AUTO SLOWER THAN TRAIN Becomes Hitched to Electric Car and Bounces Out Passengers. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 1. (Special.) En route to the racetrack this after noon C C- Waltz attempted to turn his big' Pope-Toledo automobile out of the way of a faster machine that was coming up behind and wanted to pass him. As he swerved to the left an electric train crowded with racetrack patrons parsed him. A coupling on the last car of the electric train caught the front end of Waltz' automobile and the big machine was carried onto the rails. The electric train was traveling at the rate of nearly 60 miles an hour and the auto was dragged over the ties so rapidly that two men and two women riding in the automobile were bounced out of the machine, one at a time. By the time the electric train could be stopped the auto had been emptied and was a complete wreck. None of the persons In the auto were injured. The wrecked auto belonged to the Seattle Motor Livery Company, and Walts failed to get the names of his passen gers. Logger Badly Sqtieezed. CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Aug. L (Spe cial.) Samuel Leroque, an employ on England's logging road near here, was badly squeezed and narrowly escaped death while switching a train yesterday afternoon. He was on a trestle and in some way fell. His legs went through the ties and he lay on the track between the rails. The engineer stopped the train as quickly as possible, but not before the locomotive had half way passed over him. He was caught between the run ning gear and the ties and squeezed and bruised. He was brought to town as quickly as possible and examined by a physician, who did not And any bones broken, though there were many bruises and a number of painful abrasions. The Injured man was taken to a Portland hospital last night, his employer accom panying . him. Five Days for Anson. Arthur Anson was sentenced yes terday by Judge A. M. Esson, of the St. Johns Municipal Court, to serve five WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS W.G.SMITH6C0. WASHINGTON BUILDING . Fourth and Washington Streets 6 Ov ALASKA I AND BACK hJ249 Washington St days in the County Jail for fighting, disorderly conduct and contempt - of court. TEA . One lingers long over tea, if the tea is fine. It is a good time and place to linger. Tour grocer returns your money if you don't like Schilling's Beat; we pay him. IN H i i FOR TMC MAN WHO WANTS SUMMCR COMFORT. MANY STYLES IN WHITC AND FANCY PATTERNS. ASK FOR CLUCTT6HIRT S LOOK FOR THE CLUETT LABEL CLUETT. PEABOOY 4. CO.