17 THE MORNI5G OKEGONIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1907. READY FOR HARVEST Hopp'rcking Begins in Cali fornia Next Week. CROP ESTIMATE IS 90,000 H. J Netter Reports Irniraovement In the Yards In the Southern State Movement In Spot Goods. Hop picking In Caltfornta will begin next aeek. M J. Netterr. of Klaber. Wolf Ifetter. who has just returned from that state, says preparations have been made to begtn harvest operations In the Sacramento eectlon Monday. He reports that the yards are In a more promising condition than they were a few weeks ago and estimates the crop in California at BO.OOO bales. Some specimens of Oregon hops were re ceived in this city yesterday showing clus ters that apparently were about ready to pick, but they grew In exceptionally fa vored spots. The Oregon crop will be gathered no earlier or latar than usual. The latest reports from the yards show no change In conditions. No damage was done by the hot wave. There seems to be a fair inquiry in the market for spot hops, but at low prtces. Several lots were bought yesterday by H. L. Hart at 5 to 6 cents. Among them wera 36 bales from W. C. Tustin and 45 bales from William Ebroall, of McMinnvllle, and a small lot from James Shipman, of Wheat land. It was rumored In the market that several large transactions In spot hops wera under way.- OREGON WOOI. IN EASTERN MARKETS. Good Inquiry for Staple at Steady Quotations. Mail advices from Boston report a good de mand for Oregon staple wool with sales being made at 23H to 24 cents, the scoured cost of 72 to 73 cents being indicated. Choice cloth ing wools are aelling there at 20 to 21 cents and costing 68 to 70 cents clean. Reviewing general conditions In the Has tern markets', the latest issue of the Boston Com mercial Bulletin says: The market is fairly active. Demand la not general. There are some grades, notably one-quarter blood and below, in which very alight Interest, comparatively speaking, is shown. Medium pulled and low scoured wools are neglected. Carpet wools are dull and rather easy. The activity is confined to the finer grades, with worsted wools selling quicker than clothing. The condition of the market, however. Is satisfactory and most dealers speak hopefully of the outlook. While the test on territory wools has not as -yet been serious, enough haa been accomplished in supplies to arrive to show the drift of the market. There Is a strong demand for high grade wools, and the feeling la that the chances are better than last year for a profit able turnover. This consummation la prob ably the height of sellers' ambition. There is no talk of a possible boom or attempts being made to create one. Values are on a pretty strong foundation, but any material advance on present rates is not expected in the near future. Healthy conditions prevail, dealers not forcing higher prices and manufacturers not unduly exerting themselves to break the market. FRESH FRUITS IV STRONG DEMAND. Watermelons and Cantaloupes Are in Plen tiful Supply. All kinds. of fruits were in strong demand yesterday. Watermelons were plentiful and sold readily at 14 lft cents. Cantaloupes were quoted at a wide range of S2.238.75. owing to the difference in quality. Peach quotations were also wide. New apples are more plentiful and sell briskly. Crabapplcs are In fair supply and. quoted at 60 cents. Feara continue scarce. The first straight car of sweet potatoes of the season left Merced yesterday for Portland. Vegetables generally are In full supply, and cucumbers and tomatoes are too plentiful OLD FLOUR IS MOVING STEADILY. Jobbers Expect No Change In Priors Before New Floor Is on the Market. Jobbers report liberal sales of flour and expect no drop In prices before new flour is on the market, which will be six weeks hence, notwithstanding the easier tendency of the wheat market. Wheat continues quiet with very little trading yet under way in the interior. New Club is quoted on an export basis of 80 cents, and bluestem Is quoted at 82 cents. A sale of a small lot of club at the equlva lent of 7914 cents track was reported yes terday. Egg Buyers Are Cautious. The egg market continues In a more or less complicated condition, owing to the presence ef a large quantity of seconds on the street. If these were disposed of there would be a good chance for lmproveemnt. but as it Is buyers are very' cautious and many customers have cut out eggs alto gether during the heated spell. Poultry receipts were libera! yesterday, but the demand was good and the arrivals cleaned up without difficulty. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the leading cities of the 'Northwest yesterday were: Clearings. . Sl.421.2!) . 1,462,522 . 72:1.746 603.958 Balances. '$173,246 839.268 43.6KK 31,71)1 Portland Seattle .. Tacoma . Spokane PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. V MILLETUFFS Bran, city. $17, country $18 per ton; middlings, $24. 50 25.60; shorts, city, $10; country $'20 per ton; chop, $15 16 per ton. WHEAT (New crop) Club, 80c; blue tem, 82c; Valley, SOc; red, 78c. OATS Producers' prices: No. I white, $24-50 (.new crop); gray, nominal. FLOLK Patent, $4.80; straight, $4.25; clears, $4 25; Valley, $4.3U&.40; graham flour, $4 S 4 50 ; whole wheat flour, $4-25 Q 4.75- BARLEY Producers' prices: Feed, $21.50 $ 22 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled, $23..0'5 24..-V0. CEREAL. FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 00 pound sacks, $7; lowe rgrades, $5.506.60; oatmeal, steel-cut, 45 -pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 0-pound sacks, $4-25 per bale; oat meal ground)., 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 9-pound sacks. $4 per bale; split peas, pT 100 pounds. $4-254-80; pearl bar ley, $4 frj'4.50 per 10" pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2. M0 per bale. CORN Whole, $28; cracked. $29 per ton. HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $1718 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $21 &23; clover, $0; cheat, $9(910; grain hay, $d10; alfalfa, 14. Butter, Errs. Poultry, Etc. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 30c per pound. State creameries: Fan cy creamery, 27 H 30c; store, butter, lb flT20c. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, 15V 16c; Young America, IrtMiS'lTc per pound. POULTRY Average old hens, 12H13c; mixed chickens, 12 c; Spring chickens, 14 i 1? 15c; old roosters, 89c; dressed chickens, 16& 17c; turkeys, live, 12 15c; turkeys, dressed, choice, nominal; geese, live, per pound. 8flllc; ducks, 814cr pi peon p. $11.R0; squabs, 2q'A. EGGS Fresh ranch, candled, 22 U 22 He per dozen. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. DOMESTIC. FRUITS Cherries, 8fl120 per pound; apples, $1.508 2.25 per box. Spltzerbergs. 13.50 per box: cantaloupes. 2.253.75 per crate: peaches, 5c61.50 per crate: raspberries. 11.256 1.50; blackberries. o ic per pound; loganberries, xi per crate: prunes, sl.50dl.75 per crate; water melons, 1141He per pound; plums, $1.00 t l.B.i per box: pears. I2.s.2.5u; apricots. Sl.SOfj 2 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. 5(87 per box; oranges, sweets. S3.25 3.50: Valenclas, 3.754.00; grape-fruit, 2.503.00; bar nan. 5c per pound, crated ottc ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, 11.75 per sack; carrots, $2 per sack; beets, $2 per sack; garlic. 8c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Artlchockes. 60t 75c per dozen; asparagus, 10c- per pound; beans, nominal. 3325c; cabbage, 2&e per pound; celery. $1.25 per dosen; corn. 2535c per dozen; cucumbers, 10? 15c per doz.; egg plant. 10c pound: lettuce, head. 25c per dozen; lctture. hothouse. $1.50 per bcx; onions, 15 & 20c per dozen; parsley. 20c per dozen; peas, 4 5c per pound; peppers, bell, 12 15c per pound; radishes, 20c per dozen; rhubarb, 3 lio per pound; spinach, 6c per pound; squash, &0cg$l per box; tomatoes. $1i9$1.2.i per crate, hothouse $2.50; sweet potatoes, 6(?7c per pound. unions walla walla, per cwr. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 8&8V4C pound; apricots. 1619c; peaches, lllSc; pears. HV4814c; Italian prunes. 28c; Califor nia figs, white. In sacks, 56Hc per pound: black. 4 5c: bricks. 75cP$2.Z5 per oox; Smyrna, 19,i20o pound; dates, Persian. eV&Sj1 7c pound. POTATOES New, lH2e per pound. Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast, 22c pound; standard breakfast, 19 c; choice, 184c; English. 11 to 14 pounds, 16c; peach, 15 Via. HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 16Vc pound; 14 to 16 pounds. 16c: IS to 20 pounds, 16c; picnics, 12c; cottage, 12 Vie; shoulders, 12c; boiled. 25c. SAUSAGE Bologna, long, 8c; links, 7c BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels. $20; half-barrels. $11; beef, barrels, $10; half barrels. $5.50. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears. dry salt, 12c; smdked, 13e; clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt, none; smoked, none; Oregon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked. 14c. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 12Vac; tubs, 12 c; 50s, 12 c; 20c, 12 c; 10a, 13Uc; 5s, 13c Standard pure: Tierces, 11 He; tubs, 1114c: 50s, llc; 20c, llc; 10s, 12c: 5s, 12Vc. Compound: Tierces, 94c; tuba, 9fec; 50s, c;0b, 10c; 5s. 10Hc Groceries, Nuts, Etc. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 9e; South ern Japan, 6.10c; head, 7c. COFFEE Mocha, 24328c; Jav, ordinary, 173? 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c; good. 16 ($18c; ordinary, 12(5 16c per pound. Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $14.50; 50s, $14.75; Ar buckle, $16.50; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1 pound flats, $1.10; Alaska, pink, 1-pound tails, 95c; red, 1-pound talis, $1.25; sock eyes, 1-pound tails, $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds, cube, $6.12 Vfc ; powdered, $6.02H ; granulated, $5.87 extra C, $5.67 H: golden C, $5.27 H; fruit sugar. $5.87: berry, $5.87 fc; XXX, $5.77H- Advance sales over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c r barrels, 25c; boxes. SOc per 100 pounds. 'Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct c per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, de duct He; beet sugar, $5.77 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15 18c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 16 20c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 19c; filberts, 16c; pecans, jumbos, 23c; extra large, 21c; almonds, 18 20c -v. chestnuts, Ohio, 17 Vie; Italian, 14 15c; peanuts, raw, 68c per pound; roasted. 10c; pinenuts 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; coco a nuts, 3590c per dozen. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; $2 per bale; half ground, 100s, $10.50 per ton; &0a $11 per ton. BEANS Small white. 3c; large white. 8c; pink, 3c; bayou, 3c; Lima, 5c; Mexi cans, red, 4c. HONEY Fancy. $3.25 3.50 per box. Hop, Wool. Hides, Etc. HOPS 57c per pound.! according to quality. 1 WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 16 22c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 20822e, according to fineness. MOHAIR Choice, 29 30c per pound. ' CASCARA BARK Old. less than car lots, 6Gc; car lota. 6c; new, 64t6c pound. HIDES Dry, No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 18c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 15 4? 16c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under a pounds, 20c; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; culls, moth eaten, 'badly cut, scored, murrain, hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 23c per pound less ; salted steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 8c pound ; steers, sound, 50 to 60 pounds, S0c pound; steers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows, 8(g) 9c pound; stags and bulls, sound.. 66c pound: kip. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 89c pound; veal, sound, under 10 pounds, 11c; calf, sound. under 10 pounds, 11 12c pound; green (un salted), 1c pound less; culls, lc pound less sheepskins, shearings. No. 1 butchers stock, 25 30c each; short wool. No. 1, butchers' stock, 50 60c each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.25 1.60 each; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 13g 14a pound; horse hides, salted, accardlng to size, $22.50 each; hides, dry, according to size. $131.50 each; colts' hides, 2050c each; goatskins, common, 15 25c each; goatskins. Angora, with wool on, 30c $1.50 ach. FURS Bearskins, as to size. No. 1, $5 20 each; cubs, $13 each; badger, prime. 25 50c each ; cat, wild, with head perfect. 30rg00c; cat, house, 5i3?20c; fox, common gray, large prime, 50 70c each; red, $35 eacn; cross, $5lu each; silver and black, $1 00 tf? 300 each ; fishers, $5 8 each ; lynx. $4.50 6 each; mink, strictly No. 1, accord ing to pize. 13 each; marten, dark north ern, according to size and color. $10 15 each: pale, pine, according to size and color, $2.50$4 each; musk rat, large, 12 15c each; skunk, 30 40c each; civet or pole cat, .5 15c each; otter, for large, prime skins, $610 each; panther, with head and claws perfect, $2 5 each; raccoon, for prime, large, 50 75c each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3.505 each; prairie (coyote), 60c$l each; wolverine, $6 8 each. Eastern Mining Stacks. NEW YORK, Aug. 1, Closing quotations: Adams Con 9 Uttle Chief A Alice 410 Ontario 3M) Breece . 20 lOphlr 195 Brunswick Oon.. SO ipotosl 12 Oomstock Tun.. 2S !Savage . . .-: 38 Con. Cal. ft . Va.. 60 (Sierra Nevada.. :iO Horn Silver 1"0 Small Hopes 20 Iron Silver 22$ Istandard 185 Leadville Con... 83 . BOSTON, Aug. 1. Closing quotations: Adventure ..$ Allouez .... Amaigamatd Atlantic ... Bingham . .. 2.50 iParrot S 18.00 .50 00 23 00 00 00 00 ,0O 00 .00 .73 23 OO my 50 SO .50 00 41 IQulncy 110.00 8S. 12. 14. 775 7R 20. 12. 120 14. 17. 7:i. 73. 40 124. Shannon 13.00 Tamarack .: Trinity I'nlted Cop.. U. S. Mining. IT. S. Oil ... rtah 93.00 lfl.50 59.30 4S.00 10.75 43. SO B.00. Cal. ft Hecla. Cop. Range.. Centennial .. Franklin ... Granby Daly West.. Isle Rnyale.. Maps. Mining Michigan ... Mohawk Mont. C. ft C. O. Dominion Oeceota .... ivtctorla . . . . IWInona ...i, 7.50 Wolverine . .. 138.00 INorth Butte. 73.30 I Butte coal it. (Nevada 23.00 14.S714 Cal. & Arlx. 16O.0O Uris, Coml... 19.00 I Metal Markets. NEW. YORK. Aug. 1. There was a sharp break in the London tin market, with spot 1 17s 6d lower at 180 2s Od. and-futures closing at 179 2s 6d. Locally the market was dull and easy, with quotations ranging from 39c o 40c. Copper was Irregular in the London mar ket, with spot 15s lower at S6 5s. and fu tures 10s higher at 83. Locally the mar ket was weak and nominal with Lake quoted at 2021. 23c; electrolytic at 10 75 20.25c; casting at 19.25 19.75. Lead was unchanged at 5.15c to 5.25c in the local market, but declined 2s 6d to 19 7s 6d In London. Spelter was 7s 6d lower at 22 15s In London. Locally the market .was weak but unchanged at 5. 85 5.95c. Iron was lower abroad. Locally the mar ket was unchanged- Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Coffee futures closed steady at an advance of 3(310 cents. Sales for the day were reported of 44,000 bags. Including September, 5.90 6c: Oc tober. 5.90c; December, 5.95 6.05c; March. RlgB.lOc; April, 6.05c; May. H.05.10c; July, 6.13 0.20c. Spot coffee firm; No. T Rio, 6c: No. 4 Santos, 77so. Mild coffee steady ; Cordova, 9 12 4 c. Sugar Raw firm; fair flnlng, 8.67 -4c; centrifugal. 'Ofl test. 3.63&c; molasses sugar, 3.124 3.186c. Refined steady; crushed. 5.70c; powdered, 510c; granulated, 5.00c. lally Treasury Statement. -WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Today's statement of the Treasury balances In the general fund shows: ' Available cash balance.. 238.574. 188 Gold coin and bullion 63.201,144 Gold certificates 80,469,480 SELLS OFF Decline Follows Southern Pa cific Announcement. is due to Realizing Copper and Iron Stocks Display a Weaker Tone Depression Also Prevails in the For eign Exchanges. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. The professional traders tn stocks were very diligent today to move prices, and they met with more or less success at different times, but any efforts to realise upon the movements re vealed how small was the company of those operating and carried prices back toward the starting point. It was expected that the declaration of the Southern Pacific dlvidwd at the rate of per cent wouia stir up some sort of In terest In the market, although the declara tion was scarcely more than a formal rati fication of an Intention so explicitly stated by the head of the system a week ago that there was no room to suppose any depart ure from the plan. The stock vibrated quite feverishly, although within a narrow range, with the circulation of rumors that a hitch had occurred in the proposed In crease, or that a failure of a qourum to attend the meeting would necessitate a de lay. When the formal announcement of the 6 per cent rate was made, the whole market sold off, the Harrimans losing all of the early advances. The reaction was clearly due ta realizing, and It found an In significant demand attracted by the actual advance in the dividend rates. This additional evidence of the unrespon siveness of the market to any favorable news proved a fresh damper on speculative enthusiasm. The adjournment of the Union Pacific directors for want of a quorum without acting upon the dividend seems to have been unfavorably construed, although the only surmise, that haa been suggested as a possibility In the Union Pacific divl- dent rate was of an Increase. The copper and Iron market is receiving a large amount of attention since the pub lished statement by a director of the United States Steel Corporation- that new orders have fallen off 25 to 60 per cent for July. American Smelting also shows close sym pathy with the metal Industrials, but it suf fered In addition today from reports of the Intended organisation of opposition and competition. United States Steel was com paratively Arm, being helped by the reports of a resumption of operations in the Lake mining regions. Foreign markets shared in the depression which existed here. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $034,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. H,igh. Low. Bid. Adams' Express 150 Amal. Copper 65,500 86 83 8414 Am. Car tt. Foun.. 00 42 42)4 42 do preferred 1004 Am. Cotton Oil... 1.000 84 3414 34ft do preferred ..... ..... 85 American Express. ....... ..... ..... fr-d Am. Hi ft Lt. pf 20 American Ice .... ...... ..... . . - - 5414 A in 1 ln,ll ( HI . 9 do preferred 22 Am. Locomotive.-. 500 56. 66 6ttH do preferred ..(. 200 10614 'o6 104 Am. Smelt. & Kef. 26,300 113V4 110 111 do nreferred 100 1041 104'i 104 Am. Sugar Ref... 1,300 121ft -120 12o4 Am. Totaeco cits od Anaconda Mln. Co. 9,500 5514 . 53 53 Aichlson 10.4O0 9114 '91 is do preferred .... 100 92 92 92 Atl. Coast Line... 2(X -uo woii Bait. & Ohio 1,000 97 97 9714 do nreferred - 85 Brook. Rap-. Tran. 7,200 56 56 50 Canadian faclnc... I,2u0 175 174 l.o Central of N. J ..... ..... 175 Ches. ft Ohio 700 86 35 . 35 Chi. Gt. Western.. 200 11 11 11 Chicago ft N. W.. 5oO 148 147 147 C M. ft St. P 14.5O0 1381b 131 131 Chi. Ter. ft Tran 6 do Dreferred lo C C. C. ft St. L 65 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 2,200 30 29 29 Colo, ft Southern 2.100 20 20 zo .do 1st preferred ..... 58 do Z1 prererrea.. ..... 40 Consolidated Gas... 500 119 117 117 Corn Products ... 5u0 17 17 17 do preferred .... 100 72 72 72 Del. ft Hudson 900 160 168 168 Del., Lack, ft Wes 460 D. ft R. Grande.. 500 28 28 . 27 do oreferred 72 Distillers' Securl... 400 ' 65 64 64 Erie 4,900 - 23 23 23 do 1st preferred 58 do 2d preferred.. 1.30O 41 41 41 General Electric... 300 138 138 135 Illinois central 16 Int. Paper 100 14 14 14 do preferred r; 72 Jnt. Pump ..... 24 do preferred ..... ..... 73 Iowa Central ..... ..... 17 do preferred 38 K. C. Southern 400 27 27 27 do preferred .... 57 Louis, ft Nash 500 112 111 ,111 Mexican central... z ct'Is as Minn, ft St. L 200 41 41 41 M.,St.P. ft S.S. M 101 do nreferred -. 130 Missouri Pacific 73 Mo., Kan. ft Texas 32 do preferred 56 National Lead 1.600 67 86 55 -Mex. Nat. Ry. pf 5o N. Y. Central Z.BOO 111 110 110 N.Y., Ont. ft Wes. 3"X) 36 35 35 Norrolk & west... boo do preferred 78 North American 68 Pacific Mall 2 Pennsylvania 9.4UO jzz 1CT izz People's Gas 200 90 89 89 P., C. C. ft St. L 70 Pressed Steel Car. 100 33 33 " 34 du preferred .... 200 90 90 90 Pullman Pal. Car. 162 Reading 96,800 103 101 101 ao 1st prererreo oo do 2d Dreferred '. 77 Republic Steel .... 26 do preferred .... loo z H2 z Rook island Co... 7,600 . 21 21 21 do preferred .... 400 47 47 46 Rubber Goods pr s St.L. ft S. F. 2 pf. 700 87 88 36 St. L. Southwest 20 do preferred .... 300 46 46 46 Southern Pacific... 78.200 90 88 89 do preferred .... 300 112 112 112 southern Kaiiway. . l.zoo io i iw do preferred 100 64 64 83 Tenn. Coal ft Iron 140 Texas ft Pacific. J 300 2t 29 29 Tol.,St. L. ft Wes; 400 26 2H 2 do preferred 400 49 49 48 Union Pacific 89.600 143 141 142 do preferred 80 U. S. Express ..... 108 U. S. Realty :.. ' '.. 53 U. S. Rubber .... 100 84 84 . 34 do preferred 97 U. S. Steel 43,300 86 34 35 do preferred 2.500 100 100 100 Va.-Caro. Chem 25 do preferred 101 Wabash 100 13 do prererrea .... lou 24 24 - Wells-Fargo Ex 284 Westlnghouee Elec ..... 44 Western union n Wheel, ft L. Erie 11 Wisconsin Central 17 do preferred ..... 38 Central Leather... 100 22 22 22 do preferred .......... ..... ..... 91 Int. Metal 500 15 16 15 do preferred .... 300 43 43 43 Gt. Northern pf T.600 133 131 131 xsortnern racine... ia,ouu . ira mi Sloss-Sheffteld 200 . 55 . 55 65 Total sales for the day. 516,400 shares. BONDS BOSTON, Aug. 1. Closing quotations: U. B. ref. 2s reg,10RlN. Y. C. G. 8 s. BOH do coupon 103iNorth. Pac. 3s... 71 TT. S. 3s re 1 102 North. Pac. 4s.. .100 do coupon 10218outh. Pac. 4"... 87 I U. S. new 4s reg. 127 Union Pac 4s... 99 ao coupon. .. .12!iwis- central 4a. 4 Atchison adj. 4s 88 Uan. 4s ctfs... 79 D. ft R. G. 48... 93 I do 2d series.. 99 Money, Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Prime mercantile paper, 5? per cent: sterling exchange weak, with actual business In bankers' ' bills at 84.809064.8696 for demand and at 84.8355 4.8360 for 60-day bills. Commercial bills, 4.83. Bar silver. c. Mexican dollar, 64 c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. Money on call, Arm, 33 per cent; nil' MARKET ing rate, per cent: closing bid. 84 V" cent; offered at 3 per cent. Tims loans, Bra; 60 days. 4i per cent" 90 days, BH per cent; six months, 6 per cent. LONDON', Aug. .1. Bar silver, firmer. 33 ll-16d per ounce. Money. 263 per cent. The rate of discount tn the open market for short bills is 3Mg34 Pr cent: for three months bills, 3',-jS- per cent. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. Silver bars. 69Hc. ' Mexican dollars, 54c. Drafts Sight, 10c; telegraph, 12c. Sterling on Jbondon, 60 days. 14.&i; sight. Stocks at London., LONDON, Aug. 1. Consols for oney. 82; do for account. 82 13-16. Anaconda ..... 1114TN. Y. Central 114 Atchison 94 Norfolk ft West. T6 85 36 62 B do preferred.. 93 I do nreferred.. Bait, ft Ohio... 100 Ontario ft West. Canadian Pac. . .179 Pennsylvania ... Ches. ft Ohio... 3lRand Mines Chi. Gt. West... URead!ng 32 19 65 91 14 SO 36 Chi.. M. St. P.I.1K .southern Ry De Beers 22141 do preferred.. jjenver t rc. toutnem m. do preferred.. 73UJnion Pac... Erie 24 i do preferred do 1st pref... 01 U. S. Steel An 9 rl nrpf. 41111 An nr.furr.ri . 43 14 23 92 Grand Trunk... 28 Iwabash Illinois Central. 144 I do preferred.. Louis, ft Nash.. .116 ISpanlsh Fours.. Mo.. K. ft T 39 1 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheeo and Hogs. In the livestock market yesterday hop's ruled strong and other descriptions steady. Receipts were 52 cattle, 28 sheep, 88 hogs and 320 lambs. T. C. Bensora buyer for the Union Meat Company, of Portland, shipped 12 carloads of beef from this place today, says th East Oregonlan. The shipment consisted of fat cows and were driven to this point from Grant County. They were purchased of Zoeth Houser and Bob Adams. The following prices were auoted in th local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, 83.8534: medium. 83.25i8 3.30; cows, 83: fair to medium cows, 82.30a2.75; bulls, 8218 2.50.; calves, 84T5. SHEEP Good sheared. 8413)4.25: lambs. $4.75 3.25. HOGS Best. $6.656.75: lights, fata and feeders, $6.50 6.75. Eastern . Livestock Prices. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts, 4000. Market steady. Beeves, $4.407.50; cows. 8 1.40 IS 5.20; heifers. $2.4093.40; calves. 85.50 67.00; good to prime steers, $5.80iji7.30; poor to medium, $4.505.75; atockera and feeders, $2.60 4.90. Hogs Receipts. 18.OO0. Market 8c to 10c higher. Light. 86.05S6.55; mixed, $6.00? 6.47; heavy. $3.50ij6.30; rough, $3.50 8.85; pigs, $5.75 6.30; good to choice heavy. $6.20 86.30. Sheep Receipts. 12,000. Market, steady. Natives, $3.503.75; Western, $3.505.C5; yearlings, S6.OOtJ6.60; lambs, $3.50 to 7.30; Western. $5.50 9 7.65. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 300. Market, steady. Native steers, $4.3006.75; cows and heifers, $2.755.4.75; Western steers, $3.50 5.50; stockers and feeders. $2.755.00; calves, $2.505.50; bulls, stags, etc., $2.30f35.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,000. Market 10c lower. Heavy, $5.806.00; mixed, $3.855.95; light, $6,006)6.25; pigs, $5.50(6.00. Shcip Receipts, 3000. Market, steady. Yearlings, $3.50i66.0O; wethers, $5.00Q5.50; ewes, $4.50 5-25; lsmbs, $8.5007.50. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts. 5000. Market, steady. Native steers, $5.00 0.70; native cows and heifers, $; stockers and feeders. $3.005.25; Western cows, $2.754.25; Western steers, $4.00 S.S0; bulls, $2.604.00; calves, $3.7506.00. - Hogs Receipts, 9000. Market, 5c uwer. Heavy, $6.00(8. 6.10; packers. $6.056.20; light. $8.10 6.25. " Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market, steady. Muttons. $5. 23 Cg' 7.40; lambs, $6.30 7.40;, range wethers, $5.25 6.25; fed ewes, $5.30 03.80. i . QUOTATIONS AT SAX FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Products in the Bar City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. The following prices were quoted in the produce market today : VEGETABLES Cucumber. 4050c; jarlio, 34c: green peas, l&2c; beans, 182c; asparagus, 58c; tomatoes, 4050ci egg plant, $1.75. FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.25; common. 75c; Bananas, $12; Mexican limes, $4; California lemons, cnolce, $5; common, $2; o.'angea. navels, $460; pineapples, $1.503.50. POULTRY Roosters, old, $4ljf4.5-. young, $6.5UQT9; broilers, small, $2.504J3; fryers, $4 S; hens. $4. soft 7.50; ducks, old, $3.5vC4.50; ducks, young, $5T6- BL'TTER Fancy creamery. 28c; creamery seconds, 24c; fancy dairy, 26c; dairy second, 23c; pickled, 22 (3 24c. EGGS Store, 19 25c; fancy ranch, 29c; Eastern. 21c. CHEESE Young America, 15c; ' Eastern, 18c. WOOL Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 2325c; Nevada, ' 1618e. HOPS Old, 57c; new. 9!&10c. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19(822; middlings, $27 30. HAY Wheat, $16(gil9: wheat and oats. $9 1U; alfalfa. $8.50(8 13.50; stock, $7.6o&9; straw, per bale. 4085c. POTATOES Early Rose, $1.251.60; new, $1.78. ONIONS Red and yellow. $262.25. FLOUR California family 'extras, $3.20 5.70; bakers' extras, $5.205-43; Oregon and Washington. $4.90ti3.20. RECEIPTS Flour. 9822 quarter sacks; wheat, 890 centals; barley, 3175 centals; oats, 1410 centals; corn, 810 centals; pota toes, 3090 sacks; middlings, 100 sacks; hay, 785 tons; wool, 183 bales; hides, 1130. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Cotton futures opened firm. August. 11.55c; September, 11.60c; Octo ber, 11.95c; November, 12c asked; December, 12.04c; January, 12.15c: February, 12.15c Md; March, 12.25c; May, 12.82c. Cotton futures closed barely steady at a net decline of ( 3 points on August, but 1 to 4 points higher on later months. August, 11.53c: September, 11.69c; October, 11.93c; No vember, 11.95c: December. 12.08c; January, 12.12c: February, 12.16c; March, 12.21c; April, 12.23c; May, 12.30c. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 13c; do. Gulf, 12.35c. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady. Creameries. 2023c: dairies. 20322c. Egge Firm at mark, cases included, 139 15c: firsts, 16c;. prime firsts, 17c. Cheese Steady. 12iglSc. Wool at St. Lonls. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1. Wool, steady. Terri tory and Western mediums, 21fB,26c; fine medium, 17ffl9c; fine. 14516c. Wheat at Taeoma. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 1. Wheat; un changed. Bluestem. 85c; club. 83c; red. . 81c. Colorado Celebrates Admission. DENVER. Colo.. Aug. 1. Thousands of Coloradoans, coming from all parta of the state, joined the people of Denver to day in celebrating; the 31af anniversary of the admission of Colorado to the Union. The surviving; pioneers-lu:d tho position of honor in. a parade Ihs c.:enonn, and this afternoon appropriat exercises, fol lowed by various amusements, were held at the City Park. An extensive fireworks display will conclude tho p.-ogTamma tonight. The weather Is ideal for the oc casion. Arrangements for the celebration were made by the Society of the Sons of Colorado. " Inquiry on Victoria Fire. . VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 1. An 'investi gation to Inquire Into the recent fire was commenced last evening by the City Council. Evidence was given by Chief Watson and. Assistant Chief McDowell re garding conditions surrounding the con flagration. Watson testified that the wa ter supply a', ths start of the fire was sufficient hail there been no wind, but that the heavy wind made it impossible to fight to advantage. Sfears of frost Low Temperature Has Effect on Wheat Prices. CHICAGO MARKET IS FIRM Higher Quotations In Minneapolis and Advances In Principal Euro pean Grain .Centers Bull Campaign In Oats. CHICAGO. Aug. 1. The wheat market was firm for the greater part of the day. The main factor was the weather In the Northwest, where the temperature was so low last night as to suggest a possible frost before the crop Is fully matured. Higher prices at Minneapolis emphasized these fears. Other interests strengthening the market were higher prices at the principal grain markets In Europe and the bull campaign now being waged in oats. The chief de mand came from commission houses, while selling was largely by pit traders. The close was firm. September opened c to c higher at 910-to 92c, advanced to 9214c, and then declined to 9lc. The close was at 92c. Corn was In active demand today because of numerous reports of damage to the crop in Iowa and Illinois. The market held firm throughout the session and the close was at the highest point. September opened Dc higher at 54 c. sold between 62 S4C and 34 c. and closed at 54 c. Oats were strong on renewed buying. Trading was active all day. September opened c higher at 40c to 40 40c. sold at 40c and closed 4040c. Provisions were weak because of moderate sales of lard by a local packer. A 610c decline In live hogs was a depressing In fluence. At the close September pork was 6-7c lower, lard was 12c and ribs 5c lower. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHE3AT. Onen. High. Low. Close. August $ .OO $ .90 .89 $ -9 September ... 92 .92 December 96 .96 .95 .98 May 1.00 1.01 1.00 101 CORN. September ... .54 -54 .53 -Ml Icember 60 .51 '; jfay . .61 -52 OATS. September . .40 .40 .40 '.40 t. k julT .40T1. .40U .40 Mav '.42 .43 .42 .43 MEJSS PORK. September ...16.40 18.46 16.35 16.45 LARD. - October 9.27 8.27 9.20 9.20 SHORT RIBS. September ... 8.70 8.70 8.65 8.87 October 8.60 8.62 a.o. , Boo Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 9cS$l; No. 3, 84c 81: No. 2 red. 80 tfSOUc. Corn No. 2, 54(854c; No. 2 yellow, 65 655c. Oats No. 2. 4546c; No. 8 white, 47 48c. Barley Good feeding, 6Sijr68c; fair to choice malting, 89QS3C. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.15. Timothy seed Prime, $4.65. Clover Contract grades, $15.50. Short ribs Sides (loose), $.50S8.70. Mese pork Per barrel, 16.35-? 10.40. Lard Per 100 pounds, $8.95. Sides Short clear (boxed), $8.879.12. Whisky Basle of high wines, $1.31. - Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 24.100 56,200 Wheat, bushel 170.8O0 24,000 Corn, bushels 181. "0 343.008 Oats, bushels 82.000 124,000 Rye, bushels 2.0OO Barley, bushels 4,0oo 900 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Flour Receipts. 11,000 barrels; exports, 4400 barrels. Dull and barely steady. Wheat Receipts, 100.000 bushels: exports. 40,000 bushels. Spot quirt; No. 2 red, 9Uc elevator and 98 c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Du luth, $1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, 99 c f. o. b. afloat. Options closed at SUc, December closed at $1.02 and May at $1.08. Hops and Hides Quiet. Wool Steady. . Petroleum Firm. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. Wheat steady. Barley steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.43 1.50 per cental: milling, $1.57(&'1.67 per cental. Barley Feed, $1.271. 30 per cental; brewing, $1.27-J1.32 per cental. Oati Red, $1.6O31.70 per cental; white. $1.401.50 per cental; black, $2(2.25 per cental. Call Board sales: Wheat No sales. Barley December, $1.30 per cental. Corn Large yellow, $1.47j1.52 per cental. Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1. Wheat September, 7s 2d; December, 7s 4d: March, 7s 4d The weather in England today was fair but cloudy. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Building Permit. WEINHARD ESTATE Altering two-story irame saloon, irst street, near Arthur 8100. C. WILDET Altering one-story frame store. Fourth street, near Alder: 8150. THOMAS C. DEVLIN One-story frame dwelling, Multnomah - street, near East Twenty-third: 82000. A. L. WHITTEN One-story frame shop. union avenue, near Alberta; 8400. A. J. F. BOWMAN Altering one and a hair-story frame dwelllrsr, Exeter street, Houghton: 850. GUSTAV SCHIELZ Altering two-story frame - dwelling, ' Commercial street. - near railing; i."oo. R. S. BAILEY Altering one-story frame dwelling. Amherst street, near Wall: 8150. J. B. GILLIS One-story frame dwelling, Crescent street, near Magnolia: S150O. WRIGHT One and one-half-story frame dwelling, Alberta street, near Simpson 81400. M. L. MfMINN One and one-half -story frame dwelling, Wlberg lane, near Hancock 82000. H. SIMMONS Altering one-story frame store. East Twenty-furst street, near Tib- betts; 8575. STEPHEN KURILO One-storv frame dwelling. East Fourteenth street, near Fall ing; $400. . ' AI.'Gl'ST KESNER One-story frame dwelling. East Fourteenth street, near Shaver; 8200. UNIVERSITY CLUB Excavation for clubhouse. North Park street, near Stark; $100. F. O. PlfCHETT One-story frame dwell ing. East Twenty-sl4h street, near Els worth; $800. Marriage Licenses. POUTINEN-MAKI Henry Poutinen 28, city; Annie Makl, 24. city. TAPSCOTT-KENT W. A. Tapscott, 30. city; Hattle Sybil Kent. 23. city. BRENNER-BADER Max Brenner, 23. city; Rose Bader, 19. city. , ANDERSON-BLAIR Richard Anderson, 22 city: Marie Blair, 20. city. PAULSEN-BERGGREN Paul H- Paulsen, 26, city; Evelyn Berggren, 19, city. Deaths. COOK At 1087 East Morrison street, July 31. Mary Cook, aged 78. RYAN At Reservoir Park, July 30. Willie M Rvan. aged 1 year. SANDS At Home of the Aged, July 89, Anna Sands, aged 55. , . Births. WILDE To the wife of Ralph E. Wilde, July 26, a daughter. BODDY To the wife of Herbert . J. Boddy, July 28, daughter. FLOURIE; To the wife of John Flouria, July 18, a daughter. HANSON To the wife of John G- Han son. July 24. a daughter. BARROWS To the wife of Edward B. Barrows. July 4, a daughter. COVENY To the wife of Thomas J. Coveny, July 27. a daughter. WESTERGARD To the wife of Jamas C. Westergard. Jaly I, a daughter. ARNOLD To the wife of Hosmer K. Ar nold. July 27, a daughter. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO, KSTABXUHKD laM BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bsnght amd aaial fsv esisfc mmd araarela. PriYito Wires ROOM 4. CHAMBER WEINMAN To tho wife of Edward J. Weinman. July 27. a daughter. ANDRUS To the wife of Keul Andrus. July 30, twin daughters. JOHNSON To the wife of Tele jonnson. July 30, a son. MORAY To the wife or Davia Moray. July 31, a son. Mcc AKLAXK To tne wire or . w. aac- Farlane, July 28, a son. CH.. .TON To the wife of R. C. Chan- ton, July 5. a son. YOL MAN To the wife of Bert E. You- man, July 28. a son. ALLINGHAM To the wife of Artnur . AMingham. July 25, a son. MICHAEL To the wife of Jesse L. Michael, July 30, a son. redfuku no tne wire or isatnan v. Redford. July SO, a son. SOULE To the wlte of N. coulson souie. July 16. a son. DTEI.SEHNEIDER TO the wife of LOUIS A. Dlelsehneider. July 2 a son. STARR To the wife of W. B. Starr. July 20, a daughter. COOPER To the wife of Nat nan cooper, July 30. a daughter. BURKHART To the wire op- Artnur Burkhart. July 20. a daughter. BARNEY To the wife of Frank Barney, July 19. a daughter. CARLSON To the wife or Eric J -an- son, July 3, a son. LIBSER To the wife of Joseph w. Lieser, July 3, a daughter. FRANK. To tne wire of juiius rranit, July 19. a son. i SCHMITZ To the wife of C K. Scnmits, July 10, a son. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. H. and Anna Buck to Katharina Ludwig. lot 17. block lfi, original Townslte of Albina ( 1 Pedr and Insreborg Skogapth to Cath- arlne M. Markwell, lot 4, diock h. North Irvinaton 2,000 John N. and Clara E. Jamea to William M. and Jennie M. Miller, lot a, diock R2. Llnntnn 1,050 Helfn Goode and Henry Fairciough woae to roruHnu jiri cttwi ivj Co., electric company Is entitled to & deed of conveyance of all of block 28. cltv 1 M. EX and Clara O. Thompson and James u. and Lula B. ugaen, lot 4'B." Clifford Addition to Albina 650 William R. and U L. Bewail to C. B. and Edward C. Sewall, all of tne portion of the Seldon Murray and wife donation land claim subject to a cer- -tain agreement made with Multnomah County regarding strip of land 30 fet In width along the west aide of the nit jMt odIHa fnr rnnntv road Dlir- Dosex. cltv 1 Cecil H. and Roee Bloch Bauer to Fred C Dunham, past 14 of lot 8. block 234. East Portland 1 George Coote and M. A. Coote to Adnlf KhRflpr. lot lO. block: 7. Mount bcott View 202 J.. J. Edgren to Amanda Edgren. 109x vl feet, commencing at a point on tne northeant corner of block 5 Oak Park Addition 1.300 Victor Land Company to Nathan Seldon Mnlnmon. lot 1K hlork ." .Forta- mouth Villa Eauennion 400 C. M. Rusnell, trustee, to C. M. Hykell, an undivided interest in lots . iz, 13 and 14, block Subdivision vb." and lot 3 hlorlt RV Subdivision 'B." Southern Portland lO Fred C. and, Mildred M. Dunham to Georite and Anna Kamoo. east V of lot 8, block 23. East Portland 2,000 U. v. and Margaret Ward to J. E Bovdston. lot a. block 2. Unco In Park Annex 1 Herman Metzger, trustee, to Ham L. Bearv. lot- 17. block 3. Reservoir Park 175 Columbia Steel Company to Portland ic Seattle Railway Company, block ' .Couch's Addition. alo all that certain parcel of land formerly the portion of Kearney street lying between the west Hne of Ninth street and the east line of Tenth street 130,000 Gregory Katurfch to Manly I. Smith, 2 acres of the D. S. Southmayd dona tion land claim, section 6. townshio 1 north, range 1 eat 2,500 Title Guarantee & Trust Company to Peder Skoeseth. lot 4. block 24. Nprth Jrvlngton 184 B. C. and Alice R. Mays to Edward J. and Joseoh P. Jaoirer. lots 11 and 12, block 13. Burrage Tract 2,125 unaries a. Bryant and J. G. Kiigreen to Therese H. Everdlng and Margar- etta V. Russell, lot 14, block 101, Sell wood Catherine and J. F. McGrath to L. A. Wrleht. lot 8. block 121. Couch's Addition 12,600 John A. and Susie Thompson to Blvin Zimmerman. 1 acre beginning at the northwest comer of the 10-acre tract In the donation land claim of Perry Prettyman and wife 2,500 J. T. and C. Madjte Gates to John Sullivan, lot 10. Aubdivision of lots 3 ' and 4. block 2. "Wiil'ams Addition No. 2 2.300 Olive 3. and Charles B. Hamlin to Emily M. Lasche. lot 11. Sunshine Park 125 John C. and Annie Campbell to Ray mond Packard, east :t3 1-3 feet of lot 4 block 207. Holladay'a Addition .... Evalyn C. Black to O. F. Cooke, lots 7 and 8. block 67, Carter's Addition.. 10 O. r. H. Jamfaon to Fanny X. Jamison, beginning at the intersection of the south line of "West Main street with the Vest line of Nartllla street, "run ning thence south 54.35 feet, thence west ft4.35 feet, thence north 54.35 feet, thenoe east to beginning 100 l-anny i. Jamison to O. P. M. Jamison, beginning at the southwest corner of the southwest hi of block 3, In A. JC. King's Addition, running thence west 43 feet, thence south 72.35 feet 100 Philip and Martha Buehner to the Pub lic, land for road in section 8. town ship 1 south, range 2 east, beginning at the Intersection of the west line of the tract of land conveyed by Chrlsteo. ChrlMensen and wife to Philip Bueh ner Title Guarantee A Trust Company to T. . L. - Glllen. lot 8. block 1. Mc- Dougall's Subdivision 625 Isaiah Buckman to the Public, a dedi cation to the Public and continuation of East Twenty-seventh street to East Ankeny ptreet , Arleta Land Company to Ititia F. Humbree. lots 8. 9 and 10. block 1. Arleta Park No. 4 800 William s. Slnson and Marv E. slbson . to Henry Ladd Corhett. Iota 4. 5 and 13. Abernethy Heights 10 Charles E. LAdd and Sarah H. Land to ' Henry Ladd Corhett, lots 4, 5. and 1 Abernethy Heights Frank and Rose O'Neill to S. L. Gal bralth. lots 0. 10 and 12, block 6. , Richmond Addition 5,000 William Went and Martha A. Went to Jacob Spies, beginning at a point 2rt feet east of the southwest corner of lot 10, Glen wood Park, thence run ning north 418 feet to a point, thence east 75 feet to point, thence south 418 feet to point, thence west 75 feet to beginning 1,550 Leonard and Olive H. Newklrk to L. Sumner Tyler. lot 7, block 1, Slee's Addition 1,100 J. C. and Alice ri. Alnsworth to Wralter A. Holt, lot 5. block lo. Taborslde.. 75 J. C. and Alice H. Alnsworth to Agnes E. Holt, lot . diock 13. Taoorslde A. T". and M. N. Green to T. H. Edwards, lot 8, block 19. Hawthorne First Addition 2,200 Herman Metzger. trustee, to Bertha Powell. lot 18, 19 and 20. block 1. Reservoir Park 450 Total $175,125 Have your abstracts made by the Security AMtract : Trust ;o. . 7 Chamber or commerce. VICTOR MANGANESE STEEL BANK SAFE. NEVER BURGLARIZED GLASS & PBXTDH0MME CO AGTS., PORTLAND, ORE. OF COMMERCE Phone Main 37 TRATELER3' GUIDE. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 2 TRIPS S. Spokane, August 9. s. NOME ROl'TK. S. S. Senator, Oct. T. President. Sept. 28. 8. E. ALASKA ROUTE. Sailing from Seatala for Ekac-way, Sitka. Juneau asft way porta. Sailing 8 P. M. Cottage City, via Sitka Aug. 13-W City ot Seattle Aug. 8-15-20-21 H. S. S. Co.'s Humboldt Aug. 1-12-23 6 AX FRANCISCO ROUTE. Sailing 8 A. M. From Seattle. President Aug. 4-19 Sonoma Aug. 13-2$ Umatilla Aug. 8-23 City Office, 249 Washington St. Jamestown .Exposition Low Rates August 8; 9, 10 ; September 11, 12, 13. Chicago and return, J71.50! St. Louis and return, $67.50. St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Su- , perior, Winnipeg and Pt. Arthur and return, $60. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping-car reserva tions and additional information, call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A, 123 Third St., Portland,- Or. Telephones Main 680, . Home A 2386. PORTLAND AND PUGET SOUND ROUTB S. SRedondo" Balling from Couch-street dock. Portland. for Seattle. Tacoma. 'Everett and Belllug- ham. August 4 at 6 P. M. . FREIGHT Connecting at Seattle for Nome. Golofnlnln. Et. Michael. Chena and Fairbanks with steamers Pleiades. H jades, Lyra, Mackinaw. Ohio. Schubach tt Hamilton. General Agenta, ' Seattle. Wash. IT. P. Saumgartner, Agent, Portland. Couch-Straat Dock. Phonea: Main 881: HomaA 4161. Ho! For Astoria FAST STEAMER TELEGRAPH Round trips dally (except Thursdays) 1 A. M. Landing;, Alder-street Dock. . Phone Main 565. Leaves Sunday at 8 A. M. Round trip $1.00. North Pacific S. S. Co's. Steamsship Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P.M. Ticket office 132 Third St, near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314, II. Young, Agent. Columbia River Through Line Steamorfl of the "OPEN RIVER" line Iavt OAK-STREET DOCK every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M., tor all points between Portland, the Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and se all the river. Arrive early Low rates. Prompt service. Telephone Main 3201. Home, A S527. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRKSS USI OF THE ATLANTIC QUEBEC TO UVIRFOOU Less Than lfour Iays at Sea. Empresses sail August . 23, September fl. 20. First cabin, $X0 up; second cabin, $4r. up; third-class. I28.T5. . Write for particulars. r. R. JOHNSON, Pass. Ant., 142 Third St.. Portland. Or. SAJt.FBANCISCO & PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only ocean steamers affording daylight trip down Columbia River. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M. S. S. Panama, Aug. to, 22, Hypt. a. etc 8. S. Costa Kica. Aug. IB, 28, Sept. 0, eto. From Spear atreet Wharf, San Francisco. 11 A. M. H. S. Panama. Aug. 4, lfl, 28, etc. S. 8. Conta Kica, Aug. 10. 22, Kept. 2, etc, JAS. U. DBWSON. Agent, 248 Washington St. Phone Main 26S. Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS. Dally service between Portland and Tha Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 A. M., arriving about 5 P. M., carrying freight and passengers. Fplendld accommo dations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St.. Portland; foot ot Court St.. Tha Dalles. Phone Main 1 Portland. WILLAMETTE RIVEIl ROUTE. Stenmers Pomona and Orrsrona for Saiem and Way Landing's. ti:4o A. M. Dally (ex. Sun.). For Oregon City Leaves dally 7:30, 11:30 A. M 3:80 P. M. Leaves Oregon City, 9:30 A. M.. 1:30, b:30 P. M. OREGOV CITT TRANS. CO, Foot Taylor St. Phones 40, A 223. SIR. CHAS. R. SPENCER Washington-Street Dock. Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles and way landings, at T A. M-, returning 10 P. M. Fast time, best service. Phoarsi Main 8184 1 Home, A 1184. Every Voman is interested ana snoain Know about the wondsrfnl MARVEL Whirling Spray new Tsrnai rnar. Jnjec non and rfuefwm Best Sat. est Most Convenient. ? erantt he K. If be nan not supply tha MARV'Kbi accent no ether, but send stamD fr.r llloatrated book !!. It rives lull parocniani ana uir tfinns in- Tslusble to ladies, m KVEI, CO., C as ST., KB IV VUBK. For ami by latna-Davls Drug Cos, t storasv Waodard, Clark A G i 'vs'sfci ! M B f HI ; K: . I