Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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Not Ready to Announce His
Intentions With Regard
to Senatorship.
Bat Decision Seems to Be in Pro
cess of Incubation Portland
- Lawyer Well kquipped
for the liace.'
Political prophets expect H. M. Cake
to be a big figure in the coming Sen
atorial race. They say Senator C. W.
Futlon and ex-Senator F. W. Mulkey
will have to show some speed if they
beat Mr. Cake. It is taken for granted
in some quarters that Mr. Cake will
enter the race, although he has not
yet announced his candidacy. Mr.
Cake is keeping his own counsel. In
fact the Sphinx was an incorrigible
babbler, compared with him. If you
ask him if he is going to run for the
distinguished office of Senator, he will
not tell you. His decision in the mat
ter seems to be still in the process of
Incubation. When the chick hatches,
then Mr. Cake will know what he is
going to do, and then possibly he may
tell. But until then, a dignified silence.
As to being a political stalking
horse for Senator Fulton in the com
ing campaign, Mr. Cake denies that
Btory. He is not in league with Sen
ator Fulton in any way, he says. He
thinks the idea Is absurd and wonders
how anyone can figure out any profit
to either in the combination, for in the
public mind both will, be candidates
for the same office, he says.
Neither is more than one of the Cake
brothers to run for office in the event
that H. M. Cake decides to enter the
lists. W. M. Cake, current rumor not
withstanding, will not offer himself to
his party as gubernatorial timber.
This apparently is settled.
Cake Knows the Game.
If H. M. Cake Anally decides to come
out for the toga at the primary elec
tion in April, he will know just how
to make it warm for his antagonists,
for he has already been through one
such campaign. He stumped the en
tire state last year in the contest with
Bourne, and knows Just how to pro
ceed. He learned a good deal in that
campaign regarding the fondest am
bitions of each section, and if he starts
out again with a choice assortment of
campaign speeches, each will exploit
the pet hobby of the section where it
is to be delivered.
There is nothing quite so valuable
In stumping a state as to know your
audiences. Armed with this informa
tion, a speaker can bring out a thun
derclap of applause as surely as man
can explode a firecracker by lighting
the fuse.
But if Mr. Cake is well equipped for
the campaign, much more can be said
of his qualifications for the office, for
he is already a near-Senator, having
enjoyed the prestige of virtually being
a Senator for two whole days directly
following the primary election in the
Spring of 1906. Congratulations were
showered upon him and Mr. Cake is
said to have had himself measured
for a splendid toga of the latest cut.
Then the cruel news came in from the
distant cow counties' that his opponent
Jonathan Bourne, had been chosen by
375 votes.
His Probable Platform.
What Mr. Cake's platform will be in
case he pursues the Senatorship, re
mains to be learned. He may justly
point to his untarnished record during
the two days he was believed to be
Oregon's next Senator. Anyway a
greater and more glorious Oregon,
with every aid to development along
all lines, including deeper harbors, bet
ter channels to the sea, improved
inland waterways and better transpor
tation facilities of all kinds will prob
ably be the slogan of the Cake cam
paign. This will make a strong hit up the
state too. Everybody will endorse that
programme. With the strength Mr.
Cake developed in his last campaign,
and backed by the large number of
friends he made on .us travels through
out Oregon, no one should be surprised
If Mr. Cake "runs like a scared wolf"
In all parts of the state, if he consents
to enter the race.
City Will Pay $4000 for Suburban
' Water System.
At the meeting of the Water Board
yesterday it was decided to purchase
tor the city the under-ground piping
system of Woodlawn for $4000. The
system is now in the hands of private
citizens to whom the residents of the
-addition pay a monthly rental. The
City Attorney was instructed to pre
pare the necessary papers, and It is
expected that the Woodlawn water
feystem will be entirely under city con
trol by September 1 at the latest.
A delegation living in the vicinity
of Albert 'and Fourteenth streets, on
the East Side, complained that in their
section over 600 homes were without
fire protection, , including a $5000
echoolhouse. There is plenty of water
but no fire hydrants. The matter was
referred to the Fire Chief.
Mayor Lane offered for considera
tion a plan tried in Buffalo of watering
certain ,parked streets from the fire
hydrants daily, or several times a
week during the dry season, which not
only wet the grass but was "good ex
ercise for the firemen," as the Mayor
expressed it. The suggestion was not
adopted because of lack of pressure and
a threatened shortage of water.
A somewhat excited citizen com
plained that water mains were needed
along his street, but suddenly subsided
and vanished when it was pointed out
to him that the section in which he
lived was out of the city limits."
The sentiment of the Board was that
several hundred more fire hydrants are
needed but are not obtainable at pres
ent, owing to lack of funds available
for that particular purpose.
Discomfort, From Heat at an End.
Humidity and Temperature.
Possibly the sun strained itself when
it piled up a record of 102 degrees on the
thermometer Tuesday. Wednesday, as
will be recalled, was many degrees cooler,
' 'while yesterday was oomfortable from
morning until night, the mercury being
'usable-to get higher than 5f decrees, and
this In the middle of the afternoon. The
humidity, too, was lighter and altogether
Portland had a most comfortable and re
freshing day.
Contrary to a prevailing belief, ocean
breezes are not the most cooling thing n
the world, and more often than not have
quite an opposite effect. It is from the
ocean that the atmosphere derives it hu
midity, or moisture. The capacity of the
air for holding vapor or moisture varies
with the temperature. Warm air will
hold more vapor than cold air and it is
tiie moisture in the air that combines
with the heat to produce the feeling of
oppressive heat.
Take a cubic foot of air and infuse a
certain amount of moisture at a stated
temperature. Enclose the air in a vessel
where no part can escape. If the humid
ity is 100 degrees, or at the point wher
the air is saturated, it will be possible
to add more vapor by raising the tem
perature. Reduce the temperature and
part of the moisture will be thrown off
to settle at the bottom of the vessel. In
this way the process of rain is carried
The air gathers its humidity from the
ocean in passing over the water or from
lakes and rivers in coming from inland.
It is patent that under favorable condi
tions the air from the ocean will have a
greater humidity and therefore be more
oppressive when the temperature is high.
While 102 degrees of heat was felt in
tensely in Portland Tuesday a corre
sponding temperature would have been
less uncomfortable in a dryer climate,
such as Arizona.
Will Attract Attention to Portland
and This Entire Section Issue
Over 100,000 Copies.
Sunset Magazine for August is just
out, and Is an unsually attractive num
ber. It is devoted especially to theJ-
i-aciiic Northwest, and perhaps it is
not too much to say that it is the most
comprehensive number of a Western
magazine which has ever been pub
lished. Its illustrated articles and
stories depicts the spirit of progress
that is characteristic of the entire Pa
cific Coast, but especially of Oregon
and Washington.
The cover design is an unusually ef
fective thing, showing the monolith
known as St. Peter's dome on the Co
lumbia River. The scene is reproduced
in three colors and makes a striking
cover design. The leading article is
written by E. W. Wright, and treats
the entire Pacific Northwest. Thirty
two pages are devoted to this subject,
with elaborate illustrations accom
panying the text. Portland, Seattle,
Tacoma, Spokane, Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. G; Astoria, Coos Bay, East
ern Oregon and Washington, Southern
Oregon and other points are shown by
very attractive illustrations. There
are 16 full-page illustrations in two
colors showing the beautiful scenery
of the Pacific Northwest. The best
work of the Kiser Photo Company,
Benjamin A. Glfford, George M. Weister
and other prominent photographers of
the Pacific Northwest is shown in this
number in the colored illustrations.
Mr. C. C. Chapman, of this -city, writes
on "A Goal for Young Men." This is
a unique article in reference to the de
velopment of Portland. Mr. Chapman
has handled an old subject in a new
way. The article will undoubtedly be
widely read and should result in much
good to the city. It Is illustrated with
views of many of the buildings that are
now being erected and will give the
reader an idea of the substantial char
acter of Portland.
Mr. Edmund P. Sheldon writes on
"Millions in Trees" the forest wealth
of the Pacific Northwest. Some of the
facts which are given in this article
will impress the reader with the great
forest wealth of this section and espe
cially in Oregon, where, Mr. Sheldon
Btates, there are 300,000,000,000 feet of
standing timber.
William L. Finley and Herman T.
Bohlman, whose work is attracting at
tention throughout the entire country,
have contributed to this issue of Sun
set Magazine a study on "Feathered
Foragers." The number contains, in
addition, an article on "Diversified
Farming in Oregon," by Dennis R.
Stovall. "Sierra Wild Flowers," by
Katharine Chandler; "Reminders of
California," by John P. Young; a prize
story, "The Garden of Content," by E.
Mirrielees; and "The Passion Play In
California." by Charles Warren Stod
dard. Mr. Stoddard compares this re
production in Santa Clara with the
famous Oberammergau Passion Play.
He says in reference to this point:
"If I were asked which of these Pas
sion Plays affected me most profound
ly; which touched my heart more than
another and has left an impression that
is not likely to fade with time, as that
of the others have, I should say with
out hesitation, it is "Nazareth," the
Passion Play of Santa Clara. It seems
to me the most reverent and the most
beautiful, and it grows in beauty and
reverence the more familiar one be
This number also contains an inter
esting love story, with Mt. Hood as
the setting, written by Ann Shannon
Monroe, of this city. There are also
the usual departments, "Books and
Writers," "In the Wide-Awake West,"
and "The Course of the Empire," which
aid in making a number of the highest
class and one that will undoubtedly
prove of permanent historical interest
and value, as well as a magazine for
the moment.
Mrs. Allen McDonnell Thrown to
Pavement From Buggy.
Mrs. Allen McDonnell, wife of a timber
dealer, living at 682 Schuyler street,
IrVington, was seriously injured at Lar
rabee and Cherry streets at 8 o'clock
Wednesday, night, when the horse at
tached to the carriage in which Mr. and
Mrs. McDonnell and baby were riding took
fright and ran away. The buggy was up
set and all three were hurled to the pave
ment, the horse dashed down the street
at a furious speed and leaped over the
embankment close to the river. The car
riage was demolished, but the horse es
caped, practically unhurt.
Police Sergeant Jones was on the scene
soon after the accident and summoned an
ambulance, in which Mrs. McDonnell
was taken to a hospital, where she was
attended by a physician. The physician
declined to make any statement, but the
police were informed that Mrs. McDon
nell's condition is very serious.
Mr. McDonnell and the baby were badly
shaken up and bruised.
Potter Schedule for Beach.
The steamer Potter will sail from Port
land, Ash-street dock, this week as fol
lows: Saturday, 1 P. M. Get tickets and
make reservations at city ticket office.
Third and Washington streets. C. W.
Stinger, City Ticket Agent.
Delightful Klr Imperial Hotel.
Moorish and Turkish designs In Brauer's
hand-painted china, Mauser's, 842 Wash,
City of Panama to Operate in
.Connection With Costa Rica.
Vessel Belongs to the Pacific Mail
Company and Has Been Run
ning . on Southern Route.
Small Tonnage Boat.
The steamship City of Panama has
been slated to sail from San Francisco
for Portland, August 4, in place of the
Costa Rica, The latter vessel will fol
low on the 9th, and until other arrange
ments are made the City of Panama
will operate in place of the ill-fated
Columbia. The announcement of. this
schedule was made in a telegram to
J. H. Dewson, from San Francisco, yes
terday. The Costa Rica will be given
an overhauling during, the time that
she is laid up.
The City of Panama has been-operat-ed
by the Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany on the Panama route for a num-
Due to Arrive.
Name. ' From
Nlcomedla. . . Hongkong
Alliance. .... Coos Bay.....
Redondo Seattle
Nome City. . San Pedro
JohanPoulsen San Francisco.
Breakwater. . San Francisco.
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro
Costa Rica. . San Francisco.
R. E. Inman. San Francisco.
Roanoke. Los Angeles. . .
Numantla. . . .Hongkong. ..
, Arabia Hongkong
Alesia Hongkong
. In port
In port
In port
Aug. 2
.Aug. a
.Aug. 3
Aug. 8
.Aug. 1J
.Aug. 12
.Aug. 18
. Sept. IT
, Oct. 10
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For Date.
Alliance Coos Bay Aug.
Redondo. Seattle Aug.
Breakwater. . Coos Bay Aug.
Nome City. .. San Francisco.. Aug.
Nlcomedia. . . Hongkong Aug.
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro Aug.
JohanPoulsenSan Francisco.. Aug.
Costa Rica. . San Francisco. . Aug.
Roanoke Los Angeles. ... Aug. 15
R. D. Inman. San Francisco. . Aug. la
Numantla... Hongkong Aug.
Arabia Hongkong Sept.
Alesia Hongkong Oct.
Entered Thursday.
Roanoke, Am. steamship (Dun
ham), with general cargo for San
Pedro and way.
Cleared Thursday.
Roanoke, Am. steamship (Dun
ham), wltn general cargo for San
Pedro and way.
ber of years. She was built in Chester,
Pa, in 1873. She is an iron vessel and
registers 120 tons net less than the
Costa Rica. Thedimenslons of the City
of Panama are: Length, 250 feet;
breadth, 36 feet; depth, 20.2 feet. She
carries a crew of 60 hands all told.
The City of Panama encountered a
gale off the Lower California Coast In
January of last year and for a time
there was considerable anxiety as to
her fate. A number of rafts came
ashore from the vessel. Among her
passengers were Dr. H. W. Coe and wife
and W. G. McPherson, of Portland.
Pacific Coast Company Again Re
duces Freight Rates.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Aug. 1. That the
slashing of freight rates by the steamship
companies operating vessels between Los
Angeles and San Francisco did not end
as cut out was demonstrated when the
Pacific Coast Steamship Company an
nounced a new schedule which will go Into
effect Sunday.
The new rate is 2 to 3 cents lower than
the one announced Tuesday. The notice
of the new rates was .telephoned to Los
Angeles by the general freight agent at
San Francisco.
When asked if they would meet the new
rate, the district freight agent of the In
dependent Company stated that his com
pany was here to stay, and would con
tinue to haul freight.
The present schedule makes it practi
cally impossible for either company to
operate at a profit; as the railroads
charge 15 cents for hauling freight to the
wharves, leaving the steamship compa
nies 6 cents with which to defray the
expenses of handling the freight. Both
companies state that they will keep up
the light to the end.
Engineers Will Survey the River as
Far as Astoria.
Soundings of the Willamette River
below Portland and the Columbia River
between the mouth of the Willamette
and Astoria will be commenced by the
United States Engineers within a few
days. An effort is being made to se
cure a steamer for the work, as all
suitable Government craft are engaged.
The Arago is down the Coast and will
not return to the river for several
The Columbia River pilots have com
menced their annual survey of the
river and will ' finish within the next
two weeks. The pilots work only at
shoal places, while the Government
takes the soundings for the entire dis
tance. .
Tacoma Shipping News.
TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 1. When the
British steamer Suveric steams from the
Sound the latter part of this week she
will carry a general cargo of 12,600 tons,
consisting largely of flour and more than
10.000 tons of cargo was loaded at this
port. The Suveric shifted to Seattle to
finish loading.
The steamer Santa Rosa, of the Pacific
Coast Steamship Company's fleet, arrived
in port today to take general cargo for
San Francisco.
The steamer Melville Dollar shifted to
the stream today, where she continues
loading ties for Guaymas. From Tacoma
she proceeds to the Columbia River,
where she completes cargo.
Fog Signal Oat of Order.
The fog signal oa Tillamook Rock is
temporarily out of commission. Word
to this' effect was received yesterday aft
ernoon at the office of Commander Wer
llch, and Engineer William Wright left
last night for the Rock. He will proceed
there today on the Heather and will
make necessary repairs to the machin
ery. Steam Schooners Xre Chartered,
The steam schooners Coaster ant Chan.
Nelson were chartered yesterday to load
on the Columbia River. The former will
carry a mixed cargo of wbaat and lum
ber and the Nalson will take timber.
Both vessels are due to arrive next
week. Charters have been slow for the
past. month and there will be no heavy
demand for tonnage until tne new crop
wheat begins to arrive. Tne outlook Is
bright for a big movement of grain to
California ports during the coming sea
son. Several large sales have been re
ported and the movement will begin first
in the coast-wtse business. Foreign busi
ness for the next few months seems to
point toward steam tonnage Instead of
Drummnir Strikes a Reef.
PAPEETE. Tahiti, July " 19, (Corres
pondence of the Associated Press.) The
British ship Drummuir, which sailed
from San Francisco for Algoa Bay on
May 25. put In at this port on July 11.
The vessel had struck the Manga , reef
near the Gambler Islands and put In at
Papeete to have a survey made as to- her
condition. The British consul declared
that the vessel was not injured and she
sailed on July 18.
Will Rebuild the Mascot.
Jacob Kamm yesterday let a contract
to Joseph Supple to rebuild the hull of
the steamer Mascot and put in new ma
chinery. The steamer has been, operated
between Portland and points on Lewis
River. The Mascot will practically be a
new steamer when the changes are com
pleted. Marine Notes.
The steamer Alliance will sail for Coos
Bay tomorrow night.
Tho steamship Breakwater is due to
night from Coos Bay.
The schooner Alice McDonald has been
chartered to load lumber at Portland for
San Francisco.
D. B. Ogden, Assistant Engineer, has
returned from a trip to Snake River.
Work has been commenced on the scows
at Rlparia.
The steamship Redondo, from Puget
Sound, arrived up yesterday afternoon.
She brought lime and a general cargo
from Seattle.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND," Aug. 1. Arrived Steamship
Redondo, from Puget Sound. Sailed Steam
ship Roanoke, for San Pedro and way;
steamship Asuncion, or Monterey.
San Francisco, July 31. Arrived previous
ly Steamer Mariposa, Lawless, trom Ta
hiti; steamer Alameda, Dowdell, from Hono
lulu. - -
Astoria. Aug. 1. Condition of the bar at
5 P. M., obscured; wind, south, 18 miles;
weather, foggy. Arrived down at 10 A. M.
Steamer Asuncion and sailed at 12 M., for
San Francisco.
8s n Francisco. Aug. 1. Arrived Schoon
er Glendale, from Astoria.
San Francisco, Aug. 1. Arrived Ship
Blanche, Italian, Maggrollo, from Antwerp,
via Cape of Good Hope; schooner Glendale,
from Astoria; schooner Abble, from Astoria;
schooner Oceania, Vance, from Tacoma;
schooner Olive Olson, from Tacoma. Sailed
Steamer Hllonian, Johnson, for Honolulu;
schooner Fearless, for Gray's Harbor; steamer
Nome City,- for Astoria; steamer G. C. Lin
dauer, for Gray's Harbor.
Vincent, Aug. 1. Arrived Admiral Fouri
chon, from Tacoma, via Montevideo, etc., for
Yokohama, Aug. 1. Sailed Athenian, for
Plymouth, Aug. 1. Arrived- Friederlch
der Grosse. from New York, for Cherbourg
and Bremen, and proceeded.
Tides at Astoria Today.
8:00 A. M 6.0 feet2:02 A. M 1.5 feet
7:58 P. M 8.0 feet!l:43 P. M 2.S feet
Coreans Counterfeit Gold Coin.
HONOLULU, July 23 (via San Fran
cisco, Aug. 1.) United States Marshal
Hendry has arrested several Coreans
charged with counterfeiting 310 gold
pieces. The bogus coins are of very
good quality, so far as appearances go,
but lack weight and ring. The ap
paratus for minting the bogus coins is
quite effective and elaborate, and is
said to have cost 1000. It has not yet
been located. The principal of the
gang is said to have served imprison
ment in Corea for counterfeiting there.
Main springs, $1, aietzger's, 342 Wash,
All of this can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment alwajr prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
ose of this wonderful. ,
remedy. ' Sold by all
druggists at $1.00 per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free.
T.I BradfleM Replator Co., Atlanta. 6l
To not wsmte your life consulting; irregular "doctors" who possess
neither the education, skill nor experience necessary to find out what
your aliment is, much less to cope with it and make you well.
Things that are not done right never turn out well. Brain rla-ht!
Coniiult us! We are rea-ularly sradaated r-T" rained SpectnllMtii,
whose original Investigations and long study into the cause -and cure of.
special diseases have caused us to be duly recognized as the leading spe
illsts in our line.
XT Tears In Portland.
WHT WB CURB) where others fall: Our methods are up to date. We
thoroughly understand our business and apply all our knowledge ana
skill-on every case we undertake. We fulfill our promises and never
accept a case unless we believe we nan cure it. We study ths peculiar
nature of every Individual case and treat the causes, not symptoms.
We teach our patients how to help get well what to eat and drink
during the course of treatment and what to avoid. Coupled with the
fact that we have the most complete and perfectly equipped office in
Portland makes our statement rationally reasonable. If you are In
doubt, oall and see us; a few minutes' talk will cost you nothing; and
may be the means of restoring you to health. As to terms; Our large
practice enables ns to cure for leas money than the aversgre a-eallrd
Judge Cameron and District Attor
ney's Sleuth Differ Regarding
Mrs. Sleight's Condition.
The Municipal ' Court room was the
scene of a stormy encounter yesterday
morning between Judge Cameron and
Patrick Maher, detective attached to the
District Attorney's office. The battle of
words' was the sequel to another out
break on the part of the Irrepressible
Mrs. Sleight, whose neighbors at Sixteenth
and Northrup streets have several times
appealed to the police to compel her to
keep the peace.
Maher lives in the neighborhood, and
yesterday morning, before court con
vened, appeared before Judge Cameron
to ask that a warrant be issued for Mrs.
Sleight's arrest. The Judge said he did
not think Mrs. Sleight was in her right
mind, and added:
"It would be better to lay the matter
before the County Court and have three
physicians appointed to examine into her
Detective Maher's temperature at once
began to rise.
"I'm a citizen of this county, and I de
mand a warrant."
"You can't' talk that way to tne," re
torted the Judge. "Do as I have sug
gested and quit bothering me. I'm sick
and tired of hearing about this woman
and of having her brought Into court."
"I'll not stand for that," exclaimed
Maher. "I'm talking to you as a citizen,
not as a Judge. You are not on the bench
"Leave at once," ordered the Judge,
"or I'll have you put under arrest."
Maher then walked out. Later J. J.
Driscoll, brother-in-law- of Maher, asked
the Judge to issue the warrant, but he
still refused the request.
Detective Maher, explaining the clash,
denies that he tried to use the court to
satisfy a private grudge, and says that
his action in the matter was only that
of a citizen asking for protection for his
neighborhood against a woman who Is In
the habit of causing disturbances at all
hours of the night. Mr. Maher further
says that he was not expelled from the
court forcibly as an evening paper as
serted, and that Judge Cameron did not
at any time lay hands on him. Judge
Cameron, was not on the bench at the
"As a matter of fact," said Maher,
"and according to Judge Cameron's own
statement, Mrs. Sleight may be insane,
but, then, it was his duty, after the City
Attorney made the complaint, to issue the
warrant, give her a fair trial, and If she
was proved guilty commit her to the
County Court for an examination as to
her sanity. The police records will show
that at 12 o'clock Wednesday night the
residents of the part of the city in which
Mrs. Sleight lives telephoned to the police
station for officers to quell the noisy
woman. I am a neighbor of the woman,
and nearly every night she raises such a
row that it is impossible to sleep in the
"My brother-in-law and I appeared as
two citizens, and I think that we were
entitled to a little recognition from Judge
Cameron. This woman for whom I asked
the warrant twice has been arrested and
convicted in the Municipal Court. The
last time the complaint was sworn to by
Officer Franklin. I did not threaten the
Judge, and do not bear him any ill will,
but I think the treatment I received In
his court was altogether wrong."
Storm Destroys Wheat Crop.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Aug. 1. One hun
dred and sixty square miles of growing
grain in Southern Brown and Northern
Spink Counties were practically de
stroyed Tuesday by the worst hail
storm in this vicinity in years. The
storm was preceded by and accom
panied by a strong wind, and in half
an hour the loss was complete. The
region damaged is in the heart of the
richest country in this section of South
Metzger's eye glasses, tl. 342 Wash. St.
Erery woman covet
shapely, pretty njjure, and
many of them deplore the
loss of their girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children ia often destructi-ra
to the mother's shapeliness.
And You Won't Have
so many
Doctor's FEES to PAY
Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcers, Varico
cele, Hydrocele, Nerreos Decline, Chronic Disease
of the Kidneys, Plies, Gonorrhoea and Gleet.
bne of the Most
Attractive Beach
Resorts on the Pa
cific Coast Just
Now Is
Near the month of the Colombia River, on the Washington
side, reached from the City of Portland on tho
splendid excursion
Steamer T. J. POTTER
It Is upward of 20 miles long, very broad and level and almost as
compact as a composition pavement. It Is dotted Its entire length with
towns, cottage settlements, tent cities, villas, fine hotels, and all the
amusement accessories of a popular Summer beach resort. IT'S THES
PLACE TO GO for rest, health and a good time. Thousands go thera
for their Summer outing. Try it.
The Potter Sails Every Day
See published schedules.
Fare from Portland, round trip, $4.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets, $2.50
Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third
and Washington streets. Portland; or inquire of any O. K. & N. agent
elsewhere for Information. ,
TVip. HcMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND. OR.
"August 8, Why?"
On the lapel of the coats of practically every streetcar man in the
tity has caused more talk than any recent freak in the advertising
ine. It is advertising the big event that will be held at The Oaks
August 8 by the employes of the Portland Railway, Light & Power
The carmen, in conjunction with Manager Freeman, of the park,
have made elaborate preparations for the event. During the after
noon there will be the great baby show, in which most all the babies
in Portland and vicinity will take .part. There will also be a number
of swimming matches and other sporting events.
In the evening a big cakewalk will be a prominent feature on
the programme. On the stage, in plain view of everyone, there will
be a series of wrestling matches, boxing and fencing bouts, and other
events of real interest and merit.
The leading business firms in Portland have contributed trophie?
to aid the carmen in making the affair a success. The list, as com
piled up to this time, is as follows :
1 Prettiest baby girl under 18 months High chair, donated by Jennings
2 Prettiest baby boy under 18 months Baby-Jumper, donated by Tull A
G'b3 Prettiest baby under 18 months, district north of Holladay avenue
Child's rocker, donated by H. C. Schroeder
4 Prettiest baby under 18 months. Holladay avenue to Hawthorne avenue
Child's rocker, donated by Calef Bros
6 Prettiest baby under 18 months, south of Hawthorne avenue Collds
rocker, donated by Willtam Taylor.
6 Prettiest baby under 18 months. West Side, north of Washington street
Child's rocker donated bv Powers Furniture Company.
Ch 7pettlest baby under 13 months. West Side, south of Washington street
Child's Rocker, donated by Gevurtz & Sons.
8 Best natured baby on grounds under two years Go-cart, donated by
Edwards Company. foqt races
9 Footrace. 53-yard dash, between wives of members Rocker donated by
Ga0FatSmnen's race. 225 pounds or over, 60-yard dash Merschaum pipe, do-
natllFlfty-vardedash between inspectors: J. G. Mann, Piedmont division; C. F.
Dotv West Side division; G. W. Bucholtz, East Ankeny division Box of cigars.
donated by M. A. Gunst & Co.
13 Special
' ii i cir
ager; S. U. Keen, ueasuru , r. v.. r:
o w P division- Fred Cooper, superintendent of transportation Portland Rail
way division Pair of slippers, donated by Knight Shoe Company,
way ait r " ,,.,,. w , puller, vice-president and general man-
partment; C. J. Franklin, general superintendent Mahogany stand, donated by
' 14 Bicycle race between Western Union and Postal Telegraph messengers
First prize cap and bicycle pants, donated by Lion Clothing Company; second
prize, pair of slippers, .donated by Reeves & Co.
15 Free for all ladies, 300 yards Order for dress hat. donated by Wonder
M1"iFreCeforarn'boys, 15 to 18 years of age. 300 yards Gold-filled watch and
chain, donated by Beck & Son.
I Tug of war between East and West Side carmen Box of cigars, donated
y -SfroH nVesTf'or' trophy, engraved, donated by A. & C. Feldenhelmer.
g wrestling contest, catch-as-catch-can. best two out of three Engraved
trophy, donated by Butterfleld Bros.
4 Exhibition drill. Uniform Rank Vv. O. W. prize team of Pacific Coast;
Uniform Rank Knights of -Maccabees Trophies, donated by G. Heitkemper and
6 Between Dan Mc Allen and Dr. Devsny, 50-yard dash Box of cigars.
donated by Hart Cigar Company.
6 Comic race between B. I. Dasent, advertising manager, and W. P. Keady,
land agent, 50 yards.
7 Footrace between four oldest platform men present, 50-yard dash Eight
pounds coffee, donated by Wadhams & Kerr Bros.
g Comic race between Captain Gilham anu T. W. Sullivan, chief engineer
light and power department.
9 Fifty-yard dash, free for all young ladies present on grounds Order for
pair of shoes, donated by Stalger Shoe Company.
10 For juveniles under 15 years Girl, bracelet, donated by Charles
Leonhardt: boy, silver cup, donrted by Friedlander.
II For adults Lady, gold-headed silk umbrella, donated by McAllen &
McDonnell; gentleman, gold-headed cane, donated bv L. Henrlchsen.
12 High-wire exhibition by Professor Penners, Parisian importation.
13 Will be one of the most Interesting features of the day's sport. Thesa
contests will be participated in by and between the best amateur talent In tha
Pacific Northwest. The trophies for which they will compete are superior In
quality to any ever offered for exhibitions of this kind.
It is the earnest request of the carmen In general to the public to secure
their tickets before 12 o'clock midnight, August 7. Tickets can be procured
of any carman for v10 cents, which entitles admission to Oaks Grounds and all
of above events.
No fee will be charged for entries to any of above events
Two loving cups, donated by Staples the Jeweler, and Fred D. Flora, tha
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treat men only, and confine my practice to NERVOUS WEAKNESS.
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rka Lcaaia Specisll