Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Furnished Rooms.
13th St.. cor. Jefferson, undr new
rnnnairement; new cor. brick; steam heat,
hot and cold water all th time ; both
' free to guests; elegantly fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at popu
lar prices ; one call mean another.
263 13th at., cor. Jefferson.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
nit $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and
cold water; free baths, free phone; dining
room In connection; transients solicited;
open all night; bst location in the city;
office and reading -room ground floor. 488
HOTRL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th
First-class furnished rooms, single or en
uite; me urn heat, hot, cold water, electric
light, phone In every room; suites with pri
vate bath, single, from 3 by week, 76c up
by day; reasonable by month- Main 5647.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and "Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building: suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
THF3 REN'SON, brick building.' corner 5th
and Morrison, under new management; most
centrally located hue In city; convenient
to FoMofflre find all carllns; room $3.u0
up per week; 75c to SI. 50 day.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts., the handsomest furnished rooms for
bachelors in the city, with every modwrn
convenience, at reasonable rates; only
four blocks from Postoffice.
THE) ELLSWORTH, Just opened; new brick
building; modern throughout; nicely furn
ished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold
water, electric lights, bath. 166 Lownadale,
near High School.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
. sts., modern rooms, single and en suit;
also housekeeping: running water; private
and free baths: rates reasonable. Pacific 4wo
THE WILLAMETTE. 32214 Stark, S. W. cor.
6th st. ; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50c to
$1; by week, S2 to $5. Pacific 1296.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished room ;
hot and cold running water; five minutes
walk from Postoffice. 200 10th St., be
tween Taylor and Balmon.
THE WOODLAND Two beautiful parlor
rooms, single or en suite; vacant today;
suitable for 2 or 3 per sons. 265 Sixth,
4 blocks from postoffice.
IN the heart of the city, between Courthouse
and City Hall. 247V 5th St.. nicely fur
nished rooma in thoroughly renovated house,
from SI. 50 per week up.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath, principal car linen paas ths
door. Phone Main 2333.
THE OGDEN, 83 M 1st, 8. W. cor. Oak St.
Nice large front rooms, clean, neat; batha;
phone; 60c to $1 a day; S2 to S4 week.
between 6th and 6th; first -cla?e rooms, hot
and cold water; terms reasonable.
6 WELL furnished rooms, everything new;
free telephone and bath; $4 per week and
up for one or 2.. 324 Davia.
LOOKING for rooms? See us. We have
them, all kinds, all prices. Suite 32, 268
etark. Main 143.
SMALL furnished room; good location. .804
Jefferson st., cor. 10th.
ONB very desirable front room; also one- Bmajl
room. 2ft 7th st.
Rooms With Board.
FOR RENT Large, pleasant front room for
two: breakfast and dinner; private: home
cooking; all conveniences; quiet; nice
Sorch; reasonable. 252 N. 10th St., near
arshall. Pacific 2407.
Portland Women's Union; IStn year Rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Raw lings. SupU, 610 Flanders.
. nished rooms single or en suite; good
board, convenient location.
KOREDALB. select private boarding-house;
large grounds, Just a few rooma left. 404
Madison, cor. 10th.
168 10TH Pleasant room with or with
out board ; suitable for gentlemen.
THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot,
cold water. 225 11th st.
ROOMS and board; rates reasonable. 330 6th
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sta. Unfurnished apartments with every
modern convenience; up to date In every
respect; reasonable rates; central loca
tion; only four blocks from Postoffice.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment with bath and
all modern conveniences; heat, telephone,
electric lights, gas and janitor services free;
West Side. R 78. Oregonian.
THE THETOPA New modern 4-room apart
ments; electric passenger elevator. Corner
18th and Flanders. Phone E. 524.
Six-room steam-heated flats in beautiful
new building on Flanders street, between
20th and 21st, just completed; $30 per
month; large rooms; every convenience.
Suite 213, Abington bldg. Phone Main 2015.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
JUST completed, modern flats of 7, 6 and 4
rooms; walking distance; on Green ave..
200 feet south of 23d and Washington, In
Cedar Hill.
FLAT. 6 rooms, East Side, near steel bridge;
stationery bowls in bedrooms; furnace and
fire place. Inquire 91 Grand ave.
JUST completed, modern 6-room flat, large
grounds; fine location; rent reasonable.
Phone East 5341. 26 Clinton.
THREE-ROOM modern flats, all conveni-
. ences. Inquire at Se villa, 225 Market st.
Phone Main 616.
102 CHAPMAN ST., cor. Taylor, new fiat, 4
rooms; tile bath; $20. Graves Music Store,
328 Wash.
NEW. modern 3-room furnish d fist ; bath,
phone, 5 minutes' walk to postoffice. 383
5th st.
FOR RENT Excellent fiat, 48 N. ftth St. In
quire 342 H Washington St., room 3.
TWO new modern flats. East Side; reasonable
rent. Inquire 207 Cherry st.
FOR RENT Modern 6-roora flat. Apply 586
Hoyt st., corner 18th.
GROUND floor for rent; business. Cor. 14th
and Wash.
FLAT of three rooms for rent. 125 12th st.
Housekeeping Rooms,
WELLINGTON COURT, Fifteenth and Ever
ett Handsomely furnished four-room house
keeping apartment; also 2 and 3 rooms un
furnished, possessing every modern conven
ience, including private baths, folding beds,
steam heat; excellent service; splendid loca
tion ; reasonable. No children.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot
water, fres bath, free phone, both floors;
nice sunny suites $10 and $12 par month;
best rooms In city for money.
TWO or three large front housekeeping
rooms, furnished. In new home; all con
veniences: cheap; H block from R.-S. car,
between Vancouver and Gantenbeln. 243
Sellwood street.
THREE extra nice rooms, furnished, modern
home; all conveniences; no children. 414
7th st.
SAVE searching, well furnished corner suite
for couple; gas range, quiet house; $15. 300
4th st.
LARGE) newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
heat, light, phone, bath, sink. 117 N. 18th.
SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; $1.25 per week. 382 E. Yamhill st.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
good location. 392 Jefferson st., cor. 10th.
$15 Housekeeping suite; good locstlon; gas,
bath, phone. Main 4363. 535 Yamhill.
SINGLS and housekeeping rooms with phone,
gas and bath, reasonable. 614 Everett.
402 CLAY 2. 3 housekeeping rooms, light and
clean, private family; gas. bath, phone.
A SUITE of housekeeping rooms: phone, bath,
gas. 474 Wash., cor. 14th and Wash.
HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, , gas and
phone; close In. S3 7th st. .
PART of a furnished flat for rent. 402 H
Clay st.
240H 6TH Suite of furnished housekeeping
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE ONEONTA, J8T ITtn at., near ifamhlll;
new bouse, elegantly furnished, in suites of
2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, a-aa
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, fre
phone each floor: no children.
THREE bright, completely furnished house
keeping rooms; large pantry; gas range,
hot and cold water in kitchen; gaa and
large clean bathroom. 94 N. 16th at., cor.
Flanders. Phone Main 6067-
SHEFF1ELD 7th and Jefferson sta. New
and modern; fully equipped for conveni
ence and economy; central location; no
carfare; one 4-room apartment, bath.
Main 2506.
THE SANGERT Just opened, beautiful
modern housekeeping apartments; coma
early and select your suites. Between
10th and 20th, on Washington.
DESIRABLE, reasonable unfurnished rooms,
brick building; no transient lodgers; cen
trally located, saving carfare and time. 211 Vk
2d and Salmon.
FOUR bright, convenient, nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms and bath, first floor;
roses; rent S21; cars convenient. 160 Porter
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms; first
floor: basement, attic, porches, yard; no
children. 581 Gth. Pacific 1974.
FOUR nice unfurnished housekeeping room
at 537 Montgomery st., reasonable, .rnone
Pacific 577. Inquire 406 Jefferson.
THB NEWCASTLE. 402H Third at., fur
nished housekeeping rooms; also single
rooms; reasonable. Main 800.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, aln
gle or en suite; walking distance; prices
reasonable. 555 Morrison.
PERMANENT couple for 2 housekeeping
rooms; an conveniences; private nome; rerer
ence. T 80, Oregonian.
534 MORRISON Rooms, large and airy; high
ceilings, gas range, completely xurnishea;
flrst-class location.
FOUR large rooms furnished for housekeeping,
modern conveniences; no, children; rent $16.
Phone Pacific 0u6.
LARGE, light, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms; water, gas range; $3.50 and
up. 503 H Alder.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeptng rooms;
modern; no children. liez I4tn st., opposite
TWO suites of furnished housekeeping rooms,
186 13th, near Morrison. Phone Main 6035.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance; good neighborhood. 163
N. 16th st.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping;
$8 per month. 173 Vs North 21st, cor.
ENTIRE floor. 8 rooms and bath, nicely
furnished, very desirable, reasonable. 226
Grant st.
NICE, large furnished room with use of
kitchen if wanted. Separate entrance. 214
13th st.
HOUSE-KEEPING rooms, $2 and up; light,
comfortable, good view. 657 First
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; rates rea
sonable. Call 600 Everett, or phone Main
NEW residence, 7 rooms, now ready; thor
oughly modern; furnace grate, elegant
bathroom, beautiful wood finish ; Grand
ave. and Hancock, inquire 300 Hancock.
Phone East 16S5.
SIX-ROOM house, 700 Clinton, $15.
6-room cottage, 683 Belmont, $15.
6-room house. 682 E. Taylor, $20.
F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg.
FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house.
block of ground, beautiful shrubbery; will
rem reasonaoie to gooa tenant. M.. E. Lee,
Room 24), Raleigh bldg.. 323 Wash. t.
FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and GU
ssn st. Inquire. Max Smith, the Sa
voy restaurant, 140 7th, or Horns phone
FOUR-ROOM cottage; bath. gas. etc. : near
7th and Clay; rent $20. F. O. Northrup, 315
toucn Ding. fnone a .m
FOUR-ROOM house! gas. no bath; clone car,
walking distance, view, Portland Heights;
$10. Apply 554 Myrtle.
$21-50 Modern C-room house, freshly tinted.
4r7 East Grant; permanent. Inquire
phone East 3400. . '
SEVEN-ROOM house, 405 Jefferson, for rent.
Key at 47, or call Deery s, 462 Jefferson,
Phone Main 602.
MODERN 6-room hous. walk In distance. In
quire tiui jast wasmngton st. nomm pnon
MODERN 7-room house: fine view. 692 Mar-
kt st. drive. Portland Heights car. Main
231 MEADE, near Second. 6 rooms, newly
papereo., painted; $14; key next door. Main
FOR houses, furnished and unfurnished,
Hynson. 343 H Washington st. Main 7039.
FOR RENT 7-room house, cor. 17th and Yam
hill. Inquire 180 16th St., near Taylor.
MODERN 7-room house. 468 Clay st.; rent
oo. Phone pac. 1833 weekdays.
FOR RENT By Sunday, Aug. 4, fine 6-room
nouse. Key at Jba Won roe st.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 4S3 West Park
st. Apply 2u0 11th st.
6-ROOM modern cottage, $25. Main 5144.
Furnished House.
A COMPLETELY furnished cottage, 6 rooms,
bath, gas, etc. ; conveniently arranged ;
very reasonable; rent $21 per month.
w . ai. Langiey, dii, j. or uom.
NEW, modern 6-room house, nicely furnished;
Dorcelain bath, gas and wood ran see. fur
nace; near Steel bridge. Call afternoons, 209
East First st. N.
A NEW. modern 8-room house with beauti
ful yard; will rent for 2 months. Holladay's
Ada. it w. uregonian.
FURNISHED flat for month of August: walk
lng distance; reasonable. Tel. Main 6870;
Home, A 3870.
6-ROOM furnished house, desirable location,
yard and flowers. 690 B. Burnslde st. Call
ATTRACTIVE furnished upper flat; piano,
yard, large attic; central. Phones Main 1492,
A 2758.
COMFORTABLY furnished 4-room cottage;
gas, yard; $16. 1049 Corbett st., on S carllne,
5-ROOM house, range and carpets for sals,
145 11th and Alder.
Houses for Rnt Furniture for Sale.
FINE 21-room house, new and modern, with
steam heat, gas and electric light; furni
ture for sale; rent very reasonable. A
f rrst-class proposition for first-class peo
ple. Apply In person; no phone calls an
swered regarding this. Wakefield. Fries
& to., zzu stark st.
SNAP 10-room house, elegrantly furnished;
centrally located; low rent. Inquire 229
i n w
T-ROOM house, furnished. 4 blocks from
postoffice. Inquire 208 Tth. Phone Main
FURNITURE of 9-room house, cheap if taken
at once, si ,m St., cor. oak.
hummer Resorts.
The finest beach Dronertv ever offered.
, joining Breakers Hotel property, to be
known as "Manhattan Beach;' 250-acrs
tract, a portion with building restrictions;
oiner unrestrictea; easy terms.
A. C. CHURCHILL & CO.. 110 2d St.. City,
$750 for sals, at Ocean Pare Wash..
corner lots, with 6-room modern cottage built
last Fall; painted throughout; nice pantry,
pump, sink, etc.; never been occupied: 4
uiochs sou in oi aepoc. racinc uiui Keauy
V.O.. room 3ui bucoanan diojc.
FOR RENT OR SALE 2 cottages, 6 and 2
rooms. Smith's cottages, at Clatsop, Sea-
siae, near iocxsiey nan. inquire I3oo uar
field ave.. Piedmont. - Wood lawn car.
rates $8 to $10 per week. Take steamer
Capitol City at Alder st., or steamer
i eai a. i uan hi.
GOOD board and rooms with private family.
ueoarnunst cottage; modern. or terms ad
dress Charles Cleland. Seaside, Or.
SHELBURN HOTEL Everything first-class
home cooking; modorn prlcss. Mrs. T,
j. Hoars, beaview, wain.
FURNISHED 5-room cottage, beautifully lo
cated ridge, fronting ocean. Long Beach.
ierry, r-asx uaa.
IF COTTAGE or tenting outfit is wanted for
Summer, write Jr. Mci? arland, seaside. Or
Summer Resorts.
Boswell Springs open ; health and pleaeure re-
son, x mnes sou in jjrain. ur.. vn 8. r. K. K,
BTORAGB room In cement basement, sidewalk
elevator. Zd, near Washington, Howe,
Davis ft Kilham. Ill 2d st.
FOR RENT Store. 130 Thirteenth St., near
ashmgton, $35. Apply Sheehy Bros.
Main 8072.
8TORE warehouse, commercial ' agents
sampie-rooma inquire Andrew Kan se Co.
STORE for rent, suitable for any kind of
us in ess. .iius Joroett at.
THREE stores for rent. Inquire T. J. Uhl-
min, lot is, iutn.
FRONT and back offices very reasonable;
neat, light ana elevator services; best lo
cation In city. Dammeier, agent, Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
FOR RENT Office and desk room in a
pleasant downtown location, facing on
Washington st. Inquire 413 Commercial
FOR RENT Completely furnished office, or
win rent aeskroom. 209 Lumber Exchange.
NXCB office room fronting on Morrison St.,
za noor. ine senson, cor. otn ana juorrison.
FINE offices, best !ocatlon. Room 813
unviiauu kiiUg, DID BI1U vYuningiua.
HAVE you $40,000? We have an Investment
ror you. paying from 25 to 33 per cent
net. This Is business; no fake; advertised
but must be understood to make It success
ful. Tou can be convinced by investigat
ing. Plant, books, payroll, property and
stock on hand, with orders to fill. Write
or call on us for particulars. Best ma
chinery for the plant in the state. "Half
cash will buy the piant." Louis Solomon A
Co., 233 Stark st. Fine opportunity to in
corporate. FOR SALE General mercnandlse business
In Portland's best suburb; stock, horses,
wagons, etc., will invoice about $4500. For
a fine and paying proposition this would
be hard to equal, and Is the best buy in
the city; trade steadily Increasing; every
courtesy shown to buyers, but those not
having the requisite amount of money
should not spply. N 72, Oregonian.
HERE Is a fine chance to step Into the best
Dusiness in St. Johns. General stock; oia
goods; located on best corner in the city;
doing good business; lease on building;
stock reduced to minimum; will invoice
about $3000; good real estate In St. Johns
or Portland taken in exchange; come
and look it over. The Wagoner Company,
St. Johns. Or.
BUSINESS' MEN We have exceptional fa
cilities Tor providing you with capable
men and women of character,, and your
business interests will be best' conserved
in the matter of help by letting us know
your needs. No charge.
303 Allsky bldg. Phone Main 7637-
HARDWARE, furniture and implement store
for sale In prosperous and growing vV 11
lamette Valley; fine paying business in a
good town on the main line or the s. f.
No competition and surrounded by a money-making
farming and dairying country.
Three good sawmills near by. Best of
reasons for sell Lng. A 74, Oregonian.
ON Washington st.. a candy, ice cream, fruit
and cigar store; the price or this place nas
been cut $600 in order to sell, on account
of sickness; a good stock and fixtures, cheap
rent and a large place with a good trade
and lease; for a quick sale at $1400, with
two living rooms. The Veteran Land Co.,
165 Washington st.
STANDARD publication for sale; $1000 cash
will handle; paid $1200 net profit last six
months; hustling advertising man can
treble this; monthly expenses only $150 ;
best of reasons for selling. Address "Own
er." care Chapman Advertising Co., Port
land, Or.
WHOLESALE business of over. $50,000 a year
In valley town for sale at sacrifice. Owner
solicits fullest investigation; price, includ
ing stock, delivery wagons, horses, fixtures,
etc., $6500 cash. For particulars call room
323 Lumber Exchange.
REAL ESTATE business, partner wanted to
show land, etc. ; very little money required ;
owner shows you $200 a month to yourself;
if thinking of going In business, don't fall
to Investigate at once. Particulars 248
Stark st.
GENERAL merchandise store in the best
county in Oregon for sals; new R. R. build
ing, $20,000; owner wants to go in the bank
ing business; this Is the best business open
ing in the Northwest; will stand the closest
Investigation. G 72, Oregonian.
WILL buy or loan money on approved stocks;
I have stock in an invention that will pay
1000 per cent profit and tncome for life.
Large or small investments accepted. Stock
exchanged for other property of value. W. i,
Curtis, 215 Commercial block.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R,
terminal grounds, 12th and Marshall sts.:
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all
modern conveniences; 6-year lease; rent $500
per month. Apply to Phil Gevurtx, of Gev
urtz A Sens, 173-5 First St.
BITUMINOUS coking coal lands, in British
Columbia, on railroad; 1800 acres at $2 per
acre; the only bituminous coal field on main
land In B. C, except Crows Neet. B. Fal
lows, mining engineer, 534 Chamber of Com
merce. -
I HAVE a property that will pay you 12 per
cent on the investment; must have money at
once; $1000 cash required. Why leave your
money in bank at 4 per cent? Call room 11,
201 H Morrison et.. 2 to 5 P. M.
SPECIAL $750, with your services, will pay
you sua a montn as partner; experience not
necessary; bank references furnished you.
Call 248 Stark st.
$3300 WILL buy good paying bakery and
conrectionery ousmess in eastern Oregon
town; good reason for selling. N 70. Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Private boarding house, full of
boarders; cheap if taken at once. Call be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock P. M. at 492 N. 24th
WELL furnished real estate office in best
building in city; excellent opportunity to get
fine business; all you pay for Is the furni
ture; owner leaving city. M 86, Oregonian.
WOOD business for sale, clearing over $400 a
montn; price jtow, gooa o us i ness, - witn
plenty of wood. Call 248 Stark st.
YOU can make 20 per cent profit on a $1000
investment; you control the money all the
time. Box A 75, Oregonian office.
ABSTRACTS of title, only set, good Oregon
county, offered easy terms; good chance to
attorney. Address R 86, Oregonian.
A CIGAR store and billiard hall In a Prohi
bition town: big money to the right man.
See Hellman, 306 Abington bldg.
NEWSPAPER for sale Oregon live weekly In
growing town; Job office in connection; bar
gain. Address D 70, Oregonian.
LISTEN If you have any legitimate busi
ness you wish to sell, list it with us. Lard
& O'Connor, 23 Lafayette bids.
PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi
ness; will pay you $30 a week; $350 re
quired. Call 248 Stark st.
WANTED To purchase a newspaper or set
of abstract books in good county seat
town. O 75, Oregonian.
GOOD paying confectionery and bakery
bargain. Particulars 206 Allsky bldg..
Third and Morrison sts.
DESIRABLE partner wanted fn good-paying
business; $375 capital required; references
required. 229 13th st.
FOR SALE Grocery in growing suburb, at
end of carllne; will sell at a sacrifice.
G 80, Oregonian.
GROCERY Good business, right In city,
$2000; will exchange for real estate. K
73, Oregonian.
LAUNDRY, doing $1500 month, at a bar
gain. Northwestern Investment Co., 206
Allsky bldg.
A-l Groceryman who has means and wants to
connect in a live business. Address T 80,
ESTABLISHED business paying $30 per week
profit; $250 today. Particulars room 7. 181
First st.
30-ROOM rooming-house; good location: low
rent; lease; $1100. Room 7, 181 1st st.
FOR SALE Fine business corner; inquire
1054 Union ave. - Phone Woodlawn 168.
EXTRAORDINARY .rooming-house bargain.
Lard & O'Connor, 23 Lafayette bldg.
FOR SALE Barber shop. Inquire of the
secretary of the Barbers Union.
BAKERY and grocery store in good location
for sale. G 75. Oregonian.
WANTED To invest $200; lady or gent. B
90, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Cheap, country newspaper and
Jon office, including onice ounmng; in gooa
Willamette Valley town; business prosper
ous; Illness reason for selling; terms on
part. Address L 48. care Oregonian.
$6000 SECURES half interest In prdrltable city
mercantile business; health forces me to dis
pose of my interest. Bank references) re
quired. First-class office man preferred.
Salary $150. F 86, Oregonian.
WANTED Good man with about $3500 to
take Interest in management of flrst-class
confectionery store in center of city ; long
lease; fine place; good business. Call 2od
Allsky bldg., 3d -and Morrison.
A MODERN 34-room boarding-house, just
nuout coropietea; centrally locaiea; rent vt-ij
reasonable to right party; must have means
enough to furnish nicely and run flrst-class.
Address M 72. Oregonian.
29-ROOM rooming-house: steam heat-, electric
lights, thoroughly modern ; lease; high-class
patronage; clearing $200 per month; owner
going to Alaska; this week $25o0. Room 7,
181 First t.
I HAVE from $500 to $1000 to invest In a
a buslnees that will give me a working In
terest and that will stand a thorough investi
gation. B 87, Orearonian. t
HARDWARE and Implement buinem. In Val
ley town; stock and building, about $8000.
but could reduce the stock $1WC0 In a very
short time; gooc reason for selling. Q 91,
AN energetic man with $50(10 or more cash
can ouy an interest in a small paying brew
ery requiring extensions and an, active busi
ness manager. Address P 77, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Hotel and bar and eix lots, lying
parallel to N. P. R. R. track; suitable for
small manufacturing plant; eight miles from
Portland, Or. Address A 76, Oregonian.
$250 BUYS good little burlness. which pays
about $4 a day; experience not necopsary.
Standard Investment Co., 225 Fifth st.
FOR SALE Willamette Valley drug business,
well located, prosperous; sworn statement of
business furnished; price $2750; terms; sick
ness. Address G 65. care Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing a good
business; must be sold; small Investment;
sickness cause of sale. Call at 311 Mo
hawk bldg., 3d and Morrison.
HARDWARE and furniture store, an o.d
established business, on good paying basis;
must sell at once on account of health.
H 75, care Oregonian.
GROCERY store, business of $5i day, stock
$900, flixtures $300; three living rooms and
store;- rent $25: price $loo0. Paciric Invest
ment Co., HIV 5th st.
WANTED Rusiness man of experience and
executive ability who has considerable cash
for established business; reference required.
Address B 86, Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 37 rooms; rent $110 per
month; brick building; price $1675: termp;
good paying proposition. 510 Buchanan
bldg., 286 Washington.
NEW modern corner store in good residence
district, on car, for rent; splendid opening
for grocery and market; rent $25. Address
J-i 7u, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS man for woolens and cloth
goods and tailoring trade: muet be a busi
ness man, with good reference. Address
N 80, Oregonian.
A GOOD business; best In its line; best loca
tion; good reasons for Felling; $1200 re
quired; a snap at that. See H. G. Ogden,
HERE Is an opportunity for some person
with money to invest to make a big profit
In two months, or less. Address G 77,
WANTED A good, sober, reliable partner In
o.a, rename real estate omce ; sma.i capital
required; good profits. Full particulars 111
4in st.
$35u AND your services will pjut a reliable
party into a safe, sound, legitimate biidi
ness; will- pay you $t50 a month. Call 101
4tn Bt.
$6(i0 BUYS i interest manufacturing busi
ness; experience not necessary. Olu bucnanan
blog., 2804 Washington.
LADIES, on word with you 28 years of suc
cessful pi-act ice In Portland In the treatment
of diseases peculiar to women should be suf
ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of
an experienced physician and surgeon. I
have aesiited hundreds of anxious and suf
fering women. I can assist you. If in
trouble, no matter from what cause, cad on
' old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special
ist ; no charge for consultation or advice.
251 Alder St., corner 3d, Portland, Or. Cor
respondence sacredly confidential.
Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos
pital, treats diseases of women exclusively;
ladies will consult their best Interests by
communicating with me; no fee for con
sultation; correspondence absolutely confi
dential; maternity cases given special at
tention. Sanitarium aad offices, 253 Alder,
corner Sd. Portland, Or. Phone Maui 270.
SUITS pressed while you wait. 50c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to public at
large: Suita pressed at 5oc at Gilbert, the
tailor's. lOttfe 6th et., next to Quelle. La
dies' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and bcas
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088.
CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases of
men and women cured by modern clentlflo
methods; electric treatment for disease of
the prostate; consultation frea. Dr. W. L
Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth st.
LADIES Ask your druggist lor Chlches
ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years
known as the bt-st, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. CMchesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
"TRY ME." Pure, natural,, nourishing food
(not medicine), guaranteed to cure consti
pation. Write today for free sample and
full particulars. Puget Sound Natural Rem
edy Co., 14 Jones block, Tacoraa, Wash.
xnoved by electric needle ; established 1854 ;
fibyslclans' references, lady operator. Par
ore 170 10th st.. neax Morrison. Phone
Main 6267.
DRESS suits for rent, ali sixes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3ut Stark st.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot
ton Root Pills are the -only sure remedy for
female troubles and Irregularities; by mall,
$2 box. Dr. Pierce. 181 1st et., Portland.
DR. KETCHUM treats the special diseases of
women, likewise all private affections of
men; correspondence confident tal. Phone Pa
cific 2229. 170 3d St., cor. Yamhill.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ena' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyssel'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison
st., bet. 1st an d 2d
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other Foreign
Dictionaries Text Books and Literature
(German books a specially), a. W. bchuiala
Co.. 220 First sU
Mme. Courtright, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
26 Fleidner bldg. M. 5042. Home A 2otiU.
DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic
and private diseases, both sexes; office treu
ment 60c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st st
MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous hair removed.
No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 10, Flledner bldg. Pacific 135.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chi
ropodist, la now in room 16, 351 Mor
rison st.
Recently opened manicuring parlors removed!
from 351 to 343 y Morrison st., room 2.
LADY barber shop now open, 4 chairs, no
waiting; manicuring taught. 54 4th st.
I WILL teach a respectable working girl the
barber's trade. M 80, Oregonian.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 626
E. Belmont. Phone E 4034.
THE healing household remedy. Satin skin
cream should always be handy. 25c.
MADAM V'ASHTI, scalp and facial massage
and chiropody. 201 8d st.
sums on Improved and unimproved real es
tate. W. H. Nunn, 652 Sherlock block.
$1000 to $100,000 to loan in sums to suit at 6 to
7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin.
266 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce.
all securities. R. L Eckerson A Co.. room 6,
Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1831.
curlty. Wm. Holl, no. 0 Washington bldg.
State funds loaned, 6 per ct- W. E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C. of Com.
ary until you see Hut ton Credit Company.
$500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT.
Wm. Q. Beck, room 812 Falling bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
Money t Loan.
INDUSTRIAL, mining, railroad and timber
propositions of merit financed; loans ne
gotiates!; stocks and bonds bought and
sold on strictly commission basis. Com
panies Incorporated and organised. Bona
Issues prepared and marketed. Our bro
kerage department offers the best facili
ties for making safe and profitable In
vestments, and is the quicKest medium
for financing good propositions.
Suite 8-0, 3i2 Washington st..
Phone Main "ao. Portland, Or.
On improved city property or for bulld-
lng purposes, for from 3 to 10 years tlm
with privilege to repay all or part of loau
after two years. Loans approved from
plans and money advanced as building
o raawAc tnnri irn tnkrn 11 n And re
placed. Fred H. Strong, financial agent
242 Stark st.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions ana responsioie nrir-; c&s?
payments and strictly confidential; aiso
on personal property; rooming-houses a speo--s!ty.
2C5 Abington bldg.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, without mortgage (con
fidential). Month, fe-nionth. Week.
$50 Repay to us.... $13.33 or $6.05 or 1.35
$5 Repay to ua....$ a.ttt or $3.2i or $1.66
$15 Be pay to us,...$ 4.00 or $2.o0 or $l.ov
aio McKay Bldg., 102 lhird.
WE loan on Botes to employes of permanency
ana integrity; those wno can repay ana
whose intention are to do so can get our
money at a rate they can afford to pay.
We offer you businesslike treatment and
use businesslike methods only.
42S Monawk b log. Main 204 1.
just on your own name; uo otner security
necessary ; don' t borrow until you see m;
. my system U the best for railroad men,
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all
. other employes; business strictly confidential.
' F. A. Newton. 611 Kuchanan Bldg.
a:id others upon their own names wunout
security ; cheapest rate, easiest payments;
offices in 00 principal ciiit, sav yourself
moucy by getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bid.. lvii 3d el
WE have ready money' on hand to loan In
sums to suit on good residence property at
low Interest. PlKKOtt. Finch & liiKger. at
torneys at law, rooms 4, 6 and 6, Mulkey
bldg. Phones Mala Vl4t; jl 1240.
CASH on hand for purchase money, mortsraices,
bonds for deeds or contracts of sale oa real
estate, either country or city property, u. E.
Xobie, Commercial blk.. 2d and Wasnlngton.
LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo
tie: lowest rates; strici-y confidential. in
plo)t' Loan Co., room 7 Id. The Dekum, 3d
ana waan. aiain zz.
up on all kinoa of security, w. a. uatna
way, room lo. Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832.
Teal estate; charges reasonable. inquire
j. ti. Mid die ton, an unaniDir commerce
other securities; lowest rates, b. w . King,
room 40. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
MONEY lo ioan on improved city properly or
for building purpose. Columbia Life & Trust
Company, 214 Luiber Exchange bldg.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED To borrow $30OO on Weet Side
property at 6 per cent, for 3 years, a ou,
urt gonian.
WANTKD To borrow $50 for 6 months on
furniture. L 1 1 , Oregonian. .
Lost Late Wednesday afternoon, brown
l.ith.r handbae between Swetlands and 1st
and Alder or on Mount Tabor car. Bag
contains some change, railroad tickets and
personal cards belonging to owner, Miss
Ruth Cranston, rveturn to ureguniau ouice
$10 REWARD for return of small bull terrier
pup, male, aoout j momns oiu, an wnite,
lonsr tail and ears, answers to name ol
.Mack, no collar. Lost - from Willamette
Heights. R. B. Lainson, 340 32d st. N
Thone Main 14S:;.
LOST Lart evening, lady's long gold watch
chain with gold cross attached; lost between
yth and 10th on either Morrison or lamhiil,
Call office, the Ockley Hotel, loth and Mor
rison; reward.
$10 REWARD Stolen or strayed from E. 48th
and Taylor sts., June 18, a heavy white
horse; branded anchors; finder please notify
Andrew .Kan ft. Co.
FOUND Where h!r mattresses are renovated.
returned same day. 2Z Front. Main 474.
fort land Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger.
TARSOLE taken from Union Telegraph Of
fice; have description of party; return
and save trouble. 41M Montgomery st.
LOST Cocker spaniel, female, about 6
months old; collar, padlock and bells
return 254 12th st. Main 4703.
WILL party who found watch on 4th and
.uuiiieua d lb. otiiui utLjr infill ettii ui puuu
Gordon's Bakery, 145 3d st. ?
LOST A Waterman gold fountain pen in the
neighborhood of 6a and Washington. M. u,
unmn, tt stark. Kewarc.
call . rne on Main 1830? Important.
LOST Dumbell cuffbutton with small dia
mond. Reward for finder. Call 211 1st st.
LOST Watch fob, large gold initial C at
tached. Leave at Oregonian office; reward.
Proposals Invited.
SEALED bids for the building of the super
structure of the Administration Building
(size 80x238 ft. ; height, three-story ; mate
rials, stone, brick, and Are-proof construc
tion) for the University of Idaho, at Mos
cow, will be received until 2 P. M. August
2u, 1007, and will be opened at that time.
- Separate bids will also be received for the
following i tenia: 1st, brick masonry. 2d,
cut stone and terra cotta, 3d, reinforced
concrete fl re-proofing. 4th, structural steel.
5th, roofing, tile and sheet metal. 6th,
carpentry and superintendence. 7th, plumb
ing. Plans and specifications can be bad
at the university and at the office of J. B.
Tourtellotte & Co., at Boise. A deposit of
$15 will be required to insure their safe re
turn. All bidders must enclose a certified
check for 2 per cent of the amount bid, pay
able to Mrs. S. H. Hays, secretary, with
their bid. and send or hand their bid to Mrs.
S. H. Hays, secretary of ths board of
regents, Moscow, Idaho. All checks will be
returned to the bidders as soon as contract
is closed. The successful bidders must
sign contracts within 10 days and furnish
bond within 30 days after contract is award
ed or forfeit certified check. Contract con
tains clause required by the State Board of
Examiners to protect labor and material
claims and bond must be made by surety or
trust company. The building must be com
pleted by September 1, 1008. Financial abil
ity and experience will be considered In
awarding contract. Bidders must state their
Individual names and address in full. The
board reserves the right to reject any or all
MRS. S. H. HAYS,- Secretary.
Moscow, Idaho. July 17. 1007.
Sealed bids will be received and opened
August 12. 1007, by the Mother Provin
cial at St. Mary's Academy, Portland, Or.,
for the erection of a three-story brick ad
dition to St. Mary's Academy, The Dalles,
Or., and for alterations to the present
building. Each bidder will be required to
deposit a certified check made payable to
the Mother Provincial, in the amount ot
5 per cent of his bid, to insure his taking
the contract If awarded to him. The
owners reserve the right to reject any and
all bids. Responsible contractors may
have the drawings and specifications by
applying to C. J Crandall, architect. The
Dalles, Or.
V. 8. Engineer's Office, room 602 Burke
bldg., Seattle, Wash., Aug. 2. 1907.
Sealed proposals for dredging and bulk
headtng at Tacoma Harbor, Wash., will be
r?cived here until 12 M., September 2,
1007, and then publicly opened. Informa
tion furnished on application. H. M. Chit
tenden, Maj. Engrs.
U.' S. Engineer's Office. Honolulu. T. H.,
August 1, 1007. Sealed proposals for
dredging Honolulu Harbor will be re
ceived here until 12 M., September 9,
1907, and then publicly opened. Informa
tion furnished on application. C. W.
Otwell, Capt. Engrs.
Proposals Invited.
dleton. Umatilla County. Oregon, win, on
August 21, 1U07, sell negotiable bonds of
said city amounting to $135,000. Sealed pro
posals to purchase said bonds should be
filed with the City Recorder on or prior to
said date. Bids must be accompanied by
certified check for $2500, payable to the
Mayor of said city.
Acting City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the fatate
Land Board will receive sealed bids unt.l
2 o'clock P. M. on September 9, l'J07.
for the purchase of the following de
scribed Indemnity School Lands, towlt:
Clatsop County
N. W. 14 of S. E. W of section 21. T.
4 N R. 6 W.
S. W. ii of S. W. hi of section 1. N. W.
H of N. W. ii of section 12. T. 4 N.,
R. 7 W.
Lot 13 of section IS, lot 4 of section 22.
lots 1. 2. 0. 7. 10. 11, 14. 15. 16 of section
21. lot 1 of section 28. lots 6, 7, 10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15 of section 29, S. E. . of
S. E. H of section 80. T. 4 N., R. 8 W.
Crook County
8. M of S. ti of section 20. T. IS S.. R.
Ail of section 28. T. 19 S.. R. 11 E.
S. E. 4 of N. W. W of soctton 3, T.
22 S.. R. 10 E.
Grant County
N. E. 'A of S E. M of section 23, N.
E. hi of N. E. hi.. N. hi of 8. E. hi. S. E.
H of S. E. hi of section 27, T. 8 S., R.
26 E.
W. hi of S. E. hi of section 27. T. 8
S. E. hi of N. E. hi of section 3, N. W.
4 of S. W. 1 of section 27, T. OS,
R. 26 E.
S. W. hi of S. E. hi. B. E. VI ot S. W.
hi of section 21, N. E. hi of N. W. V4. N.
W. of N. E. hi of section 28. T. 9 S.,
S. W. hi of N. E. Vt of section 18. T.
11 S.. R. 26 E.
N. E. H of S. W. hi of section 3, lot
4 of section 4, lot 1 of section S. T. 14 b..
R. 29 E.
Jackson County
S. K. hi of S. W. hi of section 26, N. E.
hi of X. W. H . N. Vt of N. E. hi of sec
tion 4. T. 37 8., R. 1 E.
N. E. hi of section 2. N. W. hi of N. W.
4. 6. E. hi of N. W. 14. N. W. hi of S.
E. hi. N. E. hi of S. W. hi. S. E. hi of
6. E. hi of section 12. T. 88 S., R. 1 K.
All of section 34. T. 40 S.. R. 1 E.
Klamath County
N. W. hi of B. E. hi. B. E. 14 of N. W.
14. lot S of section 5, T. 38 S., R. 714 E.
S. W. 14 of 8. E. U ot section 25, 8.
E. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 26. N. hi of
N. E. 14 of section 35, T. 3" S.. R. 9 E.
N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 1. N.
hi of N. E. 14 of section 12, T. 38 6..
W. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 22. N. E.
14 of N. W. 14 of section 28. N. W. 14 of
section 27, N. E. 14 of N. E. 14 of sec
tion 80, T. 37 S., R. 10 E.
N. W. 14 of N. E. 1 of section 1. N.
14 of N. E. 14 of section 12. T. 38 S..
N. E. 14 of N. E. 14 ot section 13,
8. E. . 4 of N. E. 14 of section 27, 8. W.
Vt of N. W. 14. N. hi of b. W. 14. W. W
of 8. E. 14 of section 84. T. 38 8., R. IS E.
Lot 1 of section 18. T. 3S 8., R. 14 E.
S. E. 14 of S. E. Vi of section 89, T. 39 S.,
R. 11 14 E.
S. E. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 25, T.
39 8.. R. 11 E.
Lot 1 of section 2, T. 40 S;, R. 11 E.
S. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 5. N. W. 14
of N. E. 14 of section 26, T. 40 S.. R. 13 E.
Lane County
S. W. 14 of N. E. Vi of section 30, T.
17 6., R. 9 W.
Lincoln County
S. E. Vi of 8. W. 14 of section 27. T.
11 S., R. 10 W.
Marlon County
E. 14 of N. W. Vt. E. Vi of B. E. 14
of section 12, N. E. V4 of section 82, T.
sl' Vi of section 24. T. 8 S . R. 8 E.
Miiltnnmnli Pniintv
N. E. V4 of section 21. T. 1 N... R. E.
Rh.rmnn Countv
Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. N. Vi of N. E. 14 of
section 2, T. 1 N., K. is u.
E. Vi of S. E. Vi of section 17, T. 4 6.,
R- 1 E.
S. W. 14 of S. W. Vt of section 32, T.
4 8.. R. 18 E.
Tillamook County
S. W. 14 of N. E. Vt. lot 2. 8. W. Vt
of N. W. 14. lot 4 ot section 3, 8. E. It
of N. E. VI. lot 1 of section 4. 8. E. It
of N. E. 14, lot 1 of section 0, E. Vi of
E. Mt of section T, S. W. Vt of section 13.
N. IV. Vt of N. E. Vi of section 17, N. E.
It of section xi, r. w. Yi ot w. t.
S. Vi ot N. W. It of section 22. T. 2 N.
Lots 3 and 4 of section 3, T. 3 N.. R.
8 W.
Lots 8 and 4 of section 19, T. 4 8
R. 10 W.
K u. ..r s R U of section 21. S. Vi
;if section 22, S. Vi and S. Vi of N. Vi
nr Li-ilnn 2a. H TV. 14 of section 24. E.
Vi. S. E. Vt of N. W. 14. N. E. Vt of
8? VV. vt of section 25, N. Vi of N. Vi of
...n a xl of N. 14 of section 27.
S. Vi of S. E. Vt of section 32. N. Vi of
. -. ., . , o T r- C- 1 "J I.'
s. v . oi section oa. i. o., .
S. W. Vi of section 29. S. Vt of N. Vi
and S. Vi of section 3o. 8. XV. 14 of S.
W. It of section &2, l. o a., rs.. oo ju.
W. Vi of S. E. Vt. lots S and 4 ot seo
Hon 1. T. 6 S.. R. 35 E.
C V XL nf ..etlnn 1. T A S.. R. 35V, E.
N. Vi of section 12, T. 6 S., R. 85 Vi E.
XVar.rt Pnnnfv.
Lots 5 and 6. 8. W. 14 of S. E. Vt of
section 2, 1. 1 N.. K. i t&-
tATho.lur County
N. Vi of S. B. Vi of section 22, N. W.
u f kt w l. N 14 of S. W. 14. N. E.
Vi of S. E. 14 of section 23. W. Vi of N.
W. H. N. W. hi of S. W. Vt. N. E. VI of
N. XV. hi of section 24. 8. K. Vt of N. E.
It ot section 2S. T. 6 8., R. 22 E.
Lot 4 of section 31. T. 8 8., R. 23 E.
Lot 1 of section 1, l. w a.. "
N. Vi of N. W. V of section 9, T. 9
Zt Or W
'e. Vt ' of 8. W. 14 of section 32, T. 9
S,S.IW."'4 of N. XV.. hi of section 29, T.
10Lo'ts 2' and S. E. Vt of N. W. VI. N.
E Vi of S. XV. hi of section 4. I. E.
Vi ot N. XV. hi of section 9, T. 10 S.,
B'n?"'eB'vI of N. E. Vt of section 33. T.
XI S R 21 E
8 "xf." hi of S. W. Vt of section 8 N.
W. VI of N. W. Vt of section 8, T. 11 B..
B'N5 W. 14 of 8. W. 14 ot section 4. T.
12 S.. R. 24 E. , ,
All bids must be accompanied by a reg
ular application to purchase in accord
ance with the law for the sale of school
lands and by cash or check for at leaat
one-fifth of the price ottered.
No bid for less than 85.00 per acre will
be considered.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
"Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to fi. O. Brown. Clerk State Land
Board. Salem. Oregon,' and marked "Ap
plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity
School Lands." O. G. BROWN Clerk
State Land Board. Dated this 8th day
of June,, 1907. .
IN the United States District Court for the
District of Oregon. In the matter of F. G.
Donaldson, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby
given that the property belonging to the
estate of said bankrupt, which is in pos
session of the trustee, consisting of furni
ture, fixtures, carpets, safe, caah register,
bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, cooking
utensils typewriter, billiard table, and" all
' other personal property now In the Hotel
Revere, Albany, Or., will be sold at private
sale by the trustee, L. L. Swan, at his
office at Albany, Or., at 10 o'clock A. M.
Thursday, August 8, -1907, the same to be
sold to ths highest bidder In cash upon
sealed bids, which must be deposited with
the trustee on or before the said time set for
the sale. A certified check equal to lo per
cent of the amount must accompany the
bid or It will not b. regarded. Bids will
be opened simultaneously In the presence of
bidders. Inventory may be seen in the
office of L. L. Swan at Albany, Or.
L. L. SWAN, Trustee,
Dated this 26th day of July. 1907.
NOTICE is hereby given that any and all
persons having any claims against the Ger
man ship Arthur Fltger are requested to pre
sent said claims for psyment at No. 44-45.
gtarr-Boyd bldg.. Seattle, Wash., on or be
fore the 10th day of August, 1907. Notice
Is also given that said ship will not be
responsible from this date for any bills that
may be Incurred by its owners, agents,
master, officers or crew.
Agent of ship Arthur Fllger.
GEO. T. MUETON. 818 Chamber Commerce.
Phone Main 3681. General accounting and
auditing business.
H. J. HEFTY, architect Office, Lumber
Exchange bldg.. room 423.
Assay era and Analysts.
Well. Proe betel, mining engineers, metal
lurgists and aesaysrs. 20414 Washington.
MONTANA Assay Office. 186 Morrison st.
Best facilities. Prices reawmabl.
PAUL BAT MEL. aasayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st,
Atty.-at-Iaw, Proctor in Admiralty and
Adjuster of Marine Losses and Claim.
US Abington Bldg.
Carpenter and Bulldera.
W. I. Buckner. office, store fixture., genera
jobbing, contracting: 3-':u Stark. Main 681.
Chiropody and Manicuring
WM. DBVENY and Estell. Devenrth. only
Klentiflc chiropodists parlors 203 Pre
building. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 133.
Coramtfision Merchant.,
HERMAN METZGER. purchaser ot hldea,
pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAILOR. YOC.NO A CO.. ship brokers, com
muKlon merchants, Sherlock bldg.. Portland.
D. C. HUKNS CO.. grocers and commission
merchant. 210 3d at.
Cleaning and Dyeing.
FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled
dyed. M. 2375. Work called tor and dellv'd.
DANCING lessons. 25c during Summer montns;
school open all year; social, fancy and stags
dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing
School, Aliskv bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis.
Tenth and Morrison.
Open all the year. Private or class in
struction. PoHtton certain when compe
tent. AH modern methol. of bookkeep.
lng taught; also correspondence. rapid
calculations, office nurki Chartier .hurt
hand; easy, rapid. U-g Ible. Catalogue free.
Horses, ana Baddies.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddl.
and harness ml is.. 80-8S 1st. Main 211.
Junk, Hide, and Pelts.
L. SHANK at CO., purchasers ot hides, pelts.
wooi, iurs, taiiow, oia ruooent, uietai. ana
sack. 312 Front at.
Leather and Findings.
tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. ibtt Front su
CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. Front and Oale
sts. Leather and skin, of every jescriptloa
for all purpoM.; .ol. and tap cutter.' find
ings. Machinery.
B. TRENKMAN CO.. mining, sawmill log
ging macninery, nyarauuc pipes, castings, in
lnus, repaired. 104 N. 4th .t.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washingtoa stak.
Phone, office. Main 340.
Residence, Main 15t3.
Residence, East 1028.
Moines. la. Th. standard osteopathlo col
lege of America. We hav. more calls for
our graduates than we can aupply. Term
begins September 16. Catalog V.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore
gon, graauate mrkvuie, mo. sow unrniu
bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2758.
Faints, Oils and OlaM.
RASMTJSSEN ft -CO., Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent lAwyera.
R. .C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign paunt
infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
Real Estate.
Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce,
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar clMck
eta. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407.
P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder St. Rubber
stamps. eals. stencils, checks, brass signs.
DIPBOLD manganese sates largs line, car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furnlturs. Honest price, and goods. Both
phones. J. B. Davis. 06 84.
Showcases, Bank and Btor. Fixtures.
R. H. B1RDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 553a
THE Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and
Hoyt. Phon. Main 140S.
Blgn l'ulnting.
SIGNS ("That Attract. )
Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pao. lBta.
Greatest living clairvoyant.
Readings on all affairs of life.
Satiwfectlon guaranteed.
No questions asked.
Call today. Don't delay.
352Vi Washington. Phone Main 126T.
MARION CORBLLI, sconetifle palmist ani
trance medium; satisfaction guaranteed.
228Vi Washington St.
Mrs Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all
affairs of lite. 350 Vt Morrison st. Room 72.
Storage and Transfer.
First-class brick warehouse, prompt atten-
..lAm l.nn.f.ri..' nur ,1m t f
lion to ail (V 1 1 -. ........ . ... , VH.
please. Phone Main 647; A 2247. Evenings,
Pacific 1061.
C. O. PICK, offlcs 83 1st., bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone Dim. fiance ana lurnnur. mut.u mi,
packed for shipment; commodious brlcg
warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
THE Oliver Typewriter Agency, room 43,
Raleigh building, is now ready for busi
ness. If you are looking for the best type
writer on the market, look at the No. f
Cliver and you can decide at once.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re
paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phon. 140T.
MRS. SOPHIA SE1P, public circle 8 o'clook
tonight, 3U2 Allsky bldg. Readlnge dally.
W. M. Ladd. C. B- Ladd J. W. Ladd,
Established 1859
Transact a General Banking Bu.lness.
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits
Interest Paid on Tim. Deposits.
R. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE XV. HOYT Assistant Cashier
a C. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit issued, svail
able in all parts of the "World.
Collections a specialty.
Portland. Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 1.000,000.0ft, '
Deposits $14,000,000.00.'
Oldest National Bank on th. Pacifle CoaaC
A. L. MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F- STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier
The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon.
- General Banking
2 per cent Interest on check account,
(even hundreds) on dally balances of S500
or over. - Letters of credit and exchange on
all parts of the world. Savlags accounts 3
per cent. Time certificates B to 4 per cent;
short-call special certificates, - $500 or over;
2Vi to 4 per cent.
Call for Book of Illustrations."'
Phone Private Exchange 72.
S E. Corner Third and Oak Streets.
BENJ. I. COHEN... President
H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTR A Assistant Secretary
(Established in 18C4.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. . W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000,000
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$10, 153.873
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit Issued, available In all
parts of th. world. Interest paid on tlm.
Acoounts opened for sums ot $10 and up
ward. '
WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHAELL. ...Assistant Manager