Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Leaving1 Portland
Bhasta Express
Cottage Grove Passenger. . .
California Express
San Francisco Express. . . . .
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passertsrer. . . .
Forest Grove Passenger. . . .
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Cottage Grove Passenger....
Shasta Express
Portland Express
Went Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger. . . .
Forest Grove Passenger
8:15 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
7 :43 d. m.
11:30 p. m.
T:00 a, m.
4:10 p. m.
1 1 ;O0 a. m.
0:20 p. m.
7:25 a. m,
11 :3n a. m.
7:30 p. m.
11:30 p. m.
5:55 p. m.
10:20 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
2:50 p. m.
Leaving; Portland
Taeoma and 6eattle Express....
North Coast A Chicago Limited..
Poget Round Limited
Overland Express
Arrlvina; Portland
North Coast Limited
Portland Express
Overland Express
Puget Sound Limited
8:30 a.m.
2:00 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
11:45 p. xru
7:00 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
: ft : 1 5 p. m.
10:55 p. m.
I savins Portland
Local Passenger -
Chicago-Portland Special
Spokane Flyer
Kansas City Chicago Expraaa.
Arriving Portland
Bp ok an e Flyer
Chi Kan. City A Portland Ex..
Chicago-Portland Special
Local Passenger
8:00 a. m.
8:30 a. zn.
7:00 p. m,
7:40 p. m,
8:00 a. m.
0:45 a. m.
8:20 p. m.
5:45 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Astoria. & 6easid Express 8:00 a.m.
Astoria & Seasldo Express 6:00p.m.
SaHde Special 8:10 p.m.
Arriving Portland
Astoria Portland Passenger. .. 12:10 p. m.
Portland Express 10:00 p. m.
Dally except Sunday.
Saturday only.
AU other trains daily.
Northwest corner, on S3d street, just a
block from Hawthorne ave.: prettiest site
In this pretty tract for a home. Price 9O0.
Tnslda lot Lot 15. block 2, on 33d street;
$700; $100 down, $10 a month.
Quarter block, on Stephens and 32d st.
Northeast corner 33d and Stephens. $S00.
These are all choice buys In a restricted
district, borderlnn on Hawthorne ave., with
water, leas, electricity and sidewalks all in
and paid for.
The triangular block bounded by Hose
City Boulevard, Coleman ave. and Stanton
t., comprising nearly 4 lnts, is for sale
at $200. No finer home site In the whole
tract. ,
K. W. corner The Alameda and Kenton
ave. has beautiful view; Improvements In
and paid for: $lf00.
Choice corner on Stanton at., 150 feet from
carllne, 650.
Chamber of Commerce.
And Buy a Lot For
Railroad Addition, Montavilla
Graded Streets, 5c Carfare
Easy Terms
$10 Down, $5 Per Month
Lambert-Wliitmer Co.
Real Estate Department.
107 Sherlock bids. Cor. Third and Oak fits.
11. P. and 0. R. & 1 11
On Peninsula
JFronting . Columbia boulevard and
deep ,W8ter; one acre up, to suit.
Pacific Coast Realty Co.
Rooms 307-303 Buchanan Building.
About Six Thousand
Yards Earth
to be delivered on Mississippi avenue
and Monroe streets, Albina. Inquire
Western Oregon Trust Company, 291
jStaxk street.
Quarter block; Portland Heights
Good location. Unobstructed
view. J 81, Oregonian
Will buy a well - finished 9 - room.
modern rouse, 2 blocks from U enr in
Piedmont. Terms, 1000 cash, balance
6 per cent.
133 First Street,
Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates
Real Estate and Insurance
XOl to 203 McKay Bids.. 84 and Stark.
50x100, 17th t., near Overton,
3d floor, Hamilton Bids.
LEAVlNGr TOWN Will sell lots P and 10,
25x100, block A; one block from choolhoue.
1 block from carline. Inquire of owner, John
Mlkac, 54 North 1st st.
W0 have iomi fine lots on East Side close
In from $400 up. All are fine Investments.
J. M. Cameron Realty Co., 412 Com. bldg.
EIGHT-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100. near East
E!de High School, for sale by owner. Call
105 North 11th st. or phone Main 2990.
OWNER, $$260; modern five-room cot tape;
close In, nsax William ave.; terms. 305
Ivy st.
Sites on
$700 Old cottage, lot 25x50, on Hood St.,
South Portland. West Side.
$1100 A neat tittle home, completely fur
niehed; lot 25x100, at 789 E. 10th
. et. X.
$1250 On East 4ftth, near Belmont.
$H00 In Fell wood. 581 Tacoma ave.; lot
50x100; streets Improved.
$1450 Comer. E. loth and ' Skidmore;
street Improved-: lot 50x100.
$1500 New. modern; tinted wells, gas fix
tures in; lot 60x100, at 837 E. 0th st.
$1.V0 Modern, two lots, at Arleta Station.
$16o0 New, modern, very attractive; cor
ner of Borthwick and Presvott st.
$26j0 Mod-era. four-room. 100x100 corner;
fruit treea and shrubbery galore; on
E. 7th st. N.
Terms; A small payment down, balance
eam as rent. Get key at office.
STATB LAND CO. 1MH First st.
WE have on our lint some choice bargains
In lots and cottages. See partial list.
Good 6-room modern cottage, near carline.
$1200; good 5-room cottage, modern. 2
blocks from carline. 2 lots, $1600; one 4
room house, 4 blocks from carline, good
street, one lot, $750; 5-room cottage. 3
lots, 6 blocks from carline, nice home,
fruit trees, chicken-house, etc., $1600; lots
from $200 up. Call and see us. Take
Mt. Scott car and get off at Millard ave.
Inquire for Chambers A Farnsworth, office
right where you step off the car.
Three very choice lots on Willamette
River, 50x250 each, wKh good public road
on one end and riverf rontage on the other.
Choice building site on each lot. Nine
"blocks from streetcar line, with good side
walk direct to lots: price $2500.
245 Vs Stark St.
$ 800 Beautiful lot on improved- street, lO
minutes to city; lsrge fir tree In
front yard; easy terms.
$4000 Swell new house; 8 rooms; corner
lot; furnace; you make th terms.
V. PAGE HARRIS, Healey Bldg.,
Grand. Ave. and E. Morrison St.
A REAL, bargain; owner leaving -city, and
will sell for much less than actual vaiue.
corner lot, 75x100, and new modern 9-room
house. In the best part of Irvington, sur
rounded bv choice homes and desirable in
every particular. W-. O. Waddel, 817 Lum
ber Exchange.
$1800 6-room cottage, modern, on West
Side; fine lot. with barn; in walking dis
tance block from carline; lota of fioweis;
can be bought on good terms. This Is a
splendid buy. J. M. Cameron Realty Co.,
412 Commercial bldg.
Joining on the east beautiful corner, lOOx
10O: sightly; $425.
Peninsula 2 fine lots this week only, both
$225; cheap home cites.
204 Mohawk bldg.
FOR SALE A bargain. Piedmont home;
price, $4000; $2500 cash; two lots, JOOxtOO;
7-room house, all modern improvements;
lft fruit trees and many rare roses; barn
10x24 and chicken-house and park. L. H.
Pinkham, 1200 Mallory ave.
HERE Is a snap; $3000; six-room house,
modern, full basement, best of plumbing,
gas. wood fiber plaster, walls tinted. This
includes furniture, all new and good.
House built one year ago, 743 Clinton st.
GOING East, offers new 14x4 unfinished 2
room house, with large porch and of good
material, lot 40x100, alley, wood-house, now
$.175; if plastered. $500. See Thomason, 223
Chamber of Commerce.
$500 BCYS 2-room houfe and two lots. 40
chickens, etc.. on Mt. Scott carline. Stand
ard Investment Co., 25 Fifth st.
NEW, artiwtic 7-room residence, Just finished,
beautifully arranged, complete in every de
tail, desirable location. Holladay Park Ad
dition, near Broadway carline. Owner, G
46. Oregonian.
(,;KO0 West Side home, for a few days, a 5
room cottage, modern and in fine shape,
with gas and electric light; nearly full lot,
facing east; terms. Hageman A Blanchard,
91 6th.
MODERN seven-room house and five lots. 50x
100; all In fine shape; one block from
carllne; $2650; on terms. This is a good
bargain. J. M. Cameron. Realty Co., 412
Com. bldg.
222 Falling bio 8
Main 6661. A 2653.
A SIGHTLY residence lot, 60x100; Bull Run
water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for
and less than two blocks from carllne;
on!v 16 minutes from heart of city: $450;
terms. Columbia Trust Co.. Couch bldg.
MODERN 6-room house on Halght ave., be
tween Mason and Skidmore sts., near Wil
liams ave., in Upper Albina. Inquire
892 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1165.
Price $2400.
FINE 7-room house, built for home, but owner
must sell before moving in; basement, gas,
electricity, near Hawthorne ave.; only $3800
with good terms. M. C. Davis, 131 3d at.
Main 4610.
$1500 Small payment down, balance $15
per month, buys a 6-room house; good
lawn, fruit and nut trees, gas; all assess
ments paid. Owner, Phone Woodlawn
IF you want a good 50x100 lot at a bargain,
see me at once ; 17 minutes' ride ; good
school and sidewalks; price $350; $200 cash.
Phone Main 2526, or S 90, Oregonian.
A BEAUTY 6 rooms, reception hall, fiber,
tinted walls, latest styie sweep roof, large
porch, oak finish, nice lot; only $1150. See
Thomason, 223 Chamber of Commerce.
BEAUTIFUL sightly lot 50x100. in choice
neighborhood, with cement walks, for only
$50 down and $10 monthly. Price $500. M.
C. Davis. 131 3d St. MaJn 4H10.
6-ROOM cottage, 11 lots; 6-minute car eery ice;
coming part of city; good home or Invest
ment. Am owner. No agents. Price $3500.
K 87, Oregonian.
$13.000 Whole block, close in; income $80
month on part of ground; balance -block
good for manufacturing; terms. Owner, . K
80, Oregonian.
A SNAP Two 5-room houses on 61st and
East Everett; ona Just completed, corner
lot, price $2200. See owner, 1446 East
Everett. Telephone Tabor 821.
BEAUTIFUL block in Holladay's Addi
tion; two houses that will bring $50 per
month; occupied by owner. Home Tel. C
1330. 75 East 3d St., North.
6-ROOM house. 2 corner lot 100x100, garden,
fruit trees, berries, lawn, flowers, basement,
e!ectric lights, place for chickens; price
$1800. Sell wood 688 Multnomah ave.
$3300 Beautiful new stx-room house; fur
nace, laundry, gas, electricity, bath, fire
place; $800 cash, $25 monthly. 889!4 E.
Main. Dr. Darling. .
$500 FOR a business lot on Dawson St., owner
sick and in hospital and miurt have money
In a few days. Hagemann & Blanchard, 91
6th at.
QUARTER BLOCK in walking dfstance, on
East Side, for only $1500. Best bargain in
city. M. C. Davie, 131 3d st. Main 4610.
THANK you. If you have any . kind of
property you wish, to- sell, list it with us.
Lard & O'Connor, 23 Lafayette bldg.
home, brings 9 per cent for investment.
Apply 315 Cherry; phone East 1396.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Choice acreage, beau
tiful honte site, magnificent view mountains,
rivers, valleys, reasonable. . E 5043.
4000 An exceptional real estate opportunity
' is la good for 5o per cent profit within a
year. The Span ton (JO.. Ziu stark at.
SIX-ROOM modern and new house, West
Side; fractional lot; $8600; $750 down, baL
$25 month. 8 46, oregonian.
IRVINGTON New, modern 6-room houee,
N. E. cor. 23d and Thompson. For particu
lars apply 76 1st st., cor. Oak.
WE will build any style housa you like, from
$1500 to $2500; pay us by the month. The
Spanton Co., Z.o star st.
RiY.ROOM modern and new bmuw. Weit Bide:
fractional lot; $3600; $760 down, baL $26
montn. a o, uregoniu.
SMALL house, lot 60x110; 14 fruit trees; near
Mount Scott car; $600; owner. Fhona after
6 P. M., Tabor 228.
SMALL tract Hood River apple land In
best section of the Valley 'for sale cheap.
Telephone Main 862. v
NEW 6-room cottaire. lot 66 2-3x100. alley:
close In. Price and locality cannot be beat.
M 7ft, Oregonian.
$1600 Corner lot (Holladay Park); cement
siaewaika; improvea street. i o, uregonian.
sell your business property or residence.
75x100 ON carline. facing East Morrison, near
West ave., only $tioo. F none Main 1021.
A BARGAIN Rooming-house 20 rooms. In
quire 353H Yamhill at.; owner.
CHOTCB lots and half acres. Improved; bar
gains. 607 Buchanan bldg.
THREE acres one Mock from Oregon City
carllne; new house. 24 acres in cultiva
tion. Vs acre good timber; price $1800;
$1200 down, balance in 3 years at 6 pr
cent; would trade for house and lot on
6-cent carllne.
245H Stark St.
FOR SALiE 7-room house on Broadway; mod
ern; $3800; term.
New 8room house on Broadway; modern;
a bargain: $5500; terms.
New 5-room cottage on East Side: lot P2x
233: $2800; terms. Chapln & Herlow, 332
Chamber of Commerce.
NEW six-room modern house; best in Fir
land; at $200 less than cost. Cor. Ftrland
ave. and lewls st.
LARGE, new, modern bungalow, corner, lsnte
5-room cottae; easy montmy payments.
Phone East 675.
WANTED 5 or -room modern cottage; no
fancy price; owner only. C 80, Orego
nian. $2200 8-rooms, partly furnished; barn, gar
den, fruit, roses; $000 casn. fnone .aai
HAD ynu heard of Harney Valley? Ask G. E.
w ailing.
Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg.
800 acres. Eastern Oregon, 330 acres
now In wheat, 150 Summer fallow, about
60 acres rye and other cereals; over
600 acres can be farmed, balance pasture;
all under fence; orchard 90 trees, 12-foot
header, household furniture, farmhouse
and Implements, outhouses, etc., with
crop (wheat will aveimge 25 bushels to
acre), at $18 r" Acre. Terms, part cash,
part Income Portland property, balanca
on time. Owner too old to work.
NO. 2.
Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County,
700 acres in all; 100 acres good wheat
land, 250 to 300 acrea under irrigation,
250 acres In alfalfa ; 8 big Irrigation
ditches, all free perpetual water rights;
ample water for all purposes; good 10
room house, 2 large new barns, ample
outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bear
ing orchard, feeding plant, fuHy equipped
for feeding, 400 head of cattle; cut 700
to 800 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can
double output in two or three years;
townslte platted on ranch, with railroad
store and postoffice already located; price
$21,500, half cash, balance 6 per cent
NO. 4.
807-acre dairy farm, $22.50 per acre;
Lane County, Or.; half mile from railroad:
300 acres under cultivation; 150 acres good
timber; 8 pastures, creek through each;
fine farmhouse, piped hot and cold water;
large barn, granaries and outbuildings;
NO. 5.
800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares;
Marrow County, Oregon; 10 miles' haul
downhill to shipping point; a responsible
rancher can get good liberal terms.
no. a
120 acres, $150 an acre; 1 miles below
Llnnton, Or.; street privileges to water
front; you had better look this up; some
thing doing down there,
NO. 7.
240 acres, $16 per acre; Lane County,
near railroad; all clear and in cultivation;
good 6-room house, 2-acre orchard; creek
through, farm; terms.
NO. 8.
240-acra fruit ranch, $4000; 18 miles
from Vancouver, 8 miles to railroad;
Clark County; 80 acres under cultivation;
2-acre prune orchard; good house, 2
barns, prune dryer, farm implements, 6
head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks,
perpetual spring; water and terms.
NO, 9.
83- acres, Portland suburb on Peninsula,
factory district, north of Columbia Boule
vard, fronting on deep water and S. P.
Railroad; sell in acreage to ault; liberal
NO. 10.
8 ' acres, including 3-story brick, cold
storage and slaughtering plant, on Penin
sula, in factory district; switching privi
leges from N. P. or a P. R. R. can ba
leased on very liberal terms.
Do you know Heidelberg is in Portland T
Rooms 307-308 Buchanan Bldg.
120 acres, all flrst-clas soil; 67 acres high
state of cultivation; some fine garden land;
good large farm house, 2 good barns, wood
house, granary, chicken-house, storehouse,
rooihouse, family orchard, errie. nice yard
with large variety of flowers; 3000 cords of
good wood on the land; watered by springs,
stream and walls. This farm is well adapted
to dairying, orchard, berries, truck farming
or hops; a good Investment, as it lies well
to subdivide and convenient to electric car
line; only 8 miles out from Portland and no
mountains to cross; It is well worth the
money now -asked for it.
217 Abington bldg.
Twenty acres of land less about 4 acre;
15 acres in cultivation, 14 acres in trees,
mostly prunes, about 30 apple trees, 8 pear
trees, 2 peach plums, some cherries; a brush
pasture about 3 acres, 2 acres second growth
timber; a two-story 8-room house, plastered;
two cisterns, city water, water pipes in
house; about 1 miles from business part
of Vancouver City, Clark, County, Washing
ton. A prune dryer, barn and other build
ings. On west end of Forth Plane road, near
Government water works. Apply to owner
on the place, Joseph Enterklne, R. F. D. 2.
J OR SALE A fine fruit farm, three miles
East of Vancouver, wasti.; iw prune trees,
225 peach trees and 100 pear and cherry
trees; well cultivated and healthy; an ideal
country home, on the Columbia, overlooking
Portland: good buildings, telephone and
rural mall delivery; terms. Apply at room
801, The Dekum.
FOR SALE OR RENT Attention nurserymen
and farmers, 320 acres, an in cultivation,
deep soli, fine Improvements, convenient to
rail and navigation. This farm is especially
adapted for nursery business. Inquire of
owner, George O'Brien, 490 North Capital
St., Salem, Or.
40 ACRES, house, good barn, spring water
and creek, plenty iruit, cnerries, Bartiett
pears, apples, prunes, different varieties;
one hour by train from Portland; good tim
ber; fine for poultry ranch; terms $2000
cash. Address Box 18, Route 4, Sherwood,
BE you Oregonian or Easterner, do not wait.
but get a nomestean in riarney vauey; in
vestigate today. Particulars free. G. E.
Walling, 248 Stark st.
CRANBERRY land will make you rich; small
tracts, easy terms, sure pronto; or, join our
pool for ten acres. , Investigate. 607 Bu
chanan bldg.
110 ACRES of land for sale near Mayger;
price $1000; a reasonable bargain. Ad
dress A. J. Smith; Mayger. Or.
FIVE acres onion land, best in Oregon; low
price, easy terms. 607 Buchanan bldg.
200 ACRES for rent. 7 miles from Portland,
on Rood road, with running water; will
lease for term of years to responsible
party. W 7b. Oregonian.
I WILL be in sortlapd August 15. I want
a modern 6 or 7-room house; I will pay
cadi. Please send me full description
And nrlce. so I can investigate as soon
as I get to Portland. George Davis, 160
Hanover ave., uaaiana, ai.
WANT to purchase good residence lot and have
house built. Will pay for same In lumber
and monthly payments alter no use is com
pleted. 'Sawmill,' 433 Market st.
WANTED, for spot cash, from owners; mod-.
ern small nome. near u, u or w.-l cars,
for not over $2500. Give particulars to A 88,
WANT to buy. on easy terms, vacant or Im
proved lot south of Morrison and east of
bixtn at.; state paruouiars. a. ,u. ore
gonian. BUSINESS or prospective business property
with some income, not over $30,ooo. Give
full particulars. Address M 87, Orego
nian. . .
I WANT to buy a home .In Holladay, or
would ouy lot ana ouua. . wve run name
-ulars at once. Address M . 78, Oregonian.
WANT to buy a house on the Union ave. or
William ave. carline or. between. Owners
only need apply. H 79, Oregonian.
WANTED Good investment in close-in
property that gsooo or $10,000 will nan
die. F 89, Oregonian.
WANT to buy a house or lot anywhere In the
city limits from owners only. K 76, Ore-
I WANT a b&rgain m a full-slxe residence
lot; not over 20 minutes out, H. Atles, 270
Stark st.
WANTED Small house, close In, must be a
bargain. Full particulars, T SB, Oregonian.
PARTY wants to buy city Iota. Owners only
neea repiy. box ioi, ciiy.
WANTED To buy from owners, timber lands
In Iflrt a nr 1 rj-t kj vR irtri-m i r
Is recognized to be the standard way of
handling timber lands. The timber must
first satisfy us, and cur crUlaV reveals
evsry detail of the conditions surrounding
It. Our reports ars prepared In such a
way that the buyer lmowa whether or not
the timber will satisfy him befar he visits
the tract.
Twenty years' experience and the client
age we represent, is a sufficient guarantee
that our methods are right. You may
wssSte your valuable time in looking up the
tract you want Take advantage of the
results of our own constant efforts along
this line and get the best.
Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash.
Chsmber of Commerce. PortlanTl. Or.
We have several tracts of timber lands
which are for sale. We have detailed esti
mates by forties, making it very easy to
determine whether or not the timber is
there, and will pay all expenses of cruise
if not as represented.
401-2-3 Buchanan Bide
TWELVE claims In Clatsop County, elose to
gether; eaca cruises 4.uoo,uoo ana over; nr,
spruce, cedar and hemlock. Will give option
if buyer means business. 301 Swetland
TIE TIMBER 9.000.000 feet, near railroad
and Portland; cheap of tajten this month.
Also good timber location. Call 402 Mo
hawk. CAN locate about 20 people on good timber.
Southern Pacific land grant; don t delay.
320 Chamber of Commerce.
TIMBER wanted, Oregon or Washington, large
or small tracts, bpntnx Agency, dooa stark.
OREGON TIMBER CO.. timber lands bought
and sold. 403-4 McKay bid.
I WILL take one or two lots as' part pay
on an eiegant new o-rooro cottage, luast zcx
St.; remainder like rent; see owner. 107 Vi
Third st.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Atns-
worth Smith. 109 Sherlock bldg.
ALL kinds. Including approved forest reserve
scrip, for survey ea, unsurveyea timber and
prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton,
The Portland. Portland, Or.
Old established, with or without saloon;
furnished; newly remodeled; $35; also 7
room house and orchard. $10, and 4 flats.
18 rooms. $25;. all on West Side. C. H.
Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4. . 5 and 6, Mul
ey bldg.
By driving around to the Behnke
Walker Business College you can secure a
$2 horse cover for 60 cents, provided you
agree to uso same.
New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons.
1U0 secona-naia venicies; single, aouois
furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom
Union A Casslday. 211 Wash, Pacific 607.
ONE well-bred buggy and riding mare;
also one 1400-pound draft horse, sound.
Call evenings after 6, 272 Hooker st.
COVERED express wogon, excellent condi
tion, taken unaer mortgage, lor saia very
cheap. 5 Washington bldg.
ROSE CITT STABLE-SBoarding specialty;
$18 per month; stalls for rent. 44 Flan
ders. Main 7506.
FOR SALE 2 driving horses, double or sin
gle; j large norse ; l express norse. 40
HUBERT A HALL, 266 4th it. dealers In
norses and vehicles ; horses and vehicles
for rent.
rainproof cover. Phone East 1560.
WANTED To hire heavy team, wagon and
names. Address x 87, uregonian.
FRESH cows, $36 and up. E. Z. Bros., Lents,
o blocks south or car station. .
GOOD team for
ale; bargain. D 73, Ore-
go n lan.
ON Saturday, August 8, at Newberg, Or., I
will sell to the highest bidder my entire
h?rd of 40 to 50 full-blooded cows and
heifers, most of them fresh or will be be
fore Winter These are choice bred and
number 1 family or dairy cows. Also, some
blooded horses. Captain Jones colts, etc
Jesse Edwards.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender,
49 3d st.
FIVE-PASSENGER Olds touring car for sale,
0OO; owner going away, car in good shape,
will trade for real estate. Inquire room 216,
Chamber of Commerce. Phone East 2655.
FOR SALE Nicely funished 4-room house
boat, also store-room and dark-room, &'...
able for Summer house. Call before 6un
riay, east end Madison bridge or call up
East 6214. H. G. Hamilton.
"WILL sell my 1006 six-cylinder, seven-passenger
Thomas touring car at snap price;
firs. -class conjdfeion; am, leiiving etty.
M 86, Oregonian. 1
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
brasses for decoration and dens. Beau
regard's, 460 Washington st.
MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs,
film slides; bargains. Stevens. 1654 4th.
2 THOROUGHBRED spitx pups for sale
very cheap today. Inquire 327 Salmon st.
FOR SALE A thoroughbred Pomeranian
dog. Inquire at office, Esmond Hotel.
TWO good salesmen for city work ; expe
rience unnecessary. 214 Tilford bldg., cor.
10th and Morrison.
WANTED A few good finishers at the
Men's Dormitory bldg.. Pacific University,
Forest Grove.
WANTED Experienced developer and fin
isher In our photo department. Woodard,
Clarke A Co.
SMART youth as helper in factory. Must
be steady. American Chicle Co., 31 N.
Front st.
WANTED Drill and rock men, block-makers.
Crittenden A Palmer Rock Co., 718 Mar
quam bldg.
WANTED First-clans clothing salesman. Ap
ply o f, ju., nicago uiotnmg Co., ew-ii
3d BU
YOUNG man to learn shoe manufacturing.
The J. A. Reid Co., 18 and 15 Union ave.,
DENTIST wanted; all around man; steady po
sition. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Washing
ton. California Wine Depot, heaoquartetrs for cooks
ana neipers. ia tn st. ac. zi&a. e. iratu
WANTED First-class shoe salesman. Apply
6 P. M., Chicago Clothing Co., 69-71 8d at.
600 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
248 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Errand boy with whel. Chapmen
Advertising Co.. Commonwealth bldg.
A PORTER; also a pantryman. Portland
Restaurant, 805 Washington st.
WANTED Good washer in Isundry. Addrea
Rainier Laundry Co., Rainier, Or.
WANTED Foundry chlppers. 7th and Bel
mont. Heacock A Lawrence.
COOK wanted; first-class; good wages to
right party. 444 Washington st.
WANTED Teamster and millmen for the
country. Apply 183 Madison st.
WANTED Men's clothing; right pries paid.
6044 3d st. Home Phone A 4961. .
WANTED Mattress makers. Tonslng Bros.,
98 Morris st. Take J car.
SALESMEN Big wages; something positively
new. 215 Commercial block.
WANTED Cylinder pressman;
Morning Astorlan. Astoria,
$20 per week.
OFFICE boy wanted. Apply room 401 Stearns
bldg., 6th and Morrison.
BOY 36 years old. Apply before 9 o'clock, 171
3d et.
BARBER wanted; steady job. 122 N. 6th,
WANTED For United States Army, able
bodied unmarried men between the ags
of 21 and 36, citizens of United States,
of good character and temperate habits,
who can speak, read and write English.
Apply to Recruiting Officer, AInsworth
block. Third and Oak sts.. Portland, Or.
WANTED Stavebolt cutters, $1.60 per cord;
timber yellow flr. Apply room 306 Stearns
bldg.. Portland, Or.
SPECIAL Several young men of common
education and ability to qualify for rail
way mail clerk. A few letter-carriers to
prepare also. Don't fail to ?e; us at
once. Other positions to be filled this
Fall. Can or write Pacific States Schools,
513 McKay bldg.
WANTED A man of first-class office ability
as manager; must have few hundred dol
lars to Invest in a gilt-edge business. This
- is above doubt or suspicion; best of ref
erences required and given; large salary
and profits; need the man. Write. J 90,
ALL diseases of men successfully treated;
discharges positively cured in from 3 to
5 days; consultation free and strictly con-
. fldentlal; send for our symptom blank.
X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
sts.; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland.
Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas-
irring-. Dricxiayirg, aiso sneet metal pattern
draughting; positions secured; day and night
classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome.
Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York
SALESMEN to sell territory; patented ar
ticle: best proposition ever made to both
agent and public: big money to hustlers;
easy seller; reference required. Yamhill
Novelty Mfg. Co., North Yamhill, Or.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full Information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association, 109
. Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
trade in sight weeks; graduates earn from
$16 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat
alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, $6
North Fourth street. Portland.
furnished; plants bought, sold. Northwest
Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bid;. ;
phone Main 5558. Established 1896;
branches, Tacoma, Seattle.
WANTED First-class marker and assort
er; handle about 900 bundles with helper;
steady place for a sober man; no cigarette
smokers need apply; good pay. Address
R 73, care Oregonian.
LUMBER yard superintendent wanted com
manding ability to handle wholesale and
retail yard business; top salary to a
first-class applicant. Address O 79, Ore
gonian. AGENTS wanted In and out of town to handle
a high-grade security; big profits to invest
ors, good contracts to agents; men should
make from $25 to $100 weekly. 207 Couch
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
Men and women to learn watcn making, e- grav
ing. Jeweler work, optica, easy terms; posi
tions guaranteed; money mads learning.
Watchmkg-Engvg. Sob'L 1426 4th av. Seattle.
ONE good sausage-maker and all-round
butcher; aTso experienced shop tender; young
men preferred; good wages; write, stating
experience, to Box 629, Aberdeen, Wash.
YOUNG man In office of wholesale house: no
experience necessary; must write fair hand
and be accurate in simple calculation; atats
age and references. R 80. Oregonian.
WANTED Married man preferred; will give
a working Interest to right party; good
wages; good house. Add reus Mt. Pleas
ant Fruit Ranch, Hood River, Or.
WANTED To solicit and generally useful in
grocery, experien?st man preferred, must
understand care of horsey F. P. Shaugh
nessy, Archer Place, opposite station.
BOY wanted for railroad office work; must be
not under 17 years of age, with high school
education, good health and good habits. AdV
dress Box M 89, Oregonian office.
WANTED A first-class engineer for private
gasoline launch; only one that is thorough
ly capable need apply. F. S. Morris,
room 6, Chamber of Commerce.
MAN to take charge of business in thriving
city ; first-class salary and comminslon.
This Is very exceptional. Call 212 Swet
land bldg., 9 to 12.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men, for positions
now open, ctty and country; salary $JKK to
$1800. Call or write. Commercial Abstract
Co., Raleigh bldg.
WANTED Boy, not under 16 years, for col
lector and other work ; must reside with
parents and furnish references. Addreaa E
66, Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced traveling sales
man. State age . and salary expected. E
89. Oregonian.
WANTED Single man about 25 years 'old to
drive retail oil wagon; good pay to right
man. Gl"e phone number. Address H 80,
Oi egonlan.
SALESMAN to represent Eastern manufac
turing house in city. Permanent position.
Salary and commiseion. Address L 88, Ore
gonian. '
GENERAL agents and crew managers to
work towns in Oregon; first-class propo
sition. Call today from 9 to 12. 208
Stark st.
CAPABLE local manager to represent manu
facturing corporation; exclusive contract.
W. F. A. Co.. 1605 Gough st., San Fran
cisco. WANTED Salesmen to carry post cards as
side line. Large assortment. Pacific Post
Card Co., 102 Exchange bldg., Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Good male stenographer for office
work, college graduate preferred. Apply
from 12 to 2 today. Portland Hotel, room 523
THOROUGHLY competent ad compositor and
maxeup. man on a strictly high-class trade
publication. Address K 86, Oregonian.
WANTED Bright office boy in wholesale
house; chance for promotion. Address in
own handwriting, D 88. Oregonian.
YOUNG man about 16 as office boy in whole
sale house. Address in own handwriting,
giving reference. Vv" 90, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class man for showcase
and cabinet work. Address Walla Walla
Lumber Co., Walla Walla. Wash.
WANTED Second hand on cakes; nisrht
work. Apply Royal Bakery A Confec
tionery. 1 Ith and Everett sts.
SHOWCASE makers wanted. $3.25 per day
of nine hours. Address Harrild A Sons,
109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane.
WANTED Young man stenographer; one who
has had some previous experience preferred.
Address C 77, Oregonian.
WANTED All kinds of sash and door ma
chine hands. Apply Bryant Lumber A Shin
gle Co., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Drug clerk; registered In Ore
gon : must come recommended. Address
X 703, Oregonian.
WANTED Wood-turner. Apply Western
Foundry A Machine Co., East Oak and
East Water st.
BARBER wanted at once; $18 a week guar
anteed to th right man. J. H. Milks,
Rainier. Or.
BARBER wanted Saturday. Steady job for
right man. 782 Mississippi ave., take L car.
WANTED A barber at 1002 Belmont St., Lake
Sunnyside car. O. R. Miller.
WANTED Two carriage smith helpers.
Lange A Muir, 228 Salmon st.
WANTED A practical tinner at once. Long
A Cross. Eugene, Or.
BOY wanted to run errands In wholesale house,
E 88, Orestonlan.
HEADER WAGON dfrtw. Inquire 826 Abing
ton bldg.
WANTED Porter at the Louvre. St. Johns.
WANTED Boy for city delivery. 206 2d st.
WANTED Bill olerk, good In figures. Jones'
Book Store, 291 Alder st.
WANTED Tick sewers. Tonstng Bros.,. 99
Morris st. Take L car.
WA NTET First-class waitresses at Hall's
Palace Restaurant.
WANTED Girl to assist in office. W 78,
care Oregonian.
GIRL for light office work. CaW 375 Stark,
4 to 6 P. M.
GOOD cook, family of 3; keep second girl. 362
3d st.
. We have a number of good, permanent
positions for competent and reliable sales
WANTED A gentlewoman as companion
and help to a refined lady who Is nerv
ous. Husband on railroad construction;
wruM take wife and companion on trips;
comfortable flat In Portland; will glv
the right kind a comfortable home and
a fair salary. Address K 72, Oregonian.
Applicants for all kinds of work, register
with us, free of charge, so ws may locate
you on short notice.
S43H Washington st, cor. 7th. upstairs.
EXPERIENCED telcohone operators for Kla
math Falls exchange of Midway Tel. A Tel.
Co. Salary $30 with room. Light work
and home-like surroundings. Address Ivan
Daniel, cashier, Midway Tel. A Tel. Co.,
Klamath Falls, Or.
Must be first-claM. Apply at once to
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 AUsky
LADY who understands bookkeeping and U a
good stenographer. Stats experience and
give reference. Position permanent. Ad
dress Braslan Seed Growers Co., San Jose,
"WANTED Lady to do bookkeeping, short
- hand and typewriting in country town;
good wages to begin with. Address W. E.
C. Box 176, Independence. Or.
on shirts and overalls; lessons given to
inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory.
2 Grand ave, and E. Taylor st.
WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper in
wholesale and retail meat business; must
have good references. Address Fry A
Bruhn, Inc., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED A young lady as stenographer and
typewriter: wages sso per montn to star.
- Apply cashier's office, bet. 9 and 11 A. M.
1. Govurtz Sons, 173 1st.
EXPERIENCED ladles" clothes ironers, $2-28
pr day: experienced mangle girls, $11 per
week. Write Wallace Laundry Co., Wallace,
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible posltioa. with opportunities for
advancement. Viavl Co., 10th A Morrison,
WANTED Good cook to take charge of dining-room
and kitchen; no washing: private
family; evenings out. Telephone Main 6550.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
848 hk Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs,
Phoua Main 2692.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses,
second girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency, 230 1
Yamhill. Main 6413.
FOR general housework, a good girl: must be
good cook; family of two. Phone Main 5S97.
Home phone A 2297.
WANTED Flrst-claas Singer sewing machine
operators. Apply Lowengart A Co., 92 Front
WANTED Young lady to do general house
work; small family. Apply 241 i.itn, cor.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. 375 East 11th North, near Broad
GIRL to assist In general housework; small
family. Apply mornings 792 Lovejoy st.
WANTED Good girl for general housework;
good home to right party. Call 167 1st st.
WAITRESS . wanted: experienced: good
wages. Apply at onoe, 4f4 Washington st.
WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts
and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
GIRL wanted for second work. Apply 732
Flanders St., between 22d and -23d sts.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
two in family. 69 Clark St., Albina.
A LADY from about 8 until 2, for chamber
work. Occidental Hotel. 150 1st St.
WA NTED Lady who understands tunelng
string Instruments. S 76, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to help In dining-room at
Winters Restaurant, 230 First st.
WANTED Girl for housework, 8 in family.
Mrs. Hogua, 584 East Taylor st.
Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED First-class waitress at the Ho-bart-Curtis,
14th and Jefferson.
WANTED Competent stenographer by whole
sale house. V 80. Oregonian.
1 GIRL to Iron shirts and collars and starch,
$12: 1 girl as body ironer and mangle, $0.50;
2 good A-l shirtwaist and shirt iron era, $2
per day; 1 good A-l wash man that can fire
boiler, $15; steady help wanted. Address
Mt. Shasta Steam Laundry, Dunsmuir, Cal.
Half transportation paid.
German and bookkeeping man, $800.
Electrical engineering. $1800.
Higher grades and music, $700.
English and elocution man, $800.
Rural $50; grades $50.
1200 Williams ave.
Dl SH W ASH ERS. Heppner. city ; cooks.
Moro, Coast (crew 2), $lO0; woman cook
($4o and waitress, $26, "Springs;" laun
dresses, city. Coast; chamber, family help.
Drake's," 2054 Washington.
EITHER nex; experience not necessary; must
be ambitious and willing to work. 214
Tilford blc!g.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CLERKS, bookkeepers and stenographers
We can place you at once with high-class
concerns where your ability to "make
good" will command the highest remune
ration. No delay. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 303 Alleky bldg.
BOOKKEEPER and typewriter, thoroughly
posted office man. wants position in small
town. General merchandise and lumber. C
90, OreKonlan.
WANTED Position by an experienced gro
- eery salesman. Floor or office. F 88, Ore
gonian. ,
WANTED Tu keep a set of books of eve
nings for small concern. Address P. O.
Box 483. ,
POSITION wanted by young man experienced
as bookkeeper and cashier. S 86, Orego
nian. Miscellaneous.
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
WANTED Position to represent good house
In local or Western territory, by young
man of ability: age 23; lumber business
preferred, o t, oregonian.
AN expert cotton classer would like position
In U. S. or foreign country or instruc
tor. Have had 20 years of the best ex
perience. F 78, Oregonian.
BOILERMAKER Good general workmen,
sneaks French and German and little Eng
lish, wants job. Munch Ban- Hotel, 6th and
Books opened, closed or balanced. Day
ana evening, tr. 1. wawiora. main 4004.
HOW would it be to employ a Japanese boy
as porter in your store.' ir you want one,
write to me. E 87, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced plumber's helper,
place to finish trade. Wages reasonable.
Address P 84. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL gardener open to care for lawn
garden, horses, general work; references, H
86, Oregonian.
TOl"NO married man wants position where he
can learn to build and run gas engine. N
7, oregonian.
A POSlTIpN as collector or cashier for
reliable firm; test of reference. M,
JAPANESE family cook wants a position
at summer resort. Pacific 2148. 121 a.
15th st.
PROFESSIONAL male nurse and attendant
open for nervous or mental case, jj 70, Ore
M Iseellaneous.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation -to do
housework in family. T 79, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants sttuation to do any
kind of work. D 8t. care Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do house
work and help cook. R 5. Oregonian.
help supplied. Mala 4659. 2fi8 Everett.
GOOD young Japanese hoy wishes situation
any kind of work. V 8, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
CLERKS, bookkeepers and stenographers
we can piace you at once with high-cia?S
concerns where your abilitv to "make
good" will command the highest remune
ration. No delay. Clerks' Registration
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, for permanent or substitute
work, phone Eclectic Business University,
Main 4.04, the expert training school,
always above v-ar.
All kinds stenographic work done; substituting.
uoucn bldg. Phones Main 73ft&, A 25S3.
PLEASANT, experienced middle-aired woman
wants care nr children; references. 1 oung
Women's Christian Association.
HOUSEKEEPERS Commit your worries In
the matter of "help" to us. We can
quickly provide the kind of help you want,
with the assurance that their credentials
will prove good.
803 Alisky bldg.
SITUATION wanted as housekeeper, widower's
family. Capable woman, girl d. 230 Yam
hill. Main 6418.
ELDERLY lady, housekeeper in widower's
family; Catholic . preferred, N. 77, Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you ars
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children,
by hour, day, month; references. Pac. 871
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If
so, we need you; complete outfit free; casn
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade nur
sery stock; big commissions and premiums;
write today, before all terri tory is taken.
Chlco Nursery Co.. Chico. Cal.
WANTED to rent, by mother and two
sons, 8 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms;
easy walking distance; on West Side; must
be modern; best of references exchanged.
Address, giving location and terms. W So.
3 or 4 completely furnished rooms for
housekeeping; permanent; must be modern;
adults. E 80, Oregonian.
We want houses, cottages, flats, stores, of
ftcest. etc. to rent. We will make it an ob
ject for you to list with us.
23 Lafayette Bldg.. Cor. 6th A Washington.
tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming-hous.
etc Landlords will do well to rail on
Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. .
cor. 3d and Oak. , Phone Exchange 72
WANTED to rent, by refined elderly lady,
two pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms
in suburbs: must be neat and clean. Ad
dress, staling price and location. W 45, Ore
gonian. References exchanged.
WANTHD Modern unfurnished apartments
or flat, 4 or 6 rooms: steam heat and elec
tric light; East or West Side; no children;
best references. Address F (HI, Oregonian.
WANTED Completely furnished house or
flat. 6 or 7 rooms, until 1st of year; ref
erence furnished; two In family. Address
Postoffice Box 111, city.
WANTED Furnished apartments; three rooms
and bath; must be modern and In nrst-cla.s
condition, within walking distance. State
price. B 86, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes board and room. West
Side, close In; state terms, one or two, lo
cation and phone number. Address H 77,
NEW 5-room modern cottage by young couple;
best or care taken of property; state loca
tion and price. Address V 87, Oregonian.
WANTED 8 or 4 rooms, furnished for
housekeeping: central location; state rent
desired. R 77, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires room and board, private
family, reasonable rate. A, J. Matter,
general delivery.
THRE0 housekeeping rooms wanted by mar
ried couple, must bo good neighborhood. V
87, Oregonian,
WANTED House. to 6 rooms, in North
rna. i. . juowry, jraciuc x ottery, w&
Sherlock ave.
WANTED Modern five or six-room fiat in
gooa location; give run particulars, o 80,
WANTED Board and three rooms by four
adults; rererencea excnans;ed. if 87, Ore
gonian. LIST your rooms w4th us. Ws can rent
them. Try us. Suite 32, 268 Stark. Main
YOUNG girl wants room and board in pri
vate family; West Side. V 90, Oregonian.
A FIVE or 6-room modern cottage, close la.
West Side preferred. L 78, Oregonian.
WANTED Prominent window on ground floor
with desk room. . H 00, Oregonian.
WA NTED to rent 6-room modern bouse; no
chdldren. R., P. O. box 115.
WANTED To rent residence about 12 rooms.
West Side. J 78, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished rooms. A 70, Oregonian.
WANTED Good office man, understanding
bookkeeping, handling cash, etc. ; salary
$100 per month; must invest $10OO, whlh,
will net you 100 per cent on Investment,
no fake. Full Investigation. J 79, Orego
nian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing; andl
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722.
MAIN 6656. 211 FIRST ST.
ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar, 232 1st. pays
higher prices for household goods. Fhons
Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$$
and merchandise. Phons Main . 1626. J,
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, etc. ;
prompt attention always given. Phone East
X pay cash for household goods. Savaga A
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pacific 360.
WE calj for dead horses -and cattle free of
charge. Phone 2233.
WANTED Typewriter. Oliver, in good con
dition. R 90, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
LARGE, airy, beautifully furnished rooms,
fine location, all conveniences. 163 17t"n
st., cor. Morrison.
TWO nicely furnlehed front rooms; also email
one; $1.50 up; private family. 472 Jefferscn
ONE large cor. rom with piano and parlor
furniture. 474 Wash., cor. 14th and Wash.
8 LB. ''
TH E EL WOOD N e w 1 y f u rn Ish ed : $ 2 to $6
week; also transient rooms. 3434 Morrison.
THE RANDOLPH 3d and Columbia, rooms
60c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744.
THE WOODLAND Pleasant rooms for nics
people. 265 nth. 4 blocks from postoffice, ,
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 H th st. Rooma by week.
$2 to $5; per night, 6rtc to $1.
NICELY furnished rooms and transient. Cait
at 95 11th st., oor fciark.