Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. XLVI.-XO. 14,533.
Little New York Girl
Latest Victim.
Enraged Residents Clamor for
.. Vengeance.
Wild Scenes In , "the Graveyard,"
District Where Atrocious Mur
ders Are of Almost Daily Oc
currence, Causing Panic.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. "The graveyard,"
the foreign populated neighborhood on
First avenue, between Thirteenth . and
Fourteenth streets Is known locally, gave
Up today a fresh crime, rivaling in atro
city the mysterious butcheries of last
week. The latest discovered victim was
an 8-year-old girl, and, like the two
young women murdered, she had beei
shockingly mistreated before death and
the body mutlllated when life was ex
tinct. .
The three murders were strikingly simi
lar. Iast Thursday night a woman was
strangled In a Twenty-second-street
boardinghouse: the next morning the
body of a still unidentified woman, who
had been choked to death, was found In
an areaway In East Nineteenth street.
Katie Prltschler, daughter of a restau
rant waiter, disappeared a week ago to
day and was killed that night. A ribbon
placed about the throat and drawn so
tightly that It cut the flesh, showed how
she died. Her body was found today.
Worst Crime of All.
If the brutality of the murders can be
qualified, thai of the Prltschler girl ranks
first. Hhe was assaulted, murdered and
then her lifeless form was horribly mu
tilated. The "graveyard" takes Its name from
the proximity of the old Thirteenth-street
cemetery, and the locality has been the
scene of several revolting murders. The
majority of the residents are foreigners.
The body of Katie Prltschler was dis
covered today within a block of her home
and scarcely a hundred yards ' from the
location of a placard placed by the father
calling attention to the fact that his
child was lost; How the body could
have remained undiscovered for a week
Is not explained. The body lay upon a
berry crate with seemingly no effort at
"You can say for me," Coroner Har
i burger declared, "that the crimes in Ber
lin of which the newspapers have told,
have not been one-thousandth part as
bad as the murder oi this little girl."
Girl's Neighbor Arresteor.
At the Coroner's direction Gaetano
Rlppolano, whose cobbler shop ad
Joins the girl's home, was arrested
and asked to explain his absence from
his shop last Friday. He established
the fact thafhe had spent the day at
Bristol, Conn. The girl is said to have
frequented Rippolano's place, and a
search of the shop brought to light a
man's shirt which bore red stains. The
cobbler was arrested and remanded to
the Coroner.
Guiseppe Bonfanto, Rippolano's
partner, was questioned, but threw lit
tle light on the case and was not de
tained. The police also began a search
for a woman who is said to have
formerly roomed at the Prltschler
home, but who left there after a quar
rel ana took lodgings in the house
where the girl's body was found.
When the news of the .finding of the
little one's body spread through the
neighborhood, excitement rose to such
a pitch that the removal of the body
and the arrest of Rlppolano caused al-'
most a riot. Many thousands of per
sons were in the nearby streets when
the wagon from the morgue arrived.
At sight of the covered body the crowd
vented Its grief and rage In a babel of
tongues. The police were compelled to
use force to get through the street.
Enraged Mob Smashes Windows.
Soon afterward the arrest of the
cobbler became knowji and the crowd
charged the prisoner's shop. Rlppolano
had been safely removed to the sta
tion house, but his shop windows were
smashed, and only the determined front
of the police reserves, who clubbed
right and left, prevented greater dam
age. John Kusmicho, the Russian watch
man under arrest as a suspicious per
son, and who is said to have been seen
. in the company of the girl -whose body
was found In the area way on East
Ninth street, was today remanded
without ball until Saturday. No clew
to the murder in Twenty-second street
was secured today.
Later it was decided to hold Bonfan
to for examination tomorrow. Dora
Messer. who is said to have been seen
in the company of the cobbler, was ar
rested as a witness. She was arraigned
In the night court and held for the
t :
One Killed, Many Injured.
KANSAS CITY, Kan., Aug. 1. North
bound Santa Fe passenger train No. 116
left the track and went into the 'ditch
even miles from Red Rock, Oklahoma,
this morning, killing the engineer and
wounding numerous passengers, i A
coach, chair car and baggage car as
well as the engine went into the ditch.
The dead: D. C. Mack, engineer,
Arkansas City, Kan., Bcalded to death.
Missouri Barber Trapped in Sending
It Through Mail to Hale.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
Forest Vance, a barber, was arrested to
day by postofflce inspectors on a charge
of sending an improper letter through the
mails from Springfield, Mo., January 26,
1905. The letter was Intended for Jesse
Hale, of Denmark. Or., and was sent in a
sealed envelope to the postmaster at Ban
don, Or., to be re-mailed to Hale.
The postmaster opened It, read Its con
tents and turned it over to the Inspector.
Vance admitted that he was the author
of the letter. United States Commis
sioner Charles E. Morsey held hira in
$200 bond.
Peary Starts Within Week on North
Pole. Expedition.
PORTLAND, Me.. Aug. 1. Com
mander Robert E. Peary, who is stay
ing with hie family at Eagle Island,
John Sharp Williams, ' Democratic
Leader in the Houm, Nominated
for Senator in Mississippi.
stated today that tie .will start for' New
York and then for the North Just as
soon as the boilers are Installed in the
Roosevelt. He could not state defin
itely when that will be but hopes to
start within a week. . He expects to
be in Winter efuarters by September 5.
Commander Peary said that-he had ac
quired no- "new tangled idea" and that
he knows just what he needs and will
take that and nothing more. None of
his family is going with him.
The Weather.
YESTBRDAT'B Maximum temperature, 7T
degrees; minimum, 61 degrees.
TODAY'S Possibly showers; westerly winds.
Foreign. '
Corean soldiers revolt against dlsbandment
- -and fight Japanese In Seoul. Page 1.
Choate makes speech for permanent -.Arbitration
Court at The Hague. Page 5.
Prance. Spain and Italy - to" send army to
Morocco; particulars of massacre. Page 4.
Fierce battle results from strike at Lodz.
Page 5.
Heroic act of Russian aeronauts. Page 3.
National. -Loeb
confirms sending of battleships to Pa
cific. Page 7.
Roosevelt will not allow renominatlon and
supports Taft for President. Page 1.
Governor Frantz nominated by Oklahoma
Republicans at stormy convention.
Page 1.
Williams defeats Vardaman for Senator, in
Mississippi. Page 1.
Congressman Jenkins opposes state rights
doctrine. Page 1.
' Domestic.
New York strangler kills little girl and
. mutilates her; suspect under arrest.
Page 1.
Iron miners resume work and strike leaders
urge violence. Page 4.
Reduction In passenger rates from A-tlantlo
to West. Page 3.
Laura Matthews' mother holds Coey blame
less; Coey suspects Rurabaugh of killing
her. Page 2.
Tornado destroys Marquette, Kan. Page 4.
Terrible crime for revenge in Oklahoma.
Page 5. .
Standard Oil Company expects to be fined
millions on Saturday. Page 13.
Paelflo Coast.
Apportionment of School Fund Interest made
to counties of the state. Page 6.
Shipowners unite to protect themselves
against labor demands. Page 6.
Haywood will address all unions of Fede
ration; Denver prepares ovation. Page 4.
Nine Jurors secured to try Halsey. Page 3.
Six drovers to be arrested "for bringing
sheep Into Oregon contrary to law.
Page B.
Governor Hoggatt. of Alaska, gets frost at
Fairbanks. Page 7
Cadlchon breaks track record at the
Meadows. Page 12.
Grief overspreads Battling Nelson's home.
Page 12.
Portland and Vicinity.
Attempt of Sllngerlands to regain control
of foster child fails. .Page 10.
John R. Kennedy, Associated Press corre
spondent, says Orchard will hang.
Page 13.
Grangers organize to hold county fairs.
Page 10.
Railroads in Pacific Northwest need office
helD. Page 10.
H. M. Cake not discussing senatorial as
pirations. Page 16.
Politicians flock . to. . Klamath. County.
Page 13.
Portland beats Los Angeles, 1 to 0. Page 13.
Commercial and Marine.
Hop picking begins next week in Cali-V
fornla. Page 17.
Fears of frost help Eastern wheat prices.
Page 17-
Stock markets depressed.. Page 17. .. .
Steamship City of Panama will take the
place of the Columbia. Page 18. . ;
' ; O fi 1
I i 1 "
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t t v . 1 if i - '
U fi$S.-" ::
Roosevelt's Resolution
Firmly Made.
Action of Ohio Committee
Prevents Acceptance.
Man Deep in President's Confidence
- Says He Is Actively Backing Tip
Taft and Could Not
Play Him False.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. (Special.)
President Roosevelt will not permit the
Republican National convention to nomi
nate him - for another term. This infor
mation comes from a source that can be
absolutely relied upon one so deep In the
confidence of the President and In knowl
edge of his purposes that, if made known,
it would be universally accepted as final
without question.
The action of the Republican State
Committee In Ohio on Tuesday led to the
declaration quoted. The authority for the
statement went on to say further, in
corroboration of his own knowledge and
opinion, that Mr. Roosevelt would not
have permitted the Ohio Republicans for
mally to commit themselves to Secretary
Taft if he were not unalterably deter
mined not to be a candidate himself.
It Is one- of the President's characteris
tics to stick to his friends. Of course, he
would put his friend Taft in a' very un
pleasant position if he should allow Mr.
Taft to be a formal candidate for the
Presidency and then accept it himself.
"Whatever else may be charged against
Roosevelt, that kind of work never has
been, even by his bitterest opponents,"
said the gentleman interviewed. "Up to
the time the Ohio state committee acted
by- formal resolution, Roosevelt could
have indicated to Taft that he had better
wait; but t' happen to know that the
President has-urged and approved of the
course taken in Ohio."
It is no secret that Mr. Roosevelt re
gards Mr. Taft ' as the most available
and, in some respects, the most capable
man to follow him in the White House.
Undoubtedly he would like to' see Mr.
Taft elected.
Hanley for State Rights.
ELKHART, Ind Aug. 1. Upholding the
' Why Is It. that, though the weather
'weather, it always gets hotter first T
And that, though the ice f or July Is
-cooled us off, the bill makes as hot
rights of the individual states against en
croachment of their rights by Federal leg
islation. Governor Hanley, In a speech de
livered here to the Chautauqua Assembly
yesterday took occasion to speak for con
servativtsm in dealing with the problems
of the country.. He thought most of them
were problems that the state could solve
without the intervention and help of the
National Government, and he deprecated
the reaching out of the Federal arm into
purely state matters. After referring to
problems resulting from trade combina
tions and the accumulation of large for
tune Governor Hanley said:
' '"In matters of such moment we can
not afford to thoughtlessly follow Impul
sive leadership, however high its char
acter or pure Its purpose.
' "President Roosevelt has earned the
confidence and the gratitude of his coun
trymen by courageous , work and signul
service,- and I do not speak In unkindly
criticism,' for I believe in the purity of his
purposes and in his greatness. But he is
not Infallible, however strong of soul and
pure of heart he may be."
Leads in Democratic Primaries for
Mississippi Senatorship.
JACKSON, Miss., Aug.' 1. (Midnight.)
Incomplete returns from the Democratic
primaries held today, throughout the state
at this hour show Congressman John
Sharp Williams leading Governor Varda
man for the . Senatorial nomination by
about .three "to one. The count Is pro
gressing slowly because of the extreme
length of the ticket.
In the contest for Governor, Charles
Scott and A. ' F. Nocl are leading the
other candidates with only a small, mar
gin. As yet not more than half of the
state has been heard from, and neither
side Tjl concede the election. To select
the Gubernatorial nominee, a second pri
mary will be necessary.
For . Lieutenant-Governor, Luther Man
ship is leading by a large majority.
The day was favored by excellent
weather ana an unusually heavy vote was
polled. - No disorder was reported from
any point.
Jenkins Predicts Civil War if State
Rights Are Enforced.
CHIPPEWA FALLS. Wis., Aug. l.-Con-gressman
Jenkins, chairman of the House
Judiciary committee, last night Issued a
statement relative to the North Carolina
Railroad rate tangle. He says there has
never been any event since the Civil War
that calls for so severe condemnation as
the recent senseless tirade on behalf of
states against the Nation. He adds that
it is humiliating that the matter has been
compromised and that the Nation has to
some extent surrendered. ,
"The Civil War was the result of such
agitation and We may ' have earlier than
we want another civil war." he said. "To
avert such a calamity and to preserve trie
Nation, we must conform' to, the law,
obey, the law and have the law enforced
according to the framework provided in
the Constitution." ,
Judge JenklnB points out that the Su
preme Court of the United States is made
the final judge between state and Nation.
Mr. Jenkins believes the executive of the
state should keep cool, maintain his dig
nity and remember we have to depend
upon the Judiciary of the country to save
the Union.
."Ever - since the Civil War." he said,
"other states have had similar troubles
(Concluded on Page 7.)
man predicts cooler
supposed to have
under the collar?
Revolt When Japan Or
ders Disband merit.
Suicide of Commander Signal
for Men to Fight.
Final Act in Revolution Causes Des
perate Fight in Barracks Band
of Rebels Escapes and
Roams the Country.
SEOUL, AVg. 1, li A. M. A battalion of
Corean troop?, resenting disarmament,
mutinied and, at a given signal, .attacked
three mounted Japanese officers, who had
arrived at Little West Gate barracks to
demand the surrender of their munitions.
Two of the Japanese officers escaped on
horseback. The third one fell from his
horse and escaped afoot.
Firing then began and the Coreans sal
lied out of Little West Gate. -Into . the
street, but were forced to retire under a
Japanese fire from the tower gate. Gen
eral Okazlkl ordered out reinforcements
at 10:30 o'clock and the barracks and ad
jacent buildings were completely Invested.
There was continuous snipping and also
fire from the "Japanese machine guns.
The entrances to the Japanese section
of the city have been under a heavy
guard of gendarmes since midnight and
troops and machine guns are stationed in
all the streets.
General Okazika believes that he has
ample' troops to control the situation. The
other three Corean garrisons have not
mutinied. The Invested quarter Is adja
cent to the consulate quarter, which Is
protected by a strong cordon of Japanc
Commander Commits Suicide and
Then Shooting Begins.
SEOUL, Aug. 1 (evening). Unverified
official returns from this morning's con
flict between Japanese troops and the First
Battalion of the First Salwa Regiment
gave the number- killed and wounded at
60 Coreans and about 40 Japanese.
About 3000 men willingly disbanded,
marching without arms through the pa
rade ground, where . according to rank,
Ch LA . - !
p jjlj I
And that, though the hot weather Is too lata to hurt farm
crops, It is Just In time to produce a big political crop?
... .
And that, though fuel is meant to warm ns up next Win
ter, the bill gives us the cold chills this Summer? a
they received gratuities ranging from 25
to'50 yen. At 8 o'clock this morning the
Minister of War read the rescript of dls
bandment to the 'higher Corean officers
at the house of General Hasegawa.
Major Paksung. Huan, commander of the
First Battalion of the First Shlwa Regi
ment, returned to the barracks and com
mitted suicide. This excited his subor
dinates and also a battalion of the Sec
ond Shlwa, which attacked two Japanese
officers and their orderlies. One battalion
marched on the south gate, where a clash
occurred. In which Captain Kajaiwara and
two others were killed.
Over .100 Coreans escaped with their
rifles and divided into two bands. They
are still -abroad, but on account of the
rain no trouble Is expected tonight.
The rescript of dlsbandment, which is
attributed to Iwanyung, but for which
the Japanese say Marquis Ito is also re
sponsible, begins by saying that the ex
isting army of hirelings is unfit for the
native defense and orders them to dis
band and receive a gratuity and not to
commit any reprehensible acts.
Ito Guards Consulates and Is Gath
ering I'p Mutineers.
SEOUL, Corea, Aug. 1. According
to official reports received. by General
Governor 1. K. Vardaman, of Mla
slsstppl. Defeated for Senator by
. Congressman John Sharp Williams.
Hasegawa up to 9 o'clock this even
ing,, there were 120 casualties among
the Coreans as a result of the riots
growing out of the dlsbandment of
the Corean troops
Marquis Ito in his audience with the
Emperor this afternoon assured the
Emperor of his complete safety. Mar
quis Ito provided the foreign con
sulates with guards tonight as a pre
caution for safety.
The imprisonment of fugitives from
the Shlwa regiment continues. The
remainder of the Corean army dis
tributed throughout the country will be
dlebanded as fast as the imperial Re
script reaches the different stations.
No trouble is anticipated. The Resi
dency General regards the urgent ques
tion, that relating to abdication, as
settled, and believes that an army of
7000 Japanese Is sufficient to maintain
Coreans in Poor Condition to Make
Successful Stand.
TOKIO, Aug. 1. With the exception
of an unsuccessful attack upon the
Japanese troops yesterday by some dis
banded Corean soldiers, which resulted
In slight casualties on both sides, the
Japanese losing one officer, a general
calm .Is . reported in Seoul.
It Is believed that the lack of am
munition by the dlaffected soldiers,
coupled with the strictest surveillance
on tho part of the Japanese authorities,
will prevent risings on an extensive
Forty or Fifty Shot in Battle With
SEOUL. Aug. 2. (11 A. M.) In a
conflict today 'at the West Gate bar
racks, between Japanese troops and
disbanded Corean soldiers, 40 or 50
were killed and wounded. Including
several Japanese, who were arresting
and -Imprisoning them. Firing has
The" American Consulate was struv-k
by several bullets. No foreigners were
Injured, and the city appears to be safe.
Cprpan Delegates Reach America to
Warn Us Against Japan.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Hoping to Induce
the -American government to intervene
arid "prevent Japan from obtaining further
domination In Corea. Prince Tjyong Out
Yl and Yi Sang Sui. two of Corea's dele
gates to The Hague, who were denied ad
mission to the peace tribunal, arrived here
today upon the steamer Majestic.
"I and my companions," said Prince Tl.
who speaks English, "represented the Co
rean government by authority of the Em
peror, but Japan used all her cunning to
show that we appeared at The Hague
without any authority. We blame our
treatment in Holland entirely to the Jap
anese. Corea will never agree to Japan
ese domination, and while there have
been no disorders yet, unless something is
done there will be a serious uprising.
. "We knew before we left Corea that Ja
pan would force the Emperor to abdicate.
Japan reeks to drive us from our land and
destroy our kingdom. Corea has always
been a peaceful nation. We have no
guns, arms or powder, and we expect the
American people In their fairness and Jus
tice to interfere. The United States does
not realize what Japan's policy is in the
Far East and what It portends for the
r - I
I l
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Frantz Overcomes Ef
fort at Stampede.
But Great Demonstration Ends
in Nomination.
Republican Convention Refuses to
Denounce Democratic Constitu
tion Message Sent Roosevelt
Indorsing His Policy.
GUTHRIE. Okla., Aug. 1. For' Gov
ernor, Frank Frantz; Lieutenant-Governor.
N. G. Turk. Cheeotah, I. T.; Sec
retary of State. Thomas Robnett, Ard
more, I. T.; Attorney-General, Silas Reld.
El Reno.
With the chief places on the state
ticket filled, the Republican state con
vention took a breathing spell late to
night. Not in the history of the party In
Oklahoma has there Deen such an ova
tion to one man as the one that greeted
the announcement that Governor Frantz
was renominated head of the ticket with
out opposition. The delegates cheered for
several minutes and balked the efforts1 of
Chairman Murphy to restore order. The
action was not unexpected by the feeble
opposition and Its resignation seemed to
carry the convention off Its feet. There
was little division on the other nominal
Denounce New Constitution.
The unexpected occurred when the sec
tion In the platform denouncing the Dem
ocratic constitution was eliminated and
the party merely pledged itself to secure
amendment to the document. The plat
form indorses the National and terri
torial administrations and denounces the
Democratic party for its failure to "com
prehend the needs of the people or to deal
with the problems of government."
The platform contains an anti-trust
plank, favors the removal of restrictions
from Indian land and Indorses good roads,
but remains silent on the prohibition ques
tion. Lusty Cheers for Taft.
The first applause elicited in the con
vention was for Secretary of War Taft.
A large banner bearing the words: "Hear
Taft at Oklahoma City August 24" had
been stretched , across the stage, and
when the delegates spied it they cheered
Congressman McGuire brought the con
vention to Its feet by suggesting the fol
lowing telegram to President Roosevelt,
which was ordered sent to the President:
"The Republicans of Oklahoma, in con
vention assembled, "send you loyal and af
fectionate greetings. Our platform In
dorses your administration and your pol
icy of a square deal for every man and
every nation of every clime."
The Frantz forces won the first test
of strength when Ralph Campbell was
named temporary chairman by acclima
tion. Wild Dissension Breaks Out.
A clash that was followed by wild dem
onstration came when J. S. McGowan,
of Snyder, Oklahoma, In a speech at
tempted to argue against the naming of
a ticket and for me rejection of the con
stitution. He had captured the conven
tion with his eloquence and finally de
clared that the party could not afford to
name a ticket under the new constitu
tion. The delegates were swept off their
feet for a moment, but the friends ' of
Governor Frantz, soon realized what they
believed was a trap laid to stampede
the convention against Frantz. Then dis
order ruled the gathering. Delegates
hissed and yelled for Mr. McGowan to
sit down. The speaker attempted to stick
out. but the convention was against him.
The chairman tried to quiet the dele
gates, but without avail. Delegates
rushed to tho platform and threatened,
but the speaker held his ground.
"I don't know whether Franz would'
swear to support that constitution or
not," shouted Mr. McGowan. "but we
have had Governors who would not do
Frantz Men Crush Minority.
At this point, Frank Rush, of Black
burn, carried a Pawnee County Frantz
banner to the platform and Jumped to a
press table. The delegates wildly ex
cited, sprang to their feet shouting for
Frantz and a state ticket. Logan County
quickly Joined its Frantz banner with
Pawnees. Delegates left their seats and
Joined In the rush. Policemen went to
the stage to prevent trouble, but the af
fair was too one-sided for the beaten
minority to lift Its hand. D. L. Sleeper,
of Tulsa, standing on a table, ultimately
succeeded In restoring order.
The following additional nominations
were made at the night session:
For Treasurer, M. S. Stllwell.'of Bar
tlesville, I. T.: Corporation Commission
ers, T. J. Dore. Westvllle; John Kraf
ton, Pottawatomie County, and John
Jenson, Tulsa.
At 12:30 the convention adjourned
until 9 A. M., to complete the nomina
tions and wind up its business.