Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Crop Reported to Exceed
Early Estimates.
Advance In Chicago, on Heavy Deal
ing on Board, Not Felt as Yet
on This Coast Wheat
Shipments Growing.
Even with a continued demand from San
.rraneiaco for both old and new crop oats,
the reports coming from the principal grow
" lng sections of a heavier yield than ex
pected caused the local market to drop
off BOe yesterday, some dealers quoting,
no higher than $24 a ton f. o. b. Interior.
The principal houses, however, named $24.50
as the average price paid producers by
Portland dealers, with the market fairly
teady at that figure. Heavy transactions
on the Chicago Board of Trade at an ad
.a vance was not reflected here, though It Is
said by those best Informed In trade con
ditions that If the Middle Western market
should keep on an upward turn the effect
would be felt on this Coast sooner or later.
There are considerable stocks of old oats
scattered about among the warehouses In car
and part-car lots, and as these fetch about
the same or slightly better prices than new
crop, the quotation for new la likely to
vary considerably until the old stocks are
disposed of. From present Indications, how
ever, dealers feel confident that oats will
hold quite steady for some weeks at least
at 24.S025.
Wheat shipments to tidewater are pro-
greasing and will soon be up to a point
where exporters may count on regular quan
tities and will make cargoes accordingly.
The local market Is fairly steady at 80c
for club wheat, which, while under pub
lished price on the Sound, Is in reality
about the same, growers netting the same
price at both terminals. Reports from the
harvest continue to Indicate an enormous
. yield, only In a few spots In the Valley
are there any Indications of thin crop.
Grain bags are selling at about the same
price as laat year 9c and are being
shipped out continuously. Supplies are said
to be ample to all demands likely to be
made on stocks remaining, the big growers
having already taken In their requirements.
Next SO Days May Develop Entire New
x-nase in Mops,
So manv thinr. mat, V.or,r..n , h.
lng hop crop between now and harvest that
It IS quite OUt Of the mieNtlnn tn ,lau
any degree of certainty what the outcome
iu db. cverynoay concerned agrees In
ma statement mat tne yield will be up
ward of 150.000 bales, and even with adverse
v weather conditions there will be plenty of
hops. .
One fear expressed yesterday was that
the hot weather would continue too long and
would result In burning vines and drying up
burrs. Then there is always the uncertain
ty about rain at a bad time, resulting In
Increased lice and mold. These uncertain
ties will continue to furnish dealers, grow
ers and speculators food for thought and
conjecture for the next 30 days at least.
It has developed that tne recorded con
tract referred to a few days ago at 12c a
pound was made some time ago for five
years' crops, and that the contracts are
recorded yearly as they mature. The high
est reported contracts are at 7 9c, but no
great amount of business Is being done, so
far as can be learned. .There were some
expressions of opinion made yesterday In
hop circles that dealers were loth to give
out much information at the present time
in the fear that growers would be fright--ned
off and might decline to gather their
crops at prevailing prices, thereby cutting
down the yield considerably and causing
further uncertainty. A prominent grower
and dealer aald in relation to that phase of
the case that hopgrowers could make a
. nice profit at 9c, and as long as that price
' prevails there is little If any danger of no
harvest. The fact Is hops have been har
vested when the grower knew he would not
receive more than 8c or 4c for his pick.
Burlap Is selling at about the same prices
as last year, namely, 1313V4c, with abund
ant atocka reported In dealers' hands.
Bonorna County, Cal., Farmers Find More
Profit in Fruit.
Statistics compiled at Santa Rosa go to
m prove that grain acreage in Sonoma County
la giving place to other products. It is re
ported that each year there is less grain
grown than had been sown the previous
year. Per contra, there Is each year an in
creased number of fruit trees. There are
2480 acres of wheat this year as compared
to 2620 acres last year, and 5740 acres of
oats this year against 5810 last year. Barley
has fallen from 1520 acres to 1480 in the
year before. Hops have Increased their acre
age. There are now 2880 acres of hop vines
In the county. A year ago there were 2120.
Of wine grapes this year, 17,120 acres are
in bearing, and 1810 acres too young to bear.
There are 493 acres of bearing table grapes,
tnd 1810 acres non-bearing. In 1906 there
v were 400 acres of bearing table grapes, and
145 non-bearing. There la a slight falling
off In the acreage of hay. A year ago it
38.560 acres; now It Is 35,520. acres.'
Some of the hay land has been set to grapes
and fruit trees.
Eastern Finn to Enter Pacific Coast Trade
in Near Future.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 81. A new cor
poration, controlling large timber Interests
in Oregon and on the Puget Sound, Is about
to enter the Coast lumber trade. This cor
poration la the Smith Lumber Company, of
Minneapolis. The Smith Lumber Company
has had a large steel steamer built at the
Newport News Shipyard, In Virginia, for the
- Pacific lumber trade, and the vessel la now
about ready to be launched.
Poor Prospect for Eggs.
Among commission men there Is little
I hope expressed of an Immediate improve
I ment In eggs. Nearly all the principal
house that handle eggs are stocked up
heavily, and while there is a sort of quasi
agreement among the trade to keep the
market from becoming completely demoral-
laed. It is said to be a difficult matter to
hold some members of the association to the
agreement. The result Is that ranch and
Eastern are approaching even terms, for
It is openly asserted that firms handling
Eastern are doing their level best to keep
ranch stock 2c or Sc ahead of Eastern for
a purpose, but are fast losing ground. The
market waa quoted In most houses at 2114
' 9 22c yesterday.
Poultry was In pretty good shape so far
as hens are concerned, but springs weak-
ened allghtly. Young chickens shipped In i
small coops suffered greatly the last two
days on account of the grilling heat, con
siderable loss to shippers resulting through
the death of large numbers of the fowls,
young geese suffered particularly both In
transit and from the fact there was slow
sale, necessitating their being held In coop)
In the warehouses, where they, of course,
were denied their customary baths.
Condemns Infected Fruit.
Frult Inspector Delch yesterday found 60
boxee of California apples and about the same
number of boxee of Oregon applea on Front
street that he condemned on account of pres
ence of San Jose scale and codlln moth. He
also condemned about 250 pounds of Dlx
plums affected with ecale.
The Inspector says fruit tbia season la much
freer of pest than last year, which la doubt
leas acounted for- by the vigorous crusade be
conducted during the year.
Bank Clearing.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of the
Northwest yesterday were:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland t 8T.3R J79.400
Seattle 1,(101.611 2w.77
Tacoma 7D8.042 32.425
Spokane 894.377 30,720
Grain, Flour, Ford, Etc.
MILLSTUFF8 Bran, city, $17, country
$18 per ton; middlings, $24.506 25.50; shorts,
city, $19; country $20 per ton; chop, $15 fit
16 per ton.
WHEAT (New crop) Club, SOc; blue
atem. 82c; Valley, 80o; red. 78c.
OATS Producers' prices: No. 1 white.
$24.50 (new crop); gray, nominal.
FLOLrt Patent. $4.80; straight, $4.25:
clears, $4.23; Valley, $4.3U'nn.4y; graham
flour. $44.0; whole wheat flour, $4.25
BARLEY Producers' prices: Feed, $21.50
5'22 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled,
$23. 5018-24. 30.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90
pound sacks, $7; lowe rgrades. $3.506.50;
oatmeal, ateel-cut. 43-pound sacks, $S per
barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4.23 per bale; oat
meal (ground), 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 9-pound sacks. $4 per bale; split
peas, per 100 pounds. $4.25444.80; pearl bar
ley, $44.50 per 100 pounds; pastry flour,
10-pound sacka, $2.30 per bale.
CORN Whole. $28; cracked, $29 per ton.
HAY Valley timothy. No. 1, $17 18 per
ton: Eastern Oregon timothy, $21 23;
clover, $9; cheat, $9 10; grain hay, $910;
alfalfa, 113 & 14.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON Fancy breakfast. 22c pound;
standard breakfast, 1914c; choice, 18Ver
English. 11 to 14 pounds. 16c; peach, 1514c.
HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 1614 c pound: 14
to 16 pounds, 16c; IS to 20 pounds, 16c;
picnics, 12c; cottage. 1214c; shoulders, 1214c;
boiled, 25c.
SAUSAGE Bologna, long, 8e; links, T14e.
BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels. $20;
half-barrels, $11; beef, barrels, $10; half
barrels. $5.50.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short cleara,
dry salt, 12c; srmtfed, 13c; clear backs, dry
salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to 17
pounds average, dry salt, none; smoked,
none; Oregon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked,
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 1214 c;
tubs, 12c; 50s, -12Xc; 20c. 12c; 10s,
13!ic; os, 139ic. Standard pure: Tierces,
1114c; tubs, llKc; 60s, lUtc; 20c, 1194c;
10s, 121dc: 5s, 121c. Compound: Tierces,
914c; tubs, V4c; 60s. 814c; 10s, 10c; 5s.
Vegetables, Fruits, Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Cherries, 812!4e
pounu; appies, si.aos per box.
Spitzerbergs. $3.60 per box; cantaloupes,
$2.60j.3.50 per crate; peaches, 60 $1.25 per
crate; raspberries. $1.2501.50: blarkherrien.
5 7c per pound; loganberries. $1 por
, prunes, i.auvi.'0 per crate; water
melons. H43lc per pound: plums, SI. SOW
1.65 per box; pears, $2.25; apricots, $1.5062
per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $5 7 per
box; oranges, sweets, $3.253.50: Valencias.
$3.754.50; grape-fruit, $2.503j50; ba
nanas, 6c per pound, crated 514 c.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.75 per
sack; carrots, $2 per sack; beets, $2 per
sack; garlic, 8c per pound.
FRESH VEGETABLES Arttchoclces, 0
i5c per dozon; asparagus. 10c per pound;
beans, nominal, 35c; cabbage, 214c per
pound; celery. $1.25 per dozen; earn, 25 35c
per dozen; cucumbers. 50c$l per box; egg
plant, 10c pound; lettuce, head, 25o per
dozen; lettuce, hothouse. $1.50 per box;
onions, 1520c per dozen; parsley. 20c per
dozen; peas, 4 5c per pound; peppers, bell,
12 14 15c per pound; radishes, 20c per
dozen; rhubarb, 314c per pound; spinach.
6c per pound: squash, 50c$l per box;
i.mStoes' $1$1.25 per crate, hothouse
$2..0; sweet potatoes. 7c per pound.
ONIONS Walla Walla. $2.25 per cwt
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 8814e pound;
apricots, 18 19c: peaches, ll13c; pears,
111414c; Italian prunes. 2i6c; Califor
nia figs, white, in sacks, 5(?6!4c per pound;
black. 414 5c: bricks, 75c$2.25 per box:
Smyrna, 1314 20c pound; dates, Persian,
614 7c pound.
POTATOES New, 114 2c per pound.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Eto.
HOPS 6T14o per nound. irrnrAh.
quality. -
TYOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 18
!y22c per pound, according t n Bhrinif.M.
Valley, 20!22c. according to fineness.
muHAiK Choice, 2930c per pound.
CASCARA BARK Old. less thr -o- w
6i?H4c; Car lots. 6c: new. 6S 6!4c pound -HIDES
Dry. No. 1. 16 nounda and un 1R,.
per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds. 15
16c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5
pounds. 20c; dry salted, bulls and stags,
one-third less than dry flint; culls, moth
eaten, badly cut, scored,- murrain, halr
slipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 23o
per pound less; salted ' steers, sound, 60
pounds anS over, 8c Dound: steer mimri
60 to 60 pounds. 89e pound: steers, unnnri
under 50 pounds, and cowb, 89c pound:
stags and bulls, aound, 6 14 6c pound; kip.
sound. 15 to 30 pounds, 89c pound; veal,
sound, under 10 pounds, 11c: calf, aound.
under 10 pounds. 11 12c pound; green (un
salted), lc pound less; culla, 1c pound less;
sheepskins, shearings, No. 1 butchers' stock
2530c each; short wool. No. 1, butchers'
stock. 6060e each'; medium wool. No 1
butchers' stock, $1.251.50 each: murrain
pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 1314c
pound; horse hides, salted, accarding o
size, $22.50 each; hides, dry. according
to size. $11.60 each; colta hides. 20 50c
each; goatskins, common. 15 25c each;
goatskins. Angora, with wool on, 80c $1.64
FURS Bearskins, as to six 1 ks
20 each; cubs. $le3 each; badger, prime. 25
50c each; cat, wild, with head perfect,
3050c; cat, house, 5820c; fox, common
gray, large prime, 50 70c each; red, $3 5
each; cross, $515 each; silver and black.
$100SOO each; fishers, $58 each; lynx.
$4.506 each; mink, strictly No. 1. accord
ing to size, $13 each: marten, dark north
ern, according to size and color. $10 15
each; pale. pine, according tn rIkm nri
color. $2.604 each; muskrat, large. 12 13c
eacn; sKunk, du'euc each; civet or pole
cat. B15c each; otter, for lara-e. crime
skins. $6 10 each; panther, with head and
ciaws pertect, 25 each; raccfton, for
prime, large, 50 75c each: wolf, mountain,
with head perfect, $3.505 each; prairie
tcoyote), 60c $1 each; wolverine, $6 8
Groceries, Nut. Eto.
RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. (Hie: South
ern Japan, 6.10c; head. 714e.
COFFEE Mocha. 24 28c: Java, ordlnarv.
17 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c: good, 16
Bnc; ordinary, iztgittc per pound. Columbia
roast, cases. 100s, $14.50; 60s, $14.75;. Ar
buckle, $18.50; Lion, $15.75.
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails,
$1.76 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1
pound flats, $1.10; Alaska. Dink. 1-nound
talis, 95c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.25; sockeyea,
1-pound tails. $1.70.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds, cube.
$6.1214; powdered. $8.0214; granulated,
$3.8714: extra C, $5.6714; golden C. $5.2714;
fruit sugar, $5.8714; berry, $5.8714: XXX.
$5.7714. Advance sales over sack basis as
follows: Barrels, 10c; 14 barrels, 25c; boxes,
60c per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances
within 15 days deduct o per pound: If
later than 15 days and within 30 days, de
duct 14c; beet sugar, $5.7714 per 100 pounds;
maple sugar. 15 18c per pound.
NUTS Walnuts, 181420c per pound by
sack; Brazil nuts, 19c; filberts, 16c; pecans.
Jumbos, 23c; extra large, 21c; almonds. 18
20c; chestnuts, Ohio, 1714c; Italian, 1414
15c; peanuts, raw, 6814c per pound;
roasted, 10c; plnenuts, 1012c; hickory
nuts, 10c: cocoanuts, 3590c per dozen.
SALT Granulated, $14 -per ton; $2 per
bale; half ground, 100s, $10.50 per ton; 60s.
$11 per ton.
BEANS Small white, 34e; large white.
8c; pink. 8c; bayou, 8 He; Lima, 514c; Mexi
cans, red, 4c.
HONEY Fancy. $8.253.50 per box.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, ' Etc. '
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 30c per pound. State creameries: Fan
cy creamery. 27 14 30c: store butter. 19
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 15V
18c; Young America. lH17c per pound.
POULTRY Average old hens, 1214 13-:
mixed chickens, 1214 c; Spring chickens,
14H15c; old roosters, 89c; dressed
chickens. 1617c; turkeys, live, 1215c:
turkeys, dressed, choice, nominal; geese,
live, per pound. 8llc: ducks. 814c;
pigeons, $11.50; squabs, $253.
EGGS Fresh ranch, candled, 2U!422e
per dozen.
Eastern Dairy Products.
NEW YORK, July 31. Butter and eggs,
steady; unchanged.
CHICAGO, July 31. Butter, easy; cream
ery, 20&23c; dairy, 1814S2214C.
Eggs Firm; at mark, cases included, 1314
July Steel Report Shows
Large Shrinkage.
Result of Haywood Trial and Pri
vate Unfavorable Crop Reports
Contribute to Weakness In
List, Including Grangers.
NEW YORK, July 81. The decline in prices
today got ita principal inspiration from the
quarterly report of the United Statea Steel
Corporation. The main factor in the discour
aging sentiment was the .statement given by
one of the directors that the amount of new
business of the corporation for July had con
tracted 25 to 30 per cent from the business of
July last year, a shrinkage ao considerable
ae to give occasion for much serious thought
of the extent to which the slowing up In gen
eral business might go. Thus it happened
that stocks turned weak upon the appearance
of the report of the record quarterly earnings
of the steel corporation.
The fact that these earnings would consti
tute a new record was definitely known for
several days before the report was published,
although the flgurea exceeded the most san
guine estimate. The decrease In the volume
of orders on hand June 30, compared with the
preceding quarter, waa no greater than was
expected, but these facts -apply to past con
ditions and failed td appeal to atock market
sentiment. The fact dwelt on waa that the
present condition in the steel trade represents
a considerable reaction, with data lacking to
define the ultimate limits of the reaction.
From the purely speculative standpoint the
view was adopted that the market, which
failed of stimulation from the recently an
nounced Intention to advance the Southern
Pacific dividend and from the U. S. Steel
quarterly earnings, was not In hopeful posi
tion for a rise. There was, In consequence,
much professional selling of stocks. The cop
per stocks were even weaker than the iron
and steel atocks, partly owing to the -continued
settlement In the market for the metal,
which scored a further wide decline in Lon
don today.
A contributory cause to the weakness in the
group was the feeling that the outcome of the
Haywood trial might involve some additional
difficulties for these companies In the labor
An unfavorable crop report from a private
expert was a factor in the late weakness of
the market.
Sterling exchange moved away from the
gold export point today. The higher rates for
call loans have Invited offerings of bankers'
bills, which lowered the price of exchange.
The pressure to sell stocks persisted throughout
the session and the market closed weak at
the lowest of the day.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value,
$1,066,000. U. S. bonds were unchanged on
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Adams' Express 150
Amal. Copper 66.4HO 884 85 Si
Am. Car & Foun.. 1,000 42T4 421a
do preferred l'iuii
Am. Cotton Oil 700 3514 35 35
do preferred 85
American Express 210
Am. Hd. & Lt. pt 2014
American Ice 900 6 60 49
Am. Linseed Oil , 8
do preferred 22
Am. Locomotive .. 4,000 58 56 58
do preferred 10414
Am. Smelt. & Kef. 36.200 114 11214 11214
do preferred 1.20 106 10414 106
Am. Sugar Ref . . . 9u0 12114 121 121
Am. Tobacco ctfs S6
Anaconda Mln. Co. 4.500 5514 66 55
Atlchison 1.300 98 91 KIT
do preferred 2o0 93 92 92
Atl. Coast Line... 200 98't 96 9514
Bait. Ohio 21 K) 97i 74 97 14
do preferred 100 86 Sfl-Ti 85
Brook. Rao. Tran. 3.300 571i 58 V, 56
Canadian Pacific... 1,000 176 175 175
Central of , N. J." -"'17S
Ches. & Ohio 8.8'10 38'4 35? 8514
Chi. Gt. Western. 200 Ilia ll'i lilt
Chicago & N. W.. 7i0 148S, 14814 148
C, M. & St. P 1.5J0 13314 131 1321
Chi. Ter. A Tran 14
do preferred 15
.. C. C. & St. L 65
Colo. Fudl & Iron 4.3O0 31 30 SO
Colo. 4 Southern-. 600 27 26 25
do 1st pre. erred 58
do 2d preferred.. 200 4614 4614 4514
Consolidated Gas.. 200 120 119 119
Cora Products 17
do preferred 72
Del. & Hudson 800 171 169 169
Del. .Lack. & Wes 405
D. & R. Grande.. 1,200 - 2914 28-, 28
do preferred 70
Distillers' Securl. . 500 65 . 63 64
Erie 6.6O0 23 23 2.1-7J
do 1st preferred 68
do 2d preferred.. 200 42 42 41
General Electric... 300 137 137 136
Illinois Central 144
Int. Paper 14
do preferred 72
Int. Pump 25
do preferred .......... ..... ..... 73
Iowa Central 17
do preferred .... 38
K. C. Southern 900 27 26 26
do preferred ' 56
Louie. & Nash.... 600 113 112 112
Mexican Central .. 1,800 20 2l 20
Minn. & St. L 100 41 41 41
M.,St.P. & S.S. M 104
do preferred 130
Missouri Pacific... 700 75 . .71 74
Mo., Kan. & Texas 10,000 3g 37 38
do preferred 3"0 67 6 66
National Lead 1.S00 69 67 57
Mex. Nat. Ry. pf 60
N. Y. Central 4,900 . 111 llol 110
N.Y.. Ont. & Wes. 1,400 36 36 35
Norfolk & West 74
do preferred N 80
North American 68
Pacific Mail 1.100 28 28 26
Pennsylvania 12,500 122 121 121
People's Gas 90
P.. C. C. A 8t. L. 68
Pressed1 Steel Car. . 600 34 33 . 33
do preferred 200 9u 90 9p
Pullman Pal. Car. 100 162 182 182
Reading 101,500 104 lo2 102
do 1st preferred. 200 80 80 SO
do 2d preferred.. ....... ..... 77 .
Republic Steel ... 26
do preferred 1.800 82 82 82
Rock Island Co... 1,400 21 2114 21
do preferred .... 400 47 48Vi 46
St.L. & S. F. 2 pf. 1O0 37 37 37
St. L. Southwest. 200 20 2ci 20
do preferred .... 1,200 61 46 48
Southern Pacific... 81.7O0 91 88 88
do preferred .... 2K) 112 112 112
Southern Railway.. 4o0 19 19 19
do preferred 62
Tenn. Coal & Iron ..... 140
Texas & Pacific. 1.200 80 29 29
ToL.St. L. & West. 300 26 26 26
do preferred .... - 49
Union Pacific ....117,600 144 141 141
do preferred ..... ..... 82
U. S. Express 10s
U. S. Realty 55
U. S. Rubber 1.100 35 84 34
do preferred 97
V. S. Steel 64.700 36 85 35
do preferred 6.100 100 loo 100
Va.-Caro. Chem... 600 26 25 25
do preferred .... joi
Wabash .'. ... 100 18 13 13
do preferred ..... ..... 24
Wells-Fargo Ex 280
Weetlnghouse Elec 144
Western Union ..... ..... 77
Wheel. & L; Erie . .'. n
Wisconsin Central ' 17
do preferred 900 40 ' 40 89
Gt. Northern pf. .110,300 134 131 131
Northern Pacific. 15.4C0 134 13114 13114
Central Leather ..... 22
do preferred p-
Int. Metal 100 15 15 15
do preferred .... 400 44 43 43
Sloes-Sheffield .... 400 56 55 55
Total sales for the day. 610,000 shares.
NEW YORK, July 81 Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.l05!D. & R. G. 4s... 93
do coupon 105 IN. Y. C. G. 3c. 90
U. S. 3s reg 102 North. Pac. 3s... 71
do coupon. .. .103 ISouth. Pac. 4i. .'. 87
U. S. new 4s reg.l27fUnion Pac. 4s... 99
do coupon 128: Jap. 4s 79
Atchison adj. 4s 88 I do 6s 8914
Money, Exchange, Ete.
NEW YORK, July 81. Money on call,
firmer. 84 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per
cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at
3 per cent. Time loans, firm; 60 days,
4 per cent; 90 days. 6 per cent; six
months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper
6 6 per cent.
Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at $4.87 S $4.8705 for
j demand and ' at $4.S3634 8370 for 60-day
j bills; commercial bills. $4.83 4.83.
1 Bar silver. 89 c.
Mexican dollars. 54c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 81. Sliver bars.
Mexican dollars. 53c.
i I n ucr cenu
Sterling on London, 60 days,
sight, $4.87.
$4. 84;
LONDON. July 81. Bar silver, 81 15
per ounce.
ioney. rftl'1, per cent.
Short time bills, 314 3; 3 months' bills.
Q 1 fi Q L
rttocka at London.
LONDON. July 31. Consols for money,
83 1-18; do for account. 83.
Anarnnda lllllllnols Central. 14
Atchison 95 I Mo.. K. A T 401
ao prererrea.. vn i.n. y. t entrai . . . 1 15
Bait. & Ohio 100Norfolk & West.. 77
Canadian Pac. .18014' do preferred.. 84
Ches. i Ohio... 37 lOntario. ft West. 37 tit. west... 1 1 if ennsyivania ... 63
Chi.. M. & St. P.137 iRand Mines 3
De Beers 23 (Reading 53
Jjenver R. G. . 2'Soutriern Ry.... 20
do preferred.. 73! do preferred.. 03
Erie . 24 I Southern Pac 93
do 1st pref... 61 IL'nlon Pac 147
do 2d nref.... 43 I do preferred.. 90
Grand Trunk .. 27IU. S. Steel 37
Price Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
The following prices were quoted In the
local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers. $3.85 4; medium.
$3.253.50; cows, $3; fair to medium cows
$2.501T2.75; bulls. $22.50; calves $45.
SHEEP Good sheared, $44.25; lambs
HOGS Best, $6.656.85; lights, fats and
feeders, $6.506.75.
Eastern- Livestock Prices
CHICAGO, July. 31. Cattle Receipts 18.-
oou; market lOc higher; beeves, $4.40 7.70;
cows. SI 40?t)K " n hfr... 1 1 .a.
calves. $5.50 7; good to prime steers, $5.85
v i.ouj poor to meaium, $4.0U&po.7D; slock
ers and feeders. 12 MffJOf)
Hogs Receipts 22.000; market 5c higher;
light. $8.206.65; mixed, $6.156.50; heavy,
$5.70 6.40; rough, $5.10 6; pigs, $5.90
gooa co cnoice neavy, s8.oocgpo.40; bulk
$6.20 6.50.
Sheep Receipts 17.000: market mt.aAv
natives and Western, $3.505.70; yearlings,
$6 6.65; lambs, $5.60 7.30; Western, $5-50
t ,.,0
KANSAS CITY, July 81. Cattle Receipts
uuuu; market, luc nigner; native steers, $5
7.20: stockers and fpi1r, tn 4,.
Western cows. $2.734.25; Western steers!
-'(. o. id; duiis, i2.buiqi3.7o; calves, $3.75
Hogs Receipts 13,000; market strong. 6c
hleher: hulk of cnln. tnnflin- v, .
$6.106.20; packers, $6.156.30; light. $6.20
Sheerj Receipts 5000; market steady;
muttons. $3.25(6 5.85;- Jambs, $6.75 7.35;
range wethers, $5.256.25; fed ewes, $4.50
celpts, 3000; market steady to strong; native
steers. .$4.30 7: cows and heifers. $34.73;
western steers, UTO.ou; Texas steers, $3
5.50; cows and heifers, $2.504.50; canners,
$22.85; stockers and feeders, $2.754.90;
calves, $2.505.50; bulls, stags, etc., $2.30
4.85. .
Hogs Receipts 10,000; market steady;
benvv S.IQOfflln mi-rari ll!AAin- iin-h.
$6.1. -.18 6.30; pigs, $5.506; bulk of sales, $6
Sheep Receipts 2000; market steady;
yearlings, $5.506; wethers, $55.60; ewes,
$4.50 7.25: lombs, $6.50 7.50.
Prices Paid for Products In the Bar City
SAN FRANCISCO Julv 31 The fnllnln
prices were quoted In the produce market yea-
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 4050o; u-arlle,
i4c: srreen . neas. 1V,iff2r" lw,ni lixn.
asparagus, 5 8c; tomatoes."' 85:6 40c; egg
plant. $1.75.
FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.25; common, 75c;
CanSnaS. S 1 'fi '2 Mexican llmem 1 1 r,.rnml.
lemOnS. ChOlCe. K.V common r.ja ntrt.m
navels. $46; pineapples, $1.503.50. '
ruuLTRY Roosters, old, $44.Bfl-. young,
$8.30tsfa; broilers, small, $2.503; fryer-i, $4
6: hens. E4. 60(37. 50: ducks, rtlri S3 ht ka.
ducks, young, $5(06.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 28c: creamery
seconds. 24c: fancv dairv. 2fu? rtairv
23c: pickled. 22(6 23c.
EGGS Store. 19H23c: tannv ran-h oaiz.
Eastern. 21c.
CHEESE TOUng America. IKi.; Hmtmrr,
18o. -
WOOL Snrlna HumhnliTt nm
2325c; Nevada, 1518c.
HOPS Old. 67c; new. 910c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19(822: middiinr. err
30. i
HAY Wheat. $121; wheat and oats, $9
16: 'alfalfa. $8.80iai3.nO: irv IT uvsq.
straw, per bale. 40(p85c.
POTATOES Early Rose, $1.25 1.50; new,
ONIONS Red and yellow, $22.25.
RECEIPTS Flour, 8045 quarter sacks;
wheat, 685 centala; barley, 4640 centals; oats,
490 centals; beans. 622 eacks; corn, 50 centals;
potatoea, 3450 sacka: middlings, 50 sacks; hay,
812 tons; wool, 8 bales; hides, 780.
Eastern Mining; Stocks.
BOSTON, July 31. Closing quotations:
Adventure ..$ 2.50
Allouez 41.00
Amalgamatd 85.25
Atlantic .... 12.23
Bingham ... 14.50
Cal. ft Hecla- 790.00
Centennial . 28.O0
Top. Range.. 76.50
jQulncy 112.75
Tamarack . .
United Cop..
United Cop...
IT. S. Mlninr.
.61.00 .
IU. 8. OH
I Wolverine ..
Dalv West. .
Franklin . . .
Isle Royale.
Mai Mining
Michigan ...
Mont. C. ft C.
O. Dominion.
13.00 INorth Butte.
7. 12 I Butte coalit.
2.50 Nevada.
13. 7
41.23 ,1Cal. ft Aria... 164.00
123.00 Arl. Coml... 20.50
Parrot $ 18.00
Adams Con....
Brunswick Con.
Comstock Tun..
Con. Cal. ft Va.
81. Closing quotations:
iLlttle Chief 6
Ontario 25
. 20
. 50
. 25
. 60
Ophlr ....100
Potosl io
Savage 51
Sierra Nevada. . 30
Standard 150
Small Hopes ... 50
Horn Silver
Iron Sliver
Leadvllle Con. .
Metals East and Abroad. -
NEW YORK. July 31. The London tin
market was 610c higher, with spot quoted at
1182 and futures at 181. Locally the market
was dull, but a ahade higher, with spot
quoted at S9.7540.25o.
Copper had a sharp break in the. London
market, with spot at f87, or 2 lower, and
futures at 82 10s. There was some talk of
a decline locally, with the market weak and
prices nominal. Lake was quoted' at 20.80
31.50c. electrolytic at 2020.50c and casting at
Lead was unchanged at 8.158.25e In the
local market, but advanced 2s 6d to 19 10s In
Spelter was 2s 6d lower, at 23 2s 6d in Lon
don and was also easier tn the local market
at S.806.85c.
Iron was unchanged in the English market,
with standard foundry quoted at 66s 4d and
Cleveland warrants at 67s 4d. Locally the
market was unchanged.
Dried Fruit In New York.
NEW YORK. July 81. The market for
evaporated apples Is quiet, but steady. Fancy
are quoted at Sc; choice. 8c; prime, 8c;
poor to fair, 67c.
Prunes are firm on spot, holders being en
couraged by bullish new crop reports. Quo
tations range from 4 to 12c for California
fruit and from 6c to 9e for Oregon.
Apricots are nominally unchanged, with
choice quoted at 21c. extra choice at 22c and
fancy at 2223c.
Peaches are quiet, but steady, with choice
quoted at 12c; extra choice, 1213c; fancy,
1313ifcc. and extra fancy 1414c
Raisins are in fair demand at this time of
year and prices are firm. Loose Muscatels
are quoted at 6-10c, seeded raisins 7
18c and London layers $1.751.85.
St. Louis Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, July 81. Wool Steady; terri
tory and Western mediums, 2124c; fins me
aium. 1719c; One, 1416o.
Weather Abroad Made Factor
on Chicago Boards
Oats Pit Scene of Activity on Pur
chase of 4,000,000 Bushels by
Prominent Bull, Pushing '
Market Vp About lc.
CHICAGO, July 31. The local wheat
market was weak today because of con
tinued clear weather In the Northwest. At
the close September wheat was off T4c.
corn waa up c. oats c higher, and
provisions unchanged to 25o lower.
The wheat market opened firm because of
bullish news from Europe, where wet
weather Is said to be causing damage to the
crops In France and Germany. These re
ports, however, were offset by the favor
able weather conditions in this country, and
pit traders sold steadily all day. The mar
ket became weak in the last half of the ses
sion and continued heavy for the remainder
of the day, closing weak. September
opened c lower at 92 c to 92 c. ad
vanced to 92c, and then declined to
91 He, closing at 9191c.
There was very little trade In corn, and
the market was firm largely In sympathy
with oats. The market was strong. Sep
tember opened c lower at 53c. advanced
to 53 54c, where lt closed.
Oats were active and strong. A feature
of trading was the purchase of between
2.000.000 and 4.000.000 bushels by a promi
nent bull. ' September opened a shade to
c higher at 39c to 39c. advanced
to 40 c. where it closed.
Provisions were quiet and steady. A 5o
advance in the price of live hogs was a
bullish Influence. At the close September
pork was off 25c and ribs and lard
were unchanged.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
July $ .90 $ .90 $ .89 $ .89
September ... 92 .92 .91 .91
December 96 .96 .95 .93
May 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00
July 63 .54
September ... .53 .54
December 49 .50
May 61 .51
.53- .63
.63 .54
.40 .50
.61 .51
July .44
.43 .44
.39 .40
.39 .40
ijecemoer ...
September ...16.52 18.57 16.60 16.62
September ... 9.23 9.27 9.25 9.25
October 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30
September ...8.72 .8.77 8.72 8 72
October 8.65 8.70 8.65 8.65
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 99c$l; No. 8. 94c
$1; No. 2 red, 8990c.
I Corn No. 2, 64c; No. 2 yellow, 6555c.
. "U",L- io. s wnite, 46
47 c.
Rye No. 2, 86c.
Barley Good feeding, 6558c; fair to choice
malting. 6983c.
Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.19.
Timothy seed Prime. $4.65.
Clover Contract grades, $15.60.
Short ribs Sides (loose). $8.608.75.
Mess pork Per barrel, $r8.3516.40. .
Lard Per 100 pounds, $9.10.
Sides Short clar (boxed), $8.879.02.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.3L
Flour, barrels Sh'P,n
wheat, bushels ..: iJfSS
Corn, bushels 253 200 oi VfS
Oats, bushels .... . .. I33000 ll.Voo
Barley, bushel. "."i; 3
New York Grain Market.
NEW YORW Il i ci . . .
m n., v , nuur neceipts,
16.900 barrels: exnorta. Anm ). 1. .....
steady. Dul
Wheat Recelnts. ftr aoo j .
16,000 bushels. Soot ,v. K- . ' VV.
, . ' . . leu. VOM.C
elevator and 98c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 North
ern, Duluth. $1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard
",mt,i o-u 1. o. o. anoat.
Tiade in wheat was iatv 1 1 j . . L
, - " " u,j, wun tne
early undertone steady, following coarse grains
. uun.u report oy one of the crop ex-
t--. -urau wuni, oased on better
roorthwest croD newa , .1 , .
- ' , . - nrajinm ana
final prices showed X: t it- . n . .
. - j "-- ucvtine. July,
8i98c; September, 98c; December tl
Hops and hides Quiet.
Wool Steady.
Petroleum Firm.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jnl ai n-v .
barley, quiet.
Spot quotations: Wheat ehi,i-. -
1.50; milling, $1.671.67. "
Barley Feed. Cl.25S-l.27U- hni., t
ei32H ;
Oats Red. tl.604M.Tn: whit. ,
black, $22.25.
Flour California, famiiv itAneMSA.
bakers' extras, $5.206.45; Oregon and Wash
ington. $4.9066.20.
Call board sales: Barlev v,v si a-. 1-1-.
cemoer. si. do.
Corn Large yellow. $1.471.62.
Wheat at Minneapolis.
MIN'NTAPOT.IS Julv CI 1,1 . e .
ber, 974)7c; December. 97o; No. 1 hard.
. ' "- nunuera, 1 -UO?), ; P.O. z Northr
era, 9797c; No. 8 Northern, 945c.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. July 21. Wheat Julv. itnml.
nal; September. 7s 2d; December, 7s 4d.
The weather In England today was cloudy.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, July 81. Wheat Unchansed:
bluestem, 85c; club, 88c; red, 810. ,
New York Cotton Futures.
NEW YORK. July 81. Cotton futures
closed steady. August. 11.56c; September,
li.o.c; uctoDer. li.uzc: November. 11.98c:
December, 12c; January, 12.08c; February,
12.12c; ilarcn, lz.ltsc; April. 12.21c; May.
Range of prices:
Open. High. Low. Close.
January 12.00 12.11 11.96 12.08
February 12.12
March 12.08 12.10 12.08 12.08
April . 12.21
May 12.19 12.28 12.18 1221
August 11.47 11.38 11.47 11.58
September . ...11 49 11.60 11.49 11.57
October 11.81 11.95 11.80 11.92
November 11.82 11.93 11.82 11.93
December, . ...11.91 12.03 11.69 42.00,
Coffee and fiucsr,
NEW YORK. July 31. Coffee futures closed
steady, net unchanged to 5 points higher.
Sales were reported of 84,750 bags, including
September, 5.90c; December, 5.95c; March6c ;
May, 6.10c; June, 6.10c.
Spot coffee, steady. Rio, No. T, 6c; San
tos. No. 4. 7c. Mild coffee, steady; Cor
dova, 9'312c.
Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 8.37$)
3.43; centrifugal, 96 test, 8.93c; molaaacs
sugar, 3.123.18c. Refined, steady.
Marriage Licensee.
BENNETT-HARROW Frank F. Bennett,
83, city; Mrs. Lela Grace Harrow, 32, city.
21. city; Chassle M. MacLeod, 19. city.
chanan, 20, city; Pearl M. MacLeod, 17,
HEALY-MALONE Thomas Hsaly. over
21, Albina; Margaret Malone, over 18. city.
BOWEN-WENDEL Eustace G. Bowen,
24. city; Edna E. Wendel, 22, city.
Newberry, 2S, Roseburg: Edith Blakeley. 2S.
MILNER -TRAVIS Joseph E. Mllner, 27,
city; Lula B. Travis. 17, citv.
city; Martha Crawford Davidson, 32, city.
MASON-ALDRIOH Verne W. Mason. 28.
city; Cordelia N. Aldrlch, 20, city.
CHASE-THOMAS Harry L. Chase. 32.
clty Emma May Thomas. 23. city.
Prsybylske. 21, city; Stellia Sierszesenska,
24, city.
HYDE-PECHIN W. S. Hyde. 33. city:
Ruth J. Pechin, 21. cltv. .
FA WCETT-IR ELAND A. R. Fawcett, 37.
city; Mrs. Carrie Helen Ireland. 38, city.
ARNOLD To the wife of Hosmer K.
Arnold, city, at Portland Maternity Hos
pital, July 27. a daughter.
BATES To the wife of Paul C. Bates,
city, at Portland Maternity Hospital. July
28, a son.
DICK To the wife of Edward C. Dick.
402 East Eighth street North. July 2S, a
FYFE To the wife of Norman L. Fyf,
city, at Portland Maternity Hospital. July
29. a daughter.
HABERT To the wlfe'oT E. P. Habert.
431 Harrison street, July 10,' a son.
HOUGARD To the wife of Samuel Paul
son Hougard. 512 East Harrison street,
July 24, a son.
JONES To the wife of William Oliver
Jones, at Mount Tabor, July 28. a son.
SHULL To the wife of Frank L. Shull.
city. Portland Maternity Hospital, July SI,
a son.
SANY To the wife of Harry H. Sany,
743 Everett street. July 23. a son.
WAGNER To the wife of Franz Wagner.
654 East Taylor, July .10, a son.
BOLAND At St. Vincent's Sanatorium
July 30, Michael Boland, city, aged 47
CASSINELLI At "St. Vincent's Hospital,
July 29, Gugliermo Cassinelll, of Columbia
Slough Road, aged 45 years, 11 months, 19
DURFEE At Fulda, Washington, July 27,
George S. Durfee, aged 67 years.
HAWLEY At St. Vincent's Hospital, July
81, Carrie J. Hawley, of Davenport, Iowa,
aged 48 years, 24 days.
LATIMER At East Thirtieth and Powell
streets, July 30 Herbert Latimer, aged 23
years. 11 months. -10 days.
LEWIS At 405 Wheeler street. July SO,
Clyde Lain Lewis, aged 29 years, 4 months,
23 days.
NELSON At Oregon City, July 29, Rich
ard. Nelson, aged 29 years.
OLIVER At 514 Milwaukle street. July
80, Harry S. Oliver, aged 9 months, 14 days.
RYAN At Reservoir Park, July 81. child
of Mr. Ryan.
RYAN At Reservoir Park, July 30, Les
ter Ryan, aged 3 years.
SANDS Home for the Aged. July 29.
Anna Sands, aged 55 years.
SHEPARD On Columbia Slough, July 29.
Margaret Shepard. aged 73 years, 6 months,
6 days.
Building Permits.
N. P. ANDERSON To-story frame
dwelling. Michigan atreet, between Shaver
and Mason; $2000.
S. B. KEEFER One and a half-story
frame dwelling. East Thirty-fifth street, be
tween Gladstone and Cora; $1200.
J. W. MILLER One-story frame dwell
ing. East Fiftieth street, between Central
and Soutn: $1000.
F. 8CHWARZBACH Two-story frame
dwelling. Corbett - street, between Hamilton
and Seymour; $2200.
Articles of Incorporation.
Overland Transfer Company Incorporators,-
William George Manning. Charles
Hamilton Peterson, Thomas N. M. Pater
son and C. P. Jones. Capitalization,
$10,000. Business, general storage, forward
ing, transferring and teaming.
Japanese-American Bank Incorporators,
H. s. Myers. M. S. Myers and F. X. Myers.
Name changed from Mercantile Trust Com
pany. Says He Mas Cheated.
Suit was filed In the Circuit Court yes
terday by D. Jj. Van de Welle against
T. A. Garbade to recover $3750 and in
terest at 6 per cent from May 21, 1906.
Van de Wlele alleges Garbade sold him
37 shares of stock in the Portland Coffee
& Spice Company at $100 a share, repre
sentlng to him that the company was In
a flourishing condition. He alleges that
an Inventory showed the company to be
Insolvent at the time he bought tne stock
Therefore, he wants his money returned
"Uyfatherhad been a snffererfrom tic headache
for the last twenty-flve years and never found any
relief until he began taking your Cascarets. Bince
he has begun taking Cascarets be bas never had
the headache. They have entirely cored him.
Cascarets do what yon, recommend them to do. I
will give yoa the privilege of using bis nsme.':
B.M. Ulekson, lla Resiuer St., W.lndlaaapolis, lnd.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do Good,
Never Sicken, Weake-n or Gripe. 10c. 25c, SOc. Never
sold in bnlk. The genuine tablet stamped OCO.
unarantoed to enre or yoar money back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 598
The Well-Known
Root and Herb
Has made a Ufa study
of roots and herbs, and
In that study discovered
and is giving to -the
world his wonderful
No Merctury Poisons or Drujrs Used- M
Cures Without Operation, or Without the
Aid of the Knife. He guarantees to cure
Catarrh. Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheuma
tism, Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Stom
ach. Liver, Kidney Troubles; aiao Lost Man
hood, Female Weakness and All Private
Just Received from Peking, China Safe,
gore and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AF
DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4
cents In stamps. CONSULTATION FREE.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.,
162Vi Flrat St., Cor. Morrison,
Portland. Oresron.
Please Mention This Paper.
Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav
in and Cotton Root Pills, ih
best and only reliable remedy
-Host obstinate cases In 8 to 10
Price $2 per box, mailed In plain
wrapper. Sold by drugsrict?" everywhere.
Address Dr. T. J. PIERCE. 181 First
street. Portland Oregon.
Blr n a nen-votaonnta
Iramear for Oooorrnosa
Gleet. Spormetorrbna,
wmtes, unnatural div
charges, or our inuamme
ata MOtoaloa. tion of mucous monr
eEvmbChemiCDLus. branes. Koa-astringent.
aol by ltraanstata.
or sent in plain wrapper
br jxsrass. nron-tid. faf
1.00, or S botties, 42.7S,
&UM1! ! CSaiiaast
p;li s i mm
AiL-?i nn to strut
'In all tTig world
no trio-like tKis"
Between DULUTH,
Houghton, Mar
quette. Sault Ste.
M a rl e Macklnae
Island, Detroit.
Cleveland and BUF
FALO. Sailing from Du
luth every Tuedu?
throughout the
Between CHICAGO,
Milwaukee, Harbor
Springs, Mackinac
Island, Detroit,
Cleveland and BUF
FALO. Sailing from Chi
cago every Satur
day throughout the
Season from June 22d. to First Week In
European or American Plan.
Rati or Steamship.
For full Information, rates, etc. apply t
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A.
1SS Third St. Portland, Or.
Alaska 1907
8. S. Spokane. July 2ft:
August 9.
S. 8. Senator. Sept. 6; Oct. T. President,
Sept. 28.
Sailing from Seattle for
Skarway. Sitka. Juneau and nay porta
Saillns 9 P. M.
Cottage City, via Sitka. .July 23, Aug. 13-311
City of Seattle July 20. Aug. 3-15-29
H. S. S. Co.'s Humboldt. July 22. Aug.
Sailing 9 A. M. From Seattle.
President July 20
Sonoma July t9
Santa Rosa July 23
City Office, 249 Washington SU
Jamestown Exposition
Low Rates
August 8, 9, 10 ; September 11, 12, 13.
Chicago and return, $71.50.
St. Louis and return, $67.50.
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Su
perior, Winnipeg and PL Arthur and
return, $60.
For tickets, sleeping-car reserva
tions and additional information, call
on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and
T. A., 122 Third St., Portland, Or.
Telephones Main 680, Home A 2286.
Balling from Couch-street dock, Portland,
for Seattle. Tacoma. Everett and Belling
ham. August 4 at 0 P. M.
Connecting at Seattle for Nome. Oolofnlnln,
St. ftllchael, Chena and Fairbanks with
steamer Pleiades, Hyadea, Lyra. Mackinaw.
Schubach & Hamilton. General Agents.
Seattle. Wash.
F. P. Baumgartner, Agent. Portland.
Couch-Street Dock.
Phones: Mala 861: Home A 4161.
Ho! For Astoria
Round trips daily (except Thursdays)
7 A. M. Landing:, Alder-street
Dock. Phono Main 565.
Leaves Sunday at 8 A. SI. Hound
trip 1.00.
North Pacific S. S. Co's. Steamsshlp
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka. San Fran isrt ktifl
Los Angeles direct every Thursday at
8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St,
near Aider. Both Dhonea. M. 1314.
H. Young, Agent.
NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR A tcr, kt . o.
6uperlor Accommodation. Excellent Culslnal
The Comfort of Faesenffen i.irfnt rv,...
ered. 6ingle or Round Trip Tickets laesued be-
I .i V t . . BCOI English, Irish
and all principal Contlnenta. points at attrac
tive rates. Send for Book of Tours. For tick
et or general Information apply to an local
agent of the Anchor Line or to
HENDERSON BROS.. Gen'i Agents. Chicago.
. Only ocean steamers affording daylight
trip down Columbia River.
From Ainsworth Dock. Portland, 8 A. M.
8. 8. Costa Klca, Aog. 9. 19, 29, ete.
From Spear-street wharf. San Francisco,
11 A. M.
S. S. Costa Rica, Aug. 4, 14, 24, etc.
JAS. H. DEWSON, Agent.
248 Washington St. Phone Main 2a
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and' Tin
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland al
7 A. M.. arriving about & P. M., ' carrying
freight and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder at.. Portland: foot of
.Court St.. The Dalles. Phone Mala Sit,
Steamers Pomona and Oregoas for
Saiem and Way Landings 6:45 a M.
Dally (ex. Bun.). For Oregon City
Leaves daily 7:30. 11:30 A. M., 3:30 P M
Leaves Oregon. City. 9:30 A. M... i:30
6:30 P. M.
Foot Taylor St.
Phones 40, A 223.
Washington-Street Dock.
Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles ard -way
landings, at T A- M.. returning 10 H.
M. Fast time. . best service.
Phoneat Slain 3184 Home. A 11S4. .
'j- &!. ilia fisTgy a ti$if- : rri