Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Portland Lawyer Will Enter
- the Senatorial Contest
Against Fulton.
Man Who Once Wore Toga for Six
Weeks Plans to Win by Appeal
to the Plain People
of Oregon.
Frederick W. Mulkey, ex-United
State Senator from Oregon, is being
groomed for the Senatorial race at the
April primaries. During the Summer
tie will engage in the most strenuous
training. Gallops to the far corners
of the state to become better acquaint
ed with the people of every seatlon
have been arranged by his trainers.
H will single-foot it to the nearby
districts also to meet his old friends
and make new ones. By next Spring
his admirers think he will be in fine
fettle to trot In a winner in the Spring
meet wlta Fulton. '
Mr Mulkev already has once romped in
a winner, but be It remembered, in the
Senatorial sweepstakes, and followers
of the political ponies are scanning the
form charts to dope out his previous
performances and get a line on his
chances to push his nose under the
wire ahead of the salmon county
The Mulkey handshake has been Tin
limbered and the latest candidate is
now ready to pass among the dear peo
ple and enlist their votes. The cam
paign of the Summer promises to en
liven many a corner-grocery gathering
In the alfalfa belt, for Senator Mulkey
will start out within a few days to
swing around the circle, going first
Into the Tillamook, Coos and , Curry
district and later through the sage
brush belt of Harney, Crook and Mal
heur. He will meet the farmers on
their own homesteads and will talk to
them sitting In neighborly fashion on
their rail fences.
Strenuous From .Jump.
Strenuous is the ..word from the
lump. Mr. Mulkey has Just completed
a, 12-day Jaunt through Klamatn ana
Lake Counties. Eight days of the
doien were occupied by Mr. Mulkey In
stage Journeys over the sizzling bunch
grass prairies. The remainder of the
n -; otIU Ka lust bi n f -
Bummer " " 1 . - ,
.!..- vm. ...m irnv0 throueh country
live, IUI 11 J . - -
where the locomotive is as much of a
-stranger as the extinct dodo.
X' - oilman r.rfl fni V MulkeV thiS
Summer. He expects to wear callouses
on his hands homing 10 mne
while traversing rough roads. He plans
1. rt tv,a n.ffp.rl tan of the hon-
d for the coming
strenuous month even nis lauor win
be forgotten. Back to the simple life
for Mr. Mulkey.
There is a platform too mat goes wim
the Mulkey campaign. Oh, my yes! Most
of it is Roosevelt and the rest is State-
XT.. t Thnrmlirh nlnrH With th6
J 1 IT; 11 L . ahu.umc"
Administration is the keynote of the prop
aganda that will be spread broadcast in
many a speech throughout the cow coun
ties during the August campaign. The
farmers may be busy getting in the crops,
and they may be tired after the long
day's work is done, but they will troop
out to hear the latest candidate Just the
same. Mr. Mulkey expects, however, to
make his speeches short, out of consider-
t atlon for his hard working audiences.
Found People Cordial.
"I am a candidate for the Senate," said
Mr. Mulkey yesterday. "On my recent
trip 1 found the people cordial and they
treated me in a very friendly fashion.
While I did not talk politics, I made in
quiry as to the political problems the peo
ple of the different sections were inter
ested,,. My purpose this Summer is to
learn the. needs of all parts of the state
and to personally meet the people and
find out what their interests are. r shall
travel through the more remote counties
J ( V,A nAmtnc mnnth
'I feel I have only one chance of elec
. tion and that is by the primary law as It
was enforced at the last election. I be
lieve In the election bf Senators by the
direct vote of the people. 1 do not be
lieve the people can look for any legisla
tion from the United States Senate that
will be beneficial to them unless they can
participate directly in the election of Sen
ators. Oregon, under the provision of
Statement No. 1 of the primary law has
taken advanced ground so that the Legis
lature merely registers the will of the
Believing as I do In the direct election
and realizing also the difficulty -of chang-
lng the constitution at present, I believe
In the rigid observance of Statement No.
1 and I believe legislators should so pledge
"I know of no better arbitrator of poli
tical Issues, or of the political preferment
of men, than the majority of the people,
and while I do not believe the people of
Oregon will ever send a Democrat to the
Senate, as the state is so overwhelmingly
Republican, should they .so decide. I be
lieve their decision should be rigidly ob
served and. respected by the Legislature.
Logrolling Thing of Past.
"This plan-removes political log-rolling
and deadlocks and gives the Legislature
a free hand in solving the problems the
people expect the legislators to consider.
It absolutely removes boss rule and re
duces to a minimum the influence of the
large interests which would otherwise
seek to elect a United States Senator to
be their personal representative.
Tf the npnnlA nf Orpenn m u If n nriA
more stand on the provisions of State
ment No. 1 it will be accepted, if success
ful, as an Issue decided and the people of
the state will never have to fear boss rule
again. It seems to -me to be the great
overshadowing issue before the people of
the state.
"So far as National Issues are con
cerned. it would make but little differ
ence who represents Oregon In the Sen
ate. provided the successful candidate be
a Republican, as there are no National
issues that especially divide the Repub
lican party. It would be better, of course.
If the delegate from Oregon were in
hearty sympathy with the National Ad
ministration. There has been consider
able opposition developed in the United
States Senate against the administration
of President Roosevelt; largely due 'to
. the fact that Individual Senators and the
Senate as a body seem Jealous of their
"A great many powers exercised by the
, Senate have been usurped. I think the
freedom with which the Senate seeks to
amend treaties negotiated by the Execu
tive Department of the Government was
never originally contemplated by the
framers of the Constitution. The tre-
ijiciiuuui jjuwer i leu oy Kits dciikib 111
reference to the confirmation or rejec
tion of Executive appointees was, in my
opinion. never contemplated by the
framers of the Constitution.
"The Senate, gained most of these pow
ers when legislative questions were of
chief importance to the Nation, but the
principal problems of today are not' those
of constitutional law. but rather of ad
ministration law. The conflicts between
the Senate and the Executive are largely
due to a refusal on the part of the legis
lative branch of the Government to ac
cord to the Executive Department suffi
cient power to cope with administrative
questions. v
"The result Is that the Executive is
constantly appealing to the Legislative
Department for legislation which, in the
nature of things, it should possess as an
independent power. In other words, the
Executive at the present time enjoys
only what may be designated as dele
gated ordinance power. The time has
now arrived when the Executive Depart
ment should also have supplemental and
independent ordinance power.
"The administration of Theodore Roose
velt will, in my opinion, be designated in
the future as an administration of great
and constructive statesmanship. He has
evolved policies of government that have
been enrgetic and fearless. His adminis
tration lias checked the tendency to "con
centrate wealth in the hands of a few and
to reduce the importance of individuals
as distinguished from corporations of
large capitalization.
"In an economic sense, his administra
tion has done more lo prevent the coun
try from accepting the doctrines of social
ism than any other since the doctrine of
individualism has been accepted by the
civilized world. It should be the con
cern of the people of Oregon and of the
Nation at large to insist that Theodore
Roosevelt retain the Presidency for an
other four years; if he absolutely refuses,
then it should be the duty of the Republi
can party to nominate a man who has
been in complete sympathy and accord
with his administration.
Taft has proved himself a statesman.
He is of splendid magnetism and I favor
bis nomination in case Presiden. Roose
velt cannot be induced to accept another
term. I sincerely trust that the peo -'c of
Oregon will give Secretary Taft a cordial
reception wherr he comes here, for it is
only necessary to come in contact with
the man to feel the power of his person
He Is Succeeded in Command at
Fort Stevens by Lleutertant
Colonel John V. White.
Coloiel L. H. , Walker, artillery district
commander of 'the Department of the
Columbia during the past two years,
leaves his headquarters at Fort Stevens
this week for Boston, where he has been
assigned to command of the important
coast fortifications. He is succeeded in
command of this district by Lieutenant
Colonel John V. White.
Both officers are veterans of the Army
in point of service and both have splendid
military records. Colonel Walker entered
the military academy at West Point July
1, 1867 and graduated June 12, 1871, when
he was assigned to the Fifteenth United
States Infantry, then stationed In New
Mexico. He served on -frontier duty In
New Mexico and Arizona fpr some five
years, during which time he was in. com
mand of one of the parties pertaining to
exploration west of the 100th meridian,
under the direction of Lieutenant George
M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers. In Aug
ust, 1876, he was ordered to the military
academy at West Point as assistant
instructor of tactics and discipline, and re
mained on that duty for four years, when
he rejoined his regiment in New Mexico,
serving on the Mexican, border and in
Colorado for two years, when he trans
ferred to the Fourth Regiment of Artil
lery, and served at Fort Adams, Newport,
R. I., and Fort Monroe, Va., for some
five years, when his regiment was ordered
to Atlanta, Ga., and the Gulf coast. Here
he served for four years, and was then
assigned to Light Battery F, Fourth Ar
tillery, stationed at Fort Riley. Kan.,
where he remained for over three years,
during which time his battery was . sent
to Chicago, to assist in suppressing the
labor riots.
In September, 1896, "he was transferred to
battery G, Fourth Artillery, at Washing
ton, D. C, and at the beginning of the
War with Spain was promoted to be Cap
tain of Battery K, Fourth Artillery, and
commanded the defenses of Fort Hunt,
Va., protecting Washington City during
that war, when he was ordered across the
- , - ' - -
i 1 ! I 4 "
-1 ti
. .... Wimwff
Colonel L. H. Walker, Who Leave
for Boston.
Potomac to Fort Washington, which he
commanded for some two years, when he
was promoted to Major In the Artillery
Corps, and sent to command a battalion of
coast artillery at Fort Hamilton, New
York City. In September, 1903, he was
ordered to the command of Fort Casey, on
Puget Sound, where he remained some
two and one-half years, and then, after a
tour of some four months In China and
Japan, was promoted to Lieutenant
Colonel and ordered to command the
Artillery District of the Columbia. He
was promoted to Colonel, Coast Artillery
Corps, January 25 last.
Lieutenant-Colonel John V. White grad
uated at West Point in 1877. He served in
the First Artillery until promoted to Cap
tain in the Seventh Artillery in March,
1S98. He was promoted Major In August.
1903. and detailed for four years in the
Adjutant-Oeneral's department. He served
as Adjutant-General In the Philippines un
til November. 1905, most of the time In the
Department pf Mindanao, and from Janu
ary 1, 1908. to June 30. 1907, as Adjutant
General of the Southwestern Division,
with headquarters at Oklahoma City, and
later at St. Louis. Uron the abolition of
the division he was ordered to Fort
Stevens, Or., and promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant-Colonel. " January 25. 1907.
Colonel White is not altogether a stranger
in Portland, as he served at Vancouver
Barracks from October 1, 18S4, to October
1, 1S6. as a Lieutanant in Light Battery
B. First Artillery..
Day Fairly Comfortable With
the Mercury at 89. -
Thermometer Stands at 68 at 5 A.
M., and Climbs Steadily Until
Late In the Afternoon.
Cooler In the Evening.
5 A. M 8S!12 noon 88
6 A. M......8SI 1 P- M 84
7 A. M 671 2 P. M 89
8 A. M 731 3 P. M 88
0 A. M 77 4 P. M S9
10 A. M 811 5 P. M 88
11 A. M 81 P. M 86
Relative humidity: 5 A. M., 69 per
cent; 5 P. M., 41 per cent; average,
65 per cent- Yesterday, 52 per cent.
The sun yesterday appeared to be
remaining in its normal capacity of
warming things up comfortably, rather
than In attempting culinary pursuits.
It was disagreeably hot all day, to be
sure, and yet the weather hardly
seemed to Justify comparison with a
certain phase of destiny, as on Tuesday.
The highest point reached by the ther
mometer was 89 degrees.
And yet Portland sweltered arid per
spired nearly as much as Tuesday when
the mercury crawled up to 102 degrees
and tried to break the local record.
This was because the .humidity was
somewhat higher and it is 'the humidity
that combines with the heat to make
things .uncomfortable for such unhappy
mortals as have other things to do be
sides keep cool. The average humidity
yesterday was 55 per cent as com
pared with 62 for Tuesday.
Suffering from the heat was not
nearly so marked as on Tuesday and
the temperature was not sufficient to
play freaky tricks with the draw
bridges as on the day proceeding. Peo
ple who had to frequent the streets
found themselves getting along with a
relatively small degree of misery, pro
vided they did not hurry. ' . '
The day started out warm. At 5 A.
M. the reading at the weather office
was 68 degrees and there were indica
tions that Portland was in for another
day of it. By 6 o'clock the mercury
had not moved and at 7 o'clock it had
dropped back a notch. Eight found it
in the 70's, however, and by 11 o'clock
it had passed the 80 mark by one point.
Noon found the record' at 83 and by 2
o'clock 89 had been reached.
The sun's motives were still in doubf
but an hour later when the ther
mometer had retreated a point it was
seen the day wasn't to be marked by
any new heat records. Again at 89 the
sun rallied and tried to get .up into the
80's but the best it could do was 89
and it then gave up the struggle and
retreated slowly down the line. Bj
dark It was comfortably -cool outdoors,
with a faint but refreshing breeze In
the air. .
A list of the record days for the
past ten years was compiled yester
day by the weather bureau and is as
Day. Tear. Deg.
August B. 1X98 97
July 28 .1899 fl:l
July 20 and June 12 1900 90
August 14 1901 94
August 10 .1902 T
June 7 , imps 97
July 25 1904 llio
July 8 t 1905 . 99
July 3 1906 lot
July 30 1907 102
The highest temperature previous to Tues
day was 102, on July 28. 1801.
Heat Increases Number of Calls
More Than 10 Per Cent. .
Because of the excessive heat yester
day and the day before, the telephone
girls of Portland had much more work
Lieutenant-Colonel John T. White,
Who Succeeds Colonel Walker.
to do than usual. Tuesday the tele
phone was used 28.000 times more than
on an average day, according to fig
ures given out by the Pacific States
Telephone & Telegraph Company, and
yesterday the heat caused an Increase
of 21,050 In the number of calls.
An average Summer day's use -of the
telephone, as shown by a count, mad
July 10, is 207,000. Tuesday the tele
phone was used for 23d, 000 conversa
tions, and yesterday the girls conected
phones for 228.050 calls. Yet the 'hello
girls." -who are perhaps the busiest
people in the city in hot weather, were
at the same time cooler than the m
Jorlty of people in the city. Realiz
ing how much harder the girls have
to work In hot weather, the company
has Installed along the switchboards
a number of electric fans, so that each
of the girls is constantly in the breeze
that the fans throw out.
The hotter the weather, the busier
the girls are. As the sun rises higher
In the sky, the telephone is resorted
to more and more, until In the after
noon It becomes necessary to Increase
the force of girls to answer the calls
from the people who shrink from going
into the streets.
Prepares for a Cold Winter.
ALBANY. Or., July 31. (Special.
Though yesterday was the hottest day
the year, a thief last night entered the
residence of M. Sternberg here and took
two Winter . overcoats. He entered by a
rear-window and disturbed no other prop
erty. ...
Had Heat Come Earlier Yield Would
Have Been Spoiled.
THE DALLES, Or., July 31. (Special.)
One hundred and three degrees of heat
was registered here, today by the ther
mometer of the official weather reporter.
S. L. Brooks. In the coolest and shadiest
part of the city it was the highest mark
reached since July '4, 1906. In other por
tions of town the mercury ranged from 105
to 110 degrees, the latter occurring in the
east end,, where there Is no foliage to
break the force of the sun. '
The heat rose freakishly, jumping from
93 to 101 degrees between 11 and 1 o'clock.
Had this scorching weather occurred a
month, earlier, as It did last year, the
crops of this section would have been re
duced from the maximum yield, which is
now realised, to a 25 per cent crop.
Despite the intense heat, throughout tills
vicinity, no prostrations have been re
ported. , . , -
Goes to 104 at Pendleton.
PENDLETON, Or., July 31. (Special.)
This has been the warmest day exper
ienced in Pendleton this season, the of
ficial thermometer registering 104 In the
shade. A slight breeze has een blowing
all day, however, and the heat has not
been oppreslve.' A brief electric storm
tonight cooled the atmosphere greatly.
Falls Four Degrees at Roseburg.
ROSEBURG, Or., July 81. (Special.V-
Yesterday was Roseburg's hottest day.
the mercury reaching the 100 mark. To
day the thermometer showed only 96.
At the Theaters
What tb press Asonts Sar
Nance O'Xeil Appears In a Great
Hole at the Marquam.
America's greatest tragedienne has found
another part worthy of her tremendous
power as an actress and is creating a sen
sation In the role of Media, the mythologi
cal sorceress who makes it possible for the
Argonauts under the leadership of the falth
fess Jason to find the fabled golden fleece.
The play is a beautiful one, and in the third
act la reached the highest point of dramatic
intensity. Miss O'Neil is splendidly sup
ported by the regular company, reinforced
by a great number of supernumeraries.
The production is rarely beautiful, the wood
scene In the second act - being especially
effective. Notwithstanding " the warm
weather, the audiences are -large arid ap
preciative and "The Story" of the Golden
Fleece" is a success both artistically and
financially. If you haven't seen, it you will
be foolish if you don't go tonight.
"A Royal Slave" Matinee.
This afternoon at the Star Theater there
will be a matinee of' that beautiful Mexican
romance, "A Royal Slave.' The last of the
Aztec kings Is the principal character, one
of the Montezumas called Agullla. This role
is played effectively by Frank DeCamp, and It
a star part. Mr. DeCamp Is giving a first
class performance, which is not surprising,
since he starred in the part for three sea
sons. Miss Eunice Murdock. as the Spanish
woman, Is . second to DeCamp in importance
and has the same part she played on the road
for many months. The rest of the company Is
well cat and there is ample comedy provided
by Charles Conners and Lillian C. Fields, the
latter rendering a song.
"The Road to 'Frisco' Today.
There, will be a matinee performance at
the Lyric this afternoon, and the Allen
Stock Company will again appear in that
striking frontier drama, "The Road to
Frisco." ' it is one of those plays that can
always be relied upon. The action goes with
a rush from the first to the last curtain,
and there is such a strong heart interest
ana such genial comedy that it would be a
dull person Indeed who would not become
enthusiastic. The Lyric is always cool, nu
matter how high ths mercury may climb,
owing to the excellent system of ventilation
and artificial cooling that has been In
stalled. It Is the only place to go during ths
hot Summer days.
Great New Play of Political Graft at
Marquam Xext? Week.
The Stockwell-MacGregor Company, with
Frankly n Underwood at its head, will be
seen at the Marquam next week, commenc
ing Monday night, in the startling new
play of newspaper life and newspaper graft.
'The Undertow." During the past season
this has been one of ths big hits of the
Eastern, cities, for the reason that. In add!
tion to being a splendid play, it deals with
live questions, the moa- serious that the
American people are now facing. It is a
vital, impressive story of life in our cities.
It applies to Portland as well as San Fran
cisco and other graft-ridden cities.
"The Westerner" at Lyric Xext.
The next attraction promised by the Lyric
management will be another one of those
knock-out successes for which the Allen
Stock Company is becoming famous. "The
Westerner" has never failed to please an in
telligent audience, and there can be no ques
tion but that it will be a wonderful favorite
with Lyric audiences. The company will be
so cast that no- one will be out of his par
ticular line of work.. There will be one of
the best times of the Summer for the show
goer in "The Westerner." Remember, the
opening performance Monday night.
What Women Enjoy.
There never was a woman who did not want
to show her husband that she was master.
"Taming a Husband," the headline act at the
Grand this week. Is, therefore, of especial
interest to women. It is a laugh every minute
and the acting is ofv a high order. Beatrice
More land, the talented comedienne, and Stan
ley Johns are the Interpreters. Cavana,
contortionist on a slack wire, does stunts
which no other wire artist dare imitate. Miss
Grace Orma is an entertainer on hr own
account. Those who Imagine they have seen
the best of coin manipulators should see Allen
Shaw and then they will reverse their opinion.
Shaw has no superior in this line of mist i flea
tlon. Night shows start at 7:45 and 9:30
J. Whyte Evans Secures Fifth-Street
Quarter for 35 Years.
Another longr-term lease -was closed
yesterday by J. Whyte Evans, whereby
he secures control for So years of the
CHiarter-block at the northeast corner of
Fifth and Glisan etreetB known as lota
2 and 2, block P. Couch Addition. The
property Is owned by Rev., and Mrs.
George B. "Van Waters. For the first 10
years Mr. Evans agrees to pay J300 a
month rental tor tnis quarter. After
that the rental will advance to $400
month for the remaining 25 years. In
addition. to the lease. Mr. Evans secures
an. option to purchase the property any
time within 10 year for 160.000. The
lease was placed on record yesterday.
' During the last three months Mr.
Evans has closed more long-term leases
than were ever before drawn in Port
land. In addition to the leases on the Pit-
tock and Pennoyer blocks, which were
sold to the trustee company, Mr.
Evans has secured contracts on a number
of important downtown corners. The
Van Waters property Is held In his own
name and may later be Improved with a
large building.
PORTLAND. July 81. Maximum tempe
rature. 69 deicreesl' minimum. 67. River
reading at 8 A. M . 10.5 feet; change In last
24 hours, Ian o.a root. Total raintau. o
P. M. to 5 P. M., trace; total rainfall since
September 1. 1006. 45.08 Inches; normal
rainfall since September 1. 1809. 46.24
Inches; deficiency. 1.16 Inches. Total sun
shine. July 30. 1907, 14 hours S3 minutes;
possible sunshine,- July 30. 1907, 14 hours, 53
minutes. .Barometer, reaucea to sea level,
at 5 P. M-, 29.88 inches.
Observations taken at S P. M. Paclflo
time. July 31. 1807.
rj a 3 Wind.
i w , H il
STATIONS. -? 5 2 P
I s I :
' x :
f ; ? I-
Baker City
Eureka .
92 0
RS 0
no o
60 O
f" n
64 0
04 O
00 4INW
00! 8 N
.001 6'W
.001 8INW
.00 6!N
.001 Calm
00i 4;W
.00 4 BE
.001 4'NB
.001 8N
00'12 NW
.00 6N
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
North Head
R"d Bluff
(Pt. cloudy
Bait Lake
Ban Francisco. .
Tatooeh Island.
Walla Walla. . .
Although the barometer continues rela
tively low over the Willamette Valley, the
high pressure area yesterday over Eastern
British Columbia has sdvanced sufficiently
far East to change the wind direction west
of the Cascade Mountains, and It is much
cooler at all stations from Seattle south to
Roseburg. East of ths Cascade Mountains
the hot spell continues and the temperatures
this afternoon ranged between 92 degrees at
Baker City and 102 degrees at Walla Walla.
The humidity at Portland- was slightly
higher than yesterday, and during the hot
test part of the day the heat was oppres
sive, notwithstanding the thermometer was
12 degrees lower. "
The Indications are for showers in tnis
district Thursday with lower temperatures.
Portland and vicinity Showers and
cooler, south to west winds.
Western Oregon Fair south, showers
north portion; cooler, except near, the coaat;
south to west winas.
Western - Washington Possibly showers:
cooler, exsept near the coast; south to west
.winds. . .
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and
Idaho Thundershowers; cooler.
' ' - District Forecaster.
"Property Sales at Colville.
COLVILLB. Wash., July 31. Saturday's
records in the office of the County Auditor
showed a total consideration of $18,910 for
real estate sold and transfers recorded
pn that day. Of this amount the Wash
ington & Northern Railway and F. A.
Blackwell. of Spokane, paid S7100. Aside
from these transfers, the records show a
considerable number of Bales of other
property In Newport to the Blackwell
Interests at good figures. The most Im
portant sale of Colville Valley lands dur
ing the week was the one made by Wil
liam H. Pelker, of his home farm of
160 acres near Addy. to David B. Schlvely,
for $5000.
Leaving Portland
Shasta Express
Cottage Grove Passenger. . . .
California Express
Ban Francisco Express......
West Side
Corvallts Passenger .
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Arriving Portland .
Oregon Express
Cottage Grove Passenger
Shasta Express
Portland Express
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
13 a. m.
15 p. ra.
45 p. m,
30 p. m.
00 a. m.
10 p. m.
00 a. m.
20 p. m.
25 a. m.
30 a. m.
80 p. m.
30 p. m.
55 p. zn.
20 a. m.
00 a. m.
50 p. m.
leaving Portland
Tacoma and Seattle Express....
North Coast Sc. Chicago Limited..
Puget Sound Limited
Overland Express. .
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited."
Portland Express
Overland Express
Puget Sound Limited
8:30 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
4 :30 p. m.
11:49 p. m.
7:00 a. m.
4:15 p. ra.
8:15 p. m.
10:55 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Local Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special
Spokane Flyer
Kansas City & Chicago Express..
Arriving Portland
Spokane Flyer
Chi., Kan. City & Portland Ex...
Chicago-Portland Special
Local Passenger
8:00 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
7:00 p. m.
7:40 p. m,
8:00 a. m.
9:45 a. m.
8:20 p. m.
5:45 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Astoria & Seaside Express
Astoria & Seaside Express.......
"Seaside Special
Arriving Portland
Astoria & Portland Passenger. .
8:00 a. m.
6:00 p. m.
8:10 p. m.
12:10 p. m.
10:00 p. m.
Portland Express
Saturday only.
All other trains dally.
The above monogram stands for
Rote City Park, and Rosa City
Park stands for all that is desira
ble as a location for a horaeaite.
Hartman & Thompson
Chamber of Commerce
J Portland' New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. 2
European Plan. Free But. ?
Fifth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON
mm, ( So 3.M Per Day
AoeordiBs; to Ixwiattan.
C a. DAYTES. rrasidaat.
St. Charles Hotel
Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR.
I Motel Lenox T,.
I Portland's Newest and Most Modern Hotel
Up-to-date grill Auto bus meets all trains Rates:
$1 day and up European plan Long distance
J phone in all rooms Private baths. , 2
Best Harbor
For 600 Miles
In all the magnificent stretch of sea coast, for 600 miles, from
San Francisco to the mouth of the Columbia, there is only one
deep harbor of any size and with any depth. This is Tillamook
Bay. II re, there is sufficient area for an unlimited number
of vessels, with ample dock facilities for innumerable ships.
The channel is straight, 24 feet deep at mean high tidej safe,
and easily navigated. The bay is seven miles long and three
miles wide. Vessels carrying 1,000,000 feet of lumber have,
sailed out of tha port at Bay City with no trouble whatever.
Bay City is certain to become the greatest lumber-shipping
.port on tl-s Pacific Coast. As sure as you are alive, every
dollar you put into Bay City now will grow into ten dollars
within five years. The lot onoosite the Lytle Depot, listed
at $7600, can. be had now for $5000 spot CLsh. Free site for
the first company that will establish a sawmill at Bay City.
319 Lumber Exchange,
Portland, Oregon.
Following; ratea will be givej. only when
advertiaina- la ordered to run consecutive
days. Daily and Sunday iRBuea. The Ore
Ionian charge first-time rate each Insertion
for chuwifled advertta-nR- that Is not run on
consecutive day. The fintt-time rate is
chara-ed for each Insertion in The Weekly
"Rooms "Rooms and Board, "'House
keepJna Rooms' "Situations Wanted 15
words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20
cents; XI to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. Mo
discount for additional insertions. ,
Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-time
rate each Insertion.
"New Today' 80 cents for 15 words or less,
IB to SO words; 40 cents; 21 to 5 words, 50
cents, etc.' first Insertion. Each additional
insertion, one-half; no further discount un
der one month.
"NEW TODAY" (raus;e measure a-ate).
15 cent per line, first insertion; 10 cents
per line for each additional insertion.
dressed care The Oreaonian, and left at this
office, should always be inclosed in sealed
envelope. No stomp la required on such
the convenience of patrons. The Ore-onlan
will accept advertisements for publication in
classified columns over the telephone. Bills
for such advertising- will be mailed imme
diately and payment is expected promptly.
Care will be taken to prevent errors, but
The Orea-onlan will not be responsible for
errors in advertisements taken over the
telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670.
MENT NO. 29 RfSMlar sew Ion this (Thurs
day) evening at 8 o'clock, cor. Grand ave. and
E. Pine st. Royal purple degree. Visitor al
ways welcome. J. C. JAMESON.
F. Scribe.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth.
Los Angeles
July SO, 31; August 1, 2, 3, 4.
Game called at 3:30 P. M. Daily.
Gams called at 2:30 P. M. Sundays.
Ladies' Day Friday
hi Tin in
ciMBEUiAi rumm
Bpedal ratea sassSa
to families mmd
sfcacla renclesness
The maaacemesat
will He pleased a
all times to smw
rooms and
K'ces. A modes
rkieh bath es
tabllshmus la taa
,..,,.)......, .
HOTEL CO, Props.
Ftrt-C!as Chaste
Ccuiaected Wlta Ra
C O. DATXb, Sea. i
Bay City
170 Commercial St.,
Salem, Oregon.
Phons Main 8.)
Tohight and Remainder ot Week, Matlnef
For the nrst time on any stairs, tha power
ful mythological play.
Evening $1.00, 75c, SOc, 25c. Matinee,
75c. 60c, 25c.
Curtain 8:30.
Phone Main 4885.
This Week the Allen Stock Company Pre
senting; "THE ROAI TO FRISCO.".
. Matinees Tuesday,. Thursday, Saturday
and Sundav. Prices, 30c, 20c Every evening
at 6:13. Prices, 10c, 20c and 30c.
Reserved seats by phone. Main 4685. Of
fice open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
TUC CT A U I'nones Main B49
r- .IV and (Home) A 14M.
The coolest theater In the city.
Frank DeCamp as Acqullla. the Azteo King.
Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays
and Sundays at 2:30; prices, 10c and SOc.
Evening evening at 8:15; prices, 10c, 20e and
30c. Reserved seats by phone for all per
formances. THE GRAND
t.t.H MAILT! PRIfTK la
Two shows nightly at 7:45 and :8X
Prices 10c, 20c and box seats, 30c.
Matinee prices Sundays and holidays, same
as evening.
To Bonneville
Given by
Knights and Ladies o! Security
Train leaves Union Depot at 9 A. M and
returns at 6 P. M.
If .2 Ti A
itiuuun ricitires
The Be Motion Picture Show is the erase of
today. Why? Because with a small amount
of money you can. make from 10 to 1100
dally, we will furiflsh you locations aratia.
also all information how it'a done.
Call at Newman's Motion Plotaua f
145 is 6th, bet. Aider and Morrisoit ,